
* phillw just what we need in a testing cycle.... sarcasm00:01
infinitymicahg: Did your ubuntustudio-default-settings forget a Pre-Dep on a dpkg that supports maintscript-helper, or was it already there?00:13
infinitymicahg: Ahh, nevermind, it was already there.00:15
pgranerskaet, ETA on images dropping?00:26
skaetpgraner,  they've started posting now.   alternates and server are all up00:27
* pgraner needs to plan his drinking accordingly00:27
infinitypgraner: That's some solid prioritizing.00:28
pgranerinfinity, dude two nights of late drops... you're lucky I can type00:28
infinitypgraner: Timezone shift, man.  Drink in the morning, work at night.00:28
infinitypgraner: As a former manager of mine used to remind me, "it's always happy hour somewhere."00:28
skaetubuntu alternate,  ubuntu dekstop, ubuntu server, ubuntu server arm should all be up.   ubuntu preinstalled arm are building now.00:29
skaetubuntu dvd will be a while.00:29
pgranerinfinity, I look at the whole day/night drinking times as limitations, I don't like being limited00:29
pgranerskaet, yep they are rolling in, I'm doing ARM first, then alternate, and desktop last00:30
skaetpgraner, sounds good.   flag here if any ugglies.00:30
* skaet crossing fingers no ugglies.00:31
cjwatsonslangasek: oho, aptitude 0.6.6-100:34
slangasekcjwatson: are you going to merge it?00:35
cjwatsoncan do though not tonight00:35
slangasekok, cool00:35
* slangasek assigns you the bug then ;)00:35
cjwatson<- sucker00:36
infinityIt has the magical m-word.00:38
skaetstgraber,  only selected images being published are being reported in the channel.  Anything special needs to be done?00:42
* infinity wonders idly where he can find 13MB to drop off the Ubuntu/PPC image.00:46
stgraberskaet: the bot was disconnected after flooding freenode earlier00:50
skaetstgraber,  gotcha.  thanks.00:50
stgraberadded an hack to delay messages a bit to avoid being kicked out01:25
cjwatsonthat maas-enlist change is kind of important to avoid a rather obvious error01:27
cjwatsonI've reviewed and accepted it01:27
cjwatsonif pad.ubuntu.com will talk to me ...01:28
cjwatsonhm, server was already built in this round01:30
cjwatsonso I guess it's up to the server leads to ask for a respin if they want one01:30
infinityIt was only *just* rebuilt, spinning it again wouldn't be world-ending, I bet.01:31
infinityAnd that bug seems annoying.01:31
cjwatsonAs well as the bug described, the particular manifestation of it will include the maas-enlist-udeb installer step failing with a red screen, I think.01:32
hggdhcjwatson: does d-i output 'question will be asked' even if a response is in the preseed?01:32
* hggdh sees an error on server raid, seemingly because of that01:33
cjwatsonhggdh: Not normally.  Point me to details?01:35
hggdhcjwatson: we run, under Jenkins, the ISO tests for server. For the new ISO, I got a failure on the RAID test. Looking at the current (failed) syslog, I see a 'question will be asked'. Since I look for it, I cancelled the run automatically01:36
cjwatsonDo you have a URL for me?01:36
hggdhcjwatson: but looking at the *previous*, successful, run, I also see a 'question will be asked'01:37
hggdhcjwatson: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/job/precise-server-amd64_raid1/126/console01:37
hggdhthe full syslog is in here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/job/precise-server-amd64_raid1/126/artifact/126/test-results/01:38
cjwatsonhggdh: Well, firstly, grub-pc/install_devices isn't preseeded (perhaps you're thinking of grub-installer/bootdev).  But it shouldn't be preseeded anyway.01:43
cjwatsonhggdh: Secondly, this question is INPUTted in a kind of weird environment, and (although I can't see precisely why right now) it's quite possible it might say "question will be asked" when it in fact won't be.  If I were you I would disregard that one unless it's actually causing an automatic install to hang for itself.01:46
hggdhcjwatson: thanks. I will correct the code so that it will only fail the test if we are stuck on a01:47
cjwatsonIt is a bit weird, but debconf debugging was designed for human consumption rather than machine :-)01:47
hggdh'question will be asked' right now. Later on I will look at the first point you made01:47
cjwatsonWell, the first point doesn't contain any action for you01:47
cjwatsonYour preseed looks fine from this point of view01:48
hggdheven better :-)01:48
hggdhthis is a timing error on my code, then (and the first time since jaunty (when we added this test) that it happened01:48
cjwatsonIf it actually hangs, obviously, I'd like to know about it01:48
cjwatsonlooking at the successful log, this is something to do with passthrough weirdness, indeed01:50
cjwatsonafter the first "INPUT high grub-pc/install_devices", there's some fiddling around with DATA (which transfers template information from one debconf frontend to another) and SUBST, and then it reissues the INPUT01:51
cjwatsonthe second time, it gets "question skipped"01:51
cjwatsonOh, of course, this is a consequence of debconf-apt-progress01:53
cjwatsonSorry, for extremely limited values of "of course" probably confined to the person who wrote the code01:54
cjwatsonI'll explain in case anyone cares01:54
phillwJust so as this little borg drone knows before he goes for regeneration cycle, how are the respins going?01:54
cjwatsondebconf-apt-progress deals with bridging apt download and install progress bars into debconf progress bars so that they can be displayed nicely, particularly in the installer01:54
cjwatsonThis involves two instances of debconf, one for the progress bar and one passing through questions from the package(s) being installed01:55
cjwatson(Not to mention cdebconf, which runs in the installer environment and is what actually displays everything - they're all chained together in a way that took me weeks to get working to start with but now I just ignore it most of the time)01:56
cjwatsonNow, it's painful to run two instances of debconf normally, because they both want to lock their config database when they start up01:57
cjwatsonSo what you do is you take the one that passes through questions from the package being installed, and give it a database which amounts to /dev/null; it just shunts everything over to the instance that's running the progress bar01:58
cjwatsonThis means that the debconf instance that *first* sees the INPUT command here has no idea that the question has been preseeded01:58
