[00:51] rick_h: What the hell is with the countdown? [10:45] snap-l: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/584/ [10:54] morning [11:06] Welcome back to Michigan [11:07] And what, pray tell, is the dignificance of 3/29 at 9:41:06? [11:07] party [11:07] snap-l: it's https://store.yubico.com/store/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=73&osCsid=9c507929d46139feac0df2ed001d3dca [11:07] either I bump it or the boy bumps it and it dumps the code to the screen active window and hits enter [11:07] Hah, OK. :) [11:08] I'm moving it to another usb port to try to not hit it as often [11:08] but it just barely sticks out and just picks up being touched [11:09] What platforms use it, or is it just for work auth? [11:09] for work is the reason I picked it up [11:10] there's some standard stuff that uses it I guess, but not for everything. [11:10] Ah, so they let you expense it, and you get to keep it? [11:11] or was it "here's the options, you pick what you want to use?" [11:20] it was more here's a list of tools to use. I've also got an android app and I figured a button on the laptop would be the fastest/easiest to use [11:25] Yeah, definitely. [12:46] ug mondays [12:46] hard drive in the dell is dying. looks like i'll be slumming on the MBP [12:51] gmorn [12:52] my server has been limping along iwth a dying hard drive for over a year. [12:52] so maybe it isn't "dying" as much as it is partially disabled. [12:53] jrwren: Any particular reason you haven't replaced it yet? :) [12:53] that would require a few free hours of my time [12:54] i've no wish to spend my time that way [12:54] i'd rather just power cycle that server every month when it freezes [12:54] of course. [12:54] up 19 days now. whoo hoo! [12:54] and when the drive completely dies? :) [12:54] restore from backup and spend the 2hrs then. [12:54] i have both running right now while i move all my crap over [12:54] I take it this server isn't doing much [12:54] its my primary home server. [12:55] it does everything for me. [12:55] being totally down would be very bad [12:55] jrwren: I see [12:55] jrwren: I hope you test your backups. [12:55] but it only hurts me and my wife. we can't watch "our shows" [12:55] hehe. [12:55] i dno't really test my backups. [12:55] but they are just tars. [12:55] unfortunately i had the MBP wiped and ready for sale [12:55] one of a very few backup approaches that have never failed for me [12:55] jrwren: I'm glad you're a developer and not a sysadmin. :) [12:56] snap-l: that is snide and foolish [12:56] Your lack of paranoia frightens me. [12:56] ha! [12:56] your lack of sane risk analysis depresses me. [12:56] touche [12:56] *personal attack back at ya* kachow! :) [12:56] remember, i was formerly a sysadmin. [12:57] jrwren: I'm very paranoid around HDDs, though [12:57] Are they in a RAID at least? [12:58] but in all seriousness i could lose this thing and I wouldn't care very much. [12:58] (like I'm one to talk. My desktop drives aren't raided) [12:58] i can rerip CDs [12:58] i can redownload ISOs [12:58] jrwren: nod [12:58] i can reinstall linux. [12:58] what else does it do? [12:58] code goes to github or lp [12:58] not sure what else I have there... nothing I think. [12:58] its really not that important. [12:58] * jrwren says as he crosses fingers and hopes it doesn't die [12:58] jrwren: After deleting my one drive, and having to re-rip, I've gotten a lot more anal about backup [12:59] right as we were typing this, it failed a write ;( [12:59] That said, it's sitting on my desk a few feet from the machine [12:59] jrwren: Ouch [13:02] does anyone know screen/byobu very well? I turned off hardstatus and now that line is going ot my xterm title? [13:02] it is weird, but also kinda cool. [13:02] jrwren: Never turned it off, but that is kind of cool / annoying. :) [13:29] what is the most useful vim command you ever learned? [13:29] G [13:29] wait, no Esc [13:30] beyond the 2 page cheat sheet of unix in a nutshell [13:31] <_stink_> heh [13:31] au FileType $something set... [13:32] top 3 or top 5? [13:33] jrwren: u [13:33] usually in rapid succession. :) [13:33] and then a ctrl-r ? [13:34] sometimes. [13:34] But undo has saved my bacon more than once. [13:34] and removed my bacon more than once. [13:34] me too, but i can usually git reset or checkout or something to save my bacon [13:35] i ask because I just made great use of mksession [13:35] jrwren: Assuming I'm using git and have recently checked in, yes. ;) [13:35] but i also learned Sex/Vex recently [13:35] jrwren: How could you recently learn Sex? :) [13:35] and I thought maybe folks would have sweet favorites like those. [13:35] snap-l: i never really knew what that thing down tehre was used for. [13:36] snap-l: the status bar i mean [13:36] jrwren: I'm totally posting that on bash.org. :) [13:37] can if you want. i was just quoting MSI cuz i thought it would be funny. [13:38] ;) [13:39] http://bash.org/?950583 [13:39] I lolled [13:39] <_Marcus> "Quote #950583 is pending moderation."