
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
Prf_JakobSarvatt, RAOF: It looks like we missed some commits from master to go into the 8.0 branch19:30
Prf_JakobWhen will it be hard to grab a new release and get that into 12.04?19:31
broderif there's another mesa upload coming, do you guys think you could look into marking libglu1-mesa-dev multiarch: same? it should fix bug #94960619:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949606 in mesa (Ubuntu) "64 bit dev packages should include 32 bit .so library file" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94960619:31
broder(and i believe you can just change the metadata without any additional changes)19:31
brycehPrf_Jakob, final freeze is april 12.  20:09
Prf_Jakobbryceh: ok thanks20:10
brycehPrf_Jakob, I *think* that a mesa point release would be ok up until that date (let's say apr 10 just to be safe), if it is just a small number of bugfixes20:11
brycehPrf_Jakob, no guarantees though.  in the past there've been refactoring or other changes that have made them unviable for inclusion.  but worst case we can cherrypick good commits with well-documented bug reports associated with them.20:12
brycehPrf_Jakob, if every mesa change is associated with a bug #, that would help getting it approved20:14
Prf_Jakobbryceh: ok20:18

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