cjwatsonIt isn't until it forwards it to the second one, which actually has a database worth talking about, that it knows about the preseeding so you get "question skipped"01:59
cjwatsonThis certainly makes machine parsing challenging, but that was never in the plan for that debug output :-)02:00
cjwatsonSo I don't feel too bad about it02:00
hggdhheh. It will be easy to fix my code, anyway -- just compare previous 'question will be asked' line with the current -- if they are the same, then we are stuck02:01
* cjwatson idly notes that debconf-apt-progress is one of the few debconf programs nobody has got round to reimplementing for cdebconf yet ...02:01
phillwcjwatson: I do not suppose that any time soon you could explain that for us mere mortals? But, if you have got the handle on it & we will have isos, I trust in you guys just as I trust in MOTU's.02:01
cjwatsonphillw: I think that was the best I could do without a whiteboard02:01
cjwatsonAs for respins, the desktop/DVD sequence seems to be working on Lubuntu at the moment02:03
stgrabernow with tested anti-flood protection, hopefully it won't get kicked out any time soon02:03
cjwatsonor rather the desktop sequence, looks like DVDs are being done in parallel with that02:03
cjwatsonskaet: any particular reason bug 959224 is listed as a target of opportunity?  I don't plan to look at that this week.02:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 959224 in choose-mirror "Corrupt value for /etc/apt/apt.conf accepted during installation" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95922402:04
cjwatsonIt's only a validation bug; certainly a bug but there are more important things and it doesn't block installation02:05
phillwcjwatson: I am guilty, it just seems a really silly bug02:05
cjwatsonSure, but it shouldn't be tracked here02:05
phillwcjwatson: it does not, but it blocks updates02:06
cjwatsonOnly if you entered it wrongly during installation.  It doesn't block otherwise.02:06
cjwatsonWhat I mean is it isn't a blocker for everyone, or even most people.02:06
skaetcjwatson,  noted it there from earlier discussion, wasn't sure.   remove it if you're not looking at it,  no worries.02:06
phillwcjwatson: it was only a suggestion, as it may have tied in with the wriong mirrors being suggested.02:07
cjwatsonWrong mirrors being suggested?02:07
phillwcjwatson: sorry, seems to be same bug02:08
cjwatsonphillw: OK, well, that bug only affects the proxy setting02:08
cjwatsonI'm happy to try to fix it for final if I have time02:09
cjwatsonThough it's very unlikely to be new; I suspect it goes back a long way.02:09
phillwcjwatson: both lubuntu and another flavour reported it.02:12
phillwcjwatson: remove that, the bug 96645002:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 966450 in debian-installer "Kubuntu doesn't prompt for a password on encrypted LVM boot (dup-of: 966403)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96645002:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 966403 in debian-installer "Lubuntu Install (entire disk with encryption) doesn't prompt for disk password." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96640302:13
phillwwhich is an install bug02:14
cjwatsonFWIW I did such an installation earlier today (or was it yesterday?) and it was fine02:15
cjwatsonIt's actually probably not an installer bug02:15
cjwatsonThat's first boot, so it's more likely to be cryptsetup or plymouth or something02:16
* cjwatson sends it over to cryptsetup as a first pass02:16
cjwatson(which for the avoidance of doubt means somebody else will probably need to figure it out ...)02:18
phillwcjwatson: do you have the time to set the bugs as such and see if it comes back? I've seen reports of encryption bugs earlier & would like to clear the ground on them. Thanks.02:18
cjwatson"set the bugs as such"?  don't understand, sorry02:18
phillwcjwatson: well, either fix released, or needs more information? The two bug reports have a lot of data, but if there has been a release that retrospectively makes them invalid, then a simple "please check with latest release" will suffice?02:21
cjwatsonI don't think that would be appropriate; he only just reported it02:21
cjwatsonand I don't know what information is needed, not being a cryptsetup expert and being fairly rusty on plymouth02:22
cjwatsonso it's best if somebody else looks02:22
cjwatson"fix released" would certainly be wrong since (a) chances are it's just that it happens on his system and not mine for some reason or other (b) even if it had been fixed I can't point to the fix02:23
* slangasek reassigns to plymouth02:24
phillwcjwatson: has there been any testing of encrytpted in ubuntu02:24
cjwatsonslangasek: right :)02:24
slangasekphillw: I test it every time I reboot02:24
cjwatsonphillw: it's on the routine test cases so it's tested at every milestone02:24
cjwatsonbut it's important to be aware that this kind of thing can easily be hardware-specific02:26
phillwcjwatson: slangasek in which case, how do these bugs arrive? Please do understand that I am really new & trying to learn02:26
cjwatsoneven successful testing doesn't immunise you from hardware-specific problems02:27
cjwatsonor the category of problem described by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_condition02:27
stgraberwhich sadly makes for the majority of these annoying bugs...02:28
cjwatsonplymouth (the software that handles input/output multiplexing at boot, and also displays a splash screen) takes some quite different code paths dependent on the graphics card, for instance, and is also more prone than most to delicate race conditions that take ages to track down02:29
phillwcjwatson: I saw that as bug earlier, I'm gradually getting used to this weird and wonderful language you speak in :)02:29
phillwI'm pretty much barred from speaking about the installing of 'strict' GTK3 rules. But I am getting better to understand that #shit happens#02:32
phillwhow you guys do this? WOW02:33
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html <- "The following packages have an equal or higher version in the release pocket and should be removed from -proposed:"02:35
cjwatson(hand-checked and processed)02:35
cjwatsonI do wish lp-remove-package.py would tell you about the pocket it's removing from in its output.  Always gives me heartattacks.02:36
* skaet just goes to look at the link. :)02:38
skaetlooking good cjwatson.  :)02:39
