
bjsniderit's kind of built for an it environment00:00
Zoffix*sigh* why I can't copy/paste text from Ubuntu Software Centre ~_~ Who designs this?00:12
ZoffixMCR, doesn't look like I can install the 2.4 :/  Tells me dependency on bintuils <, but what 12.04 got is 2.22-600:13
MCRZoffix: Sry 4 that. I did not test the packages yet as I am compiling from source and I did not build the package, but I have reported your findings. Hope and guess it will get fixed soon.00:17
craigbass1976Where do I find my browser history for epiphany?  I don't see it in the UI anywhere and running a find on ~/ didn't show me anything either.00:48
craigbass1976And in a totally unrelated vein... if I'm running updates/upgrades all along, am I going to end up with the stable release of 12.04 eventually, or will I have to reinstall?00:50
Zoffixcraigbass1976, will end up with stable00:50
craigbass1976Zoffix, spiffy.  Thanks.00:52
Zoffixcraigbass1976, and don't have Epiphany installed, but try pressing CTRL+H, maybe?00:53
Zoffixcraigbass1976, yeah, CTRL+H or click the "Web" menu (top/left) and it's right there....01:01
craigbass1976Duh...  I should have known Ctrl+H.  I don't see the Web menu though.01:03
* Zoffix shrugs01:03
craigbass1976unless you're talkng about the gear icon, but that had no history in it, or a few other things I'm used to seeing in other browser menus.01:03
Zoffixcraigbass1976, no, the gear icon is on the top right (at least for me), but the web is on the top left.01:04
craigbass1976I'm also trying to block everything so that I can search google and get  "non-personalized" results01:04
Zoffixcraigbass1976, Oh, it might be because I have classic gnome instead of the default Unity....01:04
craigbass1976Zoffix, aha...  I'll have to check it out on my laptop then (fedora) and see if it's any different01:05
Zoffixcraigbass1976, you could just ask it not to give personalized results: https://www.google.com/preferences?hl=en01:08
glosoliPrecise Pangolin picks wrong sizes for windowses01:08
glosolidoes anyone have this ugly problem01:08
glosoli ?01:08
craigbass1976Zoffix, I don't trust them.01:09
glosolisometimes I just open program and if it's not minimized it may we way out of height  or something like that01:09
Zoffixcraigbass1976, though I see you'd need a google account to do so..01:09
craigbass1976I'm in the process of switching to Blekko anyway.01:09
ZoffixI think I should switch to something else too... Lately google keeps giving me completely unrelated results.01:10
Zoffix... Like searching for forests near my city it gave me results for "forecasts" for my city without even that "did you mean" thing >_<01:11
glosoliinvisible me ;/01:11
Zoffixglosoli, I saw your question, but I have no clue. I'm using classic gnome with no effects session and running openbox. I have a problem with focusing new windows, but not the sizing :)01:12
glosoliZoffix: aaa ok might be compiz problem then :)01:13
ZoffixGreat. Ubuntu One seems to ignore the bandwidth limits :|01:17
glosoliZoffix: hmm, you mean if you set limit it doesn't care ?01:19
Zoffixglosoli, yeah, and it's a reported bug, as I just found out.01:19
glosoliZoffix: I am looking forward to Google Drive :)01:20
ZoffixNever heard of it...01:21
glosoliZoffix: it would be more like Drop Box probably :) but will offer 5GB free storage01:22
ZoffixNever heard of Drop Box either.... I'm guessing some place to upload your stuff?01:22
glosoliZoffix: you might have a look at DropBox website, it is similar to Ubuntu One, but it synces only catalogs which are in DropBox catalog, you can even paste image and get public link for it or any other file, you just move to drop box folder in nautilus or whatever file manager you have, and you can copy public link or whatever depended on your configuration :)01:24
glosoliZoffix: ubuntu software center has it :) works with Precise01:24
Zoffix*shrug* I have no use for it, really.. I'm just playing around with Ubuntu One.. Gonna store my drawings in there, in case my computer explodes :)01:25
glosoliZoffix: well same you can store in DropBox, but you can get public links for it easily, anyway, it depends on your needs :)01:26
glosoliUbuntu One is cool thing :) but i like dropbox more01:26
WilsonBradleyis this group working?01:42
WilsonBradleyIt says I was disconnected01:42
ZoffixWilsonBradley, I can see you type....01:43
tiduxis it normal for Firefox to instacrash on http://reddit.com/r/asoiaf/ on a live CD?01:47
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ZoffixI don't think crashing is ever normal :)01:49
ZoffixThe link works fine off an installed system though.01:49
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tiduxZoffix: weird, what do you think is causing it?01:55
tiduxit's not WebGL - I disabled that and it still crashes01:55
ZoffixI have no idea01:55
tiduxyeah, wow01:57
tiduxit seems like a third of the pages I view cause a crash01:57
tiduxthat's seriously not cool01:57
tiduxlooks like bad squashfs blocks02:04
tiduxthat's odd02:04
WilsonBradleyFor some reason I lost my [System Settings] and [Advanced Settings] don't come up anymore ;-(02:07
ZoffixWilsonBradley, where?02:09
WilsonBradleyUbuntu 12.0402:11
WilsonBradleyfor example; clicking on the topright icon and going to System Settings02:11
WilsonBradleydoesn't do anything02:11
WilsonBradleyor via menu02:12
WilsonBradleyI can try and initiate it via terminal02:13
tiduxWilsonBradley: works for me on Beta 202:14
tiduxare you up to date?02:14
WilsonBradleyya, update everyday02:14
WilsonBradleyit was working until 2-3days ago..02:14
WilsonBradleywhats the command in terminal? I can try that02:15
WilsonBradleyI tried it under another account and it's not coming up02:15
ZoffixWilsonBradley, gnome-control-center --overview02:15
WilsonBradleyThe program 'gnome-control-center' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:02:16
