
TheMusopitti: Ok bug 966845 fixed for pyatspi and at-spi2-atk, uploaded the new upstream version of the at-spi2 stack into precise-proposed as well. Will fix up in Debian and will re-sync later to clean up.00:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 966845 in pyatspi "lucid->precise upgrade wants to remove ubuntu-desktop" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96684500:19
robert_ancellRAOF, any reason why we're not running the latest colord?04:47
RAOFrobert_ancell: Mainly because it's after feature freeze.04:48
RAOFWell, that and because 0.1.18 doesn't work properly on !systemd (although I've fixed that)04:49
RAOFrobert_ancell: Is there anything particular you'd like out of the latest colord?04:50
robert_ancellRAOF, not really, just wondering why both us and debian are two versions behind04:51
RAOFAh.  Well, Debian's two versions behind because I've not yet trawled for a sponsor vigorously enough.04:51
RAOFAnd Ubuntu's also behind that because we don't seem to have libgusb05:01
pittiGood morning05:11
pittiTheMuso: splendid, thanks05:11
rickspencer3good morning pitti05:29
pittihey rickspencer305:30
rickspencer3pitti what's the word on the street for beta2?05:31
pittirickspencer3: looking fairly good, I'd say05:31
rickspencer3good news05:31
rickspencer3pitti, the bug reports on the ISO tracker look less than severe05:34
pittiyeah, some were gratuitously marked as "serious", but are not really in the sense of "breaks the install"05:34
RAOFpitti: In the unlikely event that you've got a lazy couple of minutes, it'd be nice to get colord 0.1.18 currently sitting in git uploaded to Debian.05:53
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pittiRAOF: can do; updating my sid chroot05:56
pittipristine-tar: git show refs/heads/pristine-tar:colord_0.1.18.orig.tar.xz.delta failed05:57
pittigbp:error: /usr/bin/pristine-tar returned 12805:57
pittiRAOF: ^05:57
pittiRAOF: I guess I need to download the orig via uscan then?05:58
RAOFThat'd work.05:58
RAOFOr I could just push the pristine-tar branch :)05:58
pittiRAOF: I did uscan --download-current-version --rename, and that worked; but git-buildpackage still complains05:58
pittiRAOF: still the same, hmm05:59
pittiah, nevermind; git fail05:59
RAOFpitti: Thanks muchly!06:11
pittiRAOF: uploaded06:11
* RAOF already received the ACCEPTED mail :)06:11
didrocksgood morning06:21
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?06:21
didrockspitti: I'm good, thanks! I woke up at 5AM, couldn't sleep more. So I work until 6h30, and then, finally catch up one hour and half of some sleep :)06:22
didrockspitti: and you?06:22
pittipretty well here, slept until 5:30 when the birds started yelling, and then until 7 after closing the window :)06:23
pittiit's become a routine for the last week or two now06:23
didrocksoh, sleeping with open windows?06:23
pittiwe have a bird which makes a noise like a beeping alarm clock06:24
didrocksthe birds here are way nicer :)06:24
pittiwell, that's fine; I get up, shut the window, and go on sleeping :)06:24
didrocksheh ;)06:24
pittiI much rather have some birds a few weeks a year than a loud street or anything the entire year06:24
didrockstotally agree06:24
pittione of these days that guy will find a nice bird women, and he can stop yelling :)06:25
pittihe's got a nice comfy nest06:25
RAOFWe have some crazy birds out in the park opposite that scream at midnight.06:26
didrocksRAOF: he maybe has some timezone issue ;)06:27
* didrocks looks at the new g-c-c display ui. I will ask more ui patching :/06:28
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* rickspencer3 is picturing the difference between French, German, and Australian birds06:37
didrocksrickspencer3: starting a funny drawing serie?06:42
didrockspitti: do you know if GtkTable can merge some columns for a row? It seems not to me07:35
pittididrocks: I don't know off-hand, sorry07:36
pittididrocks: perhaps GtkGrid can now, it's the successor07:36
didrockspitti: well, I don't want to change even more g-c-c ;)07:36
didrockshttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/98669009/globalOptionsPlacement.png will require adding a gtkbox then…07:37
didrocksmore ui patching and love07:37
pittididrocks: but why would you need to formally merge them?07:37
didrockspitti: on the image, look at the separator ^07:37
pittididrocks: gtk_table_attach() takes the left, right, top, bottom cell07:37
pittiso you can place a widget into two cells07:37
pittior more07:37
pittiyes, that should be fine07:37
didrocksoh nice, yeah07:37
didrocksso, just adding one row, and using that07:38
didrocksthanks pitti :)07:38
tkamppeterpitti, hi07:47
pittihey tkamppeter07:47
tkamppeterpitti, it is about bug 494141, on April 5, 2011 you have uploaded CUPS to lucid-proposed with a fix and the bug got marked verification-needed. It seems that no one never ever tested this though there was a lot of discussion afterwards and in the meantime up to now security updated for CUPS (without the fix for this bug) got applied. Today, RAOF, removed the verification-needed mark as the proposed version got superseded and told the07:51
