
len-1204ailo, have you set a bug for the panel volume control?01:29
len-1204Astraljava ping01:58
len-1204I am not sure which app to file a bug against... on the desktop with the nvidia interface... where plymouth would run I get a text replacement that is stock ubuntu rather than ubuntustudio02:01
len-1204Bug #964931 02:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964931 in Ubuntu "substitute screen for plymouth not ubuntustudio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96493102:29
len-1204Four install reports on two machines both i386 filed on todays ISO02:30
len-1204ScottL a comment on the above bug. I don't know where this fall back is kept on the live DVD or how it is activated... but it would be nice to include it in the install.02:32
len-1204Right now my screen blanks and I get "no signal" on my monitor. I know just to wait and it will come back. Someone else may feel their system has crashed.02:34
ailoScottL: astraljava: In my opinion, the volume control problem is worth some trouble.02:45
ailoIt's such a basic thing on your desktop, and it's not working02:45
ailoMajor confusion for the user02:45
len-1204ailo bug no?02:45
ailolen-1204: I haven02:47
ailoI haven't made a bug for it02:47
len-1204ailo let me know the number if you do. I'll add it to the test results.02:55
len-1204ailo, the only xruns I seem to get are when the video card turns off from the power manager.03:25
len-1204Both of those settings can be set to never though.03:26
len-1204ScottL After a boot to live, in the /lib/plymouth/themes/ directory, there is a link called text.plymouth that points to /etc/alternatives/text.plymouth03:59
len-1204This file shows on machines that have a poorly supported video card (nvidia in my case)04:00
len-1204This file seems to set: the text (set to "Ubuntu 12.04"... could be changed to add the word studio) and a set of colours.04:02
len-1204I think changing the brown to some blue shade might be nice too.04:04
len-1204The same files exist on the installed drive as well, but for some reason it doesn't get used. Is there some plymouth config we have missed?04:09
len-1204I have added ubuntustudio-look to bug #964931 as that looks like where plymouth stuff gets set.04:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964931 in Ubuntu "substitute screen for plymouth not ubuntustudio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96493104:33
len-1204good night all04:34
scott-workdavid h. was working on a blueprint to "Enable jack detection features in the "Sound Settings" page of GNOME Volume Control" : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-p-sound-settings-improvements12:11
scott-worki wonder if a) he will continue work this cycle and b) if we can help/influence him with either suggestions and/or support12:12
scott-workgah, i just realized i haven't emailed the TB about the LTS proposal.....damn, damn, damn12:12
scott-worki will see about that this morning12:12
scott-workemail to TB is done and sent :)12:22
* scott-work hopes he wrote it well12:22
scott-workmicahg: when you are available, can you help uploading for bug #963498 ?12:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963498 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[FFe] menu is not ubuntu studio version" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96349812:39
astraljavascott-work: If you have time, please have a more thorough chat with len_ and ailo re: volume applet. They seem adamant in changing it still for precise.12:56
scott-workastraljava:  sure12:56
astraljavascott-work: I can make the change fairly quickly, if need be.12:57
scott-workastraljava: i was hoping to file a few bugs this morning (after i get _some_ work done, i haven't much so far, hehe) then i wanted us to talk about what bugs are out there and which we want to address12:57
scott-workastraljava: what would be required for the change?12:57
astraljavascott-work: A few configuration file changes. I can start preparing for it in a couple of hours.12:58
astraljavascott-work: ...and then of course testing the new packages, file the necessary FFe bugs, promote them for upload. :)12:59
ailoLet me know what I can do to help, and I will13:00
scott-workif we are going to the release team with this i would like for us to have already worked out a plan to get this tested and uploaded13:01
ailoIf we can do it now, I'd rather just get it done. It would even be better to have no applet at all, than to have the wrong mixer13:01
scott-worki think getting micahg 's input would be advantageous, if not almost critical13:01
scott-workastraljava: ailo: can we agree to get micah's input first, then if everyone agrees we can move quickly?13:02
ailoWorks for me.13:03
ailoMy view is that if it can at all be done, it should be done. No hesitation what so ever13:04
astraljavascott-work: Sure, he helped in getting it changed for Xubuntu, too.13:05
scott-workperhaps presumptuous of me, but since he may be doing the uploading i wanted to get his "buy-in" as well :P13:07
astraljavascott-work: ACK. :)13:11
astraljavaOk, I'm back in about 4 hours or so.13:27
len_scott-work have you seen CW's email on the list?13:54
scott-worklen_: about the menu?13:59
scott-workyes, i did, i spoke with colin in #ubuntu-release before his response and pinged micah to see if he can help upload it14:03
len_we should be testing every ISO these days? or only ones we know have changes?14:04
len_I'll back scroll when I get home...14:06
* astraljava is actually online again15:23
scott-workastraljava: that screenshot of yours where the partitioning shows the xfce icon, any idea where that might be located?  in ubiquity?15:40
astraljavascott-work: No idea. I'm not knowledgeable regarding the appearance of things.15:45
astraljavaBut I can look into it.15:45
astraljavascott-work: You might want to ping knome about it, though.15:45
scott-workgood idea!15:45
scott-workknome: do you know the location for the xfce icon that the partitioning tool uses during installation?15:45
astraljavascott-work: I only see the mouse icon @ ubuntustudio-slideshow-ubuntu/slideshows/xubuntu/slides/icons/menu_16.png15:57
