
TheOpenSourcererpopey: You'll like this I think: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Minecraft-Calculator-Graphing-MaxSGB-Scientific,15109.html07:03
DJonesMorning all07:32
kaushalis there a way to run time ssh servera /bin/false && time ssh serverb /bin/false on the same gnome-terminal of my desktop ?07:45
kaushalsimilar to sdiff command07:45
BigRedSI don't see the similarity08:03
BigRedSdo you just want the terminal output side-by-side kaushal ?08:04
BigRedSTerminator and tmux can each help do that08:05
kaushalBigRedS: yes08:05
BigRedSTerminator is a terminal app that can do split screens, so you can have the GUI split08:05
BigRedStmux splits in the terminal itself. It's like screen08:05
kaushalany clue about byobu ?08:05
BigRedSit's almost exactly screen, just different enough to be confusing08:05
BigRedSbyobu is just screen with fancy config08:06
BigRedSadn I know screen can do vertical splits08:06
BigRedSbut I don't know if the one in the repos can08:06
BigRedSor how - I saw I had to build it so I used tmux instead08:06
kaushali launched byobu08:06
kaushalhow do i split it into two08:06
matttmorning all08:07
BigRedSkaushal: this might help: http://aperiodic.net/screen/quick_reference08:10
BigRedSI don't know how different byobu is08:10
popeyBigRedS: its not different really08:11
popeyjust screen with some nice added bits, the same shortcuts work given it's the screen binary underneath08:11
BigRedSpopey: Ahh08:11
BigRedSI was under the impression some of the change was to the keybindings08:11
popeyi use the same key bindings in screen as I do in byobu08:12
BigRedSoh, cool08:12
TheOpenSourcererHow cool is this guy? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1747807008:13
oimonoverheard on sunday: "hey i bought a galaxy note", "is that a phone or an ipad?" , "it's an ipad that can make phone calls". "oh i see".08:15
arsen<3 people08:16
oimon<3 teenagers08:16
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
JamesTaitHappy Monday, people! :D09:14
* BigRedS notes that the next oggcamp isn't going to be oggcamp 110 after all :(09:25
BigRedShaha, are there confirmed dates for it yet?09:26
bigcalmYes, but they are in the background image09:26
bigcalmA poor website for the blind09:27
bigcalmBigRedS: 110 is 709:28
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:33
BigRedSer, 10009:36
BigRedSbigcalm: ^09:36
BigRedSThere was 1, 10, then 1109:36
gordyou really would of thought draw something would have more words, how hard is it to find a list of words?09:37
gordi mean... work wor09:37
* BigRedS has no idea what gord is on about09:37
gordsilly mobile game09:37
gordthat everyone is playing09:38
BigRedSbigcalm: I just saw the dates. I spent a while looking at that page earlier without detecting them09:39
bigcalmMaybe a channel topic change would be good to say Oggcamp 18th & 19th August09:54
sagaciwasn't oggcamp going to be renamed?09:58
popeywe asked for suggestions _if_ we were going to rename it09:59
sagacieh, well I totally misread/heard that09:59
popeybut nobody came up with a decent one09:59
directhexso us windows phone users feel welcome10:01
gord... why didn't you ask me? gordfest it is10:05
gordor maybe gordmageddon10:05
davmor2morning all10:11
davmor2czajkowski: prod10:11
czajkowskidavmor2: HELLO!10:11
daubersI like the fact I can get pictures from my phone to my desktop with U1... I don't like the fact that I can't tell it to put that folder anywhere but my home folder :(10:30
AlanBellanyone else getting *** VTE ***: Failed to load terminal capabilities from '/etc/termcap' when launching gnome-terminal today on 12.0411:01
gordAlanBell, nope11:06
davmor2bittin: hello11:07
AlanBellhow on earth did I break that then I wonder11:07
AlanBellfixed it, just needed to close all open terminals and reopen one11:15
DavieyAlanBell: Do you and of of the other Alan's still care about openerp?11:27
AlanBellall Alans love OpenERP11:28
TheOpenSourcererHey Daviey11:30
davmor2AlanBell: that's a lie Alan Turing doesn't give two hoots :P11:31
AlanBelldavmor2: well doing annual accounts appears to be NP-complete so I think he would approve11:33
* bigcalm makes an entrance11:33
TheOpenSourcerercall that an entrance bigcalm ?11:36
TheOpenSourcererDame Edna Everage does "Entrances"11:36
davmor2AlanBell: :D11:36
DavieyTheOpenSourcerer / AlanBell: If the latest openerp was to be in precise, would you be happy?11:36