tkamppeterfix should get re-uploaded. I do not know where to find the fix and what it was, as you packaged it. Can you re-upload or should we mark the bug invalid as the fix did not get tested for one year?07:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 494141 in cups "CUPS starts after SAMBA; printers are not available (convert cups to upstart)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49414107:51
pittitkamppeter: actually SpammapS uploaded it, but I agree that we should just set lucid  to "wontfix" at this point; I'll do that07:53
pittibonjour seb12807:55
seb128hey pitti, how are you ?07:55
pittiI feel quite precise today!07:55
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.07:56
seb128pitti, ;-)07:56
pittibeta looking good, got some nice progress with using -proposed as a staging area07:56
pittiand still 5 bugs behind you, grrr! :-)07:56
* pitti hugs seb12807:56
* seb128 hugs pitti07:56
seb128pitti, that can't change a lot with the freeze ;-)07:56
pittiI have some 5 queued up in unapproved and bzr, but I guess so do you07:57
pittiI wasted half of yesterday on bug 57103807:57
seb128pitti, yeah, I've a few, some in proposed as well (the page didn't pick those up I think)07:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 571038 in gnome-disk-utility "palimpsest crash with libgdu:ERROR:gdu-pool.c:2369:device_recurse: assertion failed: (depth < 100)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57103807:57
seb128pitti, did you get to the bottom of it?07:57
pittiseb128: I think the page has a general problem with -proposed; even today it doesn't have the recent gtk+2.0 fix, neither for me (I uploaded to -proposed) nor for cjwatson (who copied it to precise)07:58
pittiseb128: I managed to generate the crash once, but I can't reproduce it reliably yet07:58
pittiI tried to re-do the same steps, but failed07:58
pittiit affects partition layouts which you cannot create with Linux tools07:58
pittionly with some proprietary ones, I figure07:59
pitti(and which should not even be allowed, they are ridiculously convoluted)07:59
cjwatsonpitti: I had to arrange to skip uploads without changesfileurl, which seemed a bit odd but I didn't get to the bottom of it08:01
cjwatsonpitti: eh, though, since gtk+2.0 has been copied to precise, it shouldn't appear on pending-sru08:01
cjwatsonoh, wait, you're talking about a different page aren't you :-)08:02
pitticjwatson: I mean http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/precise-fixes-report.html08:02
* cjwatson goes back to sleep08:02
pitticjwatson: so yes, it's not something important, just a little competition that seb128 and I have going.. :)08:02
cjwatsonyeah, I'm ridiculously far behind you this cycle apparently08:02
seb128pitti, interesting commen:t https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/899858/comments/4608:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 899858 in oem-priority/precise "regression in gvfs to connect/browse using obex" [High,In progress]08:04
seb128"there is a private implementation of dbus-glib in daemon/dbus-gmain.c" -> wth08:04
pittiyes, I saw08:05
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chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:31
pittihey chrisccoulson08:32
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?08:32
pittiquite fine, thanks! yourself?08:32
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, pretty good thanks :)08:32
BigWhaleGreetings all.08:33
chrisccoulsondoes anybody know what actually changed with bug 939258? it broke the blacklist feature of thunderbird08:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 939258 in indicator-messages "Messaging indicator not respecting blacklist" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93925808:35
chrisccoulsoni guess i could probably just look and figure it out :)08:35
chrisccoulsonoh, i see now08:40
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:41
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?08:41
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. how are you?08:42
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks08:42
chrisccoulsoni wish we could stop changing things without telling people first :)08:42
chrisccoulsonbug 968063 is because of a last minute indicator-messages change ;)08:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 968063 in thunderbird "Messaging menu blacklist feature doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96806308:43
=== chaoticuk_ is now known as chaoticuk
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: have you seen a bug reported against enigmail/thunderbird where the locale is all wrong? the enigmail translations seem to be in hungarian for me :)08:50
chrisccoulsontjaalton, no, i've not seen that08:51
tjaaltonok, I'll file a bug08:51
glatzorhello dpm, I have got a question regarding the iso 639 codes. In aptdaemon I use the iso codes xml file to get human readable names for the to be downloaded translations of package descriptions (e.g. "Downloading transalations for Asturian")08:51
glatzordpm, bug 96611108:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 966111 in aptdaemon "aptd crashed with KeyError in get_localised_name(): 'ast'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96611108:51
