
wasphow can i lesson the memory used00:47
kanliotwasp control+alt+delete01:24
Unit193You can disable some services, or close unneeded programs.01:25
waspalready disable all and i dont know which of the programs to close, the title of the programs in the task manager is diffenent from the name of the tittle on the app01:29
FernandoCuevaI have issues with my crtc I can't set a resolution higher then 800x600 I tried both tools gtf and cvt but I still get crtc error03:53
UBuxuBUdoes lubuntu offer unity04:59
KM0201UBuxuBU: thats part of the thing we all like about it.05:00
UBuxuBUdoes lubuntu offer that proprietary broadcom driver so i can run wireless05:01
UBuxuBUhmmm guess not05:02
KM0201it's easy to install though05:03
KM0201if it's in the Ubuntu kernel, then Lubuntu has it... the differences between Lubuntu and Ubuntu, is strictly window dressing, if it runs on Ubuntu, it will run on Lubuntu05:03
UBuxuBUbut u said no unity05:04
KM0201well, that depends on which broadcom device it is.05:04
KM0201Unity=window dressing... has nothing to do w/ hardware detection05:04
KM0201the kernel is what handles hardware detection, etc05:04
KM0201Ubuntu and Lubuntu, have the same kernel05:04
UBuxuBUi tried mint lxde and it asked me to install the driver right away and it ran wireless05:05
UBuxuBUi wondered if lubuntu is like that05:05
UBuxuBUubuntu also did that05:05
UBuxuBUwas the 1st time i ever got online wireless with buntu05:06
UBuxuBUguess i wont know less i try it noone is answering05:07
KM0201well, just try it05:09
KM0201i mean, there's no definite answer05:09
UBuxuBUits either part of the install software or its not05:10
UBuxuBUi saw itt happen both in ubuntu and mint recently05:10
UBuxuBUright at the end of the standard installation05:11
KM0201UBuxuBU: i don't really understnad what you're saying.. if it's not part of the install, it takes about 30sec to install (maybe not quite that long)... so?05:11
UBuxuBUthe lil icon pops up and says HEY U WANT THESE PROPIETART DRIVERS!05:11
* KM0201 sighs05:12
KM0201and you wonder why you're not getting answers05:12
UBuxuBUright off the live disk05:12
UBuxuBUyes i do wonder why05:12
KM0201because you're being ignorant... if the driver works w/ ubuntu 11.10, the odds of it working with lubuntu 11.10, are very very good... if you want to see, boot a live usb and see05:13
UBuxuBUbut i know now its cuz u simply dont know ill have to experience it so i can properly answer the question05:13
Unit193It'll be, use jockey.....05:13
UBuxuBUif u could read u would see im asking if the installation of lubuntu does it05:14
KM0201UBuxuBU: and if you could comprehend what i've said numerous times, i've said yes05:14
Unit193UBuxuBU: They use the *same* installer.05:15
UBuxuBUty unit05:15
UBuxuBUif its the same installer then yes it will happen05:16
UBuxuBUwhich is nice to know05:16
holsteinif it doesnt, you can get your money back :)05:17
UBuxuBUthats one feature i really like in the past i spent hours trying to make certain things work05:18
UBuxuBUi dont like ndswrapper or wine05:18
holsteini just like my wifi working... whatever it takes05:19
KM0201pretty much.05:19
KM0201the path of least resistance, is always the easiest way to go.05:19
UBuxuBUwhen u install buntu now...if u have the cat5 plugged in...the installer sences your needs...and then direct u to install certain drivers right away...no terminal bs no wine no bs05:20
UBuxuBUboom done05:21
=== craig_ is now known as TheCheggs
PoaBHey guys. Give me a hint please: I installed lubuntu some time before and do not have an idea what version. 1) is there a program or proc entry that sais me what version i have? 2) is there a central release upgrade script/program?11:49
PoaBnobody who may help me?11:56
TheCheggsoh sorry i wasn't look at irc11:59
seblabelhey TheCheggs !11:59
seblabelevrything is working great!12:00
TheCheggsi am trying to find how to do it PoaB its been a while since i looked at it12:02
PoaBYou're the best The Cheggs. thx12:02
TheCheggsyou are running lubuntu?12:03
PoaByes on my second desktop12:03
TheCheggslsb_release -a12:03
TheCheggsput that into a terminal12:03
TheCheggsit will display what version you are running :)12:03
PoaBwhow! perfect exactly that was what i'm looking for! THX buddy12:04
TheCheggsno problem man :) happy to help12:04
seblabelgood to know!12:05
seblabelthank you12:05
seblabelTheCheggs: i put debian yesterday and finally, i put crunchbang this morning12:05
TheCheggsnice man!12:05
seblabelon 29mo at the start of the computer !12:06
seblabelthere is a panel called conky on the right12:06
seblabel29 mo12:06
seblabelused in ram12:06
seblabelit's written on conky12:06
TheCheggsyeah, conky is pretty cool12:06
seblabeli put off a bar called tint212:07
TheCheggsyeah man!12:07
seblabelcause i don't need it12:07
TheCheggsi like tint2 so i can easyly display the time and currently running programs12:07
seblabeli use only alt+tab12:07
seblabelthen i created a .bash_aliases in ~/12:08
seblabelwher i put all my alias12:08
seblabellike :12:08
seblabelalias myalia="nano ~/.bash_aliases"12:08
seblabelor alias myrc="nano ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml"12:09
TheCheggsi need to learn more about openbox, i've just been gaming recently haha12:09
seblabelthen, i can easily manage the system12:09
seblabelyes, it's great12:10
seblabeli don't use the mouse now12:10
seblabeli just stick my noise pooh on it12:10
seblabeli just stick my nose pooh on it12:11
seblabelnose, not noise12:11
seblabel, sorry !12:11
seblabelbut, she had a nice carreer12:11
