
mcloyhow to comprehensively fsck and fix problem at reboot ?01:31
Sam-R-iHello, anyone out there with a knowledge of konqueror?01:53
Sam-R-iI'm trying to get rid of the anti-glare issue with web browsers and ran into a snag with konqueror01:54
Sam-R-iI'm using the oxygen theme with wonton soup01:55
Sam-R-iand tried to incorporate it into konqueror01:56
Sam-R-iAre my questions a KDE or KUBUNTU question?02:12
Sam-R-iI.E. wonton soup?02:12
Sam-R-iI.E. oxygen?02:12
Sam-R-iWhere do I go?02:13
Sam-R-iHow do I ask?02:13
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lindsaysorry sam r....but this is new to me also. but looks like you`ve logged off But if u come back... I  use oprah02:47
lindsaysorry opera02:47
lindsaysooooo nobody wants to share  their KDE probs?02:49
lindsayIff anybody cares I have one...02:51
lindsayI`ll just talk to m`self then.02:56
lindsayhoe come you get a dvd app (dragon player) that wont play dvd`s until 20 plugins have been searched for & thenloaded????03:01
lindsayu think it would be ready to go...maybe i`m spoiled.03:02
hanasakiwhat would result in apps from desktop #3 showing in the tasklist when on desktop #1?  also clicking on any desktop shows desktop #103:47
natacushas anyone tried beta 2 of kubuntu 12.04?04:05
hanasakinatacus:  how is it working out for you04:06
natacusi havent tried it yet, but just after reading stuff about Kubuntu dropping firefox support, not sure what it means04:06
hanasakiwhy dropping?04:07
hanasakinatacus:  hanasaki is having enough trouble with the current supported version of kubuntu.   the desktop pager is a mess.   clicking on any desktop takes you to desktop #1 only04:08
natacuswhat will it mean for FF in kubuntu 12.0404:09
* hanasaki has no crystal ball04:10
hanasakiwonder if debian will stick with the version of firefox it has named or if chrome is open enough for them04:11
natacusreally dont want to use chrome04:13
hanasakithere is always the foss version or get firefox on its own04:13
hanasakiyou ever seen the task manager not respond to clicking on an app window?   or list an app from a diff desktop yet not goto it when you click on it?04:16
hanasakijust started recently04:16
natacushope it gets fixed04:17
natacusanyways im off04:17
hanasakiI click on the "K" kde app menu and no menu04:17
lindsayGuys........New to kubuntu...wanted to use FFox but does not want to load with an icon etc...too dificult dunno if lack support causes this04:44
almoxarifelindsay: one more time, why can't you use FF?04:49
lindsayhi ffox works but i have to look for ini or exe file04:51
wes_ke pedo04:51
lindsaytried putting short cut on desktop...no go04:52
lindsayjust a pain to work thru the directories to find the .ini/.exe file to run it04:53
qbitlindsay: so which version of kubuntu and how did you install firefox?04:54
qbitlindsay: I am using 11.10 with KDE 4.8.1 here and have no problem with ff at all04:54
lindsaylatest version methinks ...just installed < week ago04:55
qbitI suspect some procedural misstep on your part04:55
lindsaynormal download....from ffox site04:55
qbitdo you have a menu entry in the start menu that works?04:56
lindsayquite  possible ..2 x attempts gave same result04:56
qbiteasier to just use the firefox that's instaleld through a package manager from kubuntu repos04:57
qbitand they're fairly quick about updating them - usually within 2-3 days04:57
qbitfor example, my firefox from kubuntu repo is 11.004:58
lindsayno menu entry....made its own directry under  home/documents04:59
qbitthen if want an icon on the desktop you can just do 'unlock widgets', and when you go down through the menu choices when you get to the firefox entry you can click down and hold the left mouse button and drag it to the desktop04:59
qbitthen you will either need to use an aboslute, complete path in your link to executable or add it to your path05:00
qbitand don't create a link directly to the main executable irself, there is a startup script instead05:01
qbitthis startup script is how ff finds out "where" it is living05:01
lindsayok ... digesting all this i`ve been spoon fed on windows05:02
qbitit would be easier for you to scrub what you have and install the packaged firefox from the kubuntu repo05:03
qbitbut it is possible to do what you are after as I have done it in the past; no longer bother though as there is nothing to be gained by it05:03
qbitand you will find that plugins and extensions  can easily be installed and will work without any need to futz with anything05:05
lindsayso locking widgets prevents short cuts but why?05:05
lindsayor icons being placed yhere  why?05:05
qbitthe locking widgets 'freezes' the desktop and you can't copy a menu entry from the start menu to the desktop05:06
