
=== albrigha is now known as Guest67837
smbapw, green (the same as the desktop) :)07:08
* smb wonders what apw did at the keyboard in the middle of the night anyway...07:10
* apw yawns07:18
ppisatiok, so it's either my lcd or my panda board but i can't get any video output anymore.. i tested 3 kernels already with not output at all09:45
henrixapw: do you know where the stable shank script is executed? i guess it should be some sort of cron job, but not sure...10:08
henrixapw: i was hoping to get some sort of logs from its execution.10:09
henrixapw: any idea?10:09
apwhenrix, now you mention it no i don't.  i'd start with people.c.c, much runs there10:09
apwas the kernel user10:09
henrixapw: ok, thanks. i'll check that10:09
apwhenrix, if its not there yell and i'll think more10:11
henrixapw: it looks like that's the place10:12
apwgood stuff10:12
henrixapw: now, i just need to figure out if there are any logs being kept10:12
apwhenrix, it keeps some information in the top of the bugs it updates, transitions etc10:12
henrixapw: yeah, i would expect that. any idea where?10:13
apwhenrix, other than somewhere in the kernel user, not a clue, though i also think it may mail out things10:15
henrixapw: ok, thanks. already found something, but not quite what i'm looking for10:15
henrixapw: don't bother. if i can't find it, i'll ask brad later on10:15
henrixapw: not that urgent anyway10:15
apwhenrix, ok :)10:16
* ppisati -> lunch11:49
tgardnercking, bug #966782 may indicate an ASPM regression12:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 966782 in linux "irqs disabled after kernel update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96678212:03
ckingtgardner, ok will look at it12:30
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stgraberhello kernel people, I just went through my list of kernel related bugs for thin clients and I have 3 upstream commits that I'd appreciate if we could cherry-pick14:14
stgraberbug 911920, bug 911916 and bug 90705514:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 911920 in linux "hp st5747 Thin Client Needs LDVS removed" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91192014:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 911916 in linux "hp t5745 Thin Client Needs LDVS removed" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91191614:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 907055 in linux "Clientron E830 Thin Client Needs LDVS removed" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90705514:14
stgraberall of them very simple LVDS quirks being added, all of them landed in the upstream kernel and all of them making the thin client pretty much unusable by default14:15
* cking slips off to attend to a sick head14:15
stgraberas LTSP would configure a dual-head setup with a non-existing screen, thereby hiding a significant part of the screen from the user14:15
tgardnerstgraber, I'll have a look14:16
stgrabertgardner: thanks14:16
* ogasawara back in 2014:28
cndbjf, ogasawara: where's the code that creates the kernel bug reports like http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/_kernel_hot_.html14:40
ogasawaracnd: should be kteam-tools git repo14:52
cndok, thanks :)14:52
tgardnerppisati, jsalisbury, ayan, henrix: rebooting tangerine for kernel update15:05
henrixtgardner: ack15:05
jsalisburytgardner, ok, thanks15:05
* ppisati -> back in 10m15:10
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apwogasawara, just rebuilt a beta2 config review and pushed it to the blueprint15:24
ogasawaraapw: ack, thanks15:24
bjfcnd, it's not in kteam-tools it is in  a "kteam-bugs" repo15:26
bjfcnd, there is quite a bit of data that goes along with it15:27
cndbjf, what do you mean by that?15:27
bjfcnd, i mean that the git repo is approx. 1GB due to the data+scripts15:28
apwppisati, here is a config review matrix but with ti-omap4 included (based on the tip of the tree as of today)15:28
cndmaybe I'll just copy the spec from the repo :)15:28
bjfcnd, if you give me some idea what you are trying to do maybe i can give you a good suggestion15:29
cndbjf, so we have a handful of projects, like utouch-grail, utouch-geis, utouch-frame, etc.15:29
cndthey are all subscribed by the utouch-bugs team15:29
cndthen we manually subscribe bugs in other projects, like linux, that we care about15:30
cndwhat we want is a report showing all the bugs subscribed by utouch-bugs15:30
cndhowever, lp times out when you try to query that15:30
cndwe can, however, list all the bugs in our projects15:30
