=== FloatingGoat2 is now known as Guest58094 === rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti === jalcine_ is now known as Guest2983 [08:40] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/770283 [08:40] Ubuntu bug 770283 in Compiz Core "[fglrx]title bar does not update on non-maximized windows" [Medium,In progress] [08:40] *bump* ;) === mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|lunch === greyback is now known as greyback|lunch [10:05] didrocks, lp:~gordallott/unity/fix-sc-integration should fix #963718 if you want to cherry pick it now for beta 2, will take quite some time yet before i can get it in trunk because of tests [10:07] gord: ah excellent! thanks :) [10:19] i havnt seen that issue yet [10:19] no description in the bug :( === mmrazik|lunch is now known as mmrazik === greyback|lunch is now known as greyback === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch === _salem is now known as salem_ === smb` is now known as smb [12:31] hi all! how can rebuilding libindicator (apt-get source, debuild) cause X to crash? i get this on two systems, nothing from apport. [12:34] htorque, what do you have in /var/log/Xorg.0.log(.old)? [12:35] seb128: that's the last output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900358/ - let me check the X log [12:36] seb128: looks like a clean exit? http://paste.ubuntu.com/900360/ (same on the second system) [12:37] htorque, what about syslog? [12:37] htorque, could be gnome-session hitting an issue [12:37] caused by a test? [12:38] htorque, well, you never know [12:38] bugs have to be caused by something [12:38] tests tend to be harder stress cases than normal use [12:38] they are less laggy than users :p [12:38] yeah, that was a real question, not a "i don't think so" ;) === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [12:53] davidcalle: ping [12:53] mhall119, pong [12:56] davidcalle: hey, any update on your lenses/scopes for Oneiric? [12:57] mhall119, I have to change a lot of code, to simplify the apparmor profiles. People are reporting that the Graphic Design lens and scopes in USC are crashing because of a wrong profile. I'm trying to make things clearer in the code for the arb review. [12:58] davidcalle: did they give you the apparmor profile, or did you have to make it yourself? [12:58] mhall119, no, they created and integrated it. [12:58] ok [12:59] seb128: i'm not finding any interesting output. this is from .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900393/ - building it in a VT also causes a logout. [12:59] I see that Teester had some apparmor issues too [12:59] with his music scopes [12:59] mhall119, oh ok [12:59] the ARB is working on fixing his, they can probably help you with yours too [13:00] htorque_, nothing in /var/log/syslog? [13:04] seb128: at least i don't see anything. should be in this snippet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900406/ [13:05] htorque_, got to a vt, attach gdb to gnome-session [13:05] htorque_, go to another vt, attach gdb to X [13:05] htorque_, then trigger the bug and check the bts [13:05] vts [13:07] seb128: that somehow locked up the system. trying to do this remotely. [13:07] htorque: just type "c" in gdb [13:07] that should lock the xsession for sure [13:07] until you do "c" [13:07] since the blocks xorg and the session [13:08] i did that for both gdbs, couldn't go back to VT7 (or do anything else) [13:08] weird [13:11] seb128: meh, "Connection to chaos closed by remote host." [13:12] htorque, seems like your kernel is unhappy [13:12] or you get oomed [13:12] you named your box 'chaos'? [13:12] :-) [13:12] well there's your problem [13:14] dmesg shows: do_trap: 45 callbacks suppressed [13:14] Xorg[10700] trap int3 ip:... sp:... error:0 [13:19] hrm, was it "design" or "not yet implemented" that I cant drag some content (copy text, a file etc) to hover over a launcher, wait until that window pops up and drop it into that window? [13:20] ie. I have a picture in nautilus, I grab it, hover over skype chat window, wait until it pops up and drop it there to send to the person on skype? (I do this on kde regularly) === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:40] Also, I had a thought. for the launcher icon size setting thats currently in ccsm experimental settings, perhaps it is more useful to be a percentage of screen size rather than a pixel number? === yofel_ is now known as yofel [14:18] seb128: i managed to get a crash file, but the backtrace just shows 77 frames of "??" (i have all the xorg dbg