dpmhi glatzor, looking...08:52
glatzordpm,  but there seem to be some locales which are not covered by the iso 639 codes08:52
glatzordpm, I use the iso_code_639_1_code for the lookup of languages08:52
glatzordpm, is there a better way?08:53
dpmglatzor, hm, strange that 'ast' in particular is not covered. Instead of using isocodes, you might want to try pyicu instead, it has a nice API and provides localized language names from ISO codes too.08:54
dpmit's weird though, 'ast' and its translation seem to be available from iso-codes, though:08:58
pittiseb128: gosh, I'm so glad we got that apport retracer failure09:15
seb128pitti, oh?09:15
pittiseb128: I have a test case now, and this uncovered that the client-side dupe detection doesn't work for any signature which has a character which gets quoted in URLs :/09:15
pittiso, it fixes the retracer crash now, and should make client-side dupe detection work a lot better09:16
pittiseb128: rolled out, db now publishing, retracer shoudl work again09:19
seb128pitti, well done09:20
pittitest cases FTW09:20
glatzordpm, there is an entry for asturian in iso 639 but as 2t/2b code09:32
dpmglatzor, what's a 2t/2b code?09:38
dpmIn any case, pyicu should work: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/905326/09:39
seb128pitti, robert_ancell went crazy on updates this week ;-)09:39
pittisome woudl have been done better in Debian, but anyway, nice to have all those 3.4 final tarballs!09:40
pittiseb128: I bet it was really his daughter, he told her to package09:40
seb128right, I put some of those as "to sync" on the pad09:40
seb128pitti, ;-)09:40
* didrocks hopes he finished his latest changes to g-c-c this cycle09:42
* pitti hugs didrocks09:42
pittididrocks: that's the "where to put launcher in a multi-monitor setup"?09:43
didrockspitti: yeah, small tweaks here, and now that unity-2d support as well reveal pressure, I'm hooking it up09:44
didrockspitti: 2d uses gsettings, 3d uses gconf09:44
didrocksso for every settings, it's a fun story for refresh, resetting to default, consolidating both settings09:44
glatzordpm I dont know :) I hoped that you coud give me some advice on this :)09:45
glatzordpm, but thanks for the tip with icu. It is already in main. So seems to be a good solution09:45
dpmlol, no worries. Where did you see ast was a '2t/2b code'?09:46
* didrocks should fix his notification weechat plugin. Since a recent upgrade, I get notification even for message I'm writing in pm…09:47
glatzordpm, from /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639.xml09:47
dpmglatzor, ah, here's what 2b/2t codes are -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-2#B_and_T_codes - from what I can see, though, the only "special" thing about ast is that it hasn't got a 2-letter code, it's got only the 3-letter version, which is the same for many other languages, so when populating your array from iso-codes you should probably fall back to the 'iso_639_2B_code' or 'iso_639_2B_code' if there isn't a iso_639_1_code entry. But unless yo09:53
dpmu are concerned about adding an additional dependency, I'd recommend using pyicu instead of parsing xml09:53
mptglatzor!!! hugs10:11
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: filed bug 968122, upstream knows about it10:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 968122 in enigmail "localization messed up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96812210:13
ritzseb128, morning10:20
ritzwrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/94978210:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 949782 in unity-greeter "No way to disable lightdm start-up sound" [Medium,Triaged]10:20
seb128hey ritz10:20
glatzorhello mpt10:21
mptHow's hacking?10:21
glatzormpt, nice to see you once again at uds10:21
ritzseb128, heya, say I looking to have this patch review.integrated . do I talk to mterry ? or is this any other procedure to follow ?10:21
glatzormpt, how are you?10:22
seb128ritz, the usual way is to branch, hack and propose a merge request for review10:24
ritzseb128, okay, so attaching patch is nice, but a bzr branch is better ?10:24
seb128ritz, correct10:24
ritzseb128,  are you busy ? got a question with bzr.10:25
ritzwhen I do branch, it clones the branche entirely10:25
ritzbut I do see certain projects, only with the diff/basic  files10:25
ritzwhere recipes require merge to work10:26
mbieblRAOF: do you need a sponsor for colord?10:27
seb128ritz, busy ... I always have something to do but feel free to ask questions on IRC you will often find somebody to respond ;-)10:27
ritzcool :)10:27
seb128ritz, I'm not sure I understood the question though? you probably want to bzr branch lp:unity-greeter in that case10:28
ritzseb128, for example - https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-greeter-team/unity-greeter/ubuntu/files10:29
ritzthe only files listed are debian folder10:29
ritzwhen I create a branch, https://code.launchpad.net/~khadgaray/+junk/unity-greeter.lp94978210:30
ritzit has a copy of everything10:30
mbieblRAOF: looks like you can drop the libusb-1.0-dev b-dep alltogether10:30
