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Unit193ochosi: Bluebird from git doesn't make apport look good, but that could be a greybird thing.05:02
ochosiUnit193: do you have a screenshot for me?09:35
ochosiwith greybird it looks like this for me: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-03282012-113529am.php09:35
ochosihm, anyone on precise: could you please check whether the wine-icons are really missing? (i just installed wine here and in the startmenu there's nothing, so i might have to add that to elementary-xfce if confirmed)09:37
knomepleia2, heh, the "large" doesn't have to do with the image size we are providing, but i could do that ;)09:42
knomei just updated the beta2 notes09:46
* knome will soon enough do one test at least...10:02
* knome did the mandatory desktop amd64 tests11:03
pleia2knome: oh, I see, whisker width changes?12:31
knomepleia2, yup12:35
knomepleia2, but yeah i suppose it would make sense to also privde a bigger png ;)12:35
knomei stripped irc-related stuff out of the xubuntu-logs12:36
knomeand cleaned it up12:37
knomethen pasted it all in wordle12:37
knomei have logs since january12:37
astraljavaWhat's a wordle?12:37
astraljavaknome: So is it online somewhere? A link?12:39
knomenot yet12:39
knomethe browser crashed while i was on it12:39
astraljavaWhich browser is that?12:43
astraljavameh... *grin*12:43
astraljavaAlthough, I'm not very happy with chrome, either.12:43
knomewell, it's 11k rows... :)12:43
knomethe print button fails12:46
knomeand apparently, the "save to public gallery" crashes the browser12:47
GridCubeim starting the alternate i386 tr12:56
knomeGridCube, thanks12:56
GridCubeany in particular need to be done?12:57
GridCubeencryption? full disk? autoresize?12:57
knomeGridCube, just anything. encryption could be good to test12:58
astraljavaGridCube: Every one of them need done. New images need all test cases to be run/ran(?).12:58
GridCubeok ill nest encryption and autoresize12:59
astraljavaThanks! I'll run some that are left later today.13:02
GridCubei can't do amd64 ones :(13:02
knomei think we're looking pretty good on getting stuff done, but i would have hoped some input from outside the team, considering we've blogged and tweeted very actively about this13:13
knomeabout testing13:15
knomeand about having to retest beta213:15
knomepleia2, you there?13:15
knomei made chanes to the xubuntu-website team on LP13:16
knometbe, made changes to how it's related to the xubuntu-team13:16
knomexubuntu team is now not a part of the website team anymore, the website team is part of the xubuntu team13:16
astraljavaGridCube: I'll do amd64's, then, but only on qemu, as I'm away from my test machine for another 18 hours or so.13:18
astraljavaGridCube: Oh, not a problem by any means. :)13:21
astraljavaWe do what we can. :) After all, we're not being paid for this. :)13:21
knomenow anybody in the xubuntu-team are able to log in to xubuntu.org admin, but as contributors13:23
knomehmm, i probably should change that to authors13:23
knomehmm, no13:23
pleia2knome: great13:49
knomewe should look into probably allowing the members of the xubuntu-team to edit pages too, as written in the latest post to -devel ML13:50
* pleia2 nods13:51
GridCubeknome, that means that, for example, i could upload blog articles?13:51
knomepleia2, http://xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/logo-icon-large.png updated13:52
knomeGridCube, you can 'edit' them, meaning you can save drafts, but you will need approval/review from one of the administrators13:52
pleia2knome: thanks :) updating G+ now13:53
GridCubeoh i see13:53
knomeGridCube, you can also delete your own posts... which is something i'd like to disallow >:)13:54
knomei mean, there's no reason why any 'contributor' should ever delete their blog article, especially if it's published13:54
knomethe problem with the 'contributor' role is though that they can't upload files13:55
knomepleia2, ^13:55
knomepleia2, nor edit published posts...13:55
GridCubeim against deleting any kind of information ever, but thats just the librarian in me13:55
knomeGridCube, well, me too. it can be hidden, if that's wanted, but yes, there's no reason to delete anything13:55
