[06:27] Morning all. === Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero === Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk] === Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero [07:21] good morning superfly magespawn and other lurkers [07:21] Maaz, coffee on [07:21] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [07:23] morning Kilos! [07:23] * superfly needs some more c0ffee [07:23] Hi kilos [07:23] hehe [07:23] me too [07:23] lo Kerbero [07:23] hi kilos [07:25] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [07:25] Maaz, ty [07:25] You are welcome Kilos [07:34] hi sdehaan [07:35] that game dont work here. Simon says nothing [07:48] morning inetpro [07:48] goeie more Kilos [07:49] pidgin jy nog inetpro ? [07:55] Kilos: sometimes [08:03] are there advantages in using a jabber ID rather than gmail addy in pidgin? [08:04] hallo oom kilos [08:04] dag bakuman [08:05] morning drussell [08:06] Kilos: morning! [08:08] hi GrimmBuss [08:09] Hey, how are you? [08:09] good ty and you? [08:09] Cant complain. No one listens anyways ;) [08:10] hehe are you looking for linux help? [08:11] GrimmBuss, welcome to ubuntu-za [08:11] Suprisingly I'm not. Thanks for offering though. One of my friends I study with suggests him and I use this as a way to discuss a project we have to work on. [08:12] ah [08:13] Thanks though. [08:13] morning o/ [08:14] \o [08:14] GrimmBuss, np [08:14] hi there kbmonkey how are you [08:14] hi oom Kilos, I am good ty [08:14] how is you? I see Maaz is back [08:14] hehehe you also going the oom route now [08:15] hehe [08:15] yeah we are so lucky we can now have double coffees [08:16] im good ty kbmonkey , been sorting xubuntu a bit and other things so been slacking on the studies [08:20] me too. i'm pressured into doing other studies so i can get work in the 'real world' [08:20] php mysql certification.. [08:20] and im also doing a cryptography course online [08:21] good [08:21] while trying to learn Python [08:21] :P [08:21] so I am sad I have min brain cycles left for lpi :( [08:21] i member something about php not being good [08:22] but python rocks [08:22] i know php, just need to get that piece of paper cos you know, that's how the real world (tm) works :/ [08:22] oh well , not too serious, everyone else is way too busy as well [08:23] its getting serious now, to find a job [08:23] oh ya. qualifications mean everything. if not bought [08:23] thats not good news lad [08:24] ironic, with 10+ years experience, I can say it counts for everything compared to a piece of paper. yet, everything works the other way. [08:25] yip without that paper you are classed as doff [08:25] my other option, is to invent the next great thing :) [08:25] lol [08:26] i _was_ considering my own tech support business, supply free OS (Ubuntu) [08:26] yeah but isnt pmb kinda slow for IT work [08:27] not called sleepy hollow for nothing [08:27] yes. but i also know from experience, marketing is everything [08:28] pmb is a very industrious town, not much action, but lots of business. factories and commercial [08:28] ah maybe it grew up since i was there [08:28] and lots and lots of old fogies who need tech support, not like us geeks Kilos ;O [08:29] ha ha ha [08:29] it did indeed! since the 8 years i last lived here, it sure did grow! [08:29] advertise at the post office. make a flyer to go in every postbox [08:30] and maybe a yellow pages add [08:32] perhaps getting more out there, ie setup stalls in malls [08:32] wb maiatoday o/ [08:32] hi kbmonkey [08:32] hiya maiatoday [08:39] does anybody know what telkom considers "local bandwidth"? their site is hopeless to give any detailed info [08:39] and mybroadband posts date back to 2009/2010 :/ [08:42] kbmonkey, alles is blender tot jou cap opraak [08:43] DAN begin jy eers local bebruik [08:43] *blended [08:53] bbl [08:56] oh, did is stupid bakuman :/ [08:56] so they cant give you the option to use local before your cap [08:56] no, and yes it is stupid [08:56] so I cant get updates or repos without screwing the rest of the house over [08:56] I recall vqg [08:56] exactly :( [08:56] wow, telkom sure is a bunch of rats [08:57] I recall vaguley there is a way to do it [08:57] But think is requires two accountsnot the free local [08:59] And the local is only locally hosted .co.za sites not even .net like @lantic [09:00] hire a server, run a proxy on it and then get local only internet [09:02] not a bad idea bakuman. ssh forwarding to serve out int pages [09:02] Maaz: coffee on [09:02] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [09:02] Maaz: rusks? [09:02] kbmonkey: rusks are dunkable hard biscuits [09:02] :p I know that... [09:02] Maaz: rusks please? [09:02] lol [09:02] behind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone kbmonkey [09:02] okay, it wil be our secret [09:06] Coffee's ready for kbmonkey! [09:07] Maaz: dankie bits and bytes [09:07] kbmonkey: Excuse me? [09:11] kbmonkey did you get my message? [09:24] i did magespawn [09:25] i keep my irc on a remote shell but i see awaymessages when i get back :) [09:25] its so that, if my bad wifi drops, i can reconnect and resume irc where i left off [09:26] learning the joys of screen [09:28] screen is awesome [09:30] kbmonkey on AndroIRC I cannot see who is away and such. [09:33] the php cert from w3schools.com should be good, hey? [09:37] magespawn: would you know, w3schools.com is decent for studying? [09:39] That is a new one for me, but I did do a course through the w3c on html which was quite good [09:40] I did not do the certification though. [09:46] Uh, guys [09:46] You may want to look at this: http://w3fools.com/ [09:47] It's an OK resource for looking stuff up, sometimes, but it's not always accurate. And it is in *no way* affiliated with the W3C, in spite of the misleading name. [09:50] I did the learn through the W3c.org [09:50] Yeah, that's the actual legit site. :) [09:51] thanks confluency, was looking for such info! [10:42] o/ lo everyone [10:44] lo nuvolari o/ [10:44] I just cannot find _any_ info on what Telkom defines as local bandwidth, and when it kicks in [10:45] from the horse's mouth I mean [10:45] the telkom contracts, doesn't the local banwidth only kick in when you finish your normal cap [10:45] and local bandwidth should be any traffic to a south african IP [10:46] apparently it does Banlam. but Im trying to find their official statement on this [10:46] is there a reason you think otherwise? [10:46] what package are you on? [10:46] because, well with Telkom you know you cant trust them by heresay [10:46] heh [10:47] will the package matter? I'm not sure its for my old man's dsl\ [10:48] "Your blended data allowance (CAP) is used by default, your local only access CAP applies only once your blended CAP has been depleted." [10:48] http://www.do.co.za/broadband/offerings/internet-bundles/do-level-1/#note_2 [10:48] that what you're looking for? [10:48] do == Telkom now? [10:48] yeah [10:48] do internet [10:48] redirected from telkomsa.net [10:49] what if this dsl was bought before they merged? [10:49] ah okay tanks Banlam [10:49] do has always been a telkom product [10:49] np [10:50] my gran was on telkom internet 1GB or whatever it was [10:50] and it was the same procedure [10:51] really got excited thinking I could use the local data for study videos. oh well [10:53] you can always buy cheap local data from another ISP [10:54] was also going to suggest that [10:55] funny you should say that tumbleweed, this 2 year contract is nearly over :) [10:55] but there's nothing stopping you having 2 ISPs [10:56] and some provide pretty good pre-paid prices. No 2 year contracts required [10:56] i used afrihost before, no hickups there [10:59] Then you can setup to use the local cap only for local [10:59] or is mweb preferable? [11:00] Is uncapped not an option? [11:02] it can be, will make a list of deals [11:03] it depends on the pricing, of course [11:05] My mweb is 588 per month 1 meg line excludes tellin at 180 [11:17] tellin? [11:18] telkom line rental [11:19] hey queery o/ [11:20] Banlam nice translate [11:20] :) [11:20] hi Banlam [11:20] queery, how's life treating you in gauteng? [11:21] threatening [11:21] :P [11:21] kbmonkey: I tried getting my new ADSL up and running with Afrihost, but they were just playing stupid, so I dumped them and got Axxess for the same price, and much less hassle [11:22] * Banlam hasn't had problems with Afrihost [11:22] I've had that free 1GB accoutn for months, and got an uncapped with them for january [11:23] hi queery [11:23] Banlam: I didn't have problems with them at my previous house, but this time round their mail server was