[00:06] BN @ * [00:06] oui === sarhan is now known as Tux-Tn [08:21] Tux-Tn, mich to93od dima mit5obbi inti??!! :p [08:22] elacheche_anis, mnin taa3ref 3al blewet [08:22] la y3awed yjini elsayed [08:22] loooool.. [08:34] what happened with Tux-Tn ;) to hide ? [08:38] ounis, many things :D [08:47] what kind of things [11:10] banjour :p :p [15:40] ping Tux-Tn [15:40] chnouwa illi fassa5tou? [15:40] ah le5er [15:40] nal9ah 7atet question [15:40] chkoun hounii [15:41] yes5ayel rou7ou fi page a7la jaw [15:41] loool.. ok.. [15:41] ou question 3awedha 4 fois [15:41] y7eb ya3mel distribution linux [15:42] fasa5tha w5alitha marra wa7da [15:42] elacheche_anis, dima enfasa5 les publications :D [15:42] 3oum ba7rik ;) [15:43] dima neb3ethlhom message privén [15:43] n9oulelhom a3lech fasa5t [15:43] Tux-Tn, c'est un noob w y7ib direct ya3mal distro X) [15:43] ama howa mblockini :( [15:43] loool.. normal.. never mind.. [15:45] elacheche_anis, chouf elpublication eljdida x) [15:46] elacheche_anis, fisa3 9bal manfasa5ha [15:46] a333 rassi [15:46] sa7eb le5er x) [15:46] X) [15:47] No Comment :-S [15:48] elacheche_anis, ti kal marra we7ed yeshel kifeh ypirati bel backtrick x) [15:48] maya3refech 7atta kifeh yekteb backtrack [15:48] hhhhhhhh... [15:49] noobs X) === wolf is now known as Guest86981 [16:30] Qui comprend bien linux et ubuntu???????? [16:31] Guest86981, pose directement ta question [16:31] Guest86981, si quelqu'un connait la réponse il t'aidera [16:33] Je veux m'aider dans ma group plz [16:34] link de group http://www.facebook.com/groups/319997588054646/ [16:34] omg [16:34] bon j'y vais >< [16:35] merci [16:35] bb [16:36] Voulez-vous mettre comme admin dans group le dans le page [16:36] page de group https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-%D8%AA%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AF%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA/264138940336305 [16:37] Guest86981: are you Hammadi Wahech? [16:37] oui????????? [16:37] Guest86981: netcharfou. [16:37] w bik akteher sa7bi [16:38] Vous faites quoi dans ta vie quotidienne? [16:38] bac info [16:38] et nchalah mechi militer [16:39] enti Hichem Khayati [16:39] Non, Shichemt Älen [16:39] c'est un ami l'autre [16:39] add me dans fb [16:40] Guest86981: je l'utilise pas [16:41] pk? [16:41] Vous pouvez me suivre sur twitter [16:41] ok [16:42] @tux-tn [16:42] @shichemt [16:43] ouais Guest86981. [16:43] chkoun bech i3aweni fil group?????????? [16:43] Quel groupe? [16:43] http://www.facebook.com/groups/319997588054646/ [16:44] Pas moi. [16:44] t3aweni ya shichemt [16:45] ok [16:45] merci [16:46] You're welcome. [16:48] Tux-Tn, chnya hal msiba! [16:48] facebook et ubuntu, ça me fait super mal de voir cette "association" [16:50] c'est incompatible moralement, intellectuellement et éthiquement [16:51] Il parle trop sans rien faire. [16:52] bemawi, pour nos FB est un moyen de publicité.. [16:52] :( [17:10] :) [17:35] re [17:35] il est parti [17:35] youpi [17:36] Tux-Tn: ouais :') [17:38] shichemt, fech ta3mel houni? [17:38] Tux-Tn: rien :') === k3nz0 is now known as [3alem_din]k3nz0 === [3alem_din]k3nz0 is now known as k3nz0 [21:01] salam @ tous [21:01] bonsoir [21:02] ahla shichemt [21:16] Salam nizarus [21:18] ahla elacheche_anis [21:19] :) [21:37] hi [21:39] hi geek-inside [21:42] heyy [21:42] how are u ? [21:43] geek-inside: am duin gud, u? [21:43] fine [21:43] geek-inside: u aint luk old enough here, r u? [21:44] yea am new here [21:44] geek-inside: wlcm bruh [21:45] thx [21:46] geek-inside: so r u from Tunisia? [21:46] yes u r [21:46] excuse me what utility has this channel ? [21:46] from tunisia yes [21:48] geek-inside: we haz a meetup every 2 weeks at least, we exchange ideas abt improving linux using and especially ubuntu usage. [21:48] great ! [21:48] of course in Tunisia community and also we have a loco team [21:48] am a ubuntu user but i don't know much abt it [21:49] r u a facebook user? [21:50] yeah of course [21:50] if you find anything hard, just look for it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntu.tn/ , or just start a new post. [21:51] You're welcome, again. [21:52] or just talk here, everyone is listening. [21:53] thank u [21:53] that's so kind of u [21:55] I'm glad that I can help :) [21:56] il y a aussi la liste de diffusion : https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-tn [21:58] un forum : http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=227 [21:58] etc... [22:01] thx and good night