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ScottyKIs there any major differences between Kubuntu and Linux Mint KDE?02:11
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rtdoshow do i prevent nepomuk from alerting me everytime it's NOT running?03:05
Tm_Tit's not nepomuk alerting, but other apps using nepomuk I believe03:17
jt__In Kubuntu 12.04, could someone tell me how to perfrom the network start/stop/restart functions which used to be done in /etc/init.d? It now refers me to use the service command, but this command fails when I use it.04:33
Whiskey`Wonkajt__: likely you are after start network-manager and stop network-manager04:33
jt__Ah; I tried start/stop networking and network, but not network-manager.  It's counter intuitive to me that "network-manager" would restart the actual network as oppose to neetworking  or  network-interface, but what-od-I-know. Is there documentation on what all these services are somewhere (I see a ton of services when I do a "service --status-all"04:38
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sharpspearhello. I was trying to install mysql trough the software center, but the installation stopped saying "applying changes". how can i cancel it and try again?07:03
obelusNot sure if anyone can help with this, but I'm trying to use Pulse to install the Eclipse 3.7 IDE, and it continually hangs on 'Preparing catalog definitions and images', googling for the issue only produced a solution for Windows 2000, which was installing GDI+ runtimes, but no solution for Linux.07:22
szalwhat has Pulse got to do w/ Eclipse?07:32
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obelusPulse is a content delivery system that manages Eclipse, etc.07:37
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MacSealhi,i have problem with encoding on this plasmoid http://imagebin.org/20567010:15
MacSealwith plasmoidviewer sm_hdd is right10:17
sky100can any one suggest how to create a folder on desktop...11:23
hateballsky100: How do you mean?11:25
hateballsky100: You add a plasmoid for Folder View, then point that somewhere like ~/, and it will display the contents of that directory and let you rightclick inside it and create folders and what not11:26
sky100hateball ..all i wanted to create a folder  on my desktop11:27
hateballsky100: Well... that's not how plasma works. But once you do the above it'll behave in the same way11:27
sky100i see11:28
sky100sorry didnt get ur suggestion11:28
sky100im new in ubuntu11:28
hateballRightclick the "desktop", add "graphic component(?)" and then choose folder view11:29
* hateball does not use English locale, so11:29
sky100let me chk11:29
Tm_T"add widgets"11:29
hateballthen you can customize the folder view item to show whichever folder you want, change the size and location etc11:29
hateballSo if you really want you can make your entire plasma one giant folder view :p11:32
lordievaderGood afternoon11:33
sky100hey lordievader  good afternoon11:33
lordievadersky100: hey, how are you?11:34
sky100im fine ty , how abt u11:35
lordievadersky100: I'm fine :)11:35
sky100i right clicked on desktop hateball11:35
sky100not seeing any option like graphic components11:36
hateballyou may need to "unlock widgets" first11:36
hateballthen as Tm_T said "add widgets"11:36
hateballagain, I don't use English locale, so my translations may be off :)11:36
sky100my widgets is open11:37
sky100not locked11:37
sky100yes im now in ADD widgets11:38
lordievaderanyone here with the new ATI drivers (12.3)? is a update recommended?11:38
sky100so add widgets has option like NEW FOLDER ?11:39
hateballsky100: then scroll around that for a bit til you find Folder View and drag that onto the desktop11:39
sky100ok hadrian11:39
sky100yes dragged11:40
hateballthen you should be able to edit the properties of that, and choose which folder to point to11:40
