
ritzdoes anyone have evo3.4 build for precise ?05:03
TheMusoritz: Does the GNOME3 PPA not contain it?05:14
ritzTheMuso, nope, 3.2 afaik05:19
pittiGood morning05:39
rickspencer3good morning pitti05:42
rickspencer3I was wondering if the euro-destkoppers would be a bit lagged this morning05:42
Sarvattpitti: your good mornings are very good at telling me I'm up way too late and need to go to sleep. good morning to you though! :)05:43
pittiSarvatt: heh, then good night :)05:43
* rickspencer3 roboots to try latest beta 205:44
Sarvattuhoh, hope he doesn't hit the unity fail from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/963633 or https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/963093 :)05:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 963633 in unity "Unity 5.8: Login to blank screen (all black or just wallpaper)" [Critical,In progress]05:45
RAOFYeah, I wonder what's actually causing that.05:47
Sarvattits only hitting upgraders, fresh installs are fine05:48
Sarvattaka smells like a compiz config change05:48
Sarvattoh, guess he doesn't hit it either just like my machines :)05:49
RAOFYeah, and unity --reset *did* end up fixing it for me.05:51
rickspencer3good morning RAOF05:51
RAOFrickspencer3: Good morning!05:51
rickspencer3and good evening Sarvatt :)05:52
RAOFDoes anyone know how to connect that fancy new “Management Service” capplet up to my actual Landscape instance? :)05:52
rickspencer3aaah, I can't drag windows with my track pad now!05:53
RAOFThree finger drag?05:53
SarvattRAOF: it works here?05:53
RAOFWhen did that work?!05:54
rickspencer3oh shucks, I can't drag anything05:54
SarvattRAOF: the capplet forces a new connection though05:54
Sarvattaka uses up another one of your 505:54
Sarvattunless you disable the old one05:54
RAOFSarvatt: And, just to be clear, it's your Launchpad account that you want to log in to there, right?  I wonder if it doesn't handle the 2-factor auth that's set up.05:54
SarvattRAOF: yup, and im using 2 factor too05:55
Sarvatti had to delete my old setup on landscape and use the new one05:55
Sarvattthe applet *only* seems to create new associations05:56
RAOFAaah.  It's after LP username rather than email.05:56
SarvattRAOF: ever had landscape set up before?05:57
RAOFSarvatt: Yeah, but ages ago.05:57
rickspencer3hey RAOF can you let me know if I should add anything to bug #96500306:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 965003 in xorg "dell mini 10v touchpad dragging stopped working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96500306:02
Sarvattcnd: ^^ isnt that the same machine you have that you did the clickpad stuff for?06:05
RAOFrickspencer3: Urgh, clickpad stuff?  I thought we'd ironed out the defaults there :/06:06
RAOFrickspencer3: I don't think there's anything more you need to add there.06:06
rickspencer3RAOF, well, this one doesn't have a separate button06:07
rickspencer3I wonder if it forgot to not consider the bottom of the trackpad as a place to control the mouse?06:07
RAOFBoo.  Launchpad, why do you deny me Rick's xinput.txt‽06:09
rickspencer3RAOF, anything I can do to help?06:11
RAOFrickspencer3: I don't think so.06:12
RAOFSarvatt just sneakily moved the bug to synaptics, which was what was breaking Launchpad for me :)06:12
Sarvattwell its a synaptics bug, semantics on how clickpads work have totally changed in 12.04 in the name of the greater good and the mini 10v trackpads were "special" and unique in their quirkiness06:14
RAOFHm.  You know what might be useful?  To have xinput prop results attached to apport.06:15
rickspencer3RAOF, can I generate such an attachment for you?06:17
Sarvattthose things had a special version of clickpads not used on anything else with a different button arrangement afaik06:17
RAOFrickspencer3: You could attach the output of “xinput list-props 11”06:18
didrocksgood morning06:20
RAOFHey didrocks06:20
didrockshow are you RAOF?06:20
RAOFStupid sky, getting dark at 5:20.  What does it think it is, autumn?06:20
RAOFdidrocks: Hey, pretty good.  Yourself?L06:21
didrocksRAOF: rainy/cloudy day or dailylight saving change? :)06:21
didrocksRAOF: I'm fine, thanks!06:21
RAOFCloudy day; daylight savings won't end for another couple of weeks(?).06:21
didrocksok ;)06:22
RAOFBut it's also getting dark earlier, obviously.06:22
didrocksjust go the contrary with dailylight saving this week-end here06:23
didrocksat least, it's getting dark now at 8 PM ;)06:23
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
pittibonjour didrocks06:38
pittididrocks: congrats for landing unity safely!06:38
didrockspitti: thanks ;) everything went smoothly!06:39
didrocksI'll just need to properly hack the script to push to the release pocket instead of trying to -updates06:39
didrockshow was your week-end pitti?06:39
didrocksapart from some teddy bear experiment? ;)06:39
RAOFdidrocks: You're aware of some of the unity upgrade bugs we've been running into, right?06:40
didrocksRAOF: the crash on startup for some people?06:40
pittididrocks: quite nice indeed; it was nice and sunny, we played some table tennis and some board game (we had a guest until yesterday)06:40
pittididrocks: how was your's?06:41
RAOFdidrocks: I'm not sure if that's the one; the one where you get just the desktop without any windows.  Compiz hasn't crashed, but it's not drawing anything either.06:41
didrockspitti: was nice as well, we want to a wine bar where Julie may expose her paintings06:41
Sarvattyeah that and the corruption from 963093, majority of the X bugs over the weekend have been that or 96363306:41
didrocksRAOF: right, it's linked to the issue I linked on my bug and the corruption we saw on Friday06:41
didrocksRAOF: we discussed it extensively, duflu is looking at it06:42
RAOFdidrocks: Cool.  Just checking :)06:42
didrocksRAOF: if you have any more info for him, please ping him06:42
cndrickspencer3, I have the same trackpad here, though it's the next newer model of netbook, a dell mini 101206:57
cndI don't have any issues clicking and dragging06:57
BigWhaleIs it just me or resize handles for windows are 1px wide again? :/07:53
pittididrocks: seems we got bug 963633 targetted at b2. is that realistic after all?07:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 963633 in unity "Unity 5.8: Login to blank screen (all black or just wallpaper)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96363307:53
didrockspitti: we have people working on it, but still no clue for it07:54
pittididrocks: i. e. I'd like to keep it at b2 for now, but if we don't get a fix today, it'll be post-b207:54
didrockspitti: it's only on upgrade07:54
didrockspitti: so shouldn't impact new installs07:54
pittioh, curious07:54
didrockspitti: yeah, seems to be the plugin list order07:54
didrockspitti: it's part of the issue we look since thursday07:54
didrocksthat and corruption07:54
didrocksyw ;)07:55
asacanything massively broken right now? unity session doesnt start for me anymore :) .. have to use unity2d to get any launcher09:07
didrocksasac: some people are getting this issue, there is a quick workaround which seems to work for 90% of people getting it09:10
didrocksasac: can you try something before?09:10
jibelasac, bug 96363309:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 963633 in unity "Unity 5.8: Login to blank screen (all black or just wallpaper)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96363309:10
didrocksgconftool-2 -g /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/active_plugins09:11
didrockscopy the output somewhere09:11
didrocksthen gconftool-2 -u /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/active_plugins09:11
didrocksand reboot09:11
jibelUnity failed to start for me on 3 systems I upgraded to 5.809:11
asacdidrocks: sure09:12
asacwhat should i do?09:12
didrocksasac: just the above with gconftool-2 ^09:12
asacah :)09:12
