
mkultra_fairly sure00:00
gastiActionParsnip: Done, and finally could execute update-grub.00:00
lisa_mkultra_: so I press lt + ctl + f2, and then type killall gdm && startx ?00:00
mkultra_you could also run sudo apt-get install xfce4 and run startxfce00:00
lisa_mkultra_: brb gone to try it.00:00
mkultra_yeah you should kill your crashing gdmal00:00
mkultra_alt ctl f7 takes u back00:00
mkultra_or f800:01
mkultra_f7 4 me00:01
lisa_mkultra_: i dont want xfce. i want ghnome as normal00:02
lisa_I got a big problem guys.. I created an image using Clonezilla.  And then when I went to reboot Ubuntu it loops at the login page.. I enter my password, i see black screen with text for 2 seconds and it loops back to login page!  What can I do?  All options in Safe Mode didnt help00:02
ActionParsnipgasti: reboot to test00:03
lisa_any fix for a looping login page?00:03
gastiActionParsnip: Ok , be right back.00:03
mkultra_you might want to run sudo apt-get install gdm if you have lightdm and default to gdm00:03
lisa_mkultra_: you are confusing me00:04
lisa_mkultra_: i installed Ubuntu 11.10 yesterday.  How I fix it?00:04
abhatnaghey guys, almost every other time I start my oneiric, I get a "wireless device not ready". I then have to restart to try my luck again. Is there a fix for this issue?00:04
mkultra_your login page is either gdm ldm xdm or kdm...  if ldm fails, try gdm00:04
ScuniziHow do I run a .pyw file/program ?? I've changed the permissions and set the execute bit. Double clicking in the directory doesn't do it00:04
wyldemkultra_: ldm != lightdm00:04
lisa_mkultra_: its a fresh 11.10 install. do you know what command I should be typing?00:04
mkultra_yeah sudo apt-get install gdm00:04
lisa_wylde: any ideas?00:05
mkultra_that will turn LDM off and GDM on00:05
mkultra_im on 12.04 but its very similar to 11.10 and i run GDM00:05
exutuxlisa_: where did you save clonezilla image? on your home?00:05
lisa_mkultra_: so whats the command?00:05
mkultra_"sudo apt-get install gdm"00:05
wyldelisa_: are you able to login to your account if you use ctrl+alt+f1 and enter login credentials?00:05
lisa_exutux: onto my external hard drive.00:05
abhatnagScunizi: try going 'python filename.pyw'00:06
ActionParsnipScunizi: what does the file command say it is?00:06
lisa_wylde: no, it loops back to login page00:06
LirthIn ubuntu, using the preinstalled LibreOffice, how do I change the default language? It's on English (UK) and I need it for English (USA).00:06
exutuxlisa_: uhm are you sure? try ctrl+alt+f1 login and type df -h look for device space00:06
wyldelisa_: from terminal?00:06
ScuniziActionParsnip: it's a program my son made00:06
gastiActionParsnip: Same. Delay in videos when stopping/resuming, and heavy noise at mic recording.00:06
ActionParsnipScunizi: fine, but what does file say the file type is00:06
lisa_exutux: 100%, its saved the image to external hard drive00:06
snail_Hi. I have a nub queston, sorry for this, but google can't help me. What is first number in "Version" string in "aptitude show package_name" output? For example "Version: 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.5" what is 2?00:06
ActionParsnipgasti: ok, remove the option and rerun the update-grub00:06
ScuniziActionParsnip: python 3.2 file00:06
exutuxlisa_: well try00:07
wyldelisa_: ctrl+alt+f1 will take you to a bare terminal, are you able to login from there00:07
gastiActionParsnip: what option?00:07
lisa_but why would doing an image using Clonzilla cause my ubuntu login screen to loop?00:07
lisa_wylde: let me try that, brb00:07
wyldelisa_: no idea, but are you able to login from tty100:07
lisa_whats tt1?00:07
exutuxlisa_:  try ctrl+alt+f1 login and type df -h look for device space00:07
mkultra_clearly it altered something important00:08
mkultra_and it needs repaired00:08
lisa_mkultra_: how do I repeair it?00:08
mkultra_hows that alt + ctl + f2 gdm coming along00:08
mkultra_alt + ctrl + f200:08
mkultra_sudo apt-get install gdm00:08
mkultra_= repair00:08
lisa_i followed this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7ywkc4LU1000:08
mkultra_or ldm re-install00:09
wyldelisa_: it's just like a big terminal with no gui. Let us know if you can login that way.00:09
mkultra_but id purge it first and then reinstall it00:09
exutuxwell good luck lisa_00:09
lisa_Clonezilla worked well, created an image onto my external hdd.  but now Ubuntu loops at login page00:09
wyldemkultra_: lightdm is not the same thing as ldm00:09
mkultra_ok so then theres lightdm and ldm then00:09
lisa_but how can creating an image mess with the source?00:09
mkultra_but still GDM would log her in and link up properly upon install00:09
lisa_the only thing it may be is using 0 at spliting image?00:09
lisa_so what commands do i try again? please repost00:10
wyldelisa_: worrying about how right now isn't helping fix anything. PLease try using ctrl+alt+f1 and let us know if you can login there.00:10
ScuniziActionParsnip: I needed python 3.2 and -tk amoung other stuff to get it to run.. thanks00:10
sheenzzmy browser isn't opening, why?00:10
lisa_wylde: ok beb00:10
keith_linux123hi all00:10
keith_linux123can I run a server on top of desktop linux ?00:11
mkultra_i run apache and talk to you from my apache server00:11
CFHowlettkeith_linux123   yep00:11
mkultra_i run a ntp server too00:11
keith_linux123ok, the federoa channel called me stupid for saying that00:11
keith_linux123since I really really need a GUI00:11
wyldekeith_linux123: it runs more "under" the desktop then on top :P00:11
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: you can run server services in the desktop OS if you want00:12
mkultra_they use RPM dont trust them00:12
keith_linux123I plan on runing this in a VM too00:12
gastiActionParsnip: I tried to change the line but when i run sudo update-grub it comes with /etc/default/grub: 35: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution.   Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/899840/00:12
CFHowlettkeith_linux123   doable ...00:12
keith_linux123like last night I had it set up just fine00:12
keith_linux123all it runs is a very small database appp00:13
Monykeith_linux123, you can, but the question do u want to? because i assume you are talking about your desktop pc. you know the one that u may crash or restart or anything00:13
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: why bother? just run the services on the desktop OS, it will use your hardware less as you are not running 2 OSes00:13
keith_linux123well, I want to be able to save states00:13
ActionParsnipgasti: change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.quiet splash"   to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"00:13
keith_linux123backup , ect00:13
keith_linux123i'm testing it at home00:13
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: ah then yes states are handy :)00:14
keith_linux123but this is for small bussinesses00:14
wyldegasti: line 11 .quiet should be "quiet00:14
keith_linux123like many of them need some low impact databases00:14
Monyfor testing its ok, but for anything "production" its far from ok00:14
snail_Hi. I have a nub queston, sorry for this, but google can't help me. What is first number in "Version" line in "aptitude show package_name" output exactly mean? For example "Version: 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.5" what is 2?00:14
ActionParsnipgasti: exactly the same as last time you had to edit it, wasn't that a little obvious...?00:14
Basstard`What text editors have crash recovery?00:14
gastiActionParsnip: Sorry, lol. Now worked. Still have the same problems with delay and heavy noise.00:15
samantha-a--how easy is it to get desktop running with three heads? i'm using a pair of EVGA GTX 460SEs, 1st gen.00:15
ActionParsnipBasstard`: gedit makes backups with tildes on the end of file names I believe, libreoffice does too00:15
mkultra_easy as pie for 2, dont imagine 3 being much different00:15
Basstard`ActionParsnip: gedit only does that to already saved/named files, not to totally new files which have never been saved00:16
Monymkultra_,  if i remmeber correct nvidia cards can support up to 2 displays each, so the 3rd should be connected to the second card.00:16
keith_linux123much thanks everyone00:16
_MarcusHow do I drag a window from one desktop to another?00:17
_MarcusWorkspace I mean00:17
research4oscari am getting the following error when trying to connect to my ubuntu machine from my laptop using winscp: Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?00:17
keith_linux123each time I ask a question in the fedora chanel I hear "blah blah, terminal , terminal "00:17
_MarcusI cant see the top part, so it's harder to drag00:17
keith_linux123just drag it !00:17
_Marcuskeith_linux123: Get used to using the terminal, it's very, very important00:17
wylde_Marcus: you can right click on the title bar and select "Send to workspace ...."00:18
_MarcusI cant see the title bar00:18
_MarcusNever mind, I got it00:18
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: its handy to know some terminal stuff, plus irc is a text interface so giving commands makes sense00:18
Artemis3research4oscar, do you have installed the package "ssh" ? or "openssh-server"?00:18
keith_linux123yea, but they were rude about it00:19
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: plus it alleviates user error for clicking the wrong thing, or not finding what needs to be clicked00:19
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: yeah rude isn't cool00:19
keith_linux123like I know alot of Linux vets hate the new GUI based distros, but still00:19
keith_linux123tell me that I have no idea what i'm doing sense I found an easier way...00:19
garthkGrabbing linux-headers-2.6.32-40_2.6.32-40.87_all.deb is slow from utah.edu, too? Weeeeird.00:20
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: easier is good, as long as it achieves the same goal who cares :D00:20
keith_linux123anyway, VM vs hardware for sever ?00:20
gastiActionParsnip: Any idea?00:20
keith_linux123advantage of VM , a client doesn't need a new computer to run00:20
research4oscarartemis3: yes. i can connect with my regular user just fine.00:20
keith_linux123advantage of hardware, more stable00:20
lisa_it didfnt work00:21
lisa_it keeps looping00:21
lisa_and installing gdm messed it right now.. now says cannot update ICRauthority00:21
research4oscarartemis3: i created another webuser with limited access to a folder under var/www and assigned him as owner.00:21
ActionParsnipgasti: all I can suggest is report a bug, you could try precise in liveCD, see if its any better there with the newer kernel00:22
lisa_Im sure Ubuntu is good but i cant use it guys.. its crashed on me and I spend 12 hours for nothing :(00:22
lisa_bye guys thanks for all your help00:22
wetcircle_hi guys00:22
wetcircle_just setup my vpn.00:22
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: shouldn't be wildly different as its a text based UI, so its fine00:22
ScuniziActionParsnip: I got a python semnatics question.. you up for it ??00:22
gastiActionParsnip: Thank you, i'll keep looking here. I saw some guys who had the same problem and dint find the solution yet.. :S00:22
keith_linux123thanks guys00:22
ActionParsnipScunizi: I'm no good in python dude, sorry. Try #python00:22
ScuniziActionParsnip: k..00:23
keith_linux123like i'm a IT jack of all trades00:23
sheenzzmy browsers not working, why?00:25
ActionParsnipsheenzz: details please, 'not working' tells us nothing00:26
almoxarifesheenzz: cause its broke?00:26
research4oscari am getting the following error when trying to connect to my ubuntu machine from my laptop using winscp: Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?00:26
sheenzzas in not opening00:26
ActionParsnipsheenzz: run it from terminal00:26
keith_linux123so i can't be an expert at everything00:27
sheenzzhow do i00:27
ActionParsnipresearch4oscar: did you install openssh-server on the server side? Is the service runnning?00:27
almoxariferesearch4oscar: is it? sftp=secure ftp00:27
ActionParsnipsheenzz: which browser are you using?00:27
research4oscaryes opnssh-server is running.00:28
sheenzzactionparsnip: chrome00:28
almoxariferesearch4oscar: is this a win error > Cannot initialize SFTP protocol00:29
ActionParsnipsheenzz: i believe you will run:  google-chrome00:29
bastidrazorresearch4oscar: in winscp do not use SFTP under File Protocol:  .. Select SSH00:29
ActionParsnipresearch4oscar: can you ping the server?00:29
research4oscari think it is. i can try installing filezilla and will get back to you00:29
research4oscari'll try that.00:29
ActionParsnipresearch4oscar: was going to suggest filezilla00:29
almoxariferesearch4oscar: filezilla=cause it works00:30
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: if a bit bloated00:32
sheenzzactionparsnip: no, it didnt work00:32
keith_linux123so anyway, how stable is a sunbox Virtual box running inside of a windows host00:32
keith_linux123since thats what i'm going to be doing00:33
ActionParsnipkeith_linux123: should be ok00:33
keith_linux123SEE, thats all i needed to hear00:33
almoxarifeActionParsnip: think so? never thought so, bloated is 'kontact' from kde , leave it to its own devices and 120meg is gonna come real fast00:33
keith_linux123the fedora chanel ganged up on me and  said it was all a bad idea00:33
ActionParsnip!info filezilla | almoxarife00:34
ubottualmoxarife: filezilla (source: filezilla): Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1277 kB, installed size 3168 kB00:34
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: 3Mb! its silly00:34
ActionParsnipsheenzz: try:  grep Exec /usr/share/applications/goo*00:35
almoxarifekeith_linux123: fedora-ites are snobbish and elitist as a badge of honor(I assume), on the other hand ubuntu is suppose to be a GUI wonderland of linux, I like it that way, hence why I use it, think like that00:36
snail_Hi. I have a nub queston, sorry for this, but google can't help me. What is first number in "Version" line in "aptitude show package_name" output exactly mean? For example "Version: 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.5" what is 2?00:36
almoxarifeActionParsnip: but, but, it's a gui00:36
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: true but it should use the default gtk stuff already installed...00:36
Jordan_ULover: Please don't spam links in this channel.00:37
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bastidrazorJordan_U: he is ban evading :( iirc00:37
almoxarifekeith_linux123: what you also need is 'cli-companion' because a terminal gui is an excellent thought00:37
ActionParsnipsnail_: http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/17/ubuntu-package-version-naming-explanation/00:37
Jordan_Ubastidrazor: Indeed, thanks.00:38
keith_linux123i don't think snobbery benifits anyone00:38
keith_linux123like the advantage of Ubuntu is that its pretty easy to use00:38
Jordan_U!ot | keith_linux12300:38
keith_linux123on it almoxarife00:38
ubottukeith_linux123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:38
mangdoodwhich channel can I ask for shell programming help?00:39
research4oscarokay tried it with filezilla and i get connection closed by server with exitcode100:39
ActionParsnipmangdood: #bash00:39
mangdoodActionParsnip, thanks00:39
paradizelosthey guys, i'm trying to find documentation on how to do ssl for multiple virtual hosts in apache on ubuntu, any suggestions?00:39
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ActionParsnipresearch4oscar: do you use ssh keys?00:39
paradizelostall i'm finding is some gentoo documentation00:39
research4oscarnot sure if i do. i use sftp00:39
ActionParsnipresearch4oscar: its a concious thing, so you probably dont :)00:40
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research4oscaralso i can connect using another user on my ubuntu machine00:40
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research4oscari am trying to connect user a webuser with limited rights.00:40
research4oscari did notice i am using pureftp instead of proftp.00:40
ActionParsnipresearch4oscar: that is ftp, not sftp00:41
research4oscaris it safe to install proftp now. or do i need to uninstall pureftp first?00:41
wylderesearch4oscar: if you want to connect with sftp all you need is ssh....00:42
research4oscari have sshserver installed as i see it in my terminal under programs.00:43
research4oscarit has an asteric next to it. so does lamp.00:43
snail_<ActionParsnip> thanx, but this article about end numbers of version line. I mean it is about numbers behind ubuntu word. But I asked about start number (2) between Version word and version number (e.g. 2.5.4).00:45
gastiActionParsnip: Still there bro? I found the solution for the youtube and videos delay.00:47
wyldesnail_: I believe that is the upstream maintainers/authors version00:47
gastiwylde: do you remember my flash delay problem?00:48
wyldegasti: I read some about it yes.00:48
gastiwylde: i found the solution, but it is only for firefox, maybe you could help me applying it to chrome. I'll show you: I did exactly this and the delay competely dissapeared: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1760248&page=300:49
fernandocuevawhat is the difference between installing a .run file using sh ./ or just ./00:50
wyldegasti: meaning you followed that in Firefox?00:51
snail_<wylde> thanx for your opinion, but it's so strange that i can't find exact information about it...00:52
gastiwylde: what? sorry. I followed these steps and solved it in forefox. -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/294666/comments/34     but I want to make it work properly in chromium00:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294666 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "PulseAudio causes sound latency in 8.10" [Undecided,Fix committed]00:52
wyldefix commited since 8.10 hmmm00:53
Jordan_Ufernandocueva: "sh /path/to/file" means use the interpreter sh to interpret the file passed as an sh script. "/path/to/file" alone means execute file, if it's a binary run it, if it has a #! line then use the interpreter and options specified there.00:53
wyldegasti: I'm not sure I'm the one to ask about using this fix for chromium..00:54
Jordan_Ufernandocueva: './' is simply the beginning of a path to a file, starting with the current directory ('.'). IMHO you should never use "sh /path/to/file" because file may be a bash script, or a perl script, or a binary instead of a POSIX sh script.00:55
Jordan_Ufernandocueva: That said, you usually should also avoid installing things via any type of script rather than the package manager if at all possible.00:55
wyldegasti: lol ok I see what they're doing.00:56
Nicolas_Leonida2hey if I install wordpress with aptitute on ubuntu, will I be able to upgrade it with apt-get?00:56
Jordan_UNicolas_Leonida2: Yes.00:56
wyldemake a copy of the file thay had you make for firefox, rename it chromium or somesuch00:56
wyldegasti: make a copy of the file thay had you make for firefox, rename it chromium or somesuch00:56
Nicolas_Leonida2Jordan_U: will the security releases be auto installed as well?00:57
wyldegasti: on the last line change it to exec /usr/bin/chromium-browser "$@"00:58
Jordan_UNicolas_Leonida2: There is basically no difference between "sudo aptidue install foo" and "sudo apt-get install foo" anymore (and in the past the main difference was knowing what was automatically installed vs manually installed so that when you *removed* a package you had an easier time clearing out the cruft it depended on as well).00:58
almoxarifeis there a 'watch-dog' sort of process/app/util that will look for a running occurrence of some process and kills it if found?00:59
gastiwylde: it's not working00:59
wyldegasti: not working as in? still have sound issues? browser won't start? details please01:00
fernandocuevaso Jordan_U I don't need to type both then sh and ./01:00
gastiwylde: I tried  to create another file named chromium-browser with the same contain that the firefox one. Of course i changed the firefox line to chromium-browser but when i try to execute it it says: "bash: /user/local/bin/chromium-browser: No existe el archivo o el directorio01:01
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Jordan_UspittingCobra: Not only do you not need to type the sh, you *shouldn't*. Yould instead make sure that the permissions are set correctly and simply enter the path. But before you do that, what are you actually trying to install?01:02
wyldegasti: /usr not /user01:02
gastiwylde: nvm , typping error. I could execute it but the delay isnt fixed01:02
gastiwylde: yea just noted that, but look up :p01:02
wyldegasti: hmmm, sorry beyond that I don't know what to tell you. Thought modifying the script might have worked.01:03
amarcolinohi, im having an issue with ubuntu 11.10 and lvm, on every restart it outputs that it can't find my partitions and I have to manually mount them with vgchange -a y. It seems lvm isn't being made active on each boot, anyone knows how to solve this?01:04
hi675445why dose ubuntu take so much resoses01:05
hi675445i tryed liunx mint with unaty and it runs better than ubuntu there load of unessary blote in ubuntu01:06
tensorpuddinghi675445, do you have a support question01:07
wyldehi675445: do you have an ubuntu support question?01:07
James78Is this a support channel?01:07
hi675445my fan all ways on01:07
James78I have a pretty technical question./01:07
hi675445take to much cpu01:08
James78hi675445: Is it a process eating your CPU?01:08
tensorpuddingJames78, you can ask ubuntu support questions here and if someone can help you they'll answer01:08
hi675445i no but ubuntu was meant to run on old pc intill unaty come a long01:09
hi675445now it imposable01:09
Basstard`How old?01:09
hi675445my cpu at 18 at the mo but when playing youtube video it gose up01:10
amarcolinoanyone had issues with lvm on 11.10?01:11
gdiskgood evening01:11
ActionParsniphi675445: ubuntu uses fewer resources than windows in most cases01:11
gdiskanyone is having problems with GPT and Ubuntu 11.10?01:11
galamarhello. does anyone know how I can message one of the ops from #backtrack-linux? I have tried '/msg chanserv access #backtrack-linux acces' it provides some names and other info but I'm not sure who is online, and when I try to msg some of the nicks it says they are invalid.01:11
ActionParsniphi675445: if you have a low end system I recommend Lubuntu01:12
kaushalcan someone please ping me01:12
ActionParsnipgalamar: i'd ask in #freenode01:12
gdiskping kaushal01:12
hi675445it not it a new pc its a celeron01:12
kaushalgdisk: Thanks01:12
kaushalgdisk: testing irssi irc client01:12
James78Ok, so, I am having a problem with an Xorg video driver (lead me somewhere else if relevant), specifically i915; using the latest version out of the repos, and Kubuntu 11.10. My computer just crashes all of a sudden. I didn't bother to find out what did it until now. Something about a page table error. Any idea of the problem? Here are my error messages. http://paste.ubuntu.com/899864/01:12
kaushalgdisk: great its working01:12
gdisknice for u01:13
ActionParsniphi675445: should be ok, as long as you have more than 512Mb RAM you'll be ok :)01:13
kaushalgdisk: whats the version available for irssi client in 11.10 ?01:13
gdiskanyone thinks xfce is better than unity+gnome3 ?01:13
alfredoI have a problem with math in libreoffice help!!!01:13
ActionParsnipgdisk: in some cases, yes01:13
hi675445ok put the fan all way on is that on for ubuntu01:13
bastidrazor!info irssi | kaushal01:13
ubottukaushal: irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 911 kB, installed size 3104 kB01:13
craigbass1976What's the best way to stream video (live from a webcam) and over a lan?  Looks like maybe vlc, but I haven't found a good tut yet.01:14
ActionParsnipalfredo: ask away01:14
tensorpuddingmy computer is reasonably recent and it isn't perfect handling ubuntu 11.10 either, but i accept the slowness as a trade-off01:14
alfredomath doesnt work with libreoffice 3.5.101:14
ActionParsnipcraigbass1976: there is no single besy way to do anything01:14
wyldegdisk, as of right now I do. I'm hoping as Unity matures some of the features I miss from gnome2 will find their way back.01:14
alfredodont appear the window to enter the formula01:14
ActionParsnip!info libreoffice01:14
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)01:14
Basstard`craigbass1976: There's also Flumotion.01:15
gdiskwylde, have u tried MATE?01:15
craigbass1976Ok, you got me.  What have folks found to be the least headache way to stream audio and video over a lan?01:15
ActionParsnipalfredo: then its from a source outside the repos01:15
wyldegdisk: no I haven't01:15
alfredowhat to do?01:15
ActionParsnipwylde: there is a guide on omgubuntu how to tweak the desktop to look like Gnome201:15
alfredoI purged libreoffice01:15
ActionParsnipalfredo: ask in the libreoffice channel01:15
hi675445Intel® Celeron(R) CPU 900 @ 2.20GHz01:15
alfredohow I enter this channel?01:15
wyldeActionParsnip: yeah I know, but it's still doesn't "feel" like gnome2 :)01:16
ActionParsnipwylde: or install xfce4 and use that, runs a lot like gnome201:16
hi675445Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset01:16
ActionParsnipalfredo:     /joing #libreoffice01:16
tensorpuddingwow, is that cpu 11 years old?01:16
hi6754452.9 GiB ram01:16
wyldeActionParsnip: yep that's what I primarily use.01:16
ActionParsnip alfredo     /join #libreoffice01:16
tensorpuddingoh, wait, different celeron 90001:16
ActionParsniphi675445: I have a sempron 3000 AM2 @ 1.6Ghz, runs Ubuntu really well01:17
gdiskActionParsnip, tweaking gnome 3 to look like gnome 2 it's quite tricky01:17
wyldeActionParsnip: I still login using unity here and there to test for bugs though.01:17
ActionParsnipgdisk: omgubuntu have a handy how to, so not that hard01:17
tensorpuddingah, single-core penryn from 200901:17
fernandocuevadoes anybody knows if I can install the ati propietary driver on ubuntu01:17
ActionParsnipwylde: I use lxde mainly but float around in Unity2D too01:17
tensorpuddingbut it was cheap and underpowered at that time01:18
ActionParsnipfernandocueva: sure, use the additional driver app01:18
hi675445i worry abou fan on most of the time i use to windows the fan dose not come on much on it01:18
wyldeActionParsnip: my biggest complaint with Unity is the global menu, altho I heard a rumor that global menu may become optional! yay!01:18
gdiskI don't mean tricky, i mean... if you are going to stay on ubuntu and dont' like gnome 3 or unity, go to xfce, lxde or mate01:18
gdiskgnome 3 + tweaks... quite a mess of libraries01:19
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gdiskmoreover, ppl seem to dislike gnome-fallback appearance01:19
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hi675445mu pc smell when fan spins all that dust in it bring a way lolol01:20
ActionParsnipwylde: you can remove that, its not mandatory...01:20
hi675445my latop horaply dusty01:20
ActionParsnipgdisk: ubuntu with xfce is still ubuntu01:20
wyldeActionParsnip: yep and I did, Just heard they're going to add an option in Appearnce to disable it, rather than removing packages01:21
hi675445what better installing desk top or diro dedacated to it01:21
wyldehi675445: pardon?01:22
zhxkmy screen resolution is 1024*600, how to do to make it work? my newly installed ubuntu 11.10 cant make use of it01:22
hi675445desktop inviament vs installing  disto01:22
ActionParsnipzhxk: what video chip?01:23
hi675445Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset01:23
zhxkthe cpu is atom n45001:24
ActionParsnipzhxk: why was that not in your initial question??01:24
wyldehi675445: If I understand correctly, choosing distro and/or desktop enviroment is entirely based on the users preference.01:24
=== haz3lnut_zzz is now known as haz3lnut
zhxkintel graphics accelerator 315001:25
zhxkactionParsnip, intel graphics accelerator 315001:25
ActionParsnipzhxk: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc01:25
rinzleranyone know of a good dvd ripper?01:25
ghostconnjust wondering if there is a way to make plymouth load faster in the grub file?... my problem is Im using plymouth manager and a themed splash screen. It works when i shutdown, however when I boot i see a black screen for about 10seconds and then a slight glimpse of my splash screen. (maybe half a second)01:26
Guest9762hello xx01:26
zhxkactionParsnip, im on windows now01:26
hi675445java was not removed from mint they are being a bit notey01:26
ActionParsniprinzler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVD%3A%3ARip01:26
ActionParsnipghostconn: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/01:27
rinzlerActionParsnip: thx01:27
zhxkactionParsnip, how to config to make use of it? the screen resolution 1024*600 works on installation, but didnt work after reboot after insalation finished01:27
dev00pis there any Latvians in here ?01:27
zhxkactionParsnip, im on ms-windows now01:28
ActionParsnipzhxk: if you can make a pastebin of the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a; xrandr     It'd help01:28
ghostconnActionParsnip, I am not using any of the restricted fglrx drivers for my ati card.01:29
hi675445i now locked by side bar it was anoying01:30
ghostconni have gone through that before I was told to be aware of them01:30
hi675445i never got offed drives is that becouse i got intel01:31
ghostconnActionParsnip,hears a look at my grub folder http://pastie.org/366919901:31
wubinoAre there any tablets that Ubuntu can be fully installed on?01:31
ghostconnany tablet lol01:31
vishali think there is wacon table01:32
ghostconnuse usb flash drive to install or even a usb hdd01:32
hi675445wpad if a bad that runs a demo of windows u could replayes it with liunx01:33
hi675445i mean pad not bad01:33
JermBobis there a samba like application in ubuntu default /01:33
ghostconnif I were to change the grub timeout from the default 10seconds to say... 15 would that in theory solve my problem or jsut mess my system up from starting?01:33
JermBoblike for creating a network share windows and *nix can read / write from ?01:33
rawfodogUbuntu is installed, and I have a clean partition ready. I want to install windows 7 on the clean partition, but I'm worried it may screw up my ubuntu install. Can someone give me a link to how to do this ?01:34
JermBobrawfodog install windows first heh01:34
JermBobubuntu does clever twin boot setups01:34
rawfodogJermBob, ubuntu is already installed01:34
Sly__Why is it that 12.04 won't show the desktop in the "Ubuntu" profile without using the guest session, but will in the "Ubuntu 2D" profile?01:35
JermBobgoing from that way about it i dont know how to do it all sorry01:35
JermBobit would need some kinda boot loading thing made up01:35
ActionParsnipSly__: ask in #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support please01:35
Sly__Ah. K.01:35
ActionParsnipSly__: it does say when you joined the channel...01:35
wylderawfodog: after installing windows you will have to re-install grub.01:35
hi675445becouse and buge as hell it is beta01:35
wylde!grub | rawfodog01:35
ubotturawfodog: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:35
rawfodogwylde, what program does that ?01:35
Sly__ActionParsnip, didn't pay any attention to it. Was seeing what the conversation was about, and if it was relevant.01:36
hi675445where can i get the bule striped background01:37
ActionParsnipSly__: well now you know :). All prereleases are supported in #ubuntu+1 til they are officially released01:38
ghostconnif I were to change the grub timeout from the default 10seconds to say... 15 would that make my splash screen appear or just mess my system up from starting?01:38
zhxkactionparsnip, pci(sysfs)01:38
ActionParsniphi675445: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=gnome+blue+striped+wallpaper&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=ugK&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=lchvT861BoHT8gP57rG_DQ&ved=0CGIQsAQ&biw=1680&bih=88101:38
zhxkactionparsnip, no lsb modules are available01:38
ActionParsnipzhxk: wait, your pci bus is slow01:38
ActionParsnipzhxk: Pastebin the whole text, then we can see it as one, the lshw command may be slow01:39
ActionParsniphi675445: easy stuff huh...01:39
zhxkactionparsnip, what can i do?01:39
ActionParsnipzhxk: run the command as one, pastebin the result and paste the link here, like I asked01:39
zhxkactionparsnip, i typed those command on cli on recovery model01:39
escottghostconn, the splash screen would not appear any faster01:40
ghostconncan someone take a look? http://pastie.org/3669236      , Upon starting my system I get a black screen for about 10seconds and then my splash screen will appear for half a second01:40
zhxkactionparsnip, i cant paste it01:40
ActionParsnipzhxk: do you have web access there (can you ping
zhxkactionparsnip, i reboot to microsoft windows, and use chrome to access webchat.freenode.net01:41
hi675445window is illegal in here jokes01:41
zhxkactionparsnip, sorry, i cant access web on ubuntu01:41
zhxkactionparsnip, code name oniric, linux 3.0.0-12-gene8ic #20-ubuntu smp, i686 i386 gnu/linux01:42
ActionParsnipzhxk: I'd get your networking working first, more than display01:43
hi675445that bule background sick love it dont no why01:43
zhxkactionparsnip, lshw -c shows nothing01:43
fernandocuevaI'm trying to install ati-driver-installer-9.3-x86 for my 9800xt but the instalation instructions say only novel/suse and redhat are supported I tried running using ./ but I get an error saying "Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version"01:43
zhxkactionparsnip, i using wifi01:43
ActionParsnipzhxk: sudo lshw -C network01:43
ActionParsnipzhxk: capital C, or I wouldn't have used it01:44
ActionParsnipzhxk: linux is VERY case sensitive#01:44
hi675445if it work fine with out drives leve it it a path way to faler01:44
zhxkactionparsnip, well, i have to reboot to ubuntu and try those commands01:44
hiexpohola ActionParsnip01:44
ActionParsniphi hiexpo01:44
ActionParsnipzhxk: is it a netbook / laptop?01:45
zhxkactionparsnip, i guess, the system confied a hardware anot acceptable resolution01:45
hiexpohow are you   tonight ActionParsnip01:45
ActionParsniphiexpo: tired, you?01:45
ActionParsnipzhxk: is it a laptop?01:45
zhxkactionparsnip, i guess, the system confied a hardwarie anot acceptable resolution, how to correct it? this is a netbook01:45
hiexpoditto ActionParsnip01:45
hi675445dont insall ati driver if u dont need them01:46
zhxkactionparsnip, cpu=n45001:46
ActionParsnipzhxk: dude, once you get online you can get updated which will probably get the res sorted, your priorities are a little skewed01:46
ActionParsnipzhxk: again, is it a laptop?01:46
zhxkactionparsnip, its a tiny laption01:46
zhxkactionparsnip, its a tiny laptop01:46
hi675445my pc run ubuntu with out recomended drives so i dont no much about ati i got intel01:47
ActionParsnipzhxk: get a wired connect and get updated, it will make life a lot easier01:47
hi675445i got no recomeded driver for disto01:47
andresmhI am VNC-ing into my Ubuntu server. I am able to authenticate just fine, but all I see once I am in is a gray screen and the mouse pointer that looks like the default mouse pointer of Xorg. So I am wondering how do I start GNOME and such?01:48
scottjanyone know a torrent client that allows you to choose which files in torrent to download via a UI that supports filtering?01:48
Xabsterwhat's filtering?01:48
ActionParsnipscottj: transmission lets you choose the files when you add a torrent01:48
scottjXabster: typing part of the name of the file01:48
zhxkactionparsnip, how to update ubuntu over recovery model?01:48
scottjActionParsnip: yeah that's what I'm using but it doesn't let you filter files by name so you have to scroll and manually search01:49
Xabsterscottj, i don't understand and thus I can't tell you if transmission can do that01:49
hi675445utorent but i think it uses wine01:49
Xabsteroh, a search feature thingy01:49
ActionParsnipzhxk: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade01:49
ActionParsnipzhxk: you can do that in normal mode too01:49
=== Joao is now known as j0a0
hi675445no sorry utorent change :( it not as it was01:51
fernandocuevaI'm trying to install ati-driver-installer-9.3-x86 for my 9800xt but the instalation instructions say only novel/suse and redhat are supported I tried running using ./ but I get an error saying "Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version"01:53
ghostconnis it easy to dual boot arch with ubuntu01:55
=== diegovieiraeti is now known as Guest92789
zhxkhow to config network over cli?01:56
zhxkhow to config network over cli recovery-model?01:56
zhxkactionparsnip,how to config network over cli recovery-model?01:56
escottzhxk, if you have configured it through the gui you can enable with nmcli01:57
_MarcusWhat's a replacement for iTunes? I really like iTunes, and I want something similar to it.01:57
zhxkescott, gui not available01:58
zhxkescott, gu dontwork01:58
ghostconn_Marcus , install gmusicbrowser01:58
zhxkescott, gui dont work, i have to enter recovery-model01:58
almoxarifezhxk: was this a new install?01:58
gastiHi guys, any good software to know which are my computer specs?01:58
gastilike video card, sound card..01:58
ActionParsnipzhxk: you can use dhcp automatically01:58
hi675445how to install utorrent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa0fClcsEmk01:58
escottzhxk, *if* you *have* configured...01:58
zhxkalmoxarife, this is a new install01:59
almoxarifezhxk: did you install onnected to the internet via ethernet?01:59
almoxarifezhxk: did you install connected to the internet via ethernet?01:59
zhxkactionparsnip, dhcp supported , how to config laption to adopt to a dhcp network?01:59
ghostconnutorrent is garbage use transmission02:00
zhxkalmoxarife, never02:00
ActionParsnipzhxk: run:  sudo dhclient3 eth002:00
zhxkalmoxarife, never, this is a new install,02:00
_MarcusWill Banshee Media Player keep a copy of the songs I import on my hard drive?02:00
_MarcusIf I impor them over the network that is02:00
zhxkactionparsnip, then?02:00
ActionParsniphi675445: what's the point, there are plenty of torrent clients in the repos which are easier to install and remove, plus utorrent is only usable via web ui currently02:01
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ActionParsnipzhxk: then you will get an IP via DHCP...02:01
zhxkactionparsnip, and then?02:01
zhxkactionparsnip, and then use apt-get series?02:01
ActionParsnipzhxk: yes02:02
=== Guest92789 is now known as diegovieiraeti
ghostconnany good new distros i should try?02:04
_Marcusghostconn: Ubuntu02:04
abhatnaghey guys, almost every other time I start my oneiric, I get a "wireless device not ready". I then have to restart to try my luck again. Is there a fix for this issue?02:04
ActionParsnipghostconn: xpud02:04
ActionParsnipabhatnag: what wifi chip?02:04
_MarcusWill Banshee Media Player keep a copy of the songs I import on my hard drive?02:05
DrBrownbear _Marcus: Alot of people in this channel have issues with that distro :-p02:05
ActionParsnip_Marcus: i believe it imports it in place02:05
ghostconnim using Ubuntu 11:10 alreayd... ill google xpud02:05
_MarcusActionParsnip: What do you mean02:05
ghostconnim more itno customization02:05
abhatnagActionParsnip: broadcom something, on Fedora to make it work, I have to enable kmod-staging. RTL8192E i believe02:05
ActionParsnip_Marcus: the files are left in place, they are just referenced, there is no copying02:06
hi675445my pc at 100% cpu usege02:06
_Marcusghostconn: I heard (I cannot confirm) that kubuntu was easy for customizing.02:06
_MarcusActionParsnip: Thanks02:06
ActionParsnipabhatnag: can you get the exact chip and we can search02:06
ActionParsniphi675445: run:  top    see what is maxing it out02:06
abhatnagActionParsnip: just checked, it is indeed RTL8192E02:06
ghostconni really want to get into arch linux however first i need to learn how to install it on dual boot with ubuntu 11:1002:06
ActionParsnipabhatnag: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc02:06
hi675445flash is not very good on ubuntu02:06
abhatnagActionParsnip: oneiric02:07
ActionParsnipabhatnag: and the output of:  uname -m02:07
abhatnaghi675445: might be ubuntuone, it does that for me too every now and then02:07
abhatnagActionParsnip: i68602:07
abhatnaghi675445: check on top, or system monitor02:08
hi675445dont have ubuntu one open02:08
abhatnaghi675445: might be the daemon, anyway, go on system monitor and check what's doing it02:09
ActionParsnipabhatnag: do you have the linux-firmware package installed?02:09
hi675445updater sleeping and ruing up cpu02:09
abhatnagActionParsnip: I'm kinda new to apt-get, how can I check?02:09
hi675445no sorry02:09
ActionParsnipabhatnag: apt-cache policy linux-firmware02:09
paradizelosthey all, i'm trying to set up freenx but the custom keys aren't showing up under /var/lib/nxserver/home/custom_keys02:10
ActionParsnipabhatnag: try:    echo "blacklist r8192se_pci" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf       then reboot02:10
abhatnagActionParsnip: ah thanks, says 1.60.1 is installed02:10
ActionParsnipabhatnag: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1034333202:10
hi675445utsever what that it ruing up cpu02:10
phong_hi guys, is there a GUI winrar for liinux?02:10
ActionParsnipabhatnag: scratch that02:10
ActionParsnipabhatnag: use this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1689148&page=302:10
abhatnagActionParsnip: nice, thanks; let me read through that02:11
phong_i love Action02:11
hi675445killed it soud grop nothing happened02:11
ActionParsnipabhatnag: hopefully the PPA will help02:11
abhatnagActionParsnip: cool, going to try that out, should I blacklist my current driver first or will it just be overridden?02:13
ActionParsnipabhatnag: the blacklist files aren't overwritten, follow the guide, see how it goes02:13
ActionParsnipabhatnag: the chip looks like a pain02:13
abhatnagah ok02:13
abhatnagyeah, this chip's been with me for 7 years, and it has brought me precisely 7 years of pain02:14
abhatnagActionParsnip: brb, trying now, will report back02:14
bbOOmmI'm having some difficulties getting a program to automatically start upon boot of Ubuntu 10.03.3LTS desktop (Gnome) Upon booting to the desktop, I need a pause of 10 seconds, then a terminal window to open, another pause of 10 seconds, then I need to run in super user "myprogram" --- I have figured out how to open the terminal window with a 10 second pause, but I havn't been able to figure out how to pause another 10 seconds, go i02:17
bbOOmmnto super user and execute the program. Can someone help me with this?02:17
bastidrazorphong_: if you install unrar then you should have an option in nautilus to unrar a .rar when right clicking on it or double clicking02:17
