
Unit193JoseeAntonioR: Just if anyone had known if readers had looked at the new members section and contacted them saying "Congrats".00:51
JoseeAntonioRTo be honest, I didn't have any congratulations after the meeting.00:52
Unit193They generally catch you after the vote and when you get a cloak.00:53
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-P/OtherAccommodation02:50
pleia2(sorry for the lack of details, haven't had time lately to update)02:50
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: Yay, thanks!02:50
JoseeAntonioRNo problem02:50
pleia2adding updating that when I get home to my todo list02:50
JoseeAntonioRWe have figured out with my dad, and I just need to find a roomie in the Marriott, he'll be staying in the Claire i think02:50
pleia2*That* is the correct link -Q, not -P02:51
JoseeAntonioRYep, thanks!02:51
* pleia2 back to trip stuff (I fly home tomorrow evening)02:55
JoseeAntonioRhave a good flight!02:55
pleia2thanks :)02:55
Unit193"15 New Photo Wallpapers Chosen for Ubuntu 12.04" Deadlink.05:33
dholbachgood morning07:06
SilverLionmorning daniel07:07
dholbachhi SilverLion07:07
SilverLion<< jens or harry ;)07:07
bkerensagood morning dholbach07:10
dholbachhi bkerensa07:12
bkerensahardening a server this morning07:12
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
pleia2Unit193: oops, looks like the link checker wasn't run before publishing14:13
pleia2I'll make sure it's in the publishing instructions14:13
pleia2I also just updated the wiki for the new issue14:13
dholbachbkerensa, I'll take a day off tomorrow so I'll write a bunch of stuff for the dev update today14:25
dholbachbkerensa, feel free to get it out on your own tomorrow - if not we can just do it together on friday14:25
Unit193pleia2: Just making a note, too late again. :P16:50
* pleia2 wades through days of news before the big rush of beta2 reviews tomorrow21:06
pleia2also, in the airport, on my way home soon :)21:06
Unit193Bummer. Have fun?21:12
MrChrisDruifpleia2; no Xubuntu meeting this week?23:08
Unit193Hope not, else I missed it.23:12
MrChrisDruifI didn't see it on the Fridge Calendar23:13
MrChrisDruifBut I always check with pleia2 Unit19323:14
MrChrisDruifAnyhow, off to bed23:14
Unit193Last meeting was 2012-03-1423:15

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