? [13:39] yes, it'll take some time [13:42] jrwren: I used the session stuff for a bit, but found it too much work to keep up and going [13:43] jrwren: but really, I find that for the most part vim is movement commands, updating config stuff based on ft in a custom way, and the plugins that make my life easier [13:43] after splits/buffers, etc, I don't get into a ton else there [13:49] my laptop is running fast after its HD issue earlier. i'm scared to hit the swap === rick_h_ is now known as rick_h [13:52] grrr, I've done that a few times lately. Somehow freezing my irssi window [13:53] brousch: You can tell Linux how swappy you want it to be. [13:54] yeah, but with my measly 4GB i am hitting it frequently. i'd rather it not just kill things [13:56] It won't directly kill things [13:56] you can just set the priority lower [13:56] rick_h: you still use nerdtree? [13:56] yea, but working on using ctrlp and not using it as much [13:57] i never adopted nerdtree, so Explore is very nice for me. [13:57] ctrlp? [13:58] like command-T but pure vimscript vs ruby [13:58] Oh that helps. [13:59] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3736 [14:00] Looks like a pain in the ass [14:01] now so? [14:02] Just looked a little complicated from the description [14:02] CHekcing it out now [14:04] http://kien.github.com/ctrlp.vim/ seems pretty good intro/walk through [14:04] basically setup a couple of settings, some ignores, and stop auto chwd and works ok so far for me [14:04] How do you open it in a new window? [14:05] don't know, I just split, and then run it [14:05] or just run it and go back/forth between buffers [14:05] meh. I'll give it a shot [14:05] I've mapped ;; to swap buffers so finding myself doing that a lot more recentl.y [14:06] I think I've gotten too used to Nerdtree. :) [14:07] though I can see why this would be appealing [14:07] yea, you have to know what you're looking for [14:07] so for projects you know well it's awesome [14:07] but when I'm searching/finding things or exploring I launch NT [14:07] so bookie is almost 100% ctrlp now, but launchpad is still some 60% nerdtree walking [14:40] hardstatus ignore v. alwyasignore. got that byobu hardstatus out of my window title [14:51] I wish my sinuses would stop building a dam [14:57] Tomorrow sees the release of the latest OMC Instrumetalcast [14:58] And I found enough stuff that the next episode may not be far behind [15:15] http://memoirsofficial.bandcamp.com/ <- Worthy of your attention, instrumental djents. [15:21] \o/ [15:21] bookmarking. [15:22] after Cloudkicker, never ignoring a bandcamp link from you again [15:22] ColonelPanic001: That could be dangerous. :) [15:23] But yeah, Bandcamp appears to be where I'm getting a lot of the "OMG" music [15:23] probably [15:24] Jamendo is stagnating [15:24] never really used it much - just listned to bands I'm linked to, etc [15:24] Jamendo as a great idea, it's just a lot of stuff to sift through, imho [15:24] Well, they've made it 100x worse to release albums [15:24] so what used to be a decent flow is now a trickle [15:25] that and they moved servers to be with their new parent company [15:25] So that always makes things fun [15:26] heh === jcastro_ is now known as jcastro [16:14] Nice, managed to have a process wedged on my machine since the 24th [16:14] no wonder my machine was acting a little wonky [16:15] * snap-l wonders if he should be using some form of CPU monitor in the systray after all. ;) [16:27] heh, if your system is acking wonky you're supposed to run top :P [16:27] Yeah yeah, I know. [16:58] i have cpu, ram, swap, and network monitors always running [16:59] brousch: You're running KDE. I'm surprised your titlebar isn't a stock ticker. [16:59] i have a whole panel for clocks and stock tickers [17:07] brousch, has a panel of panels [17:07] i created a full screen panel and filled it with panels [17:15] He's got a panel of a panel where he's peeking at his ports [17:16] and a cadre of clocks his appointments to support [17:16] with a wall of wobbly windows his functions find a fort [17:17] and a network sniffing tracer tracing traffic of all sorts [17:18] greg-g: You have unleashed the fury. [17:18] http://blog.grossmeier.net/2012/03/25/why-i-dont-buy-ebooks-anymore/comment-page-1/#comment-11902 [17:19] snap-l++ [17:21] that was for the KDE poem [17:21] snap-l: :) yay fury, or is that furry ;) [17:22] greg-g: You'll have to come to Penguicon for the furry. [17:23] * waldo323_ runs away [17:36] rick_h: https://github.com/kennethreitz/autoenv similar to workit [17:38] widox: yea, but is messes with cd and not a fan of that [17:48] rick_h: right. I just haven't seen too many general tools like that [17:50] widox: yea, there's some issues that overloading cd create, some rails tool shave a history of doing that [17:55] apparently Rowan just rolled over from his tummy to his back [17:56] greg-g: woot! [17:56] here comes trouble [17:57] no kidding [17:59] I remember that first time I put him down, went to get a drink and then found him off his blaket across the room going "WTF!?" [17:59] lol [17:59] it's like a switch, they just suddenly start going [18:02] time to babyproof everything [18:02] no. kidding. [18:03] That'll be a fun house meeting with the roommates. "No, you can't leave your used needles on the floor anymore" [18:03] bah, need more books. Up to 4 audible credits to use up this month [18:03] lol [18:03] :) [18:04] greg-g: wow. who are you rooming with? [18:04] i thought everyone in SF smoked pot, not shot up [18:04] oh right... [18:05] "No, you can not leave your bong on the floor, he *will* tip it over" [18:09] lol [18:10] * jrwren calls SFCPS [18:49] rick_h: http://www.audible.com/pd?asin=B002V0QDLM [18:49] Not sure how many credits it is, but it should keep you busy for a while. [18:56] "abridged" lack of commitment [18:56] http://www.audible.com/pd/ref=sr_1_1?asin=B002V0Q84E&qid=1332788166&sr=1-1 [18:56] ^^ there ya go [18:56] 41 hours [18:56] Ah, very good then [18:56] I thought that was running a bit short. [18:56] :) [18:57] heh, cool [18:57] pshaw. amateurs http://www.audible.com/pd/ref=sr_1_1?asin=B0077DEH7A&qid=1332788222&sr=1-1 [18:57] 47 hours [18:57] brousch: I read that book [18:57] I think by the middle I wanted every one dead. [18:58] Stephen King is one of those authors where I seek out the abridged versions [19:00] i read tons of stephen king in HS [19:00] tried reading Insomina once. After a while I wondered why I was doing this to myself. [19:00] It felt like a novella pounded into a novel. [19:06] I liked some of SK's stuff, like Bag of Bones and the first few of the Gunslinger series (only read 2 or 3) [19:06] I've only ever read "The Long Walk" [19:07] in my group of geek friends, Stephen King was our replacement for Tolkien or Gaiman [19:25] you know, I'm wondering, should I get the humble bundle again for Rowan when he's of age? [19:26] I mean, Snuggle Truck seems like a good early game [19:27] nah, just get him on pbs kids [19:27] "In Snuggle Truck, you must overcome treacherous terrain get your cargo of precious stuffed animals safely to the zoo, in an adorable take on the "trials" game genre. " [19:27] any other opinions. brousch went with "just hand him over to the commies" [19:36] greg-g: How old is Rowan? [19:36] I think he might be a little too young for that sort of thing [19:36] indeed [19:36] though I'm a huge fan of the HUmble Bundle for other things. [19:36] snap-l: yeah, definitely no game time yet, he just figured out how to roll over from his tummy to his back (he's 3.5 mos) [19:37] I was thinking in preparation for when he's older, like, I don't know when [19:38] as soon as he can sit up [19:38] heh [19:43] greg-g: Well, think about it this way [19:43] how likely are you to be running Android 2 devices when he's 2? [19:45] given that my phone isn't yet android 2.0..... no effing clue :) [19:46] eh? wtf phone do you have? [19:46] oh, wait, sorry [19:46] I am confused on android versions [19:46] -100 geek points [19:46] my phone (LG Optimus V) is at 2.2.1 [19:47] that's pretty old [19:47] yeah, figured [19:47] Virgin Mobile doesn't give a hoot [19:47] but its cheap, and I mostly still use it just as a phone plus twitter/identica/email [19:48] ah, i thought about doing that [19:48] their crappy coverage area was the biggest turn-off [19:49] virgin == sprint [19:49] and the only one with a major difference/improvement is verizon, which is stupidly expensive (for my usage) [19:50] att and sprint are both really spotty north of GR, where all of my parents/grandparents live [19:50] * greg-g nods [19:50] brousch: Where they live, it's probably ma and pa shanty wireless and feed store. [19:58] http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/mar/26/news-corp-ondigital-paytv-panorama <- wow [21:13] this is pretty neat: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Files_from_the_Australian_Broadcasting_Corporation [21:13] http://creativecommons.org.au/weblog/entry/3465 [23:32] greg-g: That is pretty cool.