
jdstrandhallyn: fyi, jjohansen1 is working through it over the weekend, but it won't be tonight00:05
jdstrandhallyn: last I heard he is striving for tomorrow midday (CDT)00:06
jjohansen1oh please, no.  I am striving for tonight, so it can be uploaded as soon as people come online tomorrow.  I believe it is actually working now, but I added new regressions tests and some are failing and I am debugging through it.00:16
twbBallpark, what's the typical total throughput in gbps or tbps for a larga data center or IXP?00:39
jdstrandjjohansen1: I more meant striving for the package being available by midday, but I'll prepare/test/upload when you are ready00:51
oApocalypsehello i have a samba permission issue can anyone help00:52
seekwillWhat's the problem?00:53
oApocalypsewell i have the availability to read but not write00:53
seekwillsmbd.conf ? ls -la /path/to/folder ?00:53
oApocalypsethe way i have it set in smb im utilizing username map also00:55
oApocalypsebut ill tell u what i have set as far as the share00:55
oApocalypsesecurity is set to user00:55
oApocalypsecreate mask = 0770 writable = yes valid user =@mygroup  guest ok = no read only = no00:56
seekwillwritable = yes00:56
seekwillPastebin works better :)00:56
oApocalypsewhen i rightclick in putty it pastes it over and over lol00:57
oApocalypsemind u im new so all i have for experience is reading00:57
oApocalypsei have a workgroup set also00:57
oApocalypsei tried to get to it from a non work group computer00:57
oApocalypseit asked me for credentials i entered valid group credentials and its still read only00:58
oApocalypsethe device itself has permissions set at 0770 also00:58
seekwillWhat does ls -la /path/to/dir show?00:59
oApocalypseroot group and 4096?01:00
oApocalypseagain not fluent in linux :P01:00
oApocalypsebut i think thats 0770 lol01:00
oApocalypsegroup being the group that i set of course01:00
seekwillCopying and pasting the output of the command helps01:01
oApocalypsehow to on putty01:01
oApocalypseit doesnt give optioin01:01
seekwillGive the option for what?01:02
oApocalypse# ls -la /Share01:02
oApocalypsetotal 801:02
oApocalypsedrwxr-xr-x  2 root torrent 4096 2012-03-25 13:21 .01:02
oApocalypsedrwxr-xr-x 24 root root    4096 2012-03-25 13:17 ..01:02
oApocalypse-rw-r--r--  1 root torrent    0 2012-03-25 13:21 test01:02
seekwillYour torrent user group does not have permission to write01:03
seekwillIt's not 77001:03
seekwillchmod -R 770 /Share01:03
oApocalypseur the man01:04
oApocalypseok where do u see this01:04
seekwilldrwxr-xr-x  2 root torrent 4096 2012-03-25 13:21 .01:04
seekwill. is the current directory01:04
seekwilldrwxr-xr- : 'd' it's a directory, 'rwx' read write execute for the owner (root in this case) 'r-x' read and execute (no write)01:05
oApocalypseheres another question01:05
seekwillOh, you've used up your question allocation for the day01:05
oApocalypsewhy can i access this outside of the workgroup if i credentials01:05
oApocalypsedamn next time01:06
seekwillWhat do you mean?01:06
oApocalypsewell i have a desktop off the workgroup01:06
oApocalypseand i was able to get onto it01:07
oApocalypseshouldnt me defining a workgroup only allow those on the same workgroup01:07
seekwillWorkgroups aren't really security groups01:07
seekwillFrom my understanding at least01:07
oApocalypseno for instance i created a folder in this directory01:08
seekwillWhat directory?01:08
oApocalypsein /Share01:08
oApocalypsewith one of my usernames01:08
seekwillI can't see your screen (not yet at least, give me a sec), so you need to be specific01:08
oApocalypse# ls -la /Share01:09
oApocalypsetotal 1201:09
oApocalypsedrwxrwx---  3 root torrent 4096 2012-03-25 21:04 .01:09
oApocalypsedrwxr-xr-x 24 root root    4096 2012-03-25 13:17 ..01:09
oApocalypsedrwxr-xr-x  2 mike mike    4096 2012-03-25 21:04 New folder01:09
oApocalypse-rwxrwx---  1 root torrent    0 2012-03-25 13:21 test01:09
oApocalypsedoes that mean new folder will be only accessable by mike?01:10
seekwillMike is such a troublemaker...01:10
oApocalypseyea i hate him01:10
seekwillPastebin your smbd config01:10
seekwillThe part about your share01:10
seekwillBut yeah, that's what it means01:11
seekwillI'm guessing you want to make this directory "public" for anyone who is in the torrent group?01:11
a5m0if i got one of the 12.04 beta downloads would it update itself to the final release at a later date?01:13
oApocalypse comment = torrent drive01:13
oApocalypse path = /Share01:13
oApocalypse create mask = 077001:13
oApocalypse writeable = yes01:13
oApocalypse valid user = @torrent01:13
oApocalypse guest ok = no01:13
oApocalypse read only = no01:13
seekwillPastebin works great :)01:14
shaunoa5m0: that's the plan, but there's no guarantees you might accumulate some 'cruft'. I prefer a clean install for production, but upgrading from beta does work01:15
oApocalypselol i have to copy to clipboard then edit it so no its a pain in the ass01:15
oApocalypsewhats pastebin01:15
seekwilloApocalypse: You paste all that to a webpage, and it gives you a URL. You paste just the URL here01:17
seekwilloApocalypse: Did you check this? http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smb.conf.5.html for config options?01:17
oApocalypsewhat my question is  will things i put into a directory other than folders ahve that same read write bullshit01:18
=== Jasonn is now known as juicy
locusehi.  i installed my 1st ubuntu-server 10.04LTS instance, for production use with Zimbra.  so far so good.  i want to stay as much as possible "on" the LTS release (+security updates) -- but would like to upgrade to the latest possible openssh (v5.9).  is that possible with the 10LTS release?  i.e. just one package, without derailing the 'rest' of the LTS release?01:23
seekwilllocuse: Why do you want to?01:32
locuseseekwill: i want access to features in newer versions of openssh.  e.g., multiple AuthorizedKeyFiles + auto fallback ...01:33
seekwillI believe you can upgrade that without breaking everything else.01:33
locuseseekwill: at least worth a shot ... where's the "right place" in ubuntu-land (i'm used to opensuse, til now) for finding and installing a "latest" openssh package/repo that would install into 10LTS?01:35
seekwilllocuse: I'm not sure on Ubuntu either, but I'd check 12.04 LTS to see if it comes with the version of openssh you want, then you won't have to go through this :)  If that fails, see if there's a precompiled package in a repo somewhere.01:37
=== Arc_ is now known as a5m0
locuseseekwill: atm, Zimbra is !supported on 12.04LTS, hence the issue ...01:38
locuseeventually, sure -- but not until "at least April", iiuc01:38
seekwillCan you live without that feature till then? :)01:39
seekwillIf you don't find any other repos that you trust, I'd set up another 10.04LTS machine as your dev machine (you should have one already) and roll your own package, then deploy the .deb to your prod machine01:40
locuseseekwill: unfortunately, i suspect the 'old' ssh is a source of a problem.  if i have to, i'll build openssh in /usr/local and be done with it ...01:40
locusehaven't *ever* rolled a .deb ...01:40
seekwillI haven't either! :) I'm assuming it's the same as rolling an RPM though01:41
locuseseekwill: heh, apparently nothing is the same upon switching distros! ;-)01:44
locuseseekwill: closer -> https://launchpad.net/~jamon/+archive/backports.  it's v58, not v59 ...01:47
oApocalypsety for help seekwill ive found a workaround01:47
seekwilllocuse: doh!01:48
seekwilloApocalypse: Nice :)01:48
oApocalypseany idea why a 1tb drive would show up at 160gb networks share?01:48
locuseseekwill: is that a good "doh", or a bad "doh"?01:49
hallynjdstrand: thanks for that info01:49
twblocuse: IIRC multiple authorized keys files are supported in lucid's openssh-server...01:50
locusetwb is 'lucid' 104LTS?01:51
twblucid = 10.04 LTS, yes.01:51
locusetwb: tried it, didn't work -- complains about "garbage" in the config file if i add a second authkeyfile ...01:52
twbWell, I could be wrong01:52
twbI thought I tested it for monkeysphere01:53
locusetwb: as i understand it, didn't arrive til v5.9 -> http://lists.debian.org/debian-ssh/2011/09/msg00014.html01:53
twbFair enough01:53
locusethe server i installed has v5.301:53
locusebasically ancient01:53
twbI can confirm that01:54
michaelh1Hey, does anyone know who in Ubuntu creates the ARM UEC images http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/ and the tool used?01:59
locusehm, this looks like a path to a newer-openssh deb ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/100840/openssh-5-9p1-on-ubuntu-11-1001:59
twbmichaelh1: try #ubuntu-arm02:00
michaelh1twb: will do02:01
oApocalypsewhy would a hd i shared looks like a 142gb hd02:01
oApocalypsedoes samba segment the drive automatically for different users02:02
twbuupdate -v 5.9p1 /root/packages/openssh/openssh-5.9p1.tar.gz02:04
twblocuse: would be better to cherry-pick the package from precise or whatever02:04
hallynstgraber: I'm about to push an lxc that temporariliy does the temp proc mounting to fix your issue.  i'll leave it to you to do what's needed to get it through?02:33
twbhallyn: push it to all of ubuntu, or a staging/experimental area?02:34
hallynall of ubuntu02:35
twbThat sounds suboptimal for a temporary test...02:35
hallynican push it to staging area in the meantime...02:35
hallynit's not a temp test02:35
hallynit's a temp fix until a dependency gets fixed02:35
twbah, ok02:35
stgraberhallyn: ok, btw, jjohansen1 is planning an apparmor upload tomorrow morning02:37
hallynoh i thought it was afternoon02:37
hallynstgraber: it's up to you02:37
hallyni'll happily wait02:37
hallynless work and risk for me02:37
hallynbut this is working (finally.  two days of one little stupid mistake after another)02:38
jjohansen1hallyn: it was but I got some failures in new regression tests I added am working through them, I think most of them are actually in the tests but I want to make sure all the regressions are working02:38
