
claude_Has anyone else lost all borders on xubuntu01:51
GridCubeclaude_, press alt-f2 and write: xfwm4 --replace01:54
claude_ha fixed it myself02:01
claude_but thanks for the effort02:02
willijs3anyone know how I can change the default settings of synclient on a reboot? Adding script to rc.local works on startup, and after doing some research, I created a script and added it to the rc0.d folder, but it's not working for me. Any ideas?03:12
wieckjHey, I'm completely new to xubuntu. Every time I try to install something that requires authentication, it gets stuck at "applying changes" - the bar doesn't load. Any help?03:45
k_szeWhen I plug a USB flash drive, it gets automatically mounted. However, when I attempt to eject it in Xubuntu's File Manager, I get a blink of a "Permission Denied" message. Is that normal?04:06
Unit193wieckj: Try using the terminal and   sudo apt-get install <package name>  to see if that helps.04:12
Unit193k_sze: Nope, not for me.04:12
* mushe highfives all around04:55
knomemushe, please watch te language04:55
musheand a beer for the ops!04:55
mushethe installer said click here04:56
mushewheres my niggas?04:56
knomemushe, last warning, watch the language04:56
musheI am sorry04:57
musheit is an expression from h-town04:57
mushei like yalls rat04:57
mushei threw a rat through a window once04:58
mushedo u see the irony04:58
knomeis there a support question we can help you with?04:58
musheyour installer told me to join04:59
mushei have not got to the technicals04:59
mushei will be sure to be here when i reach them04:59
mushedone toots btchs05:00
lancestKeyboard scrolling and sound volume not working as in Gnome. Which file(s) to install? Thx05:43
lancestXubuntu 12.04 BTW05:43
grylancest, tried asking #ubuntu then?05:48
lancestOk probably will.05:48
gryoh, yes, I sleep. don't read version numbers right. thanks knome05:50
lancestI'm in China it's afternoon05:56
foobArrris there any gui program on a fresh xubuntu installation that shows hardware information?10:09
TheSheepfoobArrr: no gui, you can use lshw or install lshw-gtk10:16
foobArrrthx, I didn't know there is a gtk interface for lswh10:47
potapovAfter upgrading from xubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 terminator's pseudo-transparency does not seem to work any more. I can get real transparency by changing "compositor"'s settings in "Window manager tweaks" section (i'm not sure there was such a section before upgrading), but real transparency is not what I need) Any suggestions?11:28
nikolamI have Xubuntu 10.04LTS64-bit changing default window manager to gnome's one, starting nautilus as desktop manager sometimes and now, saying "Not Authenticated" when i try to reinstall xfwm...11:35
nikolamHow can it ib unauthenticated if system was installed from xubuntu alternate cd?11:37
joeythesaintI've got no idea if this is offtopic or not but I'm seeing some very annoying behaviour that appears to be GTK-related.13:11
joeythesaintProblem is, I'm only (currently) seeing it with Evolution, which I know isn't the supported mail client for Xubuntu.13:11
* joeythesaint is running Xubuntu 12.04, currently, too.13:11
joeythesaintSo I'm probably way off the map.13:11
joeythesaintIf anyone has any suggestions, though, I'd happy try them out.13:12
* joeythesaint posts an example screenshot: http://troll.ws/i/VGp9WH.png13:13
TheSheepjoeythesaint: your gtk theme doesn't include a gtk3 theme, and epiphany is now a gtk3 application13:14
joeythesaintThe black boxes at the top of the sidebar and around the mail header appear to be constant for almost any GTK theme I choose.13:14
joeythesaintThat's what I was concerned about.13:14
joeythesaintSeems like I've only got one or two themes installed total that have a gtk3 theme, then.13:15
joeythesaintThanks, TheSheep.13:15
TheSheepsounds about right, there aren't that many themes yet13:17
plusEVVQuestion: I have added more workspace to my installation. I got like 8 now and that whould to13:59
plusEVVdo, but now the battgery and mail icons etc is on the left side of that and i dont want that on the center of the bar. I want the workspace tehre and all that all the way to the right.14:00
