
cyphermox@pilot in00:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta 2 Freeze in Effect. Archive: pre-release freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: cyphermox
balloonsis there any about who would be willing to sponsor an upload?00:21
RAOFballoons: cyphermox has just signed in as patch pilot :)00:25
cyphermoxballoons: shoot :)00:25
balloonsso I'm new to this, but I need something uploaded to precise-release so it can be reviewed00:25
balloonsbzr branch lp:~nskaggs/checkbox/checkbox-app-testing-qt00:26
cndkees, I see you're a MIR approver, could you take a look at bug 949575?00:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949575 in gtest (Ubuntu) "[MIR] gtest" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94957500:26
slangasekcyphermox: checkbox-app-testing is a new package; I've agreed to do the archive review00:27
cyphermoxslangasek: ok00:29
keescnd: sure, done. someone else need to actually promote it, though.00:29
cndkees, yeah00:30
cndthanks for approving :)00:30
balloonscyphermox, let me know if you need anything else00:31
cyphermoxballoons: I wish the extended description was longer, anything we can add now? :)00:31
keesnp :)00:32
balloonssure.. umm, what else would you like.. a bigger description of the package?00:32
cyphermoxyeah, just more meat around it, it's not a big deal just would be nicer00:33
cyphermoxballoons: also, debian/pycompat isn't required afaik, it can just be dropped00:33
balloonsok, I'll drop it and extend the descrip a bit00:34
balloonsone sec00:34
cyphermoxballoons: afaik it otherwise looks fine. since the package is probably not in debian you could also get away without the "ubuntuX" suffix for the version number, I think. not that it makes a real difference00:37
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balloonscyphermox, pushed the changes00:39
cyphermoxcool. I'll pull in a second, I'm running it through sbuild just now00:40
cyphermoxballoons: thanks for the changes00:48
balloonscyphermox, np00:53
cyphermoxballoons: slangasek: seems to me like much of the qt stuff should be in /usr/lib, not /usr/share00:56
cyphermox(at least)00:57
balloonscyphermox, I'm happy to make any changes needed :-) It's modeled after the checkbox package as an fyi.. so likely checkbox places them in the same location00:58
cyphermoxyeah, that's what bothers me, I have reviewed the last few checkbox uploads and didn't clue in :)00:59
balloonsahh.. so they are the same then?01:00
balloonsi was going to say i did mod some stuff so it's possible I changed it01:00
cyphermoxnah, it's the same01:02
balloonskk.. I would offer to leave it the same.. but your argument is sound :-)01:03
cyphermoxI think it needs to be fixed in both, it should be simple and pretty safe to change in checkbox-app-testing-qt now01:06
balloonsok.. sounds fine01:07
balloonslet's have at it01:07
balloonsso basically I need to move qt stuff to /usr/lib01:09
cyphermoxyeah, but that's going to break a few things01:12
cyphermoxI'm looking through it now, some of it needs to stay in /usr/share01:13
cyphermoxyou'll want to at least adjust the default value of CHECKBOX_APP_TESTING_{SHARE,FRONTEND}01:13
cyphermoxballoons: I think I got it, shuffled files around a bit; hopefully it will solve this and still work :)01:25
balloons:-) the important part, yes :-)01:26
cyphermoxthe important part?01:35
cyphermoxchanges are actually pretty simple, I guess01:35
balloonsok.. do you have a patch or just want to descibre?01:36
mhall119w 2601:53
balloonscyphermox, ?01:59
cyphermoxballoons: ah, sorry01:59
cyphermoxI'll have a patch soon, it mostly works01:59
balloonsno worries :-)01:59
balloonskk.. just wondering what was up :-)02:00
cyphermoxhaving an issue with dealing with upgrades, at least02:03
cyphermoxI'm finishing up testing this then I think I'll leave it to you to figure out (or we should ask cr3 tomorrow or something)02:04
balloonsahh.. I'll have to check it tonight unless he's around02:06
balloonsI don't want to shorten slangasek's timeframe anymore than I have to :-)02:06
cyphermoxballoons: lp:~mathieu-tl/checkbox/app-testing-move-to-usr-lib02:11
cyphermoxI think it pretty much fixes everything02:11
cyphermoxmaybe just review the changes and if you think it's reasonable we'll upload that?02:12
ScottKkirkland: Yes.  opendkim.02:13
ScottKkirkland: opendkim is a fork of dkim-milter done by the same author when he changed employers.  dkim-milter is dead.02:14
balloonsok.. I'll merge and review now02:15
cyphermoxballoons: please test it too, make sure it behaves as you expect, the general UI look might have changed since now it would actually use the UI you ship instead of what comes from checkbox-qt02:24
balloonscyphermox, yes.. that's fine02:24
balloonsthey are the same :-)02:24
cyphermoxis it likely to ever be different? if not maybe it's not worth including02:25
balloonsumm.. yea.. it depends on how checkbox-qt works out02:26
balloonsideally i wouldn't ship it02:27
balloonslet's see how she runs02:27
cyphermoxballoons: if you're looking for what to add to changelog for my changes, check the commit message. it's there but you'll want to adjust it for debian/changelog02:31
balloonsok, thanks02:31
balloonsbuilding.. building02:31
cyphermoxballoons: please drop the files in patches/, they clash with your package version and aren't needed since this is a new package.02:33
balloonsyes.. I was going to ask02:34