hallynjjohansen1: sorry i'm not following - so now it's going to morning or afternoon?02:38
hallynmind you i'm not trying to rush you :)02:39
jjohansen1hallyn: I will have the upload waiting for when jdstrand comes on in the morning02:39
locusetwb seekwill thanks, will dig in precise.02:39
stgraberhallyn: can you push to a separate branch so we have it around just in case?02:40
hallynjjohansen1: ok, thanks.  stgraber: so i'll wit?02:40
stgraberI'll be in #ubuntu-release all week, so I'll check for the apparmor upload and do the required nagging to get it in, making sure it fixes the problem here and then rebuild all the images02:41
jjohansen1stgraber: yeah I can setup another branch in a bit, I was just heading to dinner02:41
stgraberjjohansen1, hallyn: Thanks for tracking this one down and fixing it so quickly02:41
hallynstgraber: lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/precise/lxc/lxc-aa-proc02:50
twbgrumble grumble direct root logins not enabled with keys, grumble02:55
hallyndenied from sshd_config ?02:56
twbjust allowedusers cyber@<my class C> and *@<customer NAT class C>02:57
hallynyeah i seem to recall that slowing me down when i was testing some remote libvirt stuff that required root02:57
twbThe most important case is: ssh root@foo tar -C /foo | ssh root@bar tar -C / -x02:57
twbBecause in that case both ends need to be root and you can't easily talk to stdin to escalate through e.g. sudo02:58
twb(Yes, you could use netcat, but that would send the tarball as cleartext over the networl.)02:58
hallynso you netcat to a local port from whcih you forward through ssh, and ...02:59
hallyni think i'm done for the day.  it's been just a pathetic performance on my part.  i'm embarassed.  (or would be, if anyone'd been watching)03:00
hallyngnight all03:00
=== Arc_ is now known as a5m0
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
twbI have a PHP weenie who is currently OOMing his allocated resources by running PHP lucene.  He suggests migrating to solr, but AFAICT that needs an entire tomcat stack, AND he'll still be running the rest of his app in PHP, so I'm not sure how this would be a win05:37
twbAm I right?  Would solr be a pointless memory hog?05:38
imbrandontwb: no solr is worth it06:02
imbrandonand the php solr api too that makes it more so06:03
twbThis is not some ecommmerce site or anything, it's a flipping issue tracker for a ten-person company06:03
twbIf it was up to me there the solution would be "STFU if you want body searches, use the IMAP backend"06:04
imbrandonthat sounds like it would need it more than a ecommerce site06:04
twbI'm not happy about him using PHP either, but I was overruled for that one host06:04
imbrandontwb: heh i think you might be on the wrong end of the stick this time, what version of php and whats does your metrics like new relic say the memeory is ued by06:05
imbrandonrearely php casues it06:05
twbI was getting OOM reports from lucene via syslog06:05
imbrandonyea i hear that part06:05
twbGimme  a minute and I'll pull them up for you, just got to deal with this (unrelated) security fuckup first...06:06
imbrandonbut thats just the straw06:06
imbrandonthat broke its back06:06
imbrandonyou need the metrics06:06
lifelesstwb: solr is a good thing, decouples your bits, will have less overhead on starting up php, lets you query it from other languages etc06:06
twbBut it DOES mean I need a stupid jvm and tomcat, right?06:07
imbrandonwell yea but if done properly it will be much better06:07
twbWill tomcat even fit into a 1GB RAM VM?06:07
imbrandondo you have a sysadmin handy ?06:07
twbI am the sysadmin06:07
twbIt's my job to say "no" to the devs06:07
lifelessthats sad06:07
imbrandonohhh you called a coder whinnie and tomcat stupid06:07
imbrandonthose are very nice tools if used properly06:08
imbrandonsolar and php both can be setup to not use a ton of ram06:08
twbimbrandon: all of "web app" space is stupid a priori, but tomcat is especially stupid because I am called in all the time to customer sites where it wants like 8GB of RAM just to do some trivial job for half-a-dozen users06:08
imbrandontry apc and memcache and then run newrelic to see where itss actually going06:08
twbthis "newrelic" stuff is a property of what, php or lucene?06:09
lifelesstwb: so use a lighter weight container, or get your instrumentation up and look at the data06:09
twblifeless: they're LXC containers already06:09
lifelessnewrelic is a company that runs a webstat instrumentation service06:09
imbrandonties code metrics, it watches all kinda of code06:09
imbrandonass see whats taking cpu ram disk io06:10
lifelesstwb: nothing to do with LXC. Java container.06:10
imbrandonetc down to the functino06:10
twblifeless: I don't even have java installed yet!06:10
lifelessI get that06:10
lifelessbut you are ranting about something you don't have the basic terminology for.06:10
lifelessperhaps you should spend a little time learning :)06:10
imbrandonnewrelic is totaly seperate, think of it like a tool, its not a part of the stack06:10
twblifeless: so far it has been easier to install infrastructure that isn't bloated by default06:11
lifelesstwb: thus my suggestion to use a different container06:11
lifelessanyhoo, I have to run, ciao06:11
imbrandoni dont know of a nother j2ee stack thats lighter than tomcat :) maybe try glasssfish ?06:11
imbrandonl8tr lifeless06:11
twbDoes "j2ee" also imply it would have to be Sun java?06:12
lifelessimbrandon: spring06:12
imbrandonj2ee is a api for java06:12
twbWell at least there's that.  Oracle are also on my shit list06:12
imbrandonlifeless: ahhh , mostly just deal with the java bridge in zend server06:13
imbrandonlast few years06:13
lifelessimbrandon: also there is jboss06:13
lifelessand there is another one whose name escapes me just now, that jenkins uses by default06:13
imbrandonoh yea i actually forgot about that one, jboss is pretty sweet06:14
imbrandonthought jenkins was on tomcat default06:14
imbrandonmaybe not though06:14
imbrandoni set it up and forgot about it :)06:14
twblifeless: ah, you meant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_container (right?)06:15
imbrandonbtw : 06:07 < twb> It's my job to say "no" to the devs  <--- you need to do a little more reasearch on your job then, i dont know of anyone who's job it is to tell devs "no" except a CIO, DevOps or in your case sounds like Ops is there to facilitate the developer doing their job while protecting the companies intrest, even if you did have a propblem with a developers way of doing things its still above the ops paygrade to make the call 06:17
twbI can assign myself a different title if you prefer :-)06:18
imbrandonwould no make a diffrence if that is how you look at the developers and you ARE in power over them, either A) you dont trust them and that should end the relationship right there, why have someone work under you you dont trust, or B you cant fire them and your overestimating your power over them06:20
imbrandonso its moot06:21
twbI don't trust the webdev because he's an idiot, but I don't have the power to sack him06:21
imbrandonah then eat humble pie and do your job06:21
twbI have the power to say to management "I recommend option <B> because it is not retarded"06:21
imbrandonas in learn how to make a java stack06:21
twbThat may well be option B, but if the webdev is only recommending solr because he read about it on reddit, it is my job to determine if there is a better solution06:22
imbrandonok well this isnt productive, we could go on all day, if you have some more tech questions i'd love to help06:22
twbWhere "better" doesn't necessarily mean "faster" but e.g. could mean more secure06:22
imbrandonand if you think solr is something from reddit and never heard of newrelic you sorely need to brush up on your ops skills06:23
imbrandoni understand exactly what it means , been at this almost 20 years06:23
imbrandoni do need to stop the back and fourth though, its disruptive in here, i'm happy to help technicly if you want recomendatinos on a good setup06:25
imbrandonbut cant contiunue the back and fourth06:25
twbShrug.  So far your suggestions have been to profile and find out where the problem actually like (agreed); and that solr is worth the overhead of learning to administer a java web stack (of which I'm still not convinced).06:27
twbIf and when I establish that java really is needed / worth it, I'll be happy to discuss ricing it up06:27
imbrandonthats your call, i can tell you i implmented it this week , publicly, on a site with about 10.7 million hits a month06:27
imbrandonand its all documented on the whos and whys06:28
imbrandonif you want the papers and links06:28
twbI'm not interested in scaling to internet-sized systems06:29
imbrandonno but it sounds like you need to scale to one, and this was done on 2 machines, one web with 4gb ram total and one db mysql from oracle06:29
imbrandonthus it would still apply06:30
imbrandonhonestly man, i';m not here to sell you on anything, i juist can tell you what my experince is and what i have to back that up, i have no need for you to beleaive me06:30
twbI'm not interested in infrastructure that would ALLOW me to scale to that size if it requires deploying infrastructure with which I'm not familiar.06:30
imbrandontake my adive or leave it , i'm not paid to be here :)06:31
imbrandonright but when your comfort zone dose not include a basic server like a java stack, or a solid php stack then i have shakey feeling your gonna find anything your familiar with to deploy06:32
imbrandonor you wouldnent be here06:32
twbServer ≠ web server06:32
imbrandonsure sure, semantics06:33
imbrandonyou knew exactly what i mean06:33
twbWhat I babysit is mostly LDAP, postfix, dovecot, NFS, samba, etc.06:33
imbrandonthen grab your nearest web dude even if you dont trust him and have some faith06:34
imbrandonthere is no replacement for expertise06:34
twbThat would be you :-)06:34
imbrandonwell i'm trying man but i'm getting shot down every corner by some 1999Linux users way of thinking06:35