hi675445i be back02:18
ActionParsnipbbOOmm: does the app need running as root, or as user?02:18
inzi86hey guys02:18
inzi86did anyone try installing unity 5.0 on ubuntu 11.10?02:19
inzi86i saw it on sum blogs and i tried but doesnt seem to work02:19
bbOOmmActionParsnip :  after I type in sudo su, my password , I then can execute the program02:19
inzi86there is no error as such but after the dist-upgrade command.. nuthing really gets upgraded02:19
escottbbOOmm, why do you need to do this02:19
bbOOmmrunning darkice02:20
bbOOmmaudio streaming02:20
_Marcusinzi86: "sum" is the end value of adding two or more numbers togethor. "some" is what you meant to say.02:20
anwayaHey,sorry to interrupt ,I wanted to use the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes on ubuntu 11.10. I have installed python software packages software.However, while trying to install the repository,it says pycurl error..Could someone please help me with the problem..02:20
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ghostconndose anyone know if it's easy to dual boot with the new kubuntu 12.04 I want to give it a try02:21
bbOOmmescott : I'm running darkice audio streaming from the command line ...02:21
ActionParsnipghostconn: ask in #ubuntu+1 please02:21
ActionParsnipbbOOmm: use:  sudo -i   instead of sudo su02:21
inzi86any help with installing unity 5.002:21
escottbbOOmm, generally speaking having a gui run as root on every boot would be discouraged. im not familiar with darkice but does it really need the gui?02:21
zykotic10escott: after running darkice as root, i'm guessing it's probably made some config files root owned...02:22
abhatnagActionParsnip: hey, just an update, no luck with that; that ppa, hwe-wireless does not have an Oneiric component02:22
ActionParsnipbbOOmm: if you make a script to run your command with a large sleep befroe the command, then add that in /etc/rc.local with an ampersand to background it, it will run as root when the desktop loads02:22
abhatnagActionParsnip: on the plus side, the guy who ran that works at Canonical, so I could get in touch and ask for an update02:22
ActionParsnipabhatnag: ah, I see. I'd get a new wifi tbh, if its 7 years of pain02:22
escottbbOOmm, and the random 10 second delays are also a bit weird. if that were really necessary I would strongly suggest not running that program ever because it must be horribly written and you dont want to trust something like that with root02:23
abhatnagActionParsnip: true; just as an FYI, I think this nic has something to do with 3+ linux kernel, cause another repo I used for drivers on Fedora stopped supporting it right then as well02:23
bbOOmmescott : I do not think I'm running in root with the GUI ( gnome) ... I just couldn't figure out how -just yet- to get the sound card and darkice all setup with out the gui... learning the command line stuff and new to darkice, so I went with something I knew to start with.02:24
ActionParsnipabhatnag: wifi is cheap. I'd just replace with something super compatible02:24
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abhatnagActionParsnip: true enough; thanks for your help, off to other things in life now02:25
atxqso how can I reset my touchpad when it freezes up?02:26
escottbbOOmm, well i would encourage you to figure out how to do it properly, but if you *must* do it this way then the thing to do is create a script that has the necessary sleeps and then mark that script with the setuid bit and add it to your gnome-session, but there are all kinds of security klaxon's going off with doing something like that02:26
bbOOmmescott...  if I run darkice with out the sudo , I get the error " cannot run POSIX real time scheduling - try to run darkice as super-user02:26
inzi86isit possible to install unity 5.2 on ubuntu 11.10?02:26
zykotic10bbOOmm: (basically just escott +1) but, using "sudo su" like you did leads to problems.  you should learn to use sudo properly.02:27
bbOOmmzykotic10 : I'm learning the command line stuff .... that is why I'm here asking questions, learning02:27
atxqanyone know how I can figure out what module controls my touchpad?02:28
escottbbOOmm, they should have some kind of wrapper util to start it as a non-priv user and grant it RT privs, or maybe you can do something to grant your user access to RT privs02:28
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escottbbOOmm, but granting root to enable RT is giving away nuclear launch codes so they can empty the trash cans in the oval office02:29
ghostconnfor some reason i get this message on every song i want to play02:29
ghostconnPlaying error : Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/gmusicbrowser_gstreamer-0.10.pm line 135.02:29
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=== ShadowhLe511 is now known as shadowh511
zykotic10atxq: the beginning of this might help?  http://wiki.debian.org/SynapticsTouchpad02:29
escottbbOOmm, this might help http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/sound/realtime.xml02:30
atxqthanks zykotic1002:30
jonathonIs there a text editor I can use to remove a certain phrase from multiple text files? Prferably I need it to be able to open multiple text files from multiple folders.02:31
diamondsI'm using Pinta02:31
=== diegovieiraeti_ is now known as diegovieiraeti
diamondscan I free rotate?02:32
escottbbOOmm, you might also look at this: http://code.google.com/p/darkice/issues/detail?id=21 I would just disable RT and tell darkice to deal with it02:32
ActionParsnipjonathon: use bash script02:32
bbOOmmescott : Ok, let me ask this then. Since darkice is requiring the need for sudo in order to run right... what would you ( and others can chime in here)  , what would be recomended as a audio streamer...  Shoutcast compatible02:32
jonathonActionParsnip, Alright cool, How exactly might I do that?02:32
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bbOOmmescott : note, I can always switch this thing to ubuntu server instead of desktop02:34
phong_hi guys, is there i explorer for ubuntu?02:34
escottbbOOmm, darkice isn't requiring root, its currently configured to use RT scheduling which your system has configured to only allow for root. I think RT scheduling is a bit overkill for anything but professional use, but your options are: (a) grant root (discouraged) (b) configure darkice to not use RT (I would do this) (c) configure our system to allow RT for non-root02:34
escottphong_, nautilus02:34
darkhalowhat's up people?02:34
jerothphong_, you want internet explorer for ubuntu?02:35
escottbbOOmm, running on server probably wouldn't help, servers are less likely to have RT in many cases02:35
escottjonathon, sed?02:35
phong_i want to access to iphone SD02:35
phong_i know in windows they got IExplorer02:35
jerothphong_, ah, not familiar with that app02:35
phong_in windows they got: www.iphone-explorer.com02:36
darkhaloyou talking to me escott?02:36
bbOOmmescott : since I'm learning this command line stuff, how would you do option B ( what you listed above :-)   I greatly appreciate the time and help you are giving me.02:36
phong_i'm not sure about ubuntu02:36
escottjonathon, "sed -i.bak -e "s/something/else/g" filename.txt" will replace something with else everywhere it is seen and make a backup copy of the file as filename.txt.bak02:36
jerothphong_, Have you tried searching the software center? I think I saw an app that can explore the Iphone in there before.02:37
=== DouglasA is now known as DouglasA`
escottbbOOmm, so check if your version supports this config option: applied in r481 http://code.google.com/p/darkice/issues/detail?id=2102:37
jonathonescott, alright, thanks much02:37
darkhaloanybody in here know much about vpn's?02:38
darkhaloas far as using openvpn02:38
escott!anyone | darkhalo02:38
ubottudarkhalo: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:38
phong_Jeremy3D, lol no idea02:38
phong_jeroth, no idea02:38
jerothphong_, Search the Software Center for Iphone and see what comes up.02:38
Jon--Trying to set up a second monitor on my laptop, no matter what resolution I choose I get an error unless I mirror the screens. Any tips?02:38
darkhalowhat kind of video card do you have? nvidia?02:39
Jon--darkcharl, ati02:39
phong_jeroth, nothing02:40
Jon--darkcharl, 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]02:40
phong_nevermind then02:40
phong_i just use windows then02:40
jerothphong_, one second im looking02:40
darkhaloi usually do a custom orientation with the monitors02:41
jerothphong_, what version of Ubuntu? latest?02:41
darkhaloon the second monitor i put "+(horizontal resolution of first monitor), 0"02:42
hi67544512.04 in beta out bnex mouth and 11.10 latest02:42
OU818helo i am lookin for stuff tux for doter, pleez allow me topurchase02:42
=== Zorro is now known as Guest52101
phong_jeroth, 11.1002:43
ghostconnis kubuntu 12:04 any good02:43
hi67544511.10 lasest stabe02:43
Jon--Trying to set up a second monitor on my laptop, no matter what resolution I choose I get an error unless I mirror the screens. Any tips?02:43
jerothphong_, i believe the command sudo apt-get install ipheth-utils should work for you02:43
jerothphong_, that should install the iphone utilities02:44
hi675445kde will never make it still very yonge02:44
jerothphong_, let me know02:44
ActionParsnipOU818: can you rephrase the question please02:44
phong_jeroth, how to use it after install?02:44
ghostconnis it true you can use both the kde and gnome shell with kubuntu02:44
ActionParsniphi675445: kde started in 1996, not young at all02:45
hi675445loads of thing missing from kde like jant rite click and run thing in java like mincraft02:45
jerothphong_,try replugging in the iphone...02:45
ActionParsniphi675445: its 1 year older than Gnome02:45
ghostconnkde is very well developed02:46
hi675445ok then it no new but baddy but together02:46
xanguahi675445: what does java has to do with kde¿02:46
phong_nothing happen02:46
hi675445it chrishes all the time02:46
phong_jeroth, nothing happend02:46
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i didn't know kde was older then gnome, that's neat thanks.02:46
OU818ActionParsnip: plz refaze the correction02:46
monkeyjuicehi675445: is confused02:46
Jon--Trying to set up a second monitor on my laptop, no matter what resolution I choose I get an error unless I mirror the screens. Any tips? I have FGLRX + Radeon 3200 card on my laptop.02:46
hi675445kde chrahes and i cant play mincraft on it02:47
jerothphong_, okay try installing the program gtkpod02:47
monkeyjuiceso fix it02:47
jerothphong_, sudo apt-get install gtkpod02:47
ActionParsnipzykotick9: wikipedia exists :)02:47
jerothphong_, not sure might work.... I use android works outta the box with linux,02:47
ghostconnkde only crashed because you make it lol02:47
OU818sudo aptitude install gentoo does not work02:47
hi675445cant rite click in kde and run with open java 602:47
ActionParsnipOU818: that doesn't make sense, neither does your question. If you rephrase it we may be able to help02:47
=== D is now known as Guest35969
ActionParsnipOU818: gentoo isn't a package in the ubuntu repos02:48
ActionParsnipOU818: also aptitude isn't installed by default, do you have aptitude installed?02:48
zykotick9!info gentoo | ActionParsnip02:48
ubottuActionParsnip: gentoo (source: gentoo): fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.10-1 (oneiric), package size 725 kB, installed size 2548 kB02:48
ActionParsnipzykotick9: ooooh, I am educated. Thanks02:49
ActionParsnipOU818: do you have universe repo enabled?02:49
ActionParsnipOU818: looks like it exists (weird name), sorry02:49
OU818no i onl want free software02:49
zykotick9OU818: lol, you can't use ubuntu then...02:50
Jon--Trying to set up a second monitor on my laptop, no matter what resolution I choose I get an error unless I mirror the screens. Any tips? I have FGLRX + Radeon 3200 card on my laptop.02:50
ActionParsnipOU818: gentoo is an opensource package02:50
OU818zykotick9: ubuntu = $0 not free?02:50
zykotick9OU818: free as in beer, yes02:51
ActionParsnipzykotick9: nit picking now, like it :)02:51
_ninjaHello, everyone, 'sendmail' to send HTML-formatted messages with attachments?02:51
hi675445i maked my icon smail as poss lol02:51
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i though OU818 refusal to use universe was for FAIF reasons02:51
OU818zykotick9: i am no atf02:52
OU818just look for free softwarez02:53
zykotick9OU818: alcohol tobacoo and firearms???02:53
bbOOmmescott : Thank you for your help, I'm trying some stuff with the info you gave me. Thank you02:54
BlueProtomanWhy don't I have a /var/log/messages?02:56
BlueProtoman(Ubuntu 11.04)02:56
zykotick9BlueProtoman: ubuntu != debian, they call is kernel or something???02:57
trismBlueProtoman: /var/log/messages is disabled in rsyslog in natty+, you can find most of the stuff that was there in /var/log/kern.log and syslog02:58
zirodayHi there, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a MBP from usb though I keep getting missing operating system from a usb disk created using startup disk creator. What am I doing wrong?02:58
BlueProtomanWhere is syslog?02:58
BlueProtomanErm, right...thanks...02:59
trismBlueProtoman: it is actually just commented out in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf if you wanted to enable it again02:59
Jordan_Uziroday: Most intel Macs have a bug in that Apple's BIOS implementation doesn't support booting from USB. You either need to use a CD (highly recommended) or create an EFI based bootable USB.02:59
zirodayJordan_U, I don't have a CD - how do I go about the latter?03:00
Jordan_Uziroday: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download03:00
Arizona_Bayso what do i do to sync my ipod?03:00
zirodayJordan_U, I've got the ISO....03:00
machiolateanyone know how to enable the middle click paste option in Gnome-fallback/ubuntu GUI?03:01
machiolatewhere you can just hover over and hit middle click to paste03:01
BlueProtomanHell, I wanna DISABLE it.03:01
Jordan_Uziroday: That page has instructions for creating a USB drive which is bootable on a mac (though they require the use of OSX, if you don't have OSX I can give you instructions on doing it with grub-efi from GNU/Linux).03:01
quiescenswhy do you need to disable it?03:02
quiescenswell anyway, as trism mentioned, config is in /etc/rsyslog.d/03:02
zirodayJordan_U, that would be great if you could give me instruction for Ubuntu 11.1003:02
zykotick9machiolate: does highlighting something and middle click not work by default in ubuntu?03:03
BlueProtomanquiescens: I hate middle-click paste.03:04
joubinhey guys, can someone help me with ubuntu pptp server. I have it running, however, it doesnt change my ip address?03:04
quiescensoh different subject thingy, there is a way to disable it03:04
Jordan_Uziroday: Can you wait about an hour03:05
DD123How do I list all of a packages direct dependencies?  apt-rdepends, which google pointed me too, only seems to list the package I type in.  I write in "firefox" and it outputs only "firefox"03:06
zirodayJordan_U, urf preferably not. If you could just point me in the right direction that would be great. If you have to run no worries.03:06
zykotick9Can someone confirm/deny for me - does highlighting something then middle click paste work in 11.10 Unity and/or Gnome3 by default?03:06
joubin@DD123 after the install fails, do a apt-get -f install with no package names03:07
joubinit will get your dependecies for you03:07
zykotick9DD123: "apt-cache depends foo" and "apt-cache rdepends foo" might be of help03:07
Praxi_anyone have any good guides for apache reverse proxy?  Trying to set up a ubuntu server running openerp, but I want to run it over SSL and need to reverse proxy it to domainname:806903:07
zirodayzykotick9, it works here03:07
escottzykotick9, depends on the app, i'm noticing a lot of apps ignore the buffer, but copy and middle click usually works03:07
zykotick9escott: thanks.  if it's app failure i can live with that, if it's ubuntu in general - i'd stop visiting this channel.03:08
Jordan_Uziroday: Install grub-efi (not grub-pc) to a USB drive then copy the iso file (do *not* extract it) to said USB drive and write a grub.cfg following http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_create_a_loopback.cfg.3F03:08
DD123zykotick9: Thanks!  That was exactly what I was looking for!03:08
jerothzykotick9, works fine in ubuntu 11.10 for me. Probably apps ignoring the middle click.03:09
Jordan_Uziroday: Sorry I can't give more detailed instructions than that at the moment.03:09
zykotick9jeroth: thanks for the confirmation03:09
escottzykotick9, you might want to install one of the clipboard managers which will automatically sync the selection and cut clipboards and make the behavior more consistent03:09
jerothzykotick9, np :)03:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
N008573RI love you03:14
hi675445hi its hi03:14
N008573RWon't you tell me your name?03:14
darkhaloanybody know a free dns hosting web site. like dyndns used to be?03:14
N008573Rdarkhalo, I love you03:14
f3ck4rhi minna!03:14
N008573Rhi675445, I love you03:15
* darkhalo sighs03:15
N008573Rf3ck4r, I love you so much03:15
N008573Ryou don't even know how much03:15
N008573Rxinchi, I love you too03:15
f3ck4rN008573R: me too D;03:15
xangua!ot | N008573R03:15
ubottuN008573R: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:15
N008573RI'm just spreading love03:15
xanguaN008573R: stop please03:15
ActionParsnipdarkhalo: no-ip do mine03:16
N008573RLOL can't anybody take love anymore :D03:16
N008573RDoes anybody know anything smart in terminal?03:16
f3ck4rN008573R: just if u ask about ubuntu and spread love at same time03:16
ActionParsnipN008573R: yes, I play mari0 with love (from a ppa as its the version it needs)03:16
ActionParsnipN008573R: install sl and run it, lots of fun, or cmatrix03:17
N008573RInstalling sl03:17
JelloPopOk, how does ubuntu now to pull a amd64 for virtual box?03:17
darkhalonotice how no questions get answered cause of stupid people03:18
ghostconnfor some reason i can't play any of my .flac files in gmusicbrowser03:18
ActionParsnipJelloPop: it doesn't, virtualbox uses the ISO you give it03:18
ActionParsnipghostconn: do other apps work ok?03:18
ghostconn1sec il try with vlc03:19
N008573RI installed ubuntu from win xp03:19
N008573Rwith wubi03:19
ghostconnthey play no probem with vlc?03:19
N008573Rand for some reason I have 64 bit edition even though I only have 32 bit03:20
hi675445wubi with windows 7 lol03:20
ActionParsnipN008573R: it is impossible to run 64bit OS on 32bit CPU, the reverse is possible03:20
calebei just have one question, when will ubuntu 12.04 be released ?03:20
N008573RActionParsnip, I don't know it says I have 64 bit os when I lookup03:20
ActionParsnipcalebe: next month, look at the version number and think ;)03:21
hi6754452o something next mouth03:21
N008573RActionParsnip, btw thanks for cmatrix ;)03:21
ActionParsnipN008573R: good times, sl is just as worthless but just as fun03:21
calebe(-.-)... i wanna know the day...03:22
hi675445then mint 13 comes out weeek later03:22
N008573RActionParsnip, yeah It was funny too :-) Do you know anything similar?03:22
JelloPopActionParsnip: want to know how the repository sees to pull a amd64 virtualbox-4.003:22
ActionParsnipcalebe: ask in #ubuntu+103:22
ActionParsnipJelloPop: if you install from the repo, the app will match the arch of your OS03:22
calebeok... thnks ActionParsnip03:22
ActionParsnipJelloPop: just like any other app you install03:22
ActionParsnipN008573R: there is the http://www.eeggs.com/items/47043.html one03:23
argrubbsDoes anyone know what partitions require the most read speed on a hard disk? I have two hard disks, one is faster than the other, and I wanted to know which disk should hold which partition for the best read/write performance. Any ideas?03:23
JelloPopActionParsnip: Srry been yrs since the last time I used virtualbox maybe it was vmware I had to match arch of the system.. Been while cant remember!03:24
ActionParsnipJelloPop: np man :D03:24
jerothargrubbs, depends on what you plan to do. Are you planning on gaming?03:24
argrubbsjeroth, Nah, some video/audio editing and everyday use.03:25
research4oscarfollowing the article instructions: http://www.techsupportalert.com/how-to-set-up-your-own-web-server.htm, i created a webuser on my ubuntu installation and assigned him as owner to a folder under var/www.03:25
ActionParsnipargrubbs: put your system partition on the fast one, put swap /home and /var on the slow one03:25
research4oscarhowever now i can't seem to connect using any ftp client.03:25
grumpy_hello can any one help with a ffmpeg issue03:25
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jerothargrubbs, if I were planning on doing video/audio editing I would want my storage partition to be on the faster drive.03:26
research4oscara possible problem might be that the user only has rights to that folder.03:26
Jordan_Uziroday: Are you still there and needing more detailed instructions?03:27
hi675445remove systom 32 with luinex the see what happens then u can put it back lol03:27
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atnmsWhat is Ubuntu's killer app? what does Ubuntu have that would make the average user pick it over anything else?03:28
argrubbsHmm, you both have interesting points on the disk layout. Should I make an additional partition on the faster drive for storing my video/audio projects then?03:28
killownany chance to install unity 5.8 on 11.10?03:28
ActionParsnipatnms: compiz seems to wow people03:28
ActionParsnipkillown: there may be a ppa03:28
Jordan_Uatnms: That's more of a question for #ubuntu-offtopic03:28
zirodayJordan_U, hey I'm still here - I'm attempting the OSX instructions currently. I've created the drive but I am still getting Missing operating system errors03:28
ghostconnis there anything better then compiz03:28
bbOOmmOk --- one more issue and I'm off to laa laa land with my pain meds ( my back is just killin me ) ... ... ...  I have a Seagate 1TB USB external drive. It works just fine with winDOHs boxes, but I just cannot get any of my Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS boxes to see the drive. Any ideas how to get the Ubuntu machines to see my USP external drive?03:28
JelloPopatnms: any linux version can install package compiz03:28
atnmsactionParsnip: So wobbly windows is it?03:28
killownActionParsnip do you know this ppa?03:29
JelloPopatnms: lol,, lmao03:29
ActionParsnipatnms: the free software to do most things that windows users pay for is probably a bit more impressive, as well as the ease with which they are installed03:29
atnmsI'll switch to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.03:29
zirodayJordan_U, installing from linux would be preferred03:29
ghostconnbb00mm, its more then likely a bios setting wrong03:29
ActionParsnipatnms: depends whom you are impressing, most eye candy freaks like all that compiz wobbly rubbish03:29
ghostconncheck your hdd setting in you bios03:29
Jordan_Uziroday: Do you have 32 bit or 64 bit virmware? Did you use the 32 bit or 64 bit Ubuntu image?03:31
zirodayJordan_U, I'm using the 32bit ISO.03:31
Jordan_Uziroday: The 32 bit iso doesn't have any EFI image (and 32 bit EFI images would only work with 32 bit EFI firmware).03:32
maujhsnHas anybody seen this error message before? Makefile:33: *** missing separator.  Stop.03:32
Jordan_Uziroday: If you have a macbook that's not one of the very early models then it probably has 64 bit firmware, and so following the instructions with the 64 bit Ubuntu iso should work.03:33
zirodayJordan_U, okay - so I need to download the 64bit image?03:33
zirodayJordan_U, its a recent MPB03:33
Jordan_Uziroday: Yes.03:33
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: what are you compiling?03:33
zirodayJordan_U, how can I determine if it's 32 or 64bit?03:33
ActionParsnipziroday: uname -m03:34
zirodayActionParsnip, on OSX03:34
ActionParsnipziroday: same03:34
maujhsnActionParsnip /gimp-gap-2.6.003:34
Jordan_Uziroday: That won't actually tell us if the *firmware* is 64 bit.03:34
joubinx86_64 means 6403:34
Jordan_UActionParsnip: ^^03:34
joubinX86 means 3203:34
ActionParsnipJordan_U: should say i686 ;) for 32bit03:35
zirodayOkay, running uname -a in OSX returns 64 bit03:35
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: is there not a PPA for it?03:35
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc03:35
maujhsnActionParsnip  No03:35
ActionParsnip!info gimp-gap03:36
ubottugimp-gap (source: gimp-gap): The GIMP Animation Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.0+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 4032 kB, installed size 12136 kB03:36
joubin!uname -s03:36
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: its at 2.6 in the universe repo....03:36
Jordan_UActionParsnip: We need to know if the EFI firmware is 32 bit or 64 bit. That usually correlates well with the capabilities of the CPU and the arch of the kernel used for OSX, but not always.03:36
ActionParsnipJordan_U: I see, I don't buy mac stuff, my intelligence exceeds my wallet, not the other way around03:37
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: its packaged and ready in the repo, why are you compiling?03:37
Jordan_Uziroday: It's a very safe bet that it's 64 bit firmware on a new mac.03:38
xds594this system does not support openGL      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      how  to do ???03:38
bbOOmmHunh ... go figure....  2 of my USB ports on the front panel are dead, thats why I couldnt get my external drive to work... lol ... OK, off to pain killer induced laaa la land ..... Thanks all for the help tonight.03:39
ActionParsnipxds594: what video card do you use?03:40
ActionParsnipxds594: run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current     and it will install the driver03:40
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: its packaged and ready in the repo, why are you compiling?03:41
xds594ActionParsnip: OK  thanks  trying........03:42
helpanoobneed to make a rp, in to a deb or can i install a rpm?03:42
ActionParsniphelpanoob: is there no deb available?03:43
maujhsnActionParsnip I will have to send you a  http://pastebin.com/XHQn0NXZ03:43
zirodayJordan_U, okay, have 64 bit image03:43
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: doesnt answer my question03:44
ActionParsniphelpanoob: what are you wanting to install?03:44
maujhsnActionParsnip 10.04 Ubuntu03:45
helpanoobtrying to update my java as to maybe the issue I am having while trying to run a game (megamek)03:46
xds594ActionParsnip:You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.03:46
ActionParsnip!info gimp-gap lucid03:49
ubottugimp-gap (source: gimp-gap): The GIMP Animation Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.0+dfsg-1build1 (lucid), package size 3957 kB, installed size 11744 kB03:49
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: still at 2.6.0 in Lucid....03:49
ActionParsnipxds594: ok, run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig     and reboot03:49
maujhsnActionParsnip I am looking03:50
ActionParsniphelpanoob: if you can give the output of: uname -m    I can advise03:50
ssfdre38how can i get the latest security updates on the ubuntu server edition and i want to force the update03:50
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: always ALWAYS search software centre etc to see if the app is packaged, saves you time and effort03:50
ActionParsnipssfdre38: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:50
ssfdre38ActionParsnip, im on the lastest ubuntu update i just did a fresh install on a virtual box i just want to force a kernel update from 3.003:51
helpanoobMekWarsClient.jar but every time says cant create config file and then something about permissions03:52
ActionParsnipssfdre38: then you will need a ppa or to compile, using a kernel not intended for your release will alter your support in the official channels03:52
ssfdre38im talking of the offical updates03:52
maujhsnActionParsnip  gimp-gap-2.6.0 Does not show up in universe03:53
ActionParsniphelpanoob: cd $HOME; wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava; chmod +x ./install32bitJava; sudo ./install32bitJava             if the command outputs: i68603:53
ActionParsnipssfdre38: then you will need to change to a later release03:53
ssfdre38im at 11.1003:53
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: sudo apt-get install gimp-gap      you don't add the version number. Just like yu don't run:  sudo apt-get install firefox-11.0   you just run:   sudo apt-get install firefox03:54
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic oneiric03:54
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)03:54
ActionParsnipssfdre38: then you will have version if you run the command I gave03:55
maujhsnActionParsnip  Ok I will give it a shot!03:55
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maujhsnActionParsnip Do I dpkg -rm the package that I installed first?03:59
noondayanyone know how to install sun java with plugin for Chromium in apt-get?03:59
ActionParsnipnoonday: its not packaged due to license03:59
ActionParsnipnoonday: its owned by oracle now, not sun04:00
noondaythank you04:00
ActionParsnipnoonday: if you can give the output of: uname -m   I can advise04:00
aillHow to change just the  SECONDS of my current system time?04:01
ActionParsnipnoonday: its a terminal command...04:03
Jordan_Uziroday: I'm still figuring out how best to accomplish this and it's unfortunately difficult for me since I don't have an EFI system on hand at the moment. If you need it done now, go with the instructions for OSX.04:05
maujhsnActionParsnip  How do I remove the installed package? @ubuntu:~/gimp-gap/gimp-gap-2.6.0$04:08
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: thats not a package, its a folder04:09
maujhsnActionParsnip Do I remove it first before installing the repo version?04:10
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: you never installed it, the compile failed so right now its just a folder of iles04:11
maujhsn<ActionParsnip I have just installed gimp-gap Thanks for the help!04:15
maujhsnActionParsnip I have just installed gimp-gap Thanks for the help!04:16
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: np man, always check software centre etc first04:17
maujhsnActionParsnip Now I just have to get rid of that folder!04:17
ActionParsnipmaujhsn: just delete it like you would any other :)04:17
istinspringcan't install Ubuntu 11.10 on HP Pavilion g6 =(04:18
maujhsnActionParsnip I Just added you to my friends list! Take Care Bye!04:18
istinspringall solutions on internetst is around, set nomodeset, and install ATI drivers, but how can i do it without internet connection?04:19
istinspringkernel 3 suck04:20
ActionParsnipistinspring: try:  radeon.nomodeset=104:21
ActionParsnipistinspring: or boot to root recovery mode and update there, may help04:22
=== bluekb is now known as bluebk
istinspringwell is stoped on "Checking battery state"04:22
ActionParsnipistinspring: is that when you boot to root recovery?04:23
istinspringi can't update, to update i should load OS and setup my internet connction.04:23
istinspringno, boot recovery loads fine04:24
istinspringalso i tried 10.10 and it works while 11.10 does not. damn it. i hope this will be fixed on 12.0404:25
ActionParsnipistinspring: you can setup a connection in root recovery04:26
sykanI installed ubuntu 11.10 and want to remove unity and install gnome. i've installed gnome-panel how do i get it as my default shell?04:27
ActionParsnipsykan: you have gnome installed, unity is a shell for gnome04:28
afkalubuntu en español?04:28
sergiudoese anyone have dota 2 invitation04:28
ActionParsnipsykan: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=5367004:28
ActionParsnipsergiu: what is dota?04:28
GeodesicalI am looking to buy a laptop and graphics tablet, what would be a laptop (with ubuntu) and a graphics tablet (preferrably Wacom) tht are compatible with one another?04:29
sykanActionParsnip: thanks04:29
ActionParsnipGeodesical: system7604:29
ActionParsnipsykan: if you are using unity, you are using gnome DE04:29
whhanybody know how to install dpkg on fedora 8?04:30
afkalalguien habla español?04:30
GeodesicalActionParsnip: What do you mean by system76?04:30
ActionParsnipwhh: fedora isnt supported here04:30
ActionParsnipGeodesical: its a system manufacturer04:30
=== headyadmin_ is now known as headyadmin
ActionParsnipGeodesical: a simple websearch would have shown you that, and faster than asking me04:31
istinspringActionParsnip even mobile? well, don't know why it's not possible to load even in simple vga mode or something.04:32
skrapsanyone used dbmail?04:32
Nosophorusi'm having a problem04:33
Nosophoruswith opera on lucid04:33
ActionParsnipistinspring: sure, its just not as simple. I'd suggest setting up a wired connection and updating etc, then try booting to the desktop04:33
Nosophorusthe fonts render differently from previous versions04:33
ActionParsnipNosophorus: whats the issue?04:33
Nosophorushow could i fix that?04:33
ActionParsnipNosophorus: did you set the font rendering to medium / full in the desktop setting?04:34
NosophorusActionParsnip: i set it on the default mode04:34
Nosophorusbut let me see how they are04:34
Nosophoruswell, it reads subpixel smoothing04:35
Nosophoruswell, it reads subpixel smoothing LCDs04:35
J-EscobarI just cloned a 300gb Ubuntu HD to a 2tb HD using clonezilla. When I boot up using the cloned 2tb drive it works fine. But it only sees it as a 300gb drive. I am trying to use gparted to resize it to the full 2tb, but it isn't letting me. Anyone have any ideas?04:35
Nosophorusthe opera version i'm using right now is 11.0104:36
ActionParsnipNosophorus: i'd ask in the opera channel, they may know stuff too. I'll have a websearch04:36
NosophorusActionParsnip: i'll see there too04:36
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, use a live cd and turn off the swap.04:37
ActionParsnipNosophorus: To do so, hit Alt-P in Opera, click the "Advanced" tab and then select the "Fonts" item on the left-hand side. For each GUI element, you can select a new type face04:37
=== bluekb is now known as bluebk
ActionParsnipNosophorus: anything there (source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser)04:37
ActionParsnipNosophorus: Additionally, fonts in Opera look different from in regular Gnome applications. If you use Gnome, fonts in Opera may be fuzzy. This is because Qt, Opera's backend technology04:38
ActionParsnipNosophorus: run:   gedit ~/.fonts.conf        and add the snippet in the link I gave04:38
ActionParsnipNosophorus: have you not seen any of this?04:38
NosophorusActionParsnip: thanks! the problem with fonts is that they render OK, but they look different from the ubuntu default fonts04:39
NosophorusActionParsnip: no, i haven't04:39
J-EscobarFyodorovna: What live CD should I use?04:39
Nosophorusbut i'll try it now04:39
ActionParsnipNosophorus: I'm literally copying and pasting from the opera ubuntu documentation (the link I gave). Its the FIRST thing you should have headed for04:39
ActionParsnipNosophorus: so what have you tried, in order to fix it?04:39
NosophorusActionParsnip: i tried to modify opera fonts via Preferences menu, but to no avail04:40
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, use a ubuntu or one with gparted, the latter you can download it self small iso.04:41
NosophorusActionParsnip:  see this04:41
NosophorusActionParsnip: Fonts on Opera 11.01: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/566/opera1101.png04:42
NosophorusActionParsnip: Fonts on Opera 11.50: http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/2286/opera1150.png04:42
=== hermy is now known as hermy|away
ActionParsnipNosophorus: looks ok to me04:42
NosophorusActionParsnip: the same issue of 11.50 persists on opera later versions04:42
J-EscobarFyodorovna: I have been having a problem booting up from live CDs. I am currently booted up on a separate HD running 10.04 and have the 2tb drive as a slave. But gparted will not let me modify the partition.04:42
=== PatrickC_Away is now known as PatrickC
NosophorusActionParsnip: But the fonts look different from each other04:43
ActionParsnip!away > herbmonk04:43
ubottuherbmonk, please see my private message04:43
ActionParsnip!away > hermy|away04:43
ubottuhermy|away, please see my private message04:43
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, is the swap on in that HD?04:43
NosophorusActionParsnip: in opera 11.01, fonts are the same as the ubuntu default fonts04:44
ActionParsnipNosophorus: I'm coming to the end of a 12 hour nightshift, my eyes are tired so I can't really say much. Looks fine here04:44
NosophorusActionParsnip: but that's not the case when it comes to later versions of opera04:44
J-EscobarFyodorovna: I think so. I have an option to turn it off i think04:44
ActionParsnipNosophorus: try the stuff in the link I gave04:44
NosophorusActionParsnip: Oh, I see. Sorry04:44
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, needs to be off just right click it=swap off04:45
NosophorusActionParsnip: Thank you very much for your attention and patience. I'll check your links out!04:45
J-EscobarFyodorovna: Ok swap is off now. What next? when i click the main part ion in gparted it still does not give me a resize option04:47
J-EscobarFyodorovna: Partition*04:47
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, itake a screenshot of the drive and imagebin it.04:48
ArdunoHow are you?04:48
magiknapkinI'm alright, how are you?04:48
Ardunoperfectly fine04:49
magiknapkinGood to hear.04:49
magiknapkinI'm new to Ubuntu. I just found out I could get on IRC with the empathy messaging client.04:49
Ardunosame here ;)04:50
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, So the HD you want to resize must not be mounted as well.04:50
rocuroniumWelcome to Ubuntu! :)04:51
magiknapkinWhy thank you!04:52
J-EscobarFyodorovna: http://i.imgur.com/5hLnI.png04:52
sta7icHey guys, I am messing around with recompiling my kernel, and I use luks, but getting "VFS cannot open root device device mapper crypt or unknown block" any ideas?04:52
rocuroniumWhat made you make the switch?04:53
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, So you trying to shrink it?04:53
Fyodorovnasdc1 that is04:54
J-EscobarFyodorovna: No I am trying to enlarge the 300GB to the full 2tb drive. it says it is mounted but when i choose unmount it gives me an error saying i need to unmount it manually .04:54
sacarlsonsta7ic: I've used luks before but didn't require a kernel recompile04:55
J-EscobarFyodorovna: http://i.imgur.com/fzdL5.png04:56
Jordan_UJ-Escobar: Can you pastebin the output of "mount"?04:56
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, you have the partition mounted, and no space to move it to. Unmount with the disk utility with gparted closed. Resize the the sdc3 partition, then just delete the swap, expand the sdc1 into the free space leaving room for a new swap.04:57
dj_segfaultHi.  I'm having trouble mounting a hard drive at boot time that mounts fine after boot.  Please see my notes at http://wiki.thekramers.net/Main/JanusHardDriveProblem04:58
J-EscobarFyodorovna: disk utility shows it unmounted. Should I proceed with deleting the swap?04:59
Jordan_UJ-Escobar: Please pastebin the output of "mount".04:59
J-EscobarJordan_U: Kind of new to this. How would I do that?05:00
Jordan_UJ-Escobar: Open a terminal, type "mount", hit enter,  then use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com to give us a link to the ouptput.05:01
FyodorovnaJ-Escobar, Sure the swap is also contained in a extended which you would remove for now as well just put both in to have a extended option if needed.05:02
J-EscobarJordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/900018/05:02
Jordan_UJ-Escobar: You're currently booted from the drive you're trying to resize. You need to boot into another system (like a LiveCD) first.05:04
ghostconnOMG! kubuntu 12:04 is by far the best OS !!!05:05
ghostconni will never return to ubuntu05:05
helegelghostconn, why?05:06
ActionParsnipghostconn: its not supported here til release, you can get support and iscuss it in #ubuntu+1 ;)05:06
ActionParsnipghostconn: its not bad though :)05:06
J-EscobarJordan_U: from what disk utility shows me I am not booted into the drive i am trying to resize. drive sec shows unmounted and drive sdb shows mounted, which is running 10.0405:06
JoeR1Hello ActionParsnip long time no see05:06
JoeR1but I should stay on topic05:06
J-EscobarJordan_U: sdc not sec*05:06
JoeR1I am having trouble with my newly acquired printer/scanner/copier - the printing works but I cannot get the scanning to work right05:07
k1ngi am trying to install a adobe tool on ubuntu05:07
Jordan_UJ-Escobar: According to the ouptput from mount, /dev/sdc1 (the first partition on the drive sdc) is mounted to '/', which basically means that it's the partition you booted from. If you're trying to resize partitions on sdc, then you really need to boot from another drive.05:08
k1ngwhen i call the program its says  No such file or directory05:08
k1ngi have chmod +x it05:08
ghostconncustomization,UI,themes,managing you're desktop,system benchmarks,boot time,software centre loads in like a second lol, the feel,the flow ... if you manover you're mouse to the top left you are brought to a beautiful application switcher05:09
J-EscobarJordan_U: That makes sense. but for some reason my mobo will not boot any live cd with the drive configuration i have. i have read it has something to do with SATA dvd drives, but i am using IDE dvd drives. I had to clone this from a friends PC. So I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow and boot up using gparted live from his computer to resize it.05:10
k1ngi am trying to install a adobe tool on ubuntu. when i call the program its says  No such file or directory. i have chmod +x it05:10
k1ngroot@ip-10-130-163-107:/home/ubuntu# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/flvcheck05:10
k1ngroot@ip-10-130-163-107:/home/ubuntu# /usr/local/bin/flvcheck05:10
Jordan_UJ-Escobar: What happens when you try to boot an Ubuntu LiveCD?05:10
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ActionParsnipk1ng: you will need to pass it a parameter of a file, surely...05:12
J-EscobarJordan_U: I get "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" error05:12
ActionParsnipJ-Escobar: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?05:12
k1ngnever mind05:12
k1ngsolved my problem05:12
J-EscobarActionParsnip: Yes. that error is given on every live disk. gparted live, clonezilla live, and every ubuntu live disk i have tried.05:13
Jordan_UJ-Escobar: Did you only do this clone so that you could install Ubuntu?05:13