qbitI believe it is designed to prevent accidental miscues05:06
qbityou don't actually have to keep widgets in a locked state - the choice is yours05:08
lindsaycool so many things to learn05:08
qbitbut I think it is a safety default, so I only unlock when I really want to make a changem then lock it back05:08
qbitwell if you're a n00b I'd recommend to install you firefox from the package manager and not the one you downloaded from mozilla05:09
lindsaywhilst your here qbit ..& thanks, I have had two little yellow "stick it" boxes appear at the bottom of  screen05:10
lindsay with a scroll bar...what are they how to remove please?05:11
qbitand I really do not know about this05:11
lindsayabout a 1/2 inch sq. I dunno what i did to get them there dunno hoe to remove05:12
qbitbut if you right click somewhere on empty background space of your desktop and select 'unlock widgets' - then hover your mouse cursor over them05:12
qbitif they are what are called 'plasma widgets' you will see a sidebar appear05:13
qbitif that's the case in that sidebar will be a remove/delete thingy you can click on05:13
qbitand that will make it go away05:14
qbitif they are not a plasma widget I'm not certain on how to proceed then05:14
qbitother than looking for them in your 'Desktop' folder in your home directory and manually doing an 'rm'05:15
lindsayok going to give it a go now, back in a tick05:16
qbitgood luck and best wishes05:16
lindsayerrr whats an "rm"?05:17
qbitit's a *Nix command for remove a file05:17
qbitit's how you delete a file at a command line prompt - aka "CLI" which is short for Command Line Interface05:18
qbitwhich is a command prompt in a shell terminal such as Konsole05:18
qbittext-based as opposed to GUI05:19
lindsayok thanks done this cli with m/soft but not linux/kubuntu05:19
qbitopen Konsole will remind you of the old dos box from WinderZ05:20
lindsaythanks vmuch for your guidance AND patience05:22
qbitwell if you're new to the *Nix world it will take a while, but after sticking with it the learning curve will crest and things will eventually make more sense05:24
qbitin many ways entering the *Nix world with a GUI obfuscates much of what you need to learn, however, the KDE desktop is a fairly good transition from Windows because there are a lot of similiarities to how stuff works05:26
lindsay:) yeah , i got to get out of thinking in terms of windows05:27
qbitjust remember *Nix is not just a pretty GUI desktop, it is what lives 'beneath'05:27
qbitfor example, none of my *Nix servers have any X or GUI stuff installed on them - it's unecessary extra crap05:28
qbitall admin done CLI style05:28
ronnoclindsay: welcome to Kubuntu! We're here if you need anything. Just fire away.05:29
qbitI would never install a GUI desktop on a web server or database server05:29
lindsayunfortunately i don`t have a programmers mind but working on it05:29
qbitjust keep pluggin away, a little at a time05:30
ronnoclindsay: a programmers mind is not needed to enjoy Linux. But the ability to go "under the hood" and play / learn is definitely there should you wish to do so.05:30
lindsaythanks ronnoc but qbit has given me enough to work on my most immediate dramas`05:31
qbitthe initial part of the learning curve may appear daunting at first look, but if you keep at it at some point it will begin to 'click' in your  mind05:31
qbitthen stuff gets easier05:32
ronnoclindsay: lol. understood. I just want to make to sure you realize that "becoming a programmer"  is not necessary to love Linux :)05:32
qbitsystem admin is what I do for a living - I'm not a programmer05:33
lindsaythanks from what i see so far... i don`t,  just a `shift ` in thinking05:34
qbitI dabble a tad as it helps me to understand how to set up the underlying system to support programs05:34
qbitbut ronnoc is right - you do need to be a programmer to use Linux05:35
qbiterr I meant NOT need05:35
lindsayyeah, thanks guys I apprerciate your help, ....i will be back with a couple more soon05:40
ronnoclindsay: Ok06:16
xds__  07:15
ubottuutente: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:03
=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox
georgelappieswhen is official release date of 12.04?10:54
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BluesKajHiyas all11:33
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xiiihey guys11:43
drdanzAnyone has an idea about why this happens to the search bar? http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/31/schermata1.png http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/31/schermata2.png13:21