imbrandonbut i'mm willing to look past it06:35
twbIt is fair to say that IMO CLI beats GUI beats web UI :-)06:35
imbrandonand dont get me wrong , i started using linux with rh 4 arround 96ish :)06:35
imbrandoni'm in irrssi and screen now06:36
imbrandonthat dont mean i cant keep up with the latest trends of ohh say the last decade06:36
imbrandonthis stuff isnt new man06:36
imbrandonits proven tech06:36
imbrandoni'm not saying go run nginx06:36
twbI've done that06:37
imbrandonas have i, take a gander at brandonholtsclaw.com , just posed about it yesterday06:37
imbrandoni'm gonna grab a soda, when i get back lets start over and see if we cant get you workin here06:37
imbrandonback in ~5 min06:38
twbbtw newrelic appears to be newrelic.com, and AFAICT that's not DFSG-free so it would be an automatic fail here06:40
imbrandonits a service, what does dfsgfree have to do with it06:40
twbThe actual ITS, which has been written by generations of work experience students, is http://allocpsa.net (darcs get --lazy http://dev.allocpsa.net )06:41
imbrandonand no theirs or any other metric provider that is not you looking over syslogs wont be either06:41
twbI'm currently using logcheck and collectd06:42
imbrandonrember your paiying for their time, ever herd the joke about the man that hit the furnis and charged $1000, the customer balked and the man said its $1 for the hammer and $999 for knowing where to hit it06:42
imbrandontwb: right but you cant tell me where the memory was going06:43
imbrandone.g. able to intrreprit them06:43
twbIf you just mean which process, sure, I could do that06:43
imbrandoni mean what function in what context06:43
imbrandonand how man calls to it06:43
imbrandonand was it cacheed06:43
imbrandonand if so where in apc or memcache06:44
imbrandonor redis06:44
imbrandonor ......06:44
imbrandonyea lots more to it than just the process , and i'm not the expert06:44
twbRight, that is the kind of problem I leave to the webdev because it's happening inside his web stack06:44
twbs/leave /normally leave/06:44
imbrandonthats not a web dev problem though , you are the one with the tools, like newrelic06:44
imbrandonyou job dont stop at the stack man, thats the bigest downfall most sysops make06:45
twbwell, normally profiling within the app would require loading magic inside the app, not just reading syslog06:45
imbrandonno it requires loading magic on the server to intercept the calls at the cpu06:46
twbAnd/or compiling the app (or the interpreter) with CFLAGS += -g and shoving it through gdb06:46
imbrandonin the app does no good06:46
imbrandoncuz then you modify the app06:46
imbrandonno and no06:46
imbrandonthats the way it was done a few 10 years ago or so06:46
imbrandonVT is all new now06:46
twbVT as in Intel VT-x?06:47
imbrandonyea thats what i was refering to06:47
imbrandoncrap phone one sec man06:47
twbI'm already using that to isolate containers from one another06:47
imbrandoni was getting at intercepting the calls there, you want to do it in a way that you DONT modify the code06:47
imbrandone.g. with a newrelic type module06:48
imbrandonif not them similar06:48
twbHow is that different from strace and/or gdb ?06:48
imbrandonbecause your modifyting the code when recompiling it diffrent06:48
twbOr are you talking about instrumenting the PHP interpreter?  I'm a little confused.06:48
imbrandonand yes06:49
imbrandonand really the whole server not just the php runtime, it hasent been an intrepiter since php 306:49
imbrandonwe're are 5.4 now06:49
twbIf you're instrumenting the PHP runtime, you're inherently changing the runtime.  I grant you, that you're not changing the PHP app, i.e. the code written in PHP stays the same.06:50
imbrandonright but without the code changes, i am not enough of an expert to shoot down your every retort on this subjkect but i do konw if you research it a bit06:51
imbrandonit IS the way to go06:51
imbrandonand stop saying php, i mean EVERY PROCESS06:51
imbrandonmysql , top, w, whatever is runnining on the box06:52
imbrandonall of it at the cpu level06:52
twbSo what, you're saying run that instead of kvm?06:52
imbrandonwell sorta, depends on the kvm you are refering to but bsicly yes06:52
imbrandonthats what new relic does06:52
imbrandonthan then chomps all the info and gives it to you in a way you can actually make actions on06:53
twbI'm surprised that gives meaningful information06:53
imbrandonlike let me finish i'm still on the phone but when i'm done i'll show you my new relic console06:53
twbSure sure06:53
imbrandonand show you the actionalble data06:53
imbrandonand why an approach like this is so much more than just sysog etc, in other words you wouldne tbe here, you would be a) making a java server cuz he was undenyably right,m or shoveing what exact part of the code is broken in his face, but this time with solid proof06:55
imbrandonnot a fillled log06:55
imbrandonthat could have filled with anything then boke the camels back on that06:55
imbrandonor hell it could be a php bug its self and not his code06:55
imbrandonthats what we'll beable to see at a glance06:55
imbrandonthats HARD to do with sysslog06:56
imbrandonback, ok give me sec to get the newrelic up07:01
twbbtw, the actual (unhelpful) error that sparked this is:07:02
twb[Fri Jul 01 12:53:09 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 80 bytes) in /var/www/alloc-stage/zend/Zend/Search/Lucene.php on line 1136, referer: https://alloc-stage.cyber.com.au/task/taskList.php?07:02
imbrandonyea all that means is the setting in the php.ini is too low07:03
imbrandonok got a browser up ?07:03
twbWell, the web dev said we should 1) increase the cap; and 2) migrate from PHP lucene to solr07:03
imbrandonyup, hes right on both07:04
imbrandonon most prod boxes i set it about 512m07:04
imbrandonand then never think twice about not using solar07:04
twbThat feels like giving up07:04
imbrandonsolr is likeapche of search07:05
twbWell, it *is* apache solr/lucene :-)07:05
imbrandontwb: you got to loose that feeling man, it only will drive ya nuts, i am not saying give in to eveyr little whim or 8gb for 3 users07:05
imbrandonbut both of those are VERY VERY reasonalble requests07:06
imbrandonlike so reasonable i'm suprise YOU dident sugest them to him07:06
twbWell, he said that php lucene is loading the entire lucene db into memory in ever php process, and I went "WTF GTFO"07:06
imbrandonwell only about half right07:07
imbrandonbut yea07:07
imbrandonthats now the the zf1 ( what your using ther e) works07:07
twbYou don't give in to design like that, you put your foot down and say "go back and do it properly"07:07
imbrandonzf2 and php 5.3 does a much better job and 5.4 even more so07:07
twbphp5.3 here07:08
imbrandontwb: thats just it there is no proberly unless its from anther stack, that IS properly07:08
twbHe's using a convenience copy of lucene so I can't easily see what version07:08
imbrandonand thats when i tell a sysop that tells me know to start packing his desk cuz as soon as i'm off the phone with his boss thats what would happen07:08
imbrandonexactly twb and he is trying to get you to load the industry best practice of solr07:09
imbrandonthat you scoff at07:09
imbrandonso what is he SUPOSSE tyo do07:09
twbimbrandon: well, the "right" way would be a separate process that PHP talks to via a socket or port, and it just runs continuously and responds to requests.07:09
imbrandoncode it in asm >07:09
twbWhich I grant you is AIUI what solr does, I just have a knee-jerk reaction to deploying java to SOLVE memory issues07:09
imbrandonphp dont work like that, thats what things like solar and nodjs loadn hals are for07:10
imbrandonexactly what they are for07:10
twbloadn hals?07:11
imbrandontwb: this gut feeling and kneejerk reaction is what is kiling you , not the dev, have you actually profiled modern j2ee stacks ?07:11
twbmy experience with j2ee stacks is limited to customers asking me to increase their mail or web server's allocation from 8GB to 16GB because "8GB isn't enough [for ten users]"07:11
twbOh and asking me to restart it when it crashes07:12
imbrandonthat may have been the case of java is a hog long ago, but vb6 was shittly long ago, and so was php, now php runs 2 of the 3 most traffic websites on the planet, with that kinda of backing you can bet your not the first sysabmin to have this issue, you just need to fiund who solved it best07:12
twbAFAICT the "solutions" for PHP, at least, are to put a great big honking caching reverse proxy in front of it07:13
imbrandontwb: the more you talk them more i would be scared to work at your company, it soulds like youve been at the same desk since 1999 and not left per se and learned anything new07:13
imbrandonno its to run FPM actually07:13
imbrandonand a little reverse microcache maybe07:13
twbIs that the fancy new stuff that byte-compiles PHP to an IR?07:14
imbrandonand php has been mytecode compiled since zend engine 107:14
imbrandone.g. php 4.0.007:14
imbrandonits now "fancy nerw stuff"07:14
twbOh *that* fpm07:14
imbrandonphp 4.0.0 came out what 12 years ago07:15
imbrandoni konw i keep saying it man but your your own worst enemey here , i almost need to checdk if i'm just being trolled07:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #965022 in openssh (main) "ssh crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96502207:15
imbrandontwb: fpm a.k.a fast page module, a.k.a fastcgi07:16
imbrandonnot a new tech07:16
imbrandonmaybe a new name and a new way to implment it07:16
imbrandonbut been arround ages07:16
imbrandonand if you need a reverse proxy its probably apache killing you not the php07:17
imbrandonas demonstrated in that blogpost07:17
imbrandon, ok i have my passwd on newrelic set to a temp one if you wanna poike arround a little07:17
twbmsg me the credentials or something?07:18
imbrandonits running on my blog that i just deployed 2 days ago and not been optimized yet, so lots of nice little errors and such to see07:18