TheOpenSourcererDaviey: I would be no less or more happy than I am right now.11:37
DavieyTheOpenSourcerer: oh, won't bother then :)11:37
TheOpenSourcererFabien at OpenERP s.a. might be more happy though.11:39
AlanBellserver or client?11:39
DavieyTheOpenSourcerer: would you be willing to test a package?11:39
DavieyAlanBell: server11:39
Davieyhmm, maybe client aswell11:39
TheOpenSourcererBut what happens in less than 5 years when the next major version or OpenERP comes out?11:39
AlanBellclient would be more useful than the server to be packaged I think11:40
TheOpenSourcerer+1 AlanBell11:40
TheOpenSourcererJorge suggested we right a "charm" for JuJu based on our installation instructions.11:40
DavieyTheOpenSourcerer: if it were me, i'd pin deployments to 2 yearly updates :)11:40
TheOpenSourcererBut upgrading OpenERP is non-trivial.11:41
Davieyexactly :)11:41
TonyNorfolkdwatkins: Hi11:41
AlanBellwell you could package it with the version number11:42
AlanBellso you would have a package for the 6.0.x series and one for the 6.1.x series11:42
AlanBellupgrades between them are done by a hosted migration service that openERP provide to people who buy the subscription11:43
DavieyAlanBell: looking at 6.1 snapshot for precise.11:44
TonyNorfolkIs anyone brilliant with plymouth - I adjusted it and it now looks aweful.11:49
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
MartijnVdSTonyNorfolk: aweful? That's a mix between awesome and awful? :P12:04
BigRedSI still maintain that those two words should be synonymous12:05
TonyNorfolkMartijnVds: Lol - good spot!12:09
kirrusBigRedS: You mean, awesome/awful, or aweful/awful should be synonymous?12:09
BigRedSkirrus: awesome and awful12:15
kirrusbut.. they're polar opposites!12:19
BigRedSYeah, and I think that's wrong12:19
Davieycd MartijnVdS12:20
Davieyerr, wrong window, and bad tab completion12:20
BigRedSkirrus: Because 'awe some' and 'awe ful' are much the same12:20
BigRedSetymologically they shouldn't be opposites12:20
daubersMartijnVdS isn't a directory! He's a number!12:20
BigRedSit doesn't help that neither really means anything to do with awe any more12:20
BigRedSso we have 'awe-inspiring' instead12:21
kirrusBigRedS: when has the english language ever made sense?12:21
dwatkinsls -l Daviey12:21
BigRedSkirrus: It never has, that's why I have all these patches to submit to it12:21
kirrusBigRedS: when you rule the world... maybe ;)12:21
bittinThe Precise beta works awesome :)12:23
bittinand changed to a wm you can actully use apart from Unity Openbox ftw :)12:24
BigRedSI've got really bored of thinking about WMs. I think I preferred it when nobody cared.12:26
ali1234back when managing windows was the primary function of the WM12:29
dwatkinslooks like this summer's going to be pretty hot, it's sunny and warm even in Edinburgh today and it's barely spring.12:31
BigRedSIt's summer12:36
BigRedSthat's what happened on saturday night12:36
BigRedSsummer started12:36
dwatkinsoh, I didn't realise summer started so early, though it was only just spring12:37
BigRedSsummer begins when summertime starts, winter begins when summertime ends12:37
BigRedSspring and autumn are myths12:37
dwatkinsit's like someone flipped a switch, we had a right pea-souper of fog on Saturday, then Sunday was sunny and warm12:38
BigRedSWe had _really_ dense fog in the morning on saturday, but by about midday it felt like summer12:38
dwatkinsin Edinburgh, the fog lasted all day, which was surreal12:39
BigRedSactually, what was really weird here was how quick it came in - I looked outside, confirmed it was a nice day, put my bike sutff on and stepped out into the fog12:40
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
selinuxiumHmm... Latest update killed my unity...14:39
selinuxiumnow runnign 2d..14:39
selinuxiumrunning even...14:39
Laneyseems like a bit of a rocky one14:39
selinuxiumI take it there have been other reports then...14:40
selinuxiumHaven't had a chance to look yet.. Been fighting trying to get 3d up..14:40
popeyselinuxium: unity --reset14:41
selinuxiumpopey: from within 2d or command line at broken 3d?14:42
popeylogin to unity 3d, then switch to tty and login and run that14:42
popeyswitch back to F7 and you're done14:42
selinuxiumOk dokey... ttfn  :)14:43
davmor2selinuxium: what is the issue is it lots of gfx artifacts etc if so there is a bug for it, if it is that you are possibly better off in 2d for now14:43
