
bkerensaakgraner: ello06:27
dholbachgood morning07:09
akgranerbkerensa, hello11:13
pleia2akgraner: newsletter should be all ready except for security and stats12:27
akgranerpleia2, yep - just looked - will add that shortly and publish :-)13:47
MrChrisDruifakgraner; it seems the Unity Contributor meetings aren't held anymore. Is there a way to remove them from the Fridge?16:42
akgranerMrChrisDruif, from the Fridge or the Fridge Calendar?17:35
akgranersorry should have asked that sooner17:36
MrChrisDruifFridge Calendar17:37
MrChrisDruifI'ts got two entries on Wednesday, both are unnecessary17:37
akgranerok - I was looking at the Fridge and was like - um... :-)17:38
MrChrisDruifI already confirmed this with jcastro on #ubuntu-community-team17:38
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:20:27
SilverLionakgraner, good job - as always - mrs graner ;)20:28
akgranerawww thanks - y'all did all the hard work :-)20:29
* SilverLion did nothing but screw his source code for full circle :(20:29
akgranerI had to to this old school today as the script broke halfway through the test version for some reason20:29
akgranerSilverLion, thats work too20:29
SilverLionakgraner, u can say that loud :/20:30
SilverLionwill take ALL NIGHT AND TOMORROW TO FIX20:30
SilverLionsorry 4 caps20:30
SilverLiontyping one finger sucks :D20:30
MrChrisDruifWhy one finger?20:32
SilverLionMrChrisDruif, the other hand was full of chips ;)20:32
* SilverLion is watching International Table Tennis online during his coding breaks20:33
MrChrisDruifakgraner; did you get to removing those Unity Contributors meetings?20:33
akgranernope  - but I will :-)  I just have to login to the Calendar20:33
MrChrisDruifAlright ^_^20:33
MrChrisDruifI'll see it on my agenda then20:33
akgranernods - until later tonight at least20:34
akgranerbkerensa, did pleia2 show you how to run the script?20:34
akgranerif so can you run it just to see if it breaks this news letter for you as well20:35
akgranerit's going to be a few hours before I add it to the forums as I am going to have to format it by hand if the script breaks for you as well20:35
* MrChrisDruif is off shortly to bed20:36
akgranerMrChrisDruif, did jcastro tell you to remove that meeting?  I just pinged him to verify since he created it20:37
MrChrisDruifI asked him if he knew about the double entry earlier today20:37
bkerensaakgraner: she did and I took notes but my HDD failed the other day so I would need to be shown how again20:38
akgranerhmm I'm seeing one entry - which one is the wrong one20:38
MrChrisDruifMrChrisDruif> jcastro; did you notice the Unity Contributors Meeting is on the Fridge twice? <MrChrisDruif> Every week? <jcastro> no <jcastro> I don't think we've had that meeting in a while <jcastro> you can just remove it for now if you'd lik20:38
MrChrisDruifBoth can be removed20:38
akgranerremoving now20:39
MrChrisDruifGreat, awesome!20:42
MrChrisDruifThat cleans my agenda up quite nicely20:42
akgranerok I'll work on the Fridge and Forums posts in just a few then :-)20:42
akgranerback to work for a while :-)20:42
JoseeAntonioRteam, I just arrived home, I'm transferring the stats to the ES version21:29
JoseeAntonioRGuest25332: Jacky?21:35
JoseeAntonioRok, everything's done in the Spanish edition :)21:47

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