imbrandonone sec07:18
twbI log in from newrelic.com, or from your site?07:19
twbhm, might as well use a GUI browser...07:20
imbrandonyou'll want the app that says brandonholtsclaw.com zerox@linode07:20
imbrandonuh yea07:20
twbIt's listing dev/live/test no brandonholtsclaw07:22
imbrandonhit the dropdown07:22
imbrandonin the top right07:22
imbrandonit needs to say xerox@linode07:22
imbrandonnear the logout, prbably says enews pro or something now07:22
twbgot it07:23
imbrandonkk, poke arround in there i actually need to take another call07:23
imbrandontrusting a stranger here07:23
imbrandonheh dont blow it up07:23
twbIt's struggling a bit, probably either the .au / .us link, or because I'm on an ARM netbook with zero video acceleration07:24
imbrandonpossibly, but the datapoints are the real key07:24
imbrandonnotice all the toip greay bar07:24
imbrandonthere it lots of metiric and i only have some loaded07:25
imbrandonbut see it break down to the fucntin calll level07:25
imbrandonand then what inside the functino even07:25
twbOK so it can profile PHP files, modules and modules' SQL queries07:26
imbrandondeeper than file07:26
imbrandonbut yea07:26
imbrandonmuch more detailed than syslog07:26
imbrandonwith no code changes07:27
imbrandonalso note on the fron page07:27
imbrandoni'm getting what about 2 hits per minute on my blog07:27
imbrandonbasicly idle07:27
twbWhere it says memcache, is that memcached?07:27
imbrandonand its sitting at 455mb ram un optimized with solar07:27
imbrandonmemcache is the api ( now part of mysql from oracle ) that memcached implments07:28
imbrandonbut the new interface to the mysql ndb server long with handlersocket is msuch nicer now, it will be mainstream in another 3 to 6 months07:29
twbFWIW I doubt that's instrumenting at the VT/KVM layer, I expect that's more more likely to be instrumenting the PHP runtime plus collecting stats from memcached and friends, and maybe sniffing packets07:30
imbrandonsureand it can07:30
twbPulling that data out by watching x86 instructions would be a real bitch07:30
imbrandonlike i said i dont have most of it loaded07:30
imbrandonsee all the empty blanks07:30
imbrandonlike all of background tasks is empty07:31
imbrandoni only have the raw basics going as i'm in the mid of a redesign07:31
imbrandonon that blog, thus only one post re-imported too07:31
twbOh "background" tab doesn't fit on my screen07:31
twbI can just see "ba..."07:31
imbrandonnother 24 or 48 hours and it will be back to norm07:31
imbrandonahh well its empty anyhow07:32
imbrandonanyhow youve seen the tools and know my opinon, i can give you sites to back it up but in reality ANYWHERE you look its best practice so just pick somewhere07:33
imbrandonbut in the end he is right this time07:33
imbrandonmaybe not every time07:33
twbWell fair enough07:33
imbrandonbut solr and 512m in the php,.ini is the way to go07:33
twbDefinitely not every time -- we had to explain to him that double-ledger accounting was a good idea, and using floating-point for financials wasn't :-)07:33
imbrandonheh sure, he is a coder not an accountant :) i'd expect that07:34
imbrandoni;d be sacred if he did know07:34
imbrandonwell maybe  ot but you get my drift07:34
twbSorry, I forgot to mention this ITS also manages all the money stuff :-(07:34
imbrandonsure but he surely isnt the only one, if there isnt code reviews by other developers and its money on the line that just dumb, fire the ceo07:35
twbBut yeah, double ledger accounting has been best practice since the 17th century, so I would expect anyone doing financial ANYTHING to know about it07:35
twbimbrandon: there's only one dev07:35
imbrandonthats ok for a blog, i thought you said this was a business that meney was at stake07:36
twbThis code is kept around instead of migrating to RT because the CEO (who also owns the company) thinks it's awesome :-/07:36
imbrandonif you cant hirer the help outsource , thats just nuts, your ceo should be put in jail for being liable07:36
imbrandonas well as anyone who follows him07:36
twbAIUI it's not a public company so it's 100% legal to run it into the ground by mismanagement07:37
imbrandonyea let me give all my money to this 16 year old to go alone and make a midnight night deplosit07:37
twbNot that this has happened yet... it's a 25yo company07:37
imbrandonthat sounds smart07:37
twbimbrandon: that's pretty much what happens, only he's twenty-five or so now07:37
twbHe doesn't come into the office because we will yell at him07:38
imbrandonhe is dumb for not quiting and the ceo needs shot07:38
imbrandonyell at him sounds like he is savin yalls ass07:38
twbWell he also took the ITS off and made his own company so now he's a contractor!07:38
imbrandonnice , 8x the monney is always better07:39
twbSo we say "ITS should do this" and he goes "but that might break things for all my other (imaginary) customers"07:39
twbOf course he has probably joined this channel by now and is collecting incriminating evidence...07:39
imbrandonwell it is only a request unless you are willing to walk07:39
imbrandonbut it dont sound like it07:39
twbCEO isn't and he gets veto :-07:40
imbrandonheh the cannel is loged07:40
imbrandonall #ubuntu cannels are public logged07:40
twbYeah I don't really care07:40
imbrandoni know, was just letting ya know07:40
imbrandonokies i got to get some real work done, you good on the newtelic or wanna poke some more ?07:41
twbNah, I'm done.  Thanks.07:42
imbrandonkk, i'm round if ya need soemthing , might need to say my name so irssi hilights me07:42
twbNo worries07:42
imbrandonlast thing though i have no affilatin with new relic btw, if you dont use them gram something similar07:43
imbrandonthey are very trusted in the industry though07:43
imbrandonif you grab reviews07:43
twbhome time for me too07:43
jamespagemorning all07:56
bencer_morning jamespage07:56
jamespagemorning bencer_07:57
jamespagegood weekend?07:57
bencer_seems that we made all: both packages and doc07:57
bencer_yup, a friend from frankfurt visited me, and the bbq in the park season has started07:57
bencer_according to the german standards :)07:57
jamespagesounds good07:58
imbrandonelllo ello07:58
bencer_i've one questions, are the bugs filled against the old ebox src packages automatically deleted or do we have to close/move them?07:58
jamespagebencer_, I was going to get something added to the release notes for precise as well07:58
bencer_that would be cool07:59
jamespagebencer_, the archive-admins will close them once the work has been completed07:59
jamespagebencer_, no further action required from our perspective07:59
bencer_just got removed now07:59
bencer_2012-03-26 07:11:56 INFO    Removed-by: Martin Pitt07:59
bencer_2012-03-26 07:11:56 INFO    Comment: superseded by zentyal-*, LP #95710907:59
bencer_2012-03-26 07:11:57 INFO    15 packages successfully removed.07:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 957109 in ebox "Please remove libebox, ebox and ebox-* packages from the precise archive" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95710907:59
jamespagebencer_, ah - so I see08:00
bencer_i was going to prepare and send a couple of blueprints we want to propose for q08:00
=== bencer_ is now known as bencer
jamespagebencer, sounds good08:01
bencerme and jacalvo we will be in the uds :)08:02
jasonmsphey all.  What is a good spam-filter to use with 10.04 and a postfix/dovecot setup?08:03
greppyjasonmsp: I like amavisd-new + spamassassin + clamav with sanesecurity signatures.08:08
greppyjasonmsp: http://www200.pair.com/mecham/spam/ can be made to fit ubuntu without too much headache.08:08
jasonmsp_timed out...  Anyone have a suggestion for a spam filter?08:14
jasonmsp_postfix/dovecot on 10.0408:14
jamespagebencer, excellent! look forward to meeting you in person08:15
bencerjamespage: yes. do you know when are people starting to submit blueprints for q?08:15
bencermaybe its a bit too early?08:16
jamespagebencer: most people are still focussed on getting precise finished08:16
jamespageblueprints normally get raised/approved in the 2 weeks or so before UDS08:16
jamespagebut if you have time now it won't hurt to raise them!08:17
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bencerok, i will08:17
bencerprobably today, as i've already some drafts08:17
greppyjasonmsp_: that url timed out?  worked for me.08:20
jasonmspgreppy..  no my connection sucks and I keep dropping out.  Wanted to make sure I didn't miss a response.08:27
jasonmspim looking for a spam filter for 10.04 dovecot/postfix setup.08:28
greppyjasonmsp: http://www200.pair.com/mecham/spam/08:28
greppyjasonmsp: that can be made to fit ubuntu 10.04 without too much pain.08:28
jasonmspgreppy: thx..  I prefer quality over complexity.  Do you think thats the best solution?08:32
yolanda2hi, good morning08:32
yolanda2any one can help with a dbconfig problem?08:33
yolanda2i always asks for password confirmation all the time08:33
sorenyolanda2: Which package?08:38
yolanda2hi soren, i'm doing a new package for openerp, a new one that i'm building08:39
sorenyolanda2: Ah.08:40
sorenyolanda2: And it asks for password on every upgrade?08:40
greppyjasonmsp: it's a pretty comprehensive solution.  There isn't really a single "do this one thing and it will fix your spam issues" solution.08:42
yolanda2soren, every time i even try to install the package. Only ask for server, and password confirmation08:42
greppyjasonmsp: at least, not without paying someone else to do it for you :)08:42
yolanda2it's quite strange. It doesn't ask for a password, so password confirmation never works, of course, and blocks the install08:42
sorenyolanda2: You could try enabling debconf debugging to see if that offers any hints.08:46
yolanda2hi soren, new with that, how can i do it?08:46
sorenSet DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer before doing dpkg -i.08:46
sorenEither like so:08:46
sorenexport DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer08:46
soren..and then run dpkg.08:46