balloonsI just noticed them before asking you to take a look if they were needed or not02:34
cyphermoxthat's why upgrades of the package will fail until you reach a version of about 0.10 or so :)02:34
balloonsthis is still new for me02:35
balloonsso.. feel free to point out the obvious :-)02:35
cyphermoxjust make sure after that things still behave correctly, in case some changes are missing from the .ini file shipped02:35
balloonsok.. so explain the patches a bit more to me02:36
balloonsif I kill the folder it will be as a new package02:37
balloonsbut i have to adjust my build too or it will fail right?02:37
cyphermoxballoons: just empty the folder is fine.02:47
cyphermoxIIRC that directory is supposed to contain "patches" or scripts that will act on the .ini files shipping by checkbox to change settings, for things like blacklists and such02:48
balloonscyphermox, right.. but now the build is failing because it's looking for then02:50
balloonsso I'm confused02:50
cyphermoxballoons: then edit setup.py to avoid installing these files02:51
cyphermoxanother easy way could have been to make the initial version a 0.10.something02:51
balloonsahh.. i was looking in all the wrong places02:51
RAOFHm.  I wonder how easy it is to exploit a root-permissioned libsane-using daemon.04:27
RAOFYou could probably do something interesting with a specially programmed USB device, I guess…05:01
cyphermox@pilot out05:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta 2 Freeze in Effect. Archive: pre-release freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
pittiGood morning05:08
RAOFpitti: Aloha.05:09
kirklandScottK: thanks05:11
ajmitchmorning pitti05:13
pittislangasek: I'll reject your language-selector upload and reupload with a couple of additional fixes, if that's alright with you? I want to add the LP# task to your conffile fix, too05:29
pittior alternatively close it manually after the freeze05:30
pittijibel: FYI, filed bug 966845 for the last lucid-precise-universe upgrade failure05:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966845 in update-manager (Ubuntu Precise) "lucid->precise upgrade wants to remove ubuntu-desktop" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96684505:37
pittijibel: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-main/lastFailedBuild/ARCH=i386,LTS=lts,PROFILE=main-all,label=upgrade-test/console crashes on a missind dir or file, could you please have a look?05:42
pittislangasek: nevermind, I'll close the bug manually06:05
didrocks@pilot in06:38
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta 2 Freeze in Effect. Archive: pre-release freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: didrocks
didrockspitti: do you think: should I sponsor in -proposed, don't do anything for packages in main until beta freeze is lifted? (or just upload in main and the release team won't approve it until the freeze is lifted)07:01
pittididrocks: the latter usually07:01
pittididrocks: there's plenty of stuff in unapproved which is for after beta-207:02
didrocksok, wasn't sure for main components though ;)07:02
didrocksthanks pitti!07:02
pittiit's fine as a general fire&forget approach07:02
pittididrocks: de rien, enjoy the flight :)07:03
didrocksthanks ;)07:03
dholbachgood morning07:06
didrockshey dholbach ;)07:07
dholbachhey didrocks07:07
jibelpitti, guten Morgen. thanks for reporting the failure.07:44
pittijibel: TheMuso and I discussed it, should be fixed tomorrow07:45
jibelpitti, the error for lucid main is really weird. I'll have a look.07:45
pittijibel: merci07:48
Mirvdoes anyone happen to know a bug number (or even the component that should be fixed) for "terminal quickly shown on the screen when logging out or shutting down, before splash screen shows"?08:51
Mirvit's a small detail but quite visible, and at least I'm having it on all my 3 intel graphics laptops and radeon graphics desktop08:52
cjwatsondholbach: I rejected your auto-complete-el sync, since didrocks beat you to it.08:58
dholbach_cjwatson, ah ok :)09:08
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
didrocksanyone can reject this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~happyhouse19/ubuntu/oneiric/spyder/fix-for-890243/+merge/99579? (wrong target, sponsored the fix fixed to precise)09:15
pittididrocks: done09:15
didrockspitti: thanks :)09:16
seb128(will they ever fix launchpad to let any dev do that?)09:20
didrocksdholbach: still on sponsoring mood? I spent more than 2 hours here to build inkscape ;)09:22
dholbachdidrocks, really? it just took me a few minutes09:23
didrocksdholbach: I hope you removed the bug # from debian/changelog? (they are just copy and paste and was already mergedpar ot the merge ;)09:23
dholbachI'll stop now - sorry :)09:23
didrocksdholbach: no no, I'm at the end of my shift09:23
* dholbach hugs didrocks09:23
didrocksdholbach: at least, confirming it looks good to me :)09:23
* didrocks hugs dholbach09:23
didrocksdholbach: I beat you at the syncing race! 1-1 I guess : p09:24
cjwatsonroaksoax: are you still intending to fix bug 840406?  It's milestoned for beta-2 at the moment09:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840406 in powernap (Ubuntu Precise) "powerwaked crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/powerwake/monitors/ARPMonitor.py: No module named scapy.all" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84040609:28
