[05:50] Can someone confirm that I made that ban correctly? ( +b *!*@$#ubuntu-ops ) ? [07:14] CFHowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (seven1) [07:15] CFHowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (jkid) [07:19] I just banned that seven1 in +1, but Ive kinda got hands full with elodi here, so if some one could pm nd talk to him that would be nice [07:19] jussi: What is there to talk about? [07:20] Jordan_U: explain, even though he is being silly, still need to try talk to him rationally [07:21] jussi: OK, will do. [07:21] thanks [07:21] You're welcome. [07:24] Unfortunately they've apparently already quit. [08:07] hey all... [08:08] Loving: Hi. [08:08] visit http://punya-rizal.blogspot.com/ [08:09] how about NO [08:09] stop spamming our channels [08:10] wkwkwkwk.... [08:13] s/our//g [08:13] gry: fairy nuff [08:14] hehe [08:20] What advantages than debian ubuntu [08:22] karamba called the ops in #ubuntu (help me i got a problem) [08:23] He has several of those. [08:27] spectrall called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (go sniffing glue :D) [08:28] is he doing it elsewhere? [08:29] Loving, depends on what you consider "advantages" [08:29] You're also better asking this in #ubuntu-offtopic [08:32] better to use ubuntu or debian [08:34] Loving, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic [08:34] Loving, you can ask that question there. [08:41] In #ubuntu-offtopic, AtomicSpark said: !pie is PIE PIE PIE, mmm PI PI PI http://ikanobori.jp/storage/pi_e.jpg or http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3663/3358637054_9f756a3615.jpg [08:42] what is it? [08:44] administration stuff you don't need to see. you're in the wrong channel. you should be in #ubuntu-offtopic [08:58] forum for what gnacktrack? [08:58] Loving: you really don't get it. DO NOT SPAM US WITH THE LINK TO YOUR BLOG [08:58] WE ARE NOT INTERESTED. [09:00] ststststst...... [09:08] why [09:08] Loving: do you understand that the #ubuntu channel is a support channel? [09:08] for technical support only? [09:08] Users with technical questions and others helping them [09:10] Loving: the #ubuntu channels (#ubuntu-offtopic as well) are community channels [09:10] not for your personal benefit [09:10] Loving: so we cannot allow others to post links to their personal pages, blogs etc [09:10] Loving: do you understand? [09:16] not yet [09:17] where are you from? [09:20] أنا من العربي [09:21] من فضلك لا البريد المزعج أو الإعلان على الدردشة؟ [09:23] 私は愛する、愛する洞 [09:24] no. [09:37] watashi wa ai suru, ai suru ??? [09:37] i can understand enough to understand he's a troll, i can stop learning [14:37] sheenz has said nothing on topic I have seen === h00k_ is now known as h00k [15:16] can you transfer apps using this app [15:16] I read that a few times myself. [15:16] weird questions: is Mac OS free for dl? and the like [15:16] he means d c c etc [15:17] I got that, after mr-squidley's answer. [15:17] * LjL always rolls eyes a bit at mangling of "Щ©" [17:12] is there like a bit viewer or something? [17:12] 0 [17:13] does that make sense? [17:13] 0 [17:38] heh [17:39] that looks like ansi from earlier, with the tightvnc issue [17:39] rather different host. [17:41] whoops you're right [18:34] fuduntu? [18:34] fedora respin [18:34] made to look like... [18:34] I see [18:34] ARCH64! [18:34] Unbelievable Performance [18:35] Debian Edition [18:35] ?? [18:35] MUST HAVE NOW [18:35] kidding... [18:36] I feel old :( [18:36] ubuntu of course [18:37] featured on omgwebupd8 [18:38] free keygen? [18:38] heh yeah [18:38] Nautilus-Elementary =') [18:38] need a cd crack though [18:40] maybe I should switch to freebsd [18:48] Wait, I probably still have a SCO openserver 5.0.4 cd [18:56] oCean: Solaris FTW [18:57] there's even a tru64 disc, but I don't have an Alpha cpu :( [18:58] I had an alphastation 500 once [19:04] OBSD/m68k in a cardboard box here. not booted for >3 years. === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [22:56] !guidelines > boram [23:22] so can i be unbanned today? [23:23] how do you feel after yesterdays act? [23:23] does it feel likely? [23:30] M4dH4TT3r, no, and not for atleast 6 months. [23:30] Please part this channel and don't come back until September