bjfcnd, there is other code that can do that15:30
bjfcnd (i think)15:30
cndand then ask lp for all the bugs that we subscribe directly15:30
cndand then it doesn't time out15:31
cndso I'd like to create a report that does that for us15:31
apwisn't that the old chesnut where you have to search in each series for all the open bugs with your criteria and manually merge the lists to get a real list15:35
ppisatiapw: where is it?15:50
apwppisati, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Specs/PreciseKernelConfigReviewBeta2omap415:52
ppisatiapw: ok, i'll review it, thanks15:52
apwppisati, cool15:53
tgardnerogasawara, am adding cw-3.3 to Lucid LBM. what a pain in the ass to build.16:13
ogasawaratgardner: yah, lucid lbm takes forever16:13
ogasawaratgardner: why you add 3.3 there?  should they upgrade to precise?16:13
tgardnerogasawara, unless they hate unity16:14
tgardnerogasawara, I already updated oneiric16:14
ogasawaratgardner: I'll do precise16:15
tgardnerogasawara, um, I think I did precise too16:17
ogasawaratgardner: ah, so you have16:17
tgardnerogasawara, which reminds me, I think I forgot to do precise meta16:18
ogasawaratgardner: I can do that16:18
tgardnerogasawara, works for me16:18
ogasawaratgardner: although I think I crafted meta so that it should "just work", but I'll double check16:18
tgardnerogasawara, "just work" ? how so ?16:19
tgardnerare you generating the flavour stub on the fly ?16:20
ogasawaratgardner: in that I generically named it linux-backports-modules-cw-3.3-RELEASE_NAME-generic16:20
tgardnerogasawara, but you still have to wave your magic wand over it....16:21
bullgard4'~$ uname -r;' /var/log/boot.log: " * Starting network connection manager [OK]." Google: "Ergebnisse für "network connection manager" site:ubuntu.com: Keine Ergebnisse für "netork connection manager" site:ubuntu.com gefunden." What Process is here meant by »netork connection manager«?16:45
ogra_check in /etc/init/ ;)16:47
ogra_(its likely the network-manager backend printing that)16:47
bullgard4ogra_: I determined that it is the process NetworkManager the file /usr/bin/NetworkManager from the DEB program package network-manager. --  Thank you very much for your help. 16:59
ogasawarahrm, cat ubuntu-precise/debian.master/d-i/modules/nic-modules | grep "ipw3945"17:21
ogasawaraipw3945 ?17:21
* ogasawara assumes that's a typo17:21
tgardnerogasawara, there are a couple of other wifi drivers as well; ipw2100, ipw220017:23
tgardnerogasawara, I don't think any of them are necessary17:24
ogasawaratgardner: I was looking at bug 96511617:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 965116 in linux "Precise Beta 1 Desktop Alternate CD does not enable Wireless on HP 8440p" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96511617:24
tgardnerogasawara, but there is no network manger running in the alternate installer, is there ?17:25
tgardnerogasawara, none of the wifi drivers are in udebs, so I odn't think its a reasonable expectation to be able to update wirelessly during a d-i install17:28
ogasawaratgardner: I'm seeing a commit from cjwatson in Oneiric stating that d-i now supports WPA17:28
ogasawaracommit 02adc47b87f8812c85bdbe64625f94f256bca87517:29
ogasawaraAuthor: Colin Watson <cjwatson@ubuntu.com>17:29
ogasawaraDate:   Thu Aug 11 01:01:53 2011 +010017:29
ogasawara    UBUNTU: Deliver more Atheros, Ralink, and iwlagn NIC drivers to d-i17:29
ogasawara    17:29
ogasawara    d-i now supports WPA in Oneiric.  While soliciting testing of this, I17:29
ogasawara    heard from testers with Atheros, Ralink, and Intel AGN chipsets, none of17:29
ogasawara    whom were able to test WPA support in d-i because the relevant drivers17:29
ogasawara    weren't delivered to d-i.17:29
ogasawara    17:29
ogasawara    This patch adds these drivers to nic-modules or nic-usb-modules as17:29
ogasawara    appropriate.17:29
tgardnerogasawara, well then, why not any of the iwl* drivers? we'll also have to add some firmware to the linux-firmware udeb17:30
ogasawaratgardner: good question, seems like we should add them17:31
ogasawaratgardner: and I suspect the ipw3945 line already in nic-modules was really meant to be iwl394517:32
tgardneroh right. I forgot about the original quest :)17:32
* ogasawara whips up a few patches17:33
tgardnerogasawara, that is indeed the right name: drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/Makefile:obj-$(CONFIG_IWL3945)+= iwl3945.o17:33
Sarvattbcm43xx bcm43xx-mac80211 are obsolete too17:35
tgardnerogasawara, so whatever drivers you add to nic-modules, make sure any related firmware is also in linux-firmware/debian/nic-firmware.lst17:35