rbasakjodh: is there any reason why "initctl emit rabbitmq-server-running" would hang, or is this an upstart bug? I'm on arm.09:30
didrocksjodh: on https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/precise/upstart/big-upstart-events-man-page-updates/+merge/99687, you still have debian/conf/flush-early-job-log.conf listed in an older changelog (1.5-0ubuntu1) which is not in 1.5-0ubuntu1 distro version09:31
jodhrbasak: sounds like you've got a job that has "start on rabbitmq-server-running" and *that* is hanging.09:31
didrocksjodh: so if you want to add it to 1.5-0ubuntu2 (which seems to be the case), can you list it at the right place?09:32
jodhrbasak: check out http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#establish-blocking-job09:33
jodhdidrocks: will look at that now...09:34
didrocksjodh: thanks, ping me once done, I'll sponsor them :)09:34
jodhdidrocks: thank you09:34
didrocksgrrr ECANTTYPE09:34
* smb would love to find again the documentation explaining the preferred version format for SRU packages. There seems to be cases where <ver>ubuntu1 becomes <ver>ubuntu1.1. But I thought to remember some variant making use of the release name.09:39
cjwatsonsmb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging09:40
smbcjwatson, Yeah, that was the one. Thanks.09:41
cjwatsonlinked to from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure09:41
* smb bookmarks this time09:41
jodhdidrocks: that changelog entry does belong in 1.5-0ubuntu1 (I added it in revno 1382). It somehow got dropped when the branch was tagged and uploaded, so what's in the MP is actually correct.09:50
didrocksjodh: hum, I apt-get source upstart here09:51
didrockslook at the changelog in 1.5-0ubuntu109:51
didrocksand it's not here09:51
jodhdidrocks: yes, the distro changelog is wrong - it doesn't reflect the bzr history.09:51
didrocksjodh: well, the change in debian/conf/flush-early-job-log.conf is not in the distro either09:52
didrocksso the change is not referenced, nor present in the current 1.5-0ubuntu1 in precise09:52
jodhdidrocks: hmm, that's not supposed to happen :)09:53
didrocksjodh: not sure how, but I checked twice ;)09:53
didrocksjodh: not a biggie, you can add it to 1.5-0ubuntu2, just reference in debian/changelog from there09:53
jodhdidrocks: thanks - and good catch!09:56
didrocksjodh: just ping me once you've done the change :)09:57
rbasakjodh: there is a job that starts on rabbitmq-server-running, but find_blocked_job.sh does not report anything, and I don't see any child processes of "initctl emit rabbitmq-server-running"10:04
jodhdidrocks: I've re-pushed that branch now.10:08
didrocksjodh: thanks! looking10:08
jodhrbasak: what state is that job in? Can you pb the job?10:09
vibhavpCan anybody tell me how do I apply this patch : http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-exchange/commit/?id=a78cf5169ed46f5d53412290dbb3fe862f20150010:13
rbasakjodh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/903663/10:13
jodhrbasak: I think you'll find the pre-start is the problem - "initctl emit" is going to block until that completes.10:15
vibhavppatch always returns invalid patch format10:16
jodhrbasak: try putting the pre-start block into a shell script run with "/bin/sh -e" and see what happens.10:16
Davieyjodh: I wonder if the pre-start is happening too quickly, directly as the event is emitted.. but before rabbit is /really/ ready?10:16
rbasakjodh: I'll do that, thanks. How does upstart run the jobs normally? Pipe them into a shell or something? SHouldn't I be seeing a shell process somewhere that is running the pre-start?10:17
vibhavpOr is there any way to download the patch?10:18
jodhrbasak: the other possibility is that "initctl emit" is blocking because the 'start on' condition for that job isn't fully satisfied.10:18
Davieyvibhavp: click 'patch' on that very page.10:18
jodhrbasak: again, try "sudo initctl emit net-device-up" (or filesystem) and see what happens10:18
vibhavpDaviey: Should that patch work?10:19
Davieyvibhavp: No idea.10:19
vibhavpSeems that I will have to commit them manually :(10:19
jodhrbasak: it uses a number of different techniques (3) to run jobs. If you're not seeing any shells though, it must be the 'start on' that's the problem.10:20
rbasakjodh, Daviey: looks like running both "sudo initctl emit net-device-up" and "sudo initctl emit filesystem" seems to fix it. I need both though. The order doesn't matter (I tried both orders concurrently on two different boards). But now the "emit filesystem" call is hung.10:24
jodhrbasak: that'll be because other jobs have 'start on's including filesystem. So it's looking like net-device-up is the issue.10:25
* rbasak is definitely confused now10:26
rbasakmaas-txlongpoll has "start on filesystem and net-device-up and rabbitmq-server-running". If net-device-up hasn't happened (it should have!), then why does "initctl emit rabbitmq-server-running" hang? Surely the job's start conditions haven't been met?10:27
cjwatsonEmitting an event blocks until anything that starts on that event has completed.10:28
cjwatsonThat includes things that won't start until some other event has been emitted, due to 'and'.10:28
cjwatsonThere's 'initctl emit --no-wait', although I don't know whether that's appropriate here.10:29
jodhrbasak: from initctl(8): "For the emit command, finishing means that all of the jobs affected by the event are running (or have finished for tasks) or have been fully stopped."10:30