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^jude^can anyone help me get firefox to use kmail for mailto and "Send link..." on 11.10 - the about:config tweaks I find on google don't work13:55
BluesKaj^jude^,  system settings>default applications>Default Component /"use kmail as preferred email client"13:58
^jude^BluesKaj: that's already set13:59
^jude^BluesKaj: firefox is ignoring it13:59
BluesKajok, that's all I can tell you since i don't use kmail14:00
BluesKajor firefox14:00
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Hi14:01
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: how are you?14:01
kamilnadeemlong time :-)14:01
BluesKajhi kamilnadeem .fine , and you ?14:02
^jude^BluesKaj: thanks anyway :)14:02
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: I am also good, have just installed Kubuntu 12.04 Bata 214:02
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BluesKajyes , I see your post in kubuntu-devel, kamilnadeem14:03
kamilnadeemthe problem that I have mentioned there was also present in the 11.10 release14:04
BluesKaj^jude^,  you could try kmail in the dialog , "use a differnt email client "14:05
^jude^BluesKaj: still ignored - all I get it the thunderbird add account wizard, every time14:06
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BluesKaj^jude^,  check on launchpad , there may be abug already filed for it ..my email preference doesn't work either14:08
^jude^BluesKaj: aha! in firefox mailto now appears as an application in the preferences - point that to kmail and all is good14:09
ibiworHow to create users specifically for ssh so that they don't appear in login screen?14:09
^jude^BluesKaj: so basically it looks like it will always ignore the system default and maintain its own - thanks for taking the time to help anyway14:10
BluesKaj^jude^,  np, it's good to know for future reference ..FF needs to be set , not the defaults in sys settings14:12
^jude^BluesKaj: indeed14:12
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Was judge asking about the setting FF as the default browser for thunderbird or Kmail?14:16
ibiworHello! How to create users specifically for ssh so that they don't appear in kdm login screen?14:17
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zelowhat path targets kdmrc file?14:28
BluesKajkamilnadeem,  no he wanted kmail as the default browser in FF , there's a setting in FF prefernces>apps to set the default email client14:32
BluesKajdefault email client, not browser14:34
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Will be taking your leave now friend. Will be sending my observations to the mailing list.14:34
kamilnadeemTake Care.14:34
=== hal is now known as hackraft
MacSealhi,i have problem with encoding on this plasmoid http://imagebin.org/205670 . with plasmoidviewer sm_hdd is right ,is possible fix it ?14:51
mcloyhow  to have the fs's max mount count exceeded for it to auto fsck on reboot?14:55
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MacSealyou can edit fstab mcloyDotCom15:00
mcloyDotComMacSeal,  ok. what is the actuall max count ?15:00
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:01
yofelmcloyDotCom: what exactly are you trying to do?15:01
yofelforce an fsck?15:01
mcloyDotCom i want to have the fs's max mount count exceeded for it to auto fsck on reboot?15:02
MacSealYou may also "tune" or set the frequency of file checks (default is every 30 mounts)15:02
yofelthe max mount count will be exceeded when you mount it as often as the value says15:03
yofelthat's what max mount count means15:03
yofelit'll automatically fsck on boot then15:03
yofelas long as the fsck pass in fstab isn't set to 0 for that device15:03
licensedomg.. some applications menubar dissapears. i rebooted my computer and didn't work =( i just was changing themes, but i back to default (oxygen)15:28
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bradleyjkrunning firefox and the website pandora won't load it's music player and pretty much anything else on the website... anyone know if that's an adobe flash prolbem? I've been struggling with getting flash to install on my system17:47
muraliPlease Help. How do i remove gnome from my kubuntu 11.10??? pleaase help17:52
BluesKajbradleyjk,  didn't we work on your flash problem yesterday ?17:52
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »17:52
licensedmurali, i think it's apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop17:52
BluesKajmurali,  ^17:53
licensedmurali, i install and remove this package ubuntu-desktop17:53
licensedBluesKaj, wazzup =D17:53
BluesKajlicensed,  it's bit more than that17:53
licensedBluesKaj, i do this once time.. on kubuntu 10.0417:53