* skaet --> evening dog walk, biab02:40
cjwatsonIs anyone with cocoplum access still using any of the old crap in ~lp_archive/python/?02:50
cjwatsonI'm not seeing anything likely elsewhere in ~lp_archive/, and I strongly suspect it's all been superseded by launchpadlib-based stuff in ubuntu-archive-tools.02:51
slangaseknot me02:51
cjwatsonI'll nuke it tomorrow morning unless somebody shouts that they care.  Speak now or forever hold your peace.02:52
infinitycjwatson: Not I.03:04
infinitycjwatson: Also, regarding lp-remove-package.py heart attacks, I could have sworn someone filed a bug about better verbosity, like, 6 years ago.  But I can't find it.03:06
skaetpitti, infinity,  only images left to come off the builder are wubi, and ubuntu mx5/ac100 kubuntu omap4.   pad has been updated.03:57
skaetgood night.03:57
* skaet --> zzz03:57
infinitystgraber: queubot's seeing double.04:17
phillwinfinity: please tell me that is a joke.....04:17
infinitystgraber: (See all the double entries for mosh)04:17
infinitystgraber: Or, triple...04:18
pittiGood morning05:10
pgranermorning pitti05:30
* pitti accepts the -proposed uploads06:04
pgranerogra_, is the TI icon supposed to be in the launcher on omap4 desk top?06:10
pittieverything else in unapproved is seeded somewhere06:11
didrockspitti: if I use mass-sync.py to sponsor some bug fixes sync from debian (and for universe), that won't bypass the freeze, isn't it?06:43
pittididrocks: I don't know about mass-sync; why not just use syncpackage?06:43
pittididrocks: in the past, syncs from cocoplum went straight through, without being held in unapproved06:43
didrockspitti: can use syncpackages with -n -e options06:44
didrockspitti: I guess it's not very important for 2 packages in universe, right?06:44
pittididrocks: -s for sponsoring, please06:44
didrocksah ok, yeah, seeing -s :)06:45
pitti-n/-e are for --no-lp syncs06:45
didrocksok ;)06:45
didrocksso, it's in unapproved :)06:50
ogra_pgraner, theoretically yes, practically i dont think anyone but tobin has teswted desktop in a while and technically we planned to switch to jockey for the driver and just add a wiki page for the codecs from the PPA08:02
ogra_(in which case we dont need the icon anymore)08:02
ogra_the latest pvr drivers are sitting in NEW so they wont make beta2, the old ones in the PPA are broken, so the icon is moot anyway atm08:04
ogra_(broken for precise)08:04
cjwatsoninfinity,stgraber: not so much seeing double, as misrepresenting binary as source.08:42
cjwatsondidrocks: mass-sync.py is decommissioned for everything except backports.  (I forget whether I actually made it not work for syncs.)08:42
didrockscjwatson: ah, thanks for the hint, I'll have a look at the wiki page later and probably make a note if not there already08:45
cjwatsonaha, I actually made mass-sync.py call syncpackage if you try.08:48
cjwatsonBut mass-sync's interface is kind of awkward so you might as well call syncpackage directly (preferably without --no-lp).08:49
didrocksah, it was a trap then! :)08:49
didrocks(btw, I still have syncpakcage running and not closing the sync bug until the universe sync is approved)08:49
* cjwatson will be starting work properly in a few minutes and will look then08:50
ogra_pgraner, what is the bug you tracked as bug 966858 on the tracker, LP gets me to an error page for it08:54
ogra_(and given it seems to block the panda images it would actually be good to know what it is)08:58
cjwatsondidrocks: ^-08:59
didrockscjwatson: thanks :)08:59
* ogra_ wonders why oem-config always takes so long to come up ... the ac100 usually gets you to lightdm in less than 15sec from powering on ... the installer takes about 2min to start ubiquity-dm09:24
cjwatsonmvo: doesn't skype-bin need to be Multi-Arch: foreign?09:26
mvocjwatson: ups, yes you are right, let me fix this09:37
infinitycjwatson: Ahh, were those binary NEW with translations, by any chance?  stgraber was having issues making those DTRT.10:33
cjwatsoninfinity: Not sure at this point.10:33
infinitycjwatson: Hrm, no they're not.10:34
infinitycjwatson: So, a regression while he was trying to fix the other case, I guess. :P10:34
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
mvocjwatson: I will upload a new skype in a bit with the missing multi-arch: foreign and also with a conflicts/replaces for skype-bin on older skype versions. anything else you can think of that I may have missed? is the general direction sensible for the lucid->precise skype upgrade or do you have a alternative idea that might work, the -bin package is a little bit ugly11:08
cjwatsonmvo: that was all I noticed.  Also Breaks/Replaces rather than C/R I think11:11
pgranerogra_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/96685811:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 966858 in gnome-settings-daemon "[power]: gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in gnome_rr_screen_get_dpms_mode()" [Undecided,New]11:42
ogra_pgraner, oh, i filed the same yesterday, funny that apport didnt point you to it11:43
ogra_but given it respawns fine, why did you mark the image failed ?11:43
ogra_its surely a wart (like the missing icon) and should be noted in the release notes ... but the image generally works11:44
ogra_i.e. "good ehough for a beta"11:46
Riddellno images listed for testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/210/builds/14369/downloads12:39
pittiRiddell: for which milestone should that be?12:40
pittierr, image12:40
pittihttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/210/builds has quite a lot12:40
Riddellpitti: for ubuntu desktop beta 2 armhf+omap412:41
cjwatsonMm, I think it just doesn't know the URLs.12:42
RiddellI think so too12:42
cjwatsonshould be http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/20120328/precise-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img.gz12:43
* Riddell eyes up pitti as a member of the ubuntu desktop team who has powers to add them12:43
cjwatsonHe does?  It needs DB access.12:44
cjwatsonI think.12:44
Riddellno it's all improved12:44
Riddelljust needs admin access to that site12:44
=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
cjwatsonoh maybe so, I was logged out12:44
cjwatsonI can do it then12:45
cjwatsonpitti: I'm on it, unless you want to12:46
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks12:46
pittiI just found where to set that12:46
pittiso, please go ahead12:46
