
snadgei think i've got a fairly simple one i was hoping someone with some more kernel experience could help me with01:41
snadgeyeah its a problem only with recent kernels and virtualbox.. but still01:41
snadgeexactly the same oops as this guy has.. except hes using some 3.2 rc and mint.. im using ubuntu precise, and latest mainline nightly (3.3.0 #201203250407)01:42
snadgecode dissassembly is the same.. and the same call trace01:42
snadgeid like to know how to find module_put .. and the section of code that disassembly is referring to01:43
snadgeno source packages for the mainline nightlies?01:50
snadgei suppose i have to use git for that01:51
snadgegit://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/linux.git  <-- that is mainline ?02:00
snadge*tumbleweed* .. i wonder if i'll finish this git clone before anyone says anything02:17
bullgard4[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell] Super key > Applications > System tools > Power statistics > Prozessor > Wake-up processes lists 2 types of wakeup processes: i.) Symbol is a rhombus, ii.) Symbol is a gear. What is the name of these two types?06:51
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RAOFbullgard4: App vs IRQ handler, apparently.07:00
ppisatimoin smb :)07:25
smbJust for forgetting to upgrade on Friday... now its about 230M... at least nothing that wants to get removed...07:27
ppisatidid you reboot already?07:28
ppisatiis it safe?07:28
smbno just started the dist-upgrade07:28
smbwill let you know in a bit...07:28
ppisati135 pkgs here...07:29
ppisatiwtf?!?!? we still have evolution and banshee around, did we sack them in this release?07:29
snadgeenjoy unity 5.8 ;)07:30
snadgefor some people it causes a blank desktop upon login.. hehe07:31
smbppisati, It probably won't get deleted when you got them already07:31
ppisatisnadge: unity2d?07:32
ppisatisnadge: is it safe?07:32
RAOFunity2d works; and after a unity --reset, so should 3d.07:32
ppisatismb: btw i still have emacs around, but that's my heritage...07:32
* ppisati uses only 2d, cool...07:33
* smb pretends not to know those 5 letters... ;-P07:33
ppisatiwell, personally i really like unity (design-wise)07:33
ppisatiis all i liked from windowmaker + a status bar with all the indicators&c07:34
ppisatibtw, did they revert the secondo screen+second launcher thing?07:34
RAOFppisati: It's now configurable in the “Displays” capplet; there's a toggle for on-all-screens/a drop box for which screen you want it on.07:35
ppisatiRAOF: nice07:36
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* ppisati -> reboot07:45
* smb reboot07:46
snadgeunity2d is good07:47
ppisatiso far so good...07:51
smbSo far... as long as you are through the blank (or background only) screen, unity --reset segfaulting and compiz crashing parts...07:59
snadgei ran unity --reset from console myself08:29
snadgebut my work pc.. didnt need to.. so maybe its related to fglrx08:29
snadgework pc is intel08:30
smbThis machine is on ati/radeon08:30
snadgepossibly related to amd/ati then08:30
smbRunning reset from console just hang, repeating went a bit further and finally running it again from gfx resulted in a segfault of the command.08:31
snadgethats pretty harsh08:31
smb(not really making one trust in its ability to fix things... ;-P)08:31
snadgemaybe it'll work now08:31
smbI am up and running right now08:32
smbFingers crossed08:32
snadgeyeah it must be a new compiz setting or an old one that glitches with the update08:32
snadgetheres a launchpad bug for it.. i dont have the link offhand08:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 963633 in unity "Unity 5.8: Login to blank screen (all black or just wallpaper)" [Critical,In progress]08:34
snadgethat one has the most heat08:34
smbYep, sounds like it. 08:34
snadgelaunchpad is great now that heaps of people use ubuntu08:34
snadgebug affects 56 people :P08:35
snadgereported 2 days ago08:35
smbAnd someone has assigned it at least. Well, there was a weekend in between... :)08:35
snadge14 duplicates tagged already08:36
snadgei know this isnt a kernel problem.. but i *really* want someone to fix this08:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 770283 in compiz-core "[fglrx]title bar does not update on non-maximized windows" [Medium,In progress]08:37
smbsnadge, Then you may tell "them" in #ubuntu-unity... maybe 08:38
snadgetried that ;) but yeah.. i will remind them hehe08:40
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fsanchoHi all. Is there any good reason to not activate "CONFIG_DRM_GMA500=m", "CONFIG_DRM_GMA3600=y" and "CONFIG_DRM_GMA_600=y" in config for 3.3 kernel?10:49
snadgeyes.. the universe will explode if you do10:59
* ogra_ thought the universe does that anyway since the big bang11:00
snadgeright.. but little did you know, thats what caused the big bang11:01