wyldeJ-Escobar: have you tried making a usb thumbdrive?05:13
CFHowlettJ-Escobar   try a usb...05:13
J-EscobarJordan_U: No, i had Ubuntu installed already. I am just trying to clone it to a bigger HD.05:14
J-EscobarI haven't tried a USB yet.05:14
Jordan_UJ-Escobar: You should definitely try booting from USB, it sounds like your CDROM drive simply isn't supported by Linux for some reason.05:15
Mish-Has anyone had any "gotchas" trying to get VLANs working over a bonded interface on Ubuntu 11.10?05:15
J-EscobarJordan_U: possibly. but i used the same carom drive to do the initial install.05:15
wyldeJ-Escobar: sounds like something is misconfigured then.05:16
J-Escobarwylde: yeah i figured that too. but i have tried every possible configuration i could think of. nothing has worked.05:17
wyldeJ-Escobar: well a usb should work at any rate05:17
J-Escobarwylde: ok so I have it cloned already and bootable. should i just get gparted on a USB and boot from that?05:18
wyldeJ-Escobar: probably some bios setting hidden under 3 layers of menus with an obscure name lol05:18
wyldeJ-Escobar: you have access to another computer that can boot the live cd? .... actually, that *might* work05:19
J-Escobarwylde: I do not have another computer here that will work. This is my only PC and using OS X on everything else.05:20
wyldeJ-Escobar: hmm..does unetbootin work on OSX? ... I wonder05:22
JoeR1So is there anyone that can help me with my scanner or is there a support channel dedicated to that?05:22
CFHowlettwylde   unetbootin works in osx05:22
wyldeCFHowlett: good to know, thank you. J-Escobar get yourself a copy of unetbootin and you can use that to make a bootable usb05:23
J-Escobarwylde: i downloaded it. what program should i make bootable? i do not see gparted05:24
wyldeJ-Escobar: gparted is a tool not an os05:25
wyldeJ-Escobar: there should be ubuntu in the list of options.05:25
J-Escobarwylde: ok, i can boot my hd. i just need to resize it to the full 2tb. what would you use?05:25
wyldeJ-Escobar: make a bootable usb with unetbootin.... choose ubuntu then you will have to boot from the usb to be able to resize the partition on your hard drive05:26
wyldeJ-Escobar: you can NOT resize a filesystem you are using. If you boot from your hard drive then you are using it's filesystem....do you understand that?05:27
J-Escobarwylde: i do yes. but i have 2 hard drives with 10.04. and from what i am seeing i do not have the hd mounted that i am wanting to resize. i will try a usb to make sure.05:28
wyldeJ-Escobar: so...that said. You need to make a bootable usb to use to access your hard drive to resize the partiton05:29
wyldeJ-Escobar: that would be best, then we know for sure you are not on the partition you want to resize05:30
J-Escobarwylde: ok, i am trying that now.05:33
tintoyhi all, is there anyone who can advise me what is the recommendable setup for thin client?05:34
Cache_MoneyIs anyone familiar with this problem?  http://superuser.com/questions/404779/samsung-series-7-chronos-fan-runs-constantly-on-ubuntu-11-1005:34
CFHowletttintoy   see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP05:35
ansiremoteCTRL my synaptics touchpad gets hung quite frequently05:36
ansican u help me05:36
=== hhhhkk is now known as SeXy_WoMeN_TuX
curiousxsalut a tout le monde05:37
curiousx!fr | curiousx05:37
ubottucuriousx, please see my private message05:37
ansican someone solve my problem.. my synaptics touchpad cursor hangs quite frequently05:37
=== SeXy_WoMeN_TuX is now known as SeXy_WoMaN_TuX
curiousxansi: desctivate it an use a mouse insteat05:38
ansimy model is HP pavillion DV6 1152tx running ubuntu 11.1005:38
ansino i dont want to deactivate it ..i want to use it05:38
=== SeXy_WoMaN_TuX is now known as WoMaN_LiNuX
CFHowlettansi   see system>Preferences>Mouse>Touchpad settings05:39
curiousxansi: jockey-gtk and tell me what is the version driver05:41
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ActionParsnipansi: when it unfreezes, run:  dmesg | tail -n 20   pastebin the output please05:42
prakHello everyone.. Can anyone help me in configuring conmux on ubuntu05:42
WoMaN_LiNuXplease help private05:43
prakI am getting <<Not connected>> error05:43
Jordan_U!pm | WoMaN_LiNuX05:43
ubottuWoMaN_LiNuX: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:43
CFHowlettWoMaN_LiNuX   state your problem in the open and we'll see if anyone can help.05:43
=== DaveBot is now known as rinzler
zrutyHow can I check whether a computer has a 32 or 64 bit version installed, from CLI?05:44
=== Eledran is now known as zz_Eledran
DogearsWould anyone recommend upgrading to Libre 3.5 or should I stick to 3.4.4 in the repository?05:45
ActionParsnipDogears: is 3.4.4 doing what you need?05:45
CFHowlettDogears   stick with the repos version...05:45
ansiActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/900035/05:45
DogearsActionParsnip: It has a few small issues but I can live with them05:46
DogearsCFHowlett: Sounds like good advise05:47
`Korvinhey, my touchpad stopped working05:47
ActionParsnipansi: nothing too obvious, let me search05:47
`Korvinthis happened before and I had to refresh it with a few commands05:47
`Korvindoes anyone know what those were?05:48
sta7icanyone know how to get the splash image when it asks for encryption passed, it used to be nice GUI, now its ugly font after changes05:48
pspeter3I created an Adhoc wireless network with no security on my laptop to debug an android app but my phone thinks the network is WEP secured. Does anyone know why?05:48
ActionParsnipansi: seems there is a LOT of issues with the touchpads on the system you have05:48
ActionParsnipansi: try:    echo "options psmouse proto=imps" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf; sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 2; sudo modprobe psmouse05:49
ActionParsnipansi: is it any better ?05:49
abhatnagppl on oneiric, have you seen a problem streaming from last.fm in Banshee 2.2.1?05:50
Cache_MoneyThese commands were used on a Toshiba running Ubuntu 10.04.  Will they be safe to run on a new Samsung laptop running Ubuntu 11.10?05:50
abhatnagBanshee is up to 2.4 in the wild now, and there is a possibility a new API restricts 2.2.1; just looking to confirm that05:50
Cache_Money* http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9197545&postcount=2405:50
`KorvinActionParsnip: wee you just troubleshooting my issue with someone else?05:50
ansiActionParsnip is this a single command?05:51
`Korvinor were you attempting to help me05:51
ActionParsnipansi: yes all one05:51
`Korvinbecause that worked wonderfully05:51
ActionParsnip`Korvin: all my text was addressed to ansi05:51
`Korvinthat's some luck on my part05:52
ActionParsnipansi: if that is no good, try:    echo "options psmouse proto=exps" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf; sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 2; sudo modprobe psmouse05:52
`Korvinthanks ansi and ActionParsnip respectively05:52
abhatnagCache_Money: yeah those shouldn't do anything bad based on computer model alone05:52
ActionParsnip`Korvin: oh, thats cool too :)05:52
`KorvinI made sure to add that full line to a batch file JIC05:52
`Korvinagain, thanks05:52
ansiActionParsnip its working fine now..but when it hangs i dont know why.. eg. when i opened a drive where windows resides and opened a pdf docu then it hung05:52
Cache_Moneyabhatnag: awesome.  thanks05:53
research4oscar_having trouble connecting through with winscp to my ubuntu machine. i created a user with no home folder to use for ftp transfer. i have ssh server running.05:56
CFHowlettpenguinlink   greetings05:56
research4oscar_I tried with filezilla as well with no luck.05:57
penguinlinkthanks cfhowlett now i kno this thing works05:57
curiousxansi: you r using a nvidia graphic card right?05:57
ActionParsnipansi: hopefully one of those will work, you will need to test both for a spell, so keep the second one in a text file for later05:58
CFHowlettpenguinlink   no worries.   General ubuntu discussion is in #ubuntu-offtopic05:58
ansiActionParsnip whenever i do sudo apt-get update i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/900039/05:58
curiousxim being ignored i think ill cry :'(05:59
ActionParsnipansi: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B505:59
ActionParsnipansi: you can disable the CD as a repo in software centre, or comment out the top few lines (relating to the CD) in /etc/apt/sources.list06:00
=== PatrickC is now known as PatrickC_Away
ActionParsnip!away > PatrickC_Away06:04
ubottuPatrickC_Away, please see my private message06:04
ansiActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/900045/ this is what i get.. is it okay06:04
ktklam9hi, how can I keep the unity panel always on top?06:05
penguinlinkinstall compiz-config -settings from software center06:06
penguinlinkoption is under unity plugin06:06
sahityacan anyone suggest the offline dictionary for ubuntu and how to install that?06:06
ActionParsnipansi: http://www.khattam.info/badsig-40976eaf437d05b-lucid-lynx-2010-03-21.html06:06
ansiActionParsnip the first line said something about the CD but it dosent let me save the docu after are # commented it06:06
ActionParsnipktklam9: install compizconfig-settings-manager06:06
ActionParsnipansi: did you run:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:07
ansino i didnt ill do it now06:08
`KorvinWhat's this about?06:09
`KorvinThe following packages have been kept back:06:09
`Korvin  libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-curl php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql06:09
ActionParsnip`Korvin: the packages are ready but the dependancies they need are not ready06:10
ActionParsnip`Korvin: so they are kept back, when the deps are met, they will install06:10
`KorvinI se06:10
chroothi, I saw OMAP in ubuntu, what is that?06:10
`KorvinI see&06:10
ActionParsnip`Korvin: np :)06:10
CFHowlett!info omap06:10
ubottuPackage omap does not exist in oneiric06:10
ActionParsnip!find omap06:11
ubottuFound: libchromaprint-dev, libchromaprint0, libkgeomap-data, libkgeomap-dev, libkgeomap106:11
sahityacan anyone suggest any offline dictionary for ubuntu and how to install that06:11
chrootyeah, I want to know if i can install some special ubuntu distro on my smartphone?06:12
chrootor develope boared06:12
ActionParsnipsahitya: http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2011/05/offline-dictionaries-in-ubuntu.html06:12
sahityathanks :)06:12
ActionParsnipsahitya: here's how I got it: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ubuntu%20offline%20dictionary&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np06:13
ActionParsnipsahitya: not particularly magical, or hard06:14
sahityahmmm I did not try06:14
ActionParsnipsahitya: apparently not06:14
sahityaI thought sometimes google did not give you the best results06:15
CFHowlettchroot   search for ubuntu mobile or ubuntu arm06:15
ansiActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/900049/ the last few lines speak of some GPG error.. is this ok?06:15
ActionParsnipsahitya: there is no best06:15
chrootCFHowlett,  thanks.06:16
CFHowlettchroot   np06:16
ActionParsnipansi: should be ok, its just a nice thing to have06:16
sahityayou can say most convenient06:16
ansi:) thanks ActionParsnip.. :)06:16
akem                               +06:17
yakebhi all, i'm on 11.10 and did a recent kernel upgrade to 3.0.0-16 and it seems to have broken pulseaudio and pulseaudio-equalizer. it doesn't work now when booting into any kernel, is there an easy way to reinstall without having to make a bunch of new configuration files?06:17
dooma09can anyone help with network issue connecting to internet...06:18
yakebthat is, reinstall pulseaudio and pulseaudio-equalizer, not the entire operating system.06:18
Jordan_Uyakeb: Configuration files are often what make the difference between working and not.06:18
Jordan_Uyakeb: You might try giving a detailed explanation of the specific problem you're having in #pulseaudio.06:19
yakeboh, i didn't realize there was a pulseaudio forum. thanks for the info.06:20
curiousxansi: verifi if you can install programs from the repositories06:21
Jordan_Uyakeb: You're welcome. No problem asking here, but you're probably more likely to get an answer there :)06:21
curiousxi will be ignored ones again =(06:21
yakebi'll give that a try.06:21
yakebthanks again.06:21
=== mike is now known as mopar
Blue1quiet in here.06:25
=== f3ck4r is now known as f3ck4r-0ffz
chullmy husband's computer won't open pdfs it's ubuntu 10.10 ;  http://pastebin.com/j7HMX46g06:36
Seveas`chull: try to get a non-damaged version of the pdf06:37
CFHowlettchull   try a different pdf.06:37
chalcedonyCFHowlett, is it actually damaged? i didn't think so06:37
CFHowlettchalcedony   going by the error msg, it appears to be.  Easy enough to test with a different pdf.06:38
seven1where is pangolin06:40
ubottuSeven1: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+106:40
Seveas`CFHowlett: pangolin is also the nickname of one of the regulars here :)06:41
tensorpuddingthe artist formerly known as IdleOne, now known as pangolin06:41
CFHowlettSeveas` I did not know that...:)06:41
dooma09how can i try to get internet connection and mess with eth0 and ping?06:42
fideldooma09: i would start by checking the ethernet-configuration and the output of ifconfig06:43
dooma09ifconfig shows i hav eip
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
Seveas`dooma09: then you have an internet connection. Try ping
dooma09i got replies but i can't ping yahoo.com06:47
Seveas`what's the error?06:47
dooma09Ping: unknow host yahoo.com.    i guess it's something with dns.06:48
Seveas`set as nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf06:48
dooma09how do i change it?06:48
CFHowlettdooma09   you at work?  Could it be blocked?06:48
ememememememHi any help would be greatly appreciated. I installed Ubuntu first and used gparted to allocate space for a faition so I could install windows 7 for photoshop... windows 7 now boots but I think it messed up grub. I'm on a live cd.. I set Ubuntu to the "Boot" flag but it says invalid OS.. did Windows wipe out grub?...06:50
ememememememHi any help would be greatly appreciated. I installed Ubuntu first and used gparted to allocate space for a fat32 partition so I could install windows 7 for photoshop... windows 7 now boots but I think it messed up grub. I'm on a live cd.. I set Ubuntu to the "Boot" flag but it says invalid OS.. did Windows wipe out grub?...06:50
dooma09no. at home. I just set to "'nameserver ' '"06:50
dooma09what next?06:51
CFHowlettemememememem   If you installed windows after ubuntu, windows over wrote your grub settings and you'll need to reinstall *grub* only06:51
wylde!grub | emememememem06:51
ubottuemememememem: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)06:51
emememememem=[ damn WINBLOWS DIE06:51
ememememememi need adobe photoshop for ubuntu06:51
fideldooma09: whats that dcc-chat attempt about?06:51
CFHowlettemememememem   the most recently installed OS always controls the boot config06:51
ememememememall this crap to run photoshop native sigh06:52
CFHowlettemememememem   see GIMP and INKSCAPE06:52
dooma09sorry. i'm new with irc. i was trying to reply06:52
ememememememi'll read up06:52
JKidHaha I've thought that a million times06:52
fidelfor sure ;)06:52
curiousxyeah! and fotoxx06:53
curiousxand krita06:53
ansican someone tell me if KDE is better than GNOME or are there any other Desktop environs which are good and popular and also is there a dock for gnome that looks similar to the apple OSX lion desktop06:53
JKidYou can run win in a window in your linux distro06:53
dooma09after changing resolv file. what command to use next to take effect06:53
JKidThen install photoshop06:53
ememememememyeah with wine and virtualbox photoshop runs slow06:53
ememememememi open up really large files06:54
zay_ansi,  xfce06:54
CFHowlettansi   "better" is subjective.  AWN has a dock06:54
JKidTry xubuntu06:54
istiaquehow can i install kompozer ?plz help me06:54
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:54
curiousxansi: referin to dock see "Cairo dock" and "avant windows navigator"06:54
ememememememwill xubuntu make that much of a difference?06:54
yakebansi: xfce or lxde06:54
curiousxalso Docky06:54
CFHowlettansi   see http://www.aboutlinux.info/2010/06/avant-window-navigator-for-ubuntu-linux.html06:54
ememememememim using gnome-desktop06:54
curiousxansi: gnom-shell, Mate06:54
ememememememwhys that? less memory?06:55
ansiwhat is AWN?06:55
JKidIt uses minimum resources06:55
curiousxa Dock06:55
CFHowlettansi   see the link - Avant Window Navigator06:55
ememememememalright let me fix my darn grub06:55
ememememememand i'll kiss you if it works ;)06:55
ememememememwindows can burn06:55
yakebis it like pekwm?06:55
CFHowlettemememememem   ewww.  A simple "thank you" will suffice.06:55
ememememememthank you.06:56
ememememememmaybe im a hot girl :06:56
ansican anyone also tell me how to scroll up the xchat main chat window inorder to see older msgs?06:56
ememememememyour loss ;)06:56
yakebansi: page up key.06:56
curiousxansi: "Re Pag"06:56
curiousxansi: "Av Pag"06:57
istiaquehow can i install kompozer ?plz help me06:58
CFHowlettistiaque   see the software center06:58
curiousxistiaque: from Ubuntu Software Center06:58
ememememememim curious to see how much better photoshop is in XFCE hmmm06:59
yakebcfhowlett: thanks for the link06:59
ememememememThe boot of your pc is in efi mode, but not efi partition was detected. you may want to retry after creating a efi partition (fat32, >200mb start of the disk)07:02
ememememememugh okay?07:02
ememememememim click yes sure why not07:02
JKidNot much going on in here07:05
waxstone!zh | jamestung07:08
ubottujamestung: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:08
PalatinusHello I was wondering if I could ask someone a few questions about moving to a linux based system from Win707:08
CFHowlettPalatinus   ask away07:09
PalatinusI wondering in terms video cards like a 550 GTI how driver support is and the same for newer game support or what kind of hurdles i am going to have to jump through to move to a Linux based system07:10
Palatinussorry I mean a 550 Ti07:11
JKidResearch on the internet what is compatible with what your motherboard requirements are and the physical build is identical to a win based system07:12
CFHowlettPalatinus   hardware depends first on the OEM support.  Failing that, the open source community may or may not have a fully realized driver for your specific card.  So far as games, the wine project enables many windows based games to run on linux07:12
PalatinusGeforce gtx 550 Ti07:12
llutz_!appdb  |Palatinus if you want to run win-apps under linux you should check this first.07:12
ubottuPalatinus if you want to run win-apps under linux you should check this first.: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:12
JKidI'm on a cellphone so I can only help so much07:13
seven1apple/mac is for faggots07:13
CFHowlettPalatinus   see http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_gtx_550ti&num=107:13
ubottuseven1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:13
Jordan_Useven1: Such derogitory and homophobic slurs are not acceptible here.07:13
wyldeseven1: comments like that are not welcome here.07:13
seven1is this a church?07:14
CFHowlettseven1   no it's a community - please respect that.07:14
llutz_seven1: its not a kindergarte07:14
seven1or are you guys a bunch of fat nerds that cant get any twat07:14
ubottuseven1: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:14
JKidYeah faggots is fine to use... We're all adults here07:15
ubottujkid: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:15
wyldeJKid: no, it's not.07:15
Jordan_UJKid: No, it is not. And this is not up for discussion.07:15
JermBobis there a way i can remote desktop a freshly installed ubuntu ?07:15
JermBobi just dont want to have to install a screen07:16
JermBobits ok if not07:16
JermBobill stop being lazy and move the screen07:16
JKidHe was just expressing his opinion07:16
CFHowlettJermBob   vinagre might do it07:16
wyldeJKid: there are amny ways to do so without derogatory comments included, I suggest you let the matter drop. Just sayin....07:17
Jordan_UJKid: Homphobic slurs are not acceptible here, please stop this discussion now and stick to the channel topic. Last warning.07:17
chalcedonyCFHowlett, that error says the pdf is missing parts.07:17
JermBobCFHowlett is that default in ubuntu ?07:17
chalcedonyCFHowlett, how does a pdf lose pieces and is there a way to restore it?07:18
JKidI agree but youre jumping to conclusions labeling someone homophobic07:18
CFHowlettchalcedony   wait 107:18
rogstJermBob: there is a built-in vnc server in ubuntu called vino, but you need to be logged in on the console for it to start, but you can install other vnc servers start start on boot07:18
CFHowlettjermbob  a bit of work to pull off but yes07:18
istiaqueCan any body PLz give me  List of Windows software and the Linux equivalents and alternatives?07:18
waxstoneistiaque, http://www.linuxalt.com/07:19
istiaquewastone thank u07:19
CFHowlettrogst   I've got vinagre not vino in 10.04.  Same thing renamed?07:19
waxstoneistiaque, you're welcome07:20
rogstCFHowlett: the client is called vinagre, the server vino07:20
skramer_istiaque: You could check http://www.linuxalt.com/07:20
CFHowlettrogst   thank you.07:20
rogstJermBob: you can che k out this guide if you want http://wiki.steneteg.org/index.php/VNC_Server_at_boot07:21
goddardmy toolbar icons don't show up07:26
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rogstgoddard: what toolbars?07:29
PalatinusCFHowlett: according to that moving to a linux based OS would not eb the greatest of moves on my part if I am reading it right. My only other question is do you consider Linux based OS to be user friendly as I would only be starting to move into one now.07:31
CFHowlettPalatinus   suggestion first: Install virtualbox in windows.  Install ubuntu in virtualbox.  Then you can test ubuntu in complete safety.07:32
CFHowlettMy opinion?  My laptop has ubuntu, Snow Leopard and Win7.  About 90% of the time, I'm running ubuntu.  Free, fast, flexible, does what I want, yada yada yada.  (My $0.02)07:33
JKidI second that... Once youre comfortable with it just do a dual install07:34
PalatinusWell thank you very much for the information07:34
JKidUbuntu here too.. My friends like redhat07:34
CFHowlettPalatinus   best of luck.07:34
curiousxYeah!!! CFHowlett rules =)  Hellll yeah07:35
* CFHowlett *blushes*07:36
curiousxwell... cya all, cya CFHowlett07:40
CFHowlettcuriousx peace out07:41
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CFHowlettkaushal   greetings07:47
kaushalis there a way to run time ssh servera /bin/false && time ssh serverb /bin/false on the same gnome-terminal of my desktop similar to sdiff command ?07:47
kaushalCFHowlett: hi07:47
kaushalCFHowlett: Any clue ?07:49
JermBobwhen i connect to my machine through vnc07:50
JermBobcan i change the default resolution it sends in ?07:50
CFHowlettkaushal   considering that I understood only every 4th word, I'm not the one to ask.  Sorry.07:50
kaushalCFHowlett: Do you want me to explain it again ?07:51
JelloPopcelthunder: hey thanks for showing me xmonad.. works great :P07:51
bluefrogkaushal, use byobu, separate the terminal in 2 and fire up ssh in both sections.07:52
dalek_I am trying to make a USB flash drive startup disk. The start up disk maker seems to have hung. I see a window titled "installing" and the body of the window is completely blank. Has it failed?07:52
kaushalbluefrog: ok07:52
CFHowlettdalek_   look for hidden windows - you need to sudo authorize a couple of things07:53
JelloPopcelthunder: Xmonad Rocks !07:53
dalek_CFHowlett, There are no hiding windows anywhere. The start up disk creator app GUI prompted for authorization several times before it apparently hung.07:54
CFHowlettdalek_   quick thought, install unetbootin and create it there.07:55
almoxarifedalek_: and you authorized correctly?07:56
kaushalbluefrog: i have installed byobu07:56
kaushalnot sure i understand the remaining bit07:57
kaushalseparate the terminal in 2 and fire up ssh in both sections.07:57
amarcolinohi, im having an issue with ubuntu 11.10 and lvm, on every restart it outputs that it can't find my partitions and I have to manually mount them with vgchange -a y. It seems lvm isn't being made active on each boot, anyone knows how to solve this?07:57
dalek_CFHowlett, almoxarife yes. I have now gone to system monitor and killed the startup disk creator process. Pulled the USB stick out and it seems to be working fine in the new computer... so I guess it worked before it hung.07:57
CFHowlettdalek_   ubuntu magic app ...07:58
L3top_Where does Ubuntu store available package data/07:59
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L3top_when you apt-get update... those candidates are stored someplace08:00
tr0ni had to reboot during update now i cant install anything08:00
DannyButtermanHi There, how do I reinstall ATI drivers ? for a radeon 6760 on ubuntu 10.04 ?08:00
Myrttitr0n: use sudo08:00
tr0ni did08:00
L3top_DannyButterman: are you trying to install the radeon driver or the fglrx?08:01
almoxarifetr0n: you didn't in the pastebin08:01
tr0ni did and it works, thanks08:01
DannyButtermanL3_Top: I did 'apt-get install fglrx' which led to installing two fglrx component (fglrx-amdccle and another fglrx something)08:02
DannyButtermanL3top: I did 'apt-get install fglrx' which led to installing two fglrx component (fglrx-amdccle and another fglrx something)08:03
DannyButtermanL3top_:I did 'apt-get install fglrx' which led to installing two fglrx component (fglrx-amdccle and another fglrx something)08:03
L3top_and I assume on reboot you did not get the expected result?08:03
DannyButtermanyes indeed :s08:03
L3top_You dont have to repeat your replies... I am reading.08:03
dalek_when you click "try Ubuntu" while booted up from a USB flash drive, how long should you wait before considering the computer as being hung? The little circle with the rotating dots has been going for 6 minutes so far, and the screen has not changed at all.08:03
almoxarifedalek_: six minutes is along time, too long, something is not right08:04
L3top_What specifically happened? And can you give me the output of lspci |grep VGA08:05
dalek_almoxarife, ok thanks. Maybe the startup disk creator failed after all. Trying again now.]08:05
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DannyButtermanL3top_: sorry for repeating, as I've mistyped your nickname. It just happened that there were ubuntu updates to apply, and my user did just that08:07
DannyButterman L3top_: among those updates was a one for the graphic display (the embedded ATI GPU)08:08
amarcolinohi anyone care to help m solve a bug or point me into the right direction?08:09
L3top_So is it working now DannyButterman?08:09
DannyButtermanL3top_: Not better...08:09
L3top_What specifically happened? And can you give me the output of lspci |grep VGA08:09
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almoxarifeamarcolino: what's broke?08:11
DannyButtermanL3top_: I can't specifically, as my luser told me he just applied the updates, and upon reboot, he wasn't in accelerated graphic mode anymore08:11
L3top_I don't require graphics anything. I need someone to hit a terminal08:12
coderhshey is it possible to get the documentation of the software we install offline08:12
coderhsin ubuntu08:12
L3top_ctrl alt f208:12
L3top_lspci | grep VGA08:12
coderhshow to get and view the offline version on various software and library documentation in ubuntu08:13
amarcolinoalmoxarife, clean installs of 11.10 , two hard drives, partition split - /boot, /swap, the rest on lvm, however after login in and updating the system I get busybox 'the disk drive for /home (which is lvm) is not ready yet or not present. Now I can press M and do either vgchange -a y or lvchange -ay and continue with boot but I would prefer not to do that on every reboot, you think you can help?08:14
amarcolinosorry for the long post08:15
DannyButtermanL3top_: I know, sorry for the delay, I have to deal with two pcs in order to give this information : 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 964708:15
DannyButtermanL3top_: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 676008:15
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L3top_So you have an onboard and a card.08:16
Mashr000mhello do smb know how to tern autocomplete on after the first character typed on bash?08:16
L3top_You likely need to disable the onboard in the bios and apt-get install --reinstall fglrx08:16
[[thufir]]screenshot:  http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_at_2012-03-26_00_50_35.1332749229.png   why do I suddenly have two menus?  generally when maximized, there's just the one menu, it gets integrated.  now there's less screen space.  oneric08:17
DannyButtermanL3top_: which is very strange because this is a laptop, with no addon card like an extra graphic card.08:18
kapzHi I want to develop a program on GTK through a professional freelance coder...any idea where I might find them? Thanks08:18
L3top_Well... that is very strange...08:18
[Si]DannyButterman it's quite common now in Laptops, 1 high power GPU and the integrated chipset one for long battery life.08:18
rogstMashr000m: check if the package bash-completion is installed08:19
Mashr000mrogst, ok i'll try08:20
L3top_Did not know that [Si] thanks08:20
=== CtrlAltDel is now known as turbomettwurst
karambahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgXJbJeRxHo give me a definition about this!08:20
karamba!ops |  help me i got a problem08:22
ubottuhelp me i got a problem: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!08:22
Mashr000m rogst it's installed08:22
tMHhello *08:22
tMHplease tell me, how to view .man file via troff?08:23
rogstMashr000m: then you need to make sure its loaded in you shell, check out http://wiki.steneteg.org/index.php/Bash_completion08:23
amarcolinoalmoxarife, you there?08:23
tMHI have man pages installed on wide system but they're outdated a bit, and I have coreutils latest version installed in my ~, and I want to read man pages for 'my' version of those utils, not systems' one.08:24
llutz_tMH: man -l file08:25
tMHllutz_ - ok, lemme try:)08:25
tMHllutz_ - no luck, it seems man binary is outdated also - it doesn't have such "-l" switch..08:27
doda1hi folks08:27
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spectrallhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgXJbJeRxHo give da def08:28
chatter2Hi, using 10.04 on virtualbox. Starting with notext option, but the graphic console is slow , how do I turn off graphic console?08:28
amarcolinocan someone explain to me where would I put a script that evokes lvm command to run into the boot process as described in this link, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/logical-volumes-not-available-on-reboot-724093/, post #4 & #6. Would this be advisable?08:28
doda1i have an ubuntu 12.04 install running with proprietary nvidia drivers and during bootup and in virtual console i get frequency out of range from my monitor08:28
llutz_tMH: time to update then, works here(tm)08:29
doda1had this issue on older ubuntu's too08:29
jlebrechhow can I tell that start-stop-daemon works?08:29
llutz_doda1: #ubuntu+1 for 12.0408:29
[Si]L3top_ I don't know what the ATI/AMD version is called but the Nivdia one is called Optimus. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee)08:29
doda1yeah, but i had that problem on older ubuntu's too08:30
L3top_doda1: it sounds like your monitor wants a weird hz or has a low limit on resolution.08:31
doda1well nope, the thing is X works just fine, other distros do too08:32
cliff_Are crontab entries immediate?  As in, when i add one, does it automatically start working, or do i have to restart or something?08:32
llutz_cliff_: no need t restart08:33
cliff_that's what i thought08:33
doda1i chainload ubuntu's grub from another distro, and then i get a out of range error08:33
doda1when X starts everything is fine but tty's don't work08:34
Mashr000mrogst, i should obviosly edit file /etc/bash_completion ?08:36
rogstMashr000m: no, that file needs to be loaded in you shell session, you should not need to edit that file08:37
tMHllutz_ - =(08:39
tMH=) even08:39
tMHok, I'll try to update man-db to the latest.08:39
ehsanHi if I want to clone an already installed ubuntu can I not just copy the filesystem using a filemanager and then point fstab and grub to the new position of the filesystem08:42
Mashr000mrogst, sorry for bodering you but i want BASH works like it does on backtrack by default08:43
rogstMashr000m: how does it work on backtrack?08:44
Mashr000mrogst, it does autocomplete after you first time press TAB not too times08:46
Mashr000mrogst, i mean 2 times08:46
DannyButtermanL3top_: I've looked into the BIOS, and saw nothing about a second GPU. There's just one line "Switchable graphics" which I've disabled, but things got only worse then (stragne artefacts on screen etc)08:46
DannyButtermanL3top_: there's a question mark next to this line, which states upon clicking that this option is for Enable disable discrete graphics08:47
[Si]DannyButterman, maybe this will help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics08:48
chatter2I'm booting with 'text' option, I want to turn off graphic like console mode it's slow on virtualbox. How do I do that?08:58
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ServerSagechatter2: I believe the nomodeset kernel option *may* be what you are after.09:03
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chatter2ServerSage: it's the fb console, I can't get rid of it, none of these work on kernel cmdline: nomodeset, vga=normal, nofb,09:13
ckasmadihai avery one09:15
ServerSagechatter2: Odd, nomodeset is supposed to disable the frambuffer.  You could try blacklisting your video driver to see if that works.09:17
Jordan_Ucharline: GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD=text in /etc/default/grub09:18
chatter2btw, I cannot get grub menu at start. I changed all _TIMEOUTs in /etc/default/grub to 10, run update-grub, what am I missing?09:21
benbrowhen I'm trying ./configure it says there is no file or directory (https://github.com/kanaka/libvncserver) do I need to install something?09:23
Jordan_Ubenbro: What are you actually trying to install?09:24
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benbroJordan_U: libvncserver with the novnc client support. the deb package doesn't have the client09:25
benbroJordan_U: this is the repo. https://github.com/kanaka/libvncserver. I also tried ./autogen.sh but it says autoconf is missing. I do have build-essentials installed09:26
MojZhow can i enable my server's remote desktop via command line? (I connect to the server via SSH). i need to connect to the server by VNC.09:27
Jordan_Ubenbro: Are you trying to write your own VNC viewer using that library?09:29
benbroJordan_U: I'm trying to use the server with the novnc javascript client09:30
boxhello. i was using empathy and i right clicked a contact and clicked information. it said i needed gnome-contacts and selected to install. it failed. everytime i switch my computer on i get this warning icon09:30
benbroJordan_U: I've installed the autoconf package and now ./autogen.sh works09:30
Jordan_Ubenbro: Why not use one of the many packaged VNC servers?09:30
boxit says an error occured, please run package manager. this is what i get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/900172/ - how do i do this?09:30
benbroJordan_U: why not drink coffee instead of using vnc?09:32
benbroJordan_U: why not go to the beach?09:32
benbroJordan_U: because I'm trying to do something else. thanks anyway :)09:32
Jordan_Ubenbro: Because #ubuntu doesn't provide support for drinking coffee, going to the beach, or using programs not in the supported repositories :)09:33
Jordan_Ubox: Have you tried "sudo apt-get -f install"?09:33
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theTroyHi, how do I stop ubuntu 11.10 from spinning down the hard drives when on battery? The option is gone from the settings menus.09:34
boxJordan_U yes - it told me to do that. I had to remove gnome-contacts and then re-do it09:39
boxI'm not sure why it became broken in the first place09:39
boxIt's working now09:39
=== Sergevg is now known as svg
JemtHi. I often copy and replace a folder using Nautilus. Unfortunately I have to confirm "Merge" for all folders and "Replace" for all files - it's ridicules, and one of the reasons why I don't like Windows. I just want to confirm it once - is that possible ?09:54
sacarlsonhow do you install the real adobe acrobat reader?09:54
shomonhi, I have a usb drive which won't mount. How do I diagnose it? I've done an lsusb and it comes up, but I'd like to just reformat it if possible? I'm on ubuntu 11.0410:00
sacarlsonnever mind I think I found something that might work the bin file failed http://get.adobe.com/reader/completion/?installer=Reader_9.4.7_English_for_Linux_%28.deb%2910:00
erinaceusHi, im having trouble mounting my cd, i've tried the default mount -t iso9660 -o loop /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom. but it tells me the fs is wrong10:02
mahdyi want to change my timezone to UTC-10:30 , but there isnt any real location in the world that have this time zone and i cant find this time zone in etc category when reconfiguring tzdata , how can i add my custom timezone ?10:02
JemtNever mind, changed to mc instead of Nautilus.10:03
[Si]erinaceus you don't need -o loop if it's a real cd device that's for mounting images.10:03
KaiSforzaI just ran Backtrack Rc5 on my computer, and I'm having a problem with the screen. When I type startx, it goes through all the right checks, but the screen is unusable. Completely covered in blue scrolling static. I have an ATI Radeon HD 4200 notebook graphics card. I tried installing fglrx and that failed, and I tried using the proprietary drivers which promply broke my computer. This distro (Ubuntu 10.04) is completely unusable in this state.10:04
KaiSforzaDoes anyone have any fixes for this problem?10:04
erinaceus[Si]: Gives me the same error, but i can play it with vlc, without a problem10:04
shomonKaiSforza, not sure but would a live cd or usb work with your screen?10:05
KaiSforzashomon: I ran it as a live cd. I10:05
[Si]erinaceus take the -t iso9660 out and let the system detect the FS it could be a UFS or something.10:05
KaiSforzashomon: I ran it as a live cd. I've had this problem with other instalations of ubuntu as well. When I installed it, even with the update and upgrade commands, it still returned errors.10:06
erinaceus"mount: you must specify the filesystem type"10:06
erinaceus[Si]: see above10:06
shomonah sorry KaiSforza I figured out on mine for similar reasons, I am stuck with lubuntu + gnome desktop or it just won't take my gfx card10:08
manisabriHi. I installed getdb but most of its packages wont install because of some dependencies so I removed it from sources but the getdb icon in sofware center and problem remains. any idea?10:09
ahhughes_is there a shortcut key to show all workspaces?10:11
chatter2erinaceus: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /some/existing/folder10:11
KaiSforzashomon: Thing is, it's backtrack that I need, the packages and security, so doing so is not really possible. I have not tried the KDE version, but mentioning that, i will. (I also use lubuntu, by the way. :D)10:12
moteNEED HELP. I need to be able to link to my profile on "friendly.ubuntu.com". i done the test. how do i figure out which test are mine, and how do i edit it, of login????10:12
MestreLionGuys, question... using ALT-F2 to invoke commands seems not to expand any environment var, like $TERM, $HOME, $PWD, etc... is this by design?10:13
MestreLionI'm trying to run a command that simply outputs the arguments... and if i invoke as myscript $TERM $HOME $PWD etc, it is outputting these literally ($2 = $HOME instead of /home/rodrigo, for example)10:14
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chatter2I finally fixed my issue by blacklisting vga16fb, wasted 2 hours on this :-/10:14
ikoniaMestreLion: show me the exact command you are using10:15
apporcHi, i found one interesting problem. I have 60 imgs (6GB each) in one directory, but when i use "ls -lh" or "du -sh" to check teh volume of this directory, it shows it's total of 120GB.10:16
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apporcI realy think it's wried. Anyone can help?10:16
=== Guest87241 is now known as denysonique_
MestreLionikonia: i'm using this one http://pastebin.com/hdFD2msc , but you can try with echo $HOME and check the "run in terminal"10:17
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shomonwhere could I get more help on using DD to format a USB drive in linux?10:18
[Si]apporc are the files sparse maybe?10:19
[Si]shomon DD doesn't format drives it just copies data, what are you trying to do?10:19
ikoniaMestreLion: what are you talking about "run in terminal"10:19
apporcalright, i will check about that10:20
shomon[Si], I'm trying to get it working again... it won't mount10:20
MestreLionikonia: ALT-F2 in Gnome, "Run Application" dialog10:20
ikoniaMestreLion: how else can you run "echo $HOME" if not in a terminal10:20
ikoniaMestreLion: that won't returning anything10:20
parapanhello I have some problems with permissions of a NFS share > anyone able to help ??10:20
[Si]shomon, do you just want to re-format the usb drive?10:21
MestreLionwhy not ikonia ?10:21
ikoniaMestreLion: because it's not a login shell so your environment won't be setup10:21
MestreLionikonia: actual, it is returning a literal $HOME10:21
apporc[Si]: they are image files created from kvm .10:21
ikoniaMestreLion: yes, as in it's echoing the word $HOME10:21
[Si]apporc I expect they are sparse then, so that would be quite normal.10:21
apporc[Si]: I use libvirt to clone those 60 virtual machines.10:22
apporc[Si]:  why ?10:22
drupalnewieproblem with taxonomy-> can't change my Widget type * to selectbox10:22
apporc[Si]:  I use ls -lh to check , but they are really 5.9G each.10:22
MestreLionikonia: if env is not set, it should return an empty string, NOT a literal $HOME10:22
ikoniaMestreLion: no it should return the word "$HOME"10:23
ikoniaMestreLion: if you feel it's wrong, log a bug10:23
chatter2MestreLion: commanline var expansion is a feature of Bash, and that alt-f2 thing is not shell.10:23
MestreLionchatter2 / ikonia: is there any way to make it expand vars? *any* var, not necessarilly a user env one10:24
[Si]apporc I don't understand your question, DU shows the actual use on the disk, for a sparse file this could be a lot smaller than the actual file size reported to KVM etc10:24