cjwatsonOK, it's pretty cumbersome and manual, but done for armhf+{omap4,omap}12:51
Riddellis a release sprint happening this release?  how do I get invited along?13:01
Riddellcjwatson: lovely, and I get invited along by just putting my name on there and magically a hotel room will be allocated to me?13:08
pgranerogra_, yea I agree13:10
cjwatsonRiddell: I don't know, you should probably ask Kate13:11
Riddellskaet: hello13:12
* phillw sulks ... not allowed to even view https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuEngineering/Sprints/PreciseReleaseSprint13:27
phillwbtw, was last night / this morning the final respin for beta 2 RC?13:28
Laneythat's because it contains next week's lottery numbers13:28
phillwLaney: I recall a 0 day horror that had the devs attending the release party all locked up and respinning whilst the forum went into melt down with people screaming "Why is not released yet!".... I'll give it a miss :P13:30
Davieycjwatson: What was the upload from a few days ago for inclusion ?13:53
Davieyfrom roaksox ?13:54
skaetRiddell,  release sprint participation in london is being limited explicitly,  we're looking into setting up a G+ hangout for those not able to be there in person.13:59
cjwatsonDaviey: powernapd14:00
DavieyI didn't think it was critical for beta-2 TBH.. but ok.14:02
cjwatsonThat's fine, then just bump the bug milestone14:03
Riddellphillw: it held next door to MI5 and opposite MI6 so it's pretty tightly controlled14:03
Riddellphillw: there have been respins, we won't know if they're final or not until they are all tested to work correctly14:04
apwskaet, we have a further (single) report of issues with aspm on the latest kernel.  after long discussions we think it is better to leave things as they are and make sure its documented in the notes.  this is based on the belief this may well be a bios issue, and that there should be work arounds we can document.  therefore we would much prefer to leave the code in to find out if there any other14:17
apwaffected machines with a note in the release notes; all this for B2, using the results of that to make an informed decision for release14:17
skaetapw,  please add the release note to the TechnicalOverview, along with bug number.   if there are workarounds available, release note should be ok.   We're getting to late to do another respin unless its a kitten killer.14:19
apwskaet, yeah that was my feeling14:20
skaetapw,  if things change as the testing emerges,  flag me please.14:22
apwskaet, ack14:22
phillwRiddell: thanks, we're just waiting on powerppc for lubuntu to be tested and we are good to go :)14:26
skaetjibel,  any concerns on your list from the testing so far,  other than the kernel bug ^ referenced?14:28
skaetpitti,  cjwatson - pad is looking quiet,  any concern areas showing up on your radars?14:30
pittinot from here14:30
* skaet hopes the trend continues.... :)14:31
cjwatsonall quiet on the western front so far14:32
skaetphillw,  lubuntu test team rocks!   just saw that almost all the images have been tested now. sweet.  :)14:32
jibelskaet, nothing from me.14:32
jibeltesting mac now14:32
skaetthanks jibel.  :)14:33
highvoltagehi, shouldn't https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/913731 be a release critical bug?14:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 913731 in plymouth "non-X installs still have vt.handoff=7" [High,Confirmed]14:36
highvoltageI just had a colleague tell me that ubuntu server installations have been broken for the last few weeks because he doesn't get a login prompt, and it's reasonable to expect that many, many ubuntu users will think the same when installing it14:36
skaetDaviey,  ^ thoughts?14:51
ogra_Riddell, did you get to test the panda image ?14:55
Davieyskaet: It's something i'm happy to release note for b2.. I don't think it's a blocker.  I'd surprised I hadn't seen it myself TBH. :)14:57
Riddellogra_: yep14:57
ogra_Riddell, aaaaand ?14:57
skaetDaviey,  thanks.  Release note it is.14:57
Davieycjwatson: I see bug 913731 is assigned to foundations, is it on your hit list for release?14:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 913731 in plymouth "non-X installs still have vt.handoff=7" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91373114:57
=== doko_ is now known as doko
Riddellogra_: same bug in the graphics driver bug 96113314:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 961133 in linux "No video output from Ubuntu Desktop ARM Images on my Pandaboard to my DVI monitor" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96113314:57
Riddellfound a new monitor where it works using the other port at 640x48014:58
dokoinfinity, test rebuild started14:58
ogra_Riddell, ohh, intresting, can you note that on the bug and also talk to robclark in #ubuntu-arm ot #pandaboard ?14:58
Riddellogra_: bug is updated, I can try pinging rob14:59
skaethighvoltage,  could you take a pass at updating the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview for Edubuntu?15:00
cjwatsonDaviey: hmm, not right now, slangasek, what do you think?15:01
cjwatsonslangasek: (913731)15:01
highvoltageskaet: will do15:02
DavieyIt's not critical but a nicety IMO.15:02
skaetthanks!  :)15:02
stgraberhighvoltage: I'm currently in a meeting but I can have a look at the TechnicalOverview in an hour or so if you don't have time to look at it now15:03
highvoltagestgraber: thanks, I'll try to take a stab at it in the meantime. is it confirmed that we should include all the changes since the beginning of the cycle?15:04
stgraberhighvoltage: for Edubuntu, I'd prefer we do that yes, maybe hilight changes from beta1 but IIRC the only change is translation update and bugfix releases of epoptes and ltsp15:05
pabelangerMorning, I just created a FFe (bug 967195) to help resolve bug 965484.  If a bug manager would be kind enough to help triage it, thanks15:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 967195 in ruby-rack "FFe: Sync ruby-rack 1.4.0-1 (universe) from Debian wheezy (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96719515:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 965484 in redmine "redmine : Depends: ruby-rack (>= 1.4.0) but 1.3.5-1 is to be installed " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96548415:07
Riddellpabelanger: bug triagers I think are in #ubuntu-qt and universe packages are maintained by MOTU who I think are in #ubuntu-motu15:12