scott-worki would be surprised that it would be in any of our current code since we've been through it quite a bit already16:01
astraljavascott-work: Yeah, it doesn't really make sense looking at it quickly. But I'll do a little bit more thorough investigation.16:04
scott-workastraljava: sorry, didn't mean to imply that it _WAS_ in ubiquity, i really don't know, it could be in another package 16:13
scott-worki just feel like it most likely is external to ubuntu studio packages at this point16:14
astraljavascott-work: Yep. That's why I need to do a more thorough investigation, to find out where it fetches that icon actually.16:23
astraljavaWhat is the pipe (|) character keyboard combination in english charmap?16:35
astraljavaNevermind, it's the f***ing qemu messing with the keys. Can't get most of the chars that require AltGr to work.16:40
astraljavaYou know what, I give up. Until I'm at real hardware, I refure to debug things where I need to work with pretty common stuff that this f***ing virt software doesn't support.16:45
scott-workastraljava: i think ubiquity-ubuntu-artwork: might be the ticket :)16:51
* scott-work hasn't actually looked yet, but is about to look16:51
scott-workit's really no fun using a windows machine to search fro stuff in launchpad when i could 'apt-get source ubiquity' and then just grep a few things so easily16:58
scott-workastraljava: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/ubiquity/precise/view/head:/bin/ubiquity-dm17:03
scott-workit's around line 335 or so17:03
scott-worki got frustrated blindly looking for an image that might not be there (which it isn't) so i decided to open the changelog in launchpad via firefox and search for 'Xubuntu' found it then the revision number of the code and searched again...viola17:04
scott-workoh wait, this is the background17:05
scott-worki still haven't found the icon though17:05
scott-worksorry, there were two things i was thinking about...back to the change log then17:06
astraljavascott-work: There's no mention of "*studio*" in ubiquity source package.17:07
scott-worki saw a place (for the wallpaper) where kubuntu and xubuntu (along with ubuntu obviously) are mentioned explicitly and i was sad ;(17:07
scott-workbut then i realized that, well, he haven't been using the live dvd yet, so it probably shouldn't be there :)17:08
scott-worki'm pretty sure it is ubiquity though but it appears to that it is using images from the dvd17:26
scott-workastraljava: you might grep Xubuntu and see what pops up, i'll get it tonight if you are can't17:27
scott-work  17:44
scott-workemail sent to -dev mailing list about the remaining bugs, can people look at the email and reply please17:45
knomescott-work, re icon: no, but ochosi might know :)17:46
micahghi scott-work, how can I help?17:49
scott-workthank knome 17:57
scott-workmicahg: we have approval on the menu bug #96349817:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963498 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[FFe] menu is not ubuntu studio version" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96349817:58
scott-workmicahg: would you mind helping us to upload the changes to the repos?17:58
scott-work'tis a simple change and colin (lightly scolded me) said it was okay17:58
micahgyeah, seems fine, but I have meetings for the next 2-3 hours, I can try to upload though, is it committed to bzr?17:59
scott-workmicahg: yes, it is committed in bzr17:59
scott-worki have a meeting too, gotta go18:00
scott-workwebchat might have crapped out on me, perhaps about two hours or so hours ago, i wonder what i missed :P   i'll check the logs later20:07
astraljavascott-work: Nothing was spoken during the time between your "i have a meeting..." and "webchat might have shat.." messages.20:37
astraljavascott-work: I need to sleep now, so I'll respond to your bug mail on dev list in about 16 hours or so, will that do?20:38
scott-workastraljava: thanks and sure :)20:38
astraljavaOk good, thanks. :) See ya tomorrow.20:40
scott-workgoing home21:01
len_It seems ISO build has gone to manual.21:28
len_No new ISO today.21:28
ScottLlen_, well that is a relief actually21:49
ScottLi think i still need to test the latest one...well perhaps, or perhaps not, i'll check the website in a minute21:50
len_Yes, I was thinking I would have to install a new one and do reports every day... I don't really have that time.21:52
len_ScottL, I will investigate the text.plymouth thing.21:55
len_I will also look at a few things to do with the partman icon.21:56
ScottLlen_, i'm guess we used the default stuff in the plymouth theme and need to replace "ubuntu' with "ubuntu studio"21:56
ScottLbut that is a guess (even if it is an educated one)21:56
len_ScottL, there is a text theme both on the DVD and in the install, the one on the DVD works, but not the one in the install. Changing the text one should be easy enough... but getting it to work on the install may be more than I can figure22:01
ScottLhehe, that's interesting and a good point22:02
len_Anyway, I'm off to reboot land to try out some things...22:03
ScottLmicahg, one other thing, can we get your thoughts on updating the mixer plugin to use a different backend (that's my understanding of the fix/update)22:19
ScottLi'm sorry i forgot to mention/ask this earlier22:20
len-liveFrom the dvd manifest:22:27
len-livefrom /var/log/boot.log... Found label 'Ubuntu-Studio 12.04 _Precise Pangolin_ - Alpha i386 (20120325)'22:30
len-liveThis disc is called: 22:30
len-live'Ubuntu-Studio 12.04 _Precise Pangolin_ - Alpha i386 (20120325)'22:30
len-liveNot sure how the disk label is set, but it should be changed to beta.22:31
len-livethere is a file in the ISO root called README.diskdefines It is the only place I find the word alpha.22:34
ScottLlen-live, i haven't a clue actually23:10
len-liveDo we set alpha and beta and release?23:11
len-liveOr is it supposed to be auto?23:12
ScottLlen-live, it will be done auto when the full release is ready23:18
len-liveI won't worry about it then.23:18
knomeuh oh23:40

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