
=== mythos_ is now known as mythos
olegfinkmythos: hi00:49
mkopackAnyone here run Ubuntu on a pandaboard?00:58
infinityLots of people.01:02
infinityJust as your question, someone might know the answer.01:03
mkopackok, cool. I'm working on setting up the ubuntu-server image for PandaES… Just wdonering if that already includes the drivers for the Panda's hardware (like the Wifi, bluetooth, gfx, etc.) or if I'll need to install those after the fact ?01:03
infinitymkopack: Everything but video is in the default kernel.01:04
infinitymkopack: And if you're doing a server, you really shouldn't need video?01:04
infinitymkopack: Unless by "server", you mean "set-top box" or something.01:04
infinity(Sorry, when I say "video", I mean "accelerated 3D and codec", the display works fine without 3rd party drivers)01:05
mkopackWhat would I have to do to get video going? I don't want a huge desktop (I tried the Ubuntu desktop image and it was HORRIBLY slow and memory intensive). I just need a simple desktop for opening a couple terminals and maybe a light browser like Midori01:05
infinityYeah, that level of "video" is fine on the default image.01:05
infinityThough we will be getting TI's binary drivers in the archive over the next week.01:06
mkopackNah, eventually going to use this for ROS (robot OS) but I'll need a simple desktop + terminal windows to get everything going and do some light development/testing/debugging output on01:06
infinityBah, who needs a GUI for that? ;)01:06
twbinfinity: does it struggle with animated GIFs in midori tho?  my old atom/i9xx doesn't, but my tegra2 does01:06
infinityRegular TTYs are great.01:06
twbe.g. http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR023.loop.shtml#skip01:06
infinitytwb: I dunno, I have no issues here with heavier browsers.01:06
twbinfinity: admittedly i'm still running android kernel here :-(01:07
infinityI have no accelerated video on my ac100, and it's just fine.01:07
twbokey dokey01:07
infinity(Sure would be nice if nvidia got their ducks in a row and release the armhf build they have internally...)01:07
infinitymkopack: Anyhow, the server image should "just work" out of the box for all the usecases you seem to care about.01:08
infinitymkopack: Should you later decide you need accelerated video, it'll be there.01:08
infinitymkopack: And I'd highly suggest using precise/armhf, not any of the older armel releases.01:09
mkopackhow do I know the diff? (sorry, not a super experienced linux person01:10
infinityhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-preinstalled/current/ <-- Those.01:11
infinitymkopack: Or, if you're installing to a hard drive instead of an SD card, I'd use the netinst images instead.01:11
infinity(Since the preinstalled images are meant to run from SD)01:11
infinityhttp://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/precise/main/installer-armhf/20101020ubuntu126/images/omap4/netboot/ <-- Netboot.01:12
mkopackI'm going with the 11.10 server build for now… Once 12.04 is considered "release" then I'll consider it… Not a fan of living on the bleeding edge :)01:14
infinitymkopack: Trust me, 12.04 is better.01:15
infinitymkopack: Bleeding edge or not.01:15
infinityBoth in terms of faster, and less buggy.01:15
infinityJoooooin us.01:15
mkopackHmm… well, let me give this a try first… I just want to see that this thing can run better than it did with the 11.10 desktop I tried Monday night. That was pretty discouraging...01:16
mkopackSo far this seems to be going well - configging the wifi right now01:17
mkopackexcept it seems to insist that it needs a WEP key, and I have WPA2 … sigh01:17
mkopackSo what's the "precise" mean? I know the diff between hardfp and softfp...01:18
micahgmkopack: precise is the release codename01:23
infinitymkopack: precise is just the release codename. 12.04 = precise, 11.10 = oneiric.01:23
infinityTo be fair, the desktop runs pretty well when it's backed by a USB hard drive.   Running a full desktop from SD is painful.01:24
mkopackwhich file do I need, the .gz or the .gz.zsync ?01:24
mkopackand I assume the instructions for imaging are the same as they were from 11.10 ?01:24
infinityFor netboot?01:24
mkopackfor the daily builds01:24
