
philinuxHi chrisccoulson13:20
philinuxchrisccoulson: Sorry to bother but have you seen my patch. Last post here. https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/60226513:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 602265 in hundredpapercuts "Maverick: The defaut livecd and installed firefox bookmarks could do with updating." [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:27
chrisccoulsoni haven't13:27
philinuxchrisccoulson: could you take a look13:28
philinuxchrisccoulson: thanks13:35
s-foxCan anyone else accept the patch, or does it have to be chrisccoulson ?14:47
cousin_luigimdeslaur: You aboud?14:53
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: yep15:00
cousin_luigimdeslaur: saw your reply for the flashplugin bug I reported. Is there any other test I can do?15:05
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: what version of the nvidia driver are you running? does it work properly in totem?15:05
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: if you downgrade to the previous flash, does it work?15:05
cousin_luigimdeslaur: 280.13-0ubuntu6, yes15:07
cousin_luigimdeslaur: and how would you do that, cleanly?15:07
cousin_luigiapt-pinning or something more clever?15:07
philinuxCan anyone else except this patch > Last post here > https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/602265 or has it to be chris ccoulson15:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 602265 in hundredpapercuts "Maverick: The defaut livecd and installed firefox bookmarks could do with updating." [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:08
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: you can manually download the debs for the previous version here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin/
mdeslaurat the bottom of the page15:11
cousin_luigimdeslaur: done, works perfectly15:15
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: ok, well...that's a shame15:15
cousin_luigimdeslaur: also the problem appears to be youtube-specific so far15:15
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: nothing we can do about it unfortunately15:15
cousin_luigimdeslaur: do you think it could be related to my hardware, specifically?15:16
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: I don't know, sorry15:32
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: we can't do anything with flash besides ship the latest release they give us15:33
cousin_luigimdeslaur: may I ask what graphics card you tried it with?15:34
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: Quadro NVS 140M that is in my Thinkpad T6115:36
cousin_luigimdeslaur: thanks, trying ppa nvidia drivers now15:37
cousin_luigino luck for me:(15:45

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