
TLEkelemengabor: hallo08:52
kelemengaborhi TLE08:52
TLEI was just looking at the testing page for the Natty lang packs, the testing is now done08:53
TLEI think we agreed that the stuff that your bad review was not a regression and hence the pack could be tested, but could I persuade you to check whether any of the things mentioned in the german test report are also broken in yours08:54
TLEbecause at least some of those things look like regressions08:54
kelemengaborwell... for Banshee, those strings IIRC come from the database itself which is populated at creation time - so if they were not translated then, these will remain the same08:59
kelemengaborsome time ago I met this same problem, and took a while to figure out the working of this :)08:59
kelemengaborthe partial help is the same thing I saw09:00
kelemengaborthe gwitchit thing... I think the untranslated window title is a bug, fixed since Natty but not backported09:02
TLEabout banshee permit me to say, aha, seems a wierd design though to put localized strings in a database, but ok09:03
TLEok, so likely no regressions in that report either09:04
kelemengaborthe missing help topic is not a translation problem, probably an upstream bug09:04
kelemengaborno, not really. only things that were buggy before09:04
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artnayany idea if the KDE langpacks will be updated to 4.8(.1) before 12.04 release? bug 94556011:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 945560 in Ubuntu Translations "Precise's KDE translation templates on Launchpad are not updated for KDE SC 4.8" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94556011:31
dpmartnay, I did ask the Kubuntu devs and they said they'd do it. Have they not yet?11:49
dpmif not, I'd recommend asking on #kubuntu-devel11:50
artnaydpm: roger11:54
=== greyback|bia is now known as greyback

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