hateballstraight into your home, or to the Download folder, or whatever11:41
hateballas well as move and resize it to your liking11:41
mydogsnameisrudyare the folders just shortcuts to the real folder or well deleting them remove the folder completely11:41
sky100im seeing that it shows up the items which are in my home directory11:41
sky100is that ok?11:42
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sky100yea.. now right click on it gives option CREATE NEW11:42
sky100like folder etc..11:42
sky100i can create new folder in it11:44
sky100brb ,,reboot to see if my wallpaper is saved at reboot11:47
naftilos76hi everyone, what is wrong with kmail2 in kde 4.8.1. Internet is full of unexokained kmail2 crashes and shutdowns...11:55
sky100dont use kmail..12:04
sky100its crap..12:04
sky100it did not work for me as well12:05
Tm_Tbeen working just fine for me though12:05
mydogsnameisrudylikes kmail also12:06
sky100Tm_T,  are u on kubuntu 11.10?12:07
Carnage__naftilos76: KMail is dying slowly and painfully since KDE 4...12:08
naftilos76sky100: it is too late now i have all my bysiness email around 10K12:09
Tm_TCarnage__: dying?12:09
naftilos76i am searching for a decent script or anything that can help me migrate to thunderbird or something similar but no luck12:09
Tm_Tnaftilos76: your mails are not on server?12:10
naftilos76Carnage__: struggling to prevent from drowining is most likely the case...12:10
sky100thunderbird is good enough & works well ..i heard . naftilos7612:10
naftilos76Tm_T: nop - all are locally transfered and erased from server :-(12:11
Tm_Tnaftilos76: then connect to imap server, move all mails to it, done12:12
naftilos76i have seen something about that but i have no time to do that - maybe later12:13
uberdubis there an android channel?12:13
BluesKajhey all12:30
fayazhi, is there any way i could get kmail1 back?12:31
mydogsnameisrudymorning BluesKaj12:35
DarthFrogGood morning BluesKaj12:36
BluesKajfayaz,  i wish for it , but don't think it's possible without drastics12:39
DarthFrogI gave up on Kmail a while back; been using Thunderbird for a  few years now.12:40
BluesKajhi DarthFrog , mydogsnameisrudy12:40
BluesKajmy emails aren't real secure anymore since my ISP contracted it's email servers out to Hotmail :(12:41
BluesKajstill use t-bird tho12:42
DarthFrogT-bird with IMAP to Gmail, ftw.12:42
sky100i copied & pasted my preferred images in the directory /home/username/.kde/share/wallpaper ..to find them all in wallpaper sel12:47
sky100wallpaper selection window in plama desktop12:48
uberdubbazhang: #android: Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services12:59
BluesKajsky100,  , ineresting , did you create that folder in ~/.kde/share/ or was it there as a default13:02
BluesKajsky100, does your Plasma Desktop Shell look anything like this ? http://imagebin.org/20569013:14
sky100sorry ..was away BluesKaj13:16
sky100let me see ya link13:16
sky100exactly so BluesKaj13:17
BluesKaj did you create that folder in ~/.kde/share/ or was it there by default?13:18
sky100weird stuff is this when I clicked on to OPEN at the bottom & browsed to the folder where my picture folder is residing & selected photo from there and used as wallpaper .. it just got vanished after reboot13:19
sky100until i did this last time to be relived of this issue13:20
sky100relieved *13:20
sky100that directory is in the home13:20
sky100i just navigated to /home/USERNAME/.kde/share/wallpaper & pasted all the photos there which I might want to use as my wallpaper time to time13:21
sky100i really dunno even now why it just did not get saved which I browsed from OPEN from plasme desktop13:22
sky100now I reboot & see my preferred wallpaper is just working fine on the desktop13:23
sky100BluesKaj,  u there ?13:24
BluesKajyour wallpaper file can be anywhere in ~/ (/home/user/)13:24