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 and goes back to work,inbox 0 :) 14:47
davmor2czajkowski: yeah inbox 0 every other folder has a 1000+ unanswered though right :D14:49
czajkowskinope :)14:49
czajkowskiinbox ninja14:49
davmor2czajkowski: yeah yeah I've told you before that means mrevell isn't giving you enough work :P14:57
davmor2czajkowski: have a hug for all the hard work14:58
selinuxiumcheers popey, all sorted now.  Wondering if unity is aware it can't start?14:58
mrevelldavmor2, czajkowski is working very hard :)14:58
selinuxiumczajkowski, Have a hug because I haven't seen you in ages!14:59
selinuxiumpopey, then perhaps it could run unity --reset on it's own...14:59
davmor2mrevell: I know see my last statement I just enjoy winding her up :D  czajkowski doesn't bite anymore though so it's not as much fun :)15:00
mrevelldavmor2, She's too busy to bite :)15:00
czajkowskidavmor2: not sent you to the naughty step this year15:00
davmor2mrevell: hahaha15:01
davmor2czajkowski: true mind you I've been pretty busy too so the two competing won't help15:01
davmor2where is MooDoo15:02
gordits nice to see OpenTTD as one of the highest rated games in software centre :) sure played a lot of transport tycoon in the 90s15:05
Myrttigord: waiting for corsix-th to be included as well15:14
gordMyrtti, hoping someone can re-create the datafiles under a re-distributable licence so people can play it without the original game :)15:17
gordand if someone wants to go ahead and make an open source dungeon keeper, i think we are set15:17
davmor2gord: that's your next project sorted then right :D15:18
gordi tried to once years ago :P data files are encrypted :(15:19
davmor2gord: back in the 90's right so might work flawlessly in dosbox then :D15:29
gordit does :)15:29
davmor2gord: end of problem then15:29
gordwellll not really, small resolution, looks bad on LCD's (back on crt wasn't a problem) and drains battery way too much if i want to play on the laptop15:30
davmor2popey: have a look at http://apps.ubuntu.com it's a bit better now :)16:03
davmor2popey: although you still get all reviews for now16:05
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Integrating Your App Into Unity - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/03/26/integrating-your-app-into-unity/16:12
* bigcalm boogies to some Electric Six16:24
bigcalmIt's quiet in here today16:24
czajkowskimonday busy times16:24
davmor2bigcalm: BOO!16:24
bigcalmczajkowski: I guess that's why I haven't chatted much in here either :D16:24
bigcalmdavmor2: erm, eek?16:24
bigcalmHalf an hour left to the day \o/16:25
davmor2bigcalm: sorry I was just making some noise :D16:25
bigcalmThough I've just the last of the milk from the fridge. Hayley might be a little miffed at not having a cuppa tea when she gets in16:25
davmor2bigcalm: Don't worry flowers are cheaper now so I don't mind attending the funeral :)16:26
bigcalmThe excitement I feel when I hear the "pop" of new email arriving gets dashed when it turns out to be yet another system report16:42
davmor2bigcalm: if you want I can forward some of mine onto you and you can see if you can fix it if you want? :D16:49
bigcalmOh, is that the time16:49
bigcalmGotta run16:50
davmor2bigcalm: wuss16:51
mrevellAnyone else got a Viglen MPC and wondering what to do with it now that 10.04 is the last LTS that'll run on it? I know I have three years before I have to look another OS altogether but the thing has always been too damn slow to be that useful, anyway :)16:53
davmor2mrevell: can't you drop lubuntu on it16:55
mrevelldavmor2, Is lubuntu retaining support for i586? Ooh, if so, yeah, that's an idea.16:55
davmor2mrevell: ah pass16:56
mrevell10.04 has three years left on the server, anyway, so I'm not in a rush to find an alternative. It's more than I'm trying to talk myself out of buying an HP Microserver :)16:58
mgdmI might put straight Debian on mine17:02
mgdmUnless that has been rebuilt to preclude <58617:02
* bittin listning to 50 Hertz17:03
mgdmI never found mains hum all that good to listen to17:04
zleapcan someone help me with libreoffice i have a docx file saved as odf, but am getting read only elements that I can't edit,  it means I can't add new rows to a table etc17:05
Nafallopopey: any news on working unity/compiz/nux/bamf? :-)17:25
MartijnVdSNafallo: it broke?17:32
NafalloMartijnVdS: yeah17:32
* MartijnVdS postpones rebooting17:32