didrocksjibel: ok, we need to test the ppa I guess, we got only 2 machines getting that in the test :)09:12
asacok rebooting09:13
asacguess re-login?09:13
jibeldidrocks, you should wonder how people test then, because this failure seems pretty popular amongst upgraders.09:14
didrocksjibel: we had more than 30 test results09:15
didrocksjibel: without counting the unity dev, which should bump the number to 50 machines09:15
asacdidrocks: i didtn reboot, but re-login under unity09:15
jibeldidrocks, and I upgraded 4 systems and got it on 3 :/09:15
asacdidnt work09:15
seb128jibel, no such issue there09:15
asacat least nautilus started09:15
asacbut no launcher etc.09:15
asacso yeah ... still busted09:15
didrocksasac: hum, ok, please copy ~/.gconf/apps/compiz-109:15
jibelseb128, you're in the 1/4 bucket ;)09:15
asacdidrocks: where? do you want to see it?09:16
didrocksasac: just tar it somewhere for now09:16
didrocksasac: then, try to reset all gconf keys09:16
didrocksfor compiz09:16
didrocksgconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-109:16
didrocksjibel: well, look at the omgubuntu comments, almost nobody reported an issue after upgrade when I look at sunday (on more than 50 comments)09:17
asacdidrocks: and then re-login?09:17
asacor anything else09:17
didrocksyeah, relogin :)09:17
seb128pitti, hey09:19
asacno luck09:19
asacstill nautilus alone09:19
didrocksok… hum09:19
didrocksso you can try09:19
didrocksunity --reset09:19
asaci think you guys screwed it :)09:19
asacdidrocks: in which state should i run that? now while i am in unity2d?09:20
didrocksasac: well, we spent 2 full days over it, a lot of people upgraded without any issue, but we still don't know the source :)09:20
didrocksasac: yeah, that should launch unity on top of -2d :)09:20
didrocksbut then, you can logout09:20
didrocksand login09:20
didrocksdholbach: can you start ccsm?09:20
didrocksdholbach: I mean, go to the unity-2d session09:21
didrocksstarts ccsm09:21
didrocksensure that in preferences you have the unity profile enabled09:21
asacsorry have to paste here09:21
asaclost everything09:21
asacunity-panel-service: no process found09:21
asacChecking if settings need to be migrated ...no09:21
asacChecking if internal files need to be migrated ...no09:21
asacBackend     : gconf09:21
asacIntegration : true09:21
asacProfile     : unity09:21
asacAdding plugins09:21
asacInitializing core options...done09:21
asacInitializing composite options...done09:21
asacInitializing opengl options...done09:21
asacInitializing decor options...done09:21
asacInitializing vpswitch options...done09:21
asacInitializing snap options...done09:21
asacInitializing mousepoll options...done09:21
asacInitializing resize options...done09:21
asacInitializing place options...done09:21
asacInitializing move options...done09:21
asacInitializing wall options...done09:22
asacInitializing grid options...done09:22
asacInitializing session options...done09:22
asacInitializing gnomecompat options...done09:22
asacInitializing animation options...done09:22
asacInitializing fade options...done09:22
seb128asac, learn about http://paste.ubuntu.com09:22
asacInitializing unitymtgrabhandles options...done09:22
asacInitializing workarounds options...done09:22
asacInitializing scale options...done09:22
asaccompiz (expo) - Warn: failed to bind image to texture09:22
asacInitializing expo options...done09:22
asacInitializing ezoom options...done09:22
asacScreen geometry changed: 0x0x1920x108009:22
asacERROR 2012-03-26 11:20:47 unity.bghash BGHash.cpp:538 could not open file (/home/asac/.cache/unity/bgcachefile): Failed to open file '/home/asac/.cache/unity/bgcachefile': No such file or directory09:22
asacerror subscribing to gestures09:22
asacSegmentation fault (core dumped)09:22
asacdidrocksjust retry?09:22
asacguess this might be one cause of it09:22
asacseb128: as i said09:22
asaci lost everything09:22
seb128asac, ok, I read it after that ;-)09:22
didrocksah segfault :)09:22
didrocksyou have the core dump somewhere?09:23
rickspencer3didrocks, congrats on what seems to be a very good Unity for beta 209:23
didrocksrickspencer3: telling that just after people pestering about a hang at startup? bad timing ;)09:23
asaci have no unity basically :(09:24
rickspencer3sorry didrocks09:24
asacdidrocks: i have a compiz crash09:24
dholbachdidrocks, what do you want me to do in unity2-d with ccsm?09:24
asacdidrocks: do you want that?09:24
didrocksrickspencer3: no worry ;) still apreciated09:24
didrocksasac: yes please ;) (not sure if it's linked, but still can be handful)09:24
didrocksasac: then, try unity --reset09:24
asaclet me run apport09:25
didrocksdholbach: so, once you ensured that you are on the unity profile09:25
chrisccoulsonhmmm, since last week, lots of people are complaining that firefox is going unresponsive for 10-15 seconds every time it comes in to focus09:25
chrisccoulsonwho broke it?09:25
chrisccoulsonthis isn't the HUD menu mining stuff is it? ;)09:25
seb128chrisccoulson, would it take 15 seconds for firefox to populate its menus?09:26
didrocksdholbach: look for the unitymtgrabhandles09:26
seb128chrisccoulson, is that precise specific?09:26
didrocksdholbach: do you have it enabled?09:26
didrocks(any of the option)09:26
dholbachhum, let me see if I can find it09:26
chrisccoulsonseb128, if people have large bookmark menus, then it wouldn't surprise me09:26
didrocks"Unity MT Grab Handles" should be the plugin name09:26
chrisccoulsonthe performance of dbusmenu for large menus is pretty bad, which is why google disabled bookmarks entirely for chrome09:27
dholbachdidrocks, yes, enabled09:27
chrisccoulson(as people were seeing a minute or so of CPU just to send the menus over the bus)09:27
didrocksdholbach: can you disable the options, like "Toggle handles" "Show Handles", "Hide Handles"09:27
didrocksdholbach: the plugin can be activated still09:27
dholbachdidrocks, that's the case09:27
dholbachall disabled, plugin activated09:27
didrocksah, so not that09:27
seb128chrisccoulson, well, would firefox hang for 15 seconds with appmenu when you would try to open a menu before?09:28
seb128chrisccoulson, are all those users on precise?09:28
asacdidrocks: still crashes09:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, we've had complaints of firefox hanging for several seconds when opening the bookmarks menu. but now it seems to be every time the window is focused09:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, on precise09:29
asaccannot get you the bug id until i have window decorations :)09:29
seb128chrisccoulson, so yeah it's likely the hud09:29
didrocksasac: I don't get about the crash though09:29
didrocksasac: run metacity --replace09:29
didrocksasac: and please point me to it :)09:29
asacthats what  i was suggesting to my self09:29
didrocksthe service hud part, right?09:30
chrisccoulsonseb128, bug 965073, bug 964584 and bug 931004 :(09:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 965073 in firefox "firefox is unresponsive for the first 10-15 seconds after it gains focus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96507309:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 964584 in firefox "Firefox hangs temporarily everytimes it receives the focus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96458409:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 931004 in firefox "Frequent multi-second UI freezes with 11.0~b1+build1-0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93100409:30
asacdidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/96508909:30
ubot2asac: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa91202c> bug 965089 not found09:30
* didrocks looks09:30
seb128chrisccoulson, do you have any suggestion on how to fix that?09:30
didrocksduflu: alan_g: hopefully, this crash will help us09:30
asacdidrocks: brb09:30
didrocksbut I'm unsure09:30
asachave to get some coffee :)09:31