sky100nut to get them working i had to copied & pasted the images into that directory13:25
sky100to copi*13:25
BluesKajI created a separate folder for my fav wallpapers and just navigate to it from the desktop shell/settings highlight the pic and click open13:25
sky100yes i was doing the same earlier13:26
sky100but it just had stopped working ...13:26
sky100really upsetting me..13:27
sky100yea BluesKaj13:27
sky100& after reboot do u find the new wallpaper just on ur desktop?13:27
sky100in my case it was just switching back to default13:28
sky100did not know that I had to manipulate with directory to get wallpaper working ..13:28
BluesKajwallpaper changes without rebooting , but it sticks after a reboot , yes13:29
sky100yes ..it was changing normally without rebooting... but does not stick after reboot ..13:30
sky100thats what is poking me at..13:31
sky100as I reboot after changing the wallpaper ..>>> DEFAULT is lodged !!!13:31
sky100dunno ... whats wrong with it ...13:32
sky100let me browse to my pic folder & select a new image use that as my wallpaper & reboot & see what happens! BluesKaj13:40
ScuniziWill Kopete connect to yahoo messenger.. It doesn't seem to like me today.  I haven't connected in over a year so perhaps they've changed something.13:46
sky100nahh BluesKaj ..the problem exists13:47
sky100i need to save all images into the directory to get them working as my wallpaper13:48
sky100this is really weird13:48
BluesKajsky100,  yes , of course , once saved in desktop settings/plasmadesktop shell . they should remain there til you delete or remove them13:49
sky100but dunno BluesKaj  whats the issue that any image saved in plasma desktop shell & applied as wallpaper is vanisihing at the reboot13:52
BluesKajsky100,  which layout are you using in the desktop shell ?13:55
sky100let me see..13:55
BluesKajwallpaper + image ?13:57
BluesKajand you haven't been clicking on "install default wallpapers" ?13:58
sky100coz i wanted the images of my choice to use as wallpaper13:59
sky100not the default wallpapers13:59
BluesKajok , click on "open" , to where does it navigate?14:00
sky100plasma desktop shell14:00
sky100its navigated to^^^^14:01
BluesKajbut you already had the plasma desktop shell open14:01
BluesKajso it didn't open the original wallpaper source folder14:02
sky100i have the source folder in on my partition14:03
BluesKajfor example my last choice was located in my pictures folder , so when I clicked on open the desktop shell opened my pictures folder14:04
BluesKajmy partition?14:04
sky100yes , in my case it also directs me to the last opened folder14:05
sky100like u said my picture folder14:05
BluesKajwhat's this my partition?14:05
sky100nah .. discard that14:06
BluesKajno , what did you mean by that14:06
sky100wrongly typed14:06
BluesKajis the last picture you chose there highlighted ?14:07
sky100& APPLY option is not LIVE14:08
sky100if i select other picture then APPLY becomes xclickable14:08
sky100but if i now reboot the wallpaper which is being used right now , will just disappear14:11
BluesKajopen system settings>startup&shutdown>autostart , make sure plasma desktop workspace is enabled14:11
sky100let me see14:11
sky100i m selecting RESTORE MANUALLY SAVED SESSION14:13
sky100is that ok?14:13
BluesKajdunno , never used it14:14
sky100i switched to Autostart14:14
sky100as u said14:15
BluesKajis the desktop worspace startup enabled?14:15
markus_More and more people here :)14:15
markus_I guess unity makes people switch14:16
sky100not seeing any option like work space start up14:16
sky100Auto start / service manager/ session management14:16
sky100all i see14:17
BluesKajlook under desktop file in autostart14:17
BluesKajnot service manager14:19
sky100im now looking into Configure desktop effects14:20
BluesKajlook in autostart , that 's where the desktop startup is enabled , just make it is14:22
