
=== M0hi is now known as benonhardware
AngelForgetgood morning  all people on chan06:43
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morrii just updated- and it updated the flashplugin installer too but it won't work now?08:57
bioterrormorri, sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin09:38
bioterrorcould do the trick09:38
morrii used the dpkg on plugininstaller, and it loaded it from the abode site, and said installed at last, but it still isnt working10:42
morrii can only watch videos which arent flash :(10:48
bioterrormorri, did you restart your browser?11:53
morrii cached it , i resterted the pc..11:54
morrialso no use in epiphany, although it atleast uses hmtl 5 in youtube11:58
AngelForgetthe beta 2 version of Lubuntu just come out with updates going very well12:40
morriis it, my flash doesnt work but i am on the 11.1012:46
AngelForgetmorri, install the extras package Lubuntu12:47
morriI worked perfectly fine before this morning update12:48
AngelForgetmorri, go inside  synaptic and see if the package is installed extras Lubuntu12:50
AngelForgetmorri, But you speak Italian?12:51
morrii have ubuntu restricted extras12:52
AngelForgetlubuntu restricted extras12:52
AngelForgetno ubuntu12:52
morriwhy would that make a difference all of a sardine?12:53
AngelForgetis difference12:54
morriyes but why if it ran alrioght for over a year would it make a difference now?12:55
Myrttiit really shouldn't make any difference12:56
Myrtticould you please describe a bit more in detail how it doesn't work?12:56
AngelForget morri sorry but you are using ubuntu or Lubuntu?12:57
marcelCfrom where can I download the LXDE source code?12:58
morriwell i did my weekly update, i started went to a site with flash games, and it didn't do a thing12:59
AngelForgetwell then why do you have installed  ubuntu restricted extras ?12:59
bioterrormarcelC, http://lxde.org/download12:59
bioterrorAngelForget, doesnt really matter12:59
bioterrorlubuntu-restricted-extras has some less packages13:00
bioterrorotherwise same stuff13:00
marcelCI have this command on the page, git clone git://lxde.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/lxde/[REPO_NAME]13:02
marcelCwith what sould I replace [REPRO_NAME]13:02
morriin any case i would nt have been able to run flash just fine till this morning other wise huh? , in any case, i installed the update , (flash 11.2) and since then it shows that it using the plug in (in plugin s in use) but it doesn't do anything, also won't work in epiphany, but html 5 works in epiphany on youtube)13:04
morriand angelforget, i had ubuntu before, but i installed lubuntu desktop , and uninstalled ubuntu desktop.13:05
AngelForgetmorri, attempts to install Lightspark that is an alternative to flash13:08
morrii did try the config and new install etc.13:08
morrihavent done yet, i ll have a try,13:08
bioterrormorri, does it work with Chromium?13:09
morriit is crashing in chromium13:11
morrihm gnash or light spark13:15
morriit is neqwer huh?13:17
morriwhats the difference13:17
morriThe project is currently in an alpha status and provides the standalone13:18
morriplayer and browser plugin for testing purposes only.13:18
seblabeli would like to change my lubuntu-rc.xml13:41
morrinine of the flash programmes work13:42
seblabelwhen i do a C-A-T, it starts a lxterminal but it is not visible, it stays in the panel13:42
seblabelhow can i change the file in order to get lxterminal as the focused window ?13:43
seblabelthanks for the help13:43
pcroqueseblabel: To fix that I put an entry in the <applications> section at the end of ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml. Here's the segment I put in: http://paste.ubuntu.com/905605/13:52
seblabelthank you pcroque !13:58
seblabelwhy should we use this <applications> ? and not changing the existing keybind ?13:59
pcroquenp glad to help.13:59
pcroqueI don't know. You could try putting <focus>yes</focus> in the existing keybind. That may be an easier solution.14:01
seblabeli tried, it does not work :)14:03
seblabeldo i have to restart something to make the changes actives ?14:04
pcroqueYes. openbox --reconfigure14:05
seblabelok, let's do it14:05
seblabelhumm i got an error here14:06
seblabeli certainly did something wrong in the file14:06
pcroqueWhat's the error?14:07
seblabelsyntax error in lubuntu-rc.xml14:09
seblabelstartTag: invalid name14:09
pcroqueAnd you changed the <applications> section?14:09
seblabeli don't find any errors14:11
seblabeli mean, by myself14:11
pcroqueIt sounds like there's a tag it doesn't like. Also...check that you didn't put in an extra <applications> tag. There's a long comment section after the <applications> tag.14:12
seblabelhumm nope the problem does not come from this14:14
seblabeli take off this part14:14
seblabelbut no change in the error message14:14
seblabeldoes the indentation essential in this file ?14:15
pcroqueThe indentation shouldn't matter.14:16
seblabelso, i guess i found14:16
seblabeli used geany to change the file14:17
seblabelthe ^h command is used to replace a string14:17
seblabeland i use bad \r for newline14:18
seblabellet's change this and try again14:18
seblabeleverything is fine now ! thank you very much pcroque  !14:20
pcroqueGreat. Glad it worked.14:21
seblabeland now, for no appearant reason, lxterminal is focused when i use the keybind ... !14:22
seblabelif you can help me with this configuration, it would be great14:29
seblabeli now would love to use the «windows» key that is useless otherwise14:30
seblabelmy keybind for lxterminal would be great with windows+F1114:30
seblabeli tried this Super_R-F1114:30
pcroqueseblabel: I have to go now, but there is a great configuration guide to openbox (the window manager for lubuntu) here: http://urukrama.wordpress.com/openbox-guide/14:31
pcroqueseblabel: Just make sure to backup your configuration file before you make changes.14:31