didrocksthanks asac09:31
dufludidrocks: I can't see anything. Is it a private bug?09:31
chrisccoulsonseb128, not sure. the real issue is bug 80169909:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 801699 in dbusmenu "DBus menu is very slow when using large menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80169909:31
didrocksasac: let's wait for it to be retraced09:31
didrocksduflu: it's private and not yet retraced09:31
seb128didrocks, let me see if I can poke the retracers09:31
didrocksthanks seb128 ;)09:31
chrisccoulsonevan actually reported that dbusmenu was causing chrome to take minutes to start up for people with large bookmarks menus09:32
chrisccoulsonwhich is pretty bad perf ;)09:32
didrocksdholbach: can you keep this box hanging please? (I mean, don't run unity --reset please :p)09:32
chrisccoulsonbut the underlying performance issues in dbusmenu have never been resolved :(09:32
dholbachdidrocks, for my own account unity works now09:32
didrocksdholbach: hum, what did you change?09:32
dholbachdidrocks, when my girlfriend comes back I'll talk to her and try it out with her login09:32
didrocksthe issue was on another account?09:32
pittiseb128: eh @ bug 960919 .09:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 960919 in unity "Show OSD notification when device is safe to remove" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96091909:33
pittiseb128: our own design team requested it to not be a bubble back then..09:33
dholbachdidrocks, I had it too, but when I reset the active plugins key and started ccsm and restarted the session it worked again09:33
dholbachno idea :-/09:33
didrocksdholbach: oh, I understood the contrary?09:33
jibeldidrocks, I saved .xsession-errors and .gconf on a broken system.09:33
didrocksweird that it didn't work on asac's machine09:33
jibeldidrocks, if I run unity --reset that fix the compiz startup bug09:33
seb128pitti, well I assume a dnd to the bin is a less obvious action so unity tells you what happened09:34
didrocksseems there are multiple issues09:34
didrocksjibel: did you save you ~/.gconf/apps/compiz-1?09:34
jibeldidrocks, if I copy the previous config it fails to start09:34
didrocksfirst one in that case :)09:34
jibeldidrocks, yep, I save ~/.gconf09:34
seb128pitti, in any case, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/view/head:/manual-tests/EjectNotificationIcon.txt09:34
didrocksjibel: can you try to reset only the list of active plugins?09:34
pittiseb128: but still, if the sync takes longer than 2 seconds or so, there still needs to be a progress bar to prevent you from removing it09:34
didrocksjibel: it's under /apps/compiz-1/general/screen0/options/active_plugins09:34
pittiseb128: ah, so that's after the progress dialog09:35
seb128pitti, well unity is not blocking that, it's just sending a libnotify message on dnd to the bin09:35
pittiseb128: hmkay; thanks for adjusting the bug!09:35
seb128pitti, yw!09:35
pitti(consistency FTW!)09:35
seb128pitti, hey btw, had a good w.e? ;-)09:35
pittiseb128: oh indeed! table tennis, ice cream, some board games, some gardening09:36
pittiIOW: spring time!!09:36
pittiseb128: how was your's?09:36
seb128quite good09:36
seb128spent the afternoon reading in the sun yesterday09:36
jibeldidrocks, no effect. compiz doesn't start. do you want the content of ~/.xsession-errors ?09:36
seb128went running as well09:36
didrocksjibel: can still be helpful (but not sure, we got some)09:36
pittimvo: guten Morgen, wie gehts?09:37
didrocksjibel: can you try to revert the configuration plugin after plugin?09:37
didrocksjibel: like gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1/plugins/animation09:37
seb128pitti, so, beta2...how realistic is it to do translation update upload for GNOME 3.4 today?09:37
didrocksand restart09:37
didrocksjibel: maybe start by unitymtgrabhandle and unityshell09:38
didrocksI know it's quite tedious, sorry :/09:38
pittiseb128: they will be stripped and we can't get a new set of langpacks for b209:38
pittiseb128: so would that actually help much?09:38
pittiseb128: today is still time, we just don't have any margin for error09:38
smspilla1didrocks: is it not possible to get a trace of the startup crash ?09:38
=== smspilla1 is now known as smspillaz
pittiseb128: so I'd consider an upload to fix a critical bug, but not sure how useful upstream translation updates are at that point09:39
smspillazsurely we can replace /usr/bin/compiz with a script that runs it through gdb in screen09:39
seb128pitti, can we use proposed?09:39
seb128pitti, so we can stack stuff there and they are visible :p09:39
didrockssmspillaz: which startup crash? There is no crash (apart from latest asac's new), a hang09:39
pittiseb128: sure09:39
didrockssmspillaz: that's still what we are tracking since Thursday09:39
seb128pitti, well I would just like to get 3.4 updates rolling rather than stacked for friday09:39
smspillazdidrocks: oh, didn't we establish that it was being respawned ?09:39
smspillazafter a crash or something ?09:39
didrockssmspillaz: no, unity/compiz is started09:39
pittiseb128: oh, is 3.4 final out? tarballs due today?09:39
didrockssmspillaz: nothing is displayed09:39
seb128pitti, and I don't like keeping stuff in unapproved for a week it often leads to people not noticing, duplication, etc09:40
didrocksno redrawing09:40
seb128pitti, yes09:40
pittiseb128: somehow I missed the announcement then09:40
seb128pitti, tarballs today09:40
smspillazdidrocks: so it starts and then just hangs09:40
pittiseb128: I did get the ones for "please make your .92 tarballs" two weeks ago09:40
seb128there are already half a dozen09:40
smspillazdidrocks: and no previous instance comes before it ?09:40
didrockssmspillaz: hangs are just don't redraw09:40
seb128pitti, maybe they forgot to send the email09:40
pittiseb128: I thought it was on d-d-l09:40
didrockssmspillaz: look at the bug reports, you have the .xsession-errors and everything09:40
didrockseven when you restart compiz manually and no other wm is running09:40
smspillazalrighty :)09:40
seb128pitti, yeah, they forgot to send the 3.4 tarballs due email09:41
seb128pitti, I asked on #gnome-hackers09:41
pittiseb128: ok, thanks for the warning; will do the pygobject release today then, and upload to debian, so we can sync09:41
seb128pitti, https://live.gnome.org/ThreePointThree#Schedule09:42
pittino need to do that today, though, no changes since .9309:42
pittiseb128: so yes, staging in -proposed sounds great09:42
seb128pitti, good09:42
pittiseb128: it would avoid the arch desync errors that we use to have09:43
seb128pitti, it also makes updates visible on -changes09:43
pittiseb128: I think didrocks's unity release on Friday went really well09:43
seb128so avoid people overlooking them09:43
pittiyes, twice even :)09:43
mvopitti: hello! danke, gut!09:44
pittimvo: how does apt compute the scores for upgrading? i. e. Considering gir1.0-gtk-2.0:amd64 3 as a solution to gir1.2-gtk-2.0:amd64 309:44
didrocksfunny, I had the same idea of -proposed and GNOME 3.4 this week-end ;)09:44
pittimvo: i. e. how can I increase the gir1.2 one, or lower the gir1.0 one?09:44
pittimvo: (note that gir1.0-* doesn't exist any more)09:44
seb128didrocks, ;-)09:45
mvopitti: priority, rdepends are the common ones and it preferes to keep the existing one if the scores are the same09:45
pgranerdidrocks, has anyone reported all windows being invisible (panel too) since the last compiz update?09:46
pittimvo: does it count the number of conflicts or something similar?09:46
pittimvo: i. e. would it help to add an additional breaks/conflicts to some package?09:47
pittimvo: like libgtk2.0-dev conflicts: gir1.0-*09:47
didrockspgraner: right, there are some cases about it09:47
didrockspgraner: you can try running unity --reset in a tty109:47
didrockspgraner: then logout/login again, it seems it fixed it09:47