sorensudo DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer dpkg -i blah.deb08:47
sorenIt might only really be helpful if you know at least a bit about how debconf works.08:47
yolanda2soren, a little, but i'm doing the first package with it08:54
lynxmanmorning o/09:02
jamespagemorning lynxman09:04
lynxmanjamespage: good morning sir :)09:04
jamespagenice weekend?09:05
lynxmanjamespage: it was indeed, first picnic of the season09:05
lynxmanjamespage: and yours?09:06
jamespagelynxman, very nice thankyou! lots of time enjoying the nice weather for a change!09:06
lynxmanjamespage: lovely :D09:07
sorenyolanda2: Any luck?09:08
sorenyolanda2: Otherwise, I recommend you share the code somewhere. Otherwise, it's quite hard to guess what's going on.09:09
yolanda2sorry, soren, meeting now09:10
yolanda2i have the code public, let me show you later09:11
sorenyolanda2: no worries.09:14
linociscoubuntu server sucks.09:30
* soren bites09:34
greppylinocisco: you are free to use something else.09:34
sorenlinocisco: Are you going to qualify that somehow?09:34
linociscosoren, I want to setup loadbalancer like pfsense using ubuntu. but no easy way09:35
sorenlinocisco: I wonder if that could be phrased as a constructive question...09:36
linociscosoren, I love ubuntu alot. but whenever I asked on forums or IRC about seting up dual WAN router to failover+loadbalancing proxy server using two ISP links which has two different upstream proxy09:37
linociscoit is not possible. like impossible09:37
sorenAnd that's easy as pie with this pfsense thing you speak of?09:38
linociscosoren, I have not finished my setup using pfsense. but it is more closer09:39
sorenlinocisco: Doesn't sound unachievable at all. haproxy + policy routing + something that monitors connectivity and tears down connections as needed and retries.09:43
sorenlinocisco: Just complex if you've never used either before.09:43
linociscosoren, yes. even ubuntu geeks said it is difficult09:49
linociscosoren,  there is no predefined how to guide09:49
sorenlinocisco: Predefined how to guides for every single scenario doesn't scale.09:50
sorenSimple as that.09:50
sorenYou're just going to have ti learn the tools (or find someone else to do it all for you).09:51
linociscosoren, ti =?09:52
sorenYou're just going to have to learn the tools (or find someone else to do it all for you).09:54
yolanda2hi soren, debug showed some problems and now it asks for password, i'm having some other problems now but i'm trying to solve them10:02
yolanda2hi soren, just another question. Now my package fails because i don't have postgresql and postgresql-client installed. If i use dbconfig, and choose postgres, isn't that dependency handled automatically? do i have to add a dependency for postgres anyway?10:26
=== shift_ is now known as sectionme
sorenyolanda2: Yes.10:49
sorenyolanda2: Not all packages work with all db types, so a dependency from dbconfig-common to all the various client tools would be wrong.10:50
sorenyolanda2: Add a dependency on the relevant tools for the databases your package supports.10:50
yolanda2so dependency for postgres and postgresql is needed? and what about if you choose to don't config postgres? the tool gives you that option, postgres will be installed anyway?10:51
DavieyYou can actually tell dbconfig what databases it should support.10:51
DavieyUnless you have a foo-database package, i'd make it a recommends... as i don't always want to run the database on my app server10:52
DavieyIf you do make a foo-database package, make it a recommends of the app serverpackage10:52
DavieyI might have repeated what soren said, sorry.10:52
* ogra_ prefers the bar-database packages ... they have a promis of beer in them 10:53
yolanda2Daviey, i have a recommend now10:53
yolanda2but then after supplying the password, i have this error10:53
yolanda2 │ An error occurred while installing the database:                                                                                                        â”‚10:53
yolanda2 │                                                                                                                                                         │10:53
yolanda2 │ psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket              â”‚10:53
yolanda2 │ "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?10:53
yolanda2as Postgres isn't installed10:53
Davieyyolanda2: postgres isn't running10:54
yolanda2Daviey, i just added as a recommends, so it shouldn't be installed by default, but i thought that dbconfig was handling that10:54
Davieyyou probably need to check it's running, and if not, run it from postinst10:54
Davieyi think dbconfig SHOULD.. but it doesn't it seems10:55
yolanda2Daviey, can i show you my debian files? perhaps i'm doing something wrong10:55
sorenyolanda2: There's a config option to tell dbconfig whether to ask for remote hsots by default.10:56
sorenyolanda2: dbc_remote_questions_default or something.10:56
sorenyolanda2: If that's not set to "true", it won't ask for remote hosts by default (unless you've lowered your debconf priority threhold)10:57
sorenyolanda2: Where do you set that?10:57
Davieyyolanda2: I assume you are seeing the issue apt apt-get time, rather that throught the installer?10:57
yolanda2let me show you the files, just a moment10:58
yolanda2it's pushed here: sftp://yolanda@chinstrap.canonical.com//home/yolanda/openerp-package-test11:00
yolanda2it's my first contact with dbconfig, i followed documentation and some samples, but perhaps something is wrong11:00
sorenIt's been a while since I've had chinstrap access. :)11:01
sorenDaviey: It's all yours :)11:01
Davieyyolanda2: fancy scp'ing to people.canonical.com:~/public_html/ ?  Then everyone can see it :)11:01
yolanda2sorry, Daviey, i'm trying an scp to people.canonical.com and gives me access denied11:09
sorenyolanda2: Perhaps scp isn't permitted?11:13
sorenyolanda2: (It's different from sftp)11:13
koolhead11yolanda2: what are you installing via apt-get?11:13
yolanda2koolhead11, no, using a locally generated debian file11:14
yolanda2Daviey, i did a bzr push: bzr push sftp://people.canonical.com//home/yolanda/public_html/openerp-package-testing/11:14
yolanda2can you check it?11:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #965138 in juju "Juju concatenates the full API endpoint URL when it gets absolute paths from the MAAS api." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96513811:16
sorenyolanda2: Looking at your config.. It might be correct, but it's certainly different from how I usually do it.11:16
yolanda2soren, if you can give me some guidance is good, i'm new to that so perhaps i didn't look at the right samples11:17
sorenyolanda2: I tend to source the various files, set the dbc_* variables and then dbc_go.11:17
yolanda2soren, i do more or less like that, what difference you see?11:18
sorenyolanda2: I've admittedly never done dbtype-specific stuff.11:18
sorenI've always had a generic package and set dbc_dbtypes11:18
sorenyolanda2: You check for the existence of the pgsql file, then you set the dbc_* vars, then you source the config and run dbc_go11:19
sorenOh, hang on.11:19
sorenYou source the config and run dbc_go in a subshell.11:19
yolanda2soren, if you can show me some of your code it can be good11:20
sorenThe dbc_vars won't propagate to dbc properly.11:20
Daviey$ bzr branch http://people.canonical.com/~yolanda/openerp-package-testing/11:21
sorenyolanda2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900274/11:21
sorenyolanda2: vs11:21
sorenyolanda2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900275/11:21
soren(first is yours, second is what I'd usually do.11:21
sorenGetting rid of the subshell would possibly solve everything, though.11:22
yolanda2thanks soren, i'll try11:22
sorenIt certainly won't work without it.11:22
sorenMind you, I've only looked at the config.11:22
sorenyolanda2: In your postinst, you're calling "getent passwrd | grep". Please don't do that.11:23
Davieyyolanda2: does this help, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/maas/packaging/view/head:/debian/maas.config11:23
Davieyyolanda2: lazily generates a random password.11:23
sorenyolanda2: If there's an ldap user backend with thousands of users, that's going to dreadful.11:23
Davieythat is a .config file11:23
sorenyolanda2: Do "getent passwd <username>"11:23
yolanda2soren, ok, that sentence came by default in openerp initial package so i just left like it was, but i'm seeing that the initial package wasn't very good11:24
sorenyolanda2: I also don't see the postinst actually consuming the info from dbconfig, but perhaps that's not done yet?11:24
yolanda2should be there11:25
yolanda2let me see,11:25
* soren stares11:25
sorenNope, don't see it11:25
sorenYou're also a bit heavy on the calls to dbc_go.11:25
yolanda2seems that i pushed wrong version11:26
sorenThree of them, (one being in a subshell)11:26
Davieyyolanda2: When you are ready with the package, i might have a tester lined up.11:26
yolanda2soren, Daviey, pushed right version to people.canonical.com now, sorry11:27
sorenyolanda2: You don't need to set all the dbc_* vars in the postinst.11:28
Davieyyolanda2: Does openerp need a shell?11:29
sorenI still don't see the postinst doing anything with the stuff that dbconfi provides.11:29
yolanda2perhaps something is wrong then, it's the right code now11:29
yolanda2that is in the postinst11:30
yolanda2# source dbconfig-common shell library, and call the hook function11:30
yolanda2if [ -f /usr/share/dbconfig-common/dpkg/postinst ]; then11:30
yolanda2    . /usr/share/dbconfig-common/dpkg/postinst11:30
yolanda2    dbc_dbtypes="pgsql"11:30
yolanda2    dbc_authmethod_user="password"11:30
yolanda2    dbc_dbuser="openerp"11:30
yolanda2    dbc_remote_questions_default=true11:30
yolanda2    dbc_go openerp $@11:30
yolanda2isn't right?11:30
sorenYou don't need to set all those vars in the postinst.11:30
soren...but as is, the postinst will just create the user.11:30