infinityOr for server preinstalled?01:24
mkopackserver preinstall01:24
infinity.gz in both cases, mind you.01:24
infinityAnd yeah, imaging is the same.01:24
mkopackfigure I'll image a 2nd card with 12.04 daily while the 11.10 is installing in the panda01:25
mkopackHNmm, not having much luck with the 12.04 server daily02:56
mkopackFirst try, after I went and told it account info, network, etc. Picked which functions/packages I wanted, it did some work and then I got what looked like a kernel dump on the screen.02:57
mkopackPower cycled and tried again, this time it got past all that and was doing the install. Got to the "Removing Packages" stage at 50% and just hung there for over 30 minutes… No changes. The light closest to the SD slot stopped blinking, the other one would blink twice, wait, then blink twice, over and over02:58
mkopackGoing back to trying the 11.1002:58
lilstevieeven with softfp precise is much faster than oneiric03:35
mkopackwell, I had no luck getting precise to install for me03:37
mkopackso I'm going back to oneiric for the time being03:38
mkopackI'll give precise another try this weekend when I have time03:38
mkopackthankfully I have a couple SD cards to use03:38
twblilstevie: why much faster?03:38
lilsteviedon't know why, just is03:38
lilstevieat least on the tegra303:39
lilsteviehaven't tried it on my tf101 yes03:39
twbI hear you are all about the primes these days :-)03:41
lilstevienot all about the primes03:42
lilsteviejust  it needs more work than the tf101 at this point in time03:43
lilstevieanyway gtg03:44
lilstevieclass in 15 minutes is all the way over the other side of the uni03:44
janimo`ogra_, I just saw there's a newer L4T 15alpha since March the 12th09:22
ogra_no armhf09:22
janimo`I wonder if we could/should use it for the ac100 in precise09:22
janimo`ah, I forgot that armhf was desirable as well09:23
ogra_if you feel like, feel free to update, but given we dont build armhf images anymore it will only help armel upgraders09:23
xranbyogra_: i assume you mean armel images ^09:24
infinityIndeed he did.09:25
xranbywe have added jogl armhf java bindings now.. the only part missing are the gles drivers09:26
xranbyogra_: all in all cool. now gpu vendors have to ship armhf binarys :)09:30
xranbyfor a LTS release with server focus this are a good call09:31
janimo`ogra_, well yes, it only helps those already using nvidia-tegra drivers09:32
janimo`ogra_, infinity do you know when/if we drop the armel (as it is now - armv7) port completely ?09:37
ogra_janimo`, not in 12.04 at least ;)09:45
janimo`well obviosuly not, but what of the next cycles?09:46
RoyKany idea what's happening with bug 952909?09:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 952909 in accountsservice "Some users invisible/unusable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95290909:46
ogra_aqsk again at UDS i'd say ;)09:46
ogra_RoyK, as in #ubuntu-desktop09:47
RoyKogra_: erm... it's an arm specific bug, isn't it?09:48
ogra_its a desktop package and there is no arm team anymore09:49
ogra_and iirc its also amd6409:49
RoyKogra_: no, it's not09:55
RoyKIIRC that was me guessing that, and I was wrong09:56
RoyKwhat happened to the arm team?09:56
ogra_well, still it is a desktop bug, there is no arm team anymore as i said09:56
ogra_was dissolved, people were put into other teams09:57
RoyKok... so what would be a good alternative to ubuntu, then?09:57
RoyKand why isn't https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARMTeam updated on this?09:58
ogra_why would you need an alternative to ubuntu09:58
Mephisto__Hello guys! I've compiled a 3.0.26 kernel for ARCH=arm and when I emualte it through qemu, I get a black screen, any help?09:59
ogra_its not that the arm port goes away, its about having the actual teams take respionsibility09:59
RoyKbecause if there is no arm team, then I guess the focus on arm is rather sloppy09:59
ogra_no, the opposite is the case09:59
ogra_in the current transition phase that might not be true indeed, since not all teams have HW yet but it will get there10:00
xranbyogra_: which boards have armhf gpu drivers in ubuntu 12.04 ?10:11
ogra_omap4 will10:12