mbieblRAOF: commit 6e1854455f39e288303741896582bedc73b55e3710:30
ritzseb128,  is this a new bzr repo we create, and then request merge ?10:30
seb128ritz, yeah, some of the packaging vcs-es are debian dir only, easier to deal with, less to check out10:30
seb128ritz, but you should work on the upstream source, i.e lp:unity-greeter10:31
ritzyup, how is this done ?10:31
seb128that's full source10:31
seb128ritz, debian dir only vcses? read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr is that the details10:31
ritzthis branch of fine, is a full clone/copy of the upstream10:31
mptglatzor, good, somewhat daunted by the number of bugs in USC :-)10:39
ritzseb128, nm, figured this out. Thanks. copied debian/ folder over, created a new bzr repo, added merge to recipe, and magic11:07
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seb128ritz, good11:23
ritzseb128, what I am not able to figure out are the branch name, as yet11:24
ritzfor example, what would be the branch for precise here ?11:24
ritzor the branch names  in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/unity-greeter/precise11:24
seb128ritz, you can use debcheckout unity-greeter for that11:25
seb128ritz, the vcs is ubuntu:<source> is not precised in the debian/control with a Vcs... field11:25
ritzI did not under the last statement :(11:26
ritzwhat is "precised"  ?11:27
seb128i.e it's the standard location by default11:27
seb128but a package can use a non standard vcs and in this case the vcs is listed in the control file11:28
seb128so apt-get source, debcheckout etc can tell you what to use11:28
seb128i.e unity-greeter source package has11:28
seb128Vcs-Bzr: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/unity-greeter/ubuntu11:28
ritzokay, I see. precise as of now is the upstream11:28
ritzbut say, I would like to write a recipe to merge with https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/unity-greeter/oneiric11:29
ritzI need to specify branch name11:29
ritzmerge <branchname> <repo>11:29
seb128dunno about receipies, maybe ask on #launchpad?11:30
ritzbzr says default, when I type "bzr branch"11:30
seb128we don't do daily builds around11:30
ritzwill do11:30
ritzthanks :)11:30
dpmpitti, I see an old "Needs Review" template in the imports queue for Precise, coming from a previous upload of vte3. It seems that the template was not updated because its name seems truncated (vte-.pot). Any idea what could have caused and whether it's fixed?11:57
dpmseb128, also on that link ^ it seems we've got a webkit 2.0 template in Launchpad, but the latest upload was for a 3.0 template. Do you know if we should keep both, or just the 3.0 (i.e. do we ship both webkit 2.0 and 3.0 in precise)?12:04
seb128dpm, we ship webkit built with gtk2 and gtk3 but it's likely they have the same strings, they are 2 builds from the same source with different options12:05
dpmseb128, ah, it might be that they use different translation domains, though, so probably we should keep both templates in LP and ship 2 .mo files12:06
seb128dpm, probably yes12:07
dpmthanks seb12812:08
* desrt yawns and stretches12:46
pittidesrt: boo!12:46
seb128desrt, good morning!12:47
desrthello gentlemen12:47
desrtdo we have a meeting today?12:47
* jalcine passes desrt some pancakes.12:47
desrtpancakes and no meetings.  this is turning out to be a pretty good day so far.12:48
didrockshey desrt!12:49
seb128desrt, no meeting that I know about no12:51
desrtseb128: fantastic news.  i hate meetings :D12:51
seb128desrt, did you see slangasek hud issues yesterday?12:52
seb128not sure if that went anywhere it was my end of day12:52
desrtya.  i wasn't able to reproduce it12:53
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128yeah, me neither, but it seems to happen to some people, not sure what infos to ask on those bugs12:54
desrt'what happens if you killall hud-service'? is a good one i guess12:54
desrtie: does nautilus and unity-panel continue to go at it with each other or is hud an essential part of the problem?12:54
seb128desrt, well slangasek had it with firefox12:56
seb128ie firefox and hud fighting12:56
seb128desrt, I Cced you on a "fun" bug as well, 2 powerpc users who have their menubar stripped from nautilus,gedit on any session13:00
seb128desrt, including xfce or gnome-classic13:00
desrtya.  wondering if that has something to do with endianness issues in my recent g-s-d xsettings tweakings13:01
seb128desrt, the only 2 users who have it are on powerpc so I guess something is broken on powerpc13:01
seb128desrt, well the xsettings shouldn't be changed in classic and I'm not sure xfce runs gsd13:02
seb128it's an "interesting" bug13:02
seb128I wonder if that's a bug in gtk13:02
seb128and why it impacts only on gedit,nautilus13:02
seb128but at the same time it's powperpc, I'm suprised there in any ppc desktop user left13:02
seb128so I'm not sure I can much13:02
desrt*care, i assume you mean :)13:03
desrti want to close out the performance work today13:03
desrtso stop distracting me with interesting bugs :)13:04
seb128pitti, mpt: do you have an opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/964178 for precise?13:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 964178 in gnome-settings-daemon "[UIFe] Make keyboard layout indicator more consistent" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:04