packages installed) [14:18] htorque, was it xorg segfaulting? [14:18] htorque, do you have the filename where it did segfault? [14:19] seb128: unfortunately it's "signal 5, trace/breakpoint trap" [14:22] htorque, no filename on the gdb lines? [14:22] like "?? in driver.so" [14:23] seb128: no, it's just "?? ()" [14:24] htorque, :-( [14:24] dpkg -S driver.so; apt-get install whateverdpkgfound-dbgsym sometimes helps [14:24] at least the package builds without the tests [14:24] htorque, well you can try to compare the addresses to /proc/$(pidof process)/maps [14:25] pidof which process? [14:26] htorque, the one which did signal 5 and that you have in gdb [14:28] seb128: so X, but i don't find anything in there. :-( [14:28] htorque, you mean? [14:28] in the maps file [14:29] htorque, it's empty? [14:29] oh, wait, i grepped with leading zeros [14:30] hm, no, i don't find, e.g. frame address #0 in there. [14:31] aren't they different each time i start X? [14:34] seb128: oh, you mean ProcMaps in the crash file. sorry, misunderstanding. :-) [14:34] htorque, well the goal was to map the gdb lines address to the procmaps to see in what binary the code is [14:35] htorque, but if you got address #0 things are really screwed up [14:35] no that's frame 0 ;) [14:36] seb128: first two frames map to ld-2.15.so, the following to "/drm mm object (deleted)" [14:40] anyways, libindicator builds without the tests, so one of those tests triggers the problem. i obviously don't have enough experience to help, should i at least make this an upstream bug report? [14:44] htorque, well the deleted seems to indicate your issue is an xorg or driver issue === h00k_ is now known as h00k [15:21] davidcalle, you seem to be using special actor uri in ulv, can you change that to more standard dbus://unique.name.service ? [15:22] what's the correct capitalization, NUX or Nux? [15:22] davidcalle, including the ".service" [15:25] mhr3_, what do you mean by special actor uri? [15:25] davidcalle, i saw lens://unity-lens-videos uri in a log [15:26] also, does anybody have something that maps Unity components/features to code files? [15:26] something that says "If you want to change the Launcher, you'll do it in files X, Y and Z"? [15:27] oh, right. What kind of names do other data sources use? [15:27] they're usually apps, so they use application://desktop_id [15:27] services use dbus:// as mentioned above [15:28] mhr3_, would dbus://unity.lens.video make you happy ? :) [15:29] .service [15:29] .service [15:29] actually, no [15:29] it's not unique dbus name [15:29] use the same thing you pass to the RequestName call [15:30] mhr3_, ok [15:31] btw any progress on the flickering issue? [15:34] mhr3_, didn't have any time to work on it, and I probably won't until friday. Shouldn't be a big deal to fix it, though. [15:37] It looks like i have reproduced bug #943851 in firefox now, after it is fix released :( [15:37] Launchpad bug 943851 in Unity Distro Priority "[unity 5.6] Pressing Alts steals focus from current widget, cannot compose characters with AltGr" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/943851 [15:39] thomi: ping === chaoticuk_ is now known as chaoticuk [15:40] testcase: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900641/ [15:40] :( [15:56] davidcalle, don't underestimate async issues ;) [16:03] I don't use Unity yet, but Im wondering about two things: [16:03] 1) how to restart Unity (in gnome I use killall gnome-panel)? [16:03] 2) where is the boot men located? [16:06] BEC: "unity --replace" to restart it [16:06] there's a thread on the forums about that but it didnt help its poster [16:06] i have a dual-monitor precise configuration (just recently re-installed from scratch). I am getting the launcher on both monitors. How can I configure it to only the primary screen? [16:06] the boot menu, I assume you mean Grub2, I'm not sure where that is, but it's got nothign to do with Unity [16:07] mhall119, in 10.04 it used to be under the name menu.lst [16:07] bjf: check the Displays settings [16:07] can't find it in 12.04 [16:07] BEC: yeah, it changed between Grub 1 and Grub 2, I don't know where it is now, but again it's not a Unity thing [16:08] mhall119, ok thx [16:08] BEC: you can try asking in #ubuntu, or maybe see if there's a specific channel for grub [16:08] bjf: did you find it? [16:08] mhall119: thanks, did the trick (though i got a couple error dialogs popup) [16:08] bjf: report any bugs you find please [16:09] mhall119: ack [16:24] mhall119: bug 965455 and bug 965461 [16:24] Launchpad bug 965455 in unity (Ubuntu) "Changing launcher location on dual monitors results in error dialog." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/965455 [16:24] Launchpad bug 965461 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dialog shows string format character instead of string when display change times out." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/965461 [16:33] charles: oops, g_clear_error()... thanks! i probably should stay away from mem leaks for now. ;-) [17:13] davidcalle, hey [17:14] videos lens say "sorry, there's nothing that matches your search" but at the same time I see online videos in the lens :/ [17:23] om26er, that's not nice. Is there a bug opened for it? [17:23] huh, so the weird bug when I try to switch between applications that are on a different workspaces is back [17:24] most of the time I end up moving windows around :( [17:29] mhr3_, the remote vids scope triggers a queue search changed when it's opened, to refresh it's recommendations (results from the server without a search). The "no results" hint is displayed, on top of these results, when the lens is opened. [17:29] Any idea? [17:32] mhr3_, then, when a search has been typed, and erased, it works fine. === chaoticuk_ is now known as chaoticuk [17:34] davidcalle, will report a bug the next time I see it. so I have a screenshot as well [17:35] om26er, ty, apparently, it only happens if no search string has been typed in the lens during the session. [17:38] gord, hey! see bug 964061 [17:38] Launchpad bug 964061 in unity (Ubuntu) "HUD overlay has one pixel gap on left side" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/964061 [17:40] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/98183404/hudbug.png [17:48] the looking glass isn't centered correctly, too [17:48] should be moved a bit to the right, equal to the dash search [18:45] popey: Do you know why Thunderbird's icon in the Unity Launcher would be defunct for me? It will launch Thunderbird but once TB is launched if I click the icon it doesnt bring it to front or do anything... I cannot even close the app from launcher [19:23] bkerensa: did you do an upgrade without a restart? [19:24] htorque: no, don't stay away from mem leak patches... keep 'em coming, they're great [19:25] hi. are ubuntus default key binding on-topic here? [19:25] mhall119: Nope this has been since a upgrade.... all other apps work fine in the launcher except Thunderbird [19:25] sometimes the Thunderbird icon wont even show up in the launcher at all [19:30] mhall119: pong [19:32] thomi: oh, geez, I don't even remember what I was pinging about now... [19:32] mhall119: haha, ok. I think I was asleep, or outside. [19:32] mhall119: you pinged me in #dx as well, perhaps something related? [19:33] mhall119: this is why contentless pings suck :P [19:35] super+r is bound to ezoom's fit_to_window zoom. There is currently no way out of this zoom. hitting super+r again does nothing. Users hitting super+r by accident will be stuck. [19:35] thomi: oh, I was asking about NUX vs. Nux, but om26er answered me already [19:35] jussi: the content was there, just prior to the ping ;) [19:36] hehe [19:36] :) [19:39] damnit, I just pressed super+r [19:39] popey: switch to an empty desktop, click on the background and press super+r again [19:39] i restarted unity ☺ [19:39] dakira: is there a bug filed? [19:40] popey: yeah.. I even fixed it already.. I'm just not sure how to proceed [19:40] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz-plugins-main/+bug/953278 [19:40] Ubuntu bug 953278 in compiz-plugins-main (Ubuntu) "Fit Zoomed Area to Window Enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] [19:42] popey: I have never worked directly with ubuntu packages and couldn't quickly find out about the expected bug-fixing workflow.. people on #bzr told me it is different from just proposing a merge with a regular launchpad project. [20:02] wow, what is super+r supposed to do, and how can I undo it? [20:03] haha thomi, seems like I want to know that too [20:04] I can't read a command without trying it [20:04] what is super+r? [20:04] oh, I pressed it again a feew times and then it zoomed out [20:04] mhall119: everything gets zoomed [20:04] oh [20:08] thomi, mhall119 as I wrote above.. super+r zooms to the currently active window. You can undo it by "selecting" the desktop and hitting super+r again (LP: #953278) === jml_ is now known as jml [20:13] wow, that's weird [20:13] I hope it's intended that super+r again will undo it [20:14] mhall119: there's no code in compiz or the plugin that supports this being a toggle. I commited a fix to disable this.. [20:28] very nice review of Unity 5.8: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/ubuntu-unity-58-seriously-impresses/3514 [20:44] how do I add more lenses, and where do I get them? [20:45] mhall119: I read that one, was spot on I think, though not overly detailed [20:45] jussi: one Oneiric or Precise? [20:45] mhall119: precise [20:45] jussi: on Oneiric there are more available in the 'extras' repository, but they haven't opened that up for Precise yet [20:46] who's familiar with the unity dash code? [20:46] oh, ok :/ got a deb or 2 for me? [20:46] jussi: yeah, one second [20:46] jussi: check out https://launchpad.net/~scopes-packagers/+archive/ppa [20:46] jussi: https://launchpad.net/~scopes-packagers/+archive/ppa [20:46] heh [20:46] the dash seems to jump through many hoops for blurring the background, and it's slower than it should be [20:48] mhall119: when is the extras going to be opened? (and why are they there and not in universe?) [20:49] jussi: it's easier to get them into extras than into Universe [20:49] plus they can be added to extras after the release date [20:50] extras is going to be opened a few weeks before release, IIRC, so sometime soon [20:50] jussi: I'd really use the PPA. the lenses break often (when the sites they search change behavior). With the PPA you could get an update within an hour, with official repositories it'll take way longer. [20:51] dakira: yes, I suppose, I just dont want to taint my system for bug reporting [20:52] jussi: the ppa only adds extra lenses that don't change behavior outside of those lenses/scopes. And there's always ppa-purge if you're unsure about a bug. [20:53] * jussi eyes dakira... [20:53] hrm, ok then [20:53] ppa added :) [20:53] what are the standout ones? [20:55] also, is there a shorcut key for changing which lense Im in.. ? [20:56] jussi: ctrl+tab is the new shortcut [20:56] jussi: when dash is open, I mean. [20:56] * jussi notes that mhall119 fails at naming lens packages ;) [20:57] dakira: ahh, yes [20:57] hey wait, whats the difference between a lens and a scope? [20:59] jussi: think of scopes as search engines and lenses as the representation of the results [20:59] ok, thanks. Ill look more in the morning. now is sleep time :) [20:59] jussi: the graphic-design-lens has many different scopes (like deviantart, flickr and more) to pull results from [20:59] jussi: I love the torrent scope ;) [21:00] :D [21:00] * jussi really goes to bed now. nini all [21:02] jussi: naming has never been my strong-suit [21:11] mhall119: oh. you ARE the onehundredscopes guy ;) great stuff! Have you ever thought about joining forces with the atareao lenses guy? [21:16] dakira: no, davidcalle is the onehundredscopes guy [21:17] I'm the "hand full of scopes" guy :) [21:17] mhall119, lol [21:19] mhall119: just saw your name on the ppa ;) [21:19] davidcalle: so from a user perspective it would be great to have one ppa for all your scopes and lenses needs. Have you ever talked to atareao? [21:20] dakira, the atareao team is really great, indeed. Scopes are really new stuff, so we are all trying our own ways to work on them. Hopefully next cycle, with standardization, guidelines and such, collaboration will come. [21:21] I see. [21:23] dakira, but one PPA for testers, before pushing the packages to the Software Center, would be nice, I agree. [21:26] davidcalle: the problem with scopes in the software center is that they are broken for a long time if the sites they query change behavior [21:27] davidcalle: that is why I like PPAs. I fixed a small thing in the piratebay-scope a couple of days ago and I was just impressed by the new package being available 2h later ;) [21:27] dakira, I very much agree. I had the problem this week-end on a lens. The process to go to the Software Center and update is quite long, but things are getting better. [21:28] dakira, oh, it was you ? :) [21:28] yup ;) [21:28] I should use my launchpad username on freenode i guess [21:28] I don't ^^ [21:42] thumper, ping, I have a question about expected behavior concerning the dash and alt+f1 === salem_ is now known as _salem [22:33] thomi, I have an autopilot test for you to review :) [22:33] https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/disable-alt-f1-dash/+merge/99440 [22:33] when you get a chance [22:33] cool, I'll check it out [22:33] thank you === chaoticuk_ is now known as chaoticuk === chaoticuk_ is now known as chaoticuk