
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
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asterismohi people06:54
asterismoi need help with a bug06:54
asterismoi need to apply a patch06:54
asterismoposted in ubuntu bugs06:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 874774 in cryptsetup "could not mount /dev/mapper/cryptswap1" [High,Triaged]06:55
asterismowhen i apply a patch it returns me an error06:57
asterismoat some line06:57
ThoughtCogHey everybody. Got a question if you got a minute.07:04
jAguAr`is there a way to connect my ubuntu desktop system to my dish network box and my ps3 via my router?09:23
JuggernautHey. Can someone tell me why this keeps happening-> http://i.imgur.com/CPAim.png13:19
JuggernautI keep changing the background color to black, and it reverts on its own after a while13:19
raydog45000Hello I'm trying to set up user accounts I use useradd -m -k /home/john john but when I log in it just has a $ symbol doesn't say the account or computer name and when I try to access the home directory it says permission denied, any idea why?13:20
=== Sidewinder is now known as Sidewinder1
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geirharaydog45000: Don't use useradd, use adduser instead13:38
raydog45000i thought they are the same13:38
geirhaconfusing naming, I know, but they are not the same13:38
raydog45000adduser is a link to useradd13:38
geirhaNo it isn't13:39
geirhaNot by default anyway13:39
geirhaJuggernaut: Could be a graphical glitch with Unity. Hard to say.13:40
geirhaI'd log out and log back in using Unity 2D session instead of the default, see if it's reproducable there.13:42
JuggernautOkay, will do13:42
raydog45000geirha: thanks that worked, The Linux System Admin book I've been looking at literally says adduser is just a symbolic link to useradd guess not. lol13:43
geirharaydog45000: On some distos, that may very well be the case, but not in Ubuntu.13:43
raydog45000oh ok13:43
geirhaadduser is more advanced, and it has a configfile at /etc/adduser.conf for setting default group memberships and such13:44
raydog45000When I log into the new user the directories aren't blue, anyidea why? or is it a setting.13:44
geirhaRemove the # in front of  #force_color_prompt=yes  in ~/.bashrc13:45
geirha~/.bashrc is copied from /etc/skel/.bashrc when the user is created, so change /etc/skel/.bashrc if you want it to be the default for all new users.13:46
Juggernautgeirha: Its not reproducible with unity 2d.13:46
JuggernautMust be a unity thing13:47
geirhaJuggernaut: When it happens, look at the last few lines in ~/.xsession-errors, it'll likely have some error message that could explain why it's happening.13:49
JuggernautOkay, will do. Thanks13:49
raydog45000umm I can't find bash in /13:53
geirha$ type bash13:55
geirhabash is hashed (/bin/bash)13:55
=== Sidewinder1 is now known as Sidewinder
raydog45000how do I uninstall in commandl ine14:07
zombifieruninstall what14:07
geirhasudo apt-get remove mpg32114:09
geirhadpkg -S bin/mpg123   should tell you what package installed it; in this case mpg32114:09
raydog45000hmmm now mpg321 is throwing errors when I try to use it14:13
raydog45000ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.front14:14
pip__Hi, if I'm installing an app from a tar.gz at which point do I issue make uninstall?  Or would using checkinstall be a btter option?14:28
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as JoseAntonioR
=== JoseAntonioR is now known as JoseeAntonioR
asterismohi people17:13
asterismocan anyone help me to apply a patch?17:13
asterismoi'm bein affected by this bu17:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 874774 in cryptsetup "could not mount /dev/mapper/cryptswap1" [High,Triaged]17:15
escottasterismo, see comment #1017:17
JoseeAntonioRasterismo: As escott said, check comment #1017:27
asterismoi tried that17:29
asterismobut i get a hunk error17:30
asterismoat line17:30
asterismo641 do not remember well17:30
asterismothat command is one liner17:31
asterismothat command is one line right?17:31
JoseeAntonioRasterismo: Yes, it's a one-line command.17:32
asterismoanother question17:33
asterismowhwre is the patch to download17:33
escottasterismo, then your patch doesn't apply. you will have to manually merge it17:34
asterismois there any editor like vi or nano that shows the line i'm in?17:36
escottvi can show line numbers17:36
asterismobecause i have to navigate to line 641 and i do not see the line number with vi or nano17:36
escottasterismo, open vi and type [ESC]:641[ENTER]17:36
Unit193And nano  it's alt+g17:37
escottasterismo, ":set number" to show all numbers17:37
asterismonever hand-patched a script before17:38
asterismokinda scary17:38
asterismoat least i have my terminal prompt and network enabled in recovery mode17:40
asterismoi'll try another time applying the patch... but i do not think it will work17:40
asterismoanyway... what's the story about patching by hand a script?17:41
asterismowhich is the first line? i see the patch starts with other lines of stuff17:41
escottasterismo, those are context lines, the +/-s indicate what goes in and comes out the @@ indicate line numbers17:45
asterismobut what is the starting line number and what is the first line of the patch17:46
asterismothat patch17:46
asterismolines which says From, Date...17:47
asterismothat is the header17:47
asterismothere is an @@ line17:47
asterismois the following line the first code line to replace?17:48
escottasterismo, note the 7 insertions and the 7 lines that begin with +17:48
asterismothe first + is the one starting replacing?17:49
escottasterismo, the + lines are added between the non+ lines17:50
asterismooh ok17:51
asterismoanother question17:51
asterismoi executed the patch command in comment #1017:51
asterismobut it returned me hunk error at line 117:52
asterismoso i added the parameter --ignore-whitespace17:52
asterismoand the patch added but with this message17:52
asterismoHunk #1 secceeded at 598 with fuzz 2 (offset -43 lines)17:53
asterismois that right?17:53
asterismodoes it mean that i applied the patch with a difference in 43 lines?17:54
escottasterismo, sounds like a reasonable interpretation17:57
asterismowell the patch did not worked18:01
asterismomy machine did not boot18:01
=== JoseAntonioR is now known as JoseeAntonioR

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