
delinquentmeif i give someone a public SSH key02:00
delinquentmewhat does this allow?02:00
delinquentmethat allows me to ssh into their system .. but not vice versa correct?02:00
b1g1r0ndelinquentme: correct02:01
Zanzacari have ubuntu-server installed and i wanted some audio output for pianobar. I tried to install pulse audio but it is asking for X11 libraries when run with pulseaudio -D04:49
Zanzacaris there a better way to get audio?04:49
=== acidflash_ is now known as acidflash
acidflashflush-252 is always going into D state, and blocking for more than 120 seconds, which is SUPER annoying08:25
acidflashwhat can I do to solve, already googled for 6 days08:25
raydog45000Hello, I just set up a server and am trying to add users, I use sudo useradd -m -k /home/john john, then set a password, when I login to it it doesn't say the name@servername it just shows $13:13
raydog45000does anyone have an idea?13:15
twbSo it turns out that if you set a slapd ppolicy to warn users a week before their password expires, that doesn't actually mean anything will warn them13:15
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM16:39
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen16:39
arbirhow can i find a list of packages that would be deployed with 12.04 lts ?17:36
MysticJayHi, anyone here to help me with uspd?17:38
tombs1171Is there anyone here who can help with postfix?17:41
bazhangtry #postfix ?17:43
tombs1171will do, thanks17:43
kklimondaarbir: what do you mean? what packages get installed depends on what you choose to install17:43
bazhangarbir, that would be #ubuntu+117:43
arbirok.. for example… which version of php would come with the 12.04 server?17:44
mcloywhat php mailing method is better for heavy email mailing on a site ? sendmail or something else?17:44
arbirwhich version of apache ? 22 or 2417:44
mcloyor setup an smtp server.. fully17:44
arbirthats what i meant.17:44
kklimondaarbir: you can more or less browse https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise for those answers, or install precise somewhere and see it directly17:46
arbirkklimonda: thanks… looking up is good.. but installing and checking is too much work.17:46
kklimondaarbir: if you know package name you can also use rmadison to get its version in all releases17:47
kklimondathat would include precise17:47
arbirthis link u gave me is good… thanks!17:48
MysticJayHi, I installed nut and think I have configured it correctly, but on boot the upsd seems to complain about beeing not configured.17:49
mcloywhich has multithreading  (utilizing full bandwidth available)    sendmail or any other smtp server ?17:55
=== GTAXL is now known as GTAXL[Away]
mtayloranybody know anything about networkmanager on desktop and how it interacts with dnsmasq?19:36
JanCmtaylor: why do you think it does?19:57
JanC(and doesn't sound like a server topic...)20:01
oApocalypsewho here has samba experience20:12
oApocalypsealong with it associating with windows 720:12
guntbert!ask | oApocalypse20:12
ubottuoApocalypse: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:12
=== GTAXL[Away] is now known as GTAXL
oApocalypseok im running ubuntu 11.10 with samba configured20:13
oApocalypsemy windows 7 machine is seeing my tb hard drive at a 142 gb drive20:13
Patrickdkis there a question in this?20:13
EvilResistancei think he's wondering why its showing up as 142GB on the Windows machine, when 11.10 ius a 1TB drive20:14
oApocalypseyes sorry20:15
Patrickdkoh? I read that as his thunderbird harddrive20:15
oApocalypsei have a seperate hard drive in the linux server thats 1tb didicated to share20:15
PatrickdkI don't think samba/smb is 64bit compatable at that level20:16
oApocalypseand windows 7 is showing the share at 142gb20:16
Patrickdkatleast I know mine all show up as like 32gigs free disk space, when I have like 5tb free20:16
oApocalypsei just reached the 142gb capacity through my windows machine20:16
oApocalypseand it wont let me add more20:17
Patrickdkodd, mine will20:17
Patrickdkactually, my free space stays constant, no matter how much I put on the drive20:17
oApocalypsewhats the command to query disk space in linux20:17
oApocalypseHMM? /dev/mapper/Exousia-root20:19
oApocalypse                     149520692 141925492         0 100% /20:19
guntbertlooks rather full20:20
oApocalypselet me include that this is my first time using linux so i could have done something wrong20:20
=== GTAXL is now known as GTAXL[Away]
oApocalypsethat doesnt look like a terabyte though20:21
oApocalypsethat looks liek the partition is 149gb20:21
guntbertoApocalypse: !pastebin the output of     sudo fdisk -l         and of      df -h    and of        mount   please20:22
EvilResistance!pastebin | oApocalypse20:23