seb128it's a bug from jbicha about changing the order and wording for the 2 bottom items of the keyboard layout indicator to be consistent with other ones13:04
mptseb128, it warms the cockles of my heart13:05
seb128mpt, so you +1 the suggestion, good ;-)13:05
mptyep :-)13:05
pittiseb128: LGTM, updated bug13:12
seb128pitti, thanks13:12
seb128pitti, hey, I just got bug #89975714:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 899757 in udisks "udisks-daemon assertion error: HACK: Wanting to register object at path `%s' but there is already an object there." [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89975714:12
seb128pitti, is there any info I can get from the system?14:12
seb128I did do the "  sudo /usr/lib/udisks/udisks-daemon --replace 2>&1 | tee /tmp/udisks.log" since I found the bug after hitting the issue14:12
pittiseb128: indeed there is -- see comment 614:13
seb128I'm not sure I will be able to get it again14:13
seb128but let's see14:13
pittiseb128: if you have the udisks debug output, if you could attach that to the bug?14:13
pittiyes, that's the tricky bit; what did you do when it happened?14:13
seb128pitti, I disconnected,reconnected my ipod nano 5 times in a minute to test the gvfs media player bug14:14
desrtseb128: FASTER!!14:14
seb128one time the cable didn't connect correctly so it was on,off,on again, so maybe a serie of connected,unconnected events or something like that14:15
seb128desrt, I would if g-s-d wasn't taking 10s to see the device :p14:15
desrtblame the kernel14:16
desrtthere has been some talk there lately...14:16
pittiseb128: that sounds plausible at least; you need two "added" events in a very short tiem14:16
seb128pitti, ok, got it14:16
seb128pitti, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/98880792/udisks.log14:18
seb128pitti, on the bug14:18
seb128pitti, I can get it easily enough by playing with the ipod connector, let me know if you need extra infos14:18
pittiseb128: splendid, thanks!14:18
didrocksseb128: you! apple fan boy ;)14:19
seb128didrocks, ;-)14:19
seb128didrocks, see it's good, with apple device you can trigger bugs :p14:19
didrocksseb128: ahah, seems like you even want to expense it :p14:19
seb128good idea!14:20
desrtwe're expensing ipads now?14:21
* desrt signs up14:21
desrt(we're allowed to sell it on ebay after, right?)14:21
slangasekdesrt, seb128: yes, so when I pruned my bookmark tree (dropping an auto-generated subtree I never use), the problem seems to have gone away14:33
seb128slangasek, desrt: ok, so maybe it was indeed the dbusmenu slowness bug chrisccoulson worked on this week14:34
cyphermoxseb128: any idea why vino 3.4.0 is in precise-proposed? :)14:35
seb128cyphermox, why wouldn't it be?14:40
seb128cyphermox, you can upload a -0ubuntu2 there14:41
seb128cyphermox, is the question "why in proposed"? we are using proposed a staging during the beta2 hard freeze so things builds and can be tested14:41
seb128cyphermox, it avoided the cahos stacking all 3.4 in vcs, easier to not dup work, and so we don't hammer buildds after unfreeze ;-)14:42
cyphermoxright, makes sense14:42
didrocksseb128: oh btw, if you want your bugs to be counted in your account during the -proposed -> main archive copy, you have to sync them yourself14:43
didrocksseb128: otherwise, IIRC the discussion on Friday, it will be the syncer who win them :)14:43
* didrocks now knows how pitti will beat seb128 at this game!14:43
seb128didrocks, lol, that's how pitti plans to beat me, I see why he pushed for proposed use!14:43
pittiwhat, who?14:44
didrocksseb128: great minds! :)14:44
pittididrocks: I don't actually think that works14:44
seb128pitti, didrocks just explained me that you make us stack in proposed to pocket copy and claim credits ;-)14:44
pittididrocks: the recent gtk+2.0 change doesn't appear anywhere, and it was done via -proposed14:44
pittididrocks: did you get the bugs counted from your upload round?14:44
seb128so we just loose those?14:44
didrockspitti: hum, so bug counts are not counted at all in the end?14:44
didrockspitti: TBH, I didn't care/looked14:45
pittididrocks: I only checked for one bug14:45
didrockslet me look14:45
didrocksone sec14:45
pittiseb128: nah, you can copy your's yourself, same as didrocks14:45
cyphermoxbug counts?14:45
dobeywell didrocks cheats because he's uploading all the unity packages :P14:45
seb128cyphermox, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/canonical-desktop-team-precise-fixes-report.html14:45
cyphermoxright.. I thought those were tallied from emails in precise-changes.14:46
didrocksdobey: well, same with GNOME, but yeah, it's not a fair game :)14:46
seb128cyphermox, little in team competition game going on ;-)14:46
cyphermoxseb128: of course. I look at the global one every once in a while to see how I'm doing14:46
didrockspitti: seb128: yeah, they aren't counted14:46
didrocksat all14:46
didrocksI'll never push unity/compiz to -proposed ever *ever* :p14:47
didrocks(not sure about the package upload numbers as well)14:47