pgranerdidrocks, no go, I found that bug report, when I do my box locks up09:48
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry got sidetracked, so I think the hud has to poke for the menus when the win gets in focus, how would it work otherwise? I guess it could do it when the hud ui opens...09:48
seb128chrisccoulson, https://code.launchpad.net/~desrt/indicator-appmenu/hud-rewrite-wip/+merge/97716 was the xul support merge I think09:49
mvopitti: unfortunately not, just dependencies/recommends that are installed or maked install09:50
pittimvo: or would it help to change the conflicts: into a breaks? (gir1.2 already replaces: gir1.0-*, so that would work)09:50
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm not sure how best to handle it. i have tried as best as possible to not do anything with menus until the user really wants to see them, because dbusmenu is just far too slow09:50
seb128chrisccoulson, would using gmenus fix that?09:50
mvopitti: is this reproducable easily? if so, I can twiddle around a bit to see if I can find a good way09:50
didrockspgraner: urgh, so you are in the case it's still lock up? there are smspillaz and alan_g who can maybe help here ^09:50
seb128chrisccoulson, though I guess it's not precise material at this point09:50
didrockspgraner: otherwise, use -2d for now :(09:50
pittimvo: right, let me try to get a small test case from a lucid live CD; then I can play with the local Packages files to check this09:51
pgranerdidrocks, ok, anything I should be doing to trouble shoot?09:51
pittimvo: I just thought you might have a recipe how to tweak the scores09:51
mvopitti: sounds good, thanks!09:51
chrisccoulsonhaving a 15 second pause when opening the bookmark menu is bad enough, but having it every time the window focuses is not great :(09:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not sure whether gmenu would be better. maybe ;)09:51
mvopitti: the options are limited :/ priority, rdepends and provides is what is available09:51
pittimvo: ooh, Provides:?09:52
chrisccoulsoni wonder whether to try removing icons from the bookmarks menu?09:52
pittimvo: I don't think changing priority is an option; rdepends for 1.2 is hard to tweak09:52
chrisccoulsonalthough, i guess that might make some people unhappy09:52
mvopitti: I think if 1.2 provides 1.0 that should add to the 1.2 score - or is it already doing this?09:53
pittimvo: no, it's not09:53
didrockspgraner: if unity --reset didn't work for you, I'm quite unsure of what to do TBH, that's why I tried to ping the dx team here ^09:53
mvopitti: iirc you mentioned that this is ok as its essntially really providing it, right?09:53
pittimvo: and technically it's wrong09:53
mvopitti: meh, then lets not do it09:53
pittimvo: i. e. for a partial upgrade, if you only install gir1.2 instead of gir1.0, but keep lucid, it'll break09:53
mvopitti: ok, then that is not a option09:54
alan_gpgraner: what can I do to help?09:55
mvopitti: apt-pkg/algorithms.cc:512 (MakeScore()) is what builds the score in case you are interessted in the (glory) details :)09:55
=== smspillaz is now known as smspillaz|out
mvopitti: gir1.0 is obsolete, right? i.e. no longer there in precise?09:56
asacdidrocks: https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=geis_filter_delete&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-809:56
asacdidrocks: unfortunately couldnt spot a dupe with a valid stacktrace ...09:57
asacdidrocks: seems its a gesture thing? e.g. utouch? is that something that isnt installed by default?09:57
didrockshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/963500 ?09:58
ubot2didrocks: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa91202c> bug 963500 not found09:58
didrocksasac: ^09:58
asacdidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/96435009:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 964350 in nux "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in geis_filter_delete()" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:58
asacthat even closer :)09:58
asacunity --reset09:58
didrocksasac: it's weird, seems your issue is different from what other are reporting09:59
asacdidrocks: i think its a second issue ... maybe i installed utouch ?09:59
asacor is that default now?09:59
seb128didrocks, asac: sorry retracers are catching up, they were down for some time there was ~100 items in the backlog09:59
didrocksasac: right, can be09:59
didrocksasac: let's see if you can have debug symbols09:59
didrocksthis bug doesn't09:59
asacdidrocks: also i am using an external monitor ... but doesnt feel like this could be the reason09:59
asacdidrocks: yeah. lets hope10:00
didrocksasac: no, I have one as well…10:00
asac /home/jcb/.cache/unity/bgcachefile10:00
asacthats the background?10:00
asacor what is bgcache?10:00
didrocksgord: ^10:01
didrocksasac: I doubt it's that TBH10:01
pgranerdidrocks, ok, so hitting clt-alt-T give me an invisible term, and I can do a compiz --reset or unity --reset and my screen will flash and I can see the panel and window during the flash but then ends up with everything being invisible but it doesn't hang that way10:01
asacERROR 2012-03-26 11:28:52 unity.bghash BGHash.cpp:538 could not open file (/home/asac/.cache/unity/bgcachefile): Failed to open file '/home/asac/.cache/unity/bgcachefile': No such file or directory10:01
pgranerdidrocks, if I got ctl-alt-f1 and run either of the above commands it locks X up10:01
asacthats the one i see around same time as segfault10:01
didrockspgraner: ok, so you have the same issue than the other reporters. However, for them unity --reset worked10:02
didrocksalan_g: ^10:02
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
asacand error subscribing to gestures10:02
didrockssam told he doesn't have the time10:02
gordasac, that file not existing is fine, indeed it is the default state for most people upgrading10:02
chrisccoulsonseb128, i wonder if we could make the HUD not ask for icons? seeing as it doesn't even display them....10:02
pgranerdidrocks, ok, I have a lenvo x220t with Intel graphics10:03
chrisccoulsonalthough, i need to make sure that sending icons is what kills performance, but i think it probably is10:03
asacgord: kk10:03
asacdidrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/965089 i added the full output i see on console to bug description now10:04
ubot2asac: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa91202c> bug 965089 not found10:04
alan_gpgraner: I can't pick out which commands you've tried from backchat.  Have you tried "setsid compiz --replace ccp"?10:04
asacok ... will check in couple of hours ... lets see if retracer can clear the dust  a bit10:05
pgraneralan, I tried compiz --reset & unity --reset10:05
pgraneralan_g, just tried "setsid compiz --replace ccp" from the invisible term window and it flased but ended up with a black screen except background and mouse cursor i.e. no change :(10:06
didrocksasac: let's see once I have access to the bug report :)10:07
alan_gpgraner: :(10:08
alan_gpgraner: mo10:08
asacdidrocks: you dont?10:10
asaclet me open10:10
asacfor you10:10
didrocksasac: thanks10:10
asacdidrocks: you should be in the retracer group, NO?10:10
asacor whatever that is10:10
asaci can access those things before they get opeed up10:10
didrocksasac: ah, I can only once the retracer retraced it10:10
didrocksasac: not before10:10
asacor maybe not ... the bug you posted above i could open... did you subscribe me?10:11
didrockswhen he subsribe the right ubuntu bug team10:11
alan_gpgraner: from Ctrl-Alt-F1 try DISPLAY=:0 setsid compiz --replace ccp - you should at least see an error msg10:11
didrocksasac: no, it's just that the retracer made his work10:11
asacdidrocks: you are subscribed now10:11
asacah ... crash bug triagers10:11
asacis that group10:11
asacguess you are also in that one10:12
didrocksasac: seems definitively a utouch thing :)10:12