bradleyjkBluesKaj, yes! I ran through the site I think you(?) sent me, and it wouldnt let me extract adobe into the correct folder17:53
bradleyjkby "it wouldnt let me" i mean I wasnt able to.. lol17:54
BluesKajjust extract it in the folder it downloads to , then find the libflashplayer.so and copy it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins , alt+f2 , kdesudo dolphin /usr/lib/mozilla , open the plugins folder and paste it there17:56
muraliThank you licenced. a small querry. is gnome and  ubuntu desktop same or diffrnt? Coz on kubuntu i installed gnome 3 and i got new theme for   my kde desktop.17:56
muralilater installed ubuntu desktop. i got a diffrnt screen but with same gnome theme. i want to remove tht gnome theme from my ubuntu desktop17:56
BluesKajmurali,  check the url i posted above17:57
muralithank you17:58
muraliE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)18:00
muralii got that error18:00
BluesKajmurali,  close you package manager18:00
masinickI have wanted to report a defect, but in spite of downloading as many debug packages as I could find, it was not enough. I am seeing Rekonq consistently fail and restart when using the Yahoo Email Web site. Something either about their ads or their use of technology on that page kills Rekonq repeatedly.18:02
masinickInterestingly, the My Yahoo Portal does not have the same problem. Sorry that I have not been able to send in a debug report. All I can suggest to reproduce it is to repeatedly use Rekonq on Yahoo Mail and see if you can replicate it with a QA or development resource who has debug symbols available.18:02
BluesKajmurali,  commands in the terminal use the same apps (dpkg) as the package manager therefore if dpkg is already invoked it blocks any other attempts to open it18:02
muraliThank you BluesKaj. The process is running.18:03
BluesKajmasinick,  rekonq is still being worked on and dev'd ..don't think it's quite relaible as a default browser yet18:04
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masinickHopefully this IRC Channel is logged and the person responsible for building and/or maintaining Rekonq can try out Yahoo Mail and see if it's stable with recent changes since Beta 2.18:08
bradleyjkBlueskaj, thanks!18:09
bradleyjki dont know what I did differently..18:09
BluesKajbradleyjk,  working ok now ?18:10
masinickThanks BluesKaj; Rekonq is certainly being actively developed, and for the most part it is coming along very well; sure wish I could get ALL of the debugging symbols needed to help diagnose the issue; got Rekonq-dbg, but there were several others and the mirror just wasn't getting them up to me.  Anyway, I'll keep working on it; hope word gets passed along; thanks!18:10
BluesKajmasinick,  i have problems with ctrl+ sizing on this large monitor using rekonq , otherwise I agree it's much better than even a few months ago...definitely shows promise18:12
licensedmy apps menubars disappears =( i change theme back to oxygen and menubar didn't back =(( xchat, ktorrent, gimp.. all menubars disappears18:14
masinickThanks for the feedback; If I eventually get enough debug symbols installed to produce a good trace, I will gladly send it in.  Have a great afternoon and evening!  -- Brian Masinick, masinick@yahoo.com18:14
BluesKajmenubars or taskbars , licensed ?18:16
licensedBluesKaj, menu bar.. File / Edit / Help..18:17
licensedomg! it's back18:17
licensedhahahaha jut change theme and some apperance18:18
bradleyjkBluesKaj, yep18:18
licensedktorrent didn't back yet BluesKaj18:18
licensedjust xchat back18:18
BluesKajlicensed,  just right click on the apps in the kmenu and add to panel18:20
licensedBluesKaj, i'm talking about apps menubar.. not panel18:23
licensedBluesKaj, lots of apps disappears menubar.. but now some apps back, but not all.. can you see? http://i40.tinypic.com/10hvj20.png18:26
BluesKajno , sorry I don't understand , licensed ...menubar as in dolphin?18:34
licenseddolphin's menubar it's gone too18:35
Peace-licensed: CRTL M18:35
Peace-CTRL M18:35
licensedPeace-, yes dolphin menubar back.. (it's just a key tool, right? 1 icon)18:36
licensedbut ktorrent and others didn't back18:36
Peace-licensed: ~/.kde/share/config18:37
Peace-search for ktorrernt18:37
Peace-and rename it18:37
Peace-to search in fast way use the search bar18:37
Peace-licensed: is called filter bar18:38
licensedto remove config didn't work Peace- .. i think it's theme problem18:39
licensedno is 1 program18:39
Peace-licensed: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/31/plasma-desktopiF1833.png18:39
licensedit's lots of apps18:39
Peace-licensed: create a new user18:39
Peace-or rename your ~/.kde18:39
licensedPeace-, BluesKaj http://i39.tinypic.com/kd7sk4.png18:43