ikoniaMestreLion: run it in a shell10:24
drupalnewieproblem with taxonomy D7-> can't change my Widget type * to selectbox there is checkboxes/radio buttons as an option which uses the radio button as default10:24
apporc[Si]: got it. thank you .10:24
Jordan_UMestreLion: bash -c 'echo $HOME'10:25
[Si]apporc if you are used to SANs or VMWare etc think of it like "Thin Provisioning"10:25
MestreLionikonia: and i'm not saying this is wrong or a bug... it was just... surprising10:25
ikoniaMestreLion: not if you think about it10:25
MestreLionikonia: I didn't know how it works...10:26
chatter2MestreLion: maybe if you run like   bash -c 'myscript ....'10:26
ikoniaMestreLion: that's understandable, I meant now you do know, it's not surprising10:26
MestreLionJordan_U: humm, that's cheating, but it is a nice approach ;)10:26
MestreLionikonia: but, if not run in a sheel, HOW (or *where*) does it run?10:27
shomon[Si], yes I would like to reformat the usb drive, but Disk Utility won't read it10:27
ikoniaa gnome "proxy" type shell, the correct wording I have no idea10:27
shomonsorry was afk before10:27
Jordan_UMestreLion: Most likely the first word is considered a command, which is searched for in $PATH, then any further tokens are taken as literal arguments to that command.10:28
MestreLionJordan_U: humm...10:29
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[Si]shomon does the usb device show up in dmesg?10:29
junglejimhi, I'm trying to understand users and group permissions. I added myself (user) to the group www-data. my user is also the owner my /var/www/ dir. A couple of directories down is a dir called xyz which is owned by myself(user) and it's group is www-data (rwxrwxrw-). The problem is there is a file in the dir which is owned by www-data but is part of the group www-data (rw-rw-r--) and I'm cannot delete the file - and I cannot figure out10:30
MestreLionJordan_U: I wonder if there is a way to print which $PATH is effective in the desktop10:30
Jordan_UMestreLion: "env"10:30
Jordan_UMestreLion: But it should be the same $PATH as anywhere else.10:31
shomon[Si], yes it does10:31
MestreLionjunglejim: did you log off and back in after adding yourself to www-data group? you must re-login for new groups to become effective10:31
shomonit's full of buffer IO errors though10:32
junglejimMestreLion: Yes - I added my self a while back10:32
[Si]shomon sounds like the drive is broken :(10:32
shomonoh poo.. they don't make them like they used to10:33
shomonI wonder how I did it. It just ran unetbootin and went like this.10:33
MestreLionJordan_U: env... duh.. i'm stupid... lol... and, this is curious.. "env" works, but "env | sort" does not... this is indeed a very limited "proxy" :P10:33
[Si]shomon I guess it's getting the price down to ~ free made them less reliable.10:33
Jordan_UMestreLion: I think that "proxy" is an odd term that makes it seem more complicated than it is. Shells are shells, this is not a shell. You can run commands without ever involving a shell, like when using the exec() system call from C.10:35
MestreLionjunglejim: that is really weird... care ty pastebin a session? ls -la /var/www/couple/dirs/down && id | pastebinit10:35
MestreLionJordan_U: so what gnome does is exec()ing the commands directly, passing all args as literals?10:36
Jordan_UMestreLion: Seems like it, yes.10:37
MestreLionJordan_U: that would explain everything... now it is a pretty understandable behavior... thank you very much!10:37
Jordan_UMestreLion: You're welcome :)10:37
junglejimMestreLion: Thanks ... here is pastebin http://pastebin.com/hRqbp5Af10:42
MestreLionjunglejim: ls -la /var/www/couple/dirs/down && id | pastebinit10:48
junglejimMestreLion: Thanks ... updated pastebin here http://pastebin.com/5TLf63zR10:51
drupalnewieproblem with taxonomy D7-> can't find multiple select option10:53
MestreLionjunglejim: don't strip out the "." and ".." entries10:54
MestreLionjunglejim: it's ls -la , not -ls10:55
theTroyHi, how do I disable disk spindown in 11.10? I cannot find it in the menus10:55
junglejimMestrLion: oops ... my typo10:55
junglejimMestreLion: Updated pastebine is here: http://pastebin.com/WAKdrpFK10:57
MestreLionjunglejim: parent dir is flagged as "sticky", note the "s" in drwxrwsr-x 3 wavesailor wavesailor 4096 2012-01-27 18:43 ..11:00
MestreLionjunglejim: so only the creator can modify its contents11:01
MestreLionjunglejim: unset the sticky bit11:01
MestreLionjunglejim: wow, my explanation was horrible... let me try again11:02
MestreLionjunglejim: a "sticky" directory is a special one: anyone can create files there, but only the owner of each file can write or delete it11:03
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junglejimMestreLion: Hmmmm ... Never did understand the "sticky" bit .... Okay ... I uset the "sticky bit which was actually two directories up (set GID) ... now I can delete it. Guess I need to read up a bit more on the "sticky" bit11:04
MestreLionjunglejim: the parent dir is set sticky to the group... meaning anyone in www-data group can create files there... but only the owners can delete their own files11:04
MestreLionjunglejim: think of sticky dirs that as a public bookshelf... anyone can put their books in there, but you cannot mess with your friend's books, only yours11:07
lusers`I have a question about NFS. I have set it up. I can access it fine in /net/xps.local/random/random/Movies -- but I can't access /nfs/Movies/ -- Any suggestions?11:07
bubusanusa BuDuScRiPt [ http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript ]11:07
bubusanVersion 3.6.5211:07
bubusanBy  U D A ' S o f t w a r e11:07
MestreLionjunglejim: the /tmp , for example, is a sticky dir... a public place for everyone, as long as they don't step in each others toes ;)11:07
MestreLionlusers`: where did you mount it?11:08
junglejimMestreLion: Ahhh Okay ... That makes sense. This had me baffled for a while. Googled it but came up short. Thanks for help.11:08
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=== XuMuK|znc is now known as XuMuK
Fudgeany one have an idea for a ubuntu cli edition how to get sound working, alsa-oss alsa-base alsa-utils  but speaker-test still produces no sound, sound modules are working and tried different jacks on soundcard. machine hardware does work.11:13
MyrttiFudge: the obvious question is have you checked the volume levels11:14
jayavanth_Hello everyone, which is the best twitter client for Ubuntu?11:16
OerFudge, try terminal: " alsamixer " and see if volume level is correct or F6 select soundcard11:17
PIMPSpimps na area11:17
NET||abusehi there folks,, i'm in work, my girlfriend is at home in starbucks with my old laptop, is there a good remote assistance, no ssh routing or anything app i can use?11:17
Mrse é um viado11:17
Mrse não é hacker11:17
Mrsai foera11:17
Mrvou invadi seu ip11:18
Mrseu cotoco11:18
FloodBot1Mr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:18
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.11:18
Mrmr master fucker11:18
FudgeOer  Myrtti  trying that11:18
Apizsup yaw, first time i ever use IRC :p11:18
Mrhey everbody11:18
Mrmy name is mr11:18
Mrvamo canta uma linda canção11:19
Johnwazzup niggas?11:19
MyrttiJohn: please keep the language clean11:19
lusers`jayavanth_, I use Chrome extension... TweetDeck11:19
Johni'm sorry dude11:20
lusers`jayavanth_, And pin it.11:20
wicaI get in 10.04.4 LTS x86_64 the following error when I run start: start: symbol lookup error: /lib/libnih-dbus.so.1: undefined symbol: dbus_message_iter_abandon_container11:20
wicaHow can I solve this?11:20
wicajatt: Yep11:21
wicajatt: I localist the error to start, when I wanneded to start start: symbol lookup error: /lib/libnih-dbus.so.1: undefined symbol: dbus_message_iter_abandon_container11:22
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MyrttiMr: did you have a Ubuntu problem or a question to ask?11:22
wicajatt: I localist the error to start, when I wanneded to start rsyslogd11:22
jayavanth_lusers` thank:) u11:22
FloodBot1Mr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:22
Wesley13456sou foda11:23
Wesley13456sou foda11:23
OerMyrtti, are a lot of guests11:24
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MyrttiOer: good point11:24
ansican anyone answer my query on installation of xfce11:26
Angeldust76salut à tous11:27
SilverLionansi: your request might be better placed in #xubuntu ;)11:28
zykotick9SilverLion: no, it's not xfce related11:28
SilverLionzykotick9, ok then disregard ... my bad11:28
user1hi, how to restrict a particular user from SSH in ubuntu, pls tell me urgent!!!11:29
junglejimuser1: editing /etc/ssh_config11:30
ikoniauser1: DenyUser in the sshd_config11:30
ikonianot ssh_config11:30
user1ikonia - ok11:30
ahhughes_I just followed this guide to the letter  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager#Ubuntu_and_Edubuntu_11.10  but it does not work, there are heaps of comments to support this, and heaps to contradict it :'(11:30
user1How can we restric the user to  login remote server through ssh?11:31
ikoniauser1: you can't really do that, a login shell is a login sheel11:31
Oeransi how do you install xfce .. in vmware ?11:31
ikoniaOer: same as a physical host11:31
ansi0er no through the a command11:32
ansisudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:33
wizaArdhi all11:36
Oeransi maybe this answer is any help reconfigur your locales >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/99651/apt-get-warning-no-support-for-locale-en-us-utf811:37
wizaArdcan some tell me how to compile binaries in ubuntu11:38
OerwizaArd, this is a good start > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware11:39
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wizaArdthanks Oer...11:39
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
rileypansi how you going11:41
=== Greve is now known as Semper
engammalskoHow do I update my java version?I wanna update from 1.6.0_23 to 1.6.0_2611:47
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:48
steffenHello, I have a annoying problem I hope you guys could help solving11:53
ahhughes_I have a program I need to install, it's actually just an archive I need to unpack. So, what is an appropriate location to unpack it too?11:53
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steffenI have this weird "heartbeat" sound in my ubuntu... and its really annoying while watching movies and such.. I do I remove it??11:54
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Dr_willisahhughes_,  whever you want. you just rember where.11:54
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mikaeljoin #wimm11:54
ahhughes_Dr_willis, I know that, but what is sensible? /opt /usr/lib ???11:54
Piciahhughes_: Somewhere in /opt/ is usually just fine.11:54
ahhughes_Pici, cheeers11:55
Dr_willisahhughes_,  totally depends on the details of the app and who is using it..11:55
Piciahhughes_: Just make sure that you have enough space on that volume.11:55
ahhughes_system wide, both myself and daemon processes11:55
Dr_willisif my user was wanting to test out the latest firefox. they would keep it in their home dir somewhere.11:56
engammalskoI already have jdk and jre. But I don't know how to get version 1.6.0_2611:56
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Dr_willisengammalsko,  if that version is not in the repos. install it from the java site.11:58
Dr_willisor find a ppa that has the newer version11:58
=== JermBrb is now known as JermBob
strangrhello, can anyone tell me how to detect whether a headphone is plugged into the port or not12:01
strangras far as i can see theres nothing that shows up on dbus12:01
strangrubuntu 11.1012:01
rcmaehlI need help installing Ubuntu onto my Nook Color12:02
SilverLionrcmaehl, what kind of help?12:02
strangrrcmaehl, what happened12:02
Dr_willisdident even think that was possible at this time.12:02
rcmaehlI can't find any how-to guides, or recent how-to guides for the 1.4.2 nook firmware12:03
strangrthe sound manager does it ie, changes volume level when headphones are plugged in12:03
strangri need some sort of indication when headphone is plugged in12:03
rstsuresolvconf package expects that /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf. However NetworkManager overwrites /etc/resolv.conf according to it's configuration with a plain file - which results in a complaint during boot that /etc/resov.conf is not a symlink. How do I solve that?12:04
zayanHey guys i need some help12:05
rcmaehlI could do it easily, I've rooted and/or installed Ubuntu on other devices, it's just that there's no "recent" guides12:05
strangrplz help or am in the wrong channel..?12:05
strangrzayan whats up?12:05
ahhughes_Pici, why not /usr/local for my unpack? as ossposed to /opt?12:05
Dr_willisstrangr,  you may want to check on askubuntu.com ive never had to mess with  that area of the hardware.12:06
Dr_willisi imagine most people havent.12:06
tomek_hey! :)12:06
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boba88the rights of my normal user under linux somehow are screwed12:06
rcmaehlboba88: define screwed12:06
boba88how can i change them to the default ones?12:06
strangrdoes askubuntu have an irc channel12:06
Piciahhughes_: Its up to you.  I just prefer /opt/ myself.12:06
boba88rcmaehl: i have only readonly12:06
boba88i cannot write12:06
Dr_williswhich rights are you refering to.12:07
jwtiyarwhen i need test ubuntu 12.04 in VB gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/900327/12:07
Fudgehi, a command line a friend installed from ubuntu-server, just installing ssh i copied with tar from anothe rubuntu os on same machine, i created a ext4 partition on my desktop machine and untarred, it works, i can chroot etc and have chagned mount points to correct partitions etc my update-grub ifnds it but it does not appear in the menu. what can i do to resolve it?12:07
rcmaehlboba88: create new user account as root, then copy all your files to it, and delete the old one.12:07
sittingduckcan someone suggest 101 ways to crash ubuntu?12:08
Picijwtiyar : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.12:08
boba88Dr_willis: i cannot save to a file for example when as a normal user... I did sudo chown -R myuser:myuser .12:08
jwtiyarPici, yes i know but the besta version Released12:08
boba88Dr_willis: and this made all my files readonly12:08
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Picijwtiyar: Okay, and if you read the rest of my message, you would have seen that we only provide support for it in #ubuntu+1 at this time.12:09
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:09
jwtiyarPici, ok thank you12:09
boba88Dr_willis: how can i get a list of my permissions?12:09
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Dr_willisls -l12:09
Dr_willisI hope you were in the right dir when you did that command12:09
mi3am back!12:10
strangrmi3 welcome back12:10
mi3can someone suggest me 101 ways to crash ubuntu?12:10
mi3hi strangr!12:10
boba88Dr_willis: i was in home12:10
strangrmi3 why do you want such a thing12:10
yandex3718mi3: Just use it normally12:10
boba88Dr_willis: -rw-rw-r--12:10
lusers`I have a question about NFS. I have set it up. I can access it fine in /net/xps.local/random/random/Movies -- but I can't access /nfs/Movies/ -- Any suggestions?12:10
Dr_willisboba88,  /home/yourusername or /home/12:11
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mi3well if you know how to create something, you should also know how to destroy that, ehh?12:11
Dr_willismi3,  take a hammer hit your pc 101 times..12:11
mi3Dr_willis: thats too easy12:12
boba88Dr_willis: drwxr-xr-x12:12
Fudgemi3  why do you want to try to destroy a system?12:12
boba88Dr_willis: thats the permissions on home12:12
DamienCassouhi, it looks like debuild doesn't use seahorse keyring to get the passphrase to sign packages. I always have to type my passphrase. How can I fix this please?12:12
Dr_willisboba88,  and whos the owner of the files?12:12
Dr_willisyou mean /home/ or /home/yourusername ?12:12
mi3so that I can learn how to recover it Fudge12:12
boba88Dr_willis: home12:13
MyrttiFudge: did you get the sound issue solved?12:13
Dr_willisyou mean /home/ or /home/yourusername <---- Note the use of the proper path...12:13
mi3Ok, forget everything, is there any online pdf guide to do such things?12:13
boba88and i just did sudo chown -R myuser:myuser .12:13
boba88Dr_willis: under home12:13
FudgeMyrtti  yep it was muted, not my computer a friends12:13
Dr_willisYou really dont understand Linux paths do you?12:14
DamienCassouit works well with ssh, but not with gpg12:14
MyrttiFudge: good good, I assumed it might be the case12:14
Fudgemi3  google around i guess, if its for malicious activity you will have trouble getting help or finding info though dude12:14
boba88Dr_willis: ?12:14
FudgeMyrtti  a case of simple things not being checked12:14
Dr_willisboba88,  use the full proper path when refering to 'home'12:14
Dr_willisboba88,  if you mean /home/ then say so.. if you mean /home/youryusername/ then say so12:15
lookatmeyouI need help about sse programming.12:15
zayanfine strangr12:15
FudgeMyrtti  when i tried to extract the same fs to a partition here though it does not appear in grub menu, though udpate-grub finds it on sdbh1012:15
FudgeMyrtti  typos, you hoefully get gist12:15
zykotick9DamienCassou: (i'm no help for your issue) but doesn't that make sense?  If someone had your key would you want them to be able to sign thing without typing a password?12:15
zayancan you tell me the backtrack channel on chat irc if you know any12:16
boba88Dr_willis: I just did so, but i makes the file system readonly12:16
lookatmeyouIs anyone has experience about sse programming?12:16
zykotick9!backtrack | zayan12:16
ubottuzayan: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition12:16
MyrttiFudge: sorry, not an expert on grub issues12:16
strangrzayan u said u needed some help12:16
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Fudgenp Myrtti12:16
DamienCassouzykotick9: the goal of tools like ssh-agent and the like are that you type your passphrase once, not a thousand times12:16
Dr_willisboba88,  did you check out that guide on Linux permissions?12:17
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:17
Dr_willistheres ownership. then theres 'permissions' you set the owner. also if a filesystem is found currupted. it can get remounted read only as a security feature12:18
Fudgeprobably something i missed, i figured though if update-grub finds an os on a partition that it will appear in the grub menu, i am checking # cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep menuentry12:18
gunfire007how can i navigate through metasploit options list when i press tab twice..!!12:18
zayanthanks guys12:20
zayanbut it says cannot send to channel in backtrack12:20
Picigunfire007: We don't provide suppot for metasploit here, sorry.12:20
=== Max is now known as Guest95387
gunfire007Pici, i was just asking no prob about it !! :) i thought that navigation is same in ubuntu's terminal and metasploit..!!12:21
zayanit says cannot send to channel12:22
zayanextra help12:22
Pici!register | zayan12:22
ubottuzayan: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:22
Picizayan: You need to register/identify to speak there.12:23
Dr_willisthe offical backtrack channel i think is on a differnt server also...12:23
yzhdhi guys12:24
yzhdno one online ? :/12:24
zayanUbuntu has community man12:25
yzhdI have a question. I am running windows vista right now, and I want to dualboot ubuntu 11.1012:25
yzhdcan I do this without losing any data?12:25
zayando you use ubuntu now12:25
yzhdim in vista12:25
Dr_willisyzhd,  ubuntu installer can resize windowqs partitons.. but MAKE BACKUPS just in case12:25
yzhdI want to dualboot ubuntu12:25
zayanso you want to install ubunut12:25
zayanin dual boot12:25
Dr_willis'data worth keeping - is worth backing up'12:25
yzhdubntu installer resizes windows partition, but I don't lose anything then right ?12:26
Dr_willisyzhd,  its still possible..12:26
Dr_willisPower failure during resizeing = BAD...12:26
zayani mean in the bootup select vista or ubuntu yzhd ? is that what you want to do12:26
Dr_williswhen in doubt.. backup.12:26
rstsuresolvconf package expects that /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf. However NetworkManager overwrites /etc/resolv.conf according to it's configuration with a plain file - which results in a complaint during boot that /etc/resov.conf is not a symlink. How do I solve that?12:26
yzhdI click on the first option in the installed, dualboot right ?12:26
Dr_willisThere should be some option that says install alongside...12:27
zayanyzhd you want to select ubuntu or vista when you bootup12:27
yzhdI want them both12:27
zayanto be opened12:27
zayanyou want to OS to be opened at the same time12:27
zayani dunno how to do that12:28
yzhdwhen I boot up, I want that menu. so I can choose between vista and ubuntu12:28
zykotick9rstsu: stop using N-M might be one option?12:28
Dr_willisI think you  are confyuseing things zayan12:28
zayani know how to do it12:28
zayanyou need a software called Unetbootin12:28
Dr_willisa normal install - does a dual boot setup12:28
yzhdok, but I'm kinda scared of that resizing thing12:28
rstsuzykotick9: isnt' NM wired into too many things ?12:28
yzhdI don't have an external drive.. so I can't backup everything12:28
yzhdI have about 120 gb of stuff12:28
Dr_willisyzhd,  this is why you make backups...12:28
Dr_willisyzhd,  or toy with ubuntu in virtualbox.12:29
zykotick9rstsu: gonna reply with a - yes and no ;)12:29
zykotick9rstsu: what is resolvconf12:29
zayanyzhd ::::::::::  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/12:29
wizArd_i want to learn pxe booting.....12:29
yzhdI have tried virtualbox, it's sooo lagy12:29
yzhdand wubi = not stable12:29
Dr_willisyzhd,  never noticed.. I tend to use lubuntu in vbox.12:29
zayannext to a normal install12:30
rstsuzykotick9: : zykohttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man8/resolvconf.8.html12:30
zayanclick on run alongside Vista12:30
Dr_willisget a spare flash drive install to that. :) my main ubuntu install is on a 32fb flash12:30
zayanrestart and walah you have the option to choose ubuntu or vista12:30
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rstsuzykotick9:  resolvconf is also used by a dhcp, so I want to keep that12:30
Dr_willisits a good idea to scandisk/defrag in windows - befor using the ubuntu installer to resize.12:31
yzhd@zayan so you are sure I won't lose anything ? :P12:31
zayanreally not sure12:31
yzhdDr_willis, how do I scandisk/defrag?12:31
Dr_willisyzhd,  if your power were to go out during resizeing.. you CAN lose data12:31
zayanyou should resize though12:31
Dr_willisyzhd,  right click menus in windows.12:31
zayani mean you should give some space12:31
Pici!enter | zayan12:32
ubottuzayan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:32
zayanyou can choose existing free space12:32
zykotick9rstsu: from a very quick look at that man page, i'd say resolvconf must typically be used without N-M (as they provide an /etc/network/interfaces staza example.12:32
=== Liran is now known as LiranV
yzhd1. inside the ubuntu installed, select install allongside windows vista(dual boot), select how much space you want to leave for ubuntu and let the installed to the rest. I wan't lose any data unless my PC shuts down, and I don't have to defrag my pc before doing this?12:33
mickepaprikaanyone who knows which package to install to get the development libraries for gd? for c programming, not php...12:34
zykotick9rstsu: is this a portable computer (or, one that uses wireless)?12:34
cristofer6891My Ubuntu 10.04 seemed to "crash" the OS is working but all my data is lost...  Anyone know how to get my data back?12:34
JermBobwhy would my local machine be quick, then when i connect via vnc (vino) its so slow ?12:34
rstsuzykotick9: not, it's a server that will not change for years to come12:35
gnuskoolhi all I have 2 NICs eth1 and eth0, dhcp works fine for all clients, I can ping the internal network and gateway, but i got no internet - any ideas12:35
zykotick9rstsu: i'd ditch N-M then.  good luck man.12:35
rstsuzykotick9: thanks a lot12:35
zykotick9rstsu: FYI, if you define you eth in /etc/network/interfaces it will disable N-M, you don't have to uninstall anything12:36
oCeanherbmonk: that is not welcome here12:36
JermBobcan anyone help ?12:36
clarezoeHi, is there a net-snmp package in ubuntu?12:36
JermBobvino questions12:36
gnuskooldhcp is on eth1. any client can ping etho or eth1, i setup eth1 as gateway, but cant surf12:36
zayanvino or minor12:36
zykotick9JermBob: vnc is slow... actually, gui remote desktop is slow...12:37
zayanok maybe12:37
herbmonkI'm typing one handed ... ment Rstfu ... look before you post. Thankyou12:37
JermBobzykotick9 can i make it faster some how ?12:37
JermBobits on my local netowkr12:37
zayanask Oscar79912:38
zykotick9JermBob: i don't use remote GUI stuff (i personally think it's silly), but i hear FreeNX is faster then VNC12:38
JermBobi never used remote gui on linux before today12:38
zykotick9JermBob: i do however use ssh with x forwarding sometimes12:38
JermBobjust wanted to use it12:38
JermBobx forwarding ?12:38
zykotick9JermBob: i can open GUI programs, just not the desktop12:39
JermBoboh i fixed it12:39
Nosophoruswhat about Mate?12:39
JermBobi turned off visual effects12:39
Nosophoruswill it work on 12.04?12:39
JermBobit goes way better12:39
Nosophorusi don't want to use unity nor the fallback mode12:39
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
zykotick9JermBob: that would make sense!  glad you fixed it.12:39
zayanJermBob visual efffect will make the system powerful and fast12:39
JermBobthanks for the information though zykotick912:40
zayanbut bad visuals12:40
JermBobzayan im not as noob as you think12:40
zayanare you ar terminal guy12:40
jattno visual effects will make the system powerful and fast12:40
boramvt-100 is awesome12:40
JermBobi usually use terminal12:40
zayanyou can use BSD12:40
borama real vt-10012:40
zayanand Backtrack12:40
boramnot emulation12:41
JermBobsshd is the package for ssh daemon ?12:41
Nosophorusvt-100, vintage terminal12:41
zayanhow much experience do you have JermBob12:41
Nosophorusit would be nice if ubuntu had one emulator12:41
zykotick9!info openssh-server12:41
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-7ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 331 kB, installed size 876 kB12:41
JermBobmy bad12:41
zykotick9JermBob: ^12:41
oCeanzayan, JermBob please take the chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is strictly support12:41
JermBobill remember all these one day12:41
JermBobdoes ubuntu come with a www server >/12:43
oCeanJermBob: Apache2 is in the repositories12:43
oCean!lamp | JermBob12:43
ubottuJermBob: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:43
JermBobah nice12:44
JermBobthe lamp is what i was after too12:44
cordovalI am getting this error http://pastie.org/367147712:44
cordovalwhile upgrading, what can i do?12:44
zykotick9cordoval: that in the world are you doing with dotdeb repo on your system?12:46
cordovalit was to upgrade php to the latest12:46
magicJJermBob: apache2 is trivial to install for the standard distro of ubuntu12:47
zykotick9cordoval: smart...12:47
cordovalnow i am not sure if ubuntu repos are updated with a 5.3.7 or higher php12:47
cordovalwhat can i do then zykotick912:47
zykotick9cordoval: don't know - but i'm adding you to /ignore (so don't reply to my nic anymore, i won't see it)12:47
cordovalanyone else knows or has done this? that was rude lol12:48
yzhdo build android gingerbread I have to use 64 bit version [14:48] <yzhd> but my comp is 32 bits [14:48] <yzhd> would it work if I installed 64 ? [14:48] <yzhd> it worked on wubi though12:52
captainfixerpc14might there be someone with the knowledge available to get my X - and maximize buttons back in every window on 11.04  - trying to do an upgrade and any theme I use - they is gone - can be worked around - but but never saw them just disappear - ?12:53
yzhdto build android gingerbread I have to use 64 bit version, but my comp is 32 bits. Would it work if I installed 64 bits version on my 32 bits computer? it worked on wubi though12:53
=== MartinS is now known as Guest55534
dellgood morning everyone12:53
hi675445what do u want from the next  ubuntu12:53
LucidGuyIs it possible to have my Gnome logins authenticate from my local passwd .. and not ldap, but when listing nfs filesystems use ldap to resolve perms on directories?12:54
yzhdto build android gingerbread I have to use 64 bit version, but my comp is 32 bits. Would it work if I installed 64 bits version on my 32 bits computer? it worked on wubi though12:54
hi675445i not a dell12:55
hi675445but i got  a dell12:55
JermBobwhat does /var/ mean ?12:55
kmelsdoes someone know of a torrent client that comes with labels?12:56
zykotick9JermBob: "man hier"12:56
kmels(to categorize torrents)12:56
cordovalanyone there that gets the same error http://pastie.org/3671477 after installing dotdeb binaries for php on debian?12:57
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cordovalI am trying to upgrade to 12 but can't12:57
yzhdto build android gingerbread I have to use 64 bit version, but my comp is 32 bits. Would it work if I installed 64 bits version on my 32 bits computer? it worked on wubi though12:57
Dr_willisyzhd,  you dont install a 64bit os on a 32bit pc.12:58
yzhdwhy did it work with wubi?12:58
Dr_willisI dont use wubi.. no idea.12:58
hi675445i usedi wub12:58
yzhdwell, then I won't be able to build gingerbread12:58
Dr_willisI dont see why you need 64bit to build gingerbread either...12:59
yzhdit's required12:59
Dr_willisnot really a ubuntu specific issue.. ask in #android12:59
Dr_willisand wubi as far as i know is 32bit..12:59
hi675445no down load the 64 bit verson in the iso folder the a wubi for 64 bit13:00
yzhdbut I'm not going to use wubi13:01
yzhdI'm going to dualboot13:01
=== Amoz is now known as afougner
UrlgrimHi guys. Although X works like intended it is sometimes creating high load. When checking this out it is constantly writting some kind of loop into the log files.13:02
hi675445i use wibi to dule boot13:02
yzhdbut wubi is unstable ?13:02
yzhdI used it for a while, it lagged, then froze my pc13:02
yzhdand my Pc got hot so fast13:03
* Dr_willis tends to run away from Wubi as fast as he can13:03
* boram say no to unetbootin and lili13:03
hi675445ubbi only lags if you use it to download the iso13:03
ahhughes_can anyone confirm if they have rotate cube e.t.c. working on 11.10? I cant get it going13:03
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hi675445if you donload it fist then use it it is fine13:04
hi675445download the iso mount it with soft ware in there there will be an exe run13:05
Dr_willisI would rank wubi as very unstable. and annoying.13:05
zykotick9Dr_willis: i'm not sure "annoying" is the right word ;)13:06
hi675445no ubuntu installs very fast13:06
Dr_willisahhughes_,  seen guides at the webud8 blog site on setting up the cube to work with unity13:06
Dr_willisI think wubi may be getting removed from the 12.x release. its going to be a download item. not on cd by default.13:06
Dr_willisat least that was on a blog site i read.13:06
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe13:07
hi675445no it not it in beta verson as well i dont think it going eaney ware13:07
hi675445lubuntu now also got it13:08
hi675445lubuntu now ofiulised13:08
=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
yzhdsince I'm scared to install ubuntu (data may be lost while resizing), you recommend me to use wubi =13:08
Sidewinder1hi675445, Just as an aside, if you're using WUBI, you're not really "Dual Booting."13:09
hi675445i mite insall ubuntu peropaly if it run better13:09
yzhdI want to, but I'm scared that I will lose data13:09
_Marcusyzhd: I was worried at first, but if you are using a stable version (anything but 11.10) it should work fine for dual booting. You wont lose anything. If you want to be sure, make a backup of files first13:09
Sidewinder1yzhd, Make a back up and 'have at it.'13:09
yzhdI see, thanks Marcus :)13:09
yzhdAny good back up programs you recommend guys ?13:10
yzhd107gb/287gb  used on my comp13:10
_Marcusyzhd: I don't know if this is free, but here we use Symantec Backup Exec13:10
afougneryzhd, external harddrive13:10
yzhdI have norton 36+013:10
Sidewinder1yzhd, For Win.? I have no clue, sorry.13:11
hi675445ye when i dule oot it gose no wonge partison my recovary i muched up13:11
yzhdI don't have an external harddrive, that's the problem :/13:11
afougneryzhd, will take some time for you to backup stuff then13:11
afougneroh wait13:11
afougneryzhd, what OS are you on?13:11
yzhdwindows vista13:11
hi675445will it run better on dule boot13:11
afougneryzhd, I think you can resize it from windows then13:12
afougneryzhd, hot resize, while running windows13:12
afougnerthat way you can skip the backup and be very sure everything works13:12
yzhdcan you PM me ?13:12
yzhdso much text here13:12
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afougnershouldn't be needed yzhd13:12
yzhdok, nvm13:12
afougnerit's better to let them all see13:12
Dr_willisI got more then 107gb in just wallpaper.....13:13
yzhdso I resize from windows13:13
Patero-nganybody here can tell me the difference between a usb 1.1 and a 2.0 cable as in physical aspect13:13
yzhdthen I won't lose anything13:13
Sidewinder1yzhd, Turn 'off' join/part messages.13:13
hi675445will insailing it proplay fix my cpu proplem it gose hi a lot13:13
afougneryzhd, you shouldn't lose anything from ubuntu either, but they're 3rd party drivers , so not as reliable13:13
Patero-ngDr_willis you have lots of wallpapers?13:13
zykotick9Patero-ng: you might want to try #hardware13:14
yzhdThanks sidewinder13:14
yzhdAfoughner, how can I resize from windows ?13:14
yzhdbtw, just wanna say, thanks for all the help guys :)13:14
afougneryzhd, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/resize-a-partition-for-free-in-windows-vista/13:14
afougneryzhd, you should google basic stuff before asking13:15
afougnerI'm doing it for you this time13:15
yzhdsorry :D13:15
afougnerafter resizing, you should have enough space for installing ubuntu right on13:15
=== stephan_ is now known as smellis
omerozkanI have a problem about repository key :)13:16
edgyhi, is the bluetooth adapter a device that appears in /dev?13:18
s4nAs a part of our academic project we are working with a TU2-PCLINK host-to-host USB data transfer cable. We are doing the project in Linux platform. The cable uses the OTI-2108 chipset. Could you please help me to implement a Linux device driver for this product.13:19
afougners4n, you're doing an academic project and seeking help on a IRC channel? smooth...13:19
afougners4n, this is the ubuntu support channel, is it ubuntu specific?13:20
yzhd107/287 gb = I have 180 gb left. I want 50 on my linux partition. What do I type in ?13:20
yzhdI'm confused :S13:20
mbeierls4n, This channel is for support with existing software, not for development of new software, sorry13:20
Picis4n: Writing device drivers is really out of scope for htis channel :/13:20
yzhdIn the Shrink dialog, you will want to enter the amount you want to shrink by, not the new size. For example, if you want to shrink your 50gb partition by roughly 10gb so that it will now be roughly 40gb, enter 10000 into the box:13:20
afougneryzhd, enter 50 000 then13:21
dellis it exceptable for me to install Ubuntu and switch from Gnome to Fluxbox?13:22
MestreLionguys... there is something wrong with my locales store, particularlly with LC_COLLATE. sort command is acting really weird in some cases. How can I investigate / fix my locales store?13:22
yzhdtotal size before shrink : 294890, size of avaible shrink space: 4151513:22
yzhdwhy is it saying only 45 gb ?13:22
yzhdi have 180 gb left...13:23
MestreLionSome info: Ubuntu 10.10 64, LC_COLLATE="en_US.utf8", test case was this command: declare -p | grep declare | sort13:23
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MestreLionoutput was this: http://sprunge.us/XbZT13:24
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
MestreLionif I use declare -p | grep declare | LC_COLLATE=C sort  it works perfectly. What should I do? Any clues or directions?13:25
Guest69811ya\ \13:31
Guest69811does anybody talk13:31
MestreLionany help on my LC_COLLATE issue would be highly appreciated13:32
Shadow_fhey, I am looking for some help. I can't seem to instal ubuntu right and every time I do I get a permissions error. can anyone help? thanks.13:33
_MarcusShadow_f: How are you installing it?13:33
_MarcusShadow_f: Installer CD?13:34
_MarcusShadow_f: At what part are you getting these errors?13:34
Shadow_fI downloaded the windows installer verson, and it reads the disk, everything goes good until the end13:34
Shadow_fthen I just get permission denied check log (rev241).13:35
mbeierlMestreLion, from the looks of it, the utf8 sort ignores the "-" character when performing the sort.  If that is not what you want, use C locale instead?13:35
_MarcusShadow_f: So are you still in Windows?13:35
_MarcusShadow_f: Can you take a screenshot and upload it somewhere for us to see?13:36
Shadow_feh sure13:36
pgimenoI'm having a problem where 'apt-cache show packagename' does not show any package description at all, how should I set it up so that it (downloads and) shows complete descriptions?13:36
MestreLionmbeierl: the problem is my results are inconsisten with other people using the same LC_COLLATE... could you please care to test that command and compare with my results? http://sprunge.us/XbZT13:36
MestreLiondeclare -p | grep declare | sort13:36
Shadow_fthis is what happends13:37
ahmadalzaTitle: imgur: the simple image sharer (at imgur.com)13:37
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_MarcusIs ahmadalza a bot?13:38
_MarcusShadow_f: Can you pastebin the log please?13:38
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James13433how do I find out what server os I am on via SSH?13:39
Shadow_fhere marcus13:40
ahmadalzaTitle: error241 - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)13:40
zykotick9James13433: depends, "lsb_release -a" might be worth a shot13:40
e_t_James13433: "uname -a" will give you a lot of information. If you think you might be on a RedHat system, cat /etc/redhat-release is good too. Also what zykotick9 said.13:41
James13433Distributor ID: Ubuntu13:41
James13433Description:    Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS13:41
James13433Release:        10.0413:41
James13433Codename:       lucid13:41
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:41
ahmadalzajatt: Error: "flood" is not a valid command.13:41
ahmadalzaTitle: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)13:41
Shadow_f_Marcus do you know whats wrong?13:42
_MarcusShadow_f: Since yiou are running Windows 7, try running it as Administrator13:42
_MarcusThe program that is13:42
Shadow_fah ok13:42
James13433oh get over it it was only a couple, the same amount as it two people logged out.13:42
_MarcusJames13433: pastebin.ubuntu.com is there for a reason.13:43
Shadow_fbtw _Marcus thanks.13:43
_MarcusShadow_f: No problem, I don't know if this will fix it though.13:43
Shadow_f_Marcus ok, well if it doesn't then I might have to check youtube or something.13:44
Timmyhow can i report a bug?13:44
zykotick9!bug | Timmy13:44
ubottuTimmy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:44
bazhang!bugs > Timmy13:44
ubottuTimmy, please see my private message13:44
_MarcusShadow_f: It's either not able to put files there because it needs to be run as admin, or a file is in use.13:44
Shadow_f_Marcus ok, it might be the file is in use. that happens a lot to me13:45
_MarcusShadow_f: If that is the case, try restarting the computer. I know it sounds dumb and you probally did that already, but it could help.13:45
Shadow_f_Marcus yeah I did that before, but that would help :P13:45
robertzaccourAnyone know where I can get a Linux logo key to replace the windows logo key?13:46
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Shadow_f_Marcus the error poped up again lol13:46
bazhangrobertzaccour, how is that an ubuntu support issue13:46
Shadow_f_Marcus what file would it be using?13:47
_MarcusShadow_f: I don't know13:47
Shadow_f_Marcus ok, thanks for helping though.13:47
_MarcusShadow_f: No problem, ask again in the channel, someone else may be able to help13:48
matt5why doesn't linus just use ubuntu, it idoesn't have thsoe weird scurity issues that suse does13:48
_Marcus!ot | matt513:48
ubottumatt5: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:48
Shadow_f_Marcus Ok, I have to leave in 12 minutes so idk if I had time.13:48
Madhavdasi installed synaptic but when i try to open it . after authentication it disappears ? how to correct it ?13:49
Timmythis takes a lot, ok, my problem is with suspension on a lenovo S10-3 . after suspension i can't resume my netbook, nothin works. it has been reported for previous releases and again it will be in 12.04 . im requesting u to solve this problem. please. i 2.6.x braches of linux it could be solved by a kernel parametr,but in newer versions of kernel, it doesn't work13:49
zykotick9Madhavdas: try starting it from a terminal (in hopes of seeing an error), "gksudo synaptic" (assuming synaptic is the binary name, i can't test)13:50
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Madhavdaszykotick9: same it come and disappears ?13:51
zykotick9Madhavdas: any output in the terminal?13:52
James13433I am trying to install ioncube_loader, in the tut I am folloing it says to do nano /etc/php.d/ioncube.ini but that file doesnt exist.13:52
James13433in that location atleast.13:52
pgimenoanyone? I've just checked that /var/lib/dpkg/available does not contain complete descriptions, is there a way to instruct 'apt-get update' or some other tool to download complete descriptions?13:52
Madhavdaszykotick9: ya http://paste.ubuntu.com/900467/13:53
Picipgimeno: In what way are they not complete?13:53
pgimenoPici: they are just one line13:53
=== Mud is now known as Guest35680
pgimenoe.g. for apache2: [...] Description: Apache HTTP Server metapackage \n Homepage: http://httpd.apache.org/ [...]13:54
zykotick9Madhavdas: i've got no idea - although, those are just warnings...  i'm no help - good luck13:54
Madhavdaszykotick9: ok any one els knows to help me ?13:55
matheushi, how to turn off the video card?13:56
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robertzaccourbazhang, because its related to support for accessories info? figured someone would know13:57
Picipgimeno: Odd. Have you tried to use dpkg --clear-avail followed by an apt-get update ?13:58