ogra_Riddell, yeah, that would help for sure, rob maintains the graphics drivers for the panda (sorry in meetings atm)15:13
pabelangerRiddell: right, but I though I needed somebody from ubuntu-release to first triage the FFe, before having somebody in MOTU sponsor the sync process15:13
Riddellpabelanger: ah for the FFe yes that needs approval from ubuntu-release, but it'll be much easier if a MOTU has already commented on the bug "yes this is good we want it"15:15
pabelangerRiddell: okay, let me get that for you15:16
infinitystgraber: Did you look into queubot's confusion about binary NEW from last night?15:50
infinitystgraber: The queue entries that confused it (mosh, on a few arches) are still in oneiric-backports/new.15:51
stgraberinfinity: nope, I saw it in the backlog but haven't tried fixing it yet. I'm currently looking into an LTSP bug, then have the edubuntu techoverview to look at and the perf review stuff to get done (now that HR fixed my account). So I'll look at the bot this afternoon/evening15:51
infinitystgraber: Oh, yeah, not a priority by any means, was just curious if you caught the backscroll.15:52
Davieyskaet: Would like to do a server rebuild in ~2 hours.  If you are happy, I'll make sure all testcases are satisfied on the new build.15:59
pittiskaet: I'm off for TKD/dinner, etc.; will check back in after it to check for any new fires, but it seems rather quiet ATM16:01
hggdhDaviey: We, the sufferers, will also test it ;-)16:02
Davieyhggdh: What would we do without you?16:05
ogra_suffer yourself indeed :)16:05
skaetthanks pitti.16:05
skaetDaviey,  ok for the respin if it helps.16:06
phillwguys, a bit of bad news :( bug 96725716:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 967257 in lubuntu-meta "PPC Install CD from 28 Mar does not boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96725716:31
phillwLars is a good tester for mac stuff. If he says it's broken, it's broken.16:32
cjwatsonHas he tested any other powerpc images successfully?16:32
cjwatsonI'd like to know whether this is Lubuntu-specific for some reason.16:33
cjwatsonOr any images from earlier?16:33
cjwatsonI can have a look in qemu, but the download will take the best part of an hour and I suspect I'll have finished for the day by then.16:33
cjwatsonSo any narrowing down of where/when things broke would be helpful.16:34
phillwI've asked him. We did have working isos from ppc before.16:36
infinityI've asked for a bit more verbosity on "doesn't boot".16:36
slangasekcjwatson: bug #913731> so I actually sat down at the global jam and worked through this question; we have a tentative fix for plymouth, but I'm concerned that it could be racy16:37
infinitycjwatson: Possible that the default yaboot config might be aiming at powerpc instead of powerpc-smp?  Though, I'm pretty sure I got every such case I saw.16:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 913731 in plymouth "non-X installs still have vt.handoff=7" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91373116:37
phillwmy guess would be that the iso does not get recognised as a boot CD16:37
cjwatsoninfinity: It's a good possibility16:37
slangasekcjwatson: i.e., that having plymouth chvt carries a non-zero risk that installs *with* a GUI will get dropped to vt116:38
cjwatsonI couldn't think of any other sensible approach, unfortunately :-/16:39
slangasekcjwatson: what about probing for a DM when deciding whether to put vt.handoff on the commandline?16:39
slangasek(though this could go pear-shaped in a number of ways and I'm not keen to make this change late in cycle either)16:40
cjwatsonPossible, but I have similar reservations; in particular it's quite possible for a DM to be installed after the last call to update-grub16:41
slangasekor removed16:41
cjwatsonI'll grant you that that approach is better than hardcoding it at install time, though16:41
infinitydpkg triggers to the rescue?16:42
cjwatsonStarts getting hairy16:42
infinityCombined with DMs shipping the vt.handoff bit as a config snippet, rather than grub doing it heuristically.16:42
cjwatsonI don't want to introduce new triggers at this point16:42
slangasekso the race I'm seeing is as follows:16:42
slangasek- rc is nearly empty, so finishes first16:43
infinityWell, no triggers, then, just ship vt.handoff as a config snippet, and update-grub in DM postinsts.16:43
slangasek- plymouth-stop is called with JOB=rc16:43
slangasek- 'plymouth quit' runs and shuts down the splash screen16:43
slangasek- DM starts up, sees no splash running, chvt and starts X16:43
slangasek- plymouth-stop calls chvt16:43
slangasek*maybe* 'plymouth stop' could do the vt switch itself, but that also makes me nervous16:44
slangasek'plymouth quit' I mean16:45
cjwatsonCan we atomically say "chvt but only if we're on our own VT"?16:46
slangasekI don't know16:46
cjwatsonAnd also, yes, I thought 'plymouth quit' already chvted16:47
slangasekprobably not16:47
cjwatsonand --retain-splash stayed on the same vt16:47
slangasekyeah, let me dig into the code then and see16:47
cjwatsonDoing the chvt outside of plymouth itself does seem doomed to raciness16:48
slangasek  if (terminal->initial_vt_number == terminal->vt_number)17:08
slangasek    {17:08
slangasek      ply_trace ("can't deactivate initial VT");17:08
slangasek      return false;17:08
slangasek    }17:08
slangasekthat'll be it17:08
slangasekso plymouth only handles a chvt on quit if it started on a different vt than the one it used for splash17:10
slangasekseems fixable, but definitely needs some double-checking to make sure there are no races w/ the DM17:11
infinityphillw: Grabbing the lubuntu/ppc ISOs, I'll see if I can reproduce and/or debug after an early lunch.17:16
phillwinfinity: thanks, Mars is grabbing the ubuntuppc - again about an hour.17:17
stgrabercan I get someone from -release to review bug 967320 before I forward to the MIR team? thanks!17:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 967320 in xcompmgr "[MIR] Please promote xcompmgr to main for LTSP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96732017:20
stgraber^ is actually a FFe + MIR17:20
stgraber(just updated the title now)17:20
cjwatsonHuh, the Lubuntu powerpc image claims to be "3.2.0-18-powerpc"17:24
cjwatsonOh, sorry, false alarm, that's an out of date Ubuntu one17:24
cjwatsonCurrent Lubuntu claims to be "3.2.0-20-powerpc-smp", which is correct17:25
cjwatsonIt's sitting at a black screen in qemu.  Hard to tell if that's just slow or hung.17:29