chrisccoulsonit seems like i need to help didrocks with unity uploads to bump up my score a bit ;)14:52
didrockschrisccoulson: stop slacking! You need real software rather than webby-on-the-cloud-prototype-based stuff :)14:52
didrockslike you have the bare metal, you have the heavy old good client :)14:52
didrocks(btw, I'm quite impressed on the mozilla RGP game they did)14:53
didrockswith the server on Nodejs…14:53
chrisccoulsonoh, i've not tried it yet. i keep seeing people tweeting about it though14:54
chrisccoulsonperhaps i will try it outside of working hours later ;)14:54
didrocksjust tried it for 5 minutes, as most of people do I guess :)14:54
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i'm seeing your issue on the canonical wiki now btw :(14:54
didrockswhat issue?14:55
chrisccoulsondidrocks, the wiki pages only have a title and no contents14:55
didrocksI got the same yesterday, had to logout/login back14:55
chrisccoulsonalthough, the inspector shows that the document really does have no contents, so i'm not sure it's a browser bug :)14:55
didrocksby no content14:55
didrocksyou meant,14:56
didrocks*no* content? :)14:56
didrocksI just had the top bar14:56
didrockstelling me I can't access the resource14:56
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, just the top bar. it doesn't tell me i can't access it though14:56
chrisccoulsonalthough, logging out and back in again fixed it14:56
chrisccoulsonweird ;)14:56
kenvandinechrisccoulson, working for me now14:56
didrockssame from what I had yesterday…14:57
didrockschrisccoulson: btw, I had it with chromium so not browser related14:58
chrisccoulsonoh, that's ok then :)14:59
didrockssorry, forgot to tell :)14:59
tkamppeterpitti, I have committed additional fixes for cups-filters, to be uploaded into Debian and Ubuntu after beta2 release.15:15
seb128desrt, I hate glib, it's impossible to run a process with glib 2.30 on precise :p15:16
seb128desrt, too many new symbol, I had to downgrade gtk,gdk as well but that's still not enough, I stopped on gvfs :p15:18
desrti repeat my question.  huh? :)15:18
pitti"use chroots, Luke"?15:18
pittior a live CD?15:18
seb128desrt, I'm trying to figure if that mount issue is a glib regression15:19
seb128pitti, well I know it worked on 11.10, that won't tell me a lot15:19
seb128I'm trying to isolate the regression15:19
seb128          x_content_types = g_mount_guess_content_type_sync (mount, FALSE, NULL, NULL);15:19
seb128that returns NULL for my ipod15:19
seb128so somewhat I'm leaning toward glib15:19
pittithere's still some guesswork involved for media players15:20
pittiI think we used to have a hack that checked the icon name15:20
seb128pitti, well it should return a type for sure no?15:20
pittias there is no other way ATM to pass that up to gvfs15:20
seb128pitti, where is that hack? gvfs?15:22
pittiyes, I believe so, but it's been a while15:23
didrockstjaalton: around?15:23
tjaaltondidrocks: yup15:24
didrockstjaalton: about bug #948691, (you commented on a dup) you tell that you got that quite regularly15:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 948691 in oneconf "oneconf-service crashed with ValueError in raw_decode(): No JSON object could be decoded (dup-of: 849037)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94869115:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 849037 in oneconf "oneconf-service crashed with ValueError in raw_decode(): No JSON object could be decoded" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84903715:24
didrockstjaalton: I would need your ~/.cache/oneconf content please :)15:25
tjaaltondidrocks: yes, every time I resume from suspend15:25
tjaaltonwell, not every time, but almost15:25
didrockstjaalton: it's when you got an upgrade or you install/remove a new package15:26
didrocksone of your file should be corrupted15:26
didrocksI would be interested to understand how and check it's the case :)15:26
tjaaltondidrocks: so it's the package_list_$foo then?15:27
didrockstjaalton: one of the files (can be the host one as well) is corrupted and not jsonified15:27
didrockstjaalton: if you can pack that to me, I would interested :)15:28
tjaaltonuhm no, 'host' looks weird15:28
didrockstjaalton: they all should be json15:28
tjaaltonlooks messed up to me15:28
tjaaltoncompared to my desktop15:28
seb128pitti, thanks!15:28
seb128pitti, that's it15:28
tjaaltonpackage_list is binary15:28
pittiseb128: we lost the patch?15:28
didrocksif not, someting bad happened (maybe I don't for this file write somewhere else and mv it…)15:28
seb128pitti, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33649110/gvfs_1.4.0-0ubuntu3_1.4.0-0ubuntu4.diff.gz got dropped15:28
seb128pitti, yes15:28
didrockstjaalton: shouldn't be as well15:29
seb128pitti, restoring it fixes the issue15:29
pittiindeed, nice!15:29
didrockstjaalton: so yeah, it seems that when it was saving, something happened :)15:29
tjaaltondidrocks: looks like it was over a month ago15:29
tjaaltonjudging from the timestamps15:29
didrockstjaalton: it's when you start getting the crash I guess :)15:30
tjaaltonyes, likely15:30
didrockstjaalton: ok, so you confirm you have a corrupted files, if you can send them to me, I can put that in the testsuite ;)15:30
