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george_eI've just registered a project and I'm trying to push some code to it.00:58
george_eBut I get this error:00:58
george_e"bzr: ERROR: At lp:reevolution you have a valid .bzr control directory, but not a branch or repository. This is an unsupported configuration. Please move the target directory out of the way and try again."00:58
george_eWhat does it mean and what do I need to do?00:58
pooliehuh, i guess you must have interrupted it at just the right moment00:58
poolieor something like that00:59
pooliei would try deleting the branch through the web ui and re-pushing it00:59
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
benceri've a question, why launchpad has this source here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+package/python-django-djblets and the package is not in the archive http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python-django-djblets ?08:56
wgrantbencer: If you click on one of the "Published versions" links on that page you'll see it's been deleted.08:59
wgrant"Deleted in precise-release (Reason: (From Debian) ROM; no longer useful; Debian bug #635963) "08:59
ubot5Debian bug 635963 in ftp.debian.org "RM: python-django-djblets -- ROM; no longer useful" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/63596308:59
benceri see09:00
bencerwhat ROM stands for?09:00
wgrantRequest of Maintainer09:00
bencerok thanks09:00
wgrantSo the person who maintains the package in Debian asked for it to be removed.09:00
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* popey filed bug 966960 which is now a dupe of bug 91855110:32
ubot5Error: Bug #966960 is a duplicate of bug #918551, but it is private (https://launchpad.net/bugs/918551)10:32
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 918551 could not be found10:32
popeyany chance someone can look at 918551 and see if I can be allowed access?10:33
wgrant_popey: That's more of an Ubuntu question.10:33
wgrant_popey: Ubuntu's apport is what does the crazy marking-public-bugs-as-dupes-of-private-ones thing.10:34
popeywell mine was private initially, now it's public10:34
popeyand i wanted somoene in my team to look at it10:34
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popeybut they can't10:34
* popey doesn't actually know what the process for doing this is10:35
wgrantSure, but it wouldn't be very nice if Launchpad staff randomly granted everyone access to some project's private bugs just because someone asked :)10:35
czajkowskicant even see it either to help10:36
wgrantI probably can. Let me see.10:36
wgrantBut not because of my Launchpadness.10:36
popeyok, so the other question I should probably have asked is 'who has access to that bug, so I can ask them'10:37
wgrantMost Ubuntu developers10:37
wgrantEven ~ubuntu-bugcontrol nowadays, it seems.10:37
wgrantpopey: I've confirmed there's nothing sensitive and made it public.10:39
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zygacould someone ploease rename my project on launchpad, I just created it and I've noticed there's a typo in the name17:17
deryckzyga, file a question against launchpad requesting the change.17:18
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zygaderyck: thanks17:23
Davieylp down?18:47
DavieyHmm, seems it's me..18:48
cody-somervilleDaviey, Looks fine to me.18:50
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zygamwhudson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/904555/20:51
mwhudsonzyga: looks happier20:52
zygamwhudson: surprisingly looks good20:52
mwhudsonzyga: wrong channel though? :)20:52
zygamwhudson: I did not have to downgrade django either20:52
stgraberhmm, why is LP oopsing on me every time I try to file a bug?21:07
stgraberIntegrityError: null value in column "information_type" violates not-null constraint21:08
spmstgraber: we appear to have a partially broken rollout; fixing atm.21:26
stgraberspm: thanks21:27
spmshould be fixed in 5-10?, 15 at the latest.21:27
stgraberok, doing another test install now, will report my bugs when I'm done21:28
spmstgraber: that should be all fixed now; if not; yell at me. :-)21:43
stgraberspm: testing21:44
stgraberspm: yep, working21:45
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk

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