* asac just booted a lost part of his brain10:12
didrocksasac: will poke cnd10:12
asacdidrocks: thx... again... is that somethign i might have installed extra/ontop"?10:12
pgraneralan_g, ok that gave me a desktop with files and the term window that was hidden but the panel is missing, no launcher or dash10:12
didrocksasac: interesting, but you don't get the no paint that everyone is talking about here :)10:12
asaci am happy to purge utouch etc. have no touch screen10:12
didrocksasac: maybe the options in unitymtgrabhandle?10:13
asacdidrocks: well. i never got to a working state, so i dont think i can say if i see that issue10:13
didrocksasac: they are activated for you? (key assigned?)10:13
asacno clue :)10:13
didrocksasac: this utouch package is installed by default10:13
didrocksasac: so doesn't seem to be10:13
didrocksasac: maybe utouch/your hw interaction10:13
asacdidrocks: COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l *utouch* | pastebinit10:14
didrockslet's wait on the retrace and cnd :)10:14
asacanything not default in there?10:14
asaclike utouch-geis-tools10:14
alan_gpgraner: In the terminal session do you see any error messages?10:14
asacits universe10:14
asaci am sure its the problem :)10:14
didrocksasac: apart from the -tools10:14
didrocksbut not sure, IIRC, they are independent debugging tools10:15
alan_gpgraner: The "f1" terminal that is10:15
asacdidrocks: why would i have them?10:15
pgraneralan_g: compiz (expo) - Warn: failed to bind image to texture10:15
asacany idea? i doubt i installed those directly ... must have come through something else i pulled10:15
didrocksasac: you install them? Maybe for a hand compiling :)10:15
didrocksas they are required for tests10:15
alan_gpgraner: that's not the one.  :(10:16
asacdidrocks: COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l *utouch* | pastebinit10:16
asacdidrocks: utouch!!10:16
asacthe package itself10:16
asacthats universe as well10:16
didrocksasac: of funny, didn't notice before10:16
didrocksasac: I don't have it installed FYI10:16
asacsure ... its not a default package10:16
alan_gpgraner: OK, in C-A-F1 try "setsid unity --replace" - possibly a couple of times.10:17
asacdidrocks: ok i can purge it ... might make this unreproducible... ok with you?10:17
asaci guess so :)10:17
didrocksasac: fine with me, just try purging it :)10:17
didrocksI'm looking at packages.ubuntu.com10:17
alan_gpgraner: setsid means you keep control of shell10:17
asacdidrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900216/10:18
didrocksasac: shouldn't make any diff: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/all/utouch/filelist10:18
asacdidrocks: thats the stuff that gets unhooked from utouched (had zero autoremove packages befroe)10:18
didrocksasac: ah, so try purging them, they are all dev related stuff10:18
asaccomplete purge http://paste.ubuntu.com/900217/10:19
asacdidnt help :/10:20
pgraneralan_g: WARN 2012=03-26 06:18:37 unity.glib-gobject <unknown>:0 invalid (NULL) pointer instance10:20
asactoo bad10:20
pgraneralan_g: no my screen is back to just a background with invisible windows10:20
asacok will, check in 1h or so10:21
didrocksasac: you confirm it's still crashing for you? you don't get anymore compiz process running?10:21
asacyeah its still crashing... didnt restart X though completely10:21
asacunity --reset is stiillc rashing10:21
didrocksasac: ok, different issues then, seems linked to utouch, let's talk to chase :)10:21
pgraneralan_g:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/90022310:24
alan_gpgraner: !  (Errors are coming from code I don't know, but look "interesting")10:25
pgraneralan_g, nice10:27
pittimvo: so, it doesn't work with Breaks:, doesn't work with a versioned conflicts10:27
pittimvo: as expected it does work with dropping the conflicts10:27
pittimvo: and it does work with Provides:10:28
alan_gpgraner: lets try cleaning out your compiz config - "gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1" and then try restarting unity again.10:30
pittimvo: oh - Adding an extra "Breaks: gir1.0-gtk-2.0" to libgtk2.0-dev helps. This seems like the best option to me right now?10:31
pgraneralan_g, http://paste.ubuntu.com/900236   now I have a term window, icons on my desktop but no panel, dash or launcher10:36
alan_gpgraner: I guess that's progress of a sort.  :(10:38
alan_gpgraner: I guess we can try "setsid unity --reset" from the terminal now.10:39
alan_gpgraner: s/I guess//10:39
pgraneralan_g, http://paste.ubuntu.com/900242   no everything appears to be working, panel, launcher, dash, normal desktop10:41
pgraneralan_g, this time lots of Bamf errors in the pastebin10:42
alan_gpgraner: I'm ignoring those for now.10:42
pgraneralan_g, just got this when trying to open an app off the launcher10:44
pgranerpgraner@x220:~$ WARN  2012-03-26 06:42:48 unity <unknown>:0 Unable to fetch children: No such interface `org.ayatana.bamf.view' on object at path /org/ayatana/bamf/application28329548310:44
pgranerWARN  2012-03-26 06:42:49 unity <unknown>:0 Unable to fetch children: No such interface `org.ayatana.bamf.view' on object at path /org/ayatana/bamf/application28329548310:44
pgraneralan_g, which btw didn't bring up the app :(10:44
alan_gpgraner: "WARN" messages shouldn't be serious.10:45
alan_gpgraner: Do other launches work?10:45
pgraneralan_g, yea they seem to, most of them put out an warning similar10:47
alan_gpgraner: Not sure why your first app didn't launch.  Not my area of expertise.10:50
pgraneralan_g, given whats been happening, I'll worry about that later10:50
alan_gpgraner: OK, you happy for now?10:51
pgraneralan_g, any idea whats wrong? This makes me nervous being beta week and having issues like this10:51
alan_gpgraner: there's an "occasional" startup issue appeared last week that's causing a lot of fallout.  We just managed to reproduce on a developer box this mornin10:53
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
pgraneralan_g, let me know next time, I have boxes in the QA lab I can give you guys access to to try and repro, or give us a yell and we can try along with you to speed the process up10:55
alan_gpgraner: will do10:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittirickspencer3: more precise-proposed today \o/11:06
seb128didrocks, asac: no luck on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/965089 retracing11:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 965089 in nux "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in geis_filter_delete()" [Undecided,New]11:10
seb128it seems like the dump is invalid or something11:10
mvopitti: hi, yes, if that works, then +1 from me11:10
seb128didrocks, asac: though locally it seems to work, weird11:11
asacLet's defer this problem until I find some time to debug11:13
asaci can survive on 2d for now11:13
asacany idea why my bug was filed against nux?11:14
asacseb128: oh you retraced locally and it worked?11:15
asacwill you upload the results?11:15
pittimvo: cool, doing that then11:18
seb128asac, I did gdb /usr/bin/compiz CoreDump and that works yes11:36
seb128asac, I just need to install dbg packages, I having lunch, doing that now11:36
seb128asac, nux, dunno check the apport hook, I guess because nux is listed in the stacktrace11:37
seb128didrocks, asac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/963500/comments/811:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 963500 in unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in geis_filter_delete() from (other functions) from unity::launcher::Launcher::Launcher" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:39
didrocksseb128: ah, great, thanks!11:43
mdeslaurseb128: one of this week's updates is now preventing virt-manager from using global menu...any idea what it could be?11:43
didrockslet's wait for cnd first11:43
seb128mdeslaur, no, how so? you mean there are issues for the image in the vm?11:44
