
dholbachgood morning07:09
Patero-ngestab ahi?12:31
Patero-ngalguien ahi?13:11
elacheche_anisHey guys :D13:31
elacheche_anisI have a question about the release party..13:31
czajkowskielacheche_anis: shoot13:32
czajkowskihow can we help?13:32
Patero-ngwhat's a release party13:32
elacheche_anisI'm asking about the date.. I saw that is begin the 26/04 and ends the 06/04 but now when I check the website I find that it's begin and end the 21/04 !!??13:33
czajkowskielacheche_anis: aye we were asked by head_victim as his team is having an event that weekend anyway and wanted to tie it in 13:34
czajkowskiPendulum: the reasle of 12.0413:34
czajkowskia way to mark the new release out 13:34
Pendulumczajkowski: huh?13:35
elacheche_anisczajkowski, why limit it to just one day?? Why change it from one week to just one day!13:35
czajkowskiPatero-ng: a way to mark the release of 12.0413:35
mhall119elacheche_anis: you can have a team event for it anytime13:36
czajkowskielacheche_anis: it's been fixed now 13:36
czajkowskiweird I know I set it t a week the last time 13:37
czajkowskiPendulum: me and tab complete are having a fail day 13:37
elacheche_anisczajkowski, so a release party must be the 21/04 not any other day??? mhall119 yeah I know but I'm talking about the RP dude :D13:37
czajkowskielacheche_anis: the reelase will be the 26th13:38
mhall119elacheche_anis: I mean you can have a release party any day13:38
czajkowskithats the offical day 13:38
czajkowskimost teams have it at the weekend 13:38
elacheche_anisczajkowski, check out the web page: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/13:38
czajkowskielacheche_anis: yes I know the page :) 13:39
elacheche_anisSo if we will do our RP the 29/04 that will be fine??13:39
mhall119elacheche_anis: if you go to "Add Team Event" from the global event's page, it'll limit your date choices to the global event's date, but if you go through your team's page, you can pick any date and still use the Release Party global event13:39
elacheche_anisGreat :D13:40
elacheche_anisThx mhall119 & czajkowski for the informations :D13:40
czajkowskinp 13:40
=== h00k_ is now known as h00k
jta_hey, isn't there a separate chat for the california loco?17:12
mhall119jta_: #ubuntu-us-ca?17:13
mhall119jta_: see http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california for more info on the california team17:14
jta_mhall119: i am looking at it already...and I don't see that...maybe I am going blind, lol...thanks : )17:14
mhall119jta_: it's the word-bubble icon17:14
mhall119next to resources17:15
mhall119there are also links to their wiki, mailing list,forums and website17:15
jta_mhall119: yes, that was it it looks like, thanks : )17:15
jta_ok, this is why...from the local main page i was sent to this page https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-california17:16
jta_i didn't realize those little circles were more than just a graphic, lmao...OOOPPS!  thanks again...have a great day : )17:17
senseIs there an Ubuntu WordPress theme?19:13
CrazyLemonthere is19:13
senseWhere can I find it?19:14
CrazyLemonits on launchpad19:14
senseFound it, thanks.19:16

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