WilsonBradleyapt-get install gnome-control-center02:16
tiduxnow that's weird02:16
tiduxsounds like you accidentally removed it02:16
WilsonBradleyya, thats strange02:17
tiduxoh yeah, question about font rendering02:17
WilsonBradleyinstalling it now02:17
tiduxwhy isn't the lcdfilter patch pushed upstream to libcairo or gtk?02:17
WilsonBradleyThat was it :-)02:17
WilsonBradleycomes up now02:17
WilsonBradleyIm trying to learn how to debug problems in Ubunt crashes.. If you were going to check for any errors from bootup to now, what log file would you focus on?02:19
tiduxjust run "dmesg" and pipe it to a pager02:22
tiduxthat's what it's for02:22
tiduxif you want the file directly, it's /var/log/messages on Debian02:22
tiduxUbuntu might have changed that with the switch to Upstart02:22
WilsonBradleyThanks, will look though kern.log for any errors.02:45
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tyler_anyone know how to download virtualbox on 12.04?03:15
WilsonBradleyGo to site and download latest03:17
WilsonBradleybuild and then terminal03:17
WilsonBradleyresearch manual install. I think there is even a .deb release on their site03:18
Logan_tyler_: Can't you just do sudo apt-get install virtualbox?03:19
WilsonBradleyya , or try that03:19
tyler_meh, i downloaded the 11.10 version and it worked so w,e. aha.03:32
micahgvirtualbox 4.1.10 is in the archive03:35
ZoffixMan, this is retarded! In 10.10 when opening a file with something weird, you had to know the name of the executable. In 12.04, they added a list of apps, BUT THEY REMOVED the the type-the-name field... Jesus.03:57
ZoffixThis is definitely my last version of Ubuntu... 12.04 is worse than Vista, interface-wise.03:58
jiohdikde seems to work well in 12.0403:59
ZoffixHell, it's worse than Vista after I spent 14 hours tweaking it.03:59
Zoffixjiohdi, maybe I'll give that a whirl.03:59
jiohdiI found unity hideous, but I gave kde a try and I like it now04:00
jiohdiI also added a cairo dock04:00
ZoffixI found unity horrid, and I switched to gnome classic.04:00
jiohdiwith gnome I found compiz a nightmare, but kde has its own compositing that works04:01
micahgZoffix: are you sure that was an Ubuntu change and not a GNOME one?04:01
Zoffixmicahg, no, I'm not, but I spent 8 hours last night trying to install Ubuntu, and 14 hours today trying to set it up the way I like it.... I've been on Ubuntu since Edgy first came out, and every release seems to introduce more and more instabilities and more and more features get missed...  How do you change a system in one release so much that a user who's on your system 12 hours a day/5 days a week has trouble configuring printers and other stupi04:05
Zoffixd stuff?04:05
ZoffixIf you can call it "configuring"... The new printers dialog only offers you to add users to printers.04:05
ZoffixAnyway, Ubuntu is what it is because people who made this like it, so I guess it's not my place to say what should and should not be the way it is. I just need to switch after this release times out.04:06
micahgZoffix: weird, I can still configure my printer in the system settings04:06
Zoffixmicahg, I can only add (not even sure WHAT it actually adds) and if I click "Options", the only thing I get there is users setup :/ *shrug*04:07
micahgZoffix: right click in the printer itself04:07
ZoffixIt's irrelevant though, I already configured through CUPS web interfdace.04:07
Zoffixmicahg, right click does nothing04:07
Zoffix(I'm on Gnome classic no effects though, not unity)04:07
micahgZoffix: you should get a menu with properties04:07
micahgoh, no idea then04:07
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ZoffixMaybe a bug *shrug*04:08
micahgZoffix: if you're on GNOME classic, then it's basically upstream GNOME design decisions04:08
ZoffixAt least it relieves me to know that a menu is at least supposed to be there.04:08
micahgif GNOME isn't working, you might try KDE, LXDE, Xfce04:08
ZoffixLast time I tried KDE I hated it.... Forget why, but I know I did...04:09
micahgsorry, working for you I mean04:09
micahgmight be worth trying it in a live session to see if you like the new version04:10
jiohdiI did not like kde last time either, but since I have been using it about two weeks now, its grown on me04:10
ZoffixOh, trying through liveCD is a good idea. Thanks!04:10
KM0201i've never liked KDE, but just cuz a friend was telling me how awesome kde4 was (and i figured it couldn't be any worse than unity or gnome 3).. i tried it.  after you disable all the crap, it's not to bad.  i still don't care for it (mainly because it installs 80 gazillion apps.).. but it's not bad04:14
KM0201xfce4, is awful.. very buggy, and seems like it's trying to get into the "most bloat" competition that Gnome 3 and KDE4 are engaged in... LXDE, is just down right sexy simple04:14
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alex_mayorgajust restarted after a kernel panic, what do I do to file a report?04:21
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^Lem^hi all, just wondering if anyone is experiencing issues with Unity still eating drag and drops? e.g. text files on the desktop, drag to a gEdit window, then as the unity panel goes into fade mode, drop the file .. the drag/drop event seems to get lost?04:37
^Lem^i might add that it requires fairly precise [;)] timing, the drag/drop event gets lost only as the unity panel is fading, not after it's completed the fade04:39
keithclarkvolume is fine on my speakers, but low and distorted on my headphones.  Any fix?04:56
frybyeHi - is the HUD- system already present in 12.04 and if so - how does one use it?05:03
keithclarkfrybye, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_WW-DHqR3c05:05
keithclarkfrybye, start there and explore05:06
frybyekeithclark: yeah I found that thing - but excuse me - there is no indication of how the person making the video is doing all this stuff? Which combination of keys or whatever...?05:06