seb128mdeslaur, or do you mean virt-manager menus stopped being exported?11:44
mdeslaurseb128: virt-manager's menus are in the main window now instead of being exported11:45
mdeslaurseb128: and I upgraded my test laptop, and it does the same there now too11:45
seb128mdeslaur, dunno, let me try here11:47
seb128mdeslaur, was it working before?11:49
mdeslaurseb128: yes, once I noticed on my main laptop, I tested on my test one...it was working, I did a dist-upgrade, it stopped working11:50
mdeslaurso some upgrade between the 20th and the 25th broke it11:50
mdeslaurI'll try downgrading libappmenu and indicator-appmenu to see11:50
mdeslaursorry, I mean libappindicator11:52
seb128mdeslaur, hum?11:53
seb128mdeslaur, libappindicator has nothing to do with menus11:54
mdeslaurseb128: hrm, ok11:54
seb128mdeslaur, libappindicator is what create indicator icons11:54
seb128mdeslaur, the menus should go through gtk and be stripped11:54
mdeslaurseb128: can you reproduce with virt-manager?11:55
mdeslaurok, I'll keep poking to try and figure out what changed11:56
asacyeah cool11:56
asacthought it was geis_backend_token_delete most likelyt11:56
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
asacdidrocks: i see this "error subscribin..." in the log12:07
asacdidrocks: only see the same string in the utouch-geis test cases12:08
asacany idea where that might get dumbed in the productionm stack?12:08
asac"error subscribing to gestures"12:08
asacgot it plugins/unityshell/src/GeisAdapter.cpp:12:09
asacin unity12:09
didrocksasac: sorry, I'm on another big issue, I really think we shouldn't plan anything on this issue until cnd and DBO are around12:09
asacdidrocks: :) k12:15
=== smspillaz|out is now known as smspillaz
Patero-nglet's talk about ubuntu12:32
Beretcan someone provide me comfort about ATI cards on precise? :)12:37
asachmm. guess chromium-browser crashing on startup is also known/investigated?12:39
ogra_works fine on armel :P12:40
Patero-ngI can't yet install my 9800xt card on ubuntu 10.04 is only compatible for redhat and suse12:40
Sweetsharkpitti: ping?12:42
asacogra_: sure you have the latest?12:43
asacogra_: maybe its just a bad day for me12:43
ogra_i think i do12:43
asacit definitely worked for me a day ago as well12:43
asacbut back then unity also worked :)12:43
asacso ... :-P12:43
ogra_heh, i dont touch unity anymore ... only unity-2d ...12:43
ogra_i cant get along with the totally broken alt+tab behavior in 3D12:44
asacwell. its not so nice if your mumble or twinkle window disappears like it did last time i used this :)12:44
sorenogra_: I can relate to that.12:45
Beretogra_, that's fixed12:45
ogra_(its the only thing that stops me from using 3D though, beyond that i really like it)12:45
Beretbut I was with you12:45
ogra_Beret, how ?12:45
sorenogra_: I switched to the 2d edition for a couple of days, but I got *extremely* frustrated that the hud kept stealing focus whenever I alt-tab'ed to something else, because I'm apparently too quick (so it thought I was "tapping" alt and insisted on popping up the hud and stealing focus).12:46
Beretthat somewhat depends on which specific breakage you're talking12:46
Beretogra_, are you talking about the HUD popping up?12:46
ogra_if i have 20 teminals open it actually shows me all 20 ?12:46
Beretah no12:46
Beretogra_, but you can see all of the in alt-tab12:46
Beretbetter than ifit showed them all inline IMO12:46
ogra_it a) massively slows me down due to having to wait for them to pop up12:47
Beretyou don't want12:47
Beretwhen you alt-tab to terminal hit the down arrow12:47
ogra_b) i usually land in the wrong one after it popped up12:47
sorenogra_: Don't you have problem with the hud stealing focus in unity-2d?12:47
Beretyeah waiting for them to pop up would suck12:47
ogra_c) i seriously dont want to hit any additional keays to switch windows12:47
ogra_d) i cant switch back and forth between two windows if multiple ones are open and any additional win shows up during my alt+tab12:48
ogra_(and i need to fully loop through the complete window liast to actually get back to a back and forth switch between the two i had initially used)12:48
sorenThe main problem with unity's window switching is the misconception that because two windows are owned by the same application (gnome-terminal), they're somehow funcationally related.12:49
ogra_soren, i have had issues with the HUD, yes, but that seems fixed atm12:49
ogra_soren, ++12:49
sorenogra_: Fascinating. I actually screamed out loud at it a couple of days ago and switched back to unity-3d.12:49
sorenMaybe it's all better now.12:50
ogra_maybe my fingesr got slower :)12:50
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
sorenI would try to alt-tab between two apps or alt-[12345689] between tabs and it would steal focus and prevent me from actually switching tabs/apps.12:51
ogra_usually my subconcious adapts quickly to new stuff on the desktop as long as its not to intrusive12:51
soren"I would try [...]" was right :)12:51
ogra_the alt+tab behavior sadly is way to intrusive12:51
sorenogra_: Yeah, I'm the same way.12:51
ogra_and makes working for me nearly impossible12:51
sorenogra_: I never understood the fuss around moving the buttons to the other side of the window. It took all of 5 minutes to get used to that.12:52
ogra_since in 80% of the cases i land in the wrong window now12:52
ogra_same for me12:52
seb128ogra_, you can use the old compiz alt-tab under 3d btw12:53
sorenseb128: !!!12:53
sorenseb128: How?12:53
seb128just unset the keybindings in ccsm and activate it12:53
seb128soren, it's a ccsm plugin12:53
ogra_seb128, is that documented anywhere ?12:53
ogra_ah, cool12:53
seb128ogra_, no, it's a ccsm thing12:53
* ogra_ refrained from installing ccsm 12:53
ogra_will check that, thanks !12:53
Beretit's evil in nature12:53
seb128the new alt-tab works fine for most people12:54
ogra_its really the only thing that keeps me from using 3D12:54
seb128so no need to document that12:54
Beretogra_, I recommend giving the new one a shot first12:54
Beretogra_, as I said, you don't have to wait for anything to pop up12:54
ogra_Beret, i tried for more than a week12:54
Beretogra_, not if you waited for windows to pop up you didn't12:54
Beretyou tried it without knowing how it worked :)12:54
ogra_well, if it forces me to change my finger memory for alt+tab it has lost already :)12:55
ogra_you wont get me to use alt+tab plus numbers or cursor keys12:55
Beretso my ATI desktop is now useless, someone tell me this is reported all over the place?12:55
ogra_then i rather use the mouse and click on the mauncher12:55
Beretogra_, classic case of i-won't-change12:55
Beretgo with ccsm then ;)12:55
seb128Beret, how useless? tried to unity --reset?12:55
ogra_the issue is that it solws my workflow down so massively12:56
ogra_its not that i dont want to change12:56
Beretseb128, entirely - when I login nothing happens12:56
sorenBeret: This "new behaviour" of which you speak.. How new is it?12:56
Beretthe 12.04 splash never goes away12:56
Beretsoren, very new12:56
Beretguys on my team have the same problem12:56
seb128Beret, there is no splash screen on Ubuntu12:56
sorenBeret: Couple of days-ish?12:56
Beretsoren, friday12:56
sorenBeret: Oh.12:56
Beretseb128, I don't know what you call it, the screen that says ubuntu 12.04 LTS on the bototm left12:57
* ogra_ didnt upgrade over the weekend :)12:57
seb128Beret, try to go to a vt or log under another session and run unity --reset12:57
Beretseb128, resetting12:57
Beretseb128, so that brought me up12:58
Beretseb128, fwiw, it does that on every login12:58
seb128Beret, can you try to log in again and see if that fixed it?12:58
Beretothers on my team had the same problem12:58
seb128Beret, yeah, there are a couple of known issue12:58
seb128Beret, which are being tracked12:58
