
* ev tackles syslinux, finally07:55
gemacjwatson: have you had a chance to reproduce bug 934614? sorry I didn't ping you on Thursday, I was ill08:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 934614 in grub2 "reinstall of precise breaks grub with invalid arch independent ELF magic" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93461408:33
gemacjwatson: there seems to be other people able to reproduce now08:34
cjwatsonurgh, not as yet, sorry08:34
cjwatsonmight try to haul out my EFI hoverbook today08:34
gemacjwatson: ack, I am around if you need me to try anything08:34
gemais there any reason why traceroute wouldn't install but traceroute6 yes from the Beta? (I was running an "installing free software only" type of install, with an alternate AMD64)10:53
ogra_isnt traceroute long gone and been replaced by tracepath ? (and how does this question relate to the installer ?)10:54
gemaogra_: I was running the installer test cases, and thought the package was missing from the iso10:55
gemaogra_: I didn't know about tracepath, I guess I have just learnt something :D10:55
ogra_it should be in the iputils-tracepath package10:55
cjwatsonit happens that iputils-tracepath is in the standard task and traceroute isn't10:55
ogra_which i think is in the default install10:55
cjwatsonyou can install traceroute if you want it10:56
gemaogra_: cjwatson: thanks10:56
cjwatsonalso, mtr (in the mtr-tiny package) is in the standard task, and fulfils essentially the same function as traceroute10:57
cjwatsonogra_: is bug 872525 something you can look at?  I don't really know what's safe; I can grep for dove and see what might need to be extended but that's about it11:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 872525 in partman-uboot "No option for u-boot partition on armel omap/omap4 platforms" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87252511:07
cjwatson(might need recipe changes in partman-auto as well)11:08
ogra_well, we dont support dove anymore and i dont have any HW that would make use of partman-uboot atm (iirc only marvell does it).... there were inimtial patches from NCommander though that needed some work, i can try to find them11:09
ogra_oh, wait, wrong bug :)11:10
ogra_yes, i can look at it11:10
ogra_(if i see partman-uboot i immediately go into refusal mode, sorry, missed the omap/4 part)11:11
cjwatsonright, precisely about adding non-dove support :)11:33
evcjwatson: would you mind having a quick look at this and letting me know if you're happy with the general approach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900304/11:45
cjwatsonev: yeah, general approach looks fine to me, thanks.  s/Ressurrect/Resurrect/, and duplicate dpatch in Build-Depends; also I wonder if we need to ship all the files that were in syslinux11:47
ogra_oh sigh, partman-uboot is completely written for ext2 only12:00
ogra_(*all* non marvell arches use vfat)12:00
jibelcan you look at bug 965390 ? I got it with current alternate image.15:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 965390 in ubiquity "prompt to remove cryptsetup on an encrypted LVM install during end user setup" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96539015:16
cjwatsonok, let me just wrap up patch piloting15:17
cjwatsonthat should be relatively easy; it's quite explicit15:24
cjwatsonhm, I've clearly not tested alternate OEM this cycle15:39
CIA-32ubiquity: cjwatson * r5334 trunk/debian/ (changelog control):15:39
CIA-32ubiquity: Move oem-config-udeb's menu item before that of user-setup's, which15:39
CIA-32ubiquity: moved to 2400 in user-setup 1.30.15:39
CIA-32ubiquity: cjwatson * r5335 trunk/ (bin/oem-config-remove-gtk debian/changelog):15:55
CIA-32ubiquity: Don't remove cryptsetup if there are any uncommented entries in15:55
CIA-32ubiquity: /etc/crypttab (LP: #893548).15:55
CIA-32ubiquity: cjwatson * r5336 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.10.316:11
GrueMasterogra_: So far, oem-config preseeding seems to work, except for late_command and also getting the hostname via dhcp (netboot uses "d-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned-hostname").16:53
ogra_yeah, no idea why late_coomand doesnt work, i'll check that after beta16:54
GrueMasterThat in mind, do we want to keep the bug open or open a new bug?16:55
GrueMasterHmm.  It also doesn't appear to use either tasksel/tasks or pkgsel/include, as neither java or ssh-server is installed.17:03
cjwatsonI wouldn't have expected it to use pkgsel/include given the current code17:04
