
adam_112I've setup a new frontend / backend. The tuner is an hdhomerun with CC. The PC is an Dual core running 24.2 of MythTv. The graphics card is a Nvida 8600. I can record and play fine. However, when I try to stream livetv is breaks up and I get errors. usually buffering or jump file. Anybody have any ideas. If got some log if somebody is interested.16:15
rhpot1991adam_112: using vdpau?16:35
adam_112Tried slim normal and high?  same results16:44
adam_1122012-03-25 22:42:24.358 HDHRSH(13128D8C-0) Error: UpdateFilters called in wrong tune mode  this error appears alot.16:44
adam_112That is on the backend.16:45
adam_112Frontend is seeing this - 2012-03-25 22:42:24.060 Player(0): Waited 100ms for video buffers AAdDdLAAAAAAAAAAA16:46
adam_1122012-03-25 22:42:24.102 Player(0), Error: Waited too long for decoder to fill video buffers. Exiting..16:46
adam_1122012-03-25 22:42:24.060 Player(0): Waited 100ms for video buffers AAdDdLAAAAAAAAAAA2012-03-25 22:42:24.102 Player(0), Error: Waited too long for decoder to fill video buffers. Exiting..16:46
adam_112Oops sorry double posted.16:46
rhpot1991adam_112: but recordings work fine?16:48
rhpot1991could be a network issue16:48
adam_112Yes.  I can record and play.  I thought of that but why would it record then?  The HDromrun is a network device.16:48
rhpot1991same channels on both?16:49
adam_112Only doing SD right now single stream.  So the traffice streams from the HD to the Myth box.  Then either records or play as liveTV?16:49
rhpot1991once upon a time there was a bug in livetv where it detected the size incorrectly and cause the wrong deinterlacer to be used16:50
adam_112I will look at the netowkr stuff again to be sure.  I checked and am not seeing and on the network side.  Running a Cisco 295016:50
rhpot1991you are running mythbuntu-repos?16:51
adam_112I'm running the latest version.  I downloaded the ISO and installed all the recommened updates.16:51
adam_112Would they be setup from the ISO based install?16:51
adam_112I didn't add anything from the ISO.   Running vanilla16:53
Zinn[www.mythbuntu.org] Mythbuntu Repositories | Mythbuntu16:53
rhpot1991install that and upgrade16:53
rhpot1991to make sure you have the latest mythtv release16:53
rhpot1991then see if the issue still remains16:53
adam_112how would I set that up?  I'm not a linux guru16:53
rhpot1991click on install and it should download the deb16:54
rhpot1991then open that16:54
rhpot1991and install16:54
rhpot1991then update16:54
adam_112so click on install the Mythbunto-repos package16:55
adam_112Then apt-get install16:56
adam_112apt-get update16:56
rhpot1991sudo apt-get update16:57
adam_112yes sudo  :)16:58
rhpot1991followed by sudo apt-get upgrade16:58
rhpot1991might need to sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if it leaves any off16:58
adam_112okay.  I'll try that.16:58
adam_112thanks for all the help!16:58
adam_112my keyboard is going wonky17:00
eddiefHi, I have a MythTV backend running under Slackware and I'm trying to use Mythbuntun on a laptop.  The frontend fails with a message saying that the timezones do not match.  How can I fix this problem???19:53
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