bazhangrobertzaccour, try #ubuntu-offtopic for that13:58
matheuseu tenho duas placas de video em meu notebook, como desabilitar uma?13:58
pgimenoPici: no, is that safe? if so, let me try13:58
matheusI have two video cards in my notebook, how to disable one?13:58
ubottucondor_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:58
s4ni am working with a TU2-PCLINK host-to-host USB data transfer cable.The cable uses the OTI-2108 chipset.how to use it in linux platform?13:58
Picipgimeno: backup the available file if you want to play it extra-safe.13:58
fidelmatheus: optimus?13:58
ansii need help.. wanted to install tightVNC on my xfce.. so went to the vnc site and downloaded the tar.gz file.. i am new to linux what should i do ..please help someone13:59
robertzaccourwhoa the irc cops are  up early13:59
bazhangansi, install from repos13:59
matheusfidel, I did not understand13:59
ansihow do i do that for tightVNC , but is there no way i can install from the downloaded tar.gz14:00
fidelmatheus: i was wondering if that device is using the optimus chip14:00
matheusI have two graphics cards ati14:00
matheusfidel: I have two graphics cards ati14:01
ansiplease someone help14:01
fidelmatheus: yes i got that - ignore my question - i assumed you got nvidia14:01
ansihow do i do that for tightVNC , but is there no way i can install from the downloaded tar.gz14:01
_Marcusrobertzaccour: On topic is support questions for Ubuntu, not support on what accessories to buy.14:01
matheusfidel: ok14:01
MonkeyDustansi  is tight vnc not simply in the repos, the software center?14:01
cordovalhas anyone used dotdeb installs for php and mysql and now having problems updating to ubuntu 12?14:02
Madhavdashow to solve the proble to open synaptic14:02
bazhangansi tightvncserver and xtightvncviewer are two tightvnc packages that I see in the repos14:02
robertzaccour_Marcus are you mad bro?14:02
MonkeyDust!12.04 | cordoval14:02
ubottucordoval: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:02
bazhangrobertzaccour, thats enough14:02
pgimenoPici: didn't help, maybe the repository doesn't have the complete files? it's called mirror.hetzner.de which is not official14:02
hi675445can u change ubuntu icon locason :( why they no lush agest the eage of14:02
matheusfidel: i did read an article saying about vgaswitcheroo14:03
Picipgimeno: That sounds likely to me.14:03
_Marcusrobertzaccour: I thought trolls come in on tuesdays?14:03
bazhang_Marcus, lets move on14:03
pgimenoPici: ok, thanks for the help anyway14:03
s4ni am working with a TU2-PCLINK host-to-host USB data transfer cable.The cable uses the OTI-2108 chipset.how to use it in linux platform?14:03
_Marcusbazhang: Okay14:03
hi675445my fan allway on when useing ubuntu14:03
ansino one knows or  is there no way i can install from the downloaded tar.gz14:04
_Marcusansi: Decompress the tar.gz14:04
bazhangansi, dont use that, install from ubuntu software repositories14:04
ansi_Marcus please go ahead and tell me how to do it14:04
Madhavdasnow i only have unity login how to chnge it to old style?14:05
bazhangansi, either ubuntu software center or synaptic package manager, no need for 3rd party tar.gz like that14:05
bazhang!notunity | Madhavdas14:05
ubottuMadhavdas: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:05
_Marcusansi: I recommend you listen to bazhang instead, he is right14:05
matheusCan someone help me about switching video cards?14:05
MonkeyDustansi  the program is in the software center, no need for a tar14:06
ansi_Marcus and bazhang.. that was the first thing i tried.. but sadly i always get errors trying to install vnc viewer and thus i was forced to go to the site and download it from there14:06
bazhangansi, what errors14:06
bazhang!paste | ansi14:07
ubottuansi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:07
ansifirstly it says Failed to download package files checy your internet connection14:07
_Marcusansi: Are you connected to the internet>14:07
_Marcusansi: On that machine\14:07
ansiis that a question to ask Marcus :)14:08
_Marcusansi: Yes.14:08
ansiyes i am doing it on this machine only14:08
MonkeyDustansi  yes, if you have more than one pc14:08
ansino only one pc.. thats my laptop HP pavillion DV6 1152tx14:09
ansiso can u teach me how to install an application from tar.gz14:09
sheenzzansi: you can try to download it in aynapitic manager14:09
tjiggi_fos/ aynapitic/synaptic/14:10
ansiwhere do i find synaptic manager in xfce14:10
Madhavdasbazhang: thank you i am dowloading14:11
robertzaccourbazhang, what?14:11
mr-squidleyansi: system tools or sudo synaptic14:11
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Madhavdasbazhang: one more problem i can't open synaptic14:11
__Alex_ansi: You install it: sudo aptitude install synaptic14:12
bazhangrobertzaccour, offtopic chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please14:12
sheenzzansi: in perferences14:12
bazhang__Alex_, aptitude is not installed by default14:12
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__Alex_So use apt-get14:12
ansiis there a way to install an applicaiton thru tar.gz14:13
robertzaccourbazhang, I see I'm breaking up an already congested chat you're right I'm sorry14:13
__Alex_(I taught Ubuntu's goal was ment to be easy-to-use, then why prefer apt-get over aptitude. Can someone explain this one to me?)14:13
__Alex_ansi: Yes, what is inside of it?14:13
bazhangansi, there is zero need to do that, as it is in the ubuntu software repositories14:13
robertzaccourI'm not familiar with aptitide14:14
ansisir, i want to increase my knowledge and want to know how to do that14:14
raydog45000Hello all, I am trying to set up an ubuntu server, I checked the disc for defects and tested memory, after I choose a host name it fails at 43% of starting up the partition, how can I get it to complete?14:14
ansi__Alex_ there are a number of files and folders in there14:14
__Alex_ansi: Unpack that tarball somewhere14:15
__Alex_ansi: Is there a file called Makefile?14:15
mr-squidleyansi: generally you will have to make and configure a script look at the instructions on the website. Unpack using tar zxvf filename.tar.gz14:15
ansiyes there is a lmakefile14:15
sheenzzis mac os free to download14:15
wastrelsheenzz: no14:15
mr-squidleySheenzz no14:15
bazhangsheenzz, of course not, and that has zero to do with ubuntu support14:16
__Alex_sheenzz: MacOS 7 is free iirc14:16
sheenzzbazzhang: i know14:16
bazhangsheenzz, so dont ask it here14:16
raydog45000Is there a channel that specializes in installation of ubuntu server?14:17
bazhangraydog45000, #ubuntu-server14:17
__Alex_sheenzz: and you can download it from apple: http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Macintosh/System/Older_System/System_7.5_Version_7.5.3/14:17
sheenzz_alex: oh but ubuntu is fine for me now14:18
BobMarleyi would like to know which kernels the qemu supports14:18
sheenzzwhy dont the numbers working on my keyboard14:19
ansi*__Alex_ how do i unpack the tar ball14:19
stickyboyAnyone able to pull from Ubuntu's kernel repos?  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/  I get errors with git://, http://, and https://...14:19
__Alex_ansi: tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz14:19
__Alex_ansi: Or tar -xjvf filename.tar.bz214:19
_Marcusansi: j for bz2, z for gz14:20
BobMarleysomebody knows which kernels the qemu supports?14:20
__Alex_BobMarley: What architecture?14:20
_MarcusBobMarley: What do you mean?14:20
__Alex_BobMarley: PPC? Sparc?14:20
RJ_Hey, real quick, what's the code to rebuild the font cache?14:21
BobMarleyi want to update my kernel and i dont know if qemu will work if i update to the latest one14:21
__Alex_BobMarley: Of course it will.14:22
Rickardo_How do I know the name of /dev/sd? of my connected usbdrive?14:22
BobMarleyok, thanks14:22
__Alex_Rickardo_: Type: dmesg and put it in a Pastebin14:22
RJ_need rebuild font cache,wat do?14:22
mr-squidleyRickardo_: sudo fdisk -l14:22
MonkeyDustRickardo_  sudo fdisk -l14:22
MonkeyDustOT: a "quick question" is invariably extremely complicated to even understand14:23
ansitar -xzvf '~/Downloads/tightvnc-1.3.10_unixsrc.tar.gz'14:24
ansitar (child): ~/Downloads/tightvnc-1.3.10_unixsrc.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory14:24
ansitar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now14:24
ansitar: Child returned status 214:24
ansitar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now14:24
FloodBot1ansi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
RJ_this actually is a quick question. Last i knew there was a single code, but can'tremember what it is14:24
ansisir when i use tar http://paste.ubuntu.com/900524/ this is the error i get14:25
ansi__Alex_  http://paste.ubuntu.com/900524/14:25
Rickardo___Alex_: https://gist.github.com/ca67bad9a92d467ee37514:26
__Alex_ansi: You tiped something wrong. Remember, UNIX OSs are case sensitive14:26
sheenzzwhat is the best antivirtus programme to run on lubuntu14:26
nibbler_ansi, use tab-completion to type the filenames, to avoid typos14:26
zykotick9RJ_: "sudo fc-cache -f" maybe?  warning! I'm no 100% on this14:26
__Alex_dmesg and put it in a Pastebin14:26
dellansi: cd into the Downloads folder then try using the tab comletion14:26
__Alex_Rickardo_: Ok, your USB stick is /dev/sdb14:26
Rickardo___Alex_: ty :D14:27
RJ_alright, thanks.14:27
__Alex_Rickardo_: Np14:27
ansigreat.. unzipped it .. now what sir??14:27
coz_hey guys.. ctrl+alt+del no longer brings up the logoff dialog UI   ,, anyone have a command for that?14:27
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ansi__Alex_  extracted it now what sir??14:28
sheenzzcoz: i would like to know too14:28
__Alex_ansi: Is there a file called configure?14:28
__Alex_ansi: If yes, run it like this: ./configure14:28
coz_sheenzz,   understood14:28
Madhavadaswhen i try to use skype i can't get sound  how to solve this problme?14:29
sheenzzcoz: i think no one knows14:29
ansi__Alex_ no there is no configure file but likes someone said there is a lmakefile14:30
ansiand there is a vncinstall shellscript14:30
coz_sheenzz,  someone at some point will know,,, just have to stick around14:30
__Alex_ansi: Is there a file called README?14:30
mr-squidleyMadhavada: Do you normally have sound?14:31
ansiyes sir14:31
sheenzzcoz: oh14:31
Madhavadashow to set sound with skype?14:31
__Alex_ansi: Open it in a text editor, and put it in a pastebin14:31
__Alex_So i can see14:31
MonkeyDustsheenzz  that's called "patience"14:31
Madhavadasmr-squidley: ya14:31
Madhavadasonly i did't get it in skype14:32
dellMadhavadas: right click on the skype icon and click on options14:32
sheenzzmonkeydust: oh i see, so what is 'patience'?14:32
MonkeyDustMadhavadas  start from the beginning, what did you do before you came here14:32
ansi__Alex_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/900538/14:32
eutheriahi, skype keeps taking focus, is there anyway to stop it?14:33
coz_sheenzz,  often time zones interfere with some answers... so generally, it's a good Idea to post a question at different times of the day just in case14:33
ansi__Alex_ :14:33
ansi__Alex_ : i just want to install the viewer14:33
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lkslawekI'm looking for an easy way to manage build of package (using pbuilder-dist) that are going to be built for multiple suites (from lucid to precise) and put to a local repository - how to do this best, e.g. how to overcome the fact that changelog states suite in package source itself, and I would like it more for "Distribution" field to be decided from the pbuilder-dist environment I use?14:33
MonkeyDustsheenzz  do you want me to translate 'patience'?14:33
sheenzzcoz: oh14:34
sheenzzmonkeydust: no just the dinfintion14:34
auronandacesheenzz: the ability to wait14:35
Rickardo___Alex_: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb,  missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so14:35
Rickardo___Alex_: I am pretty sure it is Fat32 FS on that disk14:35
ansi__Alex_ : sir any thing u found in that14:35
__Alex_Rickardo_: Well, try /dev/sdb1. You can't mount the MBR"14:35
Rickardo___Alex_: oops14:36
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sheenzzauronandace: oh thank i just learn something important i think14:36
__Alex_Rickardo_: Happens sometimes. :)14:36
bazhang!ot | sheenzz14:36
ubottusheenzz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:36
__Alex_ansi: Sorry, i didn't.14:37
__Alex_ansi: Can you try to follow the instructions in the README, i think they are better at explaining than me.14:37
ubottuket: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:40
sheenzzyes i understand but my related question has left unanwsered14:40
bazhangsheenzz, what question14:40
mexiahey there are this ubuntu suport irc chanels14:41
bazhangmexia, yes14:41
mexiacan anyone help here solving a prob with my laptop and ubuntu they dont seam to like each other xD but i would love tthat them would get along14:42
zykotick9!details | mexia14:43
ubottumexia: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:43
mexiaOK sure :p14:43
madavdasthe skype is not working propperly14:43
sheenzzhow the numbers isnt working on my pc14:43
AbstractAce_how can i format a FAT3214:44
madavdasthere is no sound14:44
Myrttisheenzz: have you tried the numlock key?14:45
__Alex_AbstractAce_: sudo mkfs.vfat -L NAME /dev/sdXZ14:45
mr-squidleymadavdas: if your sound work normally i would have a look into the configuration of Skype(cant provided guided as i dont not use it) it would be highly unlikely your sound works but not your program so look into that alternatively go to synaptic remove the package and update it to the latest version14:45
__Alex_AbstractAce_: Replace the uppercase text with the proper informations14:46
AbstractAce___Alex_, what is NAME14:46
__Alex_AbstractAce_: The label for the Disc14:46
[Si]you also need -F 32 flag too to make it fat3214:46
madavdasmr-squidley: i try to install synaptic but it is not working14:46
AbstractAce_can someone show me the entire command i need to run14:47
__Alex_AbstractAce_: Ok, what drive do you want to format?14:47
__Alex_AbstractAce_: And what do you want to name it?14:47
AbstractAce_lets call it USB14:47
mr-squidleymadavdas: try ubuntu software center then alternatively i can talk you through CLI14:47
AbstractAce_i want to format14:48
mneptokAbstractAce_: have you tried just using goarted?14:48
__Alex_AbstractAce_: Ok, try this: "sudo mkfs.vfat -L USB -F 32 /dev/sdb1"14:48
madavdaswhat is CLI?14:48
LucidGuyOnce I lock my Gnome session I'm unable to unlock unless I have " auth sufficient pam_ldap.so " within pam.d/common-auth  I no longer want to authenticate via ldap, initial login is fine.. urg.14:48
Dulakmadavdas: command line interface14:48
mr-squidleycommand line14:48
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__Alex_madavdas: CLI=Command Line Interface14:49
AbstractAce___Alex_, do you need the drive letter?14:49
__Alex_AbstractAce_: No14:49
Guest73004i have trouble watching videos online14:49
mneptokAbstractAce_: Linux does not use drive letters14:49
mexiaSo my problem is that I've and asus n61jq and want to fully quit windows and put ubuntu but i have a few problems: 1st - I've a problem with my screen if i dont use a computer for a bit my screen starts to flash on the edges i think thats because i dont have the ati driver installed but when i try to install them gives at error, 2nd - I ve an external monitor asus ml228h and i cant define it as 1920x108014:49
madavdasDulak: alex__ thank you14:49
__Alex_AbstractAce_: Using guess method, i chode /dev/sdb114:49
madavdasmr-squidley: ok it may help full if you talk me ith cli14:49
mneptok__Alex_: you know how dangerous that was, right?14:50
addictedboyGetting this error message after following the firefox custom sync server guide14:50
addictedboyapache2: bad group name sync14:50
addictedboyAction 'configtest' failed.14:50
as001hi where are linux headers in Ubuntu 11.04 ? in /usr/src/linux-headers ?14:50
addictedboyThe Apache error log may have more information.14:50
addictedboy   ...fail!14:50
mr-squidley/dev/sdb1 is your drive letter :D its a folder based structure rather the drive letter14:50
__Alex_mneptok: yES, I DO.14:50
madavdasmr-squidley: when i try  synaptic it open and skip with some error14:50
__Alex_(Stupid caps)14:50
mneptok__Alex_: "ls -l /dev/sd*" first would have removed a lot of doubt14:51
AbstractAce_k __Alex_ this is confusing14:51
mneptokAbstractAce_: install gparted and use that.14:51
__Alex_AbstractAce_: sudo apt-get install gparted14:51
mr-squidleymadavdas: enter 'sudo apt-get purge skype' then run 'sudo apt-get autoremove' then run 'sudo apt-get install skype' to reinstall14:51
madavdasmr-squidley: could you give me step by step to correct this problmes?14:51
mneptokAbstractAce_: if you cannot install a program and use a GUI to format media, you probably should not be formatting media.14:51
sacarlsonas001: after you install them with synaptic you can look at the properties of the package to see where they put the files14:52
AbstractAce_i cant because im on dialup14:52
AbstractAce_5kb/sec in india14:52
AbstractAce_cant download with that14:52
__Alex_mneptok: Don't be so mean. Maybe he just never heared of the mkfs command before.14:52
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mneptokAbstractAce_: yes, you can. the package is very small.14:52
mneptok!info gparted14:53
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1-1ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 523 kB, installed size 1840 kB14:53
__Alex_523 kB is 1.7 hours with 5kB/s speed14:54
bshow can i upgrade my old 11.10 ubuntu14:54
Rigorm0rtisI'm installing Ubuntu 12.04 server beta and hanging on "Configuring keyboard-configuration". How can I get past this?14:54
zykotick9Rigorm0rtis: reask in #ubuntu+114:54
`8mewere do i get free rdp ?14:55
mr-squidleybs: run update-manager -d and click latest ubuntu realease in the top left corner. Beware however the next version is only in beta stage so may have some bugs still.14:56
mexiaHey there I've and asus n61jq and want to fully quit windows and put ubuntu but i have a few problems: 1st - I've a problem with my screen if i dont use a computer for a bit my screen starts to flash on the edges i think thats because i dont have the ati driver installed but when i try to install them gives at error, 2nd - I ve an external monitor asus ml228h and i cant define it as 1920x108014:56
Laurencebis there Virtual Instrument Software Architecture support in ubuntu?14:57
madavdasmr-squidley: done14:57
mr-squidleymexia: look into x and r. you should be able to enter these values manually14:57
Unknown0BCGreetings humans.14:57
dellI updated and now my soundcard is not even showing up in the devices menu?14:57
madavdasmr-squidley: but same problem there/14:57
mexiahow and where?14:58
Unknown0BCI want to get a new notebook or netbook. Without a CD rom drive. Was wondering how difficult it is going to be to install ubuntu on it ?14:58
mbeierl`8me, it's rdesktop for the client in Ubuntu.  There is no RDP server as that's a Microsoft product14:58
parapan_can someone support the file permission related with an read-only filesystem ???14:58
madavdasmr-squidley: the sound problem presist14:58
mbeierl`8me, instead you use VNC or alternatives live FreeNX or Teamviewer14:58
as001ok thanks14:58
dellUnknown0BC: pretty simple14:58
zykotick9parapan_: why is the filesystem read-only?  can you remount it r/w?  what format is it?14:59
Unknown0BCdell, I am a bit worried about hardware support on a brand new i3 or so.14:59
madavdasmr-squidley: what i can do next/15:00
dellUnknown0BC: intel is supreme in the linux world you will be fine15:00
Unknown0BCdell, how about if I go for an AMD ?15:00
madavdasmr-squidley: is there any other thing i have to do ?15:00
parapan_zykotick9: ufs formatted drive from freenas OS which is based on freeBSD / I would not risk recompiling the kernel with r/w support of ufs since I'm not that good15:01
zykotick9parapan_: sorry i can't help with that - good luck.15:01
dellUnknown0BC: should still be fine just check the hardware out first and double check to make sure of compatibility before purchasing15:01
mr-squidleymadavas: type "apt-cache show skype" in the console and and write down the version number then go to skypes website and see if there version they have is newer if so download and install.15:01
parapan_zykotick9: :(15:01
meganerdUnknown0BC: I am typing this from an i5 Sandybridge15:02
dellso did they or not drop modules in the new kernel15:03
meganerdUnknown0BC: the only issues that I have seen are with the integrated graphics15:03
Unknown0BCdell, I might not be able to do the install directly from the internet ( and having no DVD-drive on a netbook ), would I be able to install the install boot "disk" from a memory stick ? 8GB15:03
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madavdasmr-squidley: ok thank you we can try15:03
mbeierlPeriodically my laptop (11.10) refuses to suspend or hibernate.  It locks the screen, and turns off the lcd, but it never powers down.  Moving the mouse shows the xlock password diaglogue.  Any idea on how to figure out why it's not suspending?15:03
dellUnknown0BC: you can create a usb bootable disk, yes15:03
mr-squidleymadavas: no worries mate good luck15:03
zykotick9!usb | Unknown0BC15:04
ubottuUnknown0BC: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:04
csotelo_hi people15:04
csotelo_I have a problem creating a user on postgres....15:04
mr-squidleyunknown0BC: unetbootin is a nice gui that does the job wonderfully15:05
csotelo_I have done a $sudo -s; then #su postgres and then createuser -SDRp miuser and the answer me15:05
Unknown0BCcan an ubuntu install boot form usb autorepartition a windows drive ?15:06
atpa8aanyway i can get rid of multiple 'Starting OpenSSH Server/Stopping OpenSSH Server' during boot?15:06
dellUnknown0BC: only if you tell it to15:06
Unknown0BCie resize paritions.15:06
atpa8ai *thin* it's caused by network aliases15:06
Unknown0BCdell, so what i'm facing is paradise ?15:06
dellUnknown0BC: it will be just the same as booting it from a cd15:07
shammanceris there software that logs gpu temperature for ubuntu?15:07
mexiaHello I've asus n61jq and want to fully quit windows and put ubuntu but i have a few problems: 1st - I've a problem with my screen if i dont use a computer for a bit and he enters the sleep, when i start to use it again my screen starts to flash on the edges i think thats because i dont have the ati driver installed but when i try to install them gives at error, 2nd - I ve an external monitor asus ml228h and i cant define it as 1920x1080.15:07
mexiaTHanks in advance15:07
meganerdshammancer: depends on the GPU15:07
shammancerRadeon HD 585015:07
Unknown0BClooks like I shoud go for an intel, hey a little more expensive...15:07
dellUnknown0BC: if that is what you want to call it, just make sure you do your research first before purchasing anything to make sure it is going to work......15:08
meganerdUnknown0BC: I use both and they both seem to work15:08
csotelo_I have done a $sudo -s; then #su postgres and then createuser -SDRp miuser and the answer me that it has a socket problem15:08
csotelo_I have done a nmap15:08
csotelo_and the port is poen15:09
Unknown0BCthanks for input guys :D15:09
mexiaTHe error is "SOrry the installation for this driver failed. PLease have a look at the log files for details: /var/log/jokeey.log15:09
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delllooks like they dropped the modules for my sound in the new kernel, this really blows15:09
dellbrb gonna switch back over to fluxbox15:09
WhitebirdConfigur your apache server that if you visit the following addresses, you will be redirected to the following locations.15:10
WhitebirdI thought adjusting hosts file, but i'm wrong i think15:10
Whitebirdor is it the hosts file?15:10
atpa8ashould network aliases be configured with auto stanza?..15:10
PiciWhitebird: You'll need to modify your apache config to do that.15:11
Shojowow klined15:11
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sacarlsonWhitebird: you can also make a index.html file that redirects to a total different address15:12
WhitebirdI think the teacher wants me to adjust the apache server15:12
csotelo_could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory15:13
csotelo_    Is the server running locally and accepting15:13
csotelo_    connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?15:13
csotelo_any help please15:13
KM0201csotelo_: you might get a better answer to that in #ubuntu-server15:13
KM0201(assuming this is your server)415:13
csotelo_KM0201, thanks15:14
sheenzzcan you transfer apps using this app15:14
sacarlsonWhitebird: ya I think your right you need to start with the apache configs15:15
WhitebirdWell I think i have to adjust the .htaccess15:15
mr-squidleysheenzz: yes but it not done very often anymore15:15
Whitebirdit's a school assignment :p15:15
sacarlsonWhitebird: I would modify the file in /etc/apache2  but not sure what privs you have and what is already setup15:16
sheenzzmr-squidley: i need a antivirus app15:16
dellok I'm back15:16
dellguess I'm lucky I really don't need any sound out of this machine huh?15:16
KM0201dell: what kind of sound problem?15:16
KM0201sheenzz: why do you need antivirus?15:17
atpa8awhat's the difference between doing 'auto eth0 eth0:1' and individual 'auto eth0', 'auto eth0:1' in /etc/network/interfaces?..15:17
bazhangsheenzz, not really no15:17
dellKM0201: I updated and my sound stopped working come to find out they dropped my soundcard module from the kernel15:17
KM0201dell: that would be surprising.. what did you upgrade from?   to?15:18
sheenzzkm0201: fir the internet and for virtuses15:18
sacarlsonatpa8a: I thought both would work15:18
mr-squidleysheenzz:  i wouldnt bother personally but if you want to look into it futher try http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/download/packages/packages-linux/ other wise google is a great place to start for general non ubuntu topics15:18
sheenzzbazhang: huh?15:18
KM0201sheenzz: viruses are virtually nonexistant for Linux.. it's not a big deal..15:18
KM0201!antivirus | sheenzz15:18
ubottusheenzz: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus15:18
ShojoKM0201: i got my drive wiped out, depends who you piss off15:19
KM0201Shojo: you have to REALLLY upset someone to do that in Linux (not to mention, be monumentally stupid)15:19
atpa8asacarlson: they do... i get OpenSSH started many times (once per alias) during boot, was wondering if listing them on one line would fix that15:19
dellKM0201: went from the 3.0.0-12 to 3.0.0-1615:19
mr-squidleyKM0201: agree with you on that point15:19
ShojoKM0201: it wasn't intentional :)15:20
KM0201dell: that just doesn't fly with me... somehow i doubt thats the problem.15:20
dellKM0201: I just installed this last night on my play around box, it's mainly going to be an irssi machine anyhow so sound doesn't really matter15:20
Patero-ngI run ubuntu on a AMD AM5x8615:21
sheenzzso you mean linux os don't need antivirus app15:21
KM0201dell: like i said, i seriously doubt support for your sound card got dropped15:21
mr-squidleysheenzz: no not generally15:21
sacarlsonatpa8a: well easy enuf to try to verify15:21
dellKM0201: it did I read up on the kernel updates it's in the modules dropped15:22
atpa8asacarlson: yes :) tho rebooting a xen host is not always convenient15:22
sheenzzmr-squidley: oh15:23
dellI could always just recompile the kernel and add the module back to it but I'll mess with it later15:23
bazhangsheenzz, read the links15:23
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sacarlsonatpa8a: at this point in my interfaces all I have is auto lo; I guess all is done in network-manager now15:25
sheenzzwhy can i lesson the memory use15:25
mneptok!linuxatemyram | sheenzz15:26
yzhdHi guys15:26
celthundersheenzz: ? because you are running stuff you dont need?15:26
celthunderyzhd: hi15:26
auronandacesheenzz: memory is meant to be used15:26
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html15:26
mneptok^^ sheenzz ^^15:26
yzhdmy pc did just finish shrinking.. 40 gb. but I still have 180 gb left.. why can't I increase the size ?15:26
sacarlsonatpa8a: so if you see two times at boot it's probly network-manger and your manual settings conflict or differences detected15:26
yzhdI need more than 40 gb for linux15:26
mneptokyzhd: you do not need >40GB for Linux. you may need it for data used by the OS, though.15:27
atpa8asacarlson: it's upstart i think... network-manager is not installed15:27
yzhdI meant data15:27
yzhdI need more than 40 gb15:27
yzhdcm7 source is about 15 gb15:28
atpa8asacarlson: server install15:28
yzhd+ adb and stuff15:28
shammancerIs there a way to create log files with lm-sensors15:28
FloodBot1yzhd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:28
mneptokyzhd: and you are talking about shrinking a Windows partition?15:28
mneptokyzhd: probably better to ask in ##windows15:28
yzhd113/247 gb15:28
yzhdbut btw, i have shrinked now.. when I boot into ubuntu installed, I choose dualboot, then what ?15:29
yzhdI need to install on the shrinked partition15:29
KM0201yzhd: you'lll have to set up the partition manually15:29
mr-squidleyyzhd: create a new partition with the installer after the windows partition15:29
KM0201yzhd: answer your PM, i'll help you.15:30
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mr-squidleyaway sleep15:33
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ubottusabba1: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:34
bshow can i remove installed application from ubuntu 11.1015:35
Xabstersoftware center?15:35
celthunderbs apt-get remove15:37
AbstractAce_hello i have ubuntu iso15:37
AbstractAce_i want to put that on usb to boot from it15:37
AbstractAce_how can i do that without any apps15:37
celthunderbs: make uninstall15:37
bscelthunder, is there more easy way than terminal?15:37
bscelthunder, how?15:37
=== PatrickC_Away is now known as PatrickC
MonkeyDustbs  there's the software center and synaptic, but 'easy' depends partly on how skilled you are15:38
bsMonkeyDust, i'm new to ubuntu15:38
dellbs: be a good thing to learn the terminal, it is the powerhouse of linux15:38
rakettiAbstractAce_: there's a program called unified usb installer or sth similar..15:39
MonkeyDustbs  then you have my advice, but, learn the terminal15:39
AbstractAce_yeah im on ubuntu atm15:39
AbstractAce_is that for ubuntu or windows raketti15:39
rakettii think it's multiplatform..15:39
MonkeyDustunetbootin, multisystem15:39
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sheenzzany nice games for linux15:40
bsMonkeyDust, how can i learn terminal?15:40
Shojobs: type in google terminal commands15:40
bazhang!games > sheenzz15:40
ubottusheenzz, please see my private message15:40
MonkeyDustbs  there are plenty online tutorials, the best way to learn it, is by using it15:40
AbstractAce_MonkeyDust, do you know the sudo apt command for it15:40
bazhang!manual | bs start here15:40
ubottubs start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:41
AbstractAce_guesswork - win!15:41
MonkeyDustAbstractAce_  for what exactly?15:41
bsMonkeyDust, ok by the way is ther chat client that can run voice and webcam?15:41
rakettiAbstractAce_: in repos you can find unetbootin..15:41
bazhangAbstractAce_, unetbootin for that15:41
MonkeyDustbs  dunno, I use irssi, in the terminal ;)15:41
AbstractAce_yeah installing15:41
bsMonkeyDust, dos irssi run voice and webcam?15:42
AbstractAce_bazhang, remember me? LukeNukem from defocuis15:42
mexiaHello I've asus n61jq and want to fully quit windows and put ubuntu but i have a few problems: 1st - I've a problem with my screen if i dont use a computer for a bit and he enters the sleep, when i start to use it again my screen starts to flash on the edges i think thats because i dont have the ati driver installed but when i try to install them gives at error, 2nd - I ve an external monitor asus ml228h and i cant define it as 1920x1080.15:42
mexiaTHanks in advance ps. The error that gives when im install says to me to see jokey.log and says this: 2012-03-26 16:08:01,325 ERROR: xorg:fglrx_updates: get_alternative_by_name(fglrx-updates) returned nothing15:42
mexia2012-03-26 16:08:01,420 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/fglrx/ld.so.conf other target alt None other current alt /usr/lib/fglrx/alt_ld.so.conf15:42
mexia2012-03-26 16:08:01,420 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use15:42
FloodBot1mexia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
mexia2012-03-26 16:08:01,458 DEBUG: fglrx.enabled(fglrx_updates): target_alt None current_alt /usr/lib/fglrx/ld.so.conf other target alt None other current alt /usr/lib/fglrx/alt_ld.so.conf15:42
MonkeyDustbs  dunno15:42
mexia2012-03-26 16:08:01,458 DEBUG: fglrx_updates is not the alternative in use.15:42
marxjohnsonbs Ubuntu comes with Empathy  which should do voice and webcam over supported services15:42
bazhangbs irc does not support video15:42
bsmarxjohnson, i'll have a look at it15:44
PatrickCif my HDD fails to boot, would a live CD normally boot?15:45
PatrickCand if it did, should it generally give me access to the HDD?15:45
marxjohnsonPatrickC: unless it's a BIOS problem it should do15:45
marxjohnsonPatrickC: it depends how badly broken the HDD is15:45
PatrickCwhat it looks to be doing is just invalid/missing/corrupt files on the HDD15:46
PatrickCthat are preventing windows from booting15:46
PatrickCand oddly enough, its even preventing my Ubuntu install from booting. but not my windows 8 install15:46
bsmarxjohnson, well the voice and video are no active15:46
Dr_willisi have machines with no hd's that boot from cd only. :)15:47
Dr_willismakes me wonder if theres some odd hard drive failing going on15:47
AbstractAce_in unet bootin there is only uptil 11.0115:47
AbstractAce_i have 11.10 iso15:47
marxjohnsonbs: what do you mean by "active"? what protocol are you trying to chat over?15:47
bsmarxjohnson, like i cant click on it or make a voice or video call15:48
Dr_willisAbstractAce_,  get a newer tool from pendrivelinux web site15:48
bsmarxjohnson, msn or yahoo15:48
marxjohnsonbs: Empathy supports voice and video over SIP XMPP and Google Talk - http://live.gnome.org/Empathy15:48
PatrickCempathy has video support for google talk? nice15:48
bsmarxjohnson, is there some thing support it over yahoo and msn?15:48
PatrickCDidn't know that15:48
Gits-TLMHey guys, When trying to cd ~/.vim, I get no such file or directory.15:50
PatrickCtry ls ~/.vim15:50
tovtixHello, people! I want to try install trinity desktop environment on ubuntu 12.04 beta from repository for oneiric ocelot. Is it possible?15:50
PatrickCsee if the side is even there15:50
AbstractAce_Dr_willis, on dialup, cant visit  that page.15:50
marxjohnsonbs I dont know, I dont use MSN or Yahoo I'm afraid15:50
Gits-TLMPatrickC: No such file or directory. Same.15:50
PatrickCthen I would assume the file or dir isn't there15:50
AbstractAce_oh i have a partition i cant access15:51
AbstractAce_i think its unmounted15:51
AbstractAce_i tried mounting it15:51
AbstractAce_with gpared, via the file explorer15:51
FloodBot1AbstractAce_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:51
Gits-TLMIts a fresh install thou PatrickC15:51
Gits-TLMJust create it then?15:51
PatrickCyou just installed VIM?15:51
PatrickCI'm not a big user of VIM, I use Sublime Text 2, but I would probably ask one of the users in here who use VIM first ;)15:51
marxjohnsonGits-TLM: have you run vim yet?15:51
PatrickCmaybe the newer versions of VIM moved the15:51
Gits-TLMmarxjohnson: yes. Its running fine.15:51
PatrickCshod find / -name .vim15:52
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PatrickCthat'll take a while, but it'll find any folder/files with .vim in it ;)15:52
marxjohnsonGits-TLM: I'd just create it then15:52
marxjohnsonMine's empty on this server, and it doesn't seem to cause a problem15:53
Gits-TLMmarxjohnson: k, PatrickC : I'll try15:53
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PatrickCwhich is better to make? live CD or live USB?15:54
marxjohnsonPatrickC: define "better", what are you trying to do?15:55
PatrickCrecover my dead laptop15:55
marxjohnsoneither will do fine15:55
PatrickCit has corrupt/missing system files for windows15:55
Yaaaaaaif it can boot from usb, usb is superior15:55
marxjohnsonUSB lets you save files back to the stick, if you dont need that CD will be fine15:55
aztec_take usb15:56
PatrickCwell, I will need to download files15:56
marxjohnsonit downloads stuff into ramdisk when you're on a live system15:56
marxjohnsonso you'll be able to do that15:56
Yaaaaaayes a cd can work, but usb is MUCH faster15:57
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PatrickCI think I have a spare 4gb USB drive around here somewhere...15:57
marxjohnsonas others say USB has some advantages15:57
PatrickCspeed I assume?15:57
PatrickCmy HDD sounds like its sending out Morse code, so I just want to get some files off of it and maybe get it booting again15:57
YaaaaaaPatrickC: it is clicking alot ?15:58
PatrickCnot tons, but it is clicking15:58
PatrickCand its off and on when it'll click between a little and a lot15:59
Yaaaaaaprobably going bad then.15:59
PatrickCwhich worries me15:59
PatrickCI have very sensitive files on this HDD, haven't had time to back them up.. which is why I want to boot Linux :)15:59
Gits-TLMmarxjohnson: Was trying to install solarized color theme. Created .vim and .vimrc. Thanks for the help.16:00
YaaaaaaPatrickC: I would get a live setup going immediatly then (USB if possible) and get the files off before that HD kicks the bucket for good.16:00
regulateanyone have a working copy of ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso ?16:00
PatrickCYaaaaaa: yeah.. tats what I wanna try and do16:01
craigbass1976BAH!  I can't print.  I can print to file, but not to a network printer.  I don't see ANYTHING in /var/log/cups/error.log, and the access log says localhost - - [26/Mar/2012:12:00:57 -0400] "POST /printers/Dell-5330dn-Mono-Laser-Printer HTTP/1.1" 200 12208 Print-Job successful-ok16:01
YaaaaaaPatrickC: all you need is the .iso and usbcreator app or something such.16:01
marxjohnsonregulate: tried http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download?16:01
PatrickCYaaaaaa: and a working computer ;)16:01
PatrickCI won't be at one for a few hours16:01
PatrickCI only have my tablet/smartphone with me right now16:02
craigbass1976There's another ubuntu box printing to this printer with no trouble.16:02
regulatemarxjohnson: yes, its no longer on the ftp mirrors16:03
PatrickCwhat's the most lightweight ubuntu with a GUI?16:03
AbstractAce_why u want it regulate16:03
regulateAbstractAce_: i liked the une-launcher16:04
marxjohnsonregulate: you can from bittorrent still16:04
marxjohnsonthat wasnt even a sentence16:04
marxjohnsonyou can probably still get it from bittorrent16:05
regulatemarxjohnson: i got some copies from the torrent sites all of them corrupted16:05
craigbass1976PatrickC, lubuntu is the lightest one I've tried16:05
llutzoops sry16:05
regulateand one that worked, happened to come with a 64bit kernel , despite having i386 in tyhe name16:06
marxjohnsonregulate: you could just apt-get install netbook-launcher-efl on top of regular 10.0416:06
PatrickCcraigbass1976: thanks16:06
marxjohnsonif it's just the launcher you're after16:06
mneptokregulate: but that release will be EOL and unsupported in a year16:06
craigbass1976PatrickC, very windows xp-ish, UI wise.  Xubuntu is also rather light.16:08
oCeanmneptok: regulate UNR release was never LTS16:09
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regulatei dont care16:09
oCeanregulate: can't even find it on old-releases.ubuntu.com16:09
snail_hi, ihave trouble starting up my computer, iget a blck screen with busybox v1.17.1 built-in shell (ash) enter 'help'for a list of commands16:09
regulatefor some reason it got nuked from all the mirrors16:10
=== unix is now known as Guest92874
snail_hi, ihave trouble starting up my computer, iget a blck screen with busybox v1.17.1 built-in shell (ash) enter 'help'for a list of commands16:11
regulatesnail_: you're in recovery mode16:11
snail_regulate no i get the same for both16:11
dr3mrohello , how to delete all data from unity recent items and most important unity music lens16:12
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marxjohnsonregulate: it looks like you can install the netbook-launcher-efl package on anything up to Natty https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbook-launcher-efl16:13
marxjohnsonNatty == 11.0416:13
regulatemarxjohnson: is that the same pkg later named lxlauncher?16:13
snail_regulate : you still there?16:13
dellwhen is the release date for 12.04?16:13
marxjohnsonregulate: no I think that's part of LXDE16:14
h00kdell: you can ask that in #ubuntu+1 for more discussion regarding it16:14
dellthanks h00k16:14
snail_hi, ihave trouble starting up my computer, iget a blck screen with busybox v1.17.1 built-in shell (ash) enter 'help'for a list of commands; initramfs16:14
tasslehoffMy dell laptop running Ubuntu just shuts down by itself at home, but not in the office. The last thing I see in kern.log is "CE: hpet increased min_delta to 45253 nsec"16:14
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dr3mrohello how to reset unity music lens16:15
dr3mromy unity music lens is static and can't get new data any more16:15
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snail_hi, ihave trouble starting up my computer, iget a blck screen with busybox v1.17.1 built-in shell (ash) enter 'help'for a list of commands16:18
Xabstersnail_, please keep posting the same question every 4 minutes16:21
PatrickCsnail_: didn't someone already say that was recovery?16:22
snail_PatrickC: that was not the issue but he left or something16:23
omerozkanHello friends I need your help16:23
PatrickCsnail_: have you googled?16:24
snail_Xabster: nobody helps so maybe somebody just logged in and knows16:24
bazhang!google > PatrickC16:24
ubottuPatrickC, please see my private message16:24
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pickelsssDoes ubuntu come width apache installed? Was trying to get something else to work on port 80 but it seems it's running apache. An other possibility is that I was high when I installed apache and forgot about it.16:24
PatrickCbazhang: got it16:24
snail_PatrickC: yes but cant figure it out16:25
bazhangomerozkan, whats the issue16:25
Myrttipickelsss: not by default16:25
pickelsssMyrtti, alright thanks for the confirmation.16:25
PatrickCsnail_: well, you need to reinstall grub16:25
omerozkanW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric-updates/InRelease   I have this error for apt-get update16:25