* cjwatson tries with --verbose17:29
cjwatsonBut at any rate, from the bug, this isn't the same thing.17:30
phillwcjwatson: Julien did say it takes a while with qemu.17:41
* skaet --> lunch, biab18:06
stgraberskaet: I'm also out for lunch, be back in 30min, will take a look at Edubuntu's tech overview then (sorry, trying to get LTSP's bandwidth usage down and performance up took a bit longer than anticipated)18:29
phillwbug 967257 --- YAY!!!!!19:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 967257 in lubuntu-meta "PPC Install CD from 28 Mar does not boot" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96725719:06
phillwAs to why he had issues? ... pass. He's a darn good mac tester.19:07
joshuahoovercan i get someone on the release team to give us the go/no-go on these two freeze requests: #956077 and #85181019:14
joshuahooverbug #851810 and bug #95607719:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 851810 in ubuntuone-client "[FFe] Notify clients when volumes info from server is ready" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85181019:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 956077 in ubuntuone-control-panel/stable-3-0 "[UIFe] Colour changes for the QT control panel" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95607719:14
stgraberhighvoltage: I think I'm done drafting the Edubuntu techoverview, can you have a look and maybe improve a bit?19:18
joshuahooverskaet: can you help with getting someone to give us the go/no-go decision on those two freeze exceptions i listed? :)19:20
skaetjoshuahoover,  they won't make it for Beta2 at this point.19:22
* skaet going to look at them now, and see who else needs to review.19:22
joshuahooverskaet: right, but we'd like to have them for final if possible, especially the color change19:24
skaetjoshuahoover,  problem is that the UIFe didn't land last week,  and screen shots have started being taken.19:27
stgraberskaet: if you're into FFe reviews, can you look at bug 967320? ideally I'd like xcompmgr to be pulled by the next LTSP upload (scheduled for Friday)19:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 967320 in xcompmgr "[FFe][MIR] Please promote xcompmgr to main for LTSP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96732019:27
skaetjbicha, ^  how far along are we with the screenshots for the docs?19:28
joshuahooverskaet: i'll personally update screenshots if that would help :)19:28
skaetjoshuahoover, jbicha may take you up on it ;)19:28
skaet(and yes it might well help)19:28
skaetdocumentation freeze is tomorrow.19:29
skaetjoshuahoover, 851810 is approved as long as we can get it landed early next week.19:36
skaetjoshuahoover, could you take a review pass at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview, and make sure its got all the key changes that have happened in Ubuntu One captured?19:39
joshuahooverskaet: yep, was doing that just a bit ago...then got distracted ;)19:40
skaet stgraber,  challenge will be getting MIR resources to look at it in time.    details in bug.19:52
* micahg wonders if changing the i386 default to PAE is worth release noting (or has this been hashed already)19:54
micahg*default kernel19:54
slangasekI would think so19:54
slangasekchanges in the hardware we support installing on are generally a big question; better to document that up front19:54
* skaet nods19:55
micahgdo you want a release notes task on a bug?19:57
jbichajoshuahoover: we don't have any screenshots of ubuntuone in the system docs20:03
joshuahooverjbicha: perfect :)20:04
joshuahooverskaet: so, bug 956077 should be ok to do since we don't do screenshots of u1 in the sys docs - sound good?20:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 956077 in ubuntuone-control-panel/stable-3-0 "[UIFe] Colour changes for the QT control panel" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95607720:04
skaetjoshuahoover, sounds good,  thanks jbicha20:05
skaetmicahg,  just go into TechnicalOverview wiki page and add in some text for now.   Most of that will be transfered to formal Release Notes, next week.20:06
micahgskaet: sorry, I don't think I'm the right person to do this20:07
* skaet still needs to scrub out old release notes from that project, so we have something we can work with next month.20:07
jbichaskaet: joshuahoover: yes, updating ubuntu-one isn't a problem for Precise docs20:08
skaetmicahg,  ack,  I'll add a sentence after its free to edit, and we'll get apw or ogasawara to review.20:12
micahgskaet: thanks20:12
DavieyRiddell: are you editing the tech overview?20:14
stgraberDaviey: it's the other Jonathan ;) (highvoltage)20:15
stgraberDaviey: and yeah, he's still editing (we're discussing discussing some changes now in #edubuntu)20:15
Davieyok, groovy20:15
skaetjoshuahoover, yes.  have updated bug.20:19
highvoltagestgraber: oops, yes, 10s...20:28
highvoltage(I mean Daviey)20:28
highvoltageDaviey: ok I'm out of it20:29
skaetDaviey,   when you're done,  let me know,  have some edits queued up.20:39
Davieyskaet: Can you go first?20:41
skaetDaviey,  ok.  going in now.20:41
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
skaetDaviey, am out now.   All yours.21:10
stgraberam I the only one who gets LP oopsing every time I try to report a bug?21:11
skaetThanks highvoltage, stgraber,  Edubuntu part looks good.21:11
stgraberI reported it in #launchpad for now but didn't get a reply yet, tried around 10 times, get an oops every time and no bug registered (otherwise it wouldn't be too bad)21:12
stgraberthat's fairly annoying when doing ISO testing21:12
stgraber21:26 < spm> stgraber: we appear to have a partially broken rollout; fixing atm.21:27
stgraberalways nice to have at the middle of milestone testing...21:27
knomeerr, does that mean rebuilding images?21:28
slangasekthat only refers to launchpad having trouble accepting bug reports21:28
* knome was about to get worried ;)21:28
knomebtw, what's with the upgrades in the iso tracker?21:32
knomei mean, the upgrade tests21:33
stgraberknome: what about them?21:34
knomestgraber, they keep on saying "rebuilding"21:35
stgraberoh right ... not sure who did that...21:36
stgraberjibel: why did you disable the upgrade tests?21:37
stgraber(yay for audit trail!)21:37
stgraberoh no, actually the audit trail may be wrong21:37
* stgraber checks21:37
stgraberright, not even history to find these21:38
stgraberskaet: any reason to have the upgrade tests disabled?21:38