snadgesome chose those specific kernel options.. and boom.. here we are now ;)11:02
ogra_ah, k ... thats the physics lesson i missed at school then :)11:02
fsanchoi mean, these options are deactivated in 3.3 builds from kernel.ubuntu.com. Is there a good reason for that? Is there a way to ask the manager of the site to activate it?11:03
snadgewell i dont know who manages the daily builds on kernel.ubuntu.com11:04
snadgebut i can tell you that more often than not.. those builds suck11:04
snadgei tried out the radeon/drm stuff yesterday.. granted with experimental options and mesa from git11:05
fsanchosnadge: My builds with make-kpkg doesn't look as good as those builds11:06
snadgebut still.. it caused my computer to reboot after a few minutes of playing minecraft ;)11:06
bullgard4RAOF: Thank you very much for your help.12:08
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* ppisati -> lunch12:23
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ckingmjg59, what's the current state of play with the patch "PCI: ignore pre-1.1 ASPM quirking when ASPM is disabled" - you mentioned you were working on this: https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/3/19/40813:20
mjg59cking: Haven't been able to reproduce, nobody's sent me a bug report containing any worthwhile information13:21
ckingmjg59, that's a bummer, we're seeing some machines hang with this patch, bug 96148213:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 961482 in linux "3.2.0-19 kernel fails to boot (-18 OK)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96148213:24
mjg59Yes, I know - but I can't reproduce and mere inspection doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere. I really need a full backtrace.13:24
ckingah, so in the short term, would pulling this patch be a more sensible option?13:25
* cking trying to work out the pros vs cons of keeping this patch13:26
mjg59No, that breaks a different set of hardware13:28
ckingmjg59, OK - so reverting 3c076351c4027a56d5005a39a0b518a4ba393ce2 "PCI: Rework ASPM disable code" may at least allow these machines to boot?13:31
mjg59I really don't know at this point13:31
mjg59I'd like to see some effort to fix the bug from people who have access to users who see the bug13:32
mjg59The ones who have contacted me about it are not especially useful in terms of actually giving me feedback...13:32
ckingI realise this, just trying to explore options at the mo. 13:32
tgardnercking, do we have any affected machines within OEM or somewhere else ni the company ?13:33
mjg59Reverting all ASPM changes back to the 3.2 baseline will probably boot things, but you'll be back to spending 5W extra per machine13:33
ckingtgardner, not that I know of, I've seen zero reports on this from OEM13:33
tgardnercking, well, see if you can get one of the affected folks in the bug report to respond.13:35
ckingtgardner, ack13:35
ckingmjg59, so a *full* backtrace is required, anything else especially useful to add in?13:38
mjg59cking: They're probably going to need either a serial console or USB debug to get it13:38
* cking will check with OEM to see if we have one of the offending Dells13:41
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* ogasawara back in 2014:38
jjohansen1ogasawara, tgardner: is there going to be 1 more kernel upload before beta2?15:48
* jjohansen1 knows the answer is no but needs to ask15:49
tgardnerjjohansen1, certainly one more before freeze15:49
tgardnerlikely april 315:49
ogasawarajjohansen1: I wasn't planning on one before beta-2, but definitely one more before kernel freeze15:49
jjohansen1tgardner: right, but not before beta215:49
jjohansen1ogasawara: okay thanks15:50
tgardnerjjohansen1, that would almost require a freeze exception from the release team15:50
jjohansen1tgardner: right, I will let the server team request that if they want15:50
ogasawaratgardner: I am concerned though about bug 961482 being unresolved for beta-2, but there does seem to be a workaround so I was going to release note it.15:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 961482 in linux "3.2.0-19 kernel fails to boot (-18 OK)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96148215:51
tgardnerogasawara, cking is working on it15:51
ogasawaratgardner: ack.  if we did get a fix in time for beta-2, I'd lobby the release team for an upload.15:52
ckingogasawara, I'm not sure yet if we can get a fix in time though, it's pretty tight15:52
ogasawaracking: indeed, we'd have to get something in by tomorrow which is not a large window.15:53
ogasawaracking: were you able to get a hold of anyone in OEM who could reproduce?15:53
ckingogasawara, not yet, but they possibly have some H/W which I will try and get shipped to me15:54
ogasawaracking: I think bryceh might have a system showing the issue?15:54
ckingogasawara, this kinda bug requires gathering most of the oops, so it's kinda serial console kinda work15:55