MartijnVdSNafallo: which bit17:32
NafalloMartijnVdS: unity/compiz interaction most likely17:32
NafalloMartijnVdS: some people was left with blank screen. mine kept flickering a lot17:32
MartijnVdSNafallo: I have the flickering on my laptop17:33
MartijnVdSGym time :|17:34
popeyNafallo: unity --reset ☺17:41
popeyNafallo: should all be fine if you do a --reset17:41
popeymrevell: buy a microserver ☺17:42
Nafallopopey: ah. thanks. I'll try that in a bit17:54
ubuntuuk-planet[Gareth France] Tolworth  25th March 2012 - http://cliftonts.co.uk/cubuntu/?p=13718:12
MyrttiI wonder if Womens Institute is approximately what I think it is18:12
Myrttireading Wikipedia it appears so18:12
daubersMuder is still illegal right?18:25
davmor2man they made the x-files illegal.......18:48
diploevening all19:02
davmor2diplo: is a copper careful what you say19:03
* diplo lost19:03
diploah I get you :)19:04
* diplo is tired, just fought putting the kids to bed19:04
czajkowskimmmm pizza19:04
diploHome made I hope!19:05
AzelphurIncoming longquestion :o19:06
gingstupid tabs19:06
Azelphurso, if everybody is bored, I'm thinking about some stuff, as everybody knows I run game servers, we're starting to shift quite a lot of large files, up to 50MB a pop to every client that connects, and we want to start mirroring for some projects, etc...Currently we have the webserver up on the same dedicated server that's running the game servers, but I have a feeling that the webservers traffic will start effecting the game servers. So I'm wondering...19:06
Azelphurshould I aim at rate limiting the webserver? (I don't think this would work too well as everybody needs to download the map at the same time), What about the cheap managed hosting plans, will they get angry if I start passing 2TB+/mo bandwidth through them? Any other suggestions?19:06
diploheh was going to suggest using godaddy accounts or something19:07
czajkowskidiplo: no chance19:07
Azelphurlol godaddy xD19:07
diploI like home made ones19:07
gordonjcpAzelphur: which games?19:08
diploNo limits Azelphur, I know they have there issues and I am moving away from them atm but bandy wise if you are just linking files19:08
Azelphurgordonjcp: currenty TF2 shifts the most traffic, We're beta testing minecraft atm and then we're just gonna keep on adding games at infinitum while mirroring for projects relevant to those games19:08
BigRedSHow often does the data change? CDN?19:09
Azelphurdiplo: yea, I'm thinking map change = 75% of players have to download the new map? = 24 people all trying to get a 50MB file at 50mbit? nearly 3 minutes just for a mapchange...bad >.<19:10
AzelphurBigRedS: CDN is an option, but they are a bit dark magic to me I don't fully understand it19:10
Azelphurplus, I'm very low budget19:10
diploI suppose, are they maps hosted by other game server people ?19:11
AzelphurI did the math for Amazon S3 and it'd totally nuke my budget19:11
diploLink them to multiplay's files :D19:11
Azelphurdiplo: haha, clearly you missed out on the whole "hotlinking is a bad idea" lesson :P19:11
diploOr chat with Wizzo/Killing about it19:11
diploWizzo is a good bloke, really helpful19:11
Azelphurwho is wizzo?19:12
BigRedSYeah, CDNs are cheaper than S319:12
diploOwner of Multiplay19:12
BigRedSthey're also slower to update19:12
diploRun the 1-2k people lans ?19:12
BigRedSso if you've new files every several days they're alright, but if you're constantly updating files they're less good19:12
BigRedSNot sure on precise pricing, though. I've never paid for one :)19:12
AzelphurBigRedS: how slow are we talking? I mean we're talking similar to apt for example, there will be software, the software will have updates.19:12
Azelphurdiplo: yea I know multiplay :)19:13
BigRedSAh, the speed of the update is fast, it's the frequency with which you can do it that's limited19:13
diploWell Wizzo is the owner reall name Craig, and the guy who designed clanforge and does most of the game server wizardry is Killing ( Real name Steve )19:13
diploGood nice guys19:14
Azelphurdiplo: hehe, fun :)19:14
diploSee if they can help you out ?19:14
diploYou do it for fun dont you ? Not profit19:14
AzelphurBigRedS: yea, so the question is really if something like APT could be done via a CDN, because it should be a similar update frequency really19:14
BigRedSyou'ld have somewhere hosting the files, and point teh CDN at them. Periodically, you can expire the cache on the files to force the CDN to recollect the files rather than serving out of cache any more19:14