skaetstgraber,  was rebuilding the images last night,  all hadn't finished before I went zzz,  oversight.21:39
skaetshould reflect for today's images.21:39
stgraberskaet: so do we reset them all or just turn back on?21:40
skaetstgraber,  reset them is best.  we do have the history.21:40
stgraberI have automated test results that finished 5 minutes ago and didn't publish because they were turned off :(21:40
* skaet is sorry. 21:40
stgraberskaet: done21:40
skaetshould have checked this morning on it.21:40
skaetthanks for flagging knome21:41
knomeno problem21:41
stgraberskaet: oh, just noticed that we didn't have wubi upgrades, should I remove the one I just added?21:42
skaetstgraer, did the RFC go through?21:42
skaetstgraber, ^21:43
stgraberskaet: AFAIK we still have it on the media and it's still under discussion21:43
stgraberskaet: though either way, doing upgrade testing of wubi system still seems relevant even if the installer isn't on a media21:43
skaetstgraber,  probably better leave it then.21:44
slangasekthe upgrade doesn't refer to the CD though, does it?21:44
slangasekright, what stgraber said21:44
Davieystgraber: Most of the server test cases have automated testing coverage, currently someone copies passes back to the tracker by hand.  Can you provide some guidance on how to automate this?21:51
DavieyAre there apidoc's?21:51
stgraberDaviey: there isn't one yet but I can give you some examples of what's currently used for the upgrade testing (and maybe some of GrueMaster's tests, not sure if he's using the API yet)21:53
jibelstgraber, uh ? I didn't, I enabled them yesterday, they were marked for rebuild21:53
GrueMasterstgraber: I was using it for core images, and was gearing up to use it for netboot & server arm testing.  Unfortunately, my workload has changed in recent weeks so won't be implementing it.21:54
stgraberjibel: yeah, I know, I thought I had a better audit trail for these but I just had the uid of the one adding them :)21:58
Davieystgraber / GrueMaster: Just some code snippets well probably be enough :)21:58
stgraberDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/904637/21:58
stgraberthat's based on GrueMaster's code with some added comments21:58
GrueMasterYep.  Only changes I made were for product info and SSO_LOGIN stuff.22:00
Davieystgraber: the api doesn't support trying but not save()'ing?22:00
stgraberDaviey: right but I could probably update the stagging server for that if you want22:01
Davieystgraber: happen to know if Desktop do it by hand still?22:02
Davieystgraber: if you have a throwaway staging server to hand, i wouldn't object :)22:02
stgraberDaviey: I think they do, though jibel asked for the exact same API example a week or two ago, so maybe that changed :)22:03
stgraberoh, apparently my staging canonistack instance was killed :(22:03
infinityWelcome to the cloud.22:03
stgraberyeah, I'll just copy my development lxc container to one of my server (you know some good old hardware in a rack ;))22:04
infinityServer-hugger. :)22:04
infinity(I *love* that that's being used as a "derogatory" term for IT people who are cloud-resistant... So silly)22:05
DavieyThe irony of reliance on the cloud.. Yesterday, Openstack upstream trunk was closed, because the gating process relied on cloud instances to test, their cloud provder was broke.. meaning no code could land.22:05
infinityCan't fix the cloud without the cloud?22:06
infinitySort of like people who can't find their glasses without their glasses, I guess.22:06
DavieyGut generally, if you are damaged by an instance going AWOL, your design is wrong IMO.22:06
DavieyPlannign for a rack of real hardware going away, is identical to trusting the cloud.22:07
infinitySure, you don't "get" cloud computing if losing an instance hurts.22:07
infinityOn the other hand, if you only have one instance, because you're cheap, the rules change. ;)22:07
DavieySadly, i would fall deeply in that category22:07
stgraberDaviey: container is crossing the atlantic now, ETA 10 minutes for the transfer + 5 minute or so to route it an IP22:08
infinitystgraber: Did you name it Titanic, to tempt fate?22:08
Davieystgraber: I thought it was faster to copy data to an ssd, and use surface mail, than Canadian interwebs.22:09
infinityDaviey: Where did you get that strange notion?  We're not Australia.22:09
knomestgraber, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saalGKY7ifU <322:09
infinityDaviey: We have the best speed/cost ratio for home users in the world, according to recent surveys.22:09
Davieyinfinity: Ah, cheaper, not faster.. http://tinyurl.com/bms8jjv22:10
stgraberDaviey: I'd have agreed with you in the past but I now have a new and shiny 25/7 connection :)22:10
GrueMasterstgraber: Is there a way to unsubscribe en mass from the iso tracker?  unsubscribing from each individual image is a bit tedious.22:11
infinityDaviey: As a personal data point, I recently *downgraded* my service to 100/10, because 250/15 wasn't worth it.22:11
* micahg would love 10Mbit up22:12
infinityDaviey: Also, that particular jpeg was a protest against usage based billing that didn't happen.22:12
* micahg has 25/2 ATM22:13
infinityWe may not be as awesome as South Korea's fiber-to-every-bedroom (though they do pay for the priviledge), but, like I said, we're not Australia. :P22:13
stgraberDaviey: I also recently got native IPv6 giving me a nice 10 hops route to my server in Germany (native-v6 to native-v6!)22:13
infinityNow, if only we could get rid of our pesky government...22:14
stgraberinfinity: lucky you, 25/7 is the maximum I can get here (with a decent upload) and not have quotas, without having fiber installed and pay thousand of dollars in setup fees22:15
stgraberthough I run most of my stuff on a server with gigabit connectivity so it's not too bad22:15
infinitystgraber: Québec's always been a backward place. ;)22:15
infinitystgraber: And yeah, I run all my critical stuff on a server in San Jose with GigE.22:16
stgraberinfinity: I won't comment ;) I know mdeslaur and some others may be watching22:16
infinity(Which seems silly, with this much bandwidth at home, but old habits die hard, and it's nice to have off-site backups)22:16
infinityAnd by "critical stuff", I mean screen sessions with irssi in them.  Obviously.22:16
stgraberinfinity: to be honest, I probably would be able to get much faster internet, close to what you have if I was living in Montreal, or at least a bit closer to Montreal22:17