sky100yes under auto start its shows ... gtk2-default -theme .rc.shgtk2-default-t ...Enabled14:23
sky100just next to it I see a drop down menu14:23
sky100Pre KDE start up / start up /shut down14:24
sky100so my serach was ok ?14:24
sky100i was seeing in Auto Start14:25
sky100as u said14:25
sky100where I went wrong14:25
BluesKajkmenu>my computer>systemsettings>startup&shutdown>autostart , desktop file14:26
sky100yes i went like Kmenu > settings> startup & shutdown> autostart> desktopfile14:28
sky100should I give u a screen shot ?14:29
BluesKajsky100,  which kubuntu are you running ?14:29
sky100kubuntu 11.1014:29
BluesKajunder desktop file do you see "plasma ?14:30
sky100script file14:31
BluesKajok screenshot then14:31
sky100just gimme imagebin link bline14:33
sky100oh..its saying image type not allowed14:36
sky100i simply took by print screen button14:37
BluesKajdid you save the image to documents ?14:39
sky100i browsed from imagebin14:41
sky100was it wrong ?14:41
sky100its saying image type not allowed14:42
BluesKajsometimes it gets too busy ...wait for a min or 214:42
sky100oh ok14:42
BluesKajwhats the file xtn?14:42
sky100ok png14:42
BluesKajodd again14:44
sky100odd ?14:44
sky100thats imagebin is not accepting ?14:44
BluesKajit accepts png , or so it says here http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add14:45
sky100still saying not allowed ..image type14:46
sky100ok BluesKaj  .. im just going afk for sometime ....but i will be online ... BBS ..many thnx for ur time & co-operation14:46
sky100pls help me out when I resume14:47
BluesKajok sky100 , if I'm still here14:47
sky100sure ..of course14:47
sky100i will be back in 45 mins14:47
sky100of ya still here , i will get in touch14:48
BluesKajsky100,  dunno how I can help14:48
BluesKaji'm out of ideas14:48
sky100ok np .. thanx for effort14:49
dimw1twow, just saw this.  this sucks (yes i've been lurking more than paying attention):  http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/kubuntu-to-become-community-only-ubuntu.html14:49
* sky100 is away: TEA & SMOKE ....14:49
bazhang!away > sky10014:49
ubottusky100, please see my private message14:49
dimw1ti realize that many of the great folk who have made kubuntu great have been volunteers, but this seems like a step backwards14:51
dimw1tand with all the painful churn these past few kde releases, this is just difficult to swallow.14:51
BluesKajdimw1t,  kubuntu had only one paid dev anyway , so now it's up to the community to take up the slack , jonathan will helping us , but on a voluntary basis14:52
dimw1tBluesKaj: thanks, i guess it makes sense.  hopefully all the kde churn around kontact/nepomuk/akonadi settles down so that people like me won't be afraid to upgrade their kubuntu going forward.14:54
dimw1tjust feels like a setback, and one likely caused or influenced by kde massive design changes over the past year and a half14:54
BluesKajdimw1t, nepomuk/akonadi can be disabled if they trouble your setup ..I just dumped kmail/kontact  since I couldn't get it to link properly thru akonadi anyway14:55
dimw1tyeah, i just got kontact to figure out that i had stuff there.14:57
dimw1ti only updated to kubuntu 11.10 last week14:57
dimw1t(trying to keep the pain level low so i can keep productivity high.  gosh, i sound businessy)14:57
BluesKajtoo many "demon daemons" running on this old pc isn't beneficial , especially when they aren't really needed14:57
dimw1tbut it wasn't until today that i realized that all i had left to do was Refresh my contacts folders for them to show up.14:58
dimw1tthe rewrite of akonadi was a good thing.  it sucked way worse before14:58
dimw1ttoo make places to screw up the pipeline14:58
dimw1tthis new stuff looks much more "doable" at least as designed14:58
dimw1tso i went into kontact today and basically hit F5 on contacts and a second later they started showing up.14:59