sorenIt won't shove the config into openerp.11:30
sorenPerhaps it's not needed?11:30
sorenI'm just so used to mysql where I always need to pass the password on to the app.11:31
soren..but I guess with postgres that's not necessarily necessary.11:31
sorenWhat with its ident auth and whatnot.11:31
yolanda2soren, well, i need to put the username and password in a openerp.conf file11:31
yolanda2can be done with md5 or with ident, we are trying md511:32
sorenyolanda2: Ok.11:32
sorenyolanda2: That's what I mean then :)11:32
sorenyolanda2: I don't see the code to do that, but if that's still not done, that's clearly why :)11:32
yolanda2soren, i still haven't done it, i'm in the process :)11:33
sorenOk, my servers are done deploying, I'll go and poke at them for a while.11:33
* soren wanders off11:33
Davieyyolanda2: Are you looking at  a 6.1 snapshot, rather than 6.0 release?11:47
yolanda2Daviey, yes, the package is for 6.111:47
Davieyyolanda2: when is 6.1 final due?11:50
yolanda2Daviey, openerp 6.1 is already out11:50
Davieyyolanda2: then why does it look like you are doing a snapshot?11:51
yolanda2Daviey, because they still delivery nightly builds from time to time, do you mean that?11:53
Davieyyolanda2: Do they have a 6.1 release that can be downloaded?11:54
yolanda2Daviey, yes11:55
yolanda2let me send you to the page11:55
Davieyah, cool - http://nightly.openerp.com/6.1/releases/openerp-6.1-1.tar.gz11:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #965188 in mcollective (universe) "Mcollective is launched more than once" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96518812:11
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smoserzul, i just opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/96522512:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 965225 in nova "EC2 TerminateInstances api call hangs and returns 500 when given bad data (ip address)" [Undecided,New]12:43
zulsmoser:  cool thanks (i think ;)12:43
zulsmoser: you can use an ip address to terminate an instance?12:44
smoserits just bogus data.12:49
zulsmoser: ah i see12:52
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zulDaviey:  can you review please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/900421/13:13
Davieyzul: looking13:16
Davieyzul: how is keystone looking for MIR btw?13:17
zulDaviey: good...we have to fix up the swift testsuite and then it should be ok13:17
Davieyfix-ubuntu-tests.patch i'd call it, tests-disable-external-deps.patch .. but just a taste thing.13:18
Daviey--#log_config = /etc/keystone/logging.conf13:19
Daviey+-#log_config = ./etc/logging.conf.sample13:19
Davieypatching a commented field?13:19
Daviey-python setup.py build_sphinx || true13:20
Daviey+python setup.py build_sphinx13:20
DavieyDoes it currently fail to generate doc's?13:20
DavieySeems an odd fix for, * debian/rules: Fix doc builds + clean (LP: #956019)13:22
zulDaviey: not sure adam_g made those modifications for the log_config stuff13:23
zulsmoser: fixed locally13:23
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
koolhead11so finally i can see step by step Essex guide for precise http://www.hastexo.com/resources/docs/installing-openstack-essex-4-ubuntu-1204-precise-pangolin13:36
yolanda2hi Daviey, i got some success in creating openerp user now. However, seems that is also creating a database, is there any way to create only the openerp user, but without any database? this is going to be created by openerp interface13:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #965283 in openvswitch (universe) "include openvswitch documentation / package openvswitch-docs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96528313:56
ttxzul: looks like a packaging todo list: http://www.hastexo.com/resources/docs/installing-openstack-essex-4-ubuntu-1204-precise-pangolin14:04
zulttx: cool ill have to read it14:07
ttxzul: there are a few weird things, but overrall, it's not bad14:07
koolhead11ttx: :P14:08
ttxkoolhead11: weird things include copying an old volume.py file to solve a bug, losing all other improvements to the file14:08
koolhead11ttx: Madkiss is the guy who wrote it14:09
koolhead11he is in #openstack channel14:09
raydog45000Hello all, I am trying to set up an ubuntu server, I checked the disc for defects and tested memory, after I choose a host name it fails at 43% of starting up the partition, how can I get it to complete?14:17
raydog45000anyone here?14:18
greppyraydog45000: nope, we're all just idling.14:19
greppyif someone can help, they will :)14:19
smoserzul, did you run test on that change?14:33
zulsmoser: yeah14:33
smoseri'm just looking at the tests in ova/tests/api/ec2/test_ec2_validate.py, and would have thought you'd break one.14:33
smosermaybe you should add one there.14:33
zulsmoser: ack14:33
smoserand i commented in the review a bout a little thing to fix while you're there.14:34
smoserhallyn, http://www.mail-archive.com/openstack@lists.launchpad.net/msg09018.html14:38
smoseri'm not the only one.14:38
hallynwithout opening the link, i think i saw the email14:39
smoseralthoguht his post (and my recent test) does not show regression in performance due to guest (lucid versus precise), which is what i originally thought.14:39
smoserhallyn, yeah, you can't trust me enough to open links14:39
hallyni'm afraid high prio bugs will continue to take priority over the performance tests though14:40
hallynat leaset, the ones in precise14:40
hallynmost of your perf loss was still due to https right?14:40
smoserdid you do this ?14:41
hallynheck whatever is causing that may also be responsible for the other perf loss14:41
hallynsmoser: no, that's what i'm saying i'll do as soon as high prio precise bugs are all cleared or waiting on something14:41
smoserby "do this", i mean, the blog says "I intend to do". did you do ?14:41
hallynno.  i continue to intend to do this14:41
smoserhallyn, well, on e thing not listed there, is a regression test.14:42
smoserits fine/good to turn all the knobs on precise14:42
smoserbut if we got 100M/s in lucid, and 20M/s in precise, we need to know that.14:42
hallynright, so i'm going to first do a basic test (with precisely one configuration) to compare oneiric to precise14:43
hallynyou think i should do lucid instead of oneiric?14:43
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Adri2000zul: are there plans to merge openstack packages with debian's? if yes, before or after precise?14:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #965356 in nova (main) "unnecessary dep: nova-api -> nova-cert" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96535614:51
zulAdri2000: the process has already started it should be completed after precise14:51
Malekocan someone explain why ubuntu automatically re-add/set the highlighted route as def gw14:55
addictedboyTrying to set firefox custom server using their guide, but getting this error message while restarting14:56
addictedboythe apache14:57
addictedboyapache2: bad group name sync14:57
addictedboyAction 'configtest' failed.14:57
addictedboyThe Apache error log may have more information.14:57
addictedboy   ...fail!14:57
Adri2000zul: ok. another question: do you or anyone knows if ~ubuntu-server-dev is open to non-coredevs motus? or: can I directly contribute to openstack packaging without applying for coredev?14:57
zulAdri2000: yes you dont have to ubuntu-server-dev/core-dev to contribute to openstack packaging you just have to do merge proposals14:58
Adri2000I know about merge proposals, that's why I said "directly contribute" :)14:59
zulAdri2000: right we accept merge proposals but you need either ubuntu-server-dev or core-dev to merge directly into the branches15:02
SpamapSAdri2000: ubuntu-server-dev is approved via the developer membership board15:05
SpamapSAdri2000: it covers quite a few things outside openstack, and thus, one needs to show a wider breadth of contribution to be granted those rights.15:06
Adri2000I see15:06
SpamapSAdri2000: we'd b *more* than happy to help you achieve it. Another option is to just apply for per package upload rights for the packages you are most interested in.15:07
SpamapSAdri2000: for that you'd just need to show a sustained contribution to the packaging of those things over about the length of one release cycle (so 6 months)15:08
SpamapSAdri2000: in order to show that.. merge proposals. :)15:08
Adri2000actually I'm not looking specifically for more upload rights, but rather a convenient (i.e. commit+push :)) way to contribute some fixes to the packaging. just like it's possible in some debian teams, where their git/whatever repo is open to a larger team than just the team of debian developers15:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #237164 in xorg "kvm needs to correctly simulate a proper monitor" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23716415:11
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csotelo_hello people I have a problem on creating a user on postgres after install it15:15
csotelo_createuser: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory15:15
csotelo_    Is the server running locally and accepting15:15
csotelo_    connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?15:15
KM0201csotelo_: i have no idea on that.. patdk-wk may know, as i recall, he is pretty knowledgeable.15:17
Adri2000zul: may I suggest to rename /etc/apache2/conf.d/dashboard.conf in horizon to something more explicit? (like openstack-dashboard.conf) - tell me if you want a bug report15:19
zulAdri2000: bug report with a merge proposal would be good :)15:19
Adri2000ehhhh - that's such a small change that I feel a merge proposal is more work for everyone...15:20
* Adri2000 files a bug at least15:20
csotelo_thanks KM020115:23
csotelo_patdk-wk, please.. have you read my problem15:23
KM0201csotelo_: he may not have saw it, as i think he came in after you posted it15:23
* patdk-wk sees no question15:23
patdk-wkhad to reboot for kernel update15:23