plusEVVHow do i do that?P14:00
=== plusEVV is now known as plusEV
=== oxicarus is now known as oxicarius
metal55Hello all16:32
metal55Quick question, I have downloaded SublimeText 2 and excellent text editor application, it seems to run straight from my downloads folder but I would like to install it properly16:33
metal55Do I just copy it into an 'applications' directory?16:33
metal55is there an installer type application I can point at it?16:33
metal55sorry for the noob questions16:34
pleia2in linux you don't strictly have a single authoritative "applications" directory16:34
pleia2I tend to put such things in my home directory under a folder I create called bin/16:35
pleia2if you want other users on your system to have access to it, you might put it in /usr/local/bin/16:35
metal55ah excellent thank you16:35
pleia2but it doesn't matter really, you can run it from Downloads forever if you want :)16:35
metal55I don't seem to be able to put anything in usr/local/bin16:37
metal55its like I don't have permission16:37
metal55.. I only just installed xubuntu16:37
Sysiyou need to use "gksudo thunar"16:38
metal55gksudo thunar?16:39
metal55sorry completely new to xubuntu16:40
Sysirun it in terminal or Alt F2 popup window16:43
metal55ahh I see16:44
metal55thank you16:44
Sysi(as it should tell you, be careful)16:45
metal55yep with you,16:49
metal55Dose anyone know if there are there any quick launcher applications like quick silver, launchy or alfred?16:50
Sysiseveral, for example synapse and gnome-do16:51
metal55fantastic synapse looks great16:53
metal55How do I add these applications to my "start menu"16:53
SysiI think you can create entries with alacarte, I recommend installing it with "apt-get --no-install-recommends install alacarte"16:57
Sysiotherly it pulls half of gnome with it16:57
metal55awesome thank you very much for your help, its appreciated.17:01
n2diy_can I restart my panel? Xfce4-panel restart tells me it is already running.17:33
Sysixfce4-panel -r should work17:33
n2diy_Sysi, thanks, that did the trick.17:35
n2diy_still have weird behavior though. when I switch between apps, the panel dissappears, but when I mouse over it, it reappers. It's not set to auto hide, and it is floating, now currently two inches above my screen border.17:37
ThePendulumI was wondering if it's possible to hide panels, without removing them17:44
Sysiin their settings17:46
ThePendulumThat's basically only autohide17:52
Sysiyou can remove xfce4-panel from session17:52
=== oxicarius is now known as oxic`
lglcrtnddear all, I am new with Xubuntu I need a help to install SH file. Anyone?20:11
lglcrtndno one ?20:16
lglcrtndno one here?20:17
skellatlglcrtnd: Could you please explain further what you're trying to do with a SH file?20:21
lglcrtndI am tring to install it via Terminal20:43
lglcrtndbut I cannot get the job done20:43
lglcrtndhow do I tune xubuntu start up programs?20:54
lglcrtndi cannot open the program management20:57
holsteinlglcrtnd: what are you trying to open>?20:58
holsteintry opening whatever your are having trouble with from a terminal.. maybe you get some helpful output20:59
lglcrtndwhat command I have to invoke20:59
holsteinlglcrtnd: depends on what you are trying to open21:00
lglcrtndI am in terminal as root now21:00
holsteinwhy as root?21:00
holsteinyou mean, sudo -s ?21:00
lglcrtndas root cause as admin the system doesn  t let me open that program21:01
lglcrtndI want to open the package management program21:01
holsteinwhat admin system?21:01
holsteinlglcrtnd: sudo synaptic21:01
holsteinsudo apt-get install synaptic if its not installed already21:01
lglcrtndsudo synaptic did the job, THANK YOU21:02
lglcrtndnow I am looking for a program to install tat let me see the boot sequence of the programms that are loaded when I turn on my computer21:03
lglcrtndany suggestions?21:03
lglcrtndmy goal is to speed up the boot sequence21:05
lglcrtndthis is because I have an old computer with 256MB of memory21:06