frybyefor instance - right at the start it says "invoke the HUD!" but gives no information on HOW to do that?05:08
keithclarkhud is called upon by alt key05:09
frybyejust "alt" on it's own?05:10
frybyei c - thanks..l.05:10
keithclarkthen start typeing what you want to do within the application that you are in05:10
keithclarkLike in gedit, hit the alt key then start typing s....a....v...05:11
keithclarkyou will see saving options05:11
frybyeso I hit alt und then type close konversation but it does not do it or ...?05:11
ivanhow do I install a 32-bit package on my 64-bit Precise?05:12
ivanlibfreeimage3, specifically05:12
keithclarkfrybye, never used konversation, sorry.05:13
ivanoh, I forgot to apt-get update after adding the foreign arch05:13
frybyekeithclark: ok I figured it - forgot that I am using a german 12.04 here - so i need to hit alt and then type beenden - not   close05:14
frybyesorry.. my fault...05:14
keithclarkfrybye, so you are good to go?05:14
frybyekeithclark: yeah great stuff - thanks...05:15
keithclarkfrybye, no problem.  It's all new to me too!05:15
Onlyodinivan, possibly try `apt-get install libfreeimage3:i386`05:15
frybyekeithclark: not that i woiuld like the menus to dissapear alltogether...05:15
keithclarkfrybye, no, but an interesting addition05:15
ivanOnlyodin: ah! thanks. just found that on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Beta1 as well05:15
frybyeone dosent always know in advance what one needs etc.. but there you are...05:16
Onlyodinivan, no problems05:16
keithclarkfrybye, agreed05:16
ivanlibfreeimage3 depends on libilmbase6:i386 and libopenexr6:i386, and adding those to my apt-get install is going to remove all of kubuntu and systemsettings and userconfig05:18
ivanI don't need kubuntu, but what about those other two?05:18
KM0201what other to? xubuntu and lubuntu?05:19
ivansystemsettings and userconfig05:20
OnlyodinThey sound somewhat important to me05:21
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ivanSystem Settings GUI seems to launch without systemsettings :-)05:25
ivanshould I be able to have both libfreeimage3 and libfreeimage3:i386 installed? Because I can't.05:30
ivanseems they both install to the same /usr/lib files05:30
ivanis there any workaround for the really weird mouse shaking issue with Precise in vmware workstation?05:34
ivanthe visible cursor itself doesn't jump around, but all applications act as if the cursor jumps around randomly in a 10x10 px area05:34
tertittenprobably not supported, but are there are repository that lets you get full gnome3.4, Empathy, etc?05:44
EvilResistancei think you'll break 95% of Ubuntu with full Gnome 3.405:44
keithclarkAnyone with a solution to really quiet headphone volume with distortion compared to good speaker volume/quality?05:46
alex_mayorgakeithclark: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems perhaps?06:16
keithclarkalex_mayorga, I'll give that a try06:31
DroidDev32i am trying out beta 2 with my desktop that has a redeon 6770 graphics card in it. Should i use the proprietary drivers or is the default driver better?06:32
keithclarkalex_mayorga, hmm, didn't seem to find a fix there. Maybe a new bug?06:43
anthroposoccasionally when running gnome-shell my text input will become EXTREMELY slow (5 + second delay), but the application picker, etc. is still very responsive and gnome-shell is not using a lot of cpu or memory07:40
anthroposhas anyone else experienced this?07:41
anthroposa restart fixed it.07:41
anthropos(restarting the entire computer, not gnome-shell)07:41
demonboyhello guys i am having issues ( i think ) not sure... i get this ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/909791/ ) when opening nvidia control panel (1st section of paste) and when i try to save to x i get the messages displayed in the 2nd part of the past07:54
demonboyis this something to worry about or can i restart x and be fine07:54
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trijntjehas the release of precise been postponed to may?08:40
Trewastrijntje: it's best not to even open a web browser during the international day of trolling aka april 1st08:42
trijntjeTrewas: damn, your right ;)08:43
trijntjein my defence, I was quite sceptical of the claim :P08:43
Trewasheh, and it might even be a good idea08:45
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madrazrHello everyone, I am Unity 2D on Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2, this HUD thing comes up in a while when I try to change the windows by Alt+Tab09:55
madrazrthis is pretty annoying09:55
madrazrhow do I make that not happen?09:55
madrazrcan some one help me please?09:55
madrazr*I am using09:55
brobostigonmadrazr: you can change it, in compiz config settings manager, which you will probebly have to install.10:15
madrazrbrobostigon: I changed key bindings to Alt+Super10:16
madrazrbut I still see this problem10:16
brobostigonno idea then.10:16
brobostigonhave you restarted compiz, so it reloads all this config to be sure?10:17
madrazrbrobostigon: I have not done that, let me try10:17
madrazrbrb logging out and re-logging in10:18
madrazrbrobostigon: no luck10:21
brobostigonno idea then, ask someone else. sorry.10:22
madrazrbrobostigon: NP, thanks for helping though10:23
madrazrif some one else knows this, please help10:23
* dubaco is upgrading10:26
dubacoenglish eller svenska?10:27
dubacowhat language is good here?10:36
UrBfor swedish I'd guess there is #ubuntu-se or something like that10:38
madrazrdubaco: although I am not a native English speaker myself and have a broken English, I always felt English is the universal language, or at least works in "most" of the places10:38
dubacook:( i have broken swedish anyway10:39
dubacoand chinease is more universal now10:39