knomeGridCube, besides, it's only an administrator you need even if you needed to delete something13:56
GridCubei think that in order to understand the history of something you need to know the good and the bad of it, if you delete something because you think its bad then you're deleting something that makes you be13:57
astraljavaYeah, it's real fun when searching for something on google, for instance, seeing it in the hits, but not finding it when entering the site.13:57
knomeGridCube, i mean, like a blog article that never got written13:57
knomeGridCube, or, was deferred before publishing13:57
GridCubeoh yes, if it has no information13:57
GridCubeknome, when it says logo-icon-large i hoped it be like 256x25614:13
GridCubethe one there is rather small14:13
knomeagain, the -large is not related to the size the file appears14:14
GridCubeits high dpi?14:14
knomeGridCube, besides, it is 300x30014:14
knomeGridCube, no, it means that you should use this variation for *large sizes*14:14
knomeGridCube, the whiskers are smaller in this version14:14
knomeGridCube, if you look at the -small file, the whiskers are bolder14:15
knomeGridCube, but please refresh the image. it *is* 300x300 per my last update :)14:15
GridCubethe image is 300x300, the logo itself its not14:15
GridCubeoh, in fact the image is 104x104 here: http://xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/logo-icon-large.png14:16
GridCubewich is in fact no different from the "small" 88x8814:17
GridCubeand i dont see how the whiskers being different counts as something relevant, but thats just me14:18
knomeGridCube, no, press F514:18
knomeGridCube, the file is 300x300.14:18
GridCubenow it is14:18
GridCubeyou did jedi magic14:18
knomeyour file was from cache14:19
GridCube:O WICHTCRAFT14:21
GridCubein any case, i have a complain i should raise to the xfce devels14:22
GridCubeits that, when you have many open aplications that go beyond the panel area you cant see them on the panel anymore, and you dont get an [>] button to display the hidden ones14:24
pleia2heading out again, have a full day, then a flight back to the proper side of the country, won't be around much again until tomorrow14:32
pleia2good luck everyone :)14:32
GridCubegood luck to you pleia2 14:32
astraljavaMAGIC TECHNOLOGY!14:55
GridCubeD: OH NOES14:55
GridCubetechnomages are here!!14:56
GridCubeknome, an idea for the future, its it possible that during installation the installer checks if there's a windows network and tries to set it up?15:04
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GridCubeonboard issues seem to be fixed :315:29
knomeGridCube, if ubuntu does it, maybe15:35
GridCubeoh good point :)15:36
GridCubethe calculator icon for undo is still missing on todays image15:46
knomeochosi, ^15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963262 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "calculator on xubuntu 12.04 beta2 is missing the undo icon" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:47
micahgGridCube: not worth respinning at this point, but should be fixed for final and release noted if you think people will hit it15:49
GridCubemicahg, its just a visual bug, but its pretty obvious https://launchpadlibrarian.net/98032846/Captura%20de%20pantalla%20-%20230312%20-%2013%3A24%3A57.png15:50
GridCubeits not worth a respin by no reasons tho15:50
knomeyup, but definitely should be fixed15:51
knomeafaik ochosi is on it, and mr_pouit is going to upload it after beta215:51
GridCubeknome, have you read this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/831488/comments/915:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831488 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Xubuntu should not call gnome-control-center" [High,Invalid]15:53
knomemicahg, mr_pouit: your take on #831488 ? ideas?15:55
micahggnome-bluetooth needs gnome-control-center which is why we went with blueman16:01
micahgalso, that person is using the old version of blueman16:02
knomemicahg, could you probably quickly reply to him on the bug?16:29
knomeGridCube, ?17:00
knomeGridCube, may i ask what's the motivation in joining the artwork team in LP?17:01
GridCubeah... i don't know17:01
