
ochosihave any of you seen this xubuntu-based distro before? http://mystras.cloudfactory.eu/09:34
ochosi(just stumbled across it by chance)09:34
ochosiunfortunately there's not really anything for us to benefit from. it seems to be just a mashup of xubuntu and elementary09:36
knomeochosi, "built around the compiz window manager" :P10:27
knomethey even copied the 3-year old documentation template: http://win.cloudfactory.eu/Mystras/pages/gallery_files/05022013.png10:29
knomehttp://win.cloudfactory.eu/Mystras/pages/gallery_files/05022015.png <- is that nautilus?10:30
ochosiknome: no, that's marlin10:35
ochosii also suspect that "they" is only one10:36
knomeme too10:36
ochosibtw, from what i tested yesterday in precise there are quite a few apps not providing >48px appicons10:37
ochosiso it might be easier to compile a list of those that actually look crisp in tabwin :)10:37
ochosibut in the end it's something i'd like to discuss with mr_pouit because some apps would need patches to provide larger app-icons10:38
ochosiknome: do you have time/motivation to draw 64px icons for apps? ("draw" as in: port 48px svgs to 64px svgs)10:39
knomewouldn't just strecthing go?10:39
ochosiyeah, i guess. that's what i did for gmusicbrowser anyway10:39
ochosii'll quickly test it with the text-editor icon10:40
ochosiknome: see the nice difference between the two text-editors: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-03262012-124625pm.php10:46
ochosi(it's only stretched)10:47
ochosibut then again, it seems that leafpad only provides a 48px icon10:49
ochosibecause i added its appicon as well as gedits10:49
ochosiso it might need a patch10:49
ochosioki, anyway, i'm off till late or tomorrow10:51
ochosi(most likely)10:51
ochosiagain what?10:53
knomeagain off ;)10:53
ochosiright :)10:53
ochosiyeah well, i might be kinda online but not able to do much anyway in the afternoon10:53
ochosibtw, i just read in gtk's roadmap that this is supposedly possible with gtk3.4: https://gitorious.org/gnome-design/gnome-design/blobs/master/mockups/theming/unfocused-window.png10:59
knomenice, i think10:59
ochosiyes, would be good to try to get that11:00
ochosialthough it'd set apart gtk2 and gtk3 apps even further11:00
knomehard to say if it's actually nice before i've used it for a while11:00
ochosiwhich is bad for xfce11:00
ochosiif it's subtle it's certainly good11:00
knomeof course, but what can we do?11:00
ochosinot much :)11:00
knomeit's just improvements for those with gtk311:00
knomeit doesn't mean the gtk2 theme sucks11:00
ochosiyeah i know, it's just limited11:03
ochosianyway, no reason to dream about xfce4.12 when 4.10 hasn't been released11:03
ochosi(supposedly 5 days to go)11:03
knome4.10 ?:)11:04
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ochosiknome: btw, your firefox bug in oneiric: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-03262012-013908pm.php11:39
knomeochosi, y11:50
ochosijust sayin, it has always been there11:50
ochosiyou could file a bug upstream though11:51
knomei could11:51
knomei'll probably do that sometime i'm feeling productive again11:51
knomenow i'm having coffee + bun11:51
ochosiseeya, hf11:52
knomesee you :)11:52
knomei'm off as well, see you everybody11:53
pleia2knome: thanks for publishing the article, and all the twitter activity!12:43
ochosiseems like the current daily snapshot of xubuntu has a ubiquity bug, i can't seem to get across "removing conflicting operating system files" (even though there aren't any other OSs installed13:36
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ochosihm, it worked on the third or fourth attempt13:50
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pleia209:43:27 < ThePendulum> pleia2: http://i.imgur.com/bZtjx.png16:45
pleia2seen this?16:45
pleia2(I asked him to submit a bug, but he can't log into lp)16:46
pleia2in 12.0416:46
pleia209:45:27 < Sysi> I think that's problem with your gtk theme16:46
pleia209:45:51 < Sysi> what if you change it?16:46
pleia209:46:29 < ThePendulum> Oh, indeed16:46
pleia209:46:52 < ThePendulum> But the theme comes with Xubuntu 12.04 by default. You may want to remove or update it16:47
* pleia2 off to more wedding venue hunting16:47
scott-workochosi: do you know how the xubuntu logo is set for the graphical partitioning confirmation during installation?17:59
scott-workastraljava has a very good screenshot of it but i'm going into a meeting now, i'll find it after i get out17:59
astraljavaochosi: Scott is referring to this one: http://astraljava.kapsi.fi/us_precise_dash-and-xubuntu-logo.png18:03
ochosiastraljava: hm, i haven't come across that yet, seems i've chosen the wrong install-options up to now ;)19:04
ochosii'm wondering whether they use $icon-theme/places/*/distributor-logo.svg for that19:05
ochosipleia2: that is albatross, which doesn't have a gtk3 theme atm. maybe we should upload the work-in-progress theme of mine, it's better than nothing...19:05
ScottLochosi, OH, that explains our distributor logo then!  i've always wondered why that was there22:01
ScottLmaybe i have it in the wrong place then, i'll see where xubuntu has it and make sure we (studio) are putting it in the same place22:02
ochosiwe have it in multiple places and for p+1 i wanna check where it's superfluous22:02
ochosifor the moment it might be easiest for you to replace all of them to be sure22:02
ochosiin elementary-xfce there are a few of them22:03
ScottLi just want it to work!  superfluous is okay with me :P22:03
ochosithen in /usr/share/pixmaps22:03
ochosiin elementary-xfce/panel/* and maybe in elementary-xfce-dark/panel/* as well22:03
ScottLprobably in usr/share/pixmaps is my guess22:04
ScottLi wouldn't think ubiquity would know to look in elementary-xfce-*/panel/*22:04
ScottLbut then again you could be copying it into from elementary to usr/share/pixmaps :/22:04
ochosino, we're shipping it in /usr/share/pixmaps and elementary directly, no copying over afaik22:06
ScottLokay, i'll check a few things, thansk ochosi !22:07
ochosiScottL: np22:07
knomepleia2, i played a bit around with the website navigation/footer stuff.23:55
knomepleia2, now the footer shouldn't have any internal navigation stuff except from the former "quick links", now called "get started"23:56
knomepleia2, also, all pages with the sidebar now have a bit more appropriate sidebar for navigating :)23:56

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