dubacoit said it would take 8 hours to upgrade11:00
dubacofrom ubuntu 11.04 to 14.0411:00
dubacoi have a 100 Mb/s connection11:01
philinuxdubaco: You mean 11.04 to 11.10.11:01
dubacoi am upgarding to the newest version11:02
dubacothe beta 2 thing11:02
philinuxdubaco: So you mean 11.10 to 12.04. 14. whatever is 201411:02
dubaco12.04 sorry11:04
dubacono i wrote an entire operating system for ubuntu and updated all the code by myself... - lol11:04
philinuxdubaco: upgrades always take forever. I always do a clean install11:04
* dubaco has an asus eeepc 1015pn and wonders if 12.04 has a netbook remix11:06
philinuxdubaco: remix gone now11:07
dubacoi have a 10' screen11:07
philinuxdubaco: Unity11:08
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dubacounity does not fix everything11:08
philinuxdubaco: But remix has long gone11:09
dubacoa lot of the menues on the desktop version wont allow me to resize them on my netbook11:09
philinuxdubaco: Research MyUnity11:09
dubacoso "do you want to delete your files from this device" and the options are hidden as the screen is too small11:10
philinuxdubaco: http://www.unixmen.com/myunity-3-0-comes-with-a-new-interface-and-ubuntu12-04-support-ppa-ubuntu/11:10
philinuxdubaco: I have an acer 1410 11.6 " screen and unity is just fine. I've shrunk the launcher to 32 wide11:11
dubacohere goes for a reboot11:14
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=== swordjr is now known as anonisnaas
anonisnaasNeed help disabling network-manager to ise Wicd on gnome-shell, every attempt seems to just crash GS after login :/ Any GS 3.4 users here?11:19
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sliptteeswhere I setup my keyboard layout Thinkpad T60?11:36
sliptteeskeyboard type...11:37
penguin42slipttees: I'm running kubuntu here, so things are a bit different - but under system settings isn't there a Keyboard Layout option?11:38
sliptteesonly language... i need choise model, no country11:38
sliptteespenguin42: understand?11:39
penguin42slipttees: I don't think there is anything to choose the model - why would you need to choose the model?11:39
anonisnaasslipttees System/Settings/Keyboard Layout/Layout tab11:39
anonisnaasIf you preview before adding a keyboard it will show you the layout11:40
sliptteespenguin42: my keyboard is Brazil, Brazil = Ç but is an Laptop Lenovo Thinkpad T6011:40
sliptteesthen some key are different.11:40
anonisnaasslipttees, use the preview button to show you the different layouts11:41
anonisnaasThere's no option to pick a model11:41
sliptteespenguin42: in ubuntu 11.10 i select IBM-T60,R60 keyboard11:41
sliptteesanonisnaas: brazil option won't have mey keyboard11:42
sliptteesanonisnaas: IBM keyboard11:43
sliptteeswhy remove keyboard models?11:43
anonisnaasTry portugese, there's are 13 diff keyboard types11:43
anonisnaasone of them should work for you11:44
sliptteesmanufacturer keyboard11:44
sliptteesanonisnaas: no one work fully for me =/11:44
penguin42slipttees: I don't know how Brazillian keyboards work; in the UK there is basically one layout so we never have to understand that - but if none of the layouts work for you submit a bug11:45
anonisnaasslipttees, you might want to a file a bug11:45
sliptteespenguin42: but i Have Ç11:45
sliptteesmey keyborad is abnt211:45
sliptteesanonisnaas: penguin42: if it have manufacturer keyboard setting like 11.10 i would not have problem11:47
anonisnaasslipttees, I agree, unfortunately that's part of gnome desktop now11:49
penguin42slipttees: File the bug - it'll need someone who understands keyboard layouts like that to deal with it11:50
sliptteessorry, but between these and other free software that still has some resistance by new users.11:53
mikeconceptsTrying to make web cam work in skype...Please look at my script to run skype that tries to run v4l, what's wrong with it http://pastebin.com/JhzJEH7q11:53
penguin42slipttees: There are lots of Brazillian linux users, so file the bug and I'm sure someone will be able to make something work for you11:53
penguin42slipttees: T60's are quite popular as well11:54
sliptteesi have 200 computer with ubuntu in my company. penguin4211:55
sliptteesi'm use only LTS version11:55
sliptteesall computer have IBM keyboard11:55
sliptteesAs is my keyboard? I'm thinking about changing linux here.11:56
penguin42slipttees: Well, your choices are basically to file a bug, and hope someone triages it; you could purchase support with canonical.com and pay them to fix it if you're desperate11:56
sliptteesi'm not desperate11:57
sliptteesI'm just disappointed with ubuntu..11:58
astraljavaYou're not desperate, but thinking of changing linux. Hmm...11:58
sliptteeslittle things that make a difference.11:58
astraljava200 installations on a new distribution, you _don't_ call that desperate?11:58
sliptteesastraljava: still use 10.04 LTS.11:58
penguin42slipttees: 10.04 LTS will go out of support in a while11:59
kklimondameh, in another 12 months on desktops11:59
penguin42slipttees: Is the issue you have called 'dead-cedilla' ?11:59
astraljavaslipttees: So? You might wanna calculate the cost of switching distributions first, and compare that to the support contract with C, before you make the decision.11:59
sliptteespenguin42:  key Q won't have /11:59
UrBT60 as in Thinkpad T60?11:59
sliptteesW no have ?11:59
penguin42slipttees: Remember, I've never seen one of these keyboards - so I don't know if that's bad!12:00
sliptteesUrB: Lenovo T40012:00
UrBslipttees: damn - I've been seeking high and low for someone to verify/refute this -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/95041312:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950413 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth connections stalling" [Undecided,New]12:00
UrBI think T60 is one with the same chip - as are some other same era Thinkpads too12:01