knomeGridCube, is it that you are *interested in the artwork discussions* or that you are *willing to contribute to artwork*17:01
GridCubei don't remember when i asked to join that team17:02
knomeGridCube, the other teams except than xubuntu-team exist for technical reasons17:02
knomeokay, i'll decline you then ;)17:02
GridCubei will be *interested in the artwork discussions* here as usual, and bother you people out :P17:03
knomethough if that is the case generally, there's no need to be approved to the team, everybody is allowed to bother/discuss ;)17:04
knomeGridCube, besides.. you should be a member of the team anyway via -team17:05
knomethis all is kind of awkward17:05
micahgknome: that person isn't subscribed to the bug even17:11
knomein that case, bleh :)17:12
GridCubehe might not know how to, he might check the bug by himself later17:14
knomei'm off for now17:25
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knomezmisc, re: discussion in #xubuntu, following what others are working on and getting to know the process is a good way to start21:05
knomezmisc, this channel especially21:05
zmisctrue, I thought it might be a good idea to e contribute from Xubuntu seeing my contributions would probably be valued much more. Seeing there is less resources put into this derivative.  Plus I've been an XFCE fanatic since the early 4.0 betas and release candidates.21:06
zmisc"contribute to Xubuntu"21:07
knomeyeah, welcome on board :)21:07
zmiscDo most of you guys use the daily testing ISOs within a virtual machine? Or dedicate a physical computer for testing purposes?21:07
zmiscConsidering if I make valuable contributions and begin to help this project, I may be interested in finding a mentor and possibly becoming a true Xubuntu developer.21:09
knomeyou probably want to help out mr_pouit and micahg in the beginning21:09
zmiscWith what exactly?21:10
knomeand, eventually, it makes sense to apply for a MOTU21:10
knomeubottu, ??21:10
knomezmisc, they can tell you better :)21:10
knomezmisc, actually, astraljava can help too21:10
zmiscthanks knome you've been an awesome help :D21:11
knomeno problem21:11
astraljavaknome: That's quite bold. :)21:11
* knome is currently the project leader21:11
knomeso i suppose i need to be helpful... :)21:11
knomeastraljava, well, at least you are into the bugs at least somewhat.21:11
astraljavaTrue, I try.21:12
zmiscknome: Xubuntu project leader?21:12
* astraljava is also off to running the ISO tests now...21:12
knomezmisc, yup21:12
knomeastraljava, fortunately, there isn't too many tests to be done21:12
knomeonly two mandatory and two run-once \o/21:12
knomeerr, three run-once21:12
zmiscNice, I will make sure to add these channels to my autojoin list... 21:13
astraljavaknome: Oh?! Great news, I was worried a bit.21:13
knomezmisc, great! :)21:13
* zmisc can't wait to get off to working on Xubuntu21:13
knomezmisc, right now, if you want to help, do a test :)21:13
zmiscsure, of a daily ISO?21:13
knomethis should get you started: http://xubuntu.org/news/help-test-xubuntu/21:14
astraljavazmisc: Good time to join, too. There's a new real development cycle coming up now that an LTS release is going to be finished.21:14
* zmisc begins to download the test iso21:14
knomeastraljava, exactly, though, we need to concentrate getting other stuff fixed too >:)21:14
knomebut generally, people will have more time for mentoring and more relaxed chatter21:15
knomewell, not for another month now, but, anyway ;)21:15
zmiscyeah, I've used F/OSS for years and years, and finally I believe I am in a position to help. I am not a professional (just a enthusiast) but my skills have reached the point to where I feel they are valuable.21:15
zmiscI've learned, python, perl, and various scripting languages lately (I've been decent with system administration, and building and packaging though)21:15
zmiscmy coding skills were lacking big time21:16
knomei think it's a general misunderstanding that you can't help if you don't have "skills"21:16
knomei mean, anybody can test a daily iso21:16
knomeanybody can triage a bug21:16
knomeand that's not to say i don't value testing/triaging21:16
knomeor those who do it21:16
zmiscI understand that QA is important, but I wanted to contribute in the creation of the distribution21:18