holsteinlglcrtnd: i would go in the menu... there is something like "startup" or "sesssions" or "startup applications"21:08
holsteinits in the settings, not too far in21:08
lglcrtndwell done; I have got it21:09
MokuraI'm getting strange errors with the Software Center.  I'm trying to re-install the Wine beta packages after an uninstall, but it keeps giving me a "check your connection" error (I'm definitely connected) then an "unauthenticated packages" error.  Any idea on why this might be happening?21:11
holsteinMokura: i would entertain the internet connection... i would try using synaptic or another package manger...21:12
MokuraUsing apt-get from the terminal actually prompts me if I want to install the related packages marked as unauthed, but I'm wondering why it got marked like that in the first place.21:12
* Mokura shrugs, attempts terminal wizardry.21:12
holsteinit?.. the list? maybe you added a PPA21:12
MokuraYes, I added Wine's PPA.21:12
MokuraIt never gave me this problem on the initial install.21:12
holsteini would look at your sources... i would consider purging that PPA, and getting "back to normal" and going from there21:13
MokuraI shall try that.21:13
MokuraWelp, that fixed it.  Odd.21:14
MokuraConsidering Wine's Ubuntu packages page tells you to add their PPA.21:14
lglcrtndsorry guys, what is PPA? Are the sub-package that are related to the main installer?21:15
Mokurafrom what I understand, it's another source for packages21:16
Mokurainstead of just x/ubuntu's sources21:16
MokuraI'm still learning so my definition could be a little off.21:16
lglcrtndMokura so another place to get the packages?21:16
MokuraPretty much.21:16
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:18
MokuraWell then!21:18
lglcrtndty ubottu21:19
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:19
Mokuraalso.  whenever I click on a search result from google, it appends a bunch of garbage to the page name, which tends to get in the way.  is that a google problem or a firefox problem?21:21
holsteinMokura: maybe you are using firefox google... go to http://google.com ...if that works in a way you are not comfortable with, consider another search provider21:23
lglcrtndI use chromium and I have a clean search results with google.com21:23
MokuraI'll try that.21:24
MokuraI just set the homepage to about:home, so.21:24
Mokuranormal google does it too.21:24
Mokuramust be a firefox thing, I'll check mozillazine.21:24
lglcrtndI have my hard disk very busy all the time. what to do to understand why and to kill the program that cause that overflow?21:26
holsteinlglcrtnd: ps aux21:30
TVasEyeslglcrtnd (& holstein):  also  top21:32
lglcrtndtop is a better script as I can see in live-real time the usage of resorces21:35
lglcrtndwhat is "Xorg" command?21:36
holsteinsomething you need, if you want a GUI21:36
lglcrtndok holstein, I need this GUI21:37
TVasEyeslglcrtnd: Xorg is the server, if you're in runlevel 3 startx should get you there.21:39
lglcrtndI see, its about X.org Foundation21:41
lglcrtndcan I configure Xorg?21:41
TVasEyesmodern X will configure automatically21:41
TVasEyesalthough you can, of course, create your own xorg.conf21:42
lglcrtndbut is there anyway to hardering it?21:42
TVasEyesadd -nolisten tcp to command line.21:42
TVasEyeslglcrtnd: depending on how you decide to start your graphical env, you could add the -nolisten switch in /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc21:45
lglcrtnda bit lost. I am in terminal as root, I invoke STARTX the answer is that the server is already running21:45
TVasEyesterminal or console?21:46
holsteinin a terminal, from within XFCE21:46
TVasEyeswell, then X is running already anyway. :)21:47
lglcrtndnow I want to have a minimal load of graphical env21:47
lglcrtndcan I tune the graph server?21:47
holsteinlglcrtnd: you do... XFCE is one of the lighter ones21:47
holsteinif you want less, i would suggest LXDE21:48
lglcrtndok how to do XFCE? In terminal it says COMMAND NOT FOUND21:48
lglcrtndLXDE ? Ok I need less21:48
holsteinlglcrtnd: you are running xubuntu, correct?21:48
lglcrtndyes holstein21:48
holsteinxubuntu = ubuntu running XFCE, the XFCE environment21:48
