=== eric_ is now known as LLStarks [06:28] hi, what's the current package for xulrunner sdk? [06:30] or is it gone? [06:37] nvm [10:59] Hi [11:00] i using linux mint debian edidion e i need install a reporty on my linux [11:00] for install the firefox [11:01] nuno_nunes, perhaps ask on a mint channel? [11:03] this error :S [11:04] to install reportory [11:04] check : http://pastebin.com/FvXqR1EH [12:43] chromium browser crashes on startup for me [12:44] chrisccoulson: who to blame/poke etc.? [13:42] asac - not sure. i don't do anything at all with chromium atm ;) [13:43] chrisccoulson: who owns that thing? [13:43] asac - nobody really owns it. micah does some uploads, but if you have a crash then you're probably better off just reporting it upstream [13:44] urgh [13:44] the current chromium browser crashes on startup [13:44] i doubt its just me [13:44] :) [13:44] i will just wait :) [13:44] asac, bug 929219? [13:44] Launchpad bug 929219 in glibc "chromium-browser crashed with SIGSEGV in __nscd_get_mapping()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/929219 [13:49] hmm [13:49] medium? [13:49] fun [13:49] thx [13:50] ah thats the non ubuntu project target [13:50] its high here [13:50] for real === vibhav is now known as vibhavp [17:49] asac: I think installing nscd is a workaround for the chromium crash, but it's a glibc issue [18:37] micahg: Do we know why Thunderbird not sitting in the Unity Launcher when its running? [18:38] bkerensa: huh? [18:39] wfm, but I added it to the launcher independently [18:42] micahg: When I launch Thunderbird and I click on the Thunderbird Icon in the Unity Launcher it does not bring Thunderbird to the front [18:43] bkerensa: wfm, but I'm in unity-2d [18:43] k === mightbereptar is now known as Omega [19:57] micahg: whats the status on the eglibc issue? do you know? [19:57] asac: no, just that it's assigned to doko [19:57] is it considered high prio? or is nscd considered to be installed by default? [19:57] no, nscd is just a workaround [19:57] I think it's targetted for precise as high [20:00] kk [20:00] well. if we think we have a chromium story we should fix it :) [20:00] 20:44 < kiko> lool, asac_: any clue why my java plugin in chromium complains about it being out of date? [20:00] micahg: any idea? [20:01] well, there's openjdk 7 now [20:01] also, it might be checking for the sun version [20:04] you mean if you install a global/packaged java and there is a newer upstream binary available on oracle site [20:04] you will get this notification? [20:04] idk, I'm not sure which notification this is [20:04] kk [20:05] nevermind [20:05] but do you know how this is supposed to work in principle? [20:06] well, technically, these plugin checks won't work anyway in Ubuntu since we patch the icedtea plugin as opposed to jumping to a new version