knomeyeah i see21:18
Unit193zmisc: And I'm the crazy loon.21:18
knomebut that leads to no new contributors joining the project ever21:18
knomebecause they want to start by changing the world ;)21:18
zmiscand testing, really anywhere I could be used21:18
knome(no offense meant, but that's how it is)21:18
knomeUnit193, yeah. fortunately we're in the other side of the hedge21:19
zmiscknome: I understand, I am saying I want to be to the point to where I am able to help in multiple ways21:19
knomezmisc, sure, but there are multiple ways to help with next to no skill set or understanding development stuff21:19
zmiscI agree21:19
knomezmisc, for starters: testing, bug triage and documentation21:19
zmiscknome: definately I planned on beginning with testing, and writing documentation (helping users, etc)21:20
knomethen there's translations too, if you can do a less spoken language21:20
knomewe're looking to update our docs next cycle21:20
bodhi_zazen'lo all21:20
zmiscif I can fix the bugs themselves I won't hesitate to send a patch if possible21:20
knomethe old one is originally written about 3 years ago, it seems :X21:20
bodhi_zazenIf you need help with testing of xubuntu+1 ...21:20
bodhi_zazenPost in the ubuntu +1 forums21:21
knomebodhi_zazen, we only have a few tests to do, but if you have time to do a test... :)21:21
bodhi_zazencontact me, or any of the UF staff, and we will sticky it21:21
zmiscI've recently switched from Debian using XFCE to Xubuntu21:21
knomebodhi_zazen, ah! right21:21
bodhi_zazenwhat you needing tested knome ?21:22
knomebodhi_zazen, well, we're not in panic right now :)21:22
knomebodhi_zazen, wubi :/21:22
bodhi_zazenWell, you will get support if you post in ubuntu +121:22
zmiscknome: Right now it seems to be the most solid and integrated experience as far as the rest of the *buntus go21:22
knomebodhi_zazen, but seriously, i don't know when that is tested the last time whatsoever21:22
bodhi_zazenwe have an active community there willing to help you21:22
bodhi_zazenCan't help with wubi21:22
bodhi_zazenI do not run windows21:22
knomebodhi_zazen, let's put it this way: generally, we will need help in testing, but specifically for beta2, we're looking good :)21:23
knomeyeah, i don't think any of us do21:23
bodhi_zazenPost a thread like this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194638821:23
knomebodhi_zazen, thanks :)21:23
bodhi_zazenIf it does not get sufficient attention, ask for assistance from the forums staff21:24
knomebodhi_zazen, i will keep this in mind the next time we are in the need, or, when Q testing starts :)21:24
bodhi_zazencan find them easily on #ubuntuforums21:24
knomeyup, thanks a lot!21:24
knomewe've been tweeting a lot about it21:24
knomeand getting retweets21:24
knomebut not so many tests ;)21:24
bodhi_zazenYea, we noticed, but I don't think the forums staff contacted you21:24
knomebodhi_zazen, no, they didn't21:25
bodhi_zazenWe have several staff who use xubuntu, all happy to help the cause21:25
* knome is quite unfamiliar with the forums, i can't even remember if i have an account... :)21:25
knomepleia2,  ^^ when you get back... please read the scrollback21:26
bodhi_zazenPart of what I have been trying to do is to reach out to some of the various teams & communities 21:26
Unit193knome: Hobgoblin (forum staff) runs Pangolin as his main.21:26
knomeyeah, i think cooperation between the teams is always good21:27
bodhi_zazendo you mind if I communicate our discussion back to the staff ?21:27
knomenot at all21:27
knomeit's a logged channel after all :)21:27
knomeUnit193, hmm? :)21:27
knomeUnit193, relevancy?21:28
Unit193s/main/main OS/  for testing info or see if something is broken.21:28
knomemy wife runs precise too21:28
knomebodhi_zazen, btw, you might want to say hi to the ubuntu studio devs too21:29
knomethough, astraljava most probably have it all referenced already :P21:30
bodhi_zazenFWIW , the ubuntu +1 testing community has thrived on the forums last 1-2 release cycles, so have someone from xubuntu post there from time to time , you will get support and testers21:30
bodhi_zazen'lo ubuntu studio dev =)21:30
knomeyeah, we will have to look at that21:30