seb128Beret, they seems racy and happening to some people upgrading only12:59
seb128so hard to track12:59
Beretseb128, that seems to have fixed12:59
seb128Beret, ok, so yes, it's in that bucket of known issue12:59
Berethave a bug # by chance so I can follow it?13:00
Beretit's good to know it's unity and not an ATI thing or kernel thing13:00
Beretseb128, thanks13:00
seb128Beret, yw13:00
seb128Beret, bug #963465 and others13:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 963465 in unity "Unity 5.8: Can't login to Unity since upgrade to 5.8" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96346513:01
Sweetsharkpitti: I can reproduce bug 916291. It is the libreoffice-common postinst hook of 3.4/oneiric that is causing the trouble, not the one from precise. So, we could make an SRU for oneiric, I guess, but that might not help in all cases (as people might not upgrade before release-upgrade).13:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 916291 in libreoffice "failed to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise: ERROR: Cannot determine language! - exit status 134" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91629113:01
Sweetsharkpitti: my untrained dpkg-foo tells me that we simply should add a conflicts: libreoffice-common (<<3.5.0) to each and every libreoffice precise package (and other stuff that triggers the trigger like openclipart?)13:03
Patero-nganybody knows how to tell a difference between a usb 1.1 and a 2.0 cable13:10
Patero-ngwithout connecting them to test its speed13:10
seb128Patero-ng, hi, try #ubuntu for user questions13:11
* mpt is looking for a simple and reliable crasher to test the crash dialog :-)13:12
mptAnyone got one?13:12
seb128mpt, kill -11 $(pidof something)13:12
seb128something behing a running binary13:13
seb128i.e eog13:13
seb128well if you are running eog13:13
mptthanks seb12813:14
soren(11 is the signal the kernel sends to an application when it segfaults)13:14
desrtgood morning13:20
mpteog & sleep 5 && pgrep eog | xargs kill -1113:21
mptI feel so l33t13:21
desrt-11 is a very odd choice13:23
seb128hey desrt, how are you?13:23
desrttired as hell :p13:23
seb128desrt, had a good w.e?13:23
desrtya.  pretty decent13:23
seb128mpt, lol13:23
desrtwent to a friend's party last night and ate something that disagreed with me, i think -- was up most of the night :/13:24
sorenpics or it didn't happen13:24
sorenUh.. never mind. :)13:24
seb128soren, no, thanks, I can do without pics of that :p13:25
desrtso.  firefox pain.13:25
desrtparty time...13:25
* desrt is somehow not totally surprised13:25
cjwatsonmpt: pkill is your friend :-)13:25
cjwatson(pkill -SEGV eog)13:26
* desrt wonders why pgrep and pkill when we have pidof and killall13:26
cjwatsonbecause killall is VERY VERY DANGEROUS if you work on multiple OSes13:26
cjwatsonon solaris it kills ALL the processes13:26
desrtcjwatson: and like to logon as root :)13:26
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
cjwatsoneven if you don't you might not appreciate having your entire session vanish13:27
desrtcjwatson: is it appropriate that i picture you saying that with one hand raised in the air?13:27
desrti suppose not13:27
SweetsharkDoes anybody know if I can register somebody else for UDS?13:29
desrtSweetshark: i doubt it13:30
desrtSweetshark: but absolutely anybody can do it from their own LP account13:30
desrtyou don't need any special bits...13:30
Sweetsharkdesrt: from the mail: "I'm sorry, I tend to avoid idiots that reduce purposefully the namespace of passwords. That only reduce the number of possible password, hence making brute force more efficient."13:31
Sweetshark(about lp password pickiness)13:32
SweetsharkI guess he even has a point there.13:32
desrtreminds me of me :)13:32
desrtalthough that's _quite_ hardcore13:32
* desrt doesn't imagine this individual has accounts on very many websites13:33
mptthanks cjwatson, I added that to <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker#app-crash> -- two variations down, five to go13:33
desrtSweetshark: make an account in his name? :)13:33
desrtSweetshark: if he will not be logging into launchpad to use the website anyway then the only tangible benefit he gains by registering for UDS attendence is a name badge printed for him...13:33
Sweetsharkdesrt: thats evil. I will just forward the mail to jasoncwarner_ and run away with the not-my-problem-award.13:34
desrtSweetshark: you could try another strategy: inform your sender about pwgen -n (large) and launchpad's lack of (reasonable?) cap on length13:36
mvodidrocks: do you think you will have time to look at bug #964659 ?13:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 964659 in software-center "Turning off OneConf in USC doesn't work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96465913:39
didrocksmvo: probably, not today though :)13:39
didrocksmvo: just assign to me13:39
mvota, done13:40
mptSo, dragging a file in Nautilus scrolls the whole pane instead of moving/copying the file13:59
mptThat's ... interesting13:59
desrtchrisccoulson: around?13:59
chrisccoulsonhi desrt13:59
desrtchrisccoulson: i'm trying to figure out what may be causing this firefox/hud issue13:59
desrtassuming it's hud13:59
desrtwhat are you seeing?14:00
chrisccoulsondesrt, yeah, i'm not sure yet. but it seemed to start towards the end of last week14:00
chrisccoulsonand i'm not seeing it, unfortunately :(14:00
desrtya.... around the time the XUL changes landed14:00
desrt(XUL changes for hud, i mean)14:00
desrtthose changes should only have an impact while an active search is occuring in the hud, though14:01
desrtso it's odd14:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's a bit strange14:01
desrti was wondering if you had any debug output showing you that you were getting 'opened' requests at startup or something14:02
desrtthe only thing i can think of from my side is that i'm leaking use counts.... which doesn't appear to be the case, after some testing14:02
desrtthe only way a usecount can leak is if unity crashes14:02
desrt(ie: goes away without properly closing the query)14:02
desrtin the normal case of closing the hud box it appears to be working properly...14:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not seeing the issue here either14:03
chrisccoulsonthere's a lot of icon data when i type in the hud though ;)14:03
chrisccoulsoni just looked at the output of dbus-monitor14:03
desrtya.  that recently got added back in again :)14:04
mdeslaurseb128: found it, it's overlay-scrollbar14:09
mdeslaurseb128: downgrading it causes virt-manager to use global menus for some reason14:09
mdeslaurvery weird14:09
mdeslaurseb128: bug #96531814:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 965318 in overlay-scrollbar "0.2.16 causes global menu regression" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96531814:13
seb128mdeslaur, thanks14:13
seb128kenvandine, ^14:13
kenvandinevery weird indeed14:13
* kenvandine tries to reproduce14:15
chrisccoulsonsigh @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/964584/comments/8 :(14:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 964584 in firefox "Firefox hangs temporarily everytimes it receives the focus" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:20
chrisccoulsoni have a lot more than that and don't get the issue14:20
chrisccoulsoni wonder if i can persuade anyone to give me their places.sqlite14:20
pittimeh, unity 5.8 regressed quite a bit wrt. Alt handling14:27
pittinow the hud or the dash keep popping up erratically14:27
pittiSweetshark: ah, that explains it indeed14:27
pittiSweetshark: let me check something in the policy14:28
pittiSweetshark: ok, so the new package's postinst can't clean up after failures of the old ones' (unlike preinst scripts)14:30
pittiSweetshark: so adding that bunch of conflicts ought to work, yes14:30
desrtchrisccoulson: so interesting note14:52
