
ritzheya, ppa:bzr/daily  are these experimental packages ? How often do they break ?04:33
spivDaily ;)04:34
mgrandiby nature daily packages are ...breakable04:34
ritzhehehe :)04:34
spivWell, *usually* they are just fine, of course04:34
ritzusually sounds good :)04:34
mgrandiim sure its not garuenteed04:34
ritzthats fine :) , as long as the fix comes in a week04:35
spivThe test suite of bzr's trunk always passes, that's enforced by an automatic process, so there's a limit to how horribly bad it can be :)04:35
ritzuntil then bz reports :)04:35
ritzsweet, thanks :)04:35
spivYou probably do want to be ready to rollback to the latest proper release in case of emergency, though04:36
poolieo/ spiv04:36
ritzI was unable to find bzr-colo in any ther ppa, and I like when things break infrequently04:36
ritzspiv, naa, I have couple of VMs setup with stable branches04:36
spivAnd very occasionally if you have slightly different dailies on a smart server vs. smart client you might be get odd problems you would never see when using releases04:36
mgrandiisn't colocated built in now?04:36
spivHey poolie.04:37
pooliemgrandi, it's a different format to bzr-colo04:39
poolie(not drastically and they will be convertible but they are different)04:39
poolieand i would say bzr-colo is a little more polished04:39
ritzhmm, another question05:12
ritz$ bzr branch lp:ubuntu/gtk+3.005:12
ritzMost recent Ubuntu version: 3.3.20-0ubuntu105:12
ritzPackaging branch version: 3.1.8-0ubuntu505:12
ritzPackaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE05:12
ritzHow does one switch branch ?05:12
mgrandibzr switch?05:22
ritzmgrandi,  seems to be http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/gtk+3.0.html#2011-07-25%2009:43:52.02971106:04
ritzfrom a short read of http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-getting-the-source.html06:05
mgrandii do not know what that means :<06:06
ritzneither do I, filing a bz06:06
mgrandimaybe one of the developers can figure out what that means06:06
mgrandibut for now i must be heading off, bedtime, night06:07
pooliehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9pEzgHorH0 - thanks lifeless, that's pretty awesome06:37
vilahi all06:44
pooliehi vila06:46
lifelesspoolie: de nada06:47
poolievila, did you get the link? you should watch it too, some time06:56
vilaI'm watching right now :)06:56
pooliehi there mgz07:01
vilamgz: _o/07:02
mgzwhere are we with timezones?07:04
vilaspread ?07:05
pooliei'm still utc+11 til next weekend07:05
pooliedid you all go to summer time?07:05
pooliei wonder if jelmer will be around?07:05
vilaI did this week-end07:05
mgzhm, need to find a way of disabling video if we're going to use hangouts starting at 907:13
mgzor I'll murder my bandwidth allowance.07:13
ritzmgz, rip out the webcam ?07:13
ritzrmmod <module> ?07:14
fullermdTo say nothing of having to wear pants.07:14
mgzthe problem is downloading video from other people, not uploading :)07:14
vilawearing pants is still relevant07:15
pooliemgz, it varies over the day?07:16
mgzyeah, it uses more units from 9-6 which has generally been a nice feature because I just schedual downloads for the middle of the night,07:17
mgzand don't have to live with the silly hard caps other providers use07:17
* mgz wonders if fullermd has been in the US for too long, or if he often goes commando07:18
vilaI think he just uses a floating TZ07:18
vila. o O (There is probably a joke related to drowning...)07:19
poolieso are you two expecting our call to start now? or in 40m?07:20
vilaI haven't checked jelmer's TZ though07:20
mgzI was expecting not to know, so set alarm for the earlier time07:21
poolieok, someone double booked me for the next hour07:21
vilaseems to be the same as me07:21
mgz...which didn't actually go off till just now, because phone still had the wrong time, but I woke up anyway07:21
mgzso, shall we go now, can catch up jelmer when he surfaces?07:22
lifelessgggggggg/win 4807:22
pooliei'll take that as a yes :)07:23
poolieok let's do it07:23
lifelesspoolie: http://primeradiant.com/ may interest you07:26
poolielifeless, http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/13009-wavering-radiant/ :)07:30
lifelesspoolie: heh, so actually it was the narrower link I posted in #launchpad-dev07:31
lifelessthats really interesting07:31
jelmerhi mgz, poolie, vila07:43
pooliehi there07:43
jelmerGoogle calendar has our meeting listed as being in 17 minutes07:43
poolieyeah, tz changes are annoying07:44
pooliei think i had it in my tz07:44
jelmerI think it must've been in ours - unless .au had a TZ change this weekend08:01