knomewe are currently somewhat reorganizing everything :)21:31
knomeyeah, but we are with positive minds!21:31
* knome has learnt a lot of new things in the past 6 months21:32
bodhi_zazenWho is leading xubuntu now ?21:33
* knome is21:33
GridCube^^ 21:33
knometrying to set the pace for community, strategy document and documenation overhaul in Q :)21:34
bodhi_zazenOK, well, if you have time, post an update in ubuntu +1 for your needs for the upcoming release, you might be surprised with the support available21:34
knomeyeah, i will do that21:34
bodhi_zazenYea, we are trying to contribute to the wiki9s)21:34
knome(actually i will probably delegate and get that done, but...) :)21:34
bodhi_zazenwiki needs a little love21:34
* knome just strated cleaning up the xubuntu wiki too21:35
knomeneed to move some of the content to our website21:35
micahgknome: zmisc: MOTU is not required for xubuntu development21:35
knomemicahg, i know, but that's not a bad thing at all21:35
micahgthe DMB can grant upload rights for the xubuntu packageset separately21:35
* knome ponders if that has always been the case21:36
knomebut that sounds good21:36
micahgknome: well, since packagesets were introduced ~3 or 4 years ago21:36
knomebodhi_zazen, ^ as i just said, i've been learning a lot during the last 6 months21:37
* micahg was already a MOTU when he became a xubuntu-dev21:37
knomemicahg, climbing bottom first to the tree? ;)21:37
zmiscWhat are these drastic changes to Xubuntu that are being proposed?21:38
micahgknome: I went from mozilla packageset, then +MOTU, then +core-dev21:38
knomemicahg, if you can mentor zmisc with mr_pouit as much as your schedule allows... it would be awesome :)21:38
micahgknome: unfortunately, not a lot of time right now, very behind on some projects21:38
knomemicahg, well i know.. but maybe in the Q cycle :)21:38
micahgyeah, should have a little more time then :)21:39
zmiscI am willing to wait, talking here and getting to know the process will beneficial as well I believe21:39
knomezmisc, yeah. while hanging out in this channel you will absorb all kind of information you never knew existed ;)21:39
knomezmisc, re: changes, are you referring to precise?21:39
bodhi_zazenknome: I added this channel to my autojoin21:41
knomebodhi_zazen, great! :)21:41
bodhi_zazenI've been known to make custom iso so can help with some stuff if you need21:41
zmiscknome: yeah, the changes you are proposing are they are concerned with development infrastructure or end product?21:42
bodhi_zazenIf you need help, the more lead time you can give me the better ;p21:42
knomebodhi_zazen, mm-hmm!21:43
knomezmisc, for Q, mostly infrastructure21:45
knomezmisc, trying to make the strategy document more on-earth than idealistic21:46
knome(that's 4 years old too)21:46
zmiscah, what is the strategy?21:47
knomegood luck in reading and absorbing that... :)21:47
zmiscabsorbtion isn't the only plan21:49
bodhi_zazenknome: tl;Dr.21:49
bodhi_zazenknome: tl;dr 21:49
knomeuh oh :D21:49
knomezmisc, bored to death is also not a very good option21:50
zmischeh, I will take a look at the strategy though... any initial plans on making is more realistic?21:50
knomezmisc, i have a rough rewrite done on my HDD21:51
bodhi_zazenzmisc: Delete it all, start fresh =)21:51
zmiscprobably the best option21:51
knomezmisc, generally, update the target to be a bit less towards "old" machines21:51
knomezmisc, then, do some updates on the governancy stuff, trying to make it more motivational to contribute21:52
zmiscThough making the selling point as a distribution that simply for old machines is a bad idea21:52
zmiscknome: you beat me to it21:52
bodhi_zazentarget - beautiful XFCE ubuntu desktop21:52
zmiscknome: kinda gives the perception of Xubuntu as a "last resort" distro21:52
knomezmisc, and ultimately, just cut down the amount of content21:52
bodhi_zazenContent should be readable in 10 seconds, use links for "additional information" 21:53
zmiscI've been advocating xubuntu lately, and have had quite a few switch completely21:53
knomeour website already has something for the new "mission"21:53
knomeelegant, modern, efficient, easy-to-use21:54
bodhi_zazenPictures speak 1,000 words, add some sweet screenshots21:54