Azelphurdiplo: Both, although I don't earn any money atm I'd like to XD19:14
mgdmexpiring files on a CDN is sometimes expensive19:15
mgdmthey prefer you just to upload new files with different names19:15
BigRedSoh yeah19:15
mgdmdoing a cache purge is something you tend to only get a limited number of per month19:15
Azelphurwhat sorta price would this be anyway?19:15
brobostigonwhat does prorata mean?19:18
Azelphurproportional ratio?19:19
mgdmbrobostigon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_rata explains it better than I could19:19
mgdmatually, no it doesn;t19:20
mgdmwhat's the context?19:20
brobostigonmgdm: me wanting two staggered invoice periods combined.19:21
Azelphurwell, apparently my dedicated server provider solved that problem before I had it19:50
Azelphur"yo we sold you 100mbit but...yea your on 1gbit, enjoy."19:50
Azelphurthat explains why I was able to do a 32MB/sec download the other day19:50
AzelphurI shall rate limit my webserver to something like 500mbit/sec, and laugh.19:50
Azelphurand my dedicated provider has decent bandwidth overcharges too, so I should be fine even if I start poking the 5TB limit19:51
MartijnVdSAzelphur: only 500? :)19:52
* MartijnVdS pokes a server at work19:52
MartijnVdSand another19:52
MartijnVdSand another19:52
MartijnVdSAzelphur: working at one of the country's biggest isps :)19:52
AzelphurMartijnVdS: but I have the quality? InterNAP NYC Tier 1 ;)19:53
MartijnVdSAzelphur: We're the ISP that grew from a bunch of hackers back in '93... and they don't like slow downloads :)19:54
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I have no idea how much up/downstream we have and from where, but gigabits = peanuts19:54
Azelphurindeed, xs4all is awesome, I'm not even in NL and I know of them and some of the cool stuff they do19:54
MartijnVdSAzelphur: :) Cool19:54
MartijnVdSStill waiting for the fibre company (which is separate...) to install the fibre though.. it's 7 floors down. I can _see_ it, it has my address on it.19:55
MartijnVdSit's taunting me :(19:55
mgdmam I the only one who's reasonably happy if he has more than about 8mbit?19:55
mgdmI could get 50mbit or even 100 where I am, I just can't really be bothered19:55
MartijnVdSmgdm: I want to upload photos and videos sometimes. At 1mbit/s that's a bit horrible19:56
BigRedSmgdm: nope. I've no idea what I'm on19:56
BigRedSbut it lets me download bits of the Internet so I'm happy19:56
mgdmI'd have to upgrade all my stuff (everything I have is on 11g just now)19:56
MartijnVdSmgdm: at 500/500 it shouldn't be a problem anymore19:56
mgdmI barely download anything19:56
mgdmand only upload stuff to Flickr, periodically19:56
AzelphurI'd love faster internet19:56
AzelphurUploads are really painful on ADSL19:57
Nafallopopey: just to confirm. I want the latest -proposed, reboot and then unity --reset once logged in to the strobo-desktop?19:57
AzelphurI would do so many cool things if I had fast upload19:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I'd back up my NAS to an identical one at my parents' place for one19:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: and the other way around19:57
Nafallohmm. new unity. maybe not.19:57
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I'd like to use my bitcoin cluster to do a super-super HD render of my minecraft map19:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: (note: we have no bandwidth usage limits)19:57
Nafalloand compiz as well it seems...19:57
Azelphurbut the upload would be terabytes19:58
czajkowskipopey: who does andy piper now work for ?19:58
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Run it like Google Maps19:58
MartijnVdSAzelphur: with tiling etc.19:58
NafalloMartijnVdS: is your laptop still flickering? :-)19:58
AzelphurMartijnVdS: we do19:58
MartijnVdSNafallo: I'm on my desktop atm, laptop is off19:58
AzelphurMartijnVdS: http://map.minecraft.azelphur.com/ pop the sidebar out on the right and click PvE :P19:58
NafalloMartijnVdS: well, whichever was flickering before... is it fixed now? ;-)19:58
MartijnVdSNafallo: *sigh* I'll go turn it on19:59
NafalloMartijnVdS: gratzie19:59
popeyNafallo: ya20:01
popeyczajkowski: not sure he's publicly announced yet20:01
MartijnVdSNafallo: there's no new unity in my upgrade list20:02
Nafallohmm. weird.20:03
NafalloGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main unity i386 5.8.0-0ubuntu2 [1,192 kB]20:03
MartijnVdSNafallo: ah, I'm using a mirror20:03
popey5.8 is latest20:04
Nafallopopey: there are at least two 5.8.0 ;-)20:04
czajkowskipopey: bugger20:04
popeyczajkowski: why?20:04
czajkowskineed speakers for limerick conference20:05
czajkowskiam trying to rack my brains here20:05
czajkowskineed an ARM speeaker also20:05
czajkowskirasbery pi20:05
MartijnVdSczajkowski: have you talked to the RPi people? They seem very "talkative" lately20:06
MartijnVdSNafallo: I'm still amazed at a bug with this much impact being introduced this late in the cycle20:07
NafalloMartijnVdS: yeah, same here.20:09
MartijnVdSOh hey 5.8.0-0ubuntu220:10
* Nafallo looks at changelogs20:10
MartijnVdSlogging out & back in again, brb20:10
zleapwhat exactly is that pop out side bar thingy in unity called ?20:11
MartijnVdSstill blinky von blinkenstein20:11
MartijnVdSzleap: sidebar?20:11
gordonjcpzleap: lots of things, few of them repeatable in a channel where people love the CoC20:11
MartijnVdSIcon tray?20:11
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: 8-)20:12
gordonjcpI tend to call it an ill-designed buggy piece of foolishness20:12
zleapi need one for windows,  i am so used to it that when i use windows i put my mouse cursor on the left hand side, expecting to see it, LOL20:12
MartijnVdSzleap: Use Windows 7, its task bar works almost the same20:13
Nafalloright. I'm upgrading, and will tickle popey half to death if this fails on me again.20:13
MartijnVdSzleap: if you put it on the left20:13
MartijnVdSNafallo: only half?20:13
zleapthe main issue i have is that when i er go to close an app it appears covering the close button20:13
NafalloMartijnVdS: I want him alive... he's good to blame for shit ;-)20:13
daftykinsczajkowski: are you back there now? i was in Limerick for the first time at the start of March :O20:13
zleapMartijnVdS, you mean i can move it20:13
czajkowskidaftykins: nope but running a conference there in october20:14
MartijnVdSzleap: the Windows task bar? Of course, after you unlock it20:14
gordi set my windows 7 task bar on the left to try and get the same experience, its not, its just infuriating20:14
zleapi meant the unity one20:14
NafalloMartijnVdS: looks like the latest compiz will fix the screen corruption by doing what popey said automatically :-P20:14
daftykinsczajkowski: neat20:14
* zleap has xp20:14
zleapand ubuntu20:14
daftykinsi heard it's the stabby capital of Ireland20:14
MartijnVdSzleap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtphSIeMstY20:14
MartijnVdSzleap: now you'll hear them sing "Lock the taskbar" forver20:15
zleaplike start me up by the rolling stones20:15
gordif thats adam and joe, then you are mean :P20:15
gordyou can't forget that20:15
zleapanyway as I hardly use windows its not exactly a big issue20:16
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: the clash - rock the cabah20:16
zleapit was more of a comment on how ubuntu has affected me20:16
daftykinsMartijnVdS: nooooooo!20:16
MartijnVdSdaftykins: LOCK THE TASKBAR20:17
zleapstart me up20:17
zleapyou have to click start to close me down LOL20:17
daftykinsrock the taskbar :( no wait...20:17
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: :-)20:17
* zleap waits for a comment on that one20:17
MartijnVdSzleap: at least you don't have to drag it to the trash to unmount20:18
MartijnVdSzleap: talk about awkward dates20:18
zleapyou mean you have to do that on windows or linux20:18
MartijnVdSzleap: macos20:18
daftykinszleap: i heard that from a colleague of my dads a bit ago, very true that you click start to stop... :>20:19
zleapit is still the case as you click start shutdown20:20
MartijnVdSdaftykins: well it's sort of logical.. "I want to start the bit of software that stops the computer"20:20
zleaponly the start button is no longer says start on it,20:20
MartijnVdSalso, just press the power button.. it'll pop up a question or just shut down properly20:20
daftykinsMartijnVdS: yeah, you also start shutting down don't you :D20:20
MartijnVdSdaftykins: exactly20:20
daftykinszleap: although they renamed it 'the orb'20:20
daftykinsso yeah there's nothing start-like about it anymore XD20:20
zleapright that is catchy20:20
zleapi will stick to unity20:21
zleapor kde or anything Linux based20:21
Nafallodaftykins: heh, someone read too much david eddings ;-)20:21