dimw1tapparent disconnect between kontact and it's akonadi overlord14:59
BluesKajglad to hear it's working for you , I got tired oif the notifactions  when akondi wasn't able to collect emails from my provider servers14:59
dimw1tso i tried with Calendar, Journal, and Tasks...  yup.  stuff came through.. finally14:59
dimw1ti'm taing a sacrificial machine and adding the kubuntu-backports to get kontact 4.8 to try15:00
dimw1tapparently it's got a lot more ironed out15:00
dimw1tBluesKaj: but that's the churn i was talking about.15:01
dimw1ti had barely recovered from the upgrade to 10.1015:01
dimw1tdoes anyone have guidance one whether one should whack ~/.kde when you upgrade or if the upgrades should *just work*?15:08
Tm_Tdimw1t: I believe removing ~/.kde is bad thing to do (and if upgrade would require that, that's a bug)15:09
lordievaderrenaming .kde is safer15:11
dimw1tthis time around (and the previous few) i've found it better to mv .kde .kde-backup and just start from scratch... but now you have to also kill .local, .config as well15:11
dimw1tat least .local/share/akonadi*15:11
Tm_Tlordievader: even that shouldn't be needed15:11
dimw1ti agree, it *shouldn't*15:12
lordievaderTm_T, I'm sorry, I don't know what the problem is. I'm just stating that is is safer to rename the folder than to delete it.15:13
dimw1tbut this time around, with the akonadi rewrite, i've found it helpful to whack all of kmail/kontact/akonadi/nepomuk cache/config/data15:13
Tm_Tlordievader: indeed it is safer (:15:13
dimw1tbut lordievader is correct, i don't rm it, i rename instead15:13
lordievaderWhat is the problem, anyhow?15:13
mr-richIn Kate, how would I go about doing a replace with CR/LF?15:14
lordievadermathieukh, Hey15:25
BluesKajheh , akonadi server configurations is repleat with all kinds of different errors15:31
dimw1tmr-rich: are you talking about making them all one or the other?15:35
dimw1tmr-rich: Tools -> End-of-line -> Unix or Windows15:36
mr-richdimw1t: well, I got this spam with a javascript attached and it's all in one line. I want to break the lines at the semicolons ...15:36
mr-richit's really cryptic code ...15:37
dimw1tmr-rich: Replace15:38
dimw1tchoose "Escape sequences"15:38
dimw1tthen do Find:  ";"  and Replace:  "15:38
mr-richso, I want to replace ";" with ";[cr/lf]" ...15:38
dimw1tmake the replace field ";\n"15:38
mr-richin quotes?15:39
dimw1tMode: Escape Sequences15:39
dimw1tthat interprets \n as <CRLF>15:39
mr-richcrap ... I already junked it and emptied the trash ... next time ... :)15:40
dimw1tvim and sed and python are also very powerful for such things15:41
mr-richwelp ... time to byte the bullet and install the new kernel ...15:45
sky100imagebin is nowt working .. hence cant post any snapshot links16:10
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.16:10
sky100has any one tried with imagebin lately?16:10
lordievaderskfin, imagebin is working here16:10
sky100hey lordievader16:11
sky100i have not been able to get it working for few hrs16:11
sky100always says image type not allowed16:12
lordievadersky100, what type of image are you trying to upload?16:12
sky100i was trying to show a snpshot to BlueKaj .. which was a png16:12
sky100xtn was png16:13
lordievadersky100, and it doesn't exceed the 2mb limit?16:13
sky100ummm let me see16:14
sky100so it shd have been uploaded16:14
lordievaderhmm strange, try to upload it as a jpg16:14
sky100let me take a screenshot of my my current desktop16:15
sky100after taking snap i click SAVE AS & save it in my document16:16
sky100is it right ?16:16
sky100wrong ?16:17
sky100i was browsing to the DOCUMENT through imagebin16:17
sky100& click submit16:17
lordievaderDocument? Not just an image? I.e. ".png" ".jpg" etc16:18
sky100i mean i was browsing to my documet folder16:19
sky100i was just saving the snapshot to my documen folder16:22
sky100browsing through imagebin16:23