knomebodhi_zazen, heh, probably not something for a strategy document21:54
knomebut i agree it should be as compact as possible21:54
* knome has cut down about 15 KB from the plaintext file (original =~ 42 KB)21:55
ochosiknome: re:calculator-icon-bug: yes, it has been fixed in git quite a while ago already. pretty much 30mins after it was brought to my attention by GridCube (also see the bugreport for reference). afaik mr_pouit said it'll take a bit for him to upload those changes, so it should be ok21:56
bodhi_zazenwhen they get that long -> break it into sub pages21:56
knomeochosi, good :)21:57
zmiscIs the plan to be a "refugee from GNOME3/KDE4" distribution21:57
knomezmisc, no, not really21:57
knomezmisc, but since the xfce desktop is a conservative one, it's most probably realistic that we will attract those people as well21:57
zmiscI do predict that happening possibly though, but a lot of people are realizing the power and simplicity of XFCE21:57
knomeochosi, so you're back? :)21:58
ochosiknome: no, just thought i'd quickly check my backlog before going to sleep so it doesn't grow too long :)21:58
bodhi_zazenEmphasize the advantages of xfce, not old hardware or weaknesses, perceived or real, of other DE21:58
knomebodhi_zazen, yup, definitely21:59
bodhi_zazen"the power and simplicity of XFCE" sounds so very much better then "old hardware" or "refugee from GNOME3/KDE4"21:59
zmiscbodhi_zazen: let XFCE stand on its own basically22:00
zmiscon its own merits, along with the merits of collaboration between Ubuntu and Debian22:00
knomewell, we won't use all of the xfce components eitehr22:00
knomeso it's not a "pure xfce distro"22:01
zmiscno, but xfce is the centerpiece IMO22:01
bodhi_zazenEmphasize the strong points and features of Xubuntu - Ubuntu base , ubuntu community, xfce, what ?22:01
knomebodhi_zazen, you will see ;)22:01
* knome still needs to read his own rewrite first to see if that makes any sense at all22:02
bodhi_zazenI do not know, but are there a lot of debian users using xubuntu ? A few I imagine .. , but is it really a selling point ?22:02
knomei don't think it's a competition22:02
knomewhy should we "sell" ?22:02
zmiscXubuntu (full featured, powerful, simple, easy to use) Extra Value: Support due to collaboration between Debian/Ubuntu etc.22:02
zmiscits not a competition22:03
bodhi_zazenThere you go zmisc ^^22:03
bodhi_zazenmuch better then b422:03
knomei think the best thing is to believe in what you do - and go ahead with that - the users will get your way22:03
zmiscbut the face that it is based on debian/ubuntu means that there is a large community of users to draw resources from, and vice versa22:03
bodhi_zazenknome: spoken like a gnome dev22:03
zmiscSo when you use Xubuntu, you're not out in the cold ?22:04
knomebodhi_zazen, well, maybe. i don't believe in what they do though, that's why i'm not 'doing' with them22:04
zmiscDon't you think a community distribution should be representative of the community?22:04
knomezmisc, well, at least you get something that is done with passion...22:04
knomeyes, the community that is creating it22:05
knomeand since everybody is free to join...22:05
zmiscwhat about users?22:05
bodhi_zazenzmisc: you and knome get to decide, I am only encouraging you22:05
zmiscthe users may or may not be contributors, or of any value to the development process22:05
knomeif an OS should look like its users, how can any OS ever change?22:05
zmiscI mean, like "feature requests" etc.22:05
knomebecause users won't change22:05
knomeusers probably don't know what is the "best for them"22:06
zmiscusers wishes in what software does do22:06
zmiscI mean somewhat like a middle ground approach22:06
knomefeature requests are of course reviewed and discussed22:06
knomebut ultimately, if there isn't anybody willing to step up and implement, it doesn't get done22:06
zmiscyou deliver the wishes of the users in some way, but do it on your own terms i.e. methodology, etc.22:06
knomethat's why a FOSS OS won't never look like the *users*, but the *contributors*22:07
zmiscsomewhat on them lines>22:07
zmiscyou make a valid point22:07
bodhi_zazenNothing is quite as effective as including a patch with your bug report ;)22:07