infinitystgraber: Yeah, I'd assume Videotron offers something along these lines.22:18
infinitystgraber: If not, they need to pull their socks up.22:18
stgraberinfinity: AFAIK the best you can get with videotron is 120/20 but with a total cap of 500GB, so completely useless for me22:20
stgraberinfinity: as any extra GB costs $1.522:20
* knome fortunately doesn't need >500GB upload bandwidth :)22:20
ajmitchstgraber: gee, poor you :P22:21
stgraberI don't use "that" much, between highvoltage and I, we're just using around 800GB/month22:21
tumbleweedhas highvoltage explained ZA pricing to you? :)22:22
* ajmitch has a 20GB cap22:22
stgrabertumbleweed: yeah ;)22:22
ajmitchtumbleweed: I'm guessing it's even worse than NZ?22:22
stgrabertumbleweed: ZA-internet being his measurement unit for internet speed and price ;)22:22
highvoltagewe were just talking about that a few minutes ago22:23
knomehow come nerds are talking about upload speeds and prices22:23
* knome doesn't understand all this fuzz ;)22:23
infinityBecause we're nerds.22:24
highvoltageknome: if you don't understand it, then you probably have good upload speeds and no quotas22:24
tumbleweedajmitch: probably fairly similar. 250ms to US, ~60 EUR pm for 20GB cap at 10Mbps22:24
stgraberthe problem I have with the 500GB cap on a 120Mb/s connection is that you can go through your quota in less than 10 hours!22:24
infinityAnd because Daviey made disparaging comments about Canada.22:24
knomehighvoltage, or no need for any better for my taste :)22:24
ajmitchtumbleweed: sounds about what I have22:24
GrueMasterstgraber: Is there a way to unsubscribe en mass from the iso tracker? unsubscribing from each individual image is a bit tedious. (repeated)22:25
stgraberGrueMaster: not yet, that page is still work-in-progress, I can remove all subscriptions for a given uid if you want though22:26
GrueMasterYep, remove mine.  Only thing I currently care for now is netboot armhf+armadaxp (and that may change soon).22:27
infinitystgraber: Shaw has done something clever with caps (or, rather, is about to).  Instead of billing per GB (ew), or throttling (EW!), they're... Upgrading.22:28
infinitystgraber: If you go over, they just bump you to the next highest plan for the month (including the speed).22:28
infinitystgraber: First time's free.  If you do it two months in a row, you pay.22:28
stgraberqatracker=> DELETE FROM qatracker_user_subscription WHERE userid=26110;22:28
stgraberDELETE 4022:28
GrueMasterinfinity: That's just sick.  How non-capitalist of them.22:28
stgraberGrueMaster: ^22:28
GrueMasterstgraber: Thanks.22:29
infinitystgraber: I guess I'll see how that plays out.  But it's curious to do service improvement instead of degradation (I lived in Australia for far too long with bandwidth-throttling on caps)22:29
stgraberinfinity: that actually sounds nice, though videotron/bell are way too evil to do that, it's a lot more fun making you pay every single GB over your cap :)22:29
infinitystgraber: Yeah.  And worst case scenario here would be hitting their top plan (250/15/unlimited), which is only 130/mo, so probably way less than people are hitthing with usage-based-billing.22:31
infinitystgraber: But the cooler thing (I think) is that people who don't really care about speed THAT much can just get the cheapest plan and have it autoupgrade if they miscalculated.22:31
stgraberinfinity: yeah, my guestimate was that I'd get a $950 bill from videotron with their move from unlimited to 500GB quota for business connections22:32
stgraberinfinity: (instead of $80 that's)22:32
stgraberinstead I moved to teksavvy a few weeks ago, for now it works fine and they are actually faster, have native v6 and offer no-cap plans22:33
stgraberDaviey: http://iso.qa.dev.stgraber.org/22:35
stgraberDaviey: sorry for the delay, forgot that now that stgraber.org is signed by DNSSEC it takes me a bit longer to update ;)22:36
Davieystgraber: not yet working here.. i'll check in at a decent time.. thanks!22:38
utlemmingstraber: can you add http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/20120328/ to the ISO tracker?23:04
phillwstgraber: are you in USA?23:05
stgraberphillw: canada23:06
phillwstgraber: I can ask a friend of mine who works for one of the major providers over in USA/CA to see if he can get a deal for you? He does the installs, so gets 25% off for friends.23:08
phillwutlemming: you really need to work on a wiki page for http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/20120328/ I know cloud exists, but.....23:14
utlemmingphillw: you mean http://cloud.ubuntu.com/docs/ ?23:22
utlemmingcloud.ubuntu.com is a great place to start23:22
* phillw :-X23:26
* skaet wonders if who's cleaning out the unapproved proposed queue, and thanks them. 23:53
phillwhow many respins do we expect? http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release says none. Can I announce that the RC for beta 2 on lubuntu is a "GO"?23:53
phillwskaet: ^^23:53
skaetphillw, not expecting to do another respin at this point.    Still gathering data from the testing though.23:53
skaetSo far,  all we've seen we can release note (or not release the image).23:54
slangasekskaet: the only removal from unapproved I see is my own reject of a verification-failed SRU that I've just reuploaded... :)23:54
phillwskaet: when is the cut off time? I do not want to to a release note before you are all happy.23:55
phillwunlike some other 'news' sites.23:55
skaetphillw,  thank you.  :)   release decision time will be happening tomorrow at some point,  release is official when the announce goes out, so coordinate to that.23:56
skaetWe'll be getting the QA reports in,  and talking to the various teams about which images they have reservations about, what looks solid.   Then figure out what's safe to ship.23:56
skaetIf we don't end up respinning,  likely around end of day for Europe.23:57
skaetphillw,   please make sure all the bugs you don't want folks to stumble into are documented under Lubuntu in the known issues section.    I'll be doing a pass as well.23:58
skaetbut more contributing to it,  better its going to get.23:58
phillwskaet: but dooooo, pleeaaseee let me know if lubuntu has passed for beta 2? The lads are really chewing at my neack!23:58
skaetphillw,  I'll ping you as soon as soon as I know its all looking good.   Its fairly likely that the images you have right now will be the ones to go out with.23:59

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