seb128pitti, ok, you dropped the patch15:31
didrocksI need two things: 1. try to ensure I don't get some 2. maybe remove the data if I get some and recreating them15:31
tjaaltondidrocks: http://koti.kapsi.fi/~tjaalton/tmp/oneconf.tar15:31
seb128pitti, no cookie, I take the bug fix for my count :p15:31
seb128pitti, you synced 1.8 on debian but they never had the patch15:31
tjaaltondidrocks: aptdaemon crashing is not related?15:31
didrockstjaalton: thanks a lot :)15:31
didrockstjaalton: no, not me :p15:31
seb128pitti, I wonder how it's working for upstream,debian without it though15:32
tjaaltondidrocks: yeah it's happening on the desktop15:32
didrockstjaalton: do you mean keeping the broken state?15:32
pittiseb128: it just doesn't15:32
tjaaltonso not this machine15:32
didrockstjaalton: that will help to ensure it's fixed on a real system15:32
tjaaltondidrocks: i'll keep it if it's useful15:32
seb128pitti, ok, we might want to push the patch to Debian at least...15:32
didrockstjaalton: thanks ;)15:32
didrockstjaalton: so that the "recovery" works15:32
tjaaltondidrocks: yes, thanks15:32
pittiseb128: assigned bug 952933 to you then15:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 952933 in gvfs "media players do not trigger "Open with Music Player" dialog" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95293315:38
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)15:38
didrocksdecode_mcu_fast(), do you what what library is using that?15:39
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Guest92471
pittikenvandine: did you sponsor indicator-datetime?15:43
pittikenvandine: please reupload indicator-appmenu to precise; -proposed doesn't work any more now that precise is thawed15:43
pittirejecting both15:43
kenvandinewill do15:43
* ayan waves.15:44
pittikenvandine: thanks, and sorry; at least it shouldn't be far any more, cjwatson just told me his LP branch for fixing this is approved (make -proposed work all teh time)15:44
pitti@ALL: precise thawed, upload away15:45
seb128pitti, oh, we are unfrozen?15:48
pittiseb128: yep15:48
pittineed to copy precise-proposed to precise15:48
seb128pitti, is somebody going to do all the  pocket copies or how does that work?15:48
pittiseb128: can do; I developed some tools for this this morning15:49
pittiand it seems it's not going to influence the bug stats anyway, so I can just as well do it in a big batch15:49
seb128pitti, yes please do, even if it influence the stats that's ok, we can retain than we reach 300 anyway this cycle ;-)15:50
ayanhas anyone seen a bug that has a lower brightness level to be acutally brighter than higher levels?15:51
ayani have a machine with a nominal brightness of 0 that is actually brigther than 3 for example.15:52
cyphermoxayan: how were you looking at the brightness level, from proc?16:01
cyphermox(or you know, the /sys interface for it or something)16:01
ayancyphermox: yes, /sys/.../.../acpi_video0/brightness16:04
cyphermoxso if you can change it from 0 to 3 and the brightness actually diminishes, I'd say it's either a kernel or a bios issue16:06
cyphermox(or hardware issue?)16:06
ayancyphermox: ya -- that is what i'm thinking.   i just wanted to get some advice before declaring it a BIOS bug.16:08
ayanthis is on a yet-to-be-released OEM machine.16:09
cyphermoxyeah, seems very likely it's a BIOS bug rather than an issue with the kernel driver16:09
cyphermox(I mean, how hard can counting from 0 to 15 be ? :)16:09
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
* didrocks waves good evening17:32
* pitti -> dinner17:33
seb128kenvandine, hey17:44
seb128kenvandine, btw just for info robert_ancell have been on an update rampage this week and didn't check the etherpad a lot, he did vala that you had claimed17:44
kenvandineoh, great :)17:46
kenvandinei had barely started it :)17:46
kenvandinewow... i never noticed lintian catch spelling errors in the changelog17:59
kenvandinerobert_ancell would be happy, i am bitching about autotools again18:02
jbichaseb128: could you look into syncing jhbuild from sid?18:08
cyphermoxyay, NM and nm-applet in precise in hopefully what is their final form :)18:42
seb128cyphermox, 0.9.4?18:42
seb128less red on versions ;-)18:43
seb128jbicha, sure18:43
cyphermoxI just landed nm-applet; NM was in the queue for a while18:43
seb128jbicha, you are not MOTU btw? ;-)18:43
seb128cyphermox, you should have uploaded to proposed like everybody else ;-)18:43
cyphermoxnow I'll fix the vpn plugins, mobile-broadband-provider-info and above all, evo :D18:43
seb128cyphermox, vino update \o/18:44
cyphermoxand waste the few chances I have of overthrowing kenvandine's reign on the fourth place in bug counts? :)18:44
seb128cyphermox, come to collect your $drink at UDS ;-)18:44
kenvandinei'm 4th?18:44
cyphermoxkenvandine: thought so18:44
cyphermoxwith ~ twice as many bugs as I do... so I can't slack off18:44
pittiseb128: FTR, we can't upload to -proposed any more, as precise thawed18:45
pittiseb128: bug 93021718:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 930217 in launchpad "Make proposed pocket useful for staging uploads" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93021718:45