licensedcan you see now? some examples of apps.. ktorrent, gwenview, vlc.. no one haves a menubar18:43
Peace-licensed: rename  $HOME/.kde18:43
licensedomg here we go.. configure all my kde again18:44
licensedok i back soon18:44
licensedok it's solve :) i will reconfigure all my kde now18:47
Peace-night i go :P18:48
licensedi have to go now.. thanks Peace-18:51
mmhhow cmake handling of libcxcore.so is done to have opencv integrated to use webcam?19:05
Steve132When I check out or do certain operations from certain subversion repositories, svn hangs19:31
Steve132on my system19:31
Steve132how can I check the svn log files?19:31
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ubottuTo get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.19:59
=== elek is now known as elek02
Spartan29 I've a trouble. I can't share files from linux to windows, files are in a folder of an NTFS partition mounted on boot time. What i see is that i can't change folder and than in it contained files. Can someone help me?20:31
BluesKajSpartan29,  are you trying to access files from windows or in linux moving them to windows?20:35
elek02_Hi! Is there an option in Dolphin to disconnect from FTP?  Massstorage devices can be disconnectet, but network-shares not ...20:37
BluesKajelek02_,  do you mean the share file can't be closed?20:40
elek02_no - not my shares!20:42
elek02_when I connect to a ftp-host with ftp://.....20:43
Spartan29BluesKaj, Sorry the late. However, i have a folder on an NTFS part mounted automatically at boot. I want to share over my network the conent of the folder. And till now i obtained only to show the folder, not the files in it.21:18
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BluesKajSpartan29,  is there a windows OS on the ntfs or is justa astorage partition ?21:20
BluesKaja storage21:21
Spartan29BluesKaj, is a storage partition, used in ntfs because some maintenance on films and other are done via windows sometimes.21:21
BluesKajyes , understood , do you have the ntfs partiton set to automount in /etc/fstab ?21:23
Spartan29BluesKaj, the partitions isn't in fstab.21:25
BluesKajSpartan29,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions21:29
spaceneedleJust tried to update kubuntu 12.04 and I was told that bzip2zip package was corrupt. I also had midsum check mismatch. Also, wouldn't install the  kernal.21:35
Roeyhey all, I hear that Ubuntu offers an this integrated OpenVPN option in GNOME for laptops so that they can pipe all their traffic through an OpenVPN relay.  How can I achieve something similar in KDE?21:35
szaldid you mean: 4.8.1?21:39
Roeyer, yes21:39
Roeyall those keys.  They're close together, I mean..21:40
Roeyszal:  but yeah.  Basically I want to go to sit at Starbucks and connect to my desktop at home and pipe all traffic through it.21:40
Tm_TRoey: the same way you do in gnome: through networking systray icon21:40
BluesKajBBL ...21:40
RoeyTm_T: that would be stellar if Kubuntu provides that functionality, lemme check..21:41
Roeytm_T:  ooh, there's a VPN option.  Curiouser and curiouser...bbiab.21:42
Linkmasteri have a RTL8188CE wireless adapter on my new computer rig. however, it wont connect to the intrrnet. if i manually assign an IP, it will connect, but not load anything. if i use autmatic, it wont assign an IP address. any suggestions?21:49
Roeyszal, tm_T:  Do I have to go through all this stuff* to set VPN keys up?? https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openvpn.html22:07
=== bart is now known as Guest59850
JuJuBeeHow do I get my torrent client vuze to open torrents via the magnet link?23:38
natacusanyone using Kubuntu 12.04, how is it looking?23:44
Seven_Six_Two12.04, nvidia6800gt, 2x21" monitors. Since recent update, my screens go black frequently. no gnome-screensaver, xscreensaver. nothing in dmesg, syslog, xorg.0.log. checked power settings.23:53
Seven_Six_Twousing recommended binary driver.23:53
EvilResistanceisnt 12.04 support in #ubuntu+1, even for Kubuntu?23:56
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:56
EvilResistancethought so23:56
Seven_Six_TwoI wasn't sure if kubuntu was there too. thanks23:56
Roeyhey all, so I am using DynamicDNS here, and I have set up OpenVPN with this guide:  https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openvpn.html.  I'm trying to get this VPN connection working on my laptop with Kubuntu 12.04's VPN option, but I am not even sure that this VPN is running (i.e. I need to verify this somehow, probably by trying to bring up the VPN via command-line, btu I forgot how).  Make my ship go?23:59

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