
yurchorHi! Does anybody know what is the status of Blender translation on LP (https://translations.launchpad.net/blender ). There are no LP marks in Blender 2.62 translations. Are the LP translations used by upstream?08:47
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
kelemengabordpm: hi, looks like ubuntu-desktop (and language-selector) now depends on im-switch, should I reopen bug #612499, or file a new one?10:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612499 in im-switch (Ubuntu) "im-switch is not internationalised" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61249910:34
twobottuxLaunchpad bug 612499 in im-switch "im-switch is not internationalised" [Unknown,Fix released]10:34
twobottuxLaunchpad bug 612499 in im-switch "im-switch is not internationalised" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61249910:34
dpmhi elky, would it be possible to remove twobottux from the channel? Thanks!10:34
dpmhi kelemengabor, looking...10:34
dpmkelemengabor, hm, that's a bit of a mess. The im-switch contacted me a while ago to migrate to im-config in Ubuntu. I got him in touch with pitti and pointed him to how to do the migration, but it seems he's not really pushed for it. Feel free to reopen the bug with a comment.10:38
elkydpm, you can do the actions, i'm not on the access list for here. /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-translators dpm10:39
dpmelky, how can I do it?10:39
elkydpm, first: /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-translators dpm10:41
dpmok, I believe I've done that10:42
dpmbut didn't see any visible effect10:43
elkyhrm. I'll go find a freenode staffer10:43
elkyMyrtti, twobottux is no longer required. dpm's access list entry looks mangled10:45
dpmthanks elky10:45
MyrttiI see where the problem is10:45
elkywell, not only looks, he tried to op and cant10:45
elkythere's no * before "dpm" in the ident10:46
Myrttiyou've been granted access flags by hostmask, not nickserv account10:46
Myrttiand it's been done when you've run your client on a system with identd10:46
elkythat too10:46
elkyMyrtti, for now the most important thing is to get twobottux out so it doesn't spam.10:47
elkydpm, can you try the same command as before? it should work now10:49
dpmit seems to be doing the same. All I got is the following line on my client:10:50
dpm>chanserv< op #ubuntu-translators dpm10:50
dpm(I'm using xchat-gnome)10:50
elkyMyrtti, :(10:51
elkywe just need someone to be op to do /mode +b twobottux!*@*10:52
Myrttielky: new staffdom poses some delay too :-| never done this kind of stuff before and freenode staff isn't on the access list so can't help there much either10:52
elkyyeah, after this i'll get the ircc to get themselves added to the list to make future requests more responsive10:54
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
elkydpm hasn't exactly done much op stuff before, so it's all new to him, and i think most of the others on the access list have moved on10:55
dpmyeah, I can confirm that. I can't remember who the previous op was, but he definitely moved on. At the time he chose not to give me op status, and I haven't need it until now, but anything that would make future changes more agile would be great. Thanks!10:58
elkydpm, thanks for being patient with us. it's just one of those things where you don't know there's a hole until it rains ;)11:00
dpmelky, no worries, I really appreciate your help :)11:00
sagacidpm, just a side question, do you use xchat-gnome since the translations are actually used?11:02
dpmhi sagaci, I'm not sure I understand the question. I've used xchat-gnome for ages, and afaik, it's always been translated11:03
dpmespecially as I was the upstream translator :)11:03
sagaciyeah, I just mean in contrast to the usual xchat, which doesn't display upstream translations11:03
dpmsagaci, ah, I didn't know xchat didn't load translations. Is this a known bug?11:13
sagaciI think I've reported it11:13
sagaciI'll check11:13
dpmin any case, now that I understand the question, the answer is because I find xchat-gnome to be nicer, to integrate better in the desktop, and while we don't include an irc client by default, it's the recommended one11:15
MyrttiI don't know who recommends it - I'm pretty sure no hardcore IRC user does ;-P atleast that was the general consensus few years ago11:15
sagaciyep, I prefer xchat but it's an annoying bug to not have it show translations11:15
sagaciGUI IRC clients11:16
dpmMyrtti, the idea was not to recommend it to hardcore users, who will probably use irssi or will be able to make their own choice. But rather to recommend it to regular users, to which xchat-gnome was more friendly in terms of usability. There was never an official recommendation, rather we tended to recommend it when running Ubuntu Open Week and such events, although nowadays we probably recommend webchat or Lernid (when it used to work :)11:20
AlanBellhi dpm, I am on the IRC Council and Myrtti has asked me to help with sorting a few things here11:20
sagacidpm, I thought I filed it but not showing results11:20
sagaciI'll file it11:20
kelemengaborsagaci: xchat shows up translated for me, and it ever did11:23
sagacien_AU isn't11:23
kelemengabormaybe your translation is not in the upstream release yet, but this is no surprise given that the upstream project is pretty much dead11:23
elkyAlanBell, it's likely that it's run off a machine that someone else connects from, the ban isn't necessary now that the bot won't join11:23
elkyat least it shouldn't re-join, a nick ban would be enough if it does11:24
elkyand thanks :)11:24
elkydpm, all done :)11:24
sagacikelemengabor, so there's no real fix?11:25
kelemengaborwell... I can't think of one, sorry :\11:25
dpmthanks elky, Myrtti and AlanBell :)11:27
elkydpm, things should be easier for the next time now too. you're welcome :)11:28
Myrttithat makes me happy11:28
dpmcool :)11:28
Myrttiseeing freenode staff mask on the access list is always a relief on sore eyes11:28
elkyhehe yeah, it helps lots11:29
Myrttisince my work here is done, time to close some excess irssi windows11:30
elkyand with that, i bid you all goodnight11:30
Myrttiuntil next time...11:30
Mirvpretty happy with the results of my translation salvaging work18:36
artnayMirv: job well done19:29

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