
ScottLochosi, i searched in the xubuntu-default-settings and xubuntu-artwork packages (well, grep'd) and only found the distributor-logo.svg in the elementary theme directory01:22
ScottLi'm guessing i'm going to have to figure out how to do some vodoo about replacing these (or renaming these) so the ubiquity partman.py will work01:22
pleia2knome: looks good :)01:28
Unit193knome: /usr/share/irssi/scripts/topic-diff.pl or I can upload it.02:53
knomeUnit193, hmmh, yeah, that's not optimal, but tbh, i don't know what i was expecting :D05:04
knomeUnit193, it probably works just like i want :)05:04
Unit193Note, it's still a bit funky at times, but better than nothing.05:04
knomeyeah, thanks for the tip05:05
* knome didn't succeed well at sleeping05:05
knomehit the bed 4 hours ago, but i've probably slept no more than 3 hours max05:05
knomepleia2, oh damn, forgot to ask you... could you take care of changing the logo in g+?05:07
knomeanybody here with a wikipedia account?06:10
benonsoftwareknome: Yes?06:17
knomebenonsoftware, can you do us a favour and replace the xubuntu logos in wikipedia, i will provide you the files06:17
knomek, just a sec, i'll upload06:18
knomethe logos to be replaced are:06:18
knomethe files to replace with are:06:19
knomebenonsoftware, thanks!06:19
benonsoftwareknome: No problem06:19
benonsoftwareHmm, do I upload a commletly new one, as I'm not sure how do edit the old ones06:21
knomeummh, i can look at it06:21
knomei mean - i have an account for a client, but don't want to use it to do this ;)06:22
knomebenonsoftware, below the file history, there's a link saying "upload a new version of this file"06:23
benonsoftwareknome: Ah, yes sorry06:24
benonsoftwareI'll do it right now06:24
knomebenonsoftware, for the "File changes" field in that page, you can use just "New official logo"06:24
benonsoftwareNo problem06:24
benonsoftwareknome: Done06:27
knomebenonsoftware, thanks!06:28
benonsoftwareNo worries06:28
knomehmmh, i wonder when the wikipedia pages are updated06:28
knomethe logo is a "bit" stretched ;))06:29
knomefixed that with committing an empty update to the page06:29
knomebut the problem will still exist in the other language versions06:30
knomehmm. looks like that didn't even save a revision in the history \o/06:30
* knome goes "updating" all the pages06:32
Unit193http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Xubuntu810.png That's a bit odd of a menu button.06:35
knomemmh :)06:35
knomek, all the language versions are update06:37
* knome is off07:08
knomesee you all later07:08
* benonsoftware waves bye to knome 07:09
ochosiif there's anyone with a precise install up for a little testing please ping me08:30
mr_pouitScottL: micahg: I think the latest ubuntu-studio-default-settings upload is missing conffile handling (afaik your menu file is a conffile, so you're missing the maintscript stuff to move it)08:49
mr_pouit(just from a quick look, I can be wrong ;-)08:50
ScottLmr_pouit, hmmm, interesting11:44
ScottLmr_pouit, i thought the menu under the /xdg-ubuntustudio directory gets copied to the computer and the system knows to use one of these directories when existing....11:45
ScottLoh, i think i may see my issue, what if say you installed kde or lubuntu and they put _their_ menu out there too, then which menu gets used11:46
ScottLthere would be several /xdg-* directories and lots of menus11:47
ScottLtonight i'll dig through how xubuntu does it and fix it11:47
mr_pouit(I'm only speaking about the packaging: /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntustudio/menus/foo.menu was renamed to /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntustudio/menus/xfce-foo.menu, it's a conffile, and i couldn't find any maintscript in there, so the old file won't be deleted, and if the admin made changes to it, they won't be kept by the rename)11:49
mr_pouitgarcon will choose a menu file depending on XDG_MENU_PREFIX and other env vars11:49
ScottLmr_pouit, it would seem that you are speaking of when someone "updates" or installs "ubuntustudio-default-settings" on an existing non-US system?12:04
* ScottL admits that he had not considered these use cases, just the initial install12:04
mr_pouitI'm speaking about http://wiki.debian.org/DpkgConffileHandling#Moving_a_conffile12:06
ScottLah, yes, i remember seeing the maintainer script in the xubuntu packages, i will read this in more depth later today and hopefully implement it tonight12:09
* ScottL is getting himself and the kids ready for the day and is about to leave12:09
ScottLi am about to walk out the door for the day but i wanted to say thank you mr_pouit for point this out, i really do appreciate the help :)12:29
ochosifor everyone's reference, i just submitted a bugreport about abiword's broken ruler-colors upstream (after discussing with the devs in their irc chan about it): http://bugzilla.abisource.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1330113:42
ubottubugzilla.abisource.com bug 13301 in Front End - GTK "AbiWord 2.9.2 Ruler widget looks bad in GTK3" [Normal,New]13:42
pleia2knome: http://xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/logo-icon-large.png and -small are very similar, could we have a larger large?14:00