seblabelok, great14:31
seblabelthank you !!14:31
pcroqueHave fun with it. Openbox is a great window manager.14:32
seblabelit's done !14:33
seblabelit was just W, not Super_R14:33
rtdoshow do i change the default window manager from kde to lxde without uninstalling kde?15:23
holsteinrtdos: i would just add lxde.. open a package manager, install LXDE, and choose it from the login screen15:41
KM0201holstein: personally, i hate that solution16:22
KM0201i would reinstall16:22
KM0201especially with KDE, because you still end up w/ a bazillion unnecessary KDE apps16:22
tatawhy my Lubuntu 11.10, always turn off my monitor (screen saver is disabled)?16:50
KM0201you probably have it set to do that...16:53
KM0201tata: go to menu/pref/power management     on the "General" option, uncheck "Monitor Power Management Control"16:54
tataok wait...16:55
tataI dont have power management in preferences???16:57
FernandoCuevahello I want to know which version of lubuntu is lts20:54
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:54
FernandoCuevaanswer please20:55
holsteinFernandoCueva: whats the question?20:57
holsteinOH.. i see.. its the same as main ubuntu pretty much20:57
holstein10.04, then 12.04 will be20:57
Unit193Well, the core is LTS, but since there are so few Lubuntu devs, the LXDE/L in Lubuntu isn't quite.20:57
holsteinyeah, the kernel and other things are maintained LTS.. and you likely wont have any issues20:58
tatawhy my Lubuntu 11.10, always turn off my monitor (screen saver is disabled)?20:59
holsteintata: could be hardware.. could be the locker.. whats the deal? when does it go down? does it come back?21:00
tataok, lubuntu not is perfect?21:02
FernandoCuevado I need a minimal install is that for computer with less then 192mb of ram21:14
phillwFernandoCueva: you can use alternate install.21:21
phillwbeta 2 lubuntu 12.04 has just been released :D http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/precise/beta-2/21:23
KM0201phillw: just curious, why is there an "amd64+mac" iso?  is that different from the normal 64bit iso?21:35
KM0201i thought since most mac's ran on intel compatibles now.... "mac versions" of linux really weren't needed anymore (and hadn't been made by ubuntu for a while)21:36
phillwKM0201: there are subtle differences21:37
KM0201oh ok, i'd jsut never saw a iso with the "+mac" name..21:37
bioterroryou think most mac users knows that their cpu is x64?21:38
bioterrorthey just know they have "superior apple computers" :D21:38
KM0201hmm, good point21:38
KM0201i hate talking to mac-heads to be honest21:39
bioterrorI hate to hear how their computer is more superior21:39
phillwbioterror: My Mum has a Mac, back when I decided which system to get for her I chose Mac over windows :)21:40
KM0201bioterror: no worse than some linux folks to be truthful.21:40
phillwUnix machines were expensive critters!21:40
KM0201thats my main reason for not liking mac's... i can't build a mac.. where i can build my pc's.21:40
bioterroryou can build your dream mac on their webpage21:41
KM0201yeah, and they'll charge you a gazillion dollars to assemble it21:41
phillwoops thought i was in -ot (switches before I get told off!!)21:41
KM0201phillw: is Ozone available yet?21:44
NEOhidrai use XBMCbuntu - which should be a lxde distro but it is a barebone distro as you can see http://store.picbg.net/pubpic/D2/85/003c7896e9c1d285.png21:47
NEOhidrawould it be possible to get a gui for language support changes - like change the UI language. For example by installing a package maybe, but which one?21:47
phillwKM0201: sorry?21:49
AngelForgethello phillw21:49
AngelForgetbut they have released another beta of Lubuntu?21:50
phillwKM0201: do you mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork/Incoming/Precise/Ozone21:50
phillwAngelForget: it is the one from 28th March, no respin was required.21:51
KM0201ya.. thats why i said nevermind.21:51
FernandoCuevaok I checked the iso image is correct21:52
phillwnp, my brsain21:52
phillwbrain is little haggled atm :)21:52
FernandoCuevanow I want to install it to my pentium 3 via usb21:52
FernandoCuevais there any website I can find info how to set up usb for lubuntu 10.0421:53
AngelForgetI also tested ubuntu kde, not bad, but Lubuntu and much faster and higher in my opinion21:53
phillwFernandoCueva: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick21:54
KM0201AngelForget: thats kind of the design of Lubuntu... "keep it simple stupid"... where KDE, tries to install every single app, utility, etc.. known to mankind21:54
KM0201even as an experienced user, i find KDE a little overwhelming (not to mention every app starting with a "K" is very annoying)21:55
kosaidpohello guys21:56
AngelForgetI fully agree with you KM020121:56
kosaidpoany one knows why when i type www.google.com it takes me to localhost ??21:56
KM0201no idea21:56
KM0201is it doing it just in chromium, or does it do it in any browser?21:57
KM0201what if you click the link as opposed to type it?21:57
kosaidpoKM0201: both chromium and FF21:57
KM0201if you click the link?21:57
kosaidpowhat link ??21:58
KM0201if you click that, does it take you to google, or local host?21:58
kosaidpoKM0201: let me test it21:59
kosaidpoKM0201: sam22:00
FernandoCuevaI have issues22:17
FernandoCuevaI want to install lubuntu from a usb stick but my pentium3 doesn't boot off usb what can I do I dont' want to use cd22:17
phillwFernandoCueva: does it have a floppy drive?22:41
KM0201well that waas easy22:45
FernandoCuevayes phillw22:45
Unit193Might be able to boot from USB using plop.22:46
FernandoCuevaany guides?22:47
FernandoCuevais a boot manager22:47
phillwFernandoCueva: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16822/boot-from-a-usb-drive-even-if-your-bios-wont-let-you/22:47
phillwis the clearest set of instructuons for plop I can find quickly.22:48

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