NafalloMartijnVdS: working?20:21
MartijnVdSNafallo: no, still blinky mcblinkenstein20:22
zleapohh notice the day20:22
daftykinsNafallo: who?20:22
MartijnVdSNafallo: 5.8.0-0ubuntu2 that is20:22
zleap26th March,  1 month to go till 12.0420:22
NafalloMartijnVdS: and compiz?20:22
MartijnVdSNafallo: uhrrr...20:22
NafalloGet:9 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-proposed/main compiz all 1: [3,288 B]20:22
MartijnVdSI don't have that!20:22
NafalloMartijnVdS: heh20:22
zleapprecise pengolian20:22
zleapor something20:22
NafalloMartijnVdS: that's the one that is supposed to fix the flicker, fwiw. according to the changelog :-)20:23
MartijnVdSNafallo: Oh woo. Also the blank screen thing?20:23
NafalloMartijnVdS: yeah. it basically resets compiz to default on upgrade ;-)20:23
MartijnVdSinstead of fixing the REAL problem20:23
gordgoogles apt server runs on a 56k i swear20:24
MartijnVdSgord: I heard it's 14k420:25
gordand MartijnVdS that is called unblocking so you can spend more time figuring out the real fix ;)20:25
Nafallogord: are you sure they are not using an ARM-board to host it? ;-)20:25
MartijnVdSgord: What do they call not breaking it in the first place? :)20:25
gorda world where software is made by perfect beings, probably deep thought20:26
MartijnVdSgord: I think we've had this discussion before.. :) I kind of like full test suite runs on every commit :)20:27
gordwe have that20:27
gordbut a test suite only tests what you know - it doesn't test what you don't know20:27
Nafallostaging archive for certification/qa to run the things?20:27
gordyeah, don't quote me on the specifics, but a solution along those lines, problems come about when things like this are found a few days before a release20:28
MartijnVdSWoo, working Unity20:29
MartijnVdSTime to fix it again..20:29
MartijnVdSwow, even alt+stuff works when you disable HUD20:30
Nafallomeh. I just didn another apt-get update, and guess what... yet another compiz20:32
AzelphurMartijnVdS: don't suppose you happen to know much about tc?20:34
Azelphurseems like it might be in your field :P20:34
Nafalloright. time to try a reboot.20:34
Nafallomight bbiab... ;-)20:34
MartijnVdSAzelphur: tc? traffic control? the qos tool?20:35
daftykinstop cat of course!20:36
AzelphurMartijnVdS: yep20:36
MartijnVdSAzelphur: http://lartc.org/ :)20:36
Azelphurtrying to figure out how I might rate limit my webserver20:36
Azelphuroh god but the manual is scary >.<20:36
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Not as scary as sudoers20:36
jacobwits queue discipline20:36
daftykinsAzelphur: put it on dialup20:37
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I'd start with trying to find a module for the webserver to limit bandwidth20:37
MartijnVdSAzelphur: failing that, http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.qdisc.html20:37
Azelphuryea, I asked in nginx and they wern't very useful, I did some googling and couldn't find one, I don't think there is one20:37
Nafallooh. latest updates seems to work.20:38
MartijnVdSjacobw: Queue discipline sounds very British to me :)20:38
Nafallopopey: seems it's fixed in the archives :-)20:38
MartijnVdSNafallo: yeah, it resets unity/compiz, as gord said.. so bye bye customizations20:38
jacobwi actually listened to a podcast episode about queueing on friday20:39
NafalloMartijnVdS: yeah :-)20:39
jacobwit was very interesting /o\20:39
bigcalmpopey: AlanBell: christel: where's nice to stay in Farnham?20:40
daftykinsat least it would've been if you ever reached the head of the queue?20:40
daftykinsoh lawd20:43
daftykinsi just got reminded i got asked to be my brothers best man at his wedding in September20:43
AlanBellbigcalm: this place is interesting http://www.hoteldevie.com/leisure/faqs.html#swingers-hotel-myth20:44
daftykinsnot that i hugely know what it involves but i don't like such things :P20:44
jacobwits time to write a speech20:44
MartijnVdSdaftykins: it involves getting drunk20:44
daftykinsonly one of those sounds do-able20:44
jacobwmore or less so than the groom?20:44
jacobwones supposes the groom has an incentive to be not too drunk20:45
MartijnVdSjacobw: Hence the responsibility of the best man20:45
MartijnVdSAlso, if you're into that, the bride's single friends20:46
* jacobw is attending a wedding in june20:46
bigcalmAlanBell: haha, thanks :)20:48
daftykinsheh i sense they'll mostly be Guernsey girls, so... ;)20:49
