
artnayare some titles hardcoded into ubuntu-docs? for example the title "Dash" at doesn't exist on ubuntu-docs template09:04
artnaythis is problematic since we've translated dash as "Unity menu", now we have both dash and "unity menu" in docs09:04
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dpmhi jbicha, around?15:36
jbichadpm: sort of, hi15:49
dpmhi :)15:50
dpmI just wanted to ask for your help in two things whenever you've got a minute:15:51
dpm- Do you think you could have a look at this MP? https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-docs/html-multiple-locale-output/+merge/9949515:51
dpm- On https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/precise/+translations-settings may I ask you to set up a separate branch to use for the automatic commits of translations?15:53
dpmmdke, commented he was not in favour of using trunk for the automatic commits and disabled it, but having at least a separate branch would be very useful for translators to have a place where translations are up to date15:54
dpmand I guess it's also much easier for you guys to do a merge from there whenever you want to include the latest translations, rather than exporting them from LP15:55
dpmI've created a server which contains localized versions in all available locales at (it serves the right locale as set by the browser), and if I could just pull the latest translations from such a branch daily, I could show daily up to date localized docs for translators to test15:56
dpmit's just a matter of creating a new docs bzr branch and linking to it15:57
jbichadpm: sorry for the silence, I was out for a few minutes, I'm actually staff at POSSCON.org this week16:07
jbichamarcoceppi & jcastro are here with a Juju school this afternoon16:07
jbichaI'll look at the MP this weekend, maybe hit me up Monday to make sure it's done16:09
jbichabecause I'll be swamped with POSSCON & the docs freeze tomorrow afternoon :)16:09
dpmthanks jbicha, do you think you might have time for the branch before that? It'd be useful to have it at least by string freeze. Btw, I've just had a quick hangout with jcastro, say hi from me if you see him around, and have fun at POSSCON!16:15
jbichadpm: I guess I could merge it now, I haven't really tested to see what the problem is or if that's the right fix16:41
dpmjbicha, ah that one is not urgent, feel free to look at it with more time if you like. On my question I meant if you'd have time for setting up the branch for the translation exports (i.e. the second point)16:43
jbichadpm: ok, created an empty branch and told automatic translation exports to go there https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-docs/precise-translations16:52
dpmah, awesome, thanks jbicha!16:53
dpmjbicha, I've also provided some more context to the merge proposal to give an overview of the reason for the proposal17:00
jbichadpm: oh, I was thinking of guiseppe's merge proposal, I remember yours though now & will merge it17:08
dpmjbicha, ah, excellent, thanks. Yeah, I noticed giuseppe's MP too, as I've experienced the issue too. It seems it fixes a problem with the wrong .js file being referenced in the generated HTML pages17:10
jbichayeah, that's the one I wasn't sure what it would do17:13
dpmjbicha, yeah, other than seeing that it fixes the file inclusion, I couldn't work out what it actually fixes. So it might be worth asking him to provide some more context17:22
artnaythere are lots of "Wireless network troubleshooter" section strings missing from translation template, bug 96735017:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 967350 in ubuntu-docs "Precise's ubuntu-docs "Wireless network troubleshooter" missing strings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96735017:51
artnaywhile translating, I also found 4 references to Activities overview, bug 96735617:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 967356 in ubuntu-docs "Precise's "Get Rid of the Keyring Manager" refers to Activities overview" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96735617:52
dpmartnay, on bug 967356, you're describing what you're seeing. Could you add a comment to describe what you'd expect instead of "Activities overview"?18:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 967356 in ubuntu-docs "Precise's "Get Rid of the Keyring Manager" refers to Activities overview" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96735618:08
dpmmdke, ack on the missing ghelp: substitutions, I'll re-add the script and submit a new MP, good catch!18:10
jbichaartnay: that link says no matches for bug 967350 says "no matches" https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/ubuntu-docs/+pots/ubuntu-help/fi/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=first+step18:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 967350 in ubuntu-docs "Precise's ubuntu-docs "Wireless network troubleshooter" missing strings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96735018:29
artnayjbicha: indeed, that and many other sentences from "Wireless network troubleshooter" don't exist on translation template19:05
jbichaartnay: what do you mean? the version of ubuntu-docs in Precise is out of date, especially the wireless troubleshooter section19:10
artnayjbicha: ah, I thought the translation template would be up-to-date, ready for translation.19:12
jbichathe translation template *is* up-to-date, it's the ubuntu-docs package that's installed on people's computers that is out of date19:13
jbichabzr branch lp:ubuntu-docs; cd ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help/C; yelp .19:14
jbichawill let you see what the docs look like right now19:14
artnayjbicha: ok, misunderstood you. hopefully dpm's site will be helpful in this case.19:21
artnayjbicha: that's up-to-date, right? at least is totally different compared to yelp's matching section19:23
jbichathat server seems misconfigured, it's asking me to download the page19:24
jbichaanyway, I'm on my way out for a bit19:24

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