rejecting my mail, their support agents replied HOURS later with stupid "solutions" that were unrelated to the problem [11:23] I just gave up after 2 days of fighting with them [11:23] superfly, right [11:24] hihi [11:24] with Axxess I can pick up the phone and I can speak to someone in minutes [11:24] Later all. [11:24] I just spoke to them [11:25] I think im goiing with them [11:26] Banlam, surviving, actually enjoying it alot [11:26] cool :) [11:26] i keep taching them how to use a circle though [11:26] a circle? [11:27] ah axxess, they have good pricings :) [11:32] traffic circle [11:32] ok gatta run [11:32] bye === Mzolisto is now known as Mzolisto_ === Mzolisto_ is now known as Mzolisto [13:42] gc, coffee on [13:42] * gc flips the salt-timer [13:45] Maaz, coffee on [13:45] * Maaz puts the kettle on [13:45] let them race it out [13:45] lol [13:46] will they meet the race condition? only time will tell as we continue with: battle with the bots! stay tuned... [13:46] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [13:46] Maaz, ty [13:46] You are welcome Kilos [13:49] Coffee's ready for kbmonkey! [13:49] Maaz, thanks! [13:49] kbmonkey: Okay :-) [14:29] o0o0o [14:58] hi zeref [16:22] ah :) [16:43] Is there anyone here from Durbanville ? [17:37] Evening all [18:00] hmmm [18:05] mmmh [18:05] lol evening guys [18:08] Hi KilosX [18:08] so many peeps here and the fly is gone [18:08] hiya mage [18:08] grrr [18:08] magespawn, [18:08] A nd the Mrs [18:09] must be their connextion [18:09] so who is gonna tell me how to register this nick from xchat [18:09] That's what I thought or maybe their electricity [18:10] ya could be [18:12] "/msg nickserv register nickname" I think like that, but could be wrong. Why the X? [18:12] xubuntu [18:12] so no one laughs when i make mistooks [18:12] Ahh [18:14] do you see what nickserv said magespawn [18:14] No [18:15] Insufficient parameters for REGISTER. [18:15] Syntax: REGISTER [18:16] where the place for nick? [18:16] I assume that it will work for the nick that you are currently known as [18:16] So something like this [18:16] ya thats no good [18:16] grrr [18:16] Why? [18:17] i want x nick here but same password [18:17] and it knows my password is for Kilos [18:18] I do not think that matters two nicks same password [18:19] Lik two people with the same key to a house [18:19] ok so you think if i /msg nickserv password ***** and it will work? [18:19] i try [18:19] Worth a try [18:20] If not we will know soon enough [18:20] grrr [18:21] invalid command [18:21] Not working [18:21] i think i actually went to irc to register last time [18:21] says i must look nickserv help [18:24] lol === KilosX is now known as Kilos [18:25] kilos [18:25] you must link your nick [18:25] yessir [18:25] is that what you're wanting? [18:25] ya with group [18:26] erm [18:26] but had to first go to Kilos and group KilosX [18:26] ok [18:26] so you got it sorted? [18:26] it wont register KilosX because the password is registered to Kilos [18:26] i hope so === Kilos is now known as KilosX [18:27] will see when i sign in again if it says i am not registered [18:29] brb [18:30] eish tells me again its not registered === Banlam is now known as Banlam_ === Banlam_ is now known as Banlam [18:31] KilosX, worked fine for me [18:31] now, as kilosX, type /nickserv group Kilos [18:32] the group thing Banlam ? [18:32] oh i went other way [18:32] yeah it is a bit odd [18:33] it says im not logged in [18:33] thats why i went the other way [18:33] grrr [18:33] ok, switch to Kilos [18:33] identify [18:33] then switch back to KilosX and then use the group command === KilosX is now known as Kilos === Kilos is now known as KilosX [18:36] yoohooo [18:36] ty Banlam [18:37] Is this so that you can use one password with two nicks? [18:37] yip [18:37] magespwan, basically yeah [18:37] but the accoutns are linked [18:37] so if you have ops on a specific channel [18:38] you will be able to go into a channel with either name, and chanserv should recognise you [18:39] its like using a mobile as well so peeps know you are on that not the pc [18:39] you can be magiemobi [18:40] lo Meesterarend [18:40] I see [18:41] ah you got your glasses on? [18:41] teasing [18:41] Ha [18:41] lo bakuman [18:42] gotta find other sounds. no good pidgin sounds on xchat [18:42] haha [18:43] nuvolari, ping [18:44] xubuntu isnt as refined as ubuntu [18:45] KilosX: pong [18:45] more geek work [18:45] lo oom KilosX [18:45] tara is deur na die volgende ronte [18:45] lo nuvolari [18:45] xfactor [18:45] \o/ [18:45] dis great oom! [18:45] hoeveel rondtes bly oor? [18:46] ya hulle begin in twee weke ek dink met tv opnames [18:46] wel ek dink sy is in top 6 vrouens nou [18:46] het nie lank gesels met debs nie hulle was moeg [18:47] Man has it been ages since I saw anything like that. [18:47] eers 11.30nm by die huis aangekom [18:47] what magespawn [18:48] xfactor [18:49] oh didnt you see my brat last year [18:49] No, sorry. [18:49] KilosX: did you post a link oom? [18:49] (today i mean) [18:49] van laas jaar nuvolari [18:50] no [18:50] nothing till tv shows all recorded [18:50] so quite a few weeks to go [18:51] het jy nog laas jaar se link nuvolari ? [18:53] sjoe oom [18:54] I dunno [18:54] or do you mean the one I have? [18:54] moenie worrie nie seun [18:54] (the video) [18:54] ya that old one [18:54] or the youtube one? [18:54] but magespawn on fone so no good i think [18:55] oh my were there 2 [18:55] ah [18:55] Send I will just save it for later. [18:55] KilosX: the one on my server and the original youtube [18:55] they are the same arent they nuvolari ? [18:56] your server is better, youtube sucks [18:56] KilosX: wow, been watched 26023 times [18:56] wow who by? [18:57] does everyone have access to your server nuvolari [18:58] KilosX: ya oom, it's public, but only for the links I physically provide :P and my website [18:58] ah [18:58] ok can you give that to magespawn please [18:59] * nuvolari relives the video [19:00] magespawn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFtSQEyuUiA [19:00] the little shit is good hey? [19:01] she is oom! [19:01] magespawn: ermember to put on headphones [19:01] and have a box of tissues at hand [19:01] *remember [19:01] People in here sometimes sound like Tony Stark, or Bruce Wayne. " my server." [19:02] lol [19:02] magespawn: and savor the expression of the judges' faces [19:02] Will do. [19:02] meh. there's probably a better word for that, but my english is a bit broken tonight :P [19:03] KilosX what is the "brats" name? [19:03] tara [19:03] No that's quite a good one. [19:03] tara-lynn [19:03] Okay cool. [19:04] I have not watched ordinary TV for 7 months now [19:04] they never show xfactor aus here only the yanks [19:05] magespawn: I don't think you're missing anything on TV [19:05] no tv sucks nowadays [19:05] * nuvolari got a TV from his parents, but it's still in the closet [19:05] That is what led to us stopping watching it [19:06] if you have a good internet connextion then there are tons of good movies out there [19:07] ian downloads and brings to me when he can [19:07] Friend I Klerksdorp does it for me [19:07] ah [19:08] hi psydroid [19:08] hi Kilos [19:08] Have big hard drive here [19:08] hi magespawn [19:09] Hi psydroid [19:10] wow, this guy is good [19:10] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTGY-a821QU [19:10] who is he nuvolari [19:10] Maaz: tell kbmonkey rc heli pilot extraordinaire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTGY-a821QU [19:10] nuvolari: Righto, I'll tell kbmonkey on freenode [19:11] KilosX: this rc heli pilot oom [19:11] ah ty [19:11] he can almost mow his lawn with a heli :P [19:11] lol [19:12] ohi mrs_fly :D o/ [19:12] i go bath and bed now. night guys. sleep tight [19:12] night oom KilosX [19:12] mrs_fly, wb [19:12] sleep tight [19:12] ty [19:12] Night Kilos [19:14] Ironic is learning to programme Python on windows in Idle. [19:33] Hi superfly [19:33] hi magespawn [19:37] getting used to strings and integers [19:43] hi everyone [19:44] Hi kodez [19:45] hi megaspawn. how are you today? [19:45] superfly, kbmonkey was suggesting a greeter bot. Good idea? [19:45] Not bad and you? [19:46] i had a stomach bug today and didn't finish my assigment that is due today [19:47] Not soo good, can you get an extension? [19:51] Later all I am off to Bed, night. [19:51] no [19:54] that heli flying is quite something nuvolari [19:54] kbmonkey: By the way, nuvolari on freenode told me "tell kbmonkey rc heli pilot extraordinaire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTGY-a821QU" 43 minutes and 22 seconds ago === Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]