kantlivelongmy grubmenu seems to be missing... how can i rebuild the grub conf? im on ubuntu 11.10 server x6416:25
jussi!grub | kantlivelong16:26
ubottukantlivelong: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:26
omerozkanI could not find a key for repository16:26
bazhangomerozkan, try changing the server in synaptic package manager16:26
snail_PatrickC: grub is loading, but it doesnt matter if i start up normally or in recovbery mode i get the same16:26
PatrickCsnail_: then I'm not sure16:26
AnalabrieAnybody know how I can force-remove a package that throws up errors when I try to do so with aptitude remove?16:27
omerozkanI think it is about ppa key16:27
omerozkanI coud not find any key for ubuntu official repositories16:28
rasustoAnalabrie: did you try using apt-get directly?16:29
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omerozkanyes I tried16:30
Analabrierasusto: yes, same deal16:30
afdis there a way to delete pictures from within Shotwell?16:31
afdif I am flicking through an album and find a picture I don't want using the delete key doesn't work...16:32
jointdoes anybody here run ubuntu?16:32
sipiorjoint: just a couple folks, i suspect.16:33
PatrickCjoint: nope. its called #ubuntu because we run windows ;)16:33
afdPatrickC: na - tried those, no joy16:33
* PatrickC runs windows.. but also runs ubuntu :)16:33
PatrickCwell did.. till my HDD decided it doesn't like me anymore16:33
philinuxHe may mean in charge of Ubuntu16:34
PatrickCthat he could mean too..16:34
philinuxjoint: Have you a problem?16:35
h00kjoint: this is the Ubuntu support channel, of course people do. Do you have a support related question?16:35
jointnot at the moment16:35
philinuxjoint: if you want to just chat go here #ubuntuforums16:36
h00kor #ubuntu-offtopic16:36
androidTedDoes anyone use dhcp3? I have question about namespace setting.16:38
gnuskooli i got 2 nics, etho ext and eth1 internal, I cant get internet but can ping etho, but not my external router, what might be wrong?16:39
akSeyahi folks16:39
PatrickChey akSeya16:40
akSeyai want to create an http tunnel over SSH.. i did it once but on the remote host I had squid installed... ssh username@host -L 3128:localhost:3128  then on this computer I configured the applications to use localhost:3128 as proxy16:40
akSeyanow at home I do not have squid, can I do the same thing without squid? how?16:41
Brad__nickname in use16:41
SilfenXhello - when trying to run X11VNC Server under Unity dsktop Ubuntu 11.10 I get a strange error. Can anyone identify the issue and perhaps suggest a remedie that will fix it? http://pastebin.com/5bfgvzGi16:41
pg345has anyone installed a printer from a post-install script?16:42
dev_any one know   how to easily learn webservice16:44
hipodilskihi any idea how to change the current skype download folder16:45
fernandocuevachmod +x skype16:46
hipodilskiI mean how to change skype download folder when for instance someone sends me a file16:46
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PatrickChey Jorky16:47
PatrickCGuest26029: pass16:48
dev_hi dude16:48
dev_any one know how to easily learn web service16:48
AnalabrieHow do I force-remove a package that throws up errors during apt-get remove?16:48
Analabriedev_: by going to the right channel, I suspect.16:49
zykotick9dev_: does your question have anything to do with ubuntu?16:49
tacomaster i was wondering i have a laptop wireless card that is like an internal one but when i put it in the laptop wireless spot and attach the wire to get the signal turn on the laptop again after i finished it see's the card but rfkill list shows the card as hard blocked i push the rfkill button on my laptop and rfkill list again and it says it is still hard blocked then i unpluged it then pluged in my usb wireless and the rfkill 16:49
PatrickCAnalabrie: try sudo apt-get --purge remove Lackawanna16:49
PatrickChey logiblocs16:50
JorkyI am planing to switch to ubuntu again and I am wondering if new unity as new Ubuntu will be more faster and stable? What's yours opinion on alpha tests etc?16:50
PatrickCJorky: honestly I don't like Unity. when I install Ubuntu I install Cinnamon soon after16:50
oCeanJorky: New Ubuntu (12.04) discussion in #ubuntu+1 channel16:50
PatrickCbut that's just my opinion :)16:50
Jorkycurrent version of Ubuntu is just to slow for my computer16:50
trismSilfenX: are you using the -gui option to x11vnc? it seems there is a bug with that, which is fixed in version 0.9.13 (which isn't in any ubuntu version yet), may want to file a bug about it and/or try without the -gui option16:50
PatrickCJorky: if its about 11.10 (if that's what you currently have installed) then try Cinnamon16:51
notk0hello, when I try to visit sites that require flash it tells me that I need to install flash but when I follow the installation it tells me that it's already installed16:51
AnalabriePatrickC: no luck. Same errors.16:51
PatrickCnotk0: what browser?16:51
PatrickCAnalabrie: no clue.. sorry16:51
notk0PatrickC, firefox, it used to work before16:51
KM0201Jorky: its a GUI for Mint... it's not supported here16:52
AnalabriePatrickC: thanks.16:52
JorkyI see16:52
PatrickCKM0201: it is most certainly supported in ubuntu16:52
Jorkybut I have a lot of ram and my proc. is quite fast but still slow ubuntu:S16:52
kbrosnannotk0: is it listed in tools > addons > plugins16:52
KM0201hm... i dunno, i didn't think it was16:52
Jorkyso I am hoping that new release will be batter16:53
DecksmasherHi guys im looking for a distro i want ubuntu nwith fluxbox is this possible who do i need to download flux after..thanks16:53
notk0PatrickC, it is not listed there16:53
PatrickCJorky: KM0201 http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-cinnamon-in-ubuntu-using-ppa.html$16:53
marxjohnsonnotk0: try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer16:53
marxjohnsonif it's already installed, try reinstalling it16:53
KM0201PatrickC: just cuz its on ubuntugeek, doesn';t mean its supported16:53
PatrickCKM0201: I run it daily16:53
zykotick9Decksmasher: i's suggest, start from the mini iso, then "sudo apt-get install fluxbox"16:53
dellDecksmasher: I use fluxbox with Ubuntu, I just installed it after installing Ubuntu16:53
KM0201PatrickC: again, just because you run it daily, doesn't mean its supported16:53
PatrickCwhat does "not supported" mean then? it runs fine.. therefor, it would be supported? or are you talking officially?16:54
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dellPatrickC: he means supported as in getting help with it16:54
Decksmasheri have tried it but i have an older version of ubuntu and coudn't get it to work properly so i just wondered if there was a distro with it on already.?16:55
sacarlsonPatrickC: I get error 404 on that link you just sent us16:55
notk0PatrickC, that is strange, now youtube plays videos in HTML5 apparently ...16:55
dellDavid_Miller: Flubuntu16:55
PatrickCsorry, my keyboard decided to includes $ on the link lol16:55
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sacarlsonPatrickC: ok that one is working16:55
tacomasterso i guess no one knows about the question i asked?16:55
delltacomaster: what was your question?16:56
PatrickCnotk0: yeah. they are switching over to HTML5 (or trying to)16:56
notk0PatrickC, I have an older firefox version under windows and it's still under flash16:56
tacomasterdell: i was wondering i have a laptop wireless card that is like an internal one but when i put it in the laptop wireless spot and attach the wire to get the signal turn on the laptop again after i finished it see's the card but rfkill list shows the card as hard blocked i push the rfkill button on my laptop and rfkill list again and it says it is still hard blocked then i unpluged it then pluged in my usb wireless and the rf16:57
urlgrimWondering why the load of X goes up when screen is turned off for power saving16:57
PatrickCI believe that they are only doing it if you opt in, or if your browser doesn't support/doesn't have flash16:57
notk0apparently some videos are in flash and others in html strange16:57
notk0PatrickC, thank you, reinstalling flash fixed it, but I have no idea why it got broken16:58
notk0PatrickC, is it possible that it broke because I added an incompatible apt source ?16:58
PatrickCI don't think that'll break it16:58
PatrickCbut possibly..16:58
delltacomaster: I do not understand what you are trying to do16:58
tacomasterdell: i am trying to install a internal wireless card in my laptop16:58
AI|Loopwhat browser do you use? I know that when I update chrome, I often need to refix the flash libs16:59
notk0AI|Loop, Firefox16:59
AI|Loopdid you update it recently^16:59
tacomasterdell: but when i put in the card "rfkill list" shows the card as hardblocked but when i push the rfkill button on my laptop and do "rfkill list" again it still shows it as hardblocked16:59
delltacomaster:try doing rfkill unblock17:01
dellbbl I have to go get a bite to eat......17:02
tacomasterdell: i tried that17:02
delltacomaster: I'm leaving ask someone else sorry man.17:02
tacomasterdell: ok ty17:02
guest_901WHATS THE PACKAGE17:02
FloodBot1guest_901: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
MestreLionIs there a way to get the default software selection in ubuntu releases? I need to know which releases were shipped with GAWK and which ones uses MAWK17:03
trismguest_901: the menu item in the messaging indicator? that is included with empathy (and uninstalling empathy will remove it), if you wanted to remove the whole messaging indicator, that would be indicator-messages17:04
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mahmoud_any body her?17:08
drklunkanyone using 10.04 with a mobile ATI card?17:08
bazhangmahmoud_, ubuntu support question?17:08
jta_hey isn't there a california ubuntu channel?17:08
bazhang!loco | jta_17:08
ubottujta_: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/17:08
jta_ubottu: thank you very much : )17:09
ubottujta_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:09
bazhangjta_, there are, search on the loco list there17:09
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Picijta_: #ubuntu-us-ca17:09
jta_thanks, i am actually looking for a southern california conference that happens soon...they had a booth there before...17:10
jta_open source conference...17:10
computecan put a 64bit on a 32 system17:11
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drklunkthe fglrx module wont launch my graphics card drivers, or something like that17:11
Yaaaaaacompute: it will not compute17:11
thomasdis there a program that i can install to see a file byte by bit?17:11
MestreLioncompute: a 64bit what? package? no17:11
thomasdis there like a bit viewer or something?17:12
trismthomasd: I like hexer, but only if you don't mind the vim-like syntax, there is also ghex if you want a gui17:12
sobczykhi, can anyone recommend tool to dump network statistics to a file? (I want to plot bandwidth of eth0 in a document)17:12
llutzthomasd: xxd -b foo17:13
sdschmidhello, how can I escape a while loop in /bin/bash ?17:13
PatrickChmm... I found my ubuntu live DVD :)17:13
computei put 64 bit on my 32 system it work put it wont restart17:13
bazhangcompute, thats not possible17:13
computeso it had to be 32 bits17:14
drklunkyeah, it wont start cause it didnt work17:14
dan1928348I am unable to boot a server because it boots into grub recovery and says error: out of disk. I have booted with the cd and I can see all of my files on /dev/sda1, does anyone know how to recover my server?17:14
doug_I updated one of my systems to ubuntu-server 12.04 beta, and now cups won't broadcast the attached printers anymore.  I have checked that the cups config file is the same as earlier, and haven't been able to find anything that addresses this issue.  I also created a fresh install of 12.04 and found the same problem.  Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?17:15
Picidoug_ : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.17:15
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that doug_17:15
sdschmidHello, i got a serious problem: I started a while loop, like (while ping -c 1 google.3de > /dev/null  && echo false || echo true; do echo trying ...; done17:16
drklunkmy graphics card will not activate after recent update due to fglrx module failure, an attempt to update fglrx did not work17:16
dan1928348I forgot to add that I have my grub boot info at paste.ubuntu.com/90064017:16
shaneohey guys does ubuntu 11.10 amd64 always hit both 64 and 32 repos or is my apt-get messed up17:16
sdschmidand it wont quit17:16
llutzsdschmid: ctrl-c17:16
sdschmidit doesnt work17:16
Picisdschmid: kill the process then.17:16
sdschmidcant restart terminal its ssh17:16
llutzsdschmid: ctrl-c several times17:16
doug_Is that channel name correct?  I don't see anyone else on it.17:16
sdschmiddind't work several times17:17
sdschmidits started in byobu, but i cant find the processes17:17
computethe ubuntu i put on my 32 system is version17:17
Dr_willisps ax | grep somepattern17:17
Decksmasherjust installed the new 12.0 fuduntu ....then im gonna apt-get install fluxbox...after i download it does it need to be configured..?17:18
computei want to the ubuntu start up but it wont restart17:18
Dr_williscompute,  clarify what you are saying...17:18
tacomasteris there a way around way to bypass rfkill?17:19
dan1928348compute is trying to install a 64 bit os on a 32 bit processor and doesn't understand why it won't boot. He says the install works fine but it won't boot.17:19
Dr_willisDecksmasher,  'fuduntu' im not even sure thats ubuntu related.. in any case we only support the official ubuntu variants here.  and fluxbox normally works decently with its defaults17:19
zykotick9Decksmasher: fuduntu is not ubuntu... not supported here.17:19
bazhangDecksmasher, thats fedora17:20
dan1928348Does anyone have an idea how I can reset grub correctly and get my server booted? my boot info is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/900640/17:21
Decksmasheri got it free with linux magazine its the gnome  distro if that helps..17:21
Dr_willisDecksmasher,  its not ubuntu.. so see the fuduntu support channels..17:21
bazhangDecksmasher, fuduntu is a fedora re-spin   try #fedora17:21
dan1928348I am definitely not a grub expert17:21
Decksmasherok dr-willis  thanks17:21
lotuspsychjeis activity-log-manager going to be default in precise?17:21
Decksmasherbazhang i will thanks17:21
bazhanglotuspsychje, try #ubuntu+1 for that17:22
computei am  say dr_wilis i put a 64 bit on a 32 system it start up but when i restart it it wont restart17:22
bazhangcompute, thats not possible, as we said17:22
dan1928348<compute> that will not work. stop asking. put 32bit on it and it will work fine.17:22
cuddylierHow do Iaunch a .sh file when I am cd'ed into the directory?17:24
computeso if it not possible why it boot up it just wont restart if it boot up it must be 32bits17:24
Picicuddylier: if its marked as executable: ./file.sh otherwise: sh file.sh17:24
marcelCwhat packages will gonna install build-essentials?17:25
zykotick9!info build-essential17:26
PicimarcelC: apt-cache rdepends build-essential17:26
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB17:26
beandoganybody have a good bash prompt I can steal from them17:26
beandogI'm too lazy to go looking for one. :)17:26
shaneobeandog, what do you mean17:26
beandogshaneo: echo $PS117:26
Dr_willisbeandog,  check tldp.org and  the bash prompt howto. also saw a site ages ago that had bash 'themes' for the prompts17:26
beandogDr_willis: ah thx mon17:27
marcelCI am not running ubuntu right now, how can I see what are the exact packages that build-essential install?17:27
compute`can you tell me why i cant update unbtu17:27
cuddylierThere is a minecraft server running on my ubuntu computer but there is no terminal window open on my computer. How do I stop it running?17:28
Picicompute: update how?17:29
subz3r0ctrl-alt-f1 go to terminal and kill the provess17:29
mbeierlcompute, can you tell us what the error is when attemtping your update?17:29
cuddylierThere is a minecraft server running on my ubuntu computer but there is no terminal window open on my computer. How do I stop it running?17:31
computewhen i try to update though the update manger it wont update17:31
KM0201cuddylier: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/kill-process-in-linux-or-terminate-a-process-in-unix-or-linux-systems/17:31
beandogno way ... there's one that puts the time in the upper right corner17:31
subz3r0cuddylier, CTRL+ALT+F1 go to the console and kill the provess! back with CTRL+ALT+F7!17:32
subz3r0cuddylier, if you dont know how --> ps x  | grep minecraft.... check pid... then kill -9 pid17:32
computeit fail to get cdrom17:32
zykotick9subz3r0: you should start by suggesting -9, only use that if regular kill fails17:33
subz3r0mhhh ok ;)17:33
subz3r0sometimes the hard way is the better one. but for sure youre right17:34
llutzeasier: "pkill minecraft"17:34
cuddylierI'm confused with the kill command17:34
cuddylierHow do I view the processes running?17:34
subz3r0ps x | grep minecraft17:34
subz3r0"ps x | grep minecraft"17:34
subz3r0or just "ps x" to see them all17:35
subz3r0with the grep command you search for "minecraft"17:35
cuddylierI get this from that command http://pastebin.com/wPcK9pqm17:35
asenderhello i need some help17:36
asenderhello everyone...17:36
asenderim new to Ubuntu , im trying to install a program for on Ubuntu and its a tar.gz file so i cant open it once i open it it gets lagged and dont do anything ! so i tried to install a program to read to but it says the un-trusted package is not available , there is a bunch of updates for Ubuntu but i cant update right now , so is there a way to install the un-trusted package to be able to open and install the tar.gz file that i have ?17:36
asenderP.S : i cant install via Ubuntu Software Center when i try it says17:36
asenderNot Found :17:36
FloodBot1asender: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
asenderthe file "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" is not a software package17:36
subz3r0cuddylier, then there is no minecraft process running17:36
cuddylierIt was called bukkit17:36
cuddylierI used the command to see all processes17:37
asenderhello everyone...17:37
asenderim new to Ubuntu , im trying to install a program for on Ubuntu and its a tar.gz file so i cant open it once i open it it gets lagged and dont do anything ! so i tried to install a program to read to but it says the un-trusted package is not available , there is a bunch of updates for Ubuntu but i cant update right now , so is there a way to install the un-trusted package to be able to open and install the tar.gz file that i have ?17:37
asenderP.S : i cant install via Ubuntu Software Center when i try it says17:37
asenderNot Found :17:37
FloodBot1asender: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:37
asenderthe file "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" is not a software package17:37
subz3r0STOP IT! FFS!17:37
bazhangasender, is it tightvnc?17:37
bazhangsubz3r0, calm down, no cursing here either17:38
subz3r0its annoying17:38
Piciasender: Please paste your error messages to http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link.  FloodBot1 is a bot and cannot repspond to you.17:38
=== XuMuK|znc is now known as XuMuK
Piciasender: What are you trying to install exactly?17:43
asenderPici : any program it says what i've included in the post , e.g. truecrypt17:45
PatrickCok. i finally have a live dvd going17:46
blue_pearlcan any one please let me know how can i downgrade FF11 to FF3.6 in Ubuntu 10.04 ?17:46
PatrickCff being firefox?17:46
blue_pearlPatrickC, yes firefox17:47
asenderplz help  : http://paste.ubuntu.com/900817/17:47
PatrickCblue_pearl, i would just try and find a FF3.6 download. why go back that far?17:47
PatrickCDBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending17:48
sacarlsonasender: without details I can't tell if you even have an internet connection.   can you ping ;17:48
PatrickCwhy would i be getting that?17:48
PatrickCnever mind. it finally mounted17:48
blue_pearlPatrickC, some plugins are not working in firefox11 i kept firefox3.6 but i ran apt-get update and it changed (i had set it to not check update from inside firefox)17:49
PatrickCwell.. no idea.. sorry17:49
asendersacarlson : i dont know what ur talking about ! what is can i ping ??17:49
subz3r0asender, which file? we don't know what "XXXXXXX" is17:49
=== black is now known as yekoms
blue_pearlPatrickC, will i have to take a backup of firefox before i downgrade (i am planning to run the FF3.6 .deb file) or will bookmarks and saved password will be there.17:50
sacarlsonasender: in a terminal what is seen with the command  ; ping; to verify you have any internet at all17:50
asendersubz3ro the file is : truecrypt-7.1a-setup-x8617:51
PatrickCblue_pearl, i use Chromium, not sure.. sorry17:51
yekomsusing FFmpeg, how do i convert downloaded .mp4's from youtube to AVI for the xbox share using ushare?17:51
subz3r0asender, you just have to unpack it. double click and hit "run"17:51
subz3r0thats all17:51
blue_pearlPatrickC, ok, thanx17:51
yekomsi've googled for the last three days and found numorious things but none work or the xbox gives me a status error.17:51
subz3r0--> tar xzvf filename17:51
bastidrazoryekoms: i use ushare and i've noticed with most mp4's i can change the name to .m4v and they will play.  it works on most but not all17:52
asenderyeah but now when i double click it , i run it then agree the stuff then it says uninstall17:53
subz3r0.avi, .mkv... etc.. are just "containers"17:53
subz3r0hit "yes"17:53
subz3r0do you use "unity" ?17:53
zykotick9blue_pearl: don't plan on Firefox 3.6 being able to use your personal settings from 11... i'd make a backup!17:53
subz3r0if yes, go the the left bottom" this ubuntu-button" and search for truecrypt... it should be already installed17:54
kbrosnanzykotick9: should work fine17:54
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blue_pearlPatrickC, zykotick9,  when i am trying to install 3.6 deb file it says later version alreday installed17:54
zykotick9kbrosnan: i doubt that...17:54
kbrosnani don't17:54
PatrickCsudo dpkg -f .deb17:54
kbrosnanwe test for such upgrades17:54
subz3r0asender, just click bla... accept... install.... then a command shell will open which you can exit with "enter"17:54
Ho^OhFor those using Konversation IRC client ,anyone notices a strange behavior where you no longer able to right click on some things?17:54
zykotick9kbrosnan: downgrades?17:54
subz3r0asender, truecrypt should be installed then17:54
asenderthnx subz3ro , it is now17:55
Fyodorovnayekoms, have you looked at handbrake?17:55
kbrosnanzykotick9: downgrades are unsupported17:55
yekomshandbrake wont do batch files.17:55
subz3r0asender, you're welcome17:55
zykotick9kbrosnan: that's what the poster is doing...17:55
yekomsi got 781GB of .mp4 videos.17:55
kbrosnandid not realize that was the path17:55
yekomsbastidrazor, ill try that :P17:55
zykotick9Fyodorovna: handbrake doesn't do AVI anymore...17:55
Fyodorovnazykotick9, I wondered about that thanks. :)17:55
bastidrazoryekoms: you have to restart ushare before the m4v is shown on the stream.. i make a symlink instead of changing the actual file.17:56
asendersubz3ro :one more thing , i want to install tor browser i hit run ..... Vidalia exited abnormally.  Exit code: 12717:56
yekomsim just working on one file right now before i do a entire batch of them17:56
yekomsbrb testing17:56
subz3r0i dont know the code ... please go to the "logs" and paste it like the other thing to pastebin....17:56
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:56
subz3r0asender, by the way, its better you dont use the tor from the repos.... go to the tor page and see how to install it from there... wait ill give ya a link17:57
yekomshaha bastidrazor it worked.17:58
yekomsi dont believe it was that simple :P17:58
asenderthnx subz3ro17:58
bastidrazoryekoms: good deal. it does not always work so some may fail.17:58
yekomsthanks alot man.17:58
bastidrazoryekoms: you're welcome. best of luck17:58
subz3r0asender, first link https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en  and second: https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian-vidalia.html.en17:58
yekomswell all the videos are ripped the same.17:58
yekomsill write a small .sh to rename every file17:59
bastidrazoryekoms: thenyou should be good to go.17:59
subz3r0asender, you can edit the files which are mentioned there with (on the shell) sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list17:59
bastidrazoryekoms: i like to symlink them instead of changing the original file but its your choice.17:59
subz3r0asender, just follow the steps there and youll be fine17:59
=== AciD_ is now known as AciD`
ActionParsnipyekoms: could copy a subset of the files to test on18:00
peterpops12Hi. I have a problem with my CPU, an Intel E7500, it is identified to only have one core, but it is a core 2 duo. Why ?18:00
yekomsActionParsnip, i am doing a cp instead of mv.18:00
yekomsjust to make sure :)18:01
bastidrazoryekoms: a symlink would be fair easier and save you a ton of space.18:01
yekomspeterpops12, did you install 64x of ubuntu?18:01
yekomsbastidrazor, i got 8TB in my media server.. space isnt an issue :P18:01
PatrickCanyone in here used unetbootin before?18:01
ActionParsnippeterpops12: can you post the output of: cat /proc/cpuinfo18:01
bastidrazoryekoms: your choice. glad it works. :)18:01
peterpops12yekoms: yes i think so. how can i tell?18:01
ActionParsnipPatrickC: lots18:01
yekomsi like to stream tons of walkthroughs for my roommate.18:02
PatrickCi cant get it to find my usb drive18:02
PatrickCor any mounted drive18:02
ActionParsnippeterpops12: use a pastebin ple18:02
subz3r0asender, maybe you will have the problem, that "TOR" is already running when u try to start vidalia the next time... so you just have to do this on the console: "sudo update-rc.d -f tor remove" then "sudo pkill -x tor" vidalia is now able to start it again18:02
yekomscat /proc/cpuinfo, or uname -a and look for x64 in it18:02
peterpops12ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900861/ output of cat /proc/cpuinfo18:02
yekomsx86_64 GNU/Linux is in my uname :)18:03
ActionParsnipPatrickC: what OS are you using unetbootin under?18:03
computewhen the next ubuntu up grade18:03
PatrickCim booted into a live dvd right now, hdd hates me lol18:03
bastidrazorcompute: probably at the end of april.18:03
zykotick9peterpops12: are you using a custom kernel?  what's the output of "uname -a"?18:04
ActionParsnipPatrickC: try usb-creator its in a default install18:04
computeis it going to be batter and do you think imac is a good computer18:04
peterpops12yekoms: http://paste.ubuntu.com/900864/ uname -a output18:05
PatrickCActionParsnip, that seems to see it. now to see if itll work :)18:05
ActionParsnippeterpops12: and the output of: lsb_release -sc18:05
fernandocuevaanybody knows what application is good for extracting .ima files or imz that contains the ima files used to extract files to a floppy disk18:05
zykotick9peterpops12: well, your kernel has SMP support.  Good luck.18:05
PatrickCand its building it from the local files and not from downloading an iso. thanks ActionParsnip!18:06
yekomsActionParsnip, there is only 1 core showing in cpuinfo :/18:06
peterpops12ActionParsnip: natty18:06
PatrickCi was really not wanting to download the iso lol18:06
fernandocuevaanybody has an answer to my question18:06
peterpops12Can it be som motherboard configuration problem ?18:07
ActionParsnippeterpops12: did you add any boot options? Is it ok in oneiric liveCD? Are there any bugs reported?18:07
ActionParsnipfernandocueva: try unp18:08
peterpops12ActionParsnip: havent tested the oneiric liveCD....18:08
yekomstest the livecd see if it shows up both cpu's18:09
yekomsmake sure its the 64x version.18:09
captainfixerpc14mbeierl: Are you good at resolving unable to update issues - with 11.04?18:09
peterpops12Ok. have try that. Back later. Thanks..18:09
PatrickCcaptainfixerpc14, sudo apt-get upgrade not working?18:10
captainfixerpc14ahh if only it would18:10
DJcaptainfixerpc14, any errors at all?18:10
captainfixerpc14tried bout everything more than once i found in google18:10
=== mike is now known as Guest61305
=== Guest61305 is now known as mopar
captainfixerpc14at this point could not calc upgrade18:10
captainfixerpc14packages held18:10
DJbroken dependencies i bet,?18:10
captainfixerpc14only 46 now18:10
captainfixerpc14was 6418:10
FloodBot1captainfixerpc14: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:11
captainfixerpc14been working like a dawg trying to unbreak em18:11
oCean!enter | captainfixerpc1418:11
ubottucaptainfixerpc14: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:11
computewhy my ubuntu wont restart18:11
zykotick9ignore captainfixerpc1418:11
captainfixerpc14ignore zykotick918:12
auronandacecompute: we can't read your mind, but we can read error logs18:12
=== mike_ is now known as mopar
=== PatrickC is now known as PatrickC_Away
fernandocuevawhat ascii filter options should I put for a plain text document18:14
computeit dont say any thing when i restart it the screen come up with colors on it18:15
cortmanmulo, o/18:15
mulorecently i was install ubuntu 12.04 beta graphics little bit shaky18:17
auronandace!12.04 | mulo18:17
ubottumulo: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:17
cortmanmulo, is it something I was working on, or why me?18:18
muloactually im new in this rooms18:19
mulothis is my first time18:19
cortmanmulo, sure! Welcome on. :)18:19
fernandocuevawhat ascii filter options should I put for a plain text document18:19
mulois there any gud site abt compiling linux latest kernel on ubuntu 11.1018:20
auronandace!kernel | mulo18:21
ubottumulo: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)18:21
auronandacemulo: no worries :)18:22
pinguy_proi have a questions i have a gts 450 in my desktop  and want 2 run ubuntu 10.10 and im having driver problems i thik its with xorg18:23
pinguy_procan anyone help18:23
bazhangwhat version of ubuntu pinguy_pro18:24
auronandacepinguy_pro: 10.10 will be eol next month18:24
Marchitosi am running 11.10 with kernel, is aspm patch already there?18:24
pinguy_prowell 11.04 right now18:24
bazhangpinguy_pro, is this pinguy OS ?18:24
bazhangpinguy_pro, check their support channel then18:25
chrislspAnyone here has a problem with miro 4.0.3 crashes?18:25
jumpkickare there any ubuntu mirrors that support https?18:27
matrixHi everyone. Quick Question: Looking for a good open source web development tool. Any suggestions ?18:28
bazhang!html | matrix18:29
ubottumatrix: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/18:29
matrixThanks bazhang and ubottu18:29
parapan_hi there, I have problems with file permissions ...18:30
dmasqwhat's the problem?18:31
DecksmasherHi guys...ive just installed fuduntu i think its a federa distro?    but anyway when i try the apt-get install command in the terminal it sais i cant run bin/bash commands, some help would be great thanks.18:32
bazhangDecksmasher, fedora does not use apt18:32
parapan_under ubuntu <i've mounted a ntfs partition / I can read write on it ...but what I write has permisssions 700 only linux user full access, nothing to group, nothing to others; problem is permissions cannot be changed18:32
auronandaceDecksmasher: fuduntu is not supported here18:33
bazhangDecksmasher, #fedora is the correct channel NOT here18:33
Decksmasherok...i just thought becouse it was a linux distro the command would be the same..thanks anyway18:34
dmasqDecksmasher: aptitude isn't on all linux boxes.. you'll find yum and several others out there18:35
zykotick9Decksmasher: there is actually a #fuduntu channel here on freenode (might be better then trying #fedora)18:35
LucidGuyI have an Ubuntu system that was setup for ldap auth.  I no longer want ldap auth and the changes i've made to common-auth seem fine and all is working login wise.  Yet once you lock the system you are unable to log back in...  anyone know what is causing this?  Driving me crazy.18:35
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/18:37
doda1hi folks18:37
filo1234bazhang: whats screem? ^18:37
filo1234bazhang: it doesn't in repos?18:37
dellfilo1234: are you asking about the program?18:37
Decksmasherok thanks will try it    zykotick9   dmasq18:37
auronandace!info screem | filo123418:38
ubottufilo1234: Package screem does not exist in oneiric18:38
dell!info sreen | filo123418:38
ubottufilo1234: Package sreen does not exist in oneiric18:38
filo1234auronandace: well I'm asking for that18:38
dell!info screen | filo123418:38
ubottufilo1234: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 582 kB, installed size 1044 kB18:38
filo1234dell: screem not screen OMG18:38
filo1234like ubottu said for html factoid18:39
dellI have no idea what scream is18:39
filo1234dell: me too, but I read screem above and I'm searchin out of curiosity..18:39
fernandocuevawhat ascii filter options should I put for a plain text document18:40
auronandacefilo1234: might be a typo18:40
filo1234auronandace: ?18:40
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dellfilo1234: it says screem is in the python-statgrab repo18:40
dellpackage not repo sorry18:41
auronandacefilo1234: a typo: a spelling mistake18:41
filo1234auronandace: I don't think so http://www.screem.org/18:41
auronandacefilo1234: cool, thanks18:41
filo1234but it isn't in the official repos18:42
amarcolinocan someone quickly tell me the command to force users to input their own password on login18:42
Pici!html =~ s/, Screem//18:42
ubottuI'll remember that Pici18:42
Picifilo1234: and its not in the factoid anymore either.18:42
doda1hi folks18:42
filo1234Pici: lol I see18:42
MetaphysicistWith the smartmontools, is it possible to have it scan all attached devices without having to specify sda, sdb, sdc, etc?18:43
dellfilo1234: apt-cache search it, mine brought up the python-statgrab18:43
filo1234dell: it doesn't the same package18:44
auronandacedell: were you spelling scream rather than screem18:45
Picidell: it hasn't been in Ubuntu since 8.04.18:45
doda1i have an idea for an ubuntu feature, currently when i install ubuntu without mounting other drives i need to open them manually, which kinda messes up with programs that might use the drives, wouldn't be cool to have an automounting feature?18:45
dellah ok I see that now18:46
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bastidrazordoda1: add them to fstab and they will mount during boot.18:47
doda1yeah i KNOW that18:48
doda1but that is no user expirience :)18:48
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dellhow do I restart samba in the terminal in Ubuntu?18:52
vltdell: I think `service samba restart`18:53
Picidell: should be: sudo service samba restart18:53
dmasqdell: /etc/init.d/samba restart18:53
dmasq(test the service version first)18:53
=== PatrickC_Away is now known as PatrickC
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urlgrimCould someone help me out with my X issue18:57
fernandocuevayou're ex?18:57
urlgrimmister :)18:58
mirko1X or X11 or X.org or Xfree86. the graphical subsystem of linux18:58
urlgrimWhen the display is turned off by XBMC the load of the server is going up18:58
urlgrimgraphical subsystem of linux18:59
dr3mrohello ,, how to change permission of /dev/null to 666 every boot .. using chmod only during current session but it's reset upon boot19:00
fernandocuevamaybe someone is waiting for you to leave to start hacking19:00
bazhang!ot | fernandocueva19:00
ubottufernandocueva: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:00
vltdr3mro: Should be 666 by default. What did you mess up?19:01
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dr3mrovlt, i don't know but suddenly lightdm fails and i have to set /dev/null to 666 to make it work using vt but that is realy bad19:02
vltdr3mro: /etc/rc.local19:03
vltdr3mro: (But that doesn’t fix what caused that.)19:03
dr3mrovlt, is there a way to know what is the cause19:03
dr3mrovlt, on every boot it is reset again and i get permission denied19:04
=== shaowh511 is now known as shadowh511
becom33I can't seems find my skype in ubuntu . I logged in to the skype and close it from the top right coner close button . now I see people coming online offline but I cant find the skype window . help ?19:05
mirko1dr3mro: did you made any udev related changes or anything in /etc/fstab?19:05
Shane-Sdoes sudo apt-get install linux-source get me Ubuntu modded source, or the same as going to kernels.org (I am trying to get a new netboot running via a PXE boot and Ubuntu 11 works on it, but not the kernel 3.3 from kernels.org)19:06
dr3mroyes I have a udev rule for my usb modem only19:06
mirko1becom33: icon in the systemtray?19:06
mirko1dr3mro: did you add that right before the problem appeared?19:07
dr3mromirko1, no19:07
mirko1dr3mro: some pages on the 'net suggest to manually recreate it. first "sudo rm /dev/null" then "sudo mknod -m 0666 /dev/null c 1 3"19:09
dansulIf I install ubuntu 12.04 now, will I be able to upgrade to 12.04 stable when it's released ?19:10
bazhang!final | dansul19:10
ubottudansul: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.19:10
mirko1Shane-S: no, most distro (including ubuntu) use modified kernels and it's advisable to use them instead of the vanila one from kernel.org. or you learn (tuts on the net) how to build  an ubuntu kernel from the vanilla one.19:10
dr3mromirko1, I did find that but upon reboot .. the same issue happens again19:11
mneptokShane-S: kernel.org (no 's')19:12
qbert_do you guys use any deferred / future / promises libs ?  If so what do ya'll use ?19:12
Shane-Smirko1: so is there a way to get the modified kernel easily? I am want to see if I can use it in the PXE system to get the netbook to load (all so I am image it)19:13
qbert_whoops wrong channel19:13
mneptokShane-S: add the source repos in /etc/apt/sources.list and then get the -source paclages19:13
SubstreamAIDeja Dup and Ubuntu One... wt? is going on with this... what is it doing?  Where is the backup???19:13
SubstreamAIWhy can't I delete old backups and start over?19:14
mneptokShane-S: rather, just uncomment source lines in sources.list19:14
SubstreamAIWhat is who thinking on this design... what is it doing????19:14
Shane-Smneptok: okay, but they will .deb packages right? I am not familiar with them, are they just as easy to extract a tar.gz?19:14
Elfecan I scroll back when looking at a manual in cli? Like man rmdir for example.19:15
mneptokShane-S: the source files get unpacked for you. you actually never touch a .deb during this process. go look in your filesystem when done.19:15
mneptokElfe: the arrow keys do not work?19:16
FyodorovnaSubstreamAI, if you want a gui and accessible backups try grsync.19:16
Elfemneptok: no, just space or enter, but they only go forward :)19:17
SubstreamAII'm not married to the idea of having a gui... I just want to know what its doing... where is the backup???19:17
SubstreamAIbefore I can try something else, I want to clean up what I have19:17
Elfemneptok: I'm in terminal without any GUI19:17
SubstreamAII don't like having multiple gigs of backups that I can't find19:18
Elfemneptok: sorry , arrows do work19:18
SubstreamAIits supposed to backup to Ubuntu One, but it shows 0% of my space used19:18
SubstreamAIwhere did it put the danged backup????19:18
mexiaI'm writing this thread becasue I'm having some issues while using ubuntu. I've decided to quit windows and migrating to Ubuntu. First of all when I stopped using for a bit and then when I come back to him the screen it's flashing on the edges. I think this is caused because of the ati driver are not installed, but when I try to install throw additional drivers says that it encountered an error and say to me to check /var/log/jockey.log .19:19
mexiaSecond problem I's that I've an external monitor Asus l228h 22" and I can't having it with 1920x1080 native resolution.19:19
mexiaThanks in advance,19:19
FloodBot1mexia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
mexiaffs soz about spam19:19
mirko1dr3mro: have no answer for you, but I would inspect if any files in /etc/udev/, /etc/init or /etc/init.d set the wrong permission. grep -r with null, chmod or the octal permission number you reveal some info19:19
bazhangmexia, #compiz for compiz issues19:19
mirko1dr3mro: s/you/could/19:19
raptor67682hello world. What is the lightest alternative to firefox ?19:20
raptor67682the lightest GTK (no elink, or w3m, or txt stuff). need x1119:20
PatrickCaww man.. for some reason my live USB doesn't boot but my live DVD does19:20
raptor67682without requiring gnome nor kde19:21
PatrickCwait.. maybe it just finished booting..?19:21
nshekhawathi i have one ubuntu server which is not able to boot with lvm giving this error server not able to mount boot partition19:21
vltnshekhawat: cat /proc/cmdline19:23
vltnshekhawat: Look at the “root=…” statement. Does the device exist?19:23
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mirko1raptor67682: maybe Dillo? http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/03/install-dillo-web-browser-on-ubuntu.html19:25
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nshekhawatit says "/dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root" is missing19:25
nshekhawatshould i need to reinstall lvm2 pkg again19:26
subz3r0can anyone tell me what this means"E: Line 1 too long in source list /etc/apt/sources.list." ?19:26
subz3r0in line one is just "#"19:26
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subz3r0this will be shown after sudo apt-get update....19:27
ThePendulumGreetings. Could anyone give me a hand setting up fstab for my 2 HDs to mount automatically on start-up?19:27
nshekhawatapparenetly the error shown is ALERT! /dev/mapper/xxxx does not exist Dropping to a shell! i have tried install lvm2 pkg but it didn't help19:27
sevillanaalgun malageñooo19:28
ubottusevillana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:28
sevillanabusco  malageño pa  sexo19:28
nshekhawatvlt: apparenetly the error shown is ALERT! /dev/mapper/xxxx does not exist Dropping to a shell! i have tried install lvm2 pkg but it didn't help19:28
raptor67682what is faster : epiphany browser or opera ?19:29
mexianoone answer at compiz channel19:29
ThePendulumraptor67682: I'd recommend Opera19:29
PatrickCraptor67682, have u tried Chrome/Chromium?19:30
ThePendulumAlso, this ^19:30
PatrickCI use Chrome daily on Windows, and Chromium on Ubuntu19:30
ThePendulumSame for me, I recommend Chromium over Opera19:30
PatrickCi am booted via a Live USB right now and installing Chromium to browse the internet to fix my laptop :)19:30