ogasawaratgardner: ack17:35
ogasawaraSarvatt: I'll get them removed17:36
tgardnerogasawara, and Sarvatt is right about b43*. they should be replace by the brcm80211 stack17:37
mjg59b43 is still needed for SSB-based Broadcoms, no?17:39
mjg59I thought the brcm80211 stack only handled the BCMA ones17:39
tgardnermjg59, I thought there was PCI ID overlap. maybe tahts been fixed.17:40
mjg59tgardner: There is, because b43 tries to claim some of the bcma devices as well17:41
tgardnerits been my experience that bcma is working better these days then b43. at least on the MacBook Air17:42
* ppisati -> EOD17:43
awe_Sarvatt, got a sec for a build question?17:43
awe_I'm trying to reproduce bug #953205 for cking17:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 953205 in linux "System shuts down due to CPU temp exceeding critical thresh-hold (100C)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95320517:44
Sarvattwhats up?17:44
Sarvattneed a kernel build?17:45
awe_I'm trying to load my system, so I figured I'd start a kernel build, however when I follow the instructions on the wiki, my build fails17:45
awe_it's saying there's no rule for binary-generic17:45
awe_I'm following instructions on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel17:46
* awe_ admits it's been a long time since he's built the kernel17:46
awe_I grabbed the precise tree from bzr17:47
tgardnerawe_, 'fdr clean;dpkg-buildpackage -Tbinary -us -uc'17:47
Sarvattguessing you're starting from a git checkout? did you fakeroot debian/rules clean first? i'm kind of a bad person to ask specifically because i dont follow any of that and its very convoluted :)17:47
awe_tgardner, right, that always should work... guess I was trying to follow the instructions since it's been so long17:48
awe_tim?  when did you change your irc nick?17:48
tgardnerawe_, if you're wanting load, the dpkg-buildpackage does it the best17:48
awe_yes, I want load17:48
tgardnerawe_, since someone registered rtg17:49
awe_load == heat17:49
* Sarvatt didn't even know there were bzr branches of the kernel17:49
awe_thanks tgardner...  working like a charm17:50
tgardnerawe_, the wiki instructions look right. guess I'd better figure out whats wrong17:51
apwSarvatt, the package uploader braches one assumes17:51
tgardnerawe_, I should point out that 'fakeroot' is single threaded and won't allow processes to run in parallel. Hence the use of dpkg-buildpackage. it only uses fakeroot during the packaging phase.17:53
awe_ok... good to know for future reference...17:54
apwyep dpkg-buildpackage is fast cause it does debian/rules build; fakeroot debian/rules binary17:58
apwwhich amortises the fakeroot cost in the safe area17:58
apwyou can do the same with 'debian/rules build-generic; fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic' 17:59
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* apw decamps to the couch18:00
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* ogasawara lunch19:35
tgardnerapw, is there a way to avoid the unknown RSA key message for a subnet? 19:44
tgardnerrtg@dearborn:~$ ssh ubuntu@
tgardnerSomeone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!19:44
tgardnerIt is also possible that a host key has just been changed.19:44
tgardnerThe fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is19:44
tgardnerPlease contact your system administrator.19:44
tgardnerAdd correct host key in /home/rtg/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.19:44
tgardnerOffending ECDSA key in /home/rtg/.ssh/known_hosts:29319:44
tgardner  remove with: ssh-keygen -f "/home/rtg/.ssh/known_hosts" -R
tgardnerRSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.19:44
tgardnerHost key verification failed.19:44
mdeslaurtgardner: add the following to your ssh config file:19:47
mdeslaurHost 192.168.0.*19:47
mdeslaur   StrictHostKeyChecking no19:47
mdeslaurtgardner: and then promptly forget that someone from the security team told you to do that19:48
tgardnermdeslaur, well, these are just for PXE booted machines that get reinstalled several times per day19:48
mdeslaurtgardner: you may need UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null too19:50
mdeslaurso you don't add it to your known_hosts all the time19:50
tgardnermdeslaur, nope, I'll keep a special rule for 10.0.2.*19:51
keesmdeslaur: heheh "and promptly forget..."20:04
* tgardner -> EOD20:24
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk

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