cjwatsonIn fact, I found that realising that emission blocked this way was the key to understanding Upstart's entire model, and especially the problems with mixing 'and' and 'or'.10:31
didrocks@pilot out10:32
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta 2 Freeze in Effect. Archive: pre-release freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
jodhrbasak/cjwatson: I'll make this point clearer in the Upstart Cookbook...10:32
rbasakcjwatson, jodh: OK, my misunderstanding, thanks. I need to study the docs more.10:33
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
jodhrbasak: I've added a warning to the Cookbook with links to the appropriate sections here: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#initctl-emit10:44
rbasakSo how should I debug this problem? I'm now lost again. The original issue was that "initctl emit rabbitmq-server-running" hangs. I know it's freed by "initctl emit filesystem" AND "initctl emit net-device-up", but the "initctl emit filesystem" then hangs. What does this mean and where should I look?10:44
jodhrbasak: the point is, you shouldn't need to emit these events yourself: 'filesystem' is emitted by mountall and net-device-up is emitted by either /etc/init/network-interface.conf or ifupdown all as documented in upstart-events(7).10:45
jodhrbasak: I'd look at your network config.10:46
Davieyrbasak: did you check if running the pre-start blocked, in shell by hand?10:46
rbasakjodh: the postinst isn't emitting the events - it's just calling "/bin/sh /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server restart"10:46
rbasakjodh: I've not messed with my network config. It's a fresh netinst.10:47
rbasakrabbitmq-server isn't an upstart job, but /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server calls "initctl emit rabbitmq-server-running"10:49
rbasakIs this allowed?10:49
rbasakOr should this be --nowait?10:49
cjwatsonRemember that net-device-up is not a state.10:52
cjwatsonIt is an event.  Once it has been emitted and completely processed at boot time, it goes away.10:52
cjwatsonI would say that it is unwise to emit events at all at restart (i.e. other than at boot) that are likely to block on events that only arrive at boot time.10:53
cjwatsonEven with --no-wait, you're asking Upstart to keep track of an event that will never complete.10:53
Davieycjwatson: The issue is that one job is dependant on another job running.. I think we thought events was the way to do this?10:54
cjwatsonDependencies aren't a concept Upstart has.  I recommend thinking only in terms of events.10:54
cjwatsonThe key thing to realise here is that net-device-up is not a state.10:54
DavieyThe old way i used to see was a crappy sleep loop that progressed to the job when it's requirement was satisfied.. that is really ugly.10:54
rbasakWhat about when we want to start a job from a postinst? In this case, waiting for net-device-up doesn't make sense.10:55
rbasakBut from the next reboot, we want that.10:55
cjwatsonNo, it doesn't.  You probably need to redesign.10:55
cjwatsonThis whole arrangement is prone to hangs.10:55
Davieycjwatson: Okay.. Other jobs do seem to emit events to use as dependencies.. not saying this is right... but how do we solve this issue?10:55
cjwatsonSome of them may be wrong, and some of them may know what they're doing!10:56
cjwatsonBut you're not talking about a job anyway, you're talking about an init script.10:56
cjwatsonWhat are you trying to achieve by this rabbitmq-server-running event?10:56
cjwatsonAnd why isn't rabbitmq-server a native Upstart job if you need to have things depend on it starting at boot?10:57
Davieycjwatson: check that something which depends on rabbit has a valid user, and if not, create one.  Yes, it's a hack.10:57
Davieycjwatson: The issue is that running rabbitmq in d-i is harder.. which means that logic from postinst was moved to an upstart job.10:58
cjwatsonI can't see how you get from the premise to the conclusion there, given that d-i doesn't use Upstart10:58
rbasakYou're running rabbitmq in d-i?10:58
Davieyrbasak: no.10:58
cjwatsonThis user creation: does it need to happen more than once per boot?  Does it need to happen only once ever?10:59
Davieycjwatson: No, the issue is that running rabbit in d-i seemed to uncover many more issues within the rabbitmq package.10:59
DavieySo, making the app that talks to rabbit, would traditionally have the logic in the app's postinst.10:59
cjwatsonWell obviously you shouldn't start daemons during installation, but there's no need to solve that with arcane arrangements of events.10:59
Davieycjwatson: I get that.. but what do you suggest?11:00
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cjwatsonI'm trying to understand your problem before making any concrete suggestions, hence my two questions above11:00
Davieycjwatson: Okay, it should be a once only action.11:00
DavieySo it really has no place being in an upstart job.11:00
cjwatsonBut it's a once-only action that requires rabbitmq to be running?11:01
DavieyHowever, because doing that logic in d-i wasn't viable.. it was the best of two bad situations, that seemed to work.11:01
Davieycjwatson: yep11:01
cjwatsonWhere is the code for this action?11:01
Davieyone moment11:01
infinityI'm confused.11:01
ogra_we know11:01
rbasakI think I might actually understand it now!11:02
cjwatsoninfinity: I think I'm reasonably close to being able to make a non-broken recommendation11:02