ubottuoApocalypse: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:23
EvilResistance!pastebinit | oApocalypse20:23
ubottuoApocalypse: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:23
=== GTAXL[Away] is now known as GTAXL
oApocalypsei shouldnt just paste here20:24
guntbertEvilResistance: thx for the reminder about pastebinit  - as we are talking server :)20:24
EvilResistanceguntbert:  :)20:24
EvilResistanceoApocalypse:  you can do this:  [command] > pastebinit or something, after you install pastebinit20:26
EvilResistancesudo apt-get install pastebinit20:26
Spartan29 I've a trouble. I can't share files from linux to windows, files are in a folder of an NTFS partition mounted on boot time. What i see is that i can't change folder and than in it contained files. Can someone help me?20:27
mcloyiam using sendmail and php  to send email. but its not sending up. i have allowed port 25 for     but its not sending any emails.  http://pastebin.com/M6kKLVtZ    need help . how can i check and make sendmail working?20:29
stgraberjjohansen: did you see that last comment in bug 969299? could it be related to the problem?20:29
oApocalypsewhats the mount command20:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 969299 in apparmor "apparmor prevents dpkg-divert and localedef from working in a container" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96929920:29
oApocalypsei see what i did20:30
jjohansenstgraber: no I haven't checked the bug today20:30
stgraberjjohansen: the suggestion is that it could be related to deleted files and that mediate_deleted might help20:31
jjohansenstgraber: hrmm, yeah I am looking at it now20:31
Spartan29 I've a trouble. I can't share files from linux to windows, files are in a folder of an NTFS partition mounted on boot time. What i see is that i can't change folder and than in it contained files. Can someone help me?20:32
jjohansenstgraber: so I can believe that is the case, though I would have expected a log message there.  Of course we have a couple of bugs around logging of things that have logging surpressed20:33
jjohansenstgraber: normally you wouldn't need the mediate_deleted flag because the file labeling and task labeling generally match for deleted files20:33
jjohansenunfortunately if this is a mediate deleted case, all we can do atm is add the flag20:34
RoyKSpartan29: ntfs mounted with ntfs3g/fuse?20:34
RoyKor something over the net20:34
jjohansenstgraber: I will run through and test this today and update with what I find20:35
Spartan29RoyK, i don't know... how can i know?20:35
jjohansenI should probably create a bug about not getting a log message for this as well20:35
oApocalypseanyone able to tell me what my issue is see,s ;ole evil and gunt left20:35
RoyKSpartan29: heh - you should know20:35
oApocalypseseems like*20:35
RoyKSpartan29: is that disk with that ntfs filesystem physically connected to the linux machine?20:35
stgraberjjohansen: cool, thanks20:36
RoyKphysically, as in, with sata, sas, usb, scsi, ide, mfm etc20:36
mcloyhow can i know that sendmail installed is working and will send mails (i have a phpscript that says it send mails. but actually i never recieve the mail in my inbox) ?20:36
RoyKmcloy: postfix or exim?20:37
AngtagapagligtCan someone write me to show my sister how a IRC chat works? :)20:37
RoyKAngtagapagligt: install an irc client on her machine...20:37
mcloyRoyK,  using sendmail20:37
oApocalypseive been abandoned20:37
RoyKmcloy: sendmail???20:37
mcloyRoyK,  yes20:37
AngtagapagligtRoyK :) No she just wanna have a look :)20:37
* RoyK stopped using sendmail sometime at the end of the 1990s20:38
RoyKAngtagapagligt: offtopic...20:38
* RoyK will probably start using sendmail again once QBASIC gets popular again20:39
Spartan29RoyK, yes the disk is internal at the pc, but i don't know if it's mounted with ntfs-3g or fuse, but maybe probably withe ntfs-3g20:41
RoyKntfs-3g uses fuse20:42
RoyKSpartan29: now, if sharing files with a windows machine, on a linux server, using ntfs, why oh why do it that way?20:44
RoyKSpartan29: or is this a dual boot desktop?20:44
oApocalypseif im tryin to copy one entire directory to another i would do cp /directory /directory correct?20:51
Rapid2214If it fails, use the -r parmameter20:53
Rapid2214Depending on what your coping20:53
oApocalypseyea it says cp: omitting directory20:53
Rapid2214Yh, use -r or -R20:53
Rapid2214I think they do the same things20:54
Rapid2214 -R, -r, --recursive          copy directories recursively20:54
oApocalypseits 142gb so it will take awhile then correct20:55
oApocalypseand im in command prompt so they show no progress20:55
Rapid2214You can use rsync for that amount of data, then if it fails it wont take years to do it all again20:55