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:49
lglcrtndclear and what about LXDE?21:49
holsteinits another environment that is arguably lighter.. and may or may not suit your needs21:49
TVasEyessimilar to XFCE but needs to be installed separately (not done that though )21:49
lglcrtndok guys, my question now is, can I tune XFCE so that it works with minimum graphical engine?21:51
holsteinlglcrtnd: it really is quite minimal as-is21:51
lglcrtndI see21:51
TVasEyeslglcrtnd: have a look in  Settings 'Session & Startup'  maybe you can do without something which autosarts?21:52
lglcrtndTVasEyes done already21:53
holsteinyeah, maybe bluetooth or printing support.. or the auto-updates... thats likely what you are seeing using the hard drive21:53
lglcrtndkilled them already21:53
TVasEyesthat's basically it then..21:53
lglcrtndtrue, it was a problem at the beginning21:53
lglcrtndanyhow, I am running Xubuntu on one my old portable machine with 256MB and I am surprise of the results with this OS21:53
holsteini think other enviroments are lighter, but XFCE is a nice balance of function and lightness21:54
TVasEyesit might be heresy to suggest this here but slackware with WindowMaker will run happily in 128Mb21:55
lglcrtndslackware is an OS?21:55
lglcrtndty for the info21:55
well_laid_lawnrunning just a window manager is lighter than using a desktop environment21:55
TVasEyesone of the oldest Linuxes21:55
holsteinpuppy linux too, sinc it runs from ram... still, i think xubuntu and lubuntu are nice choices that strike a good balance21:59
TVasEyesagree holstein, good usability all-round22:00
TVasEyesxubuntu, thst is22:00
lglcrtndearly today I was trying to install bootcharter22:02
lglcrtndthat is a package available as repository22:03
lglcrtndits a program to tune the start up process22:03
lglcrtndI have installed it via synaptic22:06
lglcrtndthe installation was ok, now I cannot invoke it as I have lost it somewhere on my hard disk22:06
TVasEyeslglcrtnd: if you remove the 'quiet splash' (but leave the empty quotes) from /etc/default/grub  you get loads more info during boot.22:07
lglcrtndI try22:07
TVasEyesalso, dmesg  provides info on what happened during start-up22:09
lglcrtndI am on Grub now22:09
lglcrtnddo I have to remove all the # simbols?22:10
TVasEyeslglcrtnd: no, just remove the two words from the something-something-COMMANDLINE entry22:12
lglcrtndand I live the two "" ?22:13
lglcrtndimpossible to write22:14
TVasEyesyou have to be root :)22:14
lglcrtndhow to invoke from terminal to edit the file grub? EDIT? OPEN? ...?22:17
TVasEyeslglcrtnd: btw, I suggest that when you make changes to system files keep notes (in a text file?), really helps in a few weeks from now :)22:18
TVasEyeswhich editor are you accustomed to ?22:18
lglcrtndgood suggestion, I create text file to log my changes22:19
lglcrtndabyword can be fine22:19
TVasEyeslglcrtnd: I always go root (a definite no-no her :) ), there's a gksudo or somesuch, ie "gksudo abiword".  someone more familar with 'proper' working practice should help you from here :(22:21
TVasEyesremember, abiword is a word processor, you MUST save a plain text file22:22
lglcrtndyes, I will keep the plain text once I finish the editing. Ty22:22
lglcrtnddone all, thank you for your support22:24
TVasEyesenjoy :)22:24
lglcrtndBTW dmesg -c give me a very large list of tasks!22:28
TVasEyeslglcrtnd: why the -c switch (which clears the buffer)?  simply  dmesg | less to read what happened.22:29
lglcrtndI have saved this conversation, as my first approch to Linux :)22:31
lglcrtndgood starting for me22:31
TVasEyesin that case I do not recommend slackware yet :-)22:31
lglcrtndI remove that line from the file ;)22:32
TVasEyes:)  ok.  got to go.  good luck.22:32
lglcrtndthanks mate, bye for now22:32
c_smithis it at all safe to install Gwibber on Xubuntu?23:05
TVasEyesc_smith: their blog states: "Gwibber is included out of the box in Ubuntu 10.04", so, although I've never used it, it should be ok.23:13
MarzataGwibber  is OK in Xubuntu.23:36

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