infinityThere are lots of postinst actions that require daemons to be running (ie: anything that populates *sql databases).  How is this new ground?11:02
Davieyinfinity: because postgres for example, can runin d-i11:02
cjwatsonThey probably don't work during OS installation.11:02
Davieyrabbit seems to not like that situation11:02
ogra_how about fixing that ?11:03
infinityDoes this relate to the outstanding rabbit bug that it uses su to start and creates a PAM session?11:03
cjwatsonDaviey: That would be rather astonishing given that d-i tries extremely hard to suppress any daemon startup.11:03
Davieyinfinity: potentially.. one of those issues was resolved.. but there is still another su that didn't seem to have been addressed11:03
DavieyHoweever, with that su removed in a testing environment, it still didn't unblock rabbitmq starting in d-i11:04
Davieycjwatson: Yep.. and hard to try astonishingly hard to circumvent that :/11:04
Davieycjwatson: Yes.. ignoring policy.d.11:04
DavieyI'm not going to pretend this is graceful handling.11:05
cjwatsonWhy does this need net-device-up11:06
DavieyI'm not sure why that was added..11:06
infinityCargo-culted from another job, I'd guess.11:06
DavieyAh, the actual daemon it's running needs to be network addressable11:06
jodhif it is somehow needed, it should probably be 'static-network-up' anyway11:06
infinityDaviey: Really?  rabbitmqctl can't operate on, say, a UNIX socket?11:07
jodhnet-device-up is prolly wrong then as that'll match 'lo'11:07
Davieyinfinity: no, you aren't looking at the job, are you?11:07
Davieyjodh: Yeah, it would seem it needs IFACE handling11:08
jodhstatic-network-up bypassed that though11:08
infinityDaviey: I'm not?11:08
cjwatsonPerhaps the simplest answer is that you should only emit rabbitmq-server-running during boot.11:08
jodhI smell a UDS session coming out of all this.11:08
cjwatsoni.e. test RUNLEVEL11:09
Davieycjwatson: So if i apt-get install package.. the emit wouldn't happen.. i'd need to reboot?11:09
cjwatsontxlongpoll's postinst could always do this rabbitmqctl thing if and only if rabbitmq is running.11:10
Davieyinfinity: The daemon which is being discussed needs rabbit and also needs to be network addressable... External web browsers don't work well with unix sockets :)11:10
infinityDaviey: The job doesn't make that particularly clear, so your previous comment was unhelpful.11:10
Davieycjwatson: Hmm, okay.. that makes sense.. Have the logic in postinst for the package install situation, and in upstart if it's d-i, so satisfied on first boot.11:11
cjwatsonOr you could patch the daemon itself to attempt it at startup.11:11
Davieycjwatson: That sounds like a rabbithole.. It means priv drop logic would have to be added aswell, i imagine11:12
DavieyTo start as root.11:12
cjwatsonOh?  The Upstart job you pointed to seems to start it as root already.11:12
Davieydaemon starts, cannot authenticate, so creates a user, then authenticates.. feels more ugly11:12
Davieycjwatson: Yes it does at the moment.. but i'm sure by release it will have to be done by a system user.11:13
cjwatsonWell, up to you, either works11:13
bdrungmicahg: around?11:13
rbasakDaviey: shall I leave this with you, then?11:13
Davieyrbasak: Unless you want it? :)11:14
bdrungmicahg: i have a fix prepared for vlc that i like get tested by you11:14
Davieyrbasak: I need to put a peg on my noise if i'm going to touch this.11:14
Davieycjwatson: thanks.11:14
rbasakDaviey: :)11:15
DavieyHmm.. If a job is conditional on two events, and the events happen at massively different times.. is this an issue?11:15
Davieyie, custom event AND a networking one?11:16
infinityOnce an event is emitted, it doesn't un-emit.11:17
infinity(It can re-emit, mind you)11:17
cjwatsonDepends how massively different we're talking about, though.  Boot vs. later package installation is not a good sign.11:17
Davieyno, i mean.. is the blocking of an event's return an issue11:17
cjwatsonNot normally for brief periods during boot.11:18
Davieyok, thanks11:18
cjwatsonUnless you deadlock.11:18
rbasakDaviey: I'm not sure I understand upstart well enough yet. This is a complex issue. Happy to learn it but I may not get to a good solution quickly.11:18
DavieyWell yes, that seems viable in other situations.. thankfully i think a deadlock isn't possible in this crappy situation11:18
rbasakDaviey: I'd start by having a separate script that does the setup. Then it's just a question of where that script gets called from.11:18
Davieyyeah, groovy!11:19
Davieyinfinity: If you want to work on rabbit using start-stop-daemon in place of su.. there is a lovely entry point. :)11:20
infinityrbasak: Perhaps with a semaphore (/var/lib/txlongpoll/user_created or such), so you don't retry every damned start. ;)11:20
Daviey$ pastebinit /usr/sbin/rabbitmq-server11:20
Davieyinfinity: ^^ yes, a sbin script..11:21
infinityDaviey: Love the ghetto input validation...11:21
cjwatsonYour problem is not that shell is revolting.  Your problem is that su has an appalling interface.11:22
cjwatsonYou wouldn't need that if you were using a more sensible tool.11:22
Davieycjwatson: yep.. not our code!11:22
Davieycjwatson: I started writing a start-stop-script drop in, but it started to become traumatic..11:23
cjwatsonIt ought to mostly consist of deleting code.11:23
Davieyit needs to accept start / stop init.d style.. but also arbitrary input aswell.11:23