seb128pitti, right, I was just responding to "NM was in the queue for a while"18:45
cyphermoxseb128: I think I uploaded it to the queue the day of the freeze18:46
cyphermoxactually, nevermind that18:46
cyphermoxbut it was in my staging before staging PPA :)18:46
pittiah, right18:46
* pitti off for about 1.5 hours, not much I can do right now release wise18:46
seb128pitti, no18:47
seb128pitti, it's 9pm, off for the night, not for 118:47
seb1281.5 hours18:47
seb128cyphermox, is bug #955707 on your list?18:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 955707 in evolution-data-server "Unable to modify or update Google calendar events" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95570718:48
cyphermoxseb128:  now it is18:48
seb128cyphermox, there is a patch waiting so should be a simple matter of using it18:48
seb128cyphermox, thanks18:48
cyphermoxI need to totally nuke my evo setup, it seems to be magical18:48
seb128cyphermox, it's assigned to you but since it didn't move I though I would check ;-)18:48
cyphermoxyeah sorry18:48
seb128cyphermox, no worry you have tons to do18:49
seb128cyphermox, sorry for dumping bugs on you this week ;-)18:49
cyphermoxthat's made it to first thing on my list18:49
cyphermoxbah, it's your job, and it's my job to fix them18:49
seb128cyphermox, only a few weeks and then UDS and we can drink beers over it ;-)18:49
cyphermoxfwiw, I started receiving a lot of dongles, so mobile testing has been a big thing this week18:50
cyphermoxI now have ~ 6 devices, with IIRC two more to come by mail shortly.18:51
cyphermoxI think it covers the most popular devices, and I haven't run in too many issues so that's good news18:51
jbichaseb128: yeah I'm procrastinating on applying for motu18:52
cyphermoxjbicha: stop procrastinating :)18:52
seb128jbicha, go for it I'm sure you will get it without issue18:52
cyphermoxjbicha: ping me if you want sponsoring; that way I can give you a testimonial18:52
mdeslaurcyphermox: do those 6 cover all the local providers?18:53
mdeslaurcyphermox: I'm curious which ones work properly :)18:53
cyphermoxjbicha: btw, I think the gnome-shell issue with nm-applet's notification is fixed with nm-applet
jbichacyphermox: oh cool, I'll have to take a look next week18:54
cyphermoxmdeslaur: I only cover Telus and Videotron, because providers aren't really the issue -- the problem is usually device support18:54
cyphermoxmdeslaur: maybe I'll activate a Rogers SIM I have though, if I find a plan that's not prohibitively expensive18:54
cyphermox(but that clashes with saying "maybe I'll activate a Rogers SIM")18:54
mdeslaurcyphermox: but how do you test the devices if you don't have a plan? just a sanity check to make sure you get to a point where it says the sims not valid or something?18:55
cyphermoxI have an active Telus plan, and a Videotron plan. I switch SIM cards between devices for the plan that works on that device (frequency-wise)18:56
mdeslauri see18:56
pittiseb128: *mutter* release *mutter* :)19:53
seb128pitti, did I upload to proposed?! ;-)19:58
seb128pitti, oh, no, you not calling it a day19:58
seb128pitti, let slangasek and the u.s guys pick up, it's over european hours ;-)19:58
pittiyeah, shouldn't take long any more; just finishing up the image publication19:59
dobeygrr, firefox, i am NOT australian20:04
desrtdobey: rendering your webpages upside down again?20:06
dobeyno, it wants me to spell things with s instead of z, and ou, and other such nonsense20:08
dobeyheck, i'm not even using english anything for the locale, but it still keeps setting the spelling.dictionary option to en_AU :-/20:09
dobeymy phone does render pages upside down sometimes though20:10
dobeybut that's not firefox, or an oz issue20:11
pittigood night everyone!20:21
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
dobeyanyone know how to iterate over a GtkTreeModel in python with GI?21:37
* dobey wonders if for foo in bar works21:38
thumperanyone know how to get a core file out of a .crash file?21:46
thumperfor gdb to look at?21:46
RAOFthumper: You can run apport locally and it'll ask if you want to download the dbgsym packages and start a gdb session on the core.22:03
thumperRAOF: hmm...22:04
thumperyou know it is easier to write a python script :)22:04
broderthumper: if you just want a core file, use apport-unpack22:04
thumperI just want the core file22:04
thumperbroder: thanks22:04
thumpergdb doesn't like the CoreDump that generated22:05
broderhow did you try to open it?22:06
thumpergdb CoreDump22:06
broderyep, that doesn't work22:06
broderyou need to do gdb\ncore CoreDump, or gdb /usr/bin/my-executable CoreDump22:06
broderbut gdb always interprets the first argument like that as an executable path22:06
thumperman, the result of that core dump is useless :(22:07
TheMusothumper: Apport-cli lets you unpack crash files.22:07
TheMusoah broder beat me to it.22:07
* TheMuso shoudl read backscroll first.22:08
broderthumper: that's SIGABRT - usually an assertion failure22:08
thumperI was running inside gdb22:08
thumperwhy didn't it stop and let me inspect the stack?22:08
thumper(for a different one)22:09
thumperUrsinha: ping?22:34

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