jjohansen1ogasawara, tgardner: sounds like server team is going to work around the issue for beta 2 so no freeze exception request for the kernel15:57
tgardnerjjohansen1, ack. what was theissue ?15:57
jjohansen1tgardner: its around containers and apparmor confinement15:58
jjohansen1tgardner: there is a pseudo workaround, that they will use for beta215:58
ckingrats, hit an inode race bug in btrfs16:28
henrixsmb: thanks for the background info on iscsitarget, in your email16:34
henrixsmb: about the bug itself, in my (quick) investigation, i found that the bug has been solved already upstreams16:35
* henrix kept a link to thread somewhere...16:36
smbhenrix, welcome. Ok, I have not  seen a good pointer in the debian changelogs, but have not yet check upstream16:36
henrixsmb: let me take a look at my notes, i'm sure i found a reference to this16:36
smbSeems version-wise we are back a few versions compared to debian testing but that late in the game I would rather not try to get someone to re-sync.16:37
henrixah! found the reference16:38
henrixsmb: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=67680316:39
ubot2bugzilla.novell.com bug 676803 in Kernel "iscsi enterprise target just hangs" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]16:39
henrixi guess it's the same issue, and they closed the issue with a newer version of the package16:39
smbOk, is newer than what the Debian version says. But I remember that there was an odd versioning thing with the sourceforge project. In their svn files there was references to the new number but not tarballed and released as is...16:43
henrixsmb: yeah, can't remember the details, but when i was looking at that i found only on the svn (or cvs...)16:45
henrixsmb: but not on the tarballs16:45
smbHm, so svn is at version470, if I read the Debian changlog correctly they went to 45316:45
smbthe suse report has someone claiming it works with 466...16:47
smbhenrix, Hm, that might be the relevant commit... http://iscsitarget.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/iscsitarget/trunk/kernel/iscsi.c?r1=462&r2=461&pathrev=46216:54
henrixsmb: yeah, it could be16:54
henrixsmb: i can take a closer look at this bug again if you want me to16:55
henrixsmb: right now i'm working on the sru cycle, but i may get some time later on16:56
henrixsmb: (tomorrow, probably)16:56
smbhenrix, Since I have been poking at that package already, I could carry on as well. Just don't want to rip it from you in case you wanted to go on...16:58
henrixsmb: well, from my activity report, this bug was not on my todo list anyway :)17:00
henrixsmb: so, feel free to have some fun with it17:00
smbhenrix, :) Ok, then let me try to find out whether we can fix it by that upstream change. 17:01
henrixsmb: cool. anyway, if you're busy, feel free to "delegate" it on me :)17:02
smbhenrix, I would never say I am not busy (that just conjures new issues)... But it should fit in. ;)17:04
tgardnersforshee, are you seeing any video tearing on your MB Air ? maximize a shell, then click on the wi-fi icon a few times.17:35
tgardnercking, otp18:09
ckingtgardner, ack18:09
sforsheetgardner, I haven't noticed any tearing, and I'm not seeing any doing what you described either18:11
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* tgardner relocates19:29
* tgardner -> EOD20:18
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RAOFWe would appear to be missing some ivybridge fixes in our kernel.  The mainline build of drm-intel-next is stable, but our 3.2-20 kernel tends to hard-lock in Unity.23:04
RAOFI'm seeing if I can get some netconsole output when it dies to narrow down what the problem is.23:05
ohsixare there too many patches between drm-intel-next and 3.2-20 to see what one it may be?23:08
RAOFohsix: There's almost two full kernel releases worth of development.23:11
RAOFWhich is why I'm looking for some sort of error message other than “the system goes entirely unresponsive” - that should help point to a patch.23:11
RAOFOf course, now that I've got a netconsole hooked up it's not hanging.23:18
ohsixgpu hangs are scary23:19
brycehRAOF, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/96148223:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 961482 in linux "3.2.0-19 kernel fails to boot (-18 OK)" [Critical,Confirmed]23:24
bryceh(in case you hadn't already run across it)23:25
bryceh(and in case it's the same bug.  that one is not ivybridge-specific afaik)23:25
RAOFThat's not it; the system comes up fine, and works for an indeterminate period of time.23:26
RAOFAnd then, at some point (usually associated with alt-tab?) it hangs.23:26
RAOFBah.  That's highly annoying.23:31
RAOFnetconsole stays around *just* long enough to print the timestamp of the kernel message when everything freezes.23:32

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