sliptteesUrB: keyboard abnt212:01
sliptteesUrB: take a picture. Wait a minute...12:02
UrBmine is X41, with scandinavian keyaboard12:03
sliptteesUrB: ubuntu 11.10 I use IBM layout and T60 model12:04
sliptteeswork fully. :)12:04
LordvedaIs Precise now usable and stable on a production personal notebook???12:04
LordvedaI need to ask what is meant by a Production machine?12:05
kklimondaLordveda: hard to tell12:05
UrBslipttees: I don't have any (keyboard) issues with 12.04 either12:05
sliptteesUrB: but the smart developers remove this option.12:05
kklimondait depends on your hardware, and what applications are you using12:05
LordvedaDoes it mean a heavily used server or what?12:05
sliptteesUrB: I'm just disappointed with ubuntu..12:05
kklimondaslipttees: because it has bugs?12:05
sliptteesno an bug12:06
Lordvedakklimonda: I think a beta2 with many freezes in codes and interface would be very stable for use right?12:06
UrBint9keyboard - I guess that is my kb-model?12:06
sliptteesremove simple features12:06
kklimondaslipttees: what did they remove?12:06
penguin42slipttees: If you stop moaning, and file a bug saying that it breaks a feature for a large chunk of brazillian users it might get fixed!12:06
Lordvedakklimonda: I use GNOME3 / eclipse / games , etc.12:06
sliptteeskklimonda: keyboard setting12:07
kklimondaslipttees: it's there, what exactly is missing from it?12:07
sliptteeskklimonda: now, i won't select manufacture keyboard.12:07
sliptteeskklimonda: i have thousand IBM keyboard.12:08
kklimondaslipttees: then report it and describe your usecase12:08
kklimondaalthough it's a bit too late for doing such tests if you have 10.04 deployed on that many machines12:08
PaulW2ULordveda: : Take a look at bug #969589. I can't even log into 12.04 using lightdm at the moment12:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 969589 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "unity-greeter continually crashing and restarting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96958912:09
sliptteeswhere is the philosophy of "ubuntu"12:09
LordvedaPaulW2U: I think this issue can be temporarily corrected by using gdm instead.12:10
mjjc1337does anyone experience problems when trying to run gnome-shell in 12.04? it runs gnome-fallback instead12:11
kklimondaslipttees: there is nothing about "thou shall not remove features" in the ubuntu philosophy12:11
PaulW2ULordveda: Yes, I know that, but it's a severe bug at this late stage of the development cycle.12:11
anonisnaasmjjc1337, no problems here12:12
sliptteeskklimonda: I'm talking about people12:12
UrBmjjc1337: do you have any external PPAs activated? I've borked my install twice with them beyond repair (with my skills)12:13
kklimondaslipttees: what do you mean?12:13
LordvedaPaulW2U: Is the ubuntu developer team determined to use lightdm instead of gdm for good??12:13
LordvedaI mean as the default choice12:13
sliptteeskklimonda: sorry, but I think you do not think in the end User.12:13
anonisnaasmjjc1337, only problem I have running shell is if I try to install wicd instead of network-manager12:13
mjjc1337UrB, I've just installed Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 and first thing I did was installing gnome-shell12:14
UrBok, then it's a real problem12:14
kklimondaslipttees: no, I just don't quite understand what you are trying to say12:14
PaulW2ULordveda: Probably and even kubuntu as a version of lightdm under development12:14
UrBmjjc1337: any errors in .xsessionerrors12:14
kklimondaslipttees:  "think of the end users" is a poor argument when talking about removing features - it would be a much better argument to say that you have to set a keyboard model to get the correct layout12:15
LordvedaI don't know why not to keep gdm as the default for ubuntu since it is gnome-based distro and to keep kdm for kubuntu being a KDE-based distribution12:15
LordvedaPlus let the users decide if they want that Login manager or the other.12:16
kklimondaslipttees: but it's still possible to do that, only the interface is gone. And while the question of whether removing this ui has been a good decision is still out, you can definitely still configure your keyboard model12:16
mjjc1337UrB, no big thing in .xsession-errors, but here's the output of /usr/bin/gnome-shell: "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"."12:17
UrBoh, would seem gfx-card driver related then as in no hw-acceleration12:17
kklimondaLordveda: because gdm was harder to tweak and extend to provide features developers wanted12:17
sliptteeskklimonda: little things that make a difference.12:19
Lordvedakklimonda: simply because gdm is now more integrated into the Gnome3 way of thinking not in what the ubuntu devs are thinking off12:19
UrBback to the bluetooth bug I pasted earlier: R52, T43, T43p, X32, X41, X41 Tablet, X61, X61s, Z60m, Z60t <- all those Thinkpads have the same bluetooth chip - no-one here have any of those around?12:19
kklimondaLordveda: sure, but that's an issue too as we don't ship gnome-shell as a default desktop anymore so tight integration with it is not helping12:19
kklimondaslipttees: in most cases the option to change keyboard model is completely useless, and confusing because most keyboard models are not on this list.12:20
sliptteestoo kklimonda, i know this a develop preview12:20
mjjc1337UrB, that's weird. I'm running it on Dell XPS 15 with two graphic cards (nVidia and Intel HD). I'm always turning off nVidia because of power regression. Also, gnome-shell runs well on Debian Lenny.12:20
Lordvedakklimonda: I wonder why isn't Gnome-shell the default desktop and why to stick to Unity?12:20
LordvedaI feel that Gnome shell is far more modern than is Unity.12:20
kklimondaslipttees: to this day I have no idea what's the difference between pc102 and pc105, and which should I choose12:20
sliptteeskklimonda: okay... sorry for everything12:20