jelmerwe went from UTC+1 to UTC+2 this weekend08:03
pooliewe're changing next weekend, for bonus confusion08:15
pooliejelmer, how about now?08:15
jelmerpoolie: works for me08:15
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=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
mgzhm, how much of a massive rewrite of setup.py should go into 2.511:52
mgzI guess I'll do the minimum there and move things around on dev only11:53
jelmerwhat are you fixing?11:54
mgzwell, directly, installation of .mo files,11:55
mgzbut the collected cruft of distutils hacks too11:56
jelmermgz: minimum in 2.5 seems most sensible, indeed11:59
mgzit's still going to break things, I bet...12:05
vilathen dev first to stabilize I'd say12:41
mgzyou want installers or not vila? :)12:43
mgzthis is blocking 2.5.0-2 and 2.6b212:44
vila2.6b1 I hop... right :)12:44
vilayeah, I want installers :)12:44
mgzI could do another translation-less release12:44
mgzbut that's is bit lame.12:44
vilabut nothing forbids you to use local branches (tagged appropriately if you think it's worth it)12:45
vilaha, no, remote setup makes that awkward right ?12:45
mgzI've been doing manual merges12:46
mgzbut you just gave me an idea that could save that pain12:46
vilain any case, if you're cleaning up setup.py you've already got +0.5 from me ;)12:46
mgzno reason I can't commit a change to bzr-windows-installers that points the build at some other branch12:46
vilagood, I'll take credit for that then ;)12:46
vilamgz: 'translation-less' ?12:54
mgzno .mo files.12:57
mgzokay, 2.5 branches up, will propose inasec when I have some food13:06
vilamgz: did 2.5.0 had .mo files ?13:07
vilamgz: if not, I won't object to dropping them from the whole 2.5 series and debug the remaining issues in the 2.6 one (as far as windows is concerned)13:07
vilajelmer: see my pms ?13:20
wgzmy laptop screen appears to have died...13:42
jelmerouch :(13:47
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mgzand it's working again14:55
mgzclearly giving it a bit of a rest while I had lunch was enough14:55
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
DktrKranzIs it possible to define per-branch hooks? Documentation only explains about ~/.bazaar/plugins, which are executed for every branch.15:41
LarstiQDktrKranz: plugings can you use configuration to decide wether to act15:53
LarstiQDktrKranz: so for example bzr-email will not do anything unless the right option is set for the branch15:54
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
gnuoy`mgz, afternoon, do you have anything you could throw at bzr pqm ?16:40
mgzI shall look sir.16:41
gnuoy`thanks, I hoping its less broken16:42
mgzI have sent https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/2.5-config-help-topics/+merge/9937216:42
mgzhttp://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/ shows it building at least, we'll see how well it does.16:43
jelmerthat's a lot further than it got earlier16:44
gnuoy`I think its fixed now16:44
mgzis the test output slightly different or am I misremembering?16:45
mgzlooks like it's working at any rate.16:45
jelmerthanks gnuoy`16:45
jelmergnuoy`: what was it, in the end?16:45
gnuoy`ok, it was fun...16:45
gnuoy`jelmer, when dchroot-run was moved to cupuasso16:46
gnuoy`it was modified to use schroot not dchroot16:46
gnuoy`and the command that lists locations was converted to an schroot command16:46
gnuoy`only it had a small typo in it16:46
gnuoy`which only becomes apparent when there is more than one chroot16:47
gnuoy`so the addition of the second chroot with the existing bug broke it16:47
jelmergnuoy`: thanks again, much appreciated :)16:47
gnuoy`np, sorry it was bust16:48
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mgzjelmer: what versions of bzr-git and bzr-svn and deps do you want in 2.6b1?17:51
mgz...I'll go with the tags as for 2.5.0 for now, don't want to risk trunks17:54
mgrandiand hi mgz17:55
mgzand hi to you too mgrandi17:56
mgrandiany more work on the dump i sent you?17:57
mgrandiwe have like a bazillion problems with fastimport now i forget what we are working on atm17:57
mgrandithe dump was more just to see where the memory is going17:58
mgrandiaka the original problem17:58
mgzso, working out what accounts for the other chunk of memory was one thing17:58
mgrandiand i think ive found a problem with bzr-git17:58
mgzI had an idea we had the whole revision graph17:58
mgzbut don't remember the details17:58
mgrandiwhat do you mean?17:59
mgrandi'had an idea'18:01
