
Sadinmy life from age 8 to 1500:01
Sadinmy god....00:01
rmg51everyone keeps forgetting there is no PennBot00:25
rmg51now let's see how long it takes to crash ArchBot since it's in two channels00:40
jedijf3 channels actually00:40
rmg51better yet :-D00:42
waltmanI need to get up to Zern's at some point. It's been years.00:51
SadinWhat happned to Penn bot00:54
Sadinwaltman i go there all the time with my grandpa :D00:54
cythesSadin, You can find me at Deal me in games every saturday from 6:00 till 10 ish. Getting my ass handed to me in magic lol02:04
Sadincythes are you those people that sell the used games and consoles and you have the shop inside and outside the store?02:09
cythesNope card game shop just opened a few weeks ago Sadin02:19
Sadincythes oh awesome!02:20
Sadinill have to go now that its getting warmer02:20
cythesYeah, they do all kinds of events from Yugioh, pokemon and magic. I am finding that I love playing magic.02:21
Sadincythes ive never learned to play magic i wanted too though02:23
cythesIts a fun game all in all. If it made me get rid of the other two... that should say something... xD02:31
Sadincythes yeah i wanted to play it on steam but it only works for windows and not on my mac02:37
Sadinso i was debating getting the cards irl02:38
Sadinhow much you guys sell em for?02:38
cythesWell $13 for a regular deck (Comes with a bosterpack) then the event decks are $25 but they have dice and a boster pack as well as some awesomely playable cards. (Its built to dive right into competitive action) the other decks are just simply play around things.02:40
Sadin$25 ones are for jumping right in to play02:48
cythesSadin, you can jump into them all but Event decks are just that.03:06
cythesPennBot ?03:22
PennBotNo idea!03:22
cythesGuess not lol03:22
EvilResistanceis pennbot back?03:54
EvilResistancePennBot: test03:54
PennBotI don't have a clue.03:55
EvilResistanceoh its lagging03:55
cythesPennBot, AlexanderAzimov04:20
cythesOhk then04:20
* cythes is going to sleep04:29
Sadinhttp://zachsnyder.deviantart.com/#/d4u2oqs heres my #! desk what you guys think?05:23
PennBotTitle: ZachSnyder on deviantART (at zachsnyder.deviantart.com)05:23
ArchBotTitle: ZachSnyder on deviantART (at zachsnyder.deviantart.com)05:23
Sadindouble bot post05:25
Sadinpleia2 ! ochosi is letting me help port Bluebird to GTK3 !15:24
pleia2Sadin: yay! :D15:24
pleia2I'm so glad you got involved with them15:24
Sadini am too i always wanted to learn gtk themeing15:25
Sadindidnt know where to start15:25
Sadinbut if gtk3 is CSS im set im a webdesigner :D15:25
Sadingtg pleia2 in school the periods almost out15:25
MobileTurkeyhey all15:31
MobileTurkeySadin: gtk3 is sweet cakes15:31
MobileTurkeymuch cruft of gtk2 is gone15:31
MobileTurkeyperformance is still not great but they're finally only using cairo15:31
MobileTurkeywhich is good15:31
MobileTurkeyno more gpixmap basically wrapping xlib calls...15:32
adomjedijf: honeynet? ill google...17:06
jedijfadom: i came across another one while reading too, i'll post it in channel when i get near the book17:08
adom'preciate it17:08
jedijfadom: honeyd or any of the similar, or this for catching malware http://dionaea.carnivore.it/17:15
PennBot`Title: dionaea catches bugs (at dionaea.carnivore.it)17:15
=== Sadin is now known as McSadin
=== McSadin is now known as MbSadin
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!20:11
EvilResistancenot again20:39
EvilResistancedid PennBot glitch itself again20:39
* EvilResistance facepalms20:39
EvilResistancei thought i fixed that internet issue20:39
=== PennBot` is now known as PennBot
EvilResistancei wonder if its still broken...20:41
EvilResistancePennBot: bacon20:42
PennBotThe Almighty Food of the Gods20:42
EvilResistanceokay, so it remembers that...20:43
EvilResistancenow why did the thing not keep the old data...20:43
InHisNameSamuraiAlba: here is the rules for you to live by: http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/2373390/THE+RULES+OF+BACON/20:45
PennBotTitle: THE RULES OF BACON (at www.funnyjunk.com)20:45
MobileTurkeySadin: ever read that?20:47
MbSadinSamuraiAlba that Duel Quad core is yours right?21:38
SamuraiAlbaIt's ... 2 Quad Core Xeon 5335 2.0Ghz CPUs, 4 73gb SAS 10k drives, HP P400 controller, 4GB ram ECC FB RAM DIMM21:47
MbSadinSmauraiAlba okay save it please :3 my dad will get it for me for my birthday21:48
SamuraiAlbacool beans21:48
SamuraiAlba$275 if you pick it up :)21:48
MbSadinCloser to early may lol21:48
MbSadinSamuraiAlba okay lol and what about the website you wanted :321:48
SamuraiAlbaLooking for a decent looking PC sales website21:49
MbSadinA redesign?21:49
SamuraiAlbaI take visa, MC, Amex, Discover21:49
SamuraiAlbaa design in general21:49
SamuraiAlbaIt's blank21:49
MbSadinOkay well you want me to design it cause im not proficient enough with PHP and such to program the functionality21:50
jedijfpayment options - credit cards, cash or bacon21:50
MbSadini do design for the most part.21:50
SamuraiAlbaSure :)21:50
SamuraiAlbaI got my Squareup.com reader :)21:50
MbSadinSamuraiAlba wanna see my desktop21:51
PennBotTitle: ZachSnyder on deviantART (at zachsnyder.deviantart.com)21:51
MbSadinyay @PennBot your back!21:51
SamuraiAlbapicking my summer I, II, and III session classes atm21:52
SamuraiAlba5 chosen21:52
SamuraiAlba7 more to go21:52
SamuraiAlba2 more21:52
MbSadintrying to play around in python21:52
SamuraiAlbacool beans21:52
MbSadinoh and SamuraiAlba look what i joined http://shimmerporject.org21:53
MbSadinhelping them main devs port the themes to gtk321:54
SamuraiAlbainstalling Joomla atm so it does't look empty21:59
SamuraiAlbathere we go22:00
SamuraiAlbaMbSadin, you got PM22:03
MbSadinSamuraiAlba D: whyyyyy joomla22:05
MbSadinits like the worssst....22:05
SamuraiAlbayou can change it22:05
SamuraiAlbaI dont mind LOL22:06
SamuraiAlbaIt's a placeholder22:06
MbSadinokay good lol!22:06
MbSadinmy heart sank a bit there22:06
SamuraiAlbaAny ideas?22:14
MbSadinpleia2 i have push/pull rights to bluebird!!! cant wait to get started my new debian machine running xfce almost has my dev environment setup!22:47

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