
alesr_hi guys01:24
alesr_one question...01:24
alesr_if I install Xubuntu 12.04 LTS Beta 1 now will it be updated with full version when final stable comes out in one month?01:26
foobArrrSetting Appearance -> Style in the Xfce settings has no effect on Gnome programs, e.g. gedit. Why? How do I fix this? (I thought both Xfce and Gnome use gtk. Am I wrong?)03:10
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foobArrrIs this a gtk2 vs gtk3 problem?03:13
foobArrrThis is a theme only available for gtk2 and not gtk3 problem. I hate you, Gnome 3.03:30
ax562I was wondering if anyone could help...04:09
ax562I'm running ubuntu 10.10 with xfce04:09
ax562I'm having problems with timidity...04:10
ax562I tried to install some packages that use timidity and process' fail04:10
ax562I just tried to reinstall timidity and received this error message "E: timidity-daemon: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 104:11
ax562any adice or direction I should be going?04:15
ThePendulumI've got a bit of a problem. Xubuntu (11.10) seems to have switched themes for some reason, and I can't change it back06:54
ThePendulumBoth the theme and the window manager are set to Albatross, but the window content still shows up in a classic theme06:55
SysiThePendulum: all apps or just some?06:59
ThePendulumWell, I'm not quite sure. Most apps override it by default07:00
ThePendulumBut most configuration windows have the classic theme07:00
Sysido you have needed gtk-engines installed? AFAIK Albatross is somewhat old and can be broken with new engines07:02
Sysi+it probably never had gtk3 part07:03
ThePendulumWell, it has previously worked07:03
ThePendulumHow is albatross old btw? It's one of the better, less windows '95, looking themes.07:04
ThePendulumI'm afraid I have to leave. I'll be back later, hoping to solve it. Otherwise I'll just do a reinstall07:05
hellocould someone tell me how to change the setting to allow thumbnails of videos  ? Thank you07:36
well_laid_lawn!info tumblerd07:37
ubottuPackage tumblerd does not exist in oneiric07:37
well_laid_lawn!info tumbler07:37
ubottutumbler (source: tumbler): D-Bus thumbnailing service. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.21-3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 63 kB, installed size 268 kB07:37
helloAh ok thank you very much07:38
cYmenwindow stick09:14
ThePendulumI've been here a few hours ago as well. Some of my configuration panels, as well as the right-click menu, seem to have switched to some kind of classic theme all the sudden10:44
knomeThePendulum, did you enable sudo or did you log in with the xfce session?10:49
ThePendulumknome: I logged in as regularly, so the latter10:49
knomelogging in with the xfce (not xubuntu) session is known to cause some issues10:50
ThePendulumIt hasn't caused issues in the past few months though10:51
knomewe don't know what it is though...10:51
knomemaybe try cleaning cache10:51
knomejust remove that dir10:52
knomenote that it will remove all your settings too10:52
knomeerr, no it won't10:52
knomesorry, i've just woken up10:52
Sysisettings are in ~/.config but you could try removing that next10:53
knomethanks Sysi10:53
ThePendulumI could as well just reinstall then, lol10:54
Myrttior rename it10:54
Sysithat's faster, though you need to remove config in tty (Ctrl Alt F6)10:54
MyrttiI'd recommend renaming it10:55
ThePendulumI think I'm just going to do a reinstall, my system needed a clean-up anyway11:04
ThePendulumWhat do you guys recommend, 11.10 or 12.04?11:05
knome12.04 is in beta2 testing stage, but it shouldn't bring many problems11:12
knomeif it's a production machine you need daily, i'd recommend 11.10 though11:12
knomeyou can always upgrade11:12
ThePendulumI use it daily, but there's enough room in my shedule for OS failure. I guess I'll just give it a go11:13
ThePendulumWhen will beta2 be released, if so?11:14
knomemarch 2911:14
knomeif you are installing beta2, consider doing a beta2 test for us11:15
ThePendulumI'll certainly consider it11:15
knomethanks, any tests anytime are appreciated11:15