Spartan29RoyK, yes this is a dual boot pc for some maintenance on files /24 for dw files, and i want access a folder with films that is on the drive used to store films (once the'yre completed). The access at these files must be obtained by windows or other inux boxes present in my lan.20:55
oApocalypselol to late20:55
Rapid2214rsync -Pav /folder /foler220:55
Rapid2214Is what I would usually use for anything +40GB20:56
oApocalypsersync is a default command?20:56
RoyKSpartan29: don't use ntfs on a linux server, use ext4 or something20:56
Rapid2214Installed by default on ubuntu20:56
RoyKSpartan29: if it's a dual boot pc, it's not a server, and this is the wrong channel20:56
oApocalypsewell i shall try that if i get a failure20:57
oApocalypsei see the hd light flickering away lol20:58
oApocalypseill check back on it in awhile20:58
oApocalypsety for the help :)20:58
Spartan29RoyK, i know this is the wrong place. But if you can help me i quickly go away to fix my problem.21:14
mcloy here are the error logs for sendmail. need help http://pastebin.com/hJUYzEX421:16
Spartan29RoyK, the problem finally is that i cannot apply the permission right to show folder content to everyone.21:21
mcloy here are the error logs for sendmail. need help http://pastebin.com/0GfTnYNU21:21
Rapid2214Spartan29, Can u fill me in with your senario?21:22
* RoyK doesn't want to spend time on things off topic in here21:26
mcloyiam having the following error. what is wrong with sendmail? Mar 31 21:30:41 ip-10-111-31-180 sendmail[24639]: q2VLUfa6024639: from=www-data, size=274, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<201203312130.q2VLUfa6024639@ip-10-111-31-180.ec2.internal>, relay=www-data@localhost21:34
mcloyMar 31 21:30:41 ip-10-111-31-180 sendmail[24639]: q2VLUfa6024639: to=ab159ab@hotmail.com, ctladdr=www-data (33/33), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=30274, relay=[] [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by []21:34
guntbertmcloy: are you experienced with configuring mail servers?21:35
guntbertmcloy: if not I suggest 1) take care 2) read https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html  3) take care 4) follow (2)21:37
mcloyguntbert,  doing it the first time21:40
mcloyguntbert,  no configs are needed for sendmail.......21:40
Rapid2214Your local mail server is denying relay21:41
guntbertmcloy: a *very serious*  word of caution ™ : misconfigure mail servers are the bane of the internet (-> spam)  and are not regarded well by the rest of legit admins - trouble might lie ahead21:41
Rapid2214Guntbert +1 - Its burnt me before :)21:42
guntbertRapid2214: well, that is ONE mistake I didn't make ... ;-)21:43
guntbertmcloy: uninstall sendmail and use postfix - and when it asks you what kind of server you want to run choose the most local version possible21:44
mcloyguntbert,  hmm. so not use sendmail..       can you tell whats wrong by looking at the 2 errores ?21:47
mcloyguntbert,  which is the most easiest mail server?21:48
guntbertmcloy: as I said read https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html   - they are talking about postfix, keep in mind what I said above about the initial setting21:49
mcloywhat about sendmail?21:50
mcloyguntbert,  you there?21:53
guntbertmcloy: don't touch it, it might bite :)21:54
mcloyguntbert,  seriously.. why dont you recomend it ? :)21:56
guntbertmcloy: it is a big old complicated beast with a lot of badly understandable options and cross effects21:57
mcloyguntbert,  do i need my server to be made as  FQDN.21:57
guntbertmcloy: I don#t know for waht you need it21:58
mcloyfully qualified domain  name.  someone told me i need to configure it21:59
mcloyguntbert,  ok. so ill leave sendmail.....     which one do you recomend is the easiest to tackle. postfix qmail or exim ?22:00
guntbertmcloy: no, for what purpose do you need the mail sever?22:00
mcloymaking a php site. and many of its heavy function sinclude email sending22:01
guntbertand I say "use postfix" for the 3rd time :)22:01
mcloyguntbert,  basically iam a php guy22:01
mcloyguntbert,  ok...... :)22:01
mcloyi know nothing about linux22:01
mcloyguntbert,  iam going to install postfix. how long are you online ?22:02
guntbertmcloy: my advice: get someone to help you with that mail server part - or leave that part out for the beginning -22:02
guntbertmcloy: I'm on my way to bed  - Good luck :-)22:02
mcloyill do it myself22:04
mcloythx ! :)22:04
guntbertmcloy: one last caveat: pleas do read a little about the danger of "open mail relays"22:05
mcloy how to purge remove an application?22:05
mcloyguntbert, ill block the ips and allow only one. or the local host. as the webhost is the same machine as iam goin to install postfix on...22:05

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