csotelo_patdk-wk, my quetsion is why postgres dont permit me to create a new user15:27
csotelo_because when I do a createuser -SRDp myuser as postgres user, then I get the error15:28
patdk-wkdunno about postgres15:28
patdk-wkmost likely cause you didn't authenicate to postgres as an admin15:28
csotelo_patdk-wk, why I have done is install a postgres on a new machine15:28
csotelo_I usually done something like sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client15:30
csotelo_and the15:30
csotelo_sudo -s and then su postgres15:30
csotelo_and filelly createuser -SDRp myuser15:30
csotelo_and normally it work15:30
csotelo_I don the same and get that error on a new machinne15:30
SpamapSAdri2000: so bzr packaging branches are open to a wider team.. commit, push, and one more command 'bzr lp-propose'15:32
koolhead11csotelo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/postgresql.html  see if this helps15:37
caribouhallyn: Regarding bug 965231, would a copy of the VM I'm using for testing help ?15:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 965231 in qemu-kvm "Virtual Machine is not terminated when doing "shutdown" in VM with Oneiric/Precise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96523115:39
Adri2000zul: ok, I must admit that it's a bit more complicated: I forgot the handling of the rename in maint scripts :), so well, I'll go ahead and propose a branch15:39
Adri2000SpamapS: right, I'll give it a try ^15:40
hallyncaribou: itmight...  i know shutdown was working ofr me last week, but i can't recall if that was with the precise package, or with upstream15:40
hallynso i just need to get my test box up and test.15:40
caribouhallyn: it's a very basic Oneiric-server install nothing particular15:40
koolhead11zul: is diablo/essex and precise/essex updated simultaneously ?15:40
hallyncaribou: but is acpid installed?15:41
zulkoolhead11:  diablo/essex?15:41
caribouhallyn: now it is & it still hangs after "System halted"15:41
SpamapSAdri2000: renames are easier these days with dpkg-maintscript-helper (though that makes things less backportable since it is fairly new)15:41
koolhead11zul: oops. i meant oneiric/essex srry15:41
caribouhallyn: I must be missing something obvious otherwise it would have been noted before15:41
hallynok.  sounds like a definate bug :)15:41
hallynno no, it may be broken in precise and fixed upstream.  let me test (sometime today)15:42
caribouhallyn: why would I be the only one seeing this, it started on Oneiric15:42
caribouhallyn: no rush, it' end of day here in France15:42
hallyncaribou: I don't know that many people use 'virsh shutdown'15:42
caribouah ok15:43
caribouhallyn: thanks for looking at this, see you tomorrow15:43
hallyncaribou: np, ttyl15:43
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zulkoolhead11: no it isnt15:45
koolhead11zul: okey. i thought so :)15:46
Adri2000SpamapS: yep, found http://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/10/14/correctly-renaming-a-conffile-in-debian-package-maintainer-scripts/ ; it says it works since which is there since maverick, so that will work I think :)15:48
jjohansen1hallyn, stgraber: so we have a problem, turns out there was a kernel bug in addition to the userspace issue.  We need both to fix the issue.  This will require a kernel freeze exception from the release team15:53
hallynjjohansen1: thanks for the info.  stgraber: soudns like we should go with the temp-proc-mount fix then15:54
hallynjjohansen1: quick related q,15:54
jjohansen1hallyn: shoot15:54
hallynjjohansen1: is unconfined allwoed to request transition to all domains?15:54
jjohansen1hallyn: yes15:54
hallynright now lxc-start enters the usr.bin.lxc-start comain, but lxc-execute doesn't15:54
hallynbut both request entring the container's profile15:54
hallynso i think that's what we want right15:55
jjohansen1sounds right15:55
stgraberhallyn: yeah, the temporary fix sounds good then, feel free to upload and I'll poke #ubuntu-release to have it accepted15:57
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hallynstgraber: lxc_0.7.5-3ubuntu45_source.changes dput'ed16:02
stgraberhallyn: thanks16:06
hallynstgraber: jjohansen: I'm goign to commit some changes to the server guide lxc section to fill in the apparmor bits.  I'll post you to the merge request if you care to review.  (Though it shouldn't be contraversial)16:07
kantlivelongmy grubmenu seems to be missing... how can i rebuild the grub conf? im on ubuntu 11.10 server x6416:25
RoyKupdate-grub ?16:26
kantlivelongoh lol :P16:27
stgraberhallyn: lxc accepted16:27
hallynstgraber: cool.16:28
hallynI'm going to do a merge proposal now for https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/serverguide/lxc-aa/16:28
hallyn(and then consider myself done with lxc server guide for real)16:28
zuladam_g: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/98406449/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.swift_1.4.7-0ubuntu3.2_BUILDING.txt.gz16:35
adam_gzul: cool16:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #965476 in lxc (universe) "Can't install Precise guest on Oneiric host" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96547616:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #965478 in image-store-proxy (universe) "Depends: eucalyptus-common but it is not installable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96547816:51
adam_gzul: is that in the archive or a PPA somewhere?16:52
=== Arc_ is now known as a5m0
adam_gzul: is keystone rc1 going to go in today?17:18
zuladam_g: i wanted to get daviey to review but i think he had a question about the logging.conf17:18
zulDaviey: ^^^17:18
Davieyno, the real question was about the docs.. the 'fix' is || true.. which seems to be a regression?17:19
Davieythe logging.conf was more of a question, as why we are patching a commented field.17:19
Daviey14:20 < Daviey> -Ipython setup.py build_sphinx || true17:20
Daviey14:20 < Daviey> +Ipython setup.py build_sphinx17:20
Davieyoh, wait - i'm looking inverted17:20
adam_g bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/keystone/precise-essex-proposed/17:20
adam_g^ i fixed the doc issue in that branch, which should be merged with the upload17:20
uvirtbotadam_g: Error: "i" is not a valid command.17:20
zuladam_g: yeah i got that locally17:21
adam_gzul: what do you mean17:21
Davieyadam_g: why are we doing:17:21
Daviey14:19 < Daviey> --#log_config = /etc/keystone/logging.conf17:21
Daviey14:19 < Daviey> +-#log_config = ./etc/logging.conf.sample17:21
adam_g-#log_config = ./etc/logging.conf.sample17:22
adam_g+log_config = /etc/keystone/logging.conf17:22
adam_g...in -proposed17:22
zuloops...hold on17:24
adam_gi spent a while getting that package in better shape last week in preparation for rc1 landing17:24
adam_gDaviey: which branch were you looking at?17:25
Davieyadam_g: from zul's debdiff17:25
adam_gzul: is that debdiff a merge of -proposed into ubuntu-server-dev, or some other??17:26
zulbad merge17:26
adam_ghm, ok17:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #965507 in juju "Juju uses http to contact uec-images.ubuntu.com" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96550717:26
zuladam_g: the local branch here has the doc build changes17:28
adam_gzul: the local branch where?17:28
zuladam_g: on my pc17:28
Davieyadam_g: branch it from zul's PC, and we are gold!17:29
adam_gzul: why isnt it in -proposed? i wouldn't have spent time fixing it if were, and now we'd have a clean merge :)17:29
zuladam_g: it has the testsuite fixes that i was working on lemme, push back17:29
smoserzul,  fyi, you had smokestack pep8 errors in your https://review.openstack.org/#change,5809,patchset=117:30
zulsmoser: son of..17:31
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/keystone/precise-essex-proposed17:32
zul^^^ that is what is going to be uploaded today17:32
uvirtbotzul: Error: "^^" is not a valid command.17:32
zulshut up uvirtbot17:32
zuladam_g: s/python-swift/swift/g though17:33
adam_gzul: ok17:35
adam_gso thats a different branch than the one Daviey was looking at?17:36
zuladam_g: he was looking at a debdiff17:36
adam_gzul: okay, well, that branch LGTM then. curious to know why you need the entire swift package as a builddepends, tho17:39
zuladam_g: yeah that should be just python-swift17:39
zuladam_g: so im going to change that to python-swift and then upload it17:40
adam_gzul: before you do, push change to -proposed and lets run it thru the CI build job once17:42
zuladam_g: k17:42
adam_gzul: cool17:42
zuladam_g: swift is still failing in the ci though, 1.4.9 needs some dependencies for the testsuite17:43
adam_gzul: also the quantum package is still uninstallable, should i try to fix it up?17:43
Adri2000zul: I don't know if you get notified about this: https://code.launchpad.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/precise/horizon/rename-apache-config-file/+merge/9936617:43
zuladam_g: should be fixed i think17:44
zulAdri2000: i might have been i just havent gotten around to it yet17:44
Adri2000ok no problem17:44
zuladam_g: if you want to kick one off go ahead17:46
adam_gzul: about quantum http://paste.ubuntu.com/900840/17:49
zuladam_g: grr...i thought i fixed that part can you have a look17:50
adam_galso strange that 'quantum-server' pulls in no other dependencies17:50
lynxmanzul, adam_g: by any chance do any of you guys remember how to recover the admin credentials out of a cobbler setup?17:51
zullynxman: re-install cobbler?17:51
adam_gid like to get quantum installable and try to solicit (beg for) some testing from the openstack list17:51
lynxmanzul: it's a shared setup :/17:51
adam_glynxman: i thought they were stored in a config file in plain text, but i could be wwrong. i know i had to reset it once, but forget how i did exactly17:52
adam_groaksoax: ^17:52
lynxmanadam_g: hmm thanks :)17:53
lynxmanadam_g: found the file and resetted, thanks17:55
lynxmanadam_g: it's /etc/cobbler/users.digest17:55
adam_gzul: that keystone branch looks good-to-go17:55