DavieyThe whole thing is crappy.11:23
cjwatsonEr you could just make the current script better without trying to add lots to it11:23
infinitySo, basically, it needs to be a sysv init script.11:24
Davieyinfinity: right!11:24
infinityTurns out there are still lots of examples of sysv init scripts using start-stop-daemon in /etc/init.d ;)11:24
Davieywhich is why having what is near enough, but not compliant init script in sbin is awesome.11:24
infinityFor now, anyway.11:24
DavieyBut then, it's also a sunny day.11:24
Davieyinfinity: that isn't the issue..11:25
infinityI'm not actually sure what the issue is.11:25
infinityYou just need to replace su with s-s-d and pass $@ wholesale.11:25
cjwatsonstart-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /dev/null --startas "/usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/${SCRIPT}" --chuid rabbitmq -- "$@"11:25
cjwatsonOr some such.11:25
infinityLike so.11:25
cjwatsonAnd delete all the quoting nonsense.11:25
Davieycjwatson: right.. and $@ contains start, stop, or other things we don't know11:26
infinityDaviey: So?11:26
Davieyso $something needs to be --$start to rperesent --start11:26
cjwatsonHow's that a problem?  The script you gave us just passes all that stuff through.11:26
infinityDaviey: Passing $@ is exactly what it does now.11:26
Davieycjwatson: it's not conditional on matching for start/stop commands, to pass outside of $@11:27
cjwatsonNor is the script you gave us.11:27
infinityelif [ `id -u` = `id -u rabbitmq` ] ; then11:27
infinity    /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/${SCRIPT} "$@"11:27
DavieyI'm not saying it's a big deal, i'm sayin that i'm reluctant to change it at this stage in the cycle.11:27
infinityAll the script does is call rabbitmq $@11:27
cjwatsonI'm saying that this is unilaterally better and easily testable.11:27
Davieycjwatson: ${CMDLINE} is handled within the line... but it needs extracting to be part of start-stop-daemon --start, right11:28
infinityDaviey: No.11:28
infinityDaviey: --start isn't what you think it is.11:28
cjwatsonCMDLINE is deviant garbage that should be discarded.11:28
infinityDaviey: It just means "run this command".11:28
DavieyHmm.. are you both sure?11:29
cjwatsonYes, quite sure.11:29
infinityDaviey: Very.11:29
cjwatsonCMDLINE is an abomination that messes around quoting "$@" in order to cope with the abysmal su interface.11:29
cjwatsonThe correct answer is to not use su, after which you don't need any of this stuff.11:29
infinity(--start means special things when combined with, say --make-pidfile, but since rabbit handles its own start/stop, you're only using s-s-d as a better su)11:29
cjwatsonThere are other ways; you could use a tiny perl wrapper, for instance.11:30
cjwatsonBut s-s-d does the job as long as it doesn't need to run within the installere.11:30
Davieybut i'll potentially be calling rabbit with stop on the cmdline..  but --start in start-stop-daemon ?11:30
cjwatsonThat doesn't matter.11:30
infinityDaviey: Yes.11:30
infinityDaviey: --start means "run this".11:30
infinityDaviey: And what you want it to run is "rabbitmq stop".11:31
infinityWhich is all good.11:31
Davieyok, thanks11:31
cjwatsonThis is in some sense abusing start-stop-daemon to do something that isn't starting or stopping a daemon.  But it works.11:31
infinityDaviey: --stop doesn't run commands at all, it looks for pidfiles and kills with fire.11:31
Davieyit's not as complex as i thought it was.11:31
infinityDaviey: And since rabbit has its own stopping, no need to ask s-s-d to do that.11:31
bdrungmicahg: i don't need your help. i reconstructed your setup and tested the fix here. i am going to upload 2.0.1-3 to debian11:31
bdrungtumbleweed: time to do another u-d-t upload?11:37
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tumbleweedbdrung: seems like a good idea. I'll have a look through open bugs11:51
bdrungtumbleweed: should we split bug #964731?12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964731 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "pull-debian-source wildcard support" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96473112:08
tumbleweedbdrung: just looking at it now. It casuses DDE to throw an exception, returning invalid json. I'm about to commit something returning a saner error message12:09
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dupondjeFetched 1003 MB in 6s (3684 kB/s)12:44
dupondjeThats fast ... :)12:44
jokerdinoI don't want to swear, really.12:45
highvoltageNo one's forcing you to.12:45
dupondjeFetched 1003 MB in 6s (3684 kB/s). Got this when do-release-upgrade, file a bug on apt ?12:46
vibhavp1GB in 6 seconds!?12:47
dupondjeits wrong indeed :)12:47
vibhavpThen you should file a bug12:47
dupondjeguess it takes the download time from the last file download12:47
vibhavpmust be12:49
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roaksoaxcjwatson i did a new upload couple days ago that was waiting for approval13:18
cjwatsonroaksoax: Oh, so you did.  That's on the server images and AFAICR nobody flagged it as needing a respin - can we push that bug to final?13:22
astraljavacjwatson: Sorry to bug you on this small detail, but we're a little stumped on the matter. The issue concerns branding of Studio, and can be seen in this screenshot: http://astraljava.kapsi.fi/us_precise_dash-and-xubuntu-logo.png13:35