kklimondaslipttees: you don't actually want a discussion from what I see12:21
sliptteeskklimonda: precise have options select macnufacture keyboard?12:21
kklimondaslipttees: yes it has12:21
UrBmjjc1337: I ran out of knowledge here, but to me it seems like missing hw-accel - maybe someone wiser on this can refute it12:21
kklimondait's just not exposed in the interface12:21
kklimondayou have to edit /etc/default/keyboard and restart (either computer, or proper services)12:22
sliptteeswhy we make a interface for that?12:22
kklimondaLordveda: because Ubuntu developers responsible for those things believe that they can provide a nicer desktop based on Unity12:22
Lordvedakklimonda: I think that forks are not quite good.12:23
kklimondaslipttees: made? are you asking why has the option to change the keyboard model been removed from the ui? I don't know, I assume that it was confusing for most users12:24
kklimondaLordveda: unity is not really a fork12:24
LordvedaI think tweaking the Gnome-shell which is based on Javascript is much more effective + adding extensions for the shell.12:24
sliptteeskklimonda: confusing?12:24
sliptteesokay okay12:24
Lordvedakklimonda: I am not a developer to tell sorry.12:24
kklimondaslipttees: yes, even now I have no idea what's the difference between pc102 and pc105, and why isn't there my keyboard on that list12:24
sliptteeskklimonda: u are american/12:25
kklimondaslipttees: no12:25
UrBre. Unity vs Gnome-Shell - I am ok with Unity being the default shell as long as installing optional one is not made unecessarily hard12:25
kklimondaslipttees: but my national layout doesn't require me to change the keyboard model12:26
sliptteeskklimonda: have custom keyboard?12:26
kklimondaslipttees: no12:26
sliptteeskklimonda: then you do not know how much it sucks to use a keyboard unconfigured.12:27
kklimondaslipttees: well, my keyboard layout uses AltGr to input national characters12:27
kklimondaI don't have to change keyboard model to do that12:28
PaulW2UUrB: Me too. Unfortunately Unity and Gnome Shell share settings such as theme and scrollbars. Hopefully that will change.12:28
slipttees / ? example kklimonda ?12:28
kklimondaslipttees: for example altgr+l gives ł or altgr+c gives ć12:28
kklimondaslipttees: (altgr being the right alt key)12:28
sliptteesAlggr+Q gives / and altgr+w gives ?12:29
sliptteesbut i have key / ? for taht12:29
kklimondaslipttees: no, my layout is different12:29
OldManMagnus12.04 has gone from being pretty stable to wobbly as hell recently. :(12:30
fyrfaktryrock solid here. <shrug>12:31
sliptteeskklimonda: MUAhahahaha12:31
kklimondaslipttees: so the best thing you can do is to report your issue on Launchpad, and describe why you need this option12:31
MCROldManMagnus: I had experienced it the other way 'round. Runs quite nice here now.12:32
OldManMagnusi was having weird flickering on the menubars, just installed the amd drivers (via system settings) and now i can't even log in. :(12:32
OldManMagnusanyone know how to remove the amd drivers from the command line?12:33
kklimondaOldManMagnus: jockey-text12:33
sliptteeskklimonda: no, I'll leave it12:33
kklimondajockey-text -l  will list drivers, and you can disable the right one with jockey-text -d12:33
sliptteesone ubuntu no work for app12:34
ttl-Running  12.04 beta 2 from a live CD and found somthing strange, tail -f /var/log/syslog of /var/log/kern.log is not printing new lines12:34
kklimondaslipttees: if you don't want to report it, are not willing to work on a fix itself, and find paying canonical (or someone else) for fixing it hilarious, then there is very little we can do for you12:34
MCROldManMagnus: http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/03/how-to-install-amd-ati-catalyst-123.html#more12:34
sliptteesthe authentication failed.12:34
sliptteeskklimonda: no pay,  himself solve this.12:35
MCROldManMagnus: fglrx can be tricky ;)12:35
UrBslipttees: making the regression bug report if easy - 10 minutes top12:35
UrBthen you can complain about the bug being neglected instead ;)12:36
LordvedaI need to ask about the Keyboard input methods: What is the difference between them?12:37
MCROldManMagnus: I am usually using sudo sh ./amd-driverinstaller-12-3-x86.x86_64.run --buildandinstallpkg Ubuntu/precise12:37
OldManMagnusMCR: i'll try that12:37
OldManMagnusbrb. rebooting.12:37
kklimondaLordveda: you can configure different input methods to write in "exotic" languages like japanese or korean, where normal keyboard is not good enough12:38
MCRAnyone problems with Eclipse not starting on 12.04 ?12:39
Lordvedakklimonda: I type in arabic and latin (english and french), so would I use any special keyboard input method other than the X window based keyboard layouts?12:40
UrBMCR: which version of Eclipse?12:41
kklimondaLordveda: no idea, I don't have much experience with it - I did play with inputing japanese characters to see how it works.12:41
kklimondaLordveda: it's of no use for "latin" layouts12:41
OldManMagnuswell, i've got the amd drivers uninstalled, so now i can log in, but there are no menus at all. just a wallpaper and a mouse pointer. D:12:41
kklimondaLordveda: in Japanese you have to compose characters from other characters12:42
MCRUrB: 3.7.1-112:42
UrBMCR: at least the Indigo downloaded from Eclipse homepage and then extracted worked on mine12:42
UrBhaven't tried the one from repositories12:42
MCRUrB: which version is that ?12:42
UrB3.7.2 I think12:42
MCRah, ok - thx12:42
OldManMagnusi think i'm going to leave 12.04 till it's released and settled down a bit. :)12:42
sliptteeskklimonda: UrB: http://ubuntuone.com/2srwESmQWDuuLS1YB6PRui12:43
sliptteessee this please12:43
sliptteeskklimonda: see key /?º  ??12:48
sliptteesfor me does't exist12:48
kklimondaslipttees: have you tried editing /etc/default/keyboard to see if setting the correct XKBMODEL fixes it?12:50