mirko1subz3r0: really some file in /etc/apt/sources.list or rather some file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:30
PatrickCi recommend Chromium over anything :) even reg google Chrome on ubuntu19:31
subz3r0mirko1, sec19:31
afiefWhat's wrong with the flash installer? I'm getting a 404 error code when it tries to download the tar.gz from adobe :-(19:31
subz3r0mirko1, /etc/apt/sources.list19:31
MonkeyDustafief  flash is in the repos19:31
mirko1subz3r0: can you please pastebin it?19:32
PatrickCafief, have u tried 'sudo apt-get install flash-plugin'?19:32
ThePendulumI've made a quick & dirty LAMP installation tutorial: http://goo.gl/yBnWw19:32
afiefPatrickC: I did: apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:33
vltnshekhawat: Try `lvm vgs` to show whether lvm is available.19:33
PatrickCafief, i have never heard of that command :)19:33
PatrickCbut then again, im no linux guru19:33
afiefMonkeyDust: yes, the package in the repositories is a script that downloads a tar from adobe19:33
afiefPatrickC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats19:34
subz3r0mirko1, check query for screenshots. paste will follow here. sec plz19:34
dr3mrohello . I have unity in oneiric with all updates but my weather lens is not working any more it there a fix19:35
davidcalledr3mro, weather lens : the one in the home Dash giving you the local time + weather?19:35
subz3r0mirko1, also i put # in the first line... but that doesnt matter i guess... heres what we got http://pastebin.com/QaMRZpGQ19:35
nshekhawatyes it shown as available .. but some how it is not able to mount during boot19:36
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bastidrazordr3mro: the best i can tell there is no weather applet anymore like in previous releases. i use a ppa for 'indicator-weather' that works well and adds the weather to the top panel/border19:38
dr3mrounity scope cities stopped working is there a fix19:39
dr3mrobastidrazor, sorry19:39
dr3mrounity scope cities stopped working is there a fix19:39
ceemkoHello guys! Does anyone know if it is possible to read/write to NTFS HDD from Ubuntu 11.10 Live usb?19:39
mirko1subz3r0: sorry, can't see anything unusual in the shots or the pastebin (please don't send screen-shots of textual command output; impossible to cut'n'paste for further analysis, thanks :-) ) especially not on line 1. maybe i'm blind. have you tried to remove the line complete?19:40
NiklasFiekashi. when having done dput, should there be some immediate feedback on launchpad.net?19:41
subz3r0mirko1, not yet, i just told him to put just a "#" in the first line19:41
subz3r0but hes gettin the same error msg19:41
ha1dfohi all. I'm trying to install grub2 to a highly customized ubuntu based linux running on ramdisk, but it grub-probe says: "cannot find a device for /" What can I do to make it work?19:41
doudouhey !19:42
doudouy'a t il qqun qui peut m'aider ?19:42
dr3mrounity scope cities stopped working is there a fix19:42
Myrtti!fr | doudou19:42
ubottudoudou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:42
doudousorry i'm new19:43
mirko1subz3r0: also check all files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ I'm not sure if they are processed after  /etc/apt/sources.list or if that works like an import.19:43
Myrttidoudou: that's alright, we've all been there19:44
blitzwhats the command to switch between installed java versions19:46
mirko1blitz: update-alternatives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java19:47
GlaceeIs there a way to activate TRIM in Ubuntu Lucid?19:49
GlaceeOn XFS19:49
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OY1Rq: i have a 20gb / partition that's almost full (1gb free) but 0 bytes available what can i delete on the / partition ?19:51
OY1Rrunning 10.0419:51
Glaceemaybe a backport kernel?19:51
CFHowlettOY1R   clean out your cache sudo apt-get clean removes all downloaded .deb packages19:51
mirko1OY1R: also you can removes locales which you don't need or compress stuff in /usr/share/doc, or you can uninstall previous kernel versions.19:53
OY1Rmirko1, i did remove old kernels19:53
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VertI've just opened up a VPS running on Ubuntu. The provider's version has root enabled. How do I change it back so you can't login as root (remotely via. ssh or anything) and use a personal account with sudo privs?19:54
OY1Rsomething is wrong, im looging at system monitor and "Available" was 19mb and declined while watching it19:54
trismNiklasFiekas: after the dput (if it didn't error on you) you should shortly get an email from launchpad saying whether it accepted or rejected the upload19:54
Bitvilaghi there everyone: I have a question about rsync -- I managed to install and set up using the howto-s out there but i came  across something none of them mentions ...everytime it syncs up it downloads 3 times the same file...why? and how can i make it to stop and download it only once...my bandwidth is not endless...19:55
NiklasFiekastrism: ah ... thank you.19:55
NiklasFiekas/me checks his mails19:55
NiklasFiekastrism: indeed. rejected. i think i can fix that :)19:55
PatrickCI know in puppy linux, you can scan a drive for bad sectors, where would I do that in ubuntu19:55
CFHowlettOY1R   run System>Preferences>Disk Utility.  Select your HDD and see if Smart status shows a healthy disk ...19:55
AlinnI installed Virtualbox in ubuntu but can't find it to run19:56
AlinnCan anyone help me?19:56
CFHowlettAlinn   run it from a command line19:56
Ho^OhAlinn: Search for Oracle.19:56
CFHowlettAlinn   also look in System Tools19:56
BitvilagAnyone have an idea?19:56
panxAnyone can help me : http://wklej.to/uI5Ay < i cannot log in to my account ;/, other accs work perfectly19:57
panxto my acc*19:57
AlinnCFHowlett: I isn't in System Tools. What command runs virtualbox?19:58
OY1RCFHowlett, a few bad sectors that's all it passed the test.19:58
mirko1OY1R: or you have some process running that fills up your space.19:58
Pumpkin-trism: make 100% sure you have the personal account with sudo enabled and working before you lock yourself out, then as root (or with sudo) run "passwd -l root" to lock the root account from password logins, or set turn off PermitRootLogin in sshd_config.19:58
AlinnCFHowlett: It isn't in System Tools. What command runs virtualbox?19:58
CFHowlettAlinn   virtualbox19:58
CFHowlettOY1R   have you cleared your cache19:59
sta7icI use luks, when first install, it displays a nice splash, gui, after I update my video card drivers, it get large font console when entering passwd for encrypted drives, anyone know how to resolve this? Im assuming you need to force a video mode in grub19:59
trismPumpkin-: wrong person19:59
Pumpkin-sorry !20:00
Pumpkin-Vert: see what I just tagged for trism by mistake :)20:00
floogyHi, where can I find the btrfs command in lucid? Is tha gone? I set up earlier, with 0.18 I guess, a mirror (raid1) but now I can mount only one device a time. I think software raid support is also gone. Where to find better informations?20:00
VertPumpkin-: Sweet, will do.20:01
GirffeHi, I just installed Ubuntu, and the sound doesn't seem to work20:01
OY1RCFHowlett, not that i know of20:01
GirffeMy guess is that it's a driver issue, but my motherboard's manufacturer doesn't have linux drivers20:01
CFHowlettOY1R   sudo apt-get clean will clear out your downloaded and saved .debs20:01
GirffeAny idea how I can get sound working?20:01
guntbertGirffe: no help from me, but please keep your statements to one line - don't press <enter> so often :)20:02
fernandocuevaanybody knows why ubuntu stopped using openoffice?20:02
kantlivelongis there a proper place to set readahead values?20:03
CFHowlettfernandocueva   research oracle and libreoffice ...20:03
mirko1Alinn: VirtualBox (case is important)20:03
PatrickCouch.. over 750 bad sectors :S20:03
mirko1fernandocueva: licence issues?20:04
fernandocuevais one sector 8kbs?20:04
AlinnCFHowlett: It says: The program 'VirtualBox' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:20:04
Alinnsudo apt-get install virtualbox-qt20:04
CFHowlettAlinn   you said you had installed it?20:05
CFHowlettAlinn   apt-cache policy virtualbox will show what's available AND what's actually installed.20:05
mirko1Girffe: we need hardware details. what sound chip do you have? Open a Terminal and rin the command "lspci|grep Audio" (without spaces) and post the output.20:06
AlinnCFHowlett: I installed it from deb package20:06
GirffeNever mind, it was just outputting through the wrong device, thanks anyway!20:06
mattt_Anyone know what's become of the packages libxmu-dev and libxi-dev?20:07
CFHowlettAlinn where did you find the .deb?20:07
asendersubz3r0, u still here ?20:07
AlinnCFHowlett: packages.ubuntu.com20:07
goddardmy toolbar icons don't show up20:07
nullwireI have two computers each with ubuntu 10.04, when i click show desktop on either it minimizes everything. If I then maximize a window on one it resets the show desktop to minimize again. If I maximize a window on the other it doesn't reset it and if I click show desktop it maximizes everything. Please help me fix this!20:07
mirko1fernandocueva: 1. no, a sector on harddisk is almost alway 512 byte (with seldom exceptions). to set HDD parameters one usually used the tool hdparm (be careful with this)20:08
CFHowlettAlinn   installing through the software center is the preferred method as all dependencies will be addressed.  You could also get the .deb from oracle.   It seems your installation is incomplete.  I suggest you run sudo dpkg -r virutalbox and install via software center.20:09
fernandocuevadoes anybody knows what ascci filter options to use when opening a plain text file using openoffice word processor20:10
AlinnCFHowlett: Thanks a lot :)20:10
riley__              /join #linuxmint20:10
AlinnHo^Oh: Thanks for your attention :)20:11
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baskakhelp needed installing digigram vxpocket v2 on (l)ubuntu 10.0420:11
Alinnmirko1: Thanks a lot for your attention :)20:12
boraklavunhi everyone I ve some question of  about cloud how can I solve issue about that  system20:12
mirko1fernandocueva: ideally you wouldn't even get any option dialog. what problem do you have?20:12
boraklavunand how can I virtualitaion20:12
mirko1Alinn: You're welcome; My Pleasure (or whatever the correct English term is for" Gern geschehen, war mit ein Vergnügen") :-)20:14
fernandocuevaI created this file with ubuntu 10.04 it came from empty file and result in a plain text file but word processor is asking me for ascci options filters and I dont know which one it is20:14
Ho^OhAlinn: Found it?20:14
CFHowlettajwaj   greetings20:15
Bitvilaghi there everyone: I have a question about rsync -- I managed to install and set up using the howto-s out there but i came  across something none of them mentions ...everytime it syncs up it downloads 3 times the same file...why? and how can i make it to stop and download it only once...my bandwidth is not endless...20:16
mirko1fernandocueva: how (with what program) did you created it? it's most likely an encoding issue (ie. some ASCII or UTF encoding that couldn't be detected).20:16
mirko1fernandocueva: s/ASCII/ANSI/20:16
Oerboraklavan full circle magazine has got a nice free edition about virtualisation >> http://fullcirclemagazine.org/2012/03/11/virtualisation-series-special-edition/20:16
sta7ici hate unity, grr trying to find best way to go back, i installed fallback session but its all blotchy20:17
pooltablehelp looking for a good web page block that can be use all in one will work for firefos chrome opera thanks?20:18
Sazpaimon_ok so I installed wubi, but my computer restarted while it was generating initrd, and I'm guessing the grub config never got generated20:18
pooltablesta7ic i use xfce20:18
rocuroniumBitvilag: are you using the backup flag with rsync?20:18
KM0201Sazpaimon_: does windows still boot?20:18
Sazpaimon_yeah, just fine20:18
KM0201be thankful20:18
Sazpaimon_but grub just dumps me to the menu20:18
Sazpaimon_or rather, the grub shell20:18
Sazpaimon_i dont feel  like re-downloading the tarball all over again, can i get wubi to re-try the grub installation?20:19
KM0201Sazpaimon_: i wouldn;'t use wubi period... but thats just my opinion20:19
Sazpaimon_also, I'm not sure if it's a regression, but wubi happily installed on a compressed NTFS volume20:19
Sazpaimon_I thought that was fixed20:19
Sazpaimon_KM0201, I needed a quick linux install, all my livecds are at home and I dont have them20:20
ajwajxfce is good :) And you can set automatic start of gnome services if you want20:20
CFHowlettSazpaimon_   unless you are using wubi for it's intended purpose, i.e. *testing* ubuntu, I'd recommend you install a proper dual boot.20:20
Sazpaimon_if I had my way I'd install gentoo, but i dont feel like repartitioning20:20
KM0201CFHowlett: for some reason, people always seem to overlook that, and think wubi is a permanent install20:20
Sazpaimon_CFHowlett, I needed to mount a few ext4 volumes, don't have any cds handy to burn a livecd, and dont realy feel like repartitioning today20:21
CFHowlettSazpaimon_   another testing option is to install virtualbox on windows, install ubuntu to virtualbox and testing it out.20:21
Sazpaimon_wubi is pretty much my best bet20:21
CFHowlettSazpaimon_   USB with unetbootin?20:21
Sazpaimon_no flash drives20:21
mirko1sta7ic: what I gathered from different people, you have to reinstall an older version without Gnome3/Unity to get back your complete Gmome2 desktop.20:21
KM0201Sazpaimon_: wubi is never a best bet20:21
peterpops12Hi, I have some trouble with an core2duo cpu, an intel e7500, I only get one cpu in ubuntu/htop. I found som strange SMP posts in kern.log. http://paste.ubuntu.com/901098/. Any idea why?20:21
Sazpaimon_virtualbox isnt redirecting the USB device properly20:22
Sazpaimon_the USB device being a linux phone that i flashed with a rescue kernel20:22
Sazpaimon_long story20:22
Sazpaimon_either way, I need to boot into some form of native linux to get this to work20:22
sta7icmirko1: unity is the downfall of ubuntu20:22
CFHowlettSazpaimon_   if you've got the grub prompt you can probably still boot with a bit of work.20:22
Sazpaimon_naturally i left my sheevaplug outlet at home20:23
ubottusazpaimon_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:23
Sazpaimon_CFHowlett, there's no kernel or initrd file in my ubuntu folder20:23
Sazpaimon_at least none that i can find20:23
Sazpaimon_are they in the loopback file? I doubt it20:23
WoodPeckerHey guys20:24
Sazpaimon_D:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub is empty, D:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub is empty20:24
WoodPeckerCan anyone help me with something? ubuntu 11.1020:24
guntbert!enter | Sazpaimon_20:24
ubottuSazpaimon_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:24
KM0201!ask | WoodPecker20:24
ubottuWoodPecker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:24
CFHowlettSazpaimon_   looks like a flakey installation - not uncommon.  reinstallation is in order20:24
Sazpaimon_great, gotta spend another 30 minutes downloading the tarball20:25
JammieHey, I'm having trouble with the network initialising on my ubuntu server install after upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1020:25
mirko1sta7ic: same has been said about KDE4 and now, slowly it get's mature and I'm close to go back to KDE. Unity is not the downfall of Ubuntu. Unity ( and Gnome3) was as well as KDE4 just a premature eja*ion. ;-)20:25
WoodPeckerWell i have a problem on the ubuntu 11.10 when i minimize something and re-open it its auto logs me out ...20:25
pooltablehelp looking for a good web page block that can be use all in one will work for firefos chrome opera thanks?20:25
ajwajpeterpops12: perhaps bios settings?20:25
KM0201WoodPecker: thats a feature20:25
KM0201 :)20:25
WoodPeckerHow i can fix it lol?20:25
WoodPeckerI got logged out like 100 times per 24 hours20:26
KM0201WoodPecker: i have no idea, i was just funnning w/ you.20:26
peterpops12ajwaj: yes i think so to, but where to start? what to change? any ideas?20:26
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eldanihello, I am trying to connect skype with IDJC for an internet radio, can someone please help me?20:27
ajwajpeterpops12: I don't know this cpu, but i would try to switch on or off ht if there is such option20:28
AlinnHo^Oh: Yes.it solved. Thnaks :)20:28
Alinnmirko1: :)20:28
ceemkoHello guys! Does anyone know if it is possible to read/write to NTFS HDD from Ubuntu 11.10 Live usb?20:29
OY1Rwhat is atd and why does it use so much cpu  ?20:29
KM0201ceemko: yes20:29
ceemkoKM0201: thanks :)20:29
peterpops12ajwaj: looking for ht or equal, but cant find any. Motherboard is a ASUS 5kpl-se...20:30
PatrickCif im booted off of a live usb, will the files i create on the live usb when booted into test most stay there if i shut the computer down?20:31
JammieCan someone help me with my network initialisation issue? After updating to 11.10 from 11.04 the network connection will only work if I boot into recovery and run "/etc/init.d/networking start" manually20:32
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vltHello. Sometimes all open chromium browser windows disappear. Where can I find them?20:33
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bastidrazorvlt: History20:34
vltbastidrazor: I mean, why do they disappear?20:35
bastidrazorvlt: it sounds like browser crashes. run it from a terminal and when it crashes it'll have some output that may be helpful20:36
yzhdHi guys20:37
PatrickCanyone know about my live usb question?20:37
yzhdwhat is your question Patrick ?20:37
yzhdmaybe we have the same issue20:37
PatrickCif im booted off of a live usb, will the files i create on the live usb when booted into test most stay there if i shut the computer down?20:37
mattt_Are libxmu-dev and libxi-dev packages available on 10.04?20:38
boramdo you want to say: why doesn't ubuntu's live usb creator work for me?20:38
Sazpaimon_CFHowlett, on a side note, if you think people should be using wubi for testing ubuntu, perhaps the website should say so20:38
PatrickCsame question yzhd?20:39
PatrickCboram, nope.20:39
CFHowlettSazpaimon_   iit's there if you read it, just not prominently stated.20:39
yzhdI have my partition ready on windows and everything... I followed the : make usb flash bootable bla bla.. But I have a problem. My PC won't recognize the usb flash. Can't find it in boot menu/BIOS. Anyone knows how to fix this?20:39
mirko1Jammie: not a solution, but a work-around: you can always out the /etc/init.d/networking start into /etc/rc.local20:39
vltbastidrazor: “[3478:3478:8750416801:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(128)] Gtk: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -2147483648 and height 1000 \n chromium-browser: /build/buildd/cairo-1.10.2/src/cairo-surface.c:1287: cairo_surface_set_device_offset: Assertion `status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS' failed. \n Abgebrochen”20:39
Sazpaimon_CFHowlett, i glanced over it and didn't see it20:39
PatrickCyzhd, are u trying to make a dualboot?20:39
Sazpaimon_i could be missing it though20:40
CFHowlettyzhd   your computer either does or does not recognize usb boot.  No fix available.  make a cdrom/dvd20:40
PatrickCyzhd, have u tried WUBI?20:40
yzhdyes, wubi is unstable20:40
PatrickCunstable? i use it all the time20:40
Sazpaimon_is http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer still the main apge for wubi?20:40
yzhdso I have no other choice than using a cdrom/dvd?20:40
PatrickCbut a live DVD would be your best option20:40
CFHowlettyzhd   windows + virtualbox + ubuntu20:40
PatrickCCFHowlett, that isnt always the best option :)20:40
yzhdI have cd-r ... but I need a cd-rw20:40
yzhdOnly cd-rw 700 mb will work ?20:40
PatrickChave any dvd's?20:40
yzhdwill dvd-r work ?20:41
PatrickCnot sure though20:41
CFHowlettpatrickC true but as an ubuntu testing alternative, it'll do.20:41
yzhdAnyone knows anything about this ?20:41
yzhdwill dvd-r work ?20:41
yzhdor only cd-rw ?20:41
PatrickCyzhd, if you can burn to it, then i dont see why not20:41
PatrickCi do mine on DVD's20:41
yzhdis your dvd-r ?20:41
boramdvd+r or dvd-r?20:42
bastidrazorvlt: that is cairo-dock crashing not chromium20:42
bastidrazorvlt: either way, i do not know the answer.20:42
sheenzzhow can i install lubuntu 11.1020:43
PatrickCsheenzz, download the ISO and burn it to a DVD or a USB20:43
Xabsterdownload, burn, follow setup20:43
CFHowlettsheenzz   same way you install ubuntu20:43
vltbastidrazor: Thank you.20:44
vltWhat is cairo-dock?20:44
CFHowlettsheenzz   but if you HAVE ubuntu and just want the desktop environment, sudo apt-get install lxde20:44
yzhdOkay, so CD-RW or DVD+R will work.20:44
bastidrazorvlt: i could very well be wrong then if you do not have cairo-dock installed.20:44
PatrickCI use a DVD+R20:44
TurbolinuxHello everyone, what was the Off-Topic Channel's name? Thank you for your help.20:44
ubottuTurbolinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:45
daseiTurbolinux: #ubuntu-offtopic20:45
nanimoPatrickC: I haven't used a live USB stick for ages, so I don't know anymore if you keep the files you make. If you partition your stick, you can for sure keep them.20:45
yzhdbut isn't DVD+R read only ?20:45
VertHow do you install sun-java6 in 11.10? I can't seem to find it in any of the repos?20:46
letterjGreetings.  I've built a private repo for some internal precise packages and get a warning that some files in the /var/lib/apt/lists/partial directory have a size mismatch.  Any ideas?20:46
eldanihello, anyone know if it is possible and how to connect skype to Internet DJ console for live streaming, for example, interviewing20:46
vltbastidrazor: The only cairo pkg installed is “python-gobject-cairo”.20:46
PatrickCVert, openjdk is the best imo20:46
VertPatrickC: I need Sun's Java.20:46
bastidrazorvlt: correct, cairo-dock is not the issue, i am wrong.20:46
Jammiemirko1: that didn't work :)20:46
bastidrazor!java | Vert20:47
ubottuVert: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:47
PatrickCVert, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-sun-java-6-in-ubuntu-11-10-using-ppa.html20:47
yzhdanywhere I find info about which cd/dvds that will work ?20:47
dellhow do I run a .deb file from tthe terminal?20:47
PatrickCdell, sudo dpkg -i filename.deb20:48
CFHowlettdell   sudo dpkg -i deb.deb20:48
daseidell: sudo dpkg -i blah.deb20:48
dellthanks guys20:48
vltbastidrazor: It happens every time. About 10 times in a row now. I can’t open google mail in chromium :/20:48
nanimoPatrickC: Maybe not exactly the answer to your question, but you can make a live USB system persistent (keep your customizations): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:48
VertPatrickC: Thanks. :D I would just the OpenJDK but I'm trying to run a minecraft serer, which doesn't like anything but Sun's version from memory.20:48
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PatrickCVert, no prob lol20:49
mirko1dell: you don't *run* a deb, you install it. a ..deb is basically an archive (like .zip or .rar). with additional installation info. see the other's answers for the command20:49
PatrickCVert, i had some issues with OpenJDK and a few things too. which is how i knew where the was ;)20:49
vltWhen I click the “mail” link on google’s start page the chromium brwoser window closes. What happens here and how to fix this?20:50
JammieThe problem I'm having with my networking is the same as this guy http://askubuntu.com/questions/73431/when-ubuntu-server-restarts-eth0-doesnt-come-back-up but the solution suggested didn't work20:50
dellmirko1: all I needed was the command but thanks20:50
sheenzzis there a shortcut on the keyboard for task manager20:52
grendal-primecan somone help me out with a resizing of a partion and resizing of the lvm on that partition20:52
grendal-primeits a vm..nothing to loose really i mean its for poc.20:52
BiraHello, does anyone know of a good alternative to Evince on 11.10? It would be excellent if I could get a standalone version of whatever it is Chrome uses, as it usually renders better than Evince.20:53
vltgrendal-prime: When shrinking, first the pv then the partition. When enlarging, the other way round.20:54
grendal-primei increased the drive size already20:54
mirko1sheenzz: no, but you can add a shortcut using System -> Preferemces -> Keyboard Shortcuts. command to use would be gnome-system-monitor or if you want something simple gpe-taskmanager (install it first)20:54
vltgrendal-prime: `pvresize`20:55
grendal-primeya i keep getting an error20:55
vltgrendal-prime: ORLY?20:56
grendal-primeok im gonna start all over with a new vm ok20:56
Sazpaimonoh boy20:57
Sazpaimonso *now* this wubi install is just giving me a blank purple screen on bootup20:58
grendal-primevlt, so drive is going to be about 10 gig20:58
grendal-primei want to make it 15.20:58
KM0201Sazpaimon: so much for it being a "simple solution" to not wanting to partition...20:58
daseigrenda-prime : vbox ? look at FAQ at their homepage, decribed there20:58
itaylor57KM0201, lol20:58
grendal-primeno kvm20:59
itaylor57wubi is the bomb20:59
KM0201itaylor57: lol, it's a bomb alright20:59
SazpaimonKM0201, i know right?20:59
sheenzzwhat is wubi????20:59
itaylor57waiting to explode20:59
Sazpaimoni think i may just use the debian win32 loader20:59
CFHowlettitaylor57   *properly* used, wubi is alright.20:59
delldoes Ubuntu use the nouveau driver for nvidia cards while running the live cd?20:59
boramwubi sounds like a chinese product20:59
dasei!wubi, sheenzz20:59
Sazpaimonthat actually will partition your device20:59
KM0201CFHowlett: the problem is, so few people properly use it.20:59
dasei!wubi| sheenzz20:59
ubottusheenzz: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe20:59
CFHowlettKM0201   true.  too true.20:59
Sazpaimoni seriously dont know why this isnt working though20:59
gardenguardian00Am I going to be ok using ubuntu to copy files to a portable WD hard drive formatted to NTFS? So many conflicting answers to this online21:00
KM0201gardenguardian00: why wouldn;t you be?21:00
dellgardenguardian00: you'll be fine21:00
KM0201i read/write to NTFS all the time21:00
daseisheenzz: nice for a glance, but got some issues on ntfs concerning defgramentation21:00
grendal-primegardenguardian00, just plug it in21:00
grendal-primeit will work21:00
CFHowlettgardenguardian00  on dual boot, I frequently access my windows partition.  Just remember: with great power...21:00
borami used ubuntu in a vbox vm, both 32 and 64 bit, everything worked21:00
borami gave 4 gb of ram for each vm21:01
SazpaimonCFHowlett, is nomodeset still required for nvidia devices?21:01
delldoes anyone know if Ubuntu uses the nouveau driver for the live cd?21:02
daseisheenzz: for playing around I prefer vm's21:02
CFHowlettSazpaimon   I've only read about that issue... try it and see.21:02
gardenguardian00ok, and it shouldn't be much slower than copying files to the drive from windows, right?21:02
SazpaimonIll give it a try21:03
Sazpaimonokay, here we go.. again21:03
CFHowlettgardenguardian00  copying a 40 gigabyte music library took less than 30 minutes21:03
mirko1gardenguardian00: depends. if the NTFS drive is (internaly) fragmented, then handling NTFS can take an insane amount of time21:04
mirko1gardenguardian00: but normaly, it shouldn't be slower21:04
fartofagonyhi guys21:04
gardenguardian00mirko1: if this ever happened, i would just re-format?21:05
fartofagonyso they said 11.04 was going to be the final? but they keep releasing newer?21:05
mateustem algum br por aqui?21:05
CFHowlettgardenguardian00   you would be wise to defrag your windows partition prior to touching it with ubuntu ...21:05
itaylor57fartofagony, there is a new release each 6 months21:05
gardenguardian00its not a windows partition, just an external drive to transfer media to. Nothing critical21:06
CFHowlettfartofagony    and a new Long Term Support release every two years.21:06
itaylor57!br | mateus21:06
ubottumateus: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:06
fartofagonyis 10.04 the version that has never ending support?21:06
boramso, ubuntu 10.04 is not end-of-life yet?21:06
fartofagonybecause if so, then its comfortable21:06
PatrickCi love linux21:06
mirko1gardenguardian00: or use a deframentation tool which can defragment the internal NTFS data-structure. (not sure, but maybe UltraDefrag can do this)21:06
PatrickCits letting me recover my files :)21:06
CFHowlettfartofagony   LTS in 10.04 has 3 years support.  12.04 will have 5 years support21:06
fartofagonyahh ok thanks !21:07
boramlol, longer than a hdd21:07
taninoposso scrivere qui in italiano?21:08
ubottutanino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:08
ubottucostk: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:09
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
=== DouglasA` is now known as DouglasA
Jammiedoes anyone have any idea about this problem? http://askubuntu.com/questions/73431/when-ubuntu-server-restarts-eth0-doesnt-come-back-up21:12
XData2384holà que tal ?21:12
ubottuXData2384: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:13
mirko1Jammie: instead of running /etc/init.d/networking, are you able to start the network with "sudo start network-manager" ? if yes, then NetworkManager isn't started for some reason.21:13
Jammiewhen I type "sudo start network-manager" I get "start: Unknown job: network-manager"21:15
k-rAdwould someone assist me in diagnosing how to get my audio working on my 11.10 oneiric z68 motherboard ?21:15
k-rAdits using Cedarwood21:15
mirko1Jammie: can't help, sorry21:15
CFHowlettmirko1   try nm-applet21:15
Jammieit's a server install if that makes any difference?21:16
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   greetings21:17
Helsinkiiiwhat would i need to delete after uninstalling VLC to remove all old settings, so that when i reinstall it it doesn't reveert back?21:17
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   sudo apt-get purge vlc21:17
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, i'll let you know in a sec if it worked21:18
bastidrazorJammie: try sudo service network-manager start21:18
unlimitedesire28freunde der Sonne21:18
ubottuunlimitedesire28: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:18
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett VLC still crashes when i start it21:18
JammieI get "network-manager: unrecognized service"21:19
JammieIs network-manager a installed on ubuntu server?21:19
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   sudo apt-get remove vlc && sudo apt-get purge vlc21:19
bastidrazorJammie: actually it is not. 'networking' may be the service you need21:20
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, why doesn't the system purge after a remove by itself? why does it leave lingering files?21:20
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   by design, it only removes the app, not the configuration or data files.  methinks this is  a good thing...21:21
Jammiewhen I run "sudo service networking start" It says "networking stop/waiting" but when I run ifconfig afterwards it's blank21:21
Helsinkiiireally, why?21:21
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mirko1Jammie: really wild guess but perhaps the last post from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1563928 could help21:22
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, still doesn't work! do i need to reboot by chance?21:22
bastidrazorJammie: there is a #ubuntu-server channel that may be of better assistance.21:22
unlimitedesire28can anybody help me to let a php file restart with cronjob21:22
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   couldn't hurt.  Do you run any other video viewer ?21:22
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, Parole. works fine.21:23
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   seems specific to vlc then.  where did you install VLC from?21:23
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, i'll give it a reboot, see what happens. maybe lingering threads or something21:23
unlimitedesire28does anybody know how this works?21:23
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, from the repo?21:23
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, sudo apt-get install vlc21:24
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   good - just checking21:24
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, brb..reboot21:24
JammieWhen I run " sudo dhclient eth0" as suggested it works, but I suspect it will turn itself off on reboot21:24
JammieI'll try the ubuntu server channel, thanks!21:24
unlimitedesire28Good evening21:24
=== _Sagrado[AFK] is now known as Sagrado
CFHowlettunlimitedesire28   greetings21:25
mirko1Helsinkiii: perhaps you want to remove your user VLC config in $HOME/.config/vlc ?21:25
XData2384kmplayer is better21:25
=== PatrickC is now known as PatrickC_Away
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:25
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|znc
XData2384what's the default charset of output tv card stream ? /device01 ?21:27
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, didn't do anything man. really upset21:27
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, i was literally using VLC 15 minutes ago21:27
donniewhats up all21:28
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   try this.21:28
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:28
CFHowlettdonnie   greetings21:28
donnieanyone kno why when loading to desktop it asks for password and i enter it then it attempts to load but then loads login screen again21:28
=== XuMuK|znc is now known as XuMuK
trkemistanyone here can help me with a Cisco VPN Tunnel?21:29
trkemistI installed the Gnome VPNc stuff for Network manager,but this doesn't work :/21:29
donnieanyone plz21:30
CFHowlettdonnie   is this a new install?21:30
donniei'm not sure its a freinds laptop21:31
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, i'm purging libqtgui stuff21:31
mirko1donnie: reasons I now are:  / is full, your have a permission problem on for example $HOME/.ICEauthority21:31
Jordan_Udonnie: That sounds like the Desktop Environment is crashing. You might try logging into the failsafe GNOME session or Unity 2D.21:31
Pumpkin-trkemist: is this a Cisco Anyconnect VPN ?. If so you most likely want to explore "openconnect".21:32
donniei'm not familiar with linux and ubuntu, my friends just wants it off there and i cant do anything to the laptop because of this issue21:32
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, how do i purge everything that I decide to autoremove as well?21:32
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove21:32
Sazpaimonnomodeset did the trick21:33
linux_is_my_heroubuntu 11.10 x64, hp officejet 6500.  computer is having trouble sending jobs to printer.21:34
wolfrichey i have a bit of an odd situation. The letter "G" (capital) seems to be a bit big...everywhere ... and is getting cut off. I think the actual font images are too big21:34
mirko1linux_is_my_hero: what kind of trouble?21:34
wolfrici'm on 11.10 and gnome-classic21:34
linux_is_my_heromirko1: its sitting there at "pending"21:35
donniemirko how can i bypass this and just run windows21:35
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HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, damn. i purged, removed VLC, clean, autoremoved everything, reinstalled VLC, shame shit21:36
mirko1linux_is_my_hero: printer onm connected and recognized? CUPS running?21:36
donniemirko1 anyway to bypass this and just have windows run21:36
speedhogis it possible to install gnome over ubuntu 11.10?21:36
linux_is_my_heromirko1: its never done this before.  printer is turned on and recognized by the computer.  how do i see if cups is running?21:36
pangolin!notunity | speedhog21:36
ubottuspeedhog: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:36
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pangolinsure thing21:37
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   /join #vidoelan and ask the experts ...21:37
donnieanyone kno why when loading to desktop it asks for password and i enter it then it attempts to load but then loads login screen again21:37
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, vlc --reset-config21:37
linux_is_my_heromirko1: ubuntu won't let me open the "configure printers" window either...21:37
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, it worked21:37
ZaitzevDoes anyone know how to "restore" a program that is supposed to open a dialog, yet doesn't, but is still running (ps shows it). It's a shell-script with gui. Program name is Serviio21:37
mirko1donnie: if windows is installed an the boot-manager wasn't completely messes up, just reboot and choose windows, but since you're asking I suspect that isn't propablem or?21:37
CFHowlettHelsinkiii   wait, what?21:37
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett,  i ran vlc --reset-config. the VLC guys weren't answering21:38
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity21:38
ZaitzevIt is supposed to add an icon up in the tray by the clock so I can access it, but when I run the .sh file it doesn't appear. It usually does, but has decided against that just now..21:38
grendal-primevlt, i guess the big problem here is taht the lvm is the root?21:38
HelsinkiiiCFHowlett, but then why on Earth would what I tried not work at all? that means there were lingering configuration files21:38
donniei cant boot windows its not an option or atleast i cant figure it out21:38
pangolinZaitzev, ps aux | grep program , then kill PID,  start over21:38
baskakhelp needed installing digigram vxpocket v2 on (l)ubuntu 10.0421:38
donnielike i said i am not fimaliar with this, my friend just wants it off her computer21:39
Zaitzevpangolin: I've done that 3 times now.21:39
grendal-primeso first step i would think would be to increase the physical(virtual) hard drive correct?21:39
pangolinZaitzev, perhaps seek help from the developers of the program?21:39
linux_is_my_heromirko1: apparently it disabled itself in ubuntu when my gf decided to pull the old print cartridge out to check the model number.  i just renabled it and its fine now.  sorry for the trouble.21:39
Zaitzevpangolin: I ask because I wonder if there's a way to "restore" a running program, ie. open it up21:40
pangolinZaitzev, I don't know :/21:40
mirko1donnie: so if I understand correctly, your friend did install Ubuntu just recently? are you sure windows is even still installed?21:40
Bitvilaghi there everyone: I have a question about rsync -- I managed to install and set up using the howto-s out there but i came  across something none of them mentions ...everytime it syncs up it downloads 3 times the same file...why? and how can i make it to stop and download it only once...my bandwidth is not endless...21:40
macmartineIf dir1 is owned by user1 / group1, but I want user2 to be able to read/write to that directory over sftp, should i appraoch that by adding user2 to group1?21:41
donniei am not sure! i have windows 7 on a external drive i was going to try and boot it on start up but it just loads to login and wont start up21:41
bastidrazormacmartine: or create a group2 and add both users to it and chgrp dir1 to have group2 as the group owner21:41
Zaitzevpangolin: I hate having to register on the application forum just for one banale question that they might not even be able to answer, since it seems more like a system-problem than an application-problem. This has happened to other programs as well.21:42
macmartinebastidrazor: ok. then what would the proper chmod be?21:42
pangolinZaitzev, but it may be due to some lib update and they are better suited to ask you which lib versions you have and then help fix it or update the app.21:43
Zaitzevpangolin: The weird thing is that it worked just fine earlier today, and there has been no updates or even usage of this computer since then.21:44
Bitvilagso anyone have an idea to my problem?21:44
bastidrazormacmartine: the directory needs read and execute for the group. i assume the owner has rwx if so then you need,, chmod 750 dir1 ..that gives r-x to the group for dir121:45
CFHowlettw0rldlulzsec   greetings21:46
Bitvilagdoes anyone know anything about rsync?21:46
_Marcushi w0rldlulzsec21:46
macmartinebastidrazor: but then user2 can't write to that directory, right? B/c he is in the group, but not the owner21:46
w0rldlulzsecheave a brazilian here ?21:46
w0rldlulzsecor portuguese..21:46
ubottuw0rldlulzsec: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:46
_Marcusw0rldlulzsec: This isn't a hookup room, this is Ubuntu support21:46
bastidrazormacmartine: the owner has its own permissions. if you want user2 to have write then use '770' instead of '750'21:47
w0rldlulzsecThanks brothers21:47
pangolin_Marcus, did he say anything about hooking up? he asked if there were any Portuguese speakers21:47
macmartinebastidrazor: and i assume that's "safe"?21:47
bastidrazormacmartine: if you want user2 to have the ability to change anything in the directory then it is perfectly safe.21:48
grendal-primeI guess the confusing part is that i dont wan to add another drive i just want to extend the exsting one.21:48
lightboxhi, anyone know if there is a kernel autoconfigure tool ?21:48
w0rldlulzsec_Marcus , you install theme macbuntu ?21:49
BlackBison_when putting ubuntu on a usb drive using USB installer, if you set a persistent file size of a couple of gig does that mean ur linux will save all files, changes etc when u use it off the usb stick? thanks for help im total noob21:49
Bitvilagdoes anyone know why rsync downloads 3 times the same file when sync up?21:49
fartofagonydid i just download the wrong file?21:51
rocuroniumBitvilag: what flags are you using with the rsync command?21:51
mirko1lightbox: no, but the current kernel config is available per /boot/config-$(uname -r)21:51
fartofagonyi only have the command prompt of ubuntu21:51
marianohola alguien sabe de algun programa para descargar videos de youtube21:52
Bitvilagrocuronium: let me check21:52
KM0201fartofagony: what did you download?21:52
mirko1lightbox: copy that file your your kernel source directory, replacing the .config file21:52
fartofagonyKM0201: ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i38621:53
ubottumariano: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:53
KM0201then no, you didn't download the wrong thing21:53
KM0201so you're saying you only have the command prompt fartofagony ?21:53
lightboxmirko1: no, I have kernel_source+grsecurity21:53
Bitvilagrsync -avh --progress --bwlimit=350 --log-file="/home/mustang/logs/$(date +%Y%m%d)_rsync.log" "rsync://" /media/VirtualDisk/deluge/downloaded/attila/rsync21:53