desrtchrisccoulson: with the latest version of firefox+menu integration, when i first see the menuitems they are not submenus14:53
desrtchrisccoulson: namely: the 'children-display' property is not initially set on the menuitems corresponding to the submenus14:54
desrtthat's almost certainly generating some extra traffic...14:54
mterrydidrocks, I'm affected by bug 963093.  Is there anything I can do to help diagnose?15:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 963093 in unity "Unity 5.8: Flickering and corruption on Unity UI elements" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96309315:02
didrocksmterry: we are working on it since this morning15:02
didrocksmterry: well, thursday in fact15:02
didrocksbut more since this morning15:02
mterrydidrocks, I also see unity UI during the lock screen.  Is that the same bug or different?15:03
didrocksmterry: yeah, can be related15:04
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Sweetsharkpitti: Any hint on how I could test if the fix worked. Can I do a do-release-update with a ppa and have the fixed package with the conflicts in the ppa?15:57
pittiSweetshark: you could boot a lucid live system with enough RAM (2 GB perhaps), then move apt to precise, add your PPA, and try apt-get dist-upgrade, yes15:58
pittiin kvm I mean15:58
pittireal iron works, too, of course15:58
Sweetsharkoh, Im still using VirtualBox out of habit.15:58
pittiwhereever lucid can run :)15:59
pittichroot, kvm, VB, iron, your toaster..15:59
Sweetsharkand we are talking about update from oneiric not from lucid. or am I missing something?15:59
pittiah, right15:59
Sweetsharkwould simply using do-release-upgrade work too (because thats the scenario I am currently using) or does it do some magic to disable ppas during the transition?16:01
pittiSweetshark: it does, hence trying apt-get dist-upgrade16:02
pittiit shouldn't matter wrt. running the broken postinsts and unpack order16:02
pittid-r-u just calls apt underneath with some extra options to e. g. force file overwrites16:02
pittiand some prep stuff around it16:02
Sweetsharkevil voodoo magic.16:03
pittigood night everyone16:11
G__81hi seb12816:13
G__81Hi jono16:17
jonohey G__8116:17
G__81jono, i am interested to contribute to ubuntu "development" specifically. Fixing bugs and probably packaging which i could learn in coure of time. I would like you to probably help me out, if you could16:18
jonoG__81, have a chat with dholbach, he can help you get started16:19
jonoasking him to join16:19
G__81oh thanks a ton jono16:19
G__81hi dholbach16:19
dholbachhi G__8116:20
jonodholbach, G__81 would like to get started with Ubuntu development16:20
dholbachoh nice16:20
jonocan you help point him in the right direction?16:20
dholbachjono, sure16:20
jonodholbach, thanks!16:20
jonoG__81, have fun!16:20
dholbachG__81, I would recommend you have a look at http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2012/03/putting-the-ubuntu-development-process-to-the-test/16:20
dholbachG__81, we are user-testing our development docs, so if you have questions and let us know what's the problem, we can not only help you out but also fix the problems in the process/docs/infrastructure :)16:21
dholbachthe post has an email address where you can mail your feedback to16:22
G__81dholbach, oh ok can i message you separately ? i wanted to talk to you couple of things16:24
dholbachsure, please do16:24
desrtjbicha: poke17:08
jbichadesrt: good afternoon17:11
desrtjbicha: did you look into packaging boxes?17:11
jbichadesrt: it's packaged in Debian experimental, I'm afraid it's looking unlikely for Precise as it now requires libvirt 0.9.1017:13
jbichalibvirt 0.9.10 is still in experimental as the Debian dev said there's a few regressions & he's in the process of moving or something17:13
desrtthanks for the input -- i won't waste my time trying :)17:14
jbichait's too bad as I chased the dependencies for it for several weeks & then learned it wouldn't run on my laptop (no hw virtualization)17:16
desrtdoes the gnome3 ppa have some sort of a 'sru' policy that's different from business-as-usual during the unstable cycle?17:19
desrtie: do you make some attempt to stop doing disruptive changes after the release of the corresponding ubuntu version?17:19
jbichadesrt: I guess it depends on what you mean by disruptive, we don't want to break any one's computers but it's not really frozen either17:27
jbichamore specifically, I think it would be a good idea to backport libvirt from Quirky & add Boxes to the Precise PPA17:28
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seb128jbicha, doesn't seem a great idea if libvirt is known to have regressions...17:35
seb128jbicha, do you know if the new libvirt is really required or if we would revert the commit that require the new version or something?17:35
jbichaseb128: right, once the regressions are fixed & it migrates to wheezy17:36
jbichaI think it's harder to revert since Boxes depends on the new libvirt-glib which needs the new libvirt17:36
seb128so yeah, seems ppa material17:37
desrtfrom my testing boxes was not working so well17:50
desrtbut that was a while ago17:50
seb128desrt, no offense to the boxes guy but I know no software which was working great after its first cycle ;-)17:52
desrtfair enough :)17:52
seb128Laney, hey18:58
seb128Laney, want to do the tomboy 1.10 update? ;-)18:58
LaneyI just checked if that was out today :O18:58
Laneyoh, they still haven't updated their website18:58
seb128Laney, I saw the tarball on the GNOME ftp list ;-)18:59
Laneynot brave enough to subscribe to that :P19:00
Laneywill do the merge later, after DMB19:00
seb128Laney, thanks, I put your name next to tomboy on our etherpad then ;-)19:02
Laneythanks for doing the earlier updates19:03
seb128yw ;-)19:03
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Sweetsharkbryceh: around?22:48
brycehSweetshark, yep22:49
brycehSweetshark, thanks for the patch btw; haven't tested it yet.22:49
Sweetsharkbryceh: oh, patch wasnt by me. I will test and tweak it a bit still.22:50
Sweetsharkbryceh: But it would be nice if you would have a look if it seems to be doing roughly what you expect.22:51
brycehsure, I'll review the patch right now22:51
Sweetsharkit only fixes part of the problem as it hops to $HOME, when you want your file is a readonly file in /tmp and you click safe-as.22:53
brycehSweetshark, for the use case I've seen, that should be sufficient22:55
brycehSweetshark, and looking at the patch, yes looks like that's what it does and I think it'd do the trick22:55
Sweetsharkit doesnt help if you just "safe", however, I dont think there a is good way around that. If the file is in /tmp and the user saves there (IIRC the user would need to toggle of "read-only" manually then), we dont want to pop up a dialog (because a CMS like Alfresco or O3Spaces or whatever might actually have the doc there and expect it there).22:56
Sweetsharkbryceh: Ok, so I will push to upstream master (3.6) tomorrow and backport it to our 3.5 packaging (with some massaging, for example we dont want that check on windows).22:59
brycehright, however in the use case of saving from web mail I think the file in /tmp is made read-only so clicking "save" should prompt the user to re-save as something else.  So I think this implementation will do22:59
brycehgreat.  Let me know if you need testing.22:59
Sweetsharkbryceh: just tested it: A read-only file has "save" disabled. You need to click "edit file" to be able to change it and even then you can only "save as". So, the patch looks good.23:02
trkemistI have a quick question for the Ubuntu Desktop guys...23:25
trkemistAnyone has an actual working Cisco VPN Client for Ubuntu?23:26
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trkemistAnyone has an actual working Cisco VPN Client for Ubuntu?23:41
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