pleia2https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-oJV4dNJAPw4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAOc/nKLwauMl8is/s200-c-k/photo.jpg is the one we currently use for g+14:00
micahgmr_pouit: scott-work: nice catch, thanks, I'll fix this a little later14:52
scott-workmicahg:  thank you very much, i'm sure you will do a much more effective and proficient job than i would :-)15:00
micahgastraljava: can you test the onboard fix if I upload to my PPA?15:15
micahgastraljava: sorry, thought you reported the bug15:19
micahganyone available to test the onboard fix?15:19
micahgcan someone please test bug 963216 for onboard with the package from ppa:micahg/ppa and let #ubuntu-release know if the onboard fix works?  you must *not* have mousetweaks installed15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 958385 in onboard (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #963216 Encoding mismatch when mousetweaks is missing" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95838515:30
* micahg has to run15:30
astraljavamicahg: I can, when I get home, which is in about 3-4 hours from now.17:08
astraljavaknome: others: Are we interested in new images due to kernel and update-manager updates?17:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ochosiquick feedback about abiword: the rulers probably won't be fixed in abiword itself but in gtk3.418:12
ochosithe gtk3 version with gtk3.2 works just fine18:13
ochosiso the abiword-devs don't want to waste time looking into that (and i have to say i kinda see their point)18:13
ochosiat least not until gtk3.4 is out and in debian18:13
ochosiso we'll have to live with what we got18:13
astraljavaknome: ochosi: mr_pouit: If no one wants to have images respinned, I'll mention this on -release soon-ish.20:50
micahgmr_pouit: doesn't debhelper handle conf file changes automagically now?21:12
micahgastraljava: you can check onboard with the archive version as it was accepted already21:34
astraljavamicahg: Sure thing.21:35
astraljavaSyncing the image now.21:35
micahgmr_pouit: you're right, it's not reaped properly...will fix 21:40
ochosiastraljava: what do you mean exactly by respinning the images?21:42
astraljavaochosi: There were major updates to kernel and update-manager. -release wanted to know whether we're interested about them being added to Xubuntu Beta-2 images. But then the onboard fix calls for a respin anyway, and apparently there were other grave bugs that were fixed, and Kate rather adamantly persuaded for a respin after all. :)21:50
astraljavaochosi: So, in a nut-shell, there'll be new ISOs in the tracker shortly.21:50
ochosioh, cool21:50
ochosii guess i'll be seeing/testing that in my real-install of precise soonish anyway21:51
astraljavaNo worries. :) I'll test the onboard fix soon, installing from a synced image currently.21:51
ochosiah, k21:51
ochosiwhat exactly wasn't working with onboard?21:51
ochosilast time i tested it everything worked perfectly fine21:51
astraljavaochosi: onboard (0.97.0-0ubuntu3) precise; urgency=low21:54
astraljava  * Fix string encodings mismatch without mousetweaks; This fixes an issue21:54
astraljava    where onboard fails to launch on Xubuntu which doesn't have mousetweaks21:54
astraljava    installed by default (LP: #958385)21:54
ochosiwhat are mousetweaks? :)21:54
astraljavaDon't ask me, I just work here.™21:55
* ochosi asks himself where the "tm" is on is keyboard21:56
astraljavactrl+u, 2122+<space>21:56
astraljavaWait, shift+ctrl+u.21:56
ochosiastraljava rocks.™21:57
ochosii admire you for knowing that by heart :)21:57
astraljava...to Ayreon.21:57
ochosiyou must be using this a lot21:57
astraljavaSometimes. There are some cool unicodes that I sometimes throw in for spicing things up. I'm a weirdo, like that, too.21:58
Unit193Yes, yes he is.21:58
ochosisounds good :)21:58
ochosibtw, do any of you two have a precise testing-box?21:58
Unit193Real? No. ;/21:59
ochosithat's fine too21:59
ochosii updated bluebird's gtk3 theme yesterday21:59
ochosiand it'd be great if others could test it as well21:59
ochosiotherwise i might be overlooking things21:59
Unit193Sweetness! (I've not been able to get at that vbox, but that's on it for sure now)22:00
ochosiit's in github (github.com/shimmerproject/Bluebird)22:00
ochosiwould be great if you could give me some feedback22:00
astraljavaochosi: I can test it tomorrow, I'll hit the hay immediately once I get the onboard fix verified.22:01
ochosii know it's far from perfect, i only had one afternoon to rebase it on greybird and port the most obvious portions of it22:01
ochosiastraljava: sure, anytime is great!22:01
ochosik, off to bed22:07
ochosisee y'all22:07
astraljavamicahg: http://astraljava.kapsi.fi/onboard-precise.png22:15
micahgastraljava: do you have mousetweaks installed?22:15
micahgah, you got it all there :)22:15
astraljavamicahg: Yep. :)22:15
micahgastraljava: excellent, please notify -release that we're good for a respin at their leisure22:16
astraljavamicahg: I will. Thanks a bunch!22:16
micahgastraljava: thanks22:16

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