zuladam_g: uploaded now just need to do keystone17:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #965523 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (universe) "mysql 5.5.22, 5.1.62, 5.0.96 security update tracking bug" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96552318:01
zulDaviey/adam_g: keystone/python-keystoneclient is in the queue18:06
Davieyzul: i see it, waiting for the diff18:07
zulDaviey: k18:07
=== koolhead17|away is now known as koolhead17|dead
adam_gzul: whats the story with the quantum packaging branch? i was trying to figure out the deal when you were on vacation but couldn't :)18:09
zuladam_g: should be up to date...ill take a look this afternoon18:09
adam_gzul: the ubuntu branch is not related to the ubuntu-server-dev or openstack-ubuntu-testing branch18:09
zuladam_g: yeah lemme poke it18:10
roaksoaxlynxman: dpkg-reconfigure -plow cobbler18:20
zuladam_g: i should have the console tick stuff ready tomorrow18:30
adam_gzul: party time18:31
zuladam_g: i got rid of the tick interval though so it will check everytick count18:31
adam_gzul: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/956019  whats the correct way to fix this? it needs a new binary package, but dont want to repeat last week18:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 956019 in keystone "keystone doesn't install the copyright file" [High,New]18:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 965356 in nova "unnecessary dep: nova-api -> nova-cert" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:32
adam_goh, nvm18:32
adam_gnothing new required there18:32
zulyeah you got me confused for a minute18:33
lynxmanroaksoax: thanks, didn't want to do that since its a shared orchestra server :)18:34
roaksoaxlynxman: :)18:35
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ha1dfohi all. I'm trying to install grub2 to a highly customized ubuntu based linux running on ramdisk, but it grub-probe says: "cannot find a device for /" What can I do to make it work?19:41
kantlivelongis there a proper place to set readahead values?20:02
smoserutlemming, could you go through SRU for bug 94846120:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 948461 in apt "apt-get hashsum/size mismatch because s3 mirrors don't support http pipelining correctly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94846120:05
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smoseri'd say it would be sufficient to : boot instance , ssh instance, enable proposed, apt-get update, apt-get intsall cloud-init, show apt-setting was modified.20:06
utlemmingsmoser: I've already verified that one friday...using the same tests20:06
utlemmingsmoser: see comment #3020:06
WeissLehreri have a problem on my samba configuration, for some reason the user-configuration for windows users using pdc are not saved ( http://pastebin.com/gXvvjC5u )20:07
smoseryou need to change 'verification-needed' to 'verification-done'20:07
smoserutlemming, ^20:09
utlemmingsmoser: done20:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #965654 in openssh (main) "/var/log/auth spam every 2 mins: sshd[*]: Connection closed by [preauth]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96565420:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #965663 in openssh (main) "ssh-copy-id doesn't call restorecon on SELinux enabled destination hosts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96566320:26
* cwillu_at_work stabs an anonymous ubuntu developer at random20:27
guntbertouch, you got me instead!20:28
cwillu_at_workguntbert, that means you need to update btrfs-progs in the repo :p20:30
cwillu_at_work!info btrfs-tools precise20:32
ubottubtrfs-tools (source: btrfs-tools): Checksumming Copy on Write Filesystem utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19+20100601-3ubuntu3 (precise), package size 794 kB, installed size 1724 kB20:32
cwillu_at_workthat's only about 2 years out of date :p20:32
guntbertcwillu_at_work: will do, ... uuhmm          what was the key again?20:32
Nafalloit's been the same since forever...20:32
* guntbert stops the bantering immediately20:32
Nafallolike, several releases.20:32
cwillu_at_workNafallo, I know20:33
NafalloI had luck with the version in debian sid though.20:33
cwillu_at_workI just (light-heartedly) wish that they wouldn't say they support btrfs when the support is ancient, broken and deprecated by upstream :p20:33
Nafallothat's at least from last autumn, and includes scrub20:33
cwillu_at_workrestripe support in 3.3 is nice20:35
AisonI suddenly have got big problems with setting up vlans on bonding network devices20:40
Nafallocwillu_at_work: any news on working btrfsck?20:40
Aisonall my machines with bonding and vlan are no longer reachable after reboot20:40
cwillu_at_workdangerdonteveruse branch20:40
cwillu_at_workfsck has been around and working fine for years20:40
Aisonthis setup worked for a long time now20:40
cwillu_at_workit's a repair utility that's been missing20:40
Nafallocwillu_at_work: hmm. yeah. I don't really count an fsck as working without the ability to actually fix problems ;-)20:41
cwillu_at_workNafallo, that's not what fsck is for20:41
Nafalloall the other fscks seems to do that stuff. just saying.20:42
cwillu_at_workno, they don't :p20:42
cwillu_at_worksome of them do20:42
Nafalloif you say so. the ones I've used have been able to fix things, except for btrfs :-)20:43
Nafalloand btrfs is planning to implement that support, so...20:43
cwillu_at_work"fsck.xfs - do nothing, successfully"20:43
Nafalloanyway. I don't care. I want something that can fix broken btrfs. whatever that is called ;-)20:44
cwillu_at_workbtrfs can (mostly) fix broken btrfs :p20:44
Nafallothat "mostly" in there isn't convincing me :-)20:45
cwillu_at_work(coincidentally enough, btrfsck can fix it to about the same extent :p)20:45
cwillu_at_workNafallo, fsck.ext3 is just a mostly too you know20:45
cwillu_at_workyou may be confusing e2fsck's journal playback with its repair mode20:46
Nafalloall btrfsck have done for me is to tell me there are problems. and telling me that have taken it forever, to the point where I've told fstab to not use it ;-)20:46
cwillu_at_workNafallo, it never should have been linked to fsck.btrfs20:46
cwillu_at_work(xfs ships a no-op fsck.xfs for precisely the same reason)20:47
Nafallobah. I better go do the things I was supposed to do today before the day is completely gone.20:48
Nafallowell, I'll save implementing a spam-filter for tomorrow I think. I let thunderbird do it's thing now and tomorrow ;-)20:49
=== Arc_ is now known as a5m0
JammieHi, I'm having trouble with eth0 not reconnecting after reboot (same as the problem here http://askubuntu.com/questions/73431/when-ubuntu-server-restarts-eth0-doesnt-come-back-up)21:29
=== adam_g_ is now known as adam_g
Jammieanyone have any ideas/suggestions?21:38
ha1dfoJammie, after reboot, ifconfig -a does show anything?21:41
ha1dfobefore config (if you have the case when udev messes up ifaces)21:41
Jammieno, on first reboot ifconfig -a is blank21:42
Jammiebut after running sudo /etc/init.d/networking start it all worls21:42
a5m0how can i uninstall dhcpd on ubuntu server 12.04 i keep getting "21:47
a5m0Virtual packages like 'dhcp' can't be removed21:47
=== jvdz_ is now known as jvdz
uvirtbotNew bug: #952397 in juju "Juju is forcing *ALL* charms in a repo to be perfect to be able to deploy *any*" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95239722:11
Aisonwhat's bad with this network configuration?22:21
Aisonafter reboot, I have to ifconfig eth0 up22:22
Aisonifconfig eth1 up22:22
Aisonifenslave bond0 eth022:22
Aisonifenslave bond0 eth122:22
Aisonvconfig add bond0 1022:22
JanCAison: "manual"?22:27
Aisonyes, this configuration worked for over two years now22:28
Aisonbut after some update, it no longer works22:29
Jammiedid you upgrade to 11.10?22:33
Aisonit's 11.10, yes22:35
Aisonbut the upgrade is some time back22:35
Aisonit did not start with 11.1022:35
Aisonthe problems did not start with the upgrade to 11.1022:35
Aisonthey started for about 3 weeks ago22:36
Jammieah, I thought it may be the same problem I'm having22:46
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
theq_Hello, some services can't connect using localhost or or address, I have fixed issues in mysql and apache by setting IP in config, but it doesn't work in postfix, courier, ejabberd, bind - I just can't connect to these from that pc which we are talking about, from any pc from network which see this PC I can connect. Where is the issue?22:51
theq_it comes after upgrade to 11.1022:51
theq_before it was working fine22:51
locusehi.  i'm modifying my remote status-check scripts to use upstart rather than chkconfig.  "service --status-all" provides no run-level info as "chkconfig --list --all" did.  i *do* see chkconfig pkg is available for Ubuntu.  is it still used/useful for the runlevel info? or is chkconfig considered deprecated, and there's an equivalent, more-informative "service ..." cmd?22:57
Davieylocuse: have a sample output of what you were using before, chkconfig?22:59
locuseDaviey: hi.  sure -> http://pastebin.com/d5L97JJM.23:01
locuseDaviey: looking at the upstart output, iiuc, it shows the *actual* running status of each service ... i'm simply looking for the per-runlevel toggle status.  i.e., what each service is set to do @ startup23:05
Davieylocuse: Yes, i see the difference.. nothing at the top of my head, but the person to ask is jodh in 9 hours from now.  Sorry.23:08
locuseDaviey: heh, long after after my bedtime. np :-)23:08
locuseDaviey: upstart in an ubuntu constrcut, not JUST for ubuntu-server, right?23:09
locuseoops. s/in an/is an/23:09
Davieylocuse: right.23:09
locuseok, i'll check in "the big room" as well.23:10
locuseDaviey: just fyi, stumbled on : http://www.linuxpowerup.com/en/Chkconfig-is-good-but-for-Ubuntu-sysv-rc-conf-is-a-better-alternative-for-enable-and-disable-services-at-startup23:17

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