mgzit seemed from poking things that lots of objects came from a graph cache with no apparent cleanup mechansim18:04
mgrandii dont know much about the bzr internals so you would be the expert there =P18:04
mgrandibut, when i was trying ot test other git repos, i keep running into problems, mostly because git can tag files and other things18:05
mgrandiand depending on the arguments given to git fast-exported, those can be exported (the tag) but the 'revision' (mark) that it refers to is not there, so that is making bzr fast-import die18:06
mgrandiand i dont think that the arguments that bzr fast-import-from-git are enough to make sure that those don't get exported18:08
mgrandiso i dont know if the solution is to just make it so you 'have to run git fast-export with these arguments' or to make the bzr fast-import code more resiliant to these kind of things18:08
mgzwell, presumably the latter, but can you do a minimal reproduction?18:11
mgzmake a trivial git repo with the problem, and get fast-import failing with it?18:11
mgzthat would then be a way in to fixing the issue.18:11
mgzthere are various other issues with new-fangled git things that are starting to get used18:12
mgrandiyeah i can try that18:12
mgrandicause apparently 'any' git object can be tagged18:12
mgrandibut then git fast-export filters out some of these, but leaves the tags, and its all very confusing18:13
* jelmer waves18:13
jelmermgz: what problem did you find with bzr-git?18:14
mgrandijelmer, it seems to be a problem when git tags.. a file18:15
mgrandiand the arguments that are used in git fast-export, you can end up with a tag that has a mark/revision that isn't present cause git fast-export doesn't export it18:16
mgrandior something18:16
mgzjelmer: I'm just thinking of the bug reports on signatures and things, which are mostly code-import rather than fast-import related18:16
jelmermgrandi: I'm not sure I follow - how is that related to bzr-git?18:16
mgzjelmer: what I need from you is whether you have guidance on what versions of bzr-git and bzr-svn and deps need to be in 2.6b118:17
mgrandiis it bzr-git that handles the git fast import stuff? or is just fastimport18:17
jelmermgz: that's a good question18:17
mgrandiif its just fastimport then ignore me18:17
jelmermgrandi: yes, that's bzr-fastimport18:17
jelmermgrandi: you can't tag files in bzr so it seems reasonable that that results in an error18:18
jelmermgz: trunk should be most appropriate in both cases18:18
jelmerlet me run the tests to see if there is anything missing18:18
mgrandiyeah, but the question remains whether fastimport should handle that or should just assume that git fast-export should be run with the correct arguments18:18
jelmermgrandi: I think it would be reasonable for it to warn and skip18:19
jelmerrather than falling over entirely18:19
mgrandiyeah, thats easy enough for me to add since i have the line where its failing at home.18:20
mgrandiand we still have that timezone thingy18:20
jelmermgrandi: well, patches welcome :)18:21
mgrandiwhat should happen with the invalid timezone18:22
mgrandijust make it use +0000?18:22
jelmereither that or what github does, which is just add the additional hours to the date18:23
* jelmer is mostly focussed on bzr-git these days, rather than bzr-fastimport18:25
mgzjelmer: okay, and dulwich, subvertpy? leave on current revs?18:27
jelmermgz: subvertpy yes18:36
jelmermgz: for dulwich I think trunk would probably make more sense18:36
mgzokay, buuuuilding18:44
DonDiegowhen i uncommit i see messages like18:56
jelmermaar hi DonDiego18:56
DonDiegobzr pull . -r revid:diego@biurrun.de-20120327184815-t9xoi7ln0uuuwplh18:56
DonDiegowhere are those commits stored?18:56
jelmerDonDiego: they're in the repository18:57
DonDiegoi need to restore a commit :)18:57
DonDiegojelmer: yes, that much is obvious, but how do i access and find them?18:57
jelmerDonDiego: "bzr heads" will look for revisions that don't have any children18:58
* DonDiego tries18:58
DonDiegonah, it's not there, that commit is lost i guess18:59
jelmerDonDiego: You're looking for revid:diego@biurrun.de-20120327184815-t9xoi7ln0uuuwplh ?19:05
jelmerDonDiego: bzr dead --dead-only19:06
DonDiegowhat version of bazaar do i need for the "dead" command?19:06
DonDiegoi have 2.4.1 here19:06
jelmersorry, 'bzr heads --dead-only'19:07
DonDiegooh, that could be it19:10
DonDiegojelmer: i owe you $beverage19:10
DonDiegoor a flattr if you prefer and are into this newfangled stuff19:11
DonDiegojelmer: thanks a million19:13
jelmerheh, that's okay; glad it works for you19:14

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