
blkperlslangasek: can i file a bug that vim-puppet should enable syntax hilighting by default[C[C[C02:09
blkperlfor some reason the maintainer chose not to enable it by default02:10
slangasekblkperl: no reason you couldn't file a bug... whether anyone fixes it, well, there are no promises :)03:19
Brian_Hehco test bkerensa16:41
bkerensaBrian_H:  :)16:53
Brian_HI need to chat with ya in a bit, have to run now, but will you be around in about 90 min ?16:53
bkerensaBrian_H: yep17:04
bkerensaslangasek: Do you by chance know how I might troubleshoot why Thunderbird is not showing up in the Unity Launcher?19:04
slangaseknot really :)19:14
bkerensaBrian_H: When you get back and want to do that chat just PM me19:38
bkerensahello adam_g _20:03
=== adam_g_ is now known as adam_g
bkerensabkero: When do we need to put in the t-shirt req for release party?23:27
bkerobkerensa: 3 weeks sounds safe23:29
bkeroI need to get in touch with herr swaggiver23:29
bkerensabkero: :P23:29
bkerensabkero: Ok well event is on the 29th of next month23:30
bkerogot it23:30
bkerensaI am also going through the ReMo process at Moz23:30
bkerensaso hopefully for future events I can get us covered and not have to nag you :P23:30

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