zmiscI agree with that middle ground approach22:08
knomeas the xfce devs *love* to say, patches are welcome22:08
zmiscknome: and I can see your emphasis in having more users involved in QA22:08
zmiscthat is contribution in some form at least22:09
knomezmisc, yup22:09
knomeeven if xubuntu had only one "true" developer (which has been the case previously),22:10
knomehe can't do it without the guys doing QA22:10
knomebut with them, he can22:10
zmiscI plan on putting a machine aside for running Xubuntu development snapshots, and working on documentation, bug reports, etc.22:11
zmiscoffer support on IRC etc.22:11
knomei have an idea to update the docs22:11
knomeon *how* to update the docs22:12
knomedo you know etherpad?22:12
ochosiok guys, until tuesday i'll only be around on friday22:12
ochosii'll be on holidays over the weekend and not in the country, so if you have questions either ask me on friday or on tuesday22:13
ochosior ping me and i'll read it in the backlog22:13
knomehappy holidays :)22:13
bodhi_zazenhave fun ochosi 22:14
ochosithanks! see y'all22:14
zmiscHave a good one :D22:14
knomezmisc, http://beta.etherpad.org/p/lgba9hLj7d22:14
knomezmisc, did you fall asleep?22:19
zmiscno I just had to step out for a bit22:19
knomeopen that link22:19
zmiscI am :D22:19
knomehmm, i wonder why i can't see you22:20
knomejs disabled?22:20
knomeor you are *opening* the link? ;)22:20
zmiscI am on an unreliable 3G connection right now.22:23
zmiscsorry 22:24
knomeseems to be really unreliable22:24
zmiscyes it is, I am on the edge of coverage right now22:24
knomeanyway, it's collaborative live editing22:25
knomemeaning, you can paste in text (documentation)22:25
knomeand edit simultaneously22:25
knomeany edits by me would appear in one color, and yours in another22:25
knomethere's no limits on how much people can join in22:25
knomei'd imagine a chapter of documentation takes about 10-20 minutes to update with 3-5 people22:26
zmiscthat would be excellent22:26
zmiscI've done a bit of collaborative writing, but most of my writing I've done has been for research at university22:27
knomexubuntu documentation having 17 chapters, i'd imagine it would be something about 12 hours of productive time to complete the complete documentation22:27
knomefirst do a few "tests" on the first chapters to check if that acutally works out22:27
knomethen arrange an online sprint, with loads of publicity22:28
knomepeople can even edit several chapters at a time22:28
knomewith one sprint, i suppose it's possible to get about 1/6 of the docs done22:29
knomeit's hard to estimate the actual time, since some of the parts are really short and easy22:29
knomeothers might be a bit more complicated, and long22:30
zmiscdepending on the complexity of the issue being documented22:33
zmiscand depending on who is present in drafting the documents22:33
knomeyeah, but we have the old documentation22:34
knomewhich pretty much has a good structure22:34
knomeand most of the things are still true22:34
knomeand of course, i'd expect the sprint to attract xubuntu users, who should know their system22:35
knomeif not all aspects, at least some22:35
knomeand learning isn't bad22:35
zmiscI believe people should be a little bit more informed in the inner workings of their OS22:37
zmiscit would eliminate many of the issues present in IT22:38
knomebut seriously...22:38
knomepeople being interested in IT and other things more deeply generally would fix most of the issues in life :)22:38
zmisclike you mean the IT or the general concept of people truly understanding the things present in their life?22:40
astraljavaAwww... have I missed a genuine philosophical conversation here?23:03
astraljavaknome: Why didn't you ping me?!23:03
knomei thought it was better not to let you know.23:06
astraljavaJust as I'm deep into these existential crisi-related thoughts anyway, you didn't give me an outlet or a refining process. :)23:09
knomehumph :23:09
leo-unglaubin the current 12.04 is an icon missing for clipman23:28
knomemicahg, i know you were part of the xubuntu-team via other teams, but i just added you to the team directly, to track contributors.23:34
knomei'm off. see you all later23:50

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