kklimonda(eventually variant or layout)12:51
sliptteeskklimonda: Manufacture: IBM Model: IBM ThinkPad R60?T60/R61/T6112:52
dubacohi i was playing open arena just now on 12.04 and it has borked my screen settings - resolution is way too big (things are fuzzy and big12:56
kklimondaslipttees: you can try putting12:57
kklimondainto /etc/default/keyboard and see if it makes things work after reboot12:57
dubacoi will reboot and see if that helps12:58
kklimondaeventually use setxkbmap, but I don't know the correct syntax off the top of my head12:59
Lordvedakklimonda: So if I am not using east asian / Japanese languages I won't be needing any of these keyboard input methods?13:08
LordvedaI mean the ibus and so.13:09
kklimondaLordveda: in this case if you don't know what it is you don't need it, if you needed it you'd probably already look end up looking for it ;)13:10
=== philinux is now known as eye-gor
sliptteeskklimonda: hey13:19
sliptteeskklimonda: well done: http://ubuntuone.com/6JRVyMpYPeA7vezxJpMX2f13:21
kklimondaslipttees: sorry, the link is broken ;)13:22
sliptteeskklimonda: moment...13:23
sliptteeskklimonda: http://ubuntuone.com/6tLSN25hCULekqrtFgJwsA13:23
sliptteeskklimonda: brainstorm?13:25
kklimondaslipttees: I don't think it should be connected to the layout, as all layouts should be using the same keyboard model13:28
kklimondaslipttees: but it's a start13:28
sliptteeskklimonda: can add this on Keyboard interface?13:29
LordvedaWhy isn't there a permanent devel true for ubuntu just like Debian unstable and Fedora Rawhide?13:38
kklimondaslipttees: I don't think it's a proper solution (for the reason I've given - this icon should not be visually linked to the keyboard layout) so I doubt it would be accepted in this form13:38
LordvedaI mean a true branch13:38
kklimondaLordveda: becase that's not how ubuntu is being developed13:38
sliptteeskklimonda: humm13:39
Lordvedakklimonda: How is Ubuntu developed that is contradictory with this way?13:39
astraljavaLordveda: Ubuntu has clear release dates, and set feature targets for each 6 months release, so there's no point in having a rolling release.13:43
astraljavaLordveda: Also many deliverables, which would be pretty hard to coordinate if this wasn't the case.13:43
jtaylordebian hasn'T got a rolling release either13:43
jtaylorthey will freeze in june and then unstable will be what precise is now13:43
sliptteesjibel: Hey13:43
astraljavajtaylor: Ok, poor choice of words.13:44
astraljavajtaylor: I meant that Debian doesn't have a known release date for the next one when the current is being released.13:44
astraljavaAs where Ubuntu knows very closely when the next dev cycle is ending.13:45
jtaylorI meant Lordveda#s comment "like debian unstable"13:45
astraljavas/closely/precisely/ (no pun intended)13:45
ZoffixHey. How to turn off those dumb new scrollbars? I found this article, but I don't want to relogout/reboot: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/04/disable-overlay-scrollbars-in-ubuntu.html13:52
kklimondaLordveda: we simply don't need a place to upload new versions of software most of the time, as we sync a lot of packages from debian anyway so most of our work (outside of main) is integration and testing13:53
ZoffixThe guy in the comment said to use export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0, but that did jack for me :/13:53
sliptteesjibel: http://ubuntuone.com/6tLSN25hCULekqrtFgJwsA13:53
kklimondaZoffix: you have to relogin/reboot for LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 to take effect, otherwise it will only affect your current shell13:53
ZoffixThat sucks.13:54
kklimondaZoffix: you can also remove packages that ship those scrollbars13:55
kklimondait wouldn't require reboot/relogin but it's a more drastic solution13:55
Zoffixkklimonda, I already did, I believe, but it seems I still need to reboot.13:55
kklimondaZoffix: no, but you have to restart each application that uses them13:55
ZoffixHa. Ha. Ha. Turns out the "Reset" button is actually a "Logout" button..13:58
ZoffixIt feels like this beta2 is actually alpha114:00
ZoffixIt feels like this beta2 is actually alpha114:01
Zoffixoops.. Sorry, focus bug..14:01
kklimondabeta is supposed to have bugs14:02
kklimondaotherwise it wouldn't be called beta ;)14:02
ZoffixSure, but I thought I read that now everything is "locked" or something, and only critical bugs will be fixed...14:02
ZoffixAn improperly renamed button isn't really critical *shrug*14:03
kklimondanot really, we are still fixing all the bugs we can find and reproduce14:04
ZoffixAh, that's cool then.14:04
kklimondabut in this case it's more likely that the button is properly labeled but something else is broken so reboot doesn't work14:04
itaylor57!info xfce14:10
ubottuPackage xfce does not exist in precise14:10
Dr_willisits xubuntu-desktop i belive.14:16
ZoffixWell, you were right. I rebooted and the button now works as advertised. (and my scrollbars are now normal too).14:16
Dr_willismay be a smaller package.14:16
LordvedaBy the way, how to downgrade if the upgrade isn't working fine in a proper way??14:19
eye-gorLordveda: I think reinstall14:23
tomodachithere is no downgrad path i n debian pased distros14:24
tomodachiat least not that i think is supported officially14:25
jtayloruse snapshots14:29
jtaylore.g. via lvm or better zfs or btrf14:29
jtaylorI think for btrfs there should be a btrfs-upgrade with it automated14:29
jtaylorfor zfs there is apt-clone (not the packaged one)14:31
XunilHi, is there currently any way to install wine and "circumventing" the gettext-bug in 64-bit ubuntu 12.04?14:52
neclimdulso... i tried to install skype and no apt-get and aptitude seem to be totally hosed14:55
mateoburHUD is not working for me14:56
mateoburI press <Alt> and nothing...14:56
neclimduleverythign i do just ends with libcomerr2 errors14:57
