
=== luker is now known as Guest14714
Guest14714Hi guys! I have a Mythbuntu 10.04 installed and running. Now my decade-old monitor gave up. So I'm going to buy a decently sized TV to replace it.10:23
Guest14714I know the procedure from Windows to set up another screen resolution. After setting it, the PC will wait for 15 seconds. If you don't accept it within that time, resolution is set back to the previously running one. Is there anyting comparable in Myththbuntu 10.04?10:25
=== Guest14714 is now known as lukeer
=== mycosys1 is now known as mycosys
tgm4883lukeer, I believe so, but I think it depends on your video card driver17:48
tgm4883lukeer, oh i 10.04? I would guess yes but I don't know17:49
tgm4883I don't run 10.04 on any of my machines with a graphical env17:50
tgm4883I did just check my 12.04 desktop though, and the nvidia-settings did revert after 15 seconds17:50
tgm4883I believe the regular ubuntu resolution thingy does as well17:50

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