ThePendulumI've used Linux/(X)ubuntu for quite a while now, but I'm not quite an advanced user though11:16
knomewell, testing doesn't need advanced skills - they are clearly specified, and it basically means you will file bugs (or link to bugs) you saw during installation11:17
ThePendulumhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/210/builds/14159/downloads <-- This is the ISO for Xubuntu 12.04 Beta2?11:19
ansican anyone helpme with installaiton of xfce.. there is a error msg i got in the end after installation http://paste.ubuntu.com/900279/11:29
knomeansi, that looks more like a problem with initrd creating11:31
gryg'day knome (:11:31
ansihow do i fix that knome11:31
knomegry, hullo11:31
knomeansi, i've no idea, but i suppose you could try #ubuntu too11:31
ansithey sent me from ubuntu tohere11:32
knomeansi, right... it's not a xubuntu-specific problem as i look it11:33
knomeansi, try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'11:33
ansibuti didthissudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:33
knomeansi, try the command i posted, then retry installing xubuntu-desktop11:34
adminoshi to all. i experience lots of problems with my  videocard nvidia 8800. i have lots of graphical glitches and green dots everywhere. in windows i used RivaTuner to disable some blocks of my videocard and that helped me. how can i do that in xubuntu?13:55
rsyringI'm using xubuntu 11.10.  I would like to try different themes, do I need GTK 2 or 3 themes?14:10
ochosiTheSheep: heyo14:15
ochosido you have any clue why i wouldn't be able to move ~/.config/xfce4 in my own home folder if i'm logged in via tty? (says permission denied even though i did sudo chown -R $username * in /home/$username)14:17
TheSheepochosi: where are you moving it to?14:17
ochosiTheSheep: that was just a test. actually i meanwhile found out that on my oneiric-system my userID was 1002, now it's 1000, so there's the main problem it seems14:22
ochosiand chown doesn't affect that it seems14:22
Sysiyou can use ID instead of username (at least when you don't have user with that ID)14:26
rsyringTheSheep: thanks.  Is there a way to change the color of the window title bar for inactive windows without switching to a different theme?  The windows currently don't look different enough and a different color title bar would do wonders.14:28
TheSheeprsyring: you can modify your theme14:34
TheSheep(make a copy of it, of course)14:34
rsyringTheSheep: ok14:34
rsyringok, so if I am using one theme for Appearance and a second for Window Manager, which theme would I edit to change the inactive title bar color?14:40
GridCubethe one that manages the windows decorations14:41
GridCubethe window manager i would bet14:41
TheSheepactually it may be either one14:41
TheSheepgood window manager themes will take colors from the gtk theme14:41
rsyringok...I'll try the main theme first14:42
ochosiSysi: changing both USERID and groupid numerically actually made it work14:44
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xubuntu627Hello :) I'm very new at Linux so I apoligize if this is a really obvious question or if this is the wrong place, but how can I replace the bottom launcher with docky?16:18
rohm1Hi xubuntu627 :) Right clic the bottom launcher, Dashboard=>preferences and clic the minus button to remove it; install docky, launch it and add it the to autostart list; instructions may differ slightly for you as I use xubuntu in french and awn isntead of docky16:23
xubuntu627Thank you very much. :)16:24
ThePendulumI just installed Xubuntu 12.04, but I think I'll be switching back for a while16:25
ThePendulumI noticed a lot of the text in a prompt, including the buttons, is white coloured16:34
ThePendulumMaking it very hard, if not impossible, to read16:35
ThePendulumAnd it's just generally unstable, a lot of applications crash or do not function properly16:35
pleia2ThePendulum: can you file bugs on these things? the beta2 comes out this week so it would be nice to get them fixed up soon16:37
pleia2you're welcome to join #xubuntu-devel if you need help filing them16:37