astraljavaThere's a dash between the words, and we'd like to get rid of it. But I can't find it as a string in any obvious package sources.13:36
cjwatsoncould you file a bug about it for me?13:36
astraljavacjwatson: Sure, I can. Thanks!13:37
cjwatsonit comes from cdimage, I need to consider the consequences of changing it13:37
astraljavacjwatson: Alright, no problem. If it can be done, great, if not, not a big deal.13:37
astraljavacjwatson: What should I file it on?13:37
cjwatsonastraljava: the ubuntu-cdimage project13:38
astraljavacjwatson: Excellent. Thanks so much! And really, if it proves to be difficult, don't worry about it. I didn't know it's got such direct consequences.13:39
roaksoaxcjwatson sure!13:40
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astraljavacjwatson: I filed bug 967140, but I'd like to stress it's not _that_ big a deal, if it proves to be difficult.13:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967140 in Ubuntu CD Images "Ubuntu Studio branding problem; name spelled with a dash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96714013:56
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slangasekpitti: oh, didn't realize there was a bug opened for the language-selector conffile issue, sorry14:28
pittislangasek: no problem, I just closed it manually14:30
Riddellev: presumably ubiquity isn't expected to work at 640x480 resolution?14:41
stgraberRiddell: correct, IIRC the minimal resolution is 1024x600, might work on 800x600 (I think VMWare uses that)14:43
stgraberwell, it should "work", just won't fit on the screen14:43
Riddellthere was a fix recently for 800x600 in gtk frontend14:43
RiddellI have a bug in arm which means I get 640x480 so kubuntu works fine but ubuntu desktop doesn't, but I'll not report another bug14:44
Riddellor as you say works but won't show on screen14:44
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micahgbdrung: re vlc> great, thanks15:13
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bdrungmicahg: you're welcome. you're ls output helped to understand the issue15:21
bdmurraypitti: there is an issue with apport and kerneloops bug reports not getting the sourcepackage hook for linux run at all15:24
pittibdmurray: hm, any details about this?15:34
pittian apport linux bug seems to work fine here15:34
bdmurraypitti: kerneloops ones15:34
bdmurraybug 963142 is an example15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963142 in iscsitarget (Ubuntu) "kernel BUG at /var/lib/dkms/iscsitarget/!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96314215:34
bdmurrayit seems that add_hooks_info isn't geting run and I looked around but didn't see why15:38
Sweetsharktumbleweed: I heard in a recent #ubuntu-meeting you want more reviewers for libreoffice packaging. Heres your chance to get started: find the libreoffice-3.5.1-1ubuntu2 upload on chinstrap.15:48
Sweetsharktumbleweed: pitti sure will help you out.15:48
tumbleweedSweetshark: what's chinstrap, and also I'm not a core-dev15:48
Sweetsharktumbleweed: oh, I can post on people.canonical.com if you prefer.15:50
bdrungtumbleweed: you don't have to be core-dev to review a package ;)15:52
tumbleweedof course not, but it might be wasted time15:53
tumbleweedSweetshark: sure, you wanted more review, if nobody else is going to do it, I'm happy to look at it, as long as I don't kill myself in the process :P15:55
tumbleweedso yes, stick it somewhere I can see it15:55
tumbleweedI'll be home in an hour or two and have a look...15:56
micahgSweetshark: FYI, apparently, ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop can upload as well FWIW15:56
Riddellmicahg: pardon?15:56
micahgRiddell: for libreoffice :)15:57
Riddelloh you mean kubuntu-dev I think15:57
micahgyes, kubuntu-dev15:57
Sweetsharkmicahg, tumbleweed: well, please coordinate with pitti, who is quite eager to get this is in for bug 916291.16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916291 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "failed to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise: ERROR: Cannot determine language! - exit status 134" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91629116:08
micahgSweetshark: I don't have time to look at it ATM, was just referring you to other people who might be able to help16:09
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hallynso, when i do 'pull-lp-source lxc natty-proposed' (where lxc does not exist in natty-proposed), i end up with a crash report and apport popup.19:14
ahasenackis there a way to conditionally build-depends on a package depending on the ubuntu release it is being built on?19:16
ahasenackfor example, python-fixtures is not available in lucid, but it is in precise19:17
slangasekahasenack: by maintaining VCS branches for the different releases19:23
slangasekotherwise no19:23
slangasekwell, to be fair, you could also do something like this19:23
micahgahasenack: there's a way to do it in packaging, but it needs to be generated before the upload happens (not automatic) with a control.in and a rule to regenerate, openjdk works like this19:24
slangasekBuild-Depends: python-dev, python-dev (<< 2.7) | python-fixtures19:24
slangaseksupposing that python-fixtures is new and only relevant for python 2.7 or so19:25
ahasenackslangasek: yeah, I thought about a dummy |19:25
ahasenackslangasek: but I think the ppa builders don't honor |19:25
micahgahasenack: they do as long as it's not a versioned dependency19:25