lordievadersky100, you have done it before right? Do it the same way as you did then.16:24
sky100yea .. lordievader it went normally yesterday16:24
sky100dunno what has happened today16:25
sky100let me chek with the image i uploaded lastnite16:25
sky100let me put it in imagebin16:25
sky100yes lastnite's image is working16:27
sky100which i uploaded16:27
lordievaderSo what is the difference between the image of yesterday and the one of now?16:28
mr-richKernel installed ... time to reboot ...16:30
skfinlordievader: Good to know that.16:37
skfinlordievader: I haven't used imagebin lately but thanks for the information16:37
lordievaderskfin, sry, I ment sky10016:38
skfinYea I noticed ;)16:38
skfinYou just have to make some fun out of these kind of situations16:38
lordievaderskfin, Couldn't agree more :)16:38
sky100yes got it right16:39
sky100had to be with  .png16:40
mr-richWell, that was a bit shakey ...16:50
meerkatswhat are the advantages of kubuntu over xubuntu and ubuntu?16:52
sky100lordievader, i had to manipulate the directory to get wallpaper working after reboot ..16:54
sky100/home/ppp/.kde/share/wallpaper <<, had to put my preferred photos into that directory16:55
sky100copied & pasted16:55
lordievadersky100, I see16:56
lordievadermeerkats, Kubuntu has the KDE window manager, Ubuntu has the Gnome window manager and Xubuntu has Xfce, about the last one I am not sure. I would say one is not necessarily better than the other, more like a matter of taste.16:58
meerkatslordievader, I have been told xubuntu is the fastest and lightest, true?16:58
sky100though Bluekaj was saying that he simply browse to the picture folder from Plasma desktop shell window , gets his photos , hit apply & OK & it sticks even after  reboot !16:58
bazhangmeerkats, more like lubuntu16:59
lordievadersky100, true, that is normal behavior.16:59
sky100but dunno why wallpaper did not stick after reboot in my case!!16:59
sky100he was asking me if plasma desktop workspace is enabled17:04
sky100Setting/ startup& shut down ?autostart17:04
sky100 / autostart*17:05
sky100http://imagebin.org/205721 << thats the screenshot ..17:05
lordievaderI'm not sure, I guess you need to talk to BluesKaj for that.17:06
sky100oh ok17:06
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lordievadergotta go17:49
georgelappiesdoes kubuntu-full install all the kde software from kde software collection?17:59
Peace-georgelappies: apt-cache show kubuntu-full+18:01
Peace-georgelappies: apt-cache show kubuntu-full18:01
georgelappiesPeace: thanks :)18:02
BluesKajok no more akonadi/nepomuk servers on this setup18:08
locoany one know how to resize the partition of ubuntu?18:21
bazhangloco, with gparted live cd or ubuntu live cd18:22
locoi have ubuntu installed18:22
lococan i install tha package?18:23
bazhangyou need to boot from a live cd18:23
locois this easy to use?18:24
lococuz i'm beiginner lol18:25
bazhangof course have backups of important files loco18:25
locook thanks i will try it18:26
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Ziut3KI need a little help19:12
Ziut3KHave someone a few minutes ?19:12
lordievaderZiut3K, what's wrong?19:12
sky100lordievader,  ..hello19:12
lordievadersky100, hey19:13
Ziut3Klordievader: second19:13
Ziut3Ksorry for my english19:13
Ziut3Kon start19:13
Ziut3K :P19:13
Ziut3KI am uploading a screenshot19:13
Ziut3Klordievader: the problem is that I have many things on this partition19:14
Ziut3Kand I cant do antyghing19:14
Ziut3Kit's empty :<19:14
Ziut3KI cant find any solve of it :<19:15
lordievaderZiut3K, yes but it seems your partition is full19:15
Ziut3Kbut U have doplhin19:15
Ziut3Kand it's empty19:15
Ziut3KI was trying search in console19:16
lordievaderDo happen to know where this folder is mounted?19:16
Ziut3Kbut command ls is giving me nothing19:16
lordievaderThe ls command in the directory of your picture?19:16
