=== RYOSUKE is now known as ryosuke [10:04] p [10:04] 7 [10:04] ubuntu9090 [10:04] aaa [10:04] おお [10:04] 発見!! [10:04] nihongo muridayo [10:04] why? [10:04] siranai [10:05] manko [10:05] IME2010だよな [10:05] $B$*(B [10:05] $B$"$l(B [10:05] $B$&$[(B [10:06] hi! [10:06] hi [10:06] my name is ubuntu9090 [10:06] nice to meet you [10:06] nice to meet you too === ryosuke is now known as RYOSUKE === Glass_saga is now known as Glass_off === Glass_off is now known as Glass_saga === RYOSUKE is now known as ryosuke === ryosuke is now known as RYOSUKE [22:38] can someone help me find the contact us link on this site http://www.diatec.co.jp/ , I'm trying to order the pink keyboard [22:41] http://www.diatec.co.jp/en/ [22:42] qbert_: https://www.diatec.co.jp/inquiry/index.php [22:42] it was the link at the bottom of the page [22:42] aha!