xranbyi have a panda a imx53 and a ac100 here10:12
ogra_ac100 depends on nvidia ... mx5 depends on freescale :)10:12
xranbyi will install armhf on the panda then10:12
xranbyand keep on testing gles armel on the mx5 and ac10010:12
xranbythank you for the info10:13
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mythoshmm.... olegfink always tries to contact me, when i'm asleep...10:23
mkopackJust wanted to say thanks guys... Got my pandaboard ea working last night running the 11.10 server.  Installed lode and that's working, and installing midori right now..11:32
mkopackLxde I mean11:32
mkopackStupid autocorrect!11:32
mkopackWay faster and better on memory than the desktop image11:33
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Guest92471
dannfinfinity: so did fedora decide not to follow suit w/ the hardfloat linker path?19:14
* dannf snagged hello-2.6-3.fc17.armv7hl.rpm, it uses /lib/ld-linux.so.319:14
dannfand no compat symlinks i see in their alpha tarballs19:15
infinityThey dropped the compat symlink too?19:15
infinityjcm will be in punching distance of me in 4 days, I'll get to the bottom of this. >:(19:16
dannfok - i might poke him on irc real quick - Sledge has been poking me about submitting the linker patch upstream. i fixed the no-float-arg case, but probably should chekc w/ them first19:17
infinityWell, it should go upstream period.19:17
infinityRedHat's biggest argument was that it wasn't upstream, and they were dragging their feet about being trend-setters.19:18
dannfinfinity: submitted the patch - jcm reiterated his upstream-first reqmt, said he'd look at the patch & comment when he gets time (probably not before you see him)19:44
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
avinashhmHi friends , i am trying to enable wl1271 by following - http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/OMAP_Wireless_Connectivity_Calibration_Proccess_NLCP .. but i get into error "wl1271: ERROR could not get firmware: -2" .. but the .bin file is proper and i have copied to correct locan .. still i get this error .. has anyone faced this .. pls let me know any pointers ...more logs @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/906407/23:29
infinityavinashhm: What's wrong with the driver that ships with Ubuntu and just works?23:41
avinashhminfinity, i am using linaro-* images .. don't find any driver .. besides we are enable on a custom machine .. so i am not sure if ubuntu supports that ..23:43
infinityFair enough.  The wiki instructions seem straightforward enough for doing per-machine calibration.23:44
infinityIt's just also generally unnecessary.23:44
avinashhminfinity, yes .. the instructions are quite simple and also i am having necessary binaries in right path .. "/lib/firmware/ti-connectivity/wl1271-[fw/nvs].bin" ..  still i get this error ..23:45
infinityavinashhm: Your pastebin doesn't show you following the HOWTO...23:46
avinashhminfinity, one thing is i have integrated the wl12xx to the kernel as inbuilt .. can this make a difference .. not a loadable module23:46
infinityavinashhm: You're not giving calibrator all the arguments it needs.23:46
avinashhminfinity, below in the page, they have an example section ..  so picking this .. i ll also give other arguments to check if it has better results23:47
infinityavinashhm: The different examples are for different types of hardware.  No idea what yours is.23:48
infinityAlso, did you rmmod wl12xx_sdio before starting?23:48
infinity(Cause if that's builtin, yeah, you'll have problems)23:48
infinitySince that module needs the firmware loaded, and you're moving the firmware out of the way.23:49
infinityIf you tickly the device, the module wakes up, no firmware -> boom.23:49
infinityEven if your final product will ship with a monolithic kernel, you're probably going to need a modular one just to do this one firmware calibration thing.23:49
infinityThen you can ship the new firmware with your non-modular kernel.23:50
avinashhminfinity, oops .. now i understand .. i will make the module loadable and then make sure to caliberate before insmoding ..23:50
avinashhmthanks very much infinity for helping ..23:51

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