[18:46] mōrena koutou [20:04] morning [20:14] morning [20:24] is unity 3d broken in precise at the moment? [20:40] Sort of [20:40] If you mean the flashy thing [20:42] I ran unity --reset which fixed my current session. [20:45] hm no [20:45] if i try to log in to the 'unity' session i get a black screen [20:45] I can log in okay. [21:13] i keep thinking its sunday [21:13] morning all [21:14] feels more like monday to me, but that's mostly due to the public holiday yesterday [21:18] eh? [21:20] ibeardslee: confused? [21:21] Otago Anniversary day? [21:21] yep [21:22] mwhudson: works for me - what happens if you run unity manually from a VT? [21:23] thomi: log in to the unity session, then c-a-f1 and run 'unity' ? [21:23] mwhudson: that hsould do it. Add a '&' at the end if you wan tyour VT back again [21:24] ...please excuse my poor typing. not enough coffee.... or maybe too much. [21:24] biab then [21:25] BTW, what's with the website linked in the channel topic? [21:25] * thomi was expecting more purple... [21:27] someone needs to put in an RT ticket, I guess [21:28] thomi: so... [21:29] thomi: i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/901208/ [21:29] mwhudson: I take it unity doesn't start? [21:29] thomi: i think there is _something_ running when i log in, the cursor changes to the window resizing shape where the empathy window usually appears [21:30] thomi: no, the process exits [21:30] (didn't check exit status, come to think of it) [21:30] hmmmm [21:33] mwhudson: do you have a ~/.compiz-1 directory? One thing to try is move that to somewhere else (or just delete it). Anotehr thing to try is to run unity --reset on a VT [21:33] thomi: i do have a .compiz-1 directory [21:34] ...a third thing to try is make sure you have the very latest version - I had issues with unity over the weekend, but it's working much better this morning [21:34] current version is 5.8.0-0ubuntu1 [21:34] i did that last thing already :) [21:34] unity 5.8.0-0ubuntu2 [21:34] thomi: i am even more in the future than you, it seems [21:35] O.0 [21:35] biab [21:36] thomi: seems unity --reset did it [21:40] cool [21:42] I had tried that when I had some unity problems .. it wasn't until I acutally managed to install compizconfig-settings-manager and use that to reset to defaults that it actually came right [21:42] unity --reset just never seemed to complete [21:43] i really hope i can keep ccsm as far away from my machine as possible [21:43] well ok, I wouldn't expect it to still be going 10 minutes later [21:43] it's a bit worrying that you should even need to --reset [21:45] yeah, I agree [21:47] aside from the handful of bugs I'm whinged to thomi about, unity has been pretty stable for me :) [21:48] it's working great now [21:49] it was some madness with the initial upgrade [21:49] * ajmitch does have some other bugs to file about it though [21:49] and discovering that the video card on my home PC is no longer deemed to be good enough for Unity 3d [21:49] heh [21:49] what is it? [21:50] ibeardslee: if you're feeling brave you can try unity3d with software rendering. I'd have to look up how to enable it though. [21:52] ajmitch: not sure, some nvidia geforce, 256MB I think [21:52] surely that should be good enough still [21:59] it was good enough in Natty [22:00] oneiric told me it wasn't good enough so was dropping down to 2d [22:05] ibeardslee: it sounds like maybe the drivers weren't loaded? I'd be surprised if it wasn't good enough anymore [22:08] the nvidia drivers are installed [22:19] morning [22:24] wow, is it me or is Thunderbird a really really bad e-mail client these days? [22:25] trying to compose an e-mail w/ quoting, and I delete a line the wrong way it reformats the entire plain text e-mail :S [22:26] sounds FAB [22:35] haven't been near a graphical MUA in a couple of years now :) [22:36] (unless you count gmail's web interface i guess) [22:40] I generally avoid Thunderbird .. mainly so I can go "I don't use it" when people get upset when lightning is not compatible with their current version of thunderbird [22:44] yeah, I normally just use mutt tbh, but I get so low volume on this account, that I use a GUI app, in the past I've used Evolution [22:48] morning [22:55] at work I have evolution installed for work email and claws for connecting to my personal email