cjwatsonand as I said a few times during the installer sprint, tasksel/tasks is intentionally not preseedable17:04
cjwatsonif you need to preseed tasksel we need to do some thinking on how to rearrange things to use tasksel --new-install and tasksel/first17:05
GrueMastercjwatson: I must have missed that.17:05
cjwatsonI think I was talking to ogra_ at the time, admittedly17:05
GrueMasterBut both will be crucial for automation testing.17:05
cjwatsonplease open one new bug for each of those (tasksel and pkgsel/include)17:06
GrueMasterHeh, I was only monitoring the sprint.  I had my own sprint I was dealing with.17:06
GrueMasterTwo bugs?  ok17:06
cjwatsonyeah, they're separate issues as far as the code is concerned17:06
GrueMasterroger that.17:10
GrueMastercjwatson: Ok, filed bug 965508 and bug 965512.  Should I also file one for retrieving hostname via dhcp?17:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 965508 in ubiquity "tasksel not preseedable in oem-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96550817:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 965512 in ubiquity "Unable to preseed individual package installation in oem-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96551217:22
gemaif the OEM alternate installation fails to finish when creating the user at the end17:25
gemawhich package should I blame as a guess?17:25
brendandgema, oem-config17:26
gemabrendand: thanks17:26
cjwatsonGrueMaster: yeah, I guess so18:15
cjwatsongema: make that ubiquity, please - oem-config does exist in LP but it was borged into ubiquity years ago18:15
* bdmurray didn't know borg was a verb18:17
infinityIt is now.18:17
infinityAnd it's much easier to type than assimilated.18:17
bdmurraybug 963401 is from a developer of a derivative and something seems wrong there18:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 963401 in ubiquity "Ubiquity crashes during installation" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96340118:18
GrueMastercjwatson: OK.  Bug 965568 filed.  I'll leave these three for you guys to figure out importance level.18:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 965568 in ubiquity "Unable to derive hostname via dhcp in oem-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96556818:31
stgrabercjwatson: could it be that printing something to stdout in a target-config script is a bad idea?18:52
stgrabercjwatson: it looks like 50gkd-caps echoing an error message is the last thing happening before the installer hangs with "ignorning unknwon (multi-line?) command"18:53
stgraberanyway, calling echo won't help in any way ... /me replaces with a logger call and uploads a new gnome-keyring18:57
gemacjwatson: ack18:59
gemabug 96551319:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 965513 in ubiquity "Unable to finish user configuration on OEM install Beta 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96551319:00
cjwatsonstgraber: yes, target-config scripts are hooked up to debconf on stdin/stdout19:12
cjwatsonyou can use stderr19:12
stgrabercjwatson: good, so my fix should actually fix the bug then ;)19:12
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
stgraber(that was the "installer gets stuck Configuring target system..." one)19:13
stgrabernot sure exactly why the setcap failed though as checking the file clearly showed the capabilities having been set properly...19:13
stgraberbut that's more of a gnome-keyring issue than ubiquity anyway19:13
cjwatsonah good, that one baffled me19:14
cjwatsonwow, things I never knew shipped target-config scripts ...19:14
CIA-32ubiquity: cjwatson * r5337 trunk/ (debian/changelog scripts/plugininstall.py):19:22
CIA-32ubiquity: Add a log entry before running each target-config hook, to make it a bit19:22
CIA-32ubiquity: more feasible to debug hangs there.19:22
stgraber^ yay!19:25
cjwatsondunno why I didn't do that to start with; maybe I was fixated on debconf debugging19:29
stgraberok, so after around 120 installs, the gnome-keyring bug was the only issue I saw appear randomly, hopefully that means that all the others are reliably reproducable :)22:29
stgraberdinner time, then I'll have a look at bug 96447222:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 964472 in ubiquity "'Detect Keyboard Layout' detects the 'group' correctly, but does not update the selectable layout list" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96447222:29

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