ThePendulumpleia2: I tried, but I can't manage to log in for some reason16:37
ThePendulumBut it's quite obvious, I can't imagine no one has filed it, let alone not spotted it16:38
pleia2I haven't pulled down a daily build in a few days, but the last time I did I don't think I saw the white problems you're seeing16:39
pleia2text in the terminal is hard to read, or..?16:40
pleia2(not sure what you mean by "prompt")16:40
ThePendulumI'm sorry, I mean the notification windows that show up every now and then, for example for authentication16:40
ThePendulum1 second, I'll take a screen16:40
ThePendulumpleia2: http://i.imgur.com/bZtjx.png16:43
SysiI think that's problem with your gtk theme16:45
Sysiwhat if you change it?16:45
ThePendulumOh, indeed16:46
ThePendulumBut the theme comes with Xubuntu 12.04 by default. You may want to remove or update it16:46
Sysibest way to tell is a bugreport, with that image attached16:48
ThePendulumI'm afraid I have to make some progress with some projects of mine, and I need a solid OS for that. I'm going back to 11.10 for now. I will see if I can get 12.04 on an old machine to slap it some more.16:50
ThePendulumIt seems like the AWN dock causes my theme issues17:39
ThePendulumI reinstalled Xubuntu, and the issue occured right after I installed AWN17:39
ThePendulumI removed AWN but I don't know how to reset the eyecandy17:39
Sysi... aptitude --purge remove17:43
bazhangaptitude needs to be installed iirc17:44
TheSheepapt-get works too17:45
Sysisynaptic maybe can remove dependencies too17:46
TheSheepapt-get can do it also17:46
TheSheepwith autoremove17:46
SysiI think aptitude works better, but that could've worked for pendulum17:47
ThePendulumI was wondering if someone could give me a hand on adding my drives to fstab19:10
TVasEyesThePendulum: partitions, perhaps.19:30
ThePendulumTVasEyes: Hmm?19:31
ThePendulumWell, yeah, partitions in the end19:31
TVasEyesso, what's the problem, if any.19:32
ThePendulumTVasEyes: I didn't set specific values for the mount options previously, but I can't remember what I used19:33
TVasEyescare to paste existing fstab and which partitions (& format) you'd like to add.19:34
ThePendulumTVasEyes: http://pastie.org/367365819:37
ThePendulumI'd like to properly add # Storage 1/2 to the list19:38
TVasEyesand you want /dev/sd{b,c)1 available on boot?  which filesystems do they use?  are they removable media?19:40
ThePendulumThey are hard drives in my PC, they are not per definition removable. They're both ntsf, however, I remember setting a more general value for it19:44
TVasEyesok.  so "/dev/sdb1  /mnt/stor1   ntfs   defaults,utf8  0  0"  (and the same for the other partition) should work.19:48
ThePendulumSo there isn't some kind of wildcard for the file system, in case I format the drive?19:49
TheSheepno, it has to know what filesystem is there in order to understand it19:50
TheSheepthere is no way to guess it19:51
ThePendulumHmm, okay then19:51
TVasEyesrecommend you have a read of man mount.  when you mount a partition manually you can use the -t auto switch, I don't think that's available in fstab.19:51
TheSheepyou can use auto in fstab19:51
TVasEyesin the 3rd field?19:51
TheSheepbut it won't always work19:51
TheSheepall the removable media use it19:52
TVasEyesok, my documentation doesn't say so.  maybe I'll try this sometime in future.19:52
ThePendulumAuto, that was it I think19:52
ThePendulumIt has worked for me the last couple of months19:52
TVasEyesTheSheep: thanks, may look into this.19:53
TVasEyesThePendulum: good, go for it then :)19:53
ThePendulumThanks for your support, both of you :)19:54
TVasEyescool. :)19:54
ThePendulumDarnit, DOS games surely are addictive19:55
ThePendulumI was wondering why the Places panel item doesn't show the emblems on folders20:32
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plusEVthx for making something that works with my shitty laptop lol21:56
knomeplusEV, thanks, but watch the language :)22:00
ThePendulumSo eeeh, I think my OS has got a bit of an identity crisis22:19
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