[00:17] hggdh: you there? [00:19] RedSingularity: just for a few minutes ;-) [00:20] hggdh: ok just a quick question. On the iso testing page it says we are testing beta 2. That is not out yet though right? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ [00:20] so any test i perform are still beta 1? [00:21] or is the iso downloads for beta 2 legitimate? [00:21] RedSingularity: no we are indeed testing Beta 2 now [00:22] the ISO downloads are for the beta2 candidate, so all tests are very welcome [00:22] oh ok. I thought beta 2 release was later this week... [00:27] RedSingularity: the _release_ is expected to be on Thursday [00:27] RedSingularity: but we have to test and validate for it to be release :-) [00:28] otherwise we would risk releasing a bad beta2 [00:32] hggdh: ahhh i see. Thanks :) [00:32] RedSingularity: yw === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch === greyback is now known as greyback|lunch [10:20] Hi. Need a bit of help. I'm setting up for the beta2 laptop test, and are supposed to link to my hardware profile on "Ubuntu friendly". I ran the test and submitted it. But i can't edit it, or figure out which one are mine?? [10:24] Hi. Need a bit of help. I'm setting up for the beta2 laptop test, and are supposed to link to my hardware profile on "Ubuntu friendly". I ran the test and submitted it. But i can't edit it, or figure out which one are mine?? [10:26] mote - what is your launchpad id? [10:26] moteprime [10:27] brendand -it's https://launchpad.net/~moteprime === mmrazik|lunch is now known as mmrazik [10:36] brendand - ? [10:40] mote, one second [10:40] mote, what system do you have? [10:41] 11.10 - 64 bit [10:41] brendand - sorry, but i thought i lost you. ;-) [10:42] lenovo ideapad s205 [10:42] there are two reports https://friendly.ubuntu.com/?desktops=on&laptops=on&stars=1&release=4&popularity=any&term=s205 [10:43] mote, are either of them yours? [10:43] I don't know. but i have been running the test app, several times. [10:44] why are there not a login feature? [10:44] rating or editing? [10:47] mote, in ubuntu friendly? [10:47] brendand , - yes. [10:51] brendand , Am i supposed to be able to edit my Hardware profile at ubuntu friendly, and how can i link to it, or find out which one is mine [10:52] mote, no you aren't. all i can say is it's a deficiency in the site === greyback|lunch is now known as greyback === _salem is now known as salem_ === bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_ === yofel_ is now known as yofel === x4 is now known as Guest39014 === Guest39014 is now known as x4 [16:01] hello there [16:01] phillw, I did a test a few days ago (03/21) & reported the test (manual partition install); does the test cases get archived with each new build? [16:02] since i can't find it! [16:03] BEC: I believe they get archived. [16:03] aha [16:04] For a moment I thought It might have been removed or so [16:04] I'll check with the testing team. [16:05] phillw, great [16:06] philw, btw, do you know where the boot menu is located? It changed from 10.04?! [16:06] you mean grub? [16:06] should be the same, grub 2 came in at 9.10 [16:07] i mean the menu.lst [16:07] where i can remove some entries & rearrange the list [16:07] ! [16:08] menu.lst is not a part of grub 2, that was discontinued [16:08] phillw, aha; so how can i change the order & remove some netries? [16:08] entries*? [16:09] BEC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 has all the information. [16:10] Does anyone using Unity 5.8 and multiple monitors have 2 minutes to test something for me? :-) [16:13] phillw, thnx [16:18] BEC, results are archived but tests must be re-run against the latest build to be valid [16:28] jibel: any reason bug 964654 is private? I made it a master of other duplicates. [16:28] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/964654 [16:28] RedSingularity, it's public now :) [16:29] jibel: ok cool. I wasnt sure if you had it private for a reason ;) [16:30] RedSingularity, no, it's just that the retracer doesn't change the privacy of the report. [16:31] ok [16:31] I am looking for a better master but dont see one. I will probably move that to triaged in a few minutes. [16:32] jibel: unless you see a reason to hold off...? [16:34] RedSingularity, well, the trace is useless. It could as well be closed as 'invalid' and we'll see if it reproduces with the latest build. [16:35] jibel: todays build or the official beta 2 release? [16:40] where is the official beta 2 release? [16:42] Yrogirg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule [16:42] not out yet [16:43] 29th [16:46] k, thank you [16:48] RedSingularity, todays build [16:48] RedSingularity, but wait, there will be a respin [16:49] jibel: ok. I just filed a new report with more trace info. I will mark yours a duplicate of the one i just filed. [16:50] RedSingularity, ok great. thanks! [16:52] jibel: just take care of the importance for me, since its my report ;) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/965487 === salem_ is now known as _salem === bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk [23:10] hiya, we're going to be starting to do the full set of rebuilds to pick up today's critical fixes. [23:55] skaet: great, I was just about to ask :) [23:56] RedSingularity, yup, alternates emerging now, desktop/dvds should start soon, and then the arm images.