MartijnVdSdaftykins: is that a bad thing? :)20:49
daftykinssometimes :>20:50
daftykinswell of course i'm crazy myself too20:50
MartijnVdSif you say so20:51
Azelphurhaha, just tested my 1gbit connection, I just downloaded Ubuntu 12.04 precise from a mirror in 14 seconds at 59.3MB/sec20:56
bigcalmAlanBell: that amusing bit of info to one side, sounds like a nice place20:56
AlanBellyeah, quite convenient for the station20:57
bigcalmAlanBell: Hayley and I have the week booked off after the RAT, so our options are open as to what to do20:57
bigcalmWe're in no rush to get home20:57
jacobwto where is you gigabit connection?20:58
MartijnVdSTHE WORLD20:58
=== davie_ is now known as Guest57789
bigcalmLooking at Hotel de Vie on google maps has the info snippit of "bed and breakfasts · egyptian cotton · erotic art · biscuits · individually themed"21:12
AlanBellto go with the tea21:12
bigcalmAlanBell: have you seen the standard fitting (apart from one) in the rooms? http://www.hoteldevie.com/leisure/rooms/index.html21:13
AlanBellnot in person, no21:13
bigcalmMaybe that's part of the swinging myth21:14
bigcalmOr partial cause21:14
AlanBellbut you can tell us all about it afterwards21:14
bigcalm!info ike21:28
lubotu3ike (source: ike): Shrew Soft VPN client - Daemon and libraries. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.7+dfsg-1build1 (oneiric), package size 221 kB, installed size 636 kB21:28
bigcalmAnybody used an IPsec VPN client in Ubuntu or Debian via the CLI?21:28
bigcalmI have to set up 2 external connections, one by IPsec, one by PPTP21:29
Azelphurgrrr, this is getting frustrating, I'm still trying to find out how to do bandwidth throttling with nginx, it seems like it's the only webserver that doesn't have an option for it21:33
jacobwnginx is bound to a ip address on an interface shared with other processes?21:37
Azelphurjacobw: yea, but it obviously has it's own port21:39
mgdmI'd argue that traffic shaping is better done in something like iptables, but that's just me21:46
Azelphuryea, that's what they say21:46
Azelphuronly thing is I don't really want to have to read the entire iptables manual just to figure out how to do this21:46
Azelphurplus I really don't like playing with iptables because if I break my network access to the machine I'm locked out21:47
mgdmalso my web servers generally want to operate as fast as possible, and sod the bandwith :P21:47
Azelphuryea, I have other services running on the same box21:47
Azelphurso I need the web server to not be able to choke them21:47
Azelphurjacobw: yea, but again the manual for that is absolutely beastly21:48
* bigcalm grumbles21:48
mgdmAzelphur: http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.ratelimit.single.html21:49
AzelphurI don't wanna have to read like 400 pages of manual just to put a rate limit on a web server21:49
bigcalmIf Whisky Web wasn't in the middle of a rather large project, I might have been able to get my boss to pay for me to attend21:49
mgdmAzelphur: you'll want to fiddle with the match clause in the last command21:49
mgdmbigcalm: :(21:49
bigcalm:( indeed21:49
Azelphurmgdm: can that be modified to only do a specific interface/port?21:49
bigcalmI'm going to be demob happy at the end of April21:50
Azelphuror rather, interface+port, since I only want a specific interface, specific ports21:50
mgdmAzelphur: $DEV is the interface, the 'match ip dst' bit is the port21:50
Azelphurmatch ip dst seems to show an IP though21:50
mgdmAzelphur: RTFM, below21:50
Azelphurhaha ok, reading \o/21:50
mgdmAzelphur: it links to the bit on writing match clauses21:50
Azelphurmgdm: is that example for guarenteed minimum bandwidth? or does it actually limit22:05
AzelphurI'm trying it locally but I seem to be able to exceed the limit22:05
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/7xCcgJes is what I'm doing22:05
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Once upon a time in Cardiff - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/03/26/once-upon-a-time-in-cardiff/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=once-upon-a-time-in-cardiff22:12
ali1234Azelphur: this is where having loads and loads of IPs comes in handy22:13
Azelphurunfortunately, I don't22:14
ali1234well you used to22:14
Azelphuryea, now I have 5 \o/22:14
Azelphurand I have other services on all of them22:14
daftykinsnn all \o22:17

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