seblabelshe's 1612:11
seblabeli sell it for 2€12:12
seblabelif someone is interested12:12
seblabelwe have 2€ here12:13
seblabelsomeone for 3€ ?12:13
seblabel1 time12:13
seblabel3€ it's a good price12:13
seblabeli nice logitech ps/2 full of nose pooh12:14
seblabel16 years old12:14
seblabel2 time12:14
seblabel3 time12:14
seblabelto TheCheggs for 2€12:14
seblabelwell, sorry guys12:14
seblabeli'm exited12:14
TheCheggsi am broke man sorry12:18
TheCheggsi need to get myself a pair of headphones12:18
TheCheggsill brb12:19
PoaBhi again.12:36
TheCheggsi broke wine13:23
TheCheggsand i fixed wine13:45
nicofsI want to create a custom lubuntu session (basically fit the default one to my needs) - can anyone point me to where I can start reading up on it?14:13
WulongCan't you just add the programs you want to the session startup?14:34
MrChrisDruifnicofs; see Wulong's response14:38
nicofsWulong, i want to change the whol appearance of the desktop...14:49
TheCheggsguys i am off to game, take it easy :)15:38
=== TheCheggs is now known as TheCheggs_Gaming
Wulongnicofs: why do you want LXDE if you will change it anyways? change it how? like FWVM?15:53
nicofsWulong, larger icons, different panel - mostly just different settings to make it fit my grandfather's needs...15:55
nicofsbasically change the layout so he can work with it...15:55
nicofsif he wants to use it, it auto logs in to that session, if i need to work on it, i'll just log out and use the normal lubuntu session - that's the general idea15:57
WulongI guess you can just make a regular user for him, login and do start modifing.16:08
WulongBy editing font sizes and appearance.16:08
=== TheCheggs_Gaming is now known as TheCheggs
TheCheggsand i am back16:11
nicofsWulong, i know... and that's what i'll resort to, if that session creating isn't working...16:14
kanliotman there's a speed shop called "Cheggs"16:20
kanliotthey used to advertise on the radio constantly16:20
TheCheggsthat's freaking awesome!16:20
TheCheggsthey named something after me16:21
thor_i has ever installed lubuntu in min laptop, but i must use Code to get access to min hard-disk. How to get i access without Code ???16:22
kanliotdid you install beta16:23
kanliotif no, what code are you talking about16:24
milen8204hello how to check my drivers for my video card If they works property16:26
kanliotrun the live cd16:26
kanliotif you have 400M of ram16:26
kanliotthat checks16:26
milen8204is there another way ?16:27
kanliotare you buying a pc?16:27
kanlioti don't know what check you need16:27
milen8204no I have bought new video card16:27
kanliotand whats the problem16:27
milen8204but I think it does not work right16:28
kanliotgo on16:28
milen8204I have been watched pictures and my PC went crazy ... the processor was in 100 % used  and my ram was 770 MB from 1 GB used ... just for a pics16:29
kanliotyeah that's a problem16:30
kanliotusually if i have driver problems, the screen locks up for a second, then comes back slow16:30
kanliotI don't know what problems you are having16:30
kanliotbut control-alt-delete will give you an idea16:31
kanliotif you are still having problems with ram and cpu16:31
kanliotso i respectfully doubt that its your new video card16:31
milen8204i have 3 % used and ram is 16616:32
kanliotif it's not giving you the problem you can't diagnose it can ya?16:32
milen8204but I have restarred my PC and now it is ok16:33
kanliotif you have a problem again16:34
milen8204but in settings>more drivers have nothing16:34
kanliotgo to task manager16:34
kanliotand make a note which process is eating your cpu and ram16:34
kanliotthen google it16:34
milen8204ok will try16:34
milen8204when it is appears again16:35
milen8204i have noticed tree processes that have been eating my CPU and RAM16:36
milen8204but I forgot their names   :D16:37
milen8204I will provoke them again :Д16:37
kanliotlinux action show is having a live show.  they're doing a wierd april fools prank17:07
=== Unit193 is now known as BufferOverflow
TheCheggs<3 launchpad17:38
milen8204am I the only one who have problems whit youtube videos?18:45
kanliotwhich browser18:51
kanliotwhat happens18:51
milen8204ntat is the problem nothing happens19:00
milen8204does not start at all19:01
kanliotmight be a problem with the youtube servers19:07
kanliottry chromium19:07
kanliotthere is a good firefox support channel19:07
kanliotthey are really helpful19:07
=== mh0 is now known as AppleJ
reachhey, how can i reduce the memory being use on my pc?19:36
milen8204recach, control+alt+delete  and see what process how many memory  use19:57
phillwbug 57930920:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 579309 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout applet doesn't work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57930920:50
choiceis there any apps i can download that i can download music from?23:38
kanliotsame as windows i guess23:39
kanliotgoogle whatever music23:40
kanliotlook for internet radio23:40
kanlioti can usually find every kind of music on youtube23:42
choiceyea i know but can you download them23:42
kanlioti can't tell you how to pirate23:43
kanlioteven though i'm pirating right now23:43
kanliotactually i think the amazon music store works fine in your web browser23:47
choiceand which browser is that23:49
kanlioti acutlally use firefox and chromium23:53
kanliotat the same time23:53
kanliotchromium works better with flash23:53
kanliothas better plugins23:53
kanliotoh he lef23:53

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