fartofagonyKM0201: yup i suspect some kind of security thing? no idea really :(21:53
KM0201what makes you think its a "security" thing?21:54
ActionParsnipBitvilag: do you have a desktop UI?21:54
mirko1lightbox: ok, and?21:55
fartofagonyKM0201: something about locking because its guest blabla, dont remember what the text was and i pressed "continue anyway"21:55
fartofagonyKM0201: but that wouldnt make much sense21:55
KM0201fartofagony: no it wouldn't21:55
speedhogis there any driver i can use for intel HD graphics? im getting more than frequent lockups on any application21:55
BitvilagActionParsnip nope21:55
lightboxMike9863: and I'd like to know if there is something that analyze my system and giveme the .config21:55
Bitvilagso any idea?21:56
Mike9863lightbox: Wrong auto complete :P21:56
rhizmoeugh. what has happened to whois?21:58
lightboxMike9863: hehe lol i'm sorry :-p21:58
Mike9863lightbox: It's alright :)21:58
mirko1lightbox: there's nothing which could "scan" your system and create a kernel config. the configuration of the kernel currenctly running is, as I said in  /boot/config-$(uname -r). if that doesn't suit you, you need to tell more clearly why not, :-)21:58
fartofagonyKM0201: fixed it by just restarting. i notice that ubuntu doesnt auto detect my graphics card. is a way around?21:58
KM0201whats your graphics card?21:59
Zaitzevwell I had to actually reboot the system to get that problem I had, to vanish. Who would've thunk?21:59
lightboxmirko1: ok :-) thanks :-)21:59
Bitvilagso noone has a possible solution to my rsync problem?21:59
fartofagonyKM0201: ati radeon 465021:59
matrixOkay i need recommendation on best software for home server. Anyone who has an opinion would be awesome. I'm tech savvy, but not Linux savvy so something not to complicated.22:00
matrix Ill be using DnyDns22:00
KM0201fartofagony: go to the unity dash and search for "Additional Drivers"  see if it gives you the option to install an ATI driver.22:00
Bitvilagmatrix: ubuntu is great for server22:00
fartofagonyKM0201: ah thanks22:00
Jon--After enabled compiz, my <Super>+Q bind I set up with xbindkeys is not working. How can I fix this?22:00
CFHowlettBitvilag   ask in #rysnc22:00
mirko1!best | matrix22:00
ubottumatrix: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:00
* KM0201 thinks ubuntu server is pretty darn slick.22:00
fartofagonyKM0201: sorry! another question if you dont mind: in this new version where the logikn section is, isnt there an option to apply the classical look of ubuntu?`22:01
* Bitvilag is desperate22:01
CFHowlettBitvilag   ask in #rysnc22:01
matrixSorry ubottu. Ill be webhosting and FTP. I respect those who know and was gonna go with what was recommended.22:01
KM0201fartofagony: where the login section is?   you mean the login screen?22:02
fartofagonyKM0201: yup22:02
BitvilagCFHowlett: didnt know there is a channel like that22:02
KM0201fartofagony: ... i'm honestly not sure... i would think so.. but.. honestly I don't use Ubuntu anymore, so i'm not 100% sure,22:02
Bitvilagmatrix: ubuntu server is great for that with apache2 and proftpd22:02
rocuroniumBitvilag: I remember something similar happening once, but what it ended up being was that I had used the backup flag once, and it kept syncing the backup file as well.22:02
fartofagonyKM0201: ah, ok ! no problems! :D thanks for the heklp with the other problems22:03
KM0201fartofagony: no prob. :)22:03
speedhogubuntu 11.10 freezes over anything on my intel pentium 2.60ghz X2 with intel HD graphics 64 bits22:03
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speedhogis it because of the lack of video acceleration drivers?22:03
Scott_23How would I go about getting 12.04 beta onto a USB drive to install from ? I haz no dvd drive.22:03
Bitvilagrocuronium: I doubt i have backup flag there or do i?22:04
KM0201speedhog: or it's some other hardware issue, that is unrelated to Linux.22:04
athena007hi folks22:04
matrixThanks Bivilag: I use that flavor for desktop. Im gonna give it a shot.22:04
beandogScott_23: theres a wiki page on it22:04
CFHowlettScott_23   download the .iso and create a USB with startupdiskcreator or with unetbootin22:04
Bitvilagmatrix: I use that for home server and also samba for windows file sharing22:04
speedhogkm0201: good point, i must check that out, besides, i installed it by wubi22:04
CFHowlettathena007   greetings22:04
athena007please i need help in disabling a service or bypassing it at system bootup to have a shell to correct issues22:05
Okansporhow are you guys ?! :)22:05
CFHowlettOkanspor   greetings22:05
rocuroniumBitvilag: I don't think you do, but can you make sure that you don't have a hidden extra copy of those files in your sync directories.22:05
athena007currently the service is hanging the boot process22:05
dlentzathena007, what is the service?22:07
Bitvilagrocuronium: i sent u private message22:07
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dlentzhave you tried booting to recovery console?22:08
athena007dlentz: its coovachilli a captive portal service i installed22:08
athena007its hanging the booting process so i can even have a shell to login to disable the service22:09
dlentzhave you tried booting to recovery console?22:09
athena007anyclues to overide it22:09
dlentzso it runs even hwen booting htere?22:09
athena007is the no way to issues options to the boot process at boot time to skip the service22:11
ceresis there an iptables channel?22:12
dlentzi would personally boot a livecd and delete the binary/start script, but that's an ugly hack22:12
beandogthat's not an ugly hack22:12
beandogit's quite reasonable22:12
beandogoh, don't delete the *script*, just delete it from the rc runlevels22:12
athena007hmm actually its debian squeeze not ubuntu22:13
athena007no live cd option22:14
athena007thought ubuntu being debian distro ll have some similar hack22:14
_Marcusathena007: I don't think support is given here for Debain22:14
nibbler__athena007, add boot option: init=/bin/bash and delete the links in the runlevel ("mount -oremount,rw /" might be needed before deleting)22:14
speedhogim considering getting a previous version22:14
athena007nibbler__: please explain further22:15
mirko1athena007: somewhat hard to beleive that a service grabs that deep in to the system, but maybe you can use a kernel command-line argument like "init=/bin/sh" to bypass the whole init process, get a plain console and repair/remove it there.22:15
dlentzathena007, you don't need an ubuntu/debian livecd/usb, just about any linux that allows you to mount your filesystem will od22:16
anonymous6hello im trying to get FreeType 32-bit development files22:16
beandogsysrescuecd is nice22:16
anonymous6where o i get them22:16
nibbler__athena007, everything said - read mirko1s and use the remount to get rw access on /22:16
dlentzanonymous6, are you running 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu?22:17
beandoganonymous6: libfreetype6-dev I'm guessing22:17
anonymous664 bit22:17
athena007thanks folks much appreciated ll do it and give feed back soon :)22:17
Zaitzevany recommendations on an IM client? I find Empathy a bit too minimal.22:22
ActionParsnipZaitzev: pidgin22:24
Zaitzevguess I could try that, thanks22:24
captainfixerpc14might there be someone that is good at resolving update/upgrade issues - running ubuntu11.04 - and after hours of research - still have held pkgs - unable to calc errors?22:25
JermBob!package eggdrop22:25
=== diegovieiraeti is now known as Guest82884
Zaitzevhilarious, I want to remove "adium-theme-ubuntu" that is for Empathy, but then it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop. *cough*22:25
ActionParsnipZaitzev: thats fine, its only a metapackage22:26
=== Guest82884 is now known as diegovieiraeti
Zaitzevso ubuntu-desktop can be safely removed then?22:26
ZaitzevI've seen lots of packages wanting to remove it when I try to uninstall other stuff as well, so I skipped it afraid of doing something bad ;p22:26
ActionParsnipZaitzev: sure, it doesn't do anything22:29
summershynI'm new here22:30
familyI have some AVI files that don't play through my DLNA server.  I wish to convert them.  What tool do I use?22:30
Shinobi_anyone have a good app to organize a very large media collection?22:31
summershynWhich country are you in?22:31
mirko1summershyn: Welcome :) , just ask your question.22:31
=== Guest38111 is now known as denysonique
JanSchhi, is there any reasonable way to install a non-insecure sun-jre for usage with firefox on 10.04 LTS?22:32
anthroposif I install 12.04 beta is it going to be straightforward to upgrade it to the stable 12.04 release later?22:32
bastidrazor!final | anthropos yes:22:33
ubottuanthropos yes:: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.22:33
=== newbie is now known as Guest11809
qbert_does anyone here speak japanese ?  Trying to find the contact us link at diatec.co.jp22:36
mrdebhow r u22:36
ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。22:37
shakehey, can anyone help me with mac?22:37
ubottusummershyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:37
ActionParsnipshake: in what way?22:37
shakewell, I don't know if there's a fix for this yet, but it uses a lot of battery, and the sound doesn't work fully22:38
Fyodorovnaqbert_, http://diatec.co.jp/en/22:38
shakeit sounds worse, and it doesn't go as loud as it used to22:38
ActionParsnipshake: which mac do you have?22:38
shakeI have the Macbook Pro, and I think the model number is 7,122:38
ActionParsnipshake: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sxc22:38
ActionParsniplsb_release -sc22:38
Mikeroqbert_: This looks like a contact us page https://www.diatec.co.jp/inquiry/index.php22:38
qbert_Fyodorovna, different site, no contact us page :(22:38
shakeI have oneiric ocelot22:39
mrdebwho has tried ubuntu 1204 today22:39
theq_Hello, after upgrade to ubuntu 11.10 I'm unable to connect to local services like imap, but from another networks it works, why?22:39
qbert_Mikero,  thats it!22:39
athena007thanks folks22:39
bastidrazormrdeb: proably everyone in #ubuntu+122:39
ActionParsnipmrdeb: I have since alpha 1 but its offtopic here22:39
mrdebok sorry, i forgot22:39
mrdebi will go there22:39
fartofagonyhow do you extract the content of tar.gz with the help of command pårompt?22:40
skxhey, my Intel 82557 is not detected, and when I manually up it (ifconfig eth0 up), it doesn't work -- I can't google anything useful22:40
qbert_fartofagony, tar xzvf myfi<tab> ?22:40
skxit's ancient equipment, it worked under freebsd22:40
shakeDoes the linux kernel on ubuntu come pre-installed with the macintosh drivers? I was trying to install gentoo into a vm, I didn't finish it, but when I was compiling the kernel, I noticed a option for Macintosh drivers, are those included in the Ubuntu linux kernel22:40
ActionParsnipshake: try:  echo "options snd-hda-intel model=mbp55" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null      then reboot to test22:40
mirko1fartofagony: tar xvf the_tar_file22:40
theq_any1 help please22:41
fartofagonyqbert_: i dlont understnad, is that what i should type?22:41
ActionParsnipshake: actually, scratch that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro7-1/Oneiric22:41
shakeI already typed it in22:41
ActionParsnipfartofagony: install unp and run:  unp filename22:41
qbert_fartofagony, yes, x(extract)z(unzip)v(verbose)f(file) fileName22:41
ActionParsnipshake: ok then run:  gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf    and remove the last line22:42
* qbert_ looks up unp22:42
fartofagonyhm going to try it brb!22:42
ActionParsnipqbert_: unp means you dont have to remember that stuff :)22:42
shakeActionParsnip: how does that command work anyway? does it just copy that into the /etc/modprbe.d/alsa-base.conf22:42
* theq_ really needs help22:42
ActionParsnipqbert_: unp is like right click -> extract here    the type is managed automagically22:42
shakeand when I saw that I mean options snd-hda-intel model=mbp5522:42
blackhello evre one22:43
ActionParsnipshake: yes delete the line and use the guide I posted, if its no good then try the command again and reboot22:43
shakeokay, thanks22:43
qbert_ActionParsnip,  looks nice :)22:43
qbert_new command yeah22:44
fartofagonyoh ok i misunderstood, my problem is that i cant extract to a specific directory because im a guest22:44
shakeActionParsnip: so, does that command just copy the line "options snd-hda-intel model=mbp5522:44
shaketo the file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf22:44
ActionParsnipshake: it adds it to the file22:44
shakeActionParsnip: so it puts it at the end of the file?22:45
ActionParsnipshake: yes, the -a is for (a)dd22:45
shakeoh, sick22:45
mirko1fartofagony: have you permisson to use sudo? if not you can extract to /tmp22:45
shakeI have to look into the more complex shell commands at some point22:46
=== nW444b is now known as nW44b
shakebecause I understand some of them, but I get confused when the or operator (|) is used, and when grep and tee are used22:46
shammancerIs there a way to make more shortcuts like ~ for home?22:46
qbert_alias ?22:46
ActionParsnipshake: if the file was writable by your user you could use >> instead but sudo doesn't traverse the operator, so you have to pipe to sudo tee22:46
mirko1shammancer: alias, symlink, readline bindings22:47
Dulakshammancer: you can alias anything to anything else, an example I use: alias ..='cd ..'22:47
ActionParsnipshake: grep is a filter and searcher for strings and so forth, very powerful22:47
shakewhat's piping? is that what the '|' is for?22:47
shakeok, that sort of makes sense22:47
Dulakshake a pipe takes the output from 1 command and feed it as input to another command, creating a 'pipe' between the commands22:48
ActionParsnipshake: | is the pipe character, its how you join the output of one command into another22:48
joallardMy computer doesn't boot anymore. How do I diagnose it?22:48
ActionParsnipshake: for example, running 'ls $HOME' will list the folders in home, if you run: 'ls $HOME | grep D      it will show all the files and folders with an uppercase 'D' in them22:49
ActionParsnipshake: obviously omit the quotes22:49
shakeyea, that's sick, I've heard about pipes and shit before, but I thought it was much more in depth22:49
shakeso in that command echo "options snd-hda-intel model=mbp55"22:50
mirko1joallard: "doesn't boot anymore" is a wide range from doesn't even get power to i cannot log in, you need to provide a lot more infro at what step it stops22:50
shakegives the output of the string "options snd-hda-intel model=mbp55"22:50
shakeand then that pipes into sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf22:50
shakewhich adds the line to the file?22:50
ActionParsnipshake: exactly22:51
ActionParsnipshake: I just added the > /dev/null  because the command also outputs to the screen22:51
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
joallardMy bootup stops. How do I find the problem?22:51
ActionParsnipjoallard: remove the boot options: quiet splash   and you can watch the boot22:51
MrAtlasHello all! I got a call from a friend saying he couldn't watch videos on that site letmewatchthis.com. i22:52
shakethat's so gnarlyo22:52
Dulakshake: Yup, and tee is like a T shaped pipe, output comes in, and is output to 2 different places22:52
shakethat's awesome22:52
shammancerOk is there a way to make an alias for a directory?22:52
shakeso in this case it was outputted to /dev/null and /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf22:52
shammancerand what is ~ anyways?22:52
Dulakshammancer: you would symlink a directory: ln -s /path/to/source /path/to/destination22:52
shake~ is your home directory22:52
ActionParsnipshake: its handy for adding junk to text files like that :)22:52
joallardActionParsnip: I just did that. Last line is "starting timidity++ ALSA midi emulation [OK]". This doesn't seem to be the problem. What should I be looking for?22:52
shakethat's awesome22:53
shakewait, but why did you output it to /dev/null?22:53
MrAtlasis there any plugin he can download or is he SOL. i knoe those sites are usually unsafe.22:53
shammancerHow does ~ work is a better question? (Sorry about the question)22:53
shammancerthe last one22:53
summershynHave anyone tried FreeBSD?I want to try it ,but I don't know the diffrence between FreeBSD and Linux22:53
szal!ot | summershyn22:54
ubottusummershyn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:54
ActionParsnipshake: if you don't add it, it outputs to both the screen and file, so I shoved the screen text to /dev/null so it didn't show22:54
Dulakshammancer: it's part of the shell,  it's like an alias that is built in,  whenever the shell sees ~, it replaces it with your home directory22:55
ActionParsnipshake: ~ = /home/$USER = $HOME22:55
ActionParsnipshammancer: ^22:55
shakeoh, ok22:56
shakeActionParsnip: thanks so much for the help man22:56
felipe_Brzis there a way to create a 'shortcut' to '/var/www' so I don't have to type cd /var/www *every* time ?22:57
shakels | grep x22:57
benwalburnI'm trying to use wget to download a 105mb file on a poor connection, but the download always completes at around 20mb higher than it's supposed to be. What am I doing wrong?22:57
shakesorry, meant to do that in terminal lol22:57
shammancerso is there a way to use another symbol like ! for example to some other directory?22:57
Dulakfelipe_: you could alias it: alias www='cd /var/www'22:57
felipe_Brzso cd www directs me to that directory?22:58
Dulakfelipe_: if you alias it like that you just type www<enter>22:58
=== haz3lnut_zzz is now known as haz3lnut
felipe_BrzDulak:  thanks22:58
szalbut make sure beforehand that what you want to use as a shortcut isn't already in use for something else22:58
shammancerThanks Dulak btw I think I figured it out22:59
ActionParsnipshake: np man, thanks for the gratitude :)22:59
autojackI'm having a very, very strange problem with a shell script in Ubuntu that was working fine in Debian. I have traced it down to one line, which runs 'source blah.' when I run that line manually, it works fine. when I run it via my shell script, it fails with no error output. as far as I can tell it is NOT this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670191/getting-a-source-not-found-error-when-using-source-in-a-bash-script  I am calling /bin/bash explici22:59
autojackthis has been driving me INSANE since Friday.22:59
ActionParsnipautojack: why do you need to run source?23:00
=== MogDog is now known as Guest74199
autojackActionParsnip: my bash script is trying to load rvm for itself.23:00
szalautojack: mind your line length, or use an IRC client that does the math for you & breaks the line automagically23:00
autojackthat is how their docs tell you to do it.23:00
haz3lnutautojack: are you specifiying the full path of blah?23:01
autojackszal: surprised irssi doesn't do that.23:01
Jordan_Uautojack: Please pastebin the entire script, or (better) a small script which demonstrates only the problem you're having.23:01
Myrttiautojack: splitlong.pl23:01
szalautojack: indeed it doesn't23:01
=== Guest74199 is now known as MogDog
autojackhaz3lnut: I am specifying it via "$HOME/foo/script"23:01
szalMyrtti: has that been fixed in the meantime for UTF-8 use?23:01
haz3lnutautojack: Does echo $HOME return what you expect in the script?23:02
autojackJordan_U: good idea. let me see if I can narrow it down.23:02
Myrttiszal: I don't have problems with it, it's fine in my use but YMMV23:02
autojackhaz3lnut: yeah, that's one of the REALLY weird things. when I echo it out running the script in the way that makes it work, AND not work, it's identical.23:02
szalMyrtti: I hadn't either when I still used Irssi, but there were problems w/ e.g. Russian text23:02
autojackoops hang on, someone in #rvm has a suggestion.23:03
itaylor57its a dash vs bash thing methinks23:03
autojackitaylor57: that was my guess, except that my script excplicitly has #!/bin/bash23:03
itaylor57dash donsn't know source bash does23:03
=== profx is now known as profxavier
autojackAND I am running it 'bash script.sh'23:03
szalautojack: do you have bash installed? afaik, on *buntu bash is a symlink to dash23:03
joallardHow do I see the past boot log?23:04
Jordan_Uszal: No, /bin/sh is symlinked to /bin/dash.23:04
autojackyeah I am positive that I am running bash for real here, unless something EXTREMELY bizarre is going on.23:04
autojackI was bitten by the /bin/sh problem already as part of this process.23:05
autojack"problem" is not the right word perhaps ;)23:05
autojackbut I fixed that.23:05
jribautojack: why don't you pastebin the script, your attempt at running it, the output, and what you expected instead23:05
haz3lnutautojack: there's also #bash23:05
rooti'm new here23:06
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szalroot: don't IRC as root (unless you have no other choice)23:06
Guest87023i'm new,so i don't know my choice23:06
autojackjrib: let me see if the RVM guy can help, I think this might be a bug in his code. I'll come back if not.23:07
autojackI was just worried this might be another Ubuntu-specific thing, along the lines of the dash issue.23:07
szalGuest87023: for starters, don't run Xchat w/ superuser privileges23:08
haz3lnutautojack: I use source in a script and it works fine.23:08
joallardX says nvidia module not loading. Where do I see errors to that?23:08
jribjoallard: /var/log/Xorg.0.log usually23:08
benwalburnI'm trying to use wget to download a 105mb file on a poor connection, but the download always completes at around 20mb higher than it's supposed to be. What am I doing wrong?23:09
joallardjrib: Xorg.0 says to check kernel log, but nothing in kern.log says nvidia23:09
troulouliou_devhi what is the best way to have an automatic uptodate Sun java ?23:09
jribtroulouliou_dev: use the repositories23:09
troulouliou_devit is not in the repo anymore23:10
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.23:10
synergizmgood answer :D23:10
jribtroulouliou_dev: don't know then if you want to use oracle's version23:10
synergizmNOT !^^23:10
troulouliou_devi v got some freeze with oracle sqldeveloper23:11
haz3lnutbenwalburn: I'm guessing you're reading the size of the file wrong, whether MiB or MB23:11
troulouliou_devi think this is maybe openjdk related23:11
troulouliou_devbut there is no repo that keep sun java uptodate23:11
locuse hi.  i'm modifying my remote status-check scripts to use upstart rather than chkconfig.  "service --status-all" provides no run-level toggle info as "chkconfig --list --all" did.  i *do* see chkconfig pkg is available for Ubuntu.  is it still used/useful for the runlevel info? or is chkconfig considered deprecated, and there's an equivalent, more-informative "service ..." cmd?23:12
locuse  here's what the output of chkconfig looked like for me before -- http://pastebin.com/d5L97JJM.  note that it says nothing about actual running status, just the @boot per-runlevel toggle state23:12
OscailtUbuntu doesn't support Sun Java anymore, that is correct23:12
benwalburnhaz3lnut: I've downloaded the file 4 times and I get a different size each time23:12
haz3lnutbenwalburn: that's a problem23:12
jribbenwalburn: try wget -c if the server supports resuming23:13
L3top_where is available package data stored when one does an update?23:13
wchan_anyone can tell me approx. the order of magnitude of speedup for ATLAS vs netlib BLAS for vector-matrix multiplication of the magintude 1024x1024 sized matrices.... just approximately the order of magnitude of speed up.... trying to justify whether the pain of ATLAS is worth it...23:13
benwalburnjrib: I've been doing that. several times, in fact. maybe my connection is just too screwed up23:13
bastidrazorL3top_: you mean the .deb files it downloads?23:14
jribbenwalburn: shouldn't the file be getting bigger than?23:14
L3top_no... the available debs in the repositories23:14
L3top_which the install/upgrade checks against23:14
Flip_I know this Ubuntu channel - but I can't get into Apache2 or Linux - Does anyone know about Apache2 webdav user permissions on the (www-data) user account23:14
Flip_need help desparately23:14
jribFlip_: #httpd is the apache channel23:15
szalheard someone say the other day that you don't use WebDAV unless you want to be hacked23:15
benwalburnjrib: why would the file become larger than it's listed on the internet? also the md5's don't match23:15
szalor was it webmin?23:15
Flip_I tried that one - I get red lined saying cannot send to channel23:15
jribbenwalburn: the file on your computer.23:16
szal*scratches head*23:16
L3top_There is a local cache somewhere which stores available packages in repos... I just want to know where that lives.23:16
Jordan_U!register | Flip_23:16
ubottuFlip_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:16
Flip_ubottu thanx23:16
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:16
benwalburnjrib: what about it?23:16
zykotick9L3top_: "available"?  packages that are downloaded are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives23:16
jribbenwalburn: it should be getting bigger...23:17
ActionParsnipszal: webmin doesnt work well with ubuntu23:17
Flip_well a side note then --23:17
dellgood evening everyone23:17
Flip_anyone know a better way to manage files such s Word DOCS (my homework actually) remotely23:17
szalzykotick9: if you haven't gotten it yet, he talks about the pkg lists23:17
benwalburnjrib: but shouldn't it stop growing when the download completes? My download completes much larger than the original file23:17
beandogFlip_: google docs :)23:18
jribbenwalburn: oh, I thought it was the other way around.  Sounds like a server issue tbh23:18
Flip_I got webdav working but when I get home to access them on local drive I don't have permissions to make changes - everything I edited remotely is read only23:18
L3top_Yes zykotick9. When you type apt-get update, a list of available packages is downloaded for each repository. When, for instance, you type apt-cache policy, this local cache of available versions is checked against your installed (if any) version.23:18
ActionParsnipFlip_: dropbox :)23:19
zykotick9szal: thanks.  L3top_ ahh, sorry i'm not sure where/how that info is stored.  Good luck.23:19
jribFlip_: just use ssh?23:19
benwalburnjrib: I was afraid of that. It would also explain why it doesn't work on my android dl managers either. I was hoping I was doing something wrong23:19
dellsudo apt-cache policy all23:19
Flip_I guess the main reason I was using webdav is to edit them on my ipad23:19
jribdell: no sudo necessary there23:19
zykotick9dell: fyi, apt-cache doesn't require sudo23:19
Flip_can you access ssh through GUI23:20
Flip_ei - my macbook remotely23:20
jribFlip_: yes, you can use fugu or maybe even default finder23:20
Flip_thanks for the advice.23:22
dellso if I wanted to install a package without any queries I'd do "sudo apt-get install -y <package>"23:22
ActionParsnipdell: sounds good23:23
joallardHow do I see the last update package actions?23:23
anthroposthe queries are generally there for your benefit, though23:23
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:24
L3top_joallard: you can look in the /var/log/apt something23:24
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:24
L3top_one second23:24
ActionParsnipjoallard: look in /var/log/dpgk.log23:24
adrian_bergi need read/write access to the usb drives that are plugged into the computer23:24
Flip_one other question? Would anyone know who to run a scheduled recurring script in terminal - such as "sudo chown -R user:group /path/path"23:24
delldidn't know that, and I have been using Ubuntu for a while although I never really used the terminal much till I started using Arch23:24
adrian_bergcan someone help me?23:24
joallardThanks L3top_ & ActionParsnip, had a memory blank23:24
Flip_whats up Adrian23:25
mobilenoob11What is the ram requirement for Banshee?23:25
L3top_found it23:25
mobilenoob11It keeps crashing23:25
L3top_/var/lib/dpkg/available for anyone who cares23:26
Flip_Would anyone know who to run a scheduled recurring script in terminal - such as "sudo chown -R user:group /path/path"23:26
Jordan_Umobilenoob11: As long as you have swap, no application should be crashing due to lack of RAM.23:26
PanthalaimonHello there. I have a question. I mainly use Ubuntu for my daily computing needs, but I have an NTFS drive with bad blocks on it that I use as a go-between drive, and CHKDSK /R gives me a BSOD when I try to run that, from a different Windows install, so I have to use another OS. I thought Linux had something in ntfsprogs or NTFS-3G for this, but ntfsfix does not, and there's no man page for ntfsck... can anyone help?23:26
OysterCultwhat are the main differences between 11.04 and 11.1023:27
mobilenoob11Don't know why its crashing then, othert han my antique system.23:27
Flip_one is .06 higher23:27
anthroposi realize this doesn't answer your question, but using a modern drive with bad blocks is kinda scary....23:27
Quantum_IonOysterCult, version number23:27
szalOysterCult: 6 months of development23:27
Jordan_UPanthalaimon: You have a hardware problem, and hardware problems with disks tend to get worse not better. There is nothing that any software can do to prevent your drive from eventually dieing.23:27
L3top_at least I think thats it...23:28
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, Buy a new drive without bad blocks problem solved23:28
anthroposI would rescue the data, wipe the drive and then toss it23:28
mirko1Flip_:  cron job23:28
Flip_Quantum_Ion i agree23:28
Quantum_IonFlip_, :)23:28
Flip_mirko1 is that a scheduler that runs in gnome>23:28
OysterCultlike to update from 11.04 to 11.10 but I see some of the posts here and some programs have conflicts.23:29
PanthalaimonJordan_U, Quantum_Ion: I am aware of that, and am planning to get a new drive, the data has been backed up, but in the meantime, I still need the drive, is there a way to mark those bad blocks as bad blocks from Ubuntu so that the OS does not BSOD on me?23:29
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, Oh boy !23:29
anthroposdoes the badblocks command not work23:30
OysterCultIf I were to update would I lose my data for Thunderbird and things like that?23:30
PanthalaimonHad a similar problem with an ext3 drive, but that was easy, native support and all.23:30
Panthalaimonanthropos, It would, but I'm not sure how to use that to achieve my goals.23:30
Jordan_Uanthropos: the badblocks command will find bad blocks, but it won't change the filesystem to avoid them.23:30
mirko1Panthalaimon: if it really has bad blocks and neither the disk nor Windows/Linux can handle it, that you really should replace the disk23:30
Panthalaimonanthropos, It mentions feeding the output back to an fsck program. While there appears to be ntfsck, there's no man page for it.23:31
ActionParsnipOysterCult: no, only the binaries are updated and the config files for the app, the userdata in $HOME is untouched23:31
OctoBytehey guys, I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I just installed arch linux. Trying to boot up for the first time I get an error23:31
OctoByte"fsck.ntfs not found"23:31
szalOctoByte: try #archlinux23:31
Quantum_Ionszal, :)23:31
Panthalaimonmirko1, Linux can handle it. It will read data happily from it, and complain about the bad blocks in the kernel logs, but it's reading it from any Windows machine that's an issue, to the extent that CHKDSK from a Windows box will crash, when trying to scan for bad blocks.23:32
mirko1Flip_:  no, it's the basic scheduled task system of linux/unix. you can try GUI frontends such as gnome-schedule23:32
PanthalaimonAlso, fsck.ntfs does not link to anything ntfs. :S23:32
Quantum_IonI can not emphasis how important it is to have a good portable USB hardrive for Ubuntu Linux backups23:33
Jordan_UPanthalaimon: There is no fsck for ntfs, period.23:33
tiox[Low priority] 11.10, using a GTK3 theme but special applications like update-manager and synaptic do not adopt it. Is this strictly a GTK2 limitation or is it resolvable?23:33
Jordan_UPanthalaimon: You might get some helpful advice in ##windows.23:33
tioxI remember once this happened when theming, all I did was made a synlink to the theme I am using and it picked it up.23:33
Flip_mirko1 i found the man 5 crontab and i'd rather run it through terminal anyway - thanks I like this already23:34
PanthalaimonJordan_U, ntfsprogs and NTFS-3G both have ntfsfix and ntfsck... latter has no man page.23:34
Mike9863Icons are showing on menus and buttons even though I have the options disabled under desktop -> gnome -> interface under gconf-editor. How can I disable these icons?23:34
anthroposi don't have a man page for it either23:34
PanthalaimonJordan_U, I suspect that's because it does not do much.23:34
anthroposi assume you had no luck finding documentation online?23:35
Panthalaimonanthropos, Not much, no.23:37
anthropossorry I can't be of more help, it looks like you are on the right track though23:38
jlkkljhit opened up a grub command prompt what do i do?????23:38
Entelinwhat is the proper way to adjust the niceness that a service runs at? (perminately)23:38
PanthalaimonGah. I keep hitting brick walls with this NTFS stuff. I'm glad I switched but the wife is not that keen.23:39
anthroposi assume your new drive is in the mail....23:39
LoshkiPanthalaimon: There isn't much, but see: http:/http://www.ehow.com/how_6827933_check-ntfs-partition-linux.html/www.ehow.com/how_6827933_check-ntfs-partition-linux.html23:39
jlkkljhit opened up a grub command prompt what do i do?????23:39
anthroposjlkkljh: what are you trying to do23:40
jlkkljhboot kubuntu23:40
anthroposa live cd or an install?23:40
azendI've got a question23:40
anthroposdid it work before?23:40
paradizelostHey all, i'm trying to set up apache so that i can connect to ssh via a it. any idea how i'd do this? what i'm finding is for double-hop proxies23:40
jlkkljhit will on 1 mode23:40
azendIf Ubuntu were a flavour, what flavour would it be?23:41
PanthalaimonLoshki, Having a look now.23:41
anthroposi don't really understand jlkkljh, can you be more specific about your problem and how it arose23:41
mirko1Entelin: edit the init script that starts the service23:41
ActionParsnipparadizelost: like a web based ssh? so you don't need an SSH client?23:41
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, Have you tried Parted Magic ->http://partedmagic.com/doku.php?id=screenshots23:41
jlkkljhit says no prefix assigned23:42
faryshtahi. How do I install flash?23:42
paradizelostActionParsnip, more of a proxy that i can have ssh tunnel through23:42
PanthalaimonLoshki, I've literally hit about as much information. I was hoping on something that told me what flags it took.23:42
jlkkljhi press esc on keyboard23:42
PanthalaimonQuantum_Ion, No. But I'll look.23:42
glen_3bfaryshta: Software center23:42
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, Burn an ISO it helps you graphically partition your hard drives23:42
ActionParsnipparadizelost: use the vnc guide but use apache23:42
ActionParsnip!vnc | paradizelost23:42
ubottuparadizelost: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:42
Entelinmirko1, thats what i'm doing now, I just wanted to see if there was a builtin way23:42
anthroposparadizelost: are sure there isn't a better way to do what you want23:43
PanthalaimonQuantum_Ion, I'm not looking to partition it, just a means to mark the bad blocks as such from outside of Windows.23:43
jlkkljhi choose acpi work arounds23:43
KarmaonHow do I NOT install grub or ubuntu onto a flashdrive?23:43
LoshkiPanthalaimon: you'll find the same thing others have already said. Some distros have ntfsck, some don't, there is a workaround for those that don't, but it's no substitute for a true windows chkdsk.23:43
jlkkljhit boots23:43
ActionParsnipKarmaon: don't use the ubuntu ISO, you wont install either23:43
paradizelostanthropos if there's a java or otherwise based web client that doesn't require the connection to come from my actual client PC, but rather the web server i log onto, that would work as well23:43
paradizelostbut i'm hoping to be able to tunnel other traffic through it23:43
jlkkljhto the blue screen of kubuntu and it brings up amouse and thats it23:44
anthroposparadizelost: what do you want to do?23:44
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, You might want to use Parted Magic and create new and clean NTFS partition ?23:44
jlkkljhand than it freezes up but the mouse can still move23:44
anthroposssh will let you tunnel traffic w/o apache23:44
paradizelostanthropos connect via ssh to several systems i have behind my firewall, also tunnel RDP to my PC23:44
paradizelostthe problem is, my work network blocks ssh23:45
mirko1Entelin: not that i know off :-)23:45
jlkkljhit tries to load something but nothing happens23:45
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, Sometimes when I upgrade Linux I will make a back up of my /home /etc/ directory and scrub the old Linux partition with Parted Magic23:45
PanthalaimonQuantum_Ion, I would, but then, I think that I could get away even with mkfs.ntfs.23:45
anthroposparadizelost: did you try just changing the ssh port from 22 to something else23:45
anthropose.g. the https port23:45
paradizelostanthropos i need apache on 80/443 though.23:45
jlkkljhthats my problem23:45
anthroposi doubt they do any real packet inspection23:45
paradizelosthttp://dag.wieers.com/howto/ssh-http-tunneling/ << is what i've been trying to follow23:45
anthropospick a different port. do they allow any others?23:45
PanthalaimonQuantum_Ion, I've done it too in the past, just not with Parted Magic. Whatever comes with my flavour of Ubuntu's usually been more than enough in the past. Just not for this particular NTFS crossover nonsense. :(23:46
jlkkljhit will not load the login screen23:46
azendmirko1: blocks ssh or blocks port 22 :o23:46
jlkkljhbut can see a mouse23:46
anthroposotherwise you could put in some iptables rules to deal with this in a clever way (e.g. route traffic coming to 443 from you work to a local ssh)23:46
paradizelostanthropos i'm trying to do it on a port that will always be open. no place is going to block 443 or 8023:46
Entelinmirko1, ok thanks23:46
anthroposdoing it THROUGH apache seems like a bad idea, to me.23:46
jlkkljhcant go to any other mode but acpi work arounds23:46
L3top_it was /var/lib/apt/lists btw23:46
eph_hi, how can I change xfce's panel background? I created a gtkrc-2.0 file containing a path to the image but it keeps telling me "unable to locate in pxmap path"23:47
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, Okay I see you use the Ubuntu Linux partitioner sometimes when I upgrade the Ubuntu Linux partitioner has a mind of it's own and will resize partitions on it's own and preserve old Ubuntu Linux it's weird23:47
=== paradizelost is now known as paradizelost_
paradizelost_be back in a bit. supper23:47
anthroposyou may be able to achieve what you want via single packet authorization23:48
anthroposi.e. routing traffic from a remote host to ssh provided the appropriate knock is given23:48
anthroposotherwise route to apache23:48
PanthalaimonQuantum_Ion, I tend to over-write the Ubuntu installs, keeping my /home.23:48
jlkkljhi did get past the grub screen23:48
mirko1eph: you need to set  pixmap_path accordingly23:49
scottjwhat command should I run to see continuously what apps/pids are trying to make outbound connections and the destination ip/port?23:49
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, What is funny is you can take Parted Magic and delete partitions on anyone's computer and they end up losing their whole operating system23:49
eph_mirko: yes, i have set up the path in consequence and checked in terminal, the path is correct23:50
jlkkljhit will not boot kubuntuboot kubuntu23:50
=== athena007_ is now known as athena007
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: what GPU do you use?23:50
PanthalaimonQuantum_Ion, Definitely what I have in mind...23:50
anthroposparadizelost_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortKnocking is probably the best solution if you insist on ocnnecting to a port already occupied by the apache server23:50
anthroposand you want to be able to do it from anywhere (not just your work)23:51
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: video chip...23:51
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: does the system have a make and model?23:51
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: care to share it?23:52
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: ok, which model gateway?23:52
jlkkljhhold on23:52
anthroposparadizelost_: this is probably more secure, but same idea: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SinglePacketAuthorization23:53
jlkkljh510 sp gateway23:53
anthroposparadizelost_: you probably need the latter if you want to run on to of an open port (apache)23:53
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: ok let me search23:54
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: and you get a black screen when you boot?23:54
ActionParsniphi Ginny23:54
SDrhi guys, while trying to connect to a freesshd windows box, I'm getting "remote port forwarding failed for listen port" failure. Port isn't taken by any other service, and the same command to a linux box succeeds23:54
SDrfreesshd has tunneling enabled23:55
SDr(reverse tunneling)23:55
SDrany ideas what might I be doing wrong?23:55
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | jlkkljh23:55
ubottujlkkljh: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:55
=== Rose is now known as Guest27003
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, Burn an iso of Parted Magic http://partedmagic.com/doku.php?id=start and Dariks Boot Nuke -> http://www.dban.org/23:56
jlkkljhhow do you boot that way????23:56
SDrwhat's even more strange, is that *after* I ssh in, I can open the port for listening23:56
Quantum_IonPanthalaimon, Keep them handy use Darik's Boot Nuke to scrub your USB and hard disks clean23:57
zykotick9SDr: what does this have to do with ubuntu?23:57
anthroposSDr: what ssh command do you use23:57
jlkkljhi can press esc 2ce and get a grub command prompt but it says no prefix set before it boots this way23:57
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: you  should be holding shift at boot23:58
jlkkljhwhat does that do23:58
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: or use shred from the ubuntu liveCD, or install bleachbit23:58
ActionParsnipjlkkljh: allows you to add boot options...23:58
SDranthropos, ssh Administrator@remotecomputer.com -R 11000:mylocalnetcomputer:1433 -p 8081 -v23:58
Quantum_IonActionParsnip, Yeah I use bleachbit a lot23:59
anthroposSDr: if you use -f or -n does it make a difference23:59

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