slangasekthey "honor" them, but the semantics are somewhat opaque19:25
slangasekactually, I think python-fixtures | python-dev (<< 2.7) is the better way around19:26
slangasekbecause if the first alternative is unavailable, LP will try the next one19:26
micahgbug 59491619:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 594916 in launchpad-buildd "buildd does not install alternate dependency for versioned ORed build-dependencies" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59491619:26
slangasek(and find it already satisfied)19:26
ahasenackwhen I tried it downloaded more than it should19:26
ahasenackI had this once:19:26
ahasenackpython-dev (>= 2.6.6-3~) | python-central | python-support19:26
ahasenackit downloaded natty/main python-dev all 2.7.1-0ubuntu519:27
ahasenackand then  python-central all 0.6.15ubuntu519:27
ahasenackso that falls into that bug? Let me check19:27
ahasenackmy case looks diferent, the first package was found and downloaded19:28
ahasenackbut it continued and downloaded the second one19:28
ahasenackslangasek: I will try your idea, thanks19:30
slangasekchrisccoulson: hi, have you gotten other reports of bug #967469?  I haven't heard anyone making noise about it, so I'm wondering if it's just me20:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967469 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox+unity-2d: runaway CPU usage when hud-service is running" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96746920:22
chrisccoulsonslangasek, bug 80169920:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801699 in DBus Menu "DBus menu is very slow when using large menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80169920:24
marsfligthWhy don't offer the choice to use Unity/Gnome 3 or a full futured desktop environment that respect the usage, behavior, system requirements, stability, debugged and fully compatible desktop environment in use since 20 years? Why impose only the new one that in more its totally different than previoous?20:24
slangasekchrisccoulson: does that really explain it entirely, though?  Note that I'm not trying to *interact* with any menus here, so shouldn't it eventually settle down?20:24
chrisccoulsonslangasek, yeah, it's the same issue. hud-service mines the menus in firefox, which causes high CPU usage20:25
seb128slangasek, does it do it all the time? do you have lot of bookmarks or nested ones?20:25
seb128chrisccoulson, the description seems not similar though, it suggests it happens sometimes, not always there20:25
seb128we got bugs like bug #96549320:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 965493 in unity (Ubuntu) "cpu race between nautilus, hud- and unity-service" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96549320:26
slangasekseb128: how many is "a lot"?  I count 15 bookmarks with one submenu, not counting ones that were autocreated for me by one generation of ff or another20:26
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ I think it's not the bug you listed20:26
slangasekchrisccoulson: ok, so, shouldn't hud-service mine firefox /less/?20:26
chrisccoulsonslangasek, can you get a backtrace then?20:26
seb128slangasek, can you try pinging desrt on #gnome-desktop to see if he wants to help you debugging it?20:27
slangasekI mean, what's causing it to poll it *constantly*?20:27
slangasekchrisccoulson: of FF?  I imagine I could20:27
chrisccoulsonslangasek, it doesn't it polls when the window comes in to focus, which is triggering a lot of CPU for some people20:27
seb128chrisccoulson, slangasek: please move on #ubuntu-desktop20:27
seb128desrt is maintaining hud-service and could be useful to include in that discussion20:28
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YokoZarCan I ask why p11-kit is in universe when gnutls26 seems to depend on it?21:21
YokoZarand by "depend" I mean "throw warnings every time it's used when it's missing"21:21
slangasekYokoZar: it shouldn't depend on it at all. What warning are you getting?21:25
YokoZarslangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls26/+bug/95793121:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 957931 in gnutls26 (Ubuntu) "Missing p11-kit dependency?" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:48
YokoZaron further testing installing p11-kit doesn't actually fix this...but the warnings appear to be spurious and are generated whether or not p11-kit is installed21:49
slangasekYokoZar: they're not spurious; /etc/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring-module exists and refers to gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so, but this is a multiarch install on amd64 and the i386 version of the module is not installed21:50
slangasekthe p11-kit message refers to *lib*p11-kit21:50
YokoZarslangasek: I have that installed too (for both arches)21:51
slangasekyou definitely do not have gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so installed for both arches21:51
YokoZarslangasek: ahh it's in the gnome-keyring package21:53
YokoZar...which isn't a multiarch package21:54
YokoZarSo there doesn't seem to be any solution here21:55
slangaseknothing that should be done this cycle, no21:56
YokoZari'll retarget it to gnome-keyring and tag multiarch21:56
slangasekalready done21:57
YokoZarhah, thanks21:57
YokoZarman wine really is the major test case for all things multiarch21:58
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