Ziut3Klordievader: I thinked that maybe something with my kubuntu is wrong but on live cd is the same19:17
Ziut3KI was trying ls19:17
Ziut3Kroot@ziut3k-desktop:/mnt/dysk# ls19:17
Ziut3Konly testdisk log19:17
lordievaderZiut3K, Could you do a "sudo fdisk -l: for me?19:18
lordievader"sudo fdisk -l" *19:18
Ziut3KDisk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes19:18
Ziut3Kgłowic: 255, sektorów/ścieżkę: 63, cylindrów: 60801, w sumie sektorów: 97677316819:18
Ziut3KJednostka = sektorów, czyli 1 * 512 = 512 bajtów19:18
Ziut3KRozmiar sektora (logiczny/fizyczny) w bajtach: 512 / 51219:18
Ziut3KRozmiar we/wy (minimalny/optymalny) w bajtach: 512 / 51219:18
Ziut3KIdentyfikator dysku: 0x000850e119:18
FloodBotK1Ziut3K: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:18
locoany one know to take internet from iphone to ubuntu19:37
lordievaderloco, I don't know myself, but perhaps this can help you: http://www.xappsoftware.com/wordpress/2010/10/26/ubuntu-10-10-and-iphone-tethering-solved-updated/19:38
locook thnx i will see it19:40
ibiworHello! I recently read about resetting KDE by removing ~/.kde files and thought of trying it out in virtual machine KDE. But after logging in vm, I thought Ctrl+Alt+F1 would take me to vm's tty1 where I could try resetting KDE after making few changes in the vm but it didn't! I didn't realise I'm on my host tty1 and the command sudo rm -rf ~/.kde was already executed.19:45
ibiworThankfully, I had .kde backup lying around taken 2 days ago that I immediately copied back the contents but i now face these configuration errors - http://imagebin.org/205739 Can anyone please help me fix it?19:46
lordievaderibiwor, that does not sound good, but it seems to be an issue of permission.19:47
lordievaderLet me check what the default permission for the home dir is.19:47
Tm_Tone should first make sure the user is the owner for all those files by summoning "sudo chown <user>:<user> -R /home/<user>/.kde"19:48
Tm_Twhere <user> should be replaced with said username19:48
ibiworTm_T: Yes, I did that19:49
ibiworI didn't restart kdm after that though Tm_T , fearing that it won't work19:49
lordievaderI read here that it is usually 664, in other words chmod -R 664 /home/<USER>19:49
lordievaderMight need a sudo in front of it.19:50
Tm_Tlordievader: no, that wouldn't work19:50
ibiworsure, I'll try that lordievader19:50
lordievaderTm_T, why not?19:51
Tm_Tthere's files in homedir that should not be readable others by the user itself (:19:51
ibiworTm_T: I have already executed the command you said, should I logout and login?19:51
Tm_Tibiwor: try, and if that doesn't do it, then "sudo chmod u+w -R /home/<username>/.kde19:53
ibiworTm_T: ?19:53
ibiworSure, brb19:53
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ricky1966hi everybody19:59
lordievaderricky1966, hey19:59
ricky1966i've a print server ethernet, usb cabled with my printer, on windows all gone well, on linux, kubuntu, the printer is very slowly20:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ibiworThanks Tm_T : I no longer get those errors :) There is some glitch while after kdm - I noticed that after entering password when it tries to load KDE(the 4-5 icons which comes), it stopped and took me back to login screen again. It happened twice till now. And, some of the desktop effects are not working20:06
ibiworTm_T: Should I try <sudo chmod u+w -R /home/<username>/.kde> ?20:08
Tm_Tibiwor: sure20:13
ricky1966Is possible to use the win xp driver, for printer, with linux ?20:13
Tm_Tricky1966: not really, no20:15
ibiworTm_T: And for refernce, could you pastebin yours <ls -lR ~/.kde> please?20:15
Tm_Tno, not really (:20:16
Tm_Tyou get better reference by creating temporary user in your system20:17
ibiworor umm ls -l?20:17
ibiworOh, yes. Thanks, that will do20:17
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