jtaylortry dpkg -r libcomerr2:i38614:59
neclimduljtaylor: ok, done. now i ran a couple commands and its asking for me to run apt-get -f install which just tries to reinstall it15:00
jtaylortry removing skype that pulls this thing15:01
neclimduljtaylor: something else must be doing it as well. purging skype says there's no package but its still trying to do it15:10
bjsniderneclimdul, is that libcomerr2 deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?15:25
neclimdulbjsnider: libcomerr2_1.42-1ubuntu2_i386.deb15:25
bjsnideryeah so install it manually with dpkg -i15:26
neclimdulbjsnider: well apt-get can install it just fine. i think the problem is somehow my system is halfway between adm64 and i38615:27
bjsniderif you install it and then ask for skype what happens?15:28
ZoffixI hear noise when I play audio (a crackling sound, as when you take off a staticy sweater). It wasn't there yesterday, any idea on how to fix?15:31
neclimdulskype depends on ia32-libs; however: Package ia32-libs is not installed.15:31
kklimondaneclimdul: and try installing ia32-libs ?15:32
neclimdulwell that did something15:34
neclimdulwill tell you how it goes in a few15:34
ZoffixNever mind, I ran alsamixer -Dhw and moved the PCM slider and the problem is gone (the solution from this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=987252)15:36
neclimdulZoffix: sounds like the level was too high15:37
neclimdulkklimonda: downloaded some files then the same error15:37
kklimondaah, error15:39
kklimondaneclimdul: you are in for a ride ;)15:40
kklimondaneclimdul: first lets try removing it15:40
kklimondaneclimdul: see if that helps: dpkg --force-depends -P libcomerr2:i38615:41
kklimondaand then apt-get -f install15:41
kklimondapurging should remove all content from dpkg database15:42
kklimondamaybe just removing package wasn't enough, and something was left out15:42
neclimdulkklimonda: well it didn't try to reinstall libcomerr2 this time. it did list a bunch of :i386 packages though. then when i accepted it gave the same no filename for libcomerr2  error15:44
* neclimdul can paste if helpful15:44
kklimondaneclimdul: try reinstalling both libcomerr2_1.42-1ubuntu2_i386.deb and libcomerr2_1.42-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb from /var/cache/apt/archives15:47
kklimondagod, those multiarch errors are something new15:47
* neclimdul blames skype15:48
neclimdulkklimonda: i might know more about what went wrong but i was lazy and installed it by clicking on the .deb in dolphin and muon didn't give me any useful output15:49
neclimdulwell the 64bit version isn't in the cache but i did have it lying around from hacking earlier :)15:51
kklimonda(make sure both have the same version)15:52
neclimdullibcomerr2_1.42-1ubuntu2_i386.deb and libcomerr2_1.42-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb15:53
neclimdullook the same15:53
neclimdulkklimonda: after installing them run apt-get -f install again?15:55
eye-gorI cant believe we are going live with ambiance theme like this > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/925895/comments/6215:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 925895 in light-themes (Ubuntu Precise) "Ambiance sub-menus light like Radiance after latest light-themes update." [High,Invalid]15:56
neclimdulwell selecting and unpacking this time. looks promising15:56
kklimondaeye-gor: why? it actually looks good15:57
kklimondamore readable than in 11.1015:57
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neclimdulkklimonda: wow it finished! thanks!16:00
=== Guest20909 is now known as jbicha_
eye-gorkklimonda: No way looks good. Ambiance is a dark theme why the mismatch16:03
eye-gorkklimonda: Ambiance is 11.10 is really nice16:04
neclimdulkklimonda: everything looks good. upgrades ran and skype installed without hickup.16:08
kklimondaneclimdul: great16:08
neclimdulgoing to part but i'm on freenode all the time. if someone wants details or something i'll hold onto this console log, just pm me16:08
kklimondaeye-gor: ambiance wasn't really a dark theme before16:09
kklimondait has some dark elements16:09
DaekdroomI think the current approach makes sense.16:10
Daekdroomand it took me little time to get used to the white context menus16:10
kklimondathey'll most likely create a dark version because Gtk+ 3.0 supports both and some applications look good with a dark theme16:10
kklimondabut dark theme never really worked for majority of gtk apps16:11
DaekdroomI remember there used to be a dark version of Ambiance in maverick that they were trying to use in some apps, but it never made it past Beta.16:11
kklimondayeah, there was a dark variant in development16:12
kklimondabut I can't think of applications that made use of it then16:12
kklimondatotem supports it since 3.016:12
kklimondaand gnome boxes (or whatever it's called)16:12
kklimondaand I can think of quite a few good uses for the dark variant so I expect Canonical to create it during 12.10 cycle16:13
eye-gorHope so cos that awesome bar does not look good.16:13
DaekdroomGNOME Terminal would look much better in black.16:13
eye-gorDaekdroom: Mine is. ;)16:14
kklimondaDaekdroom: it actually had dark tabs at some point16:14
kklimondaand it didn't look that good imo16:15
eye-gorI got white on black with transparency16:15
DaekdroomI don't think the current white tabs fit it very well.16:15
hggdhanyone noticing /usr/lib/indicator/app-menu/hud-service resident memory increasing in time? Mine has reached 850M16:15
DaekdroomYou have a black titlebar, then white tabs, then a purple box....16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967879 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) ""hud-service" has a memory leak (I think)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:15
hggdhDaekdroom: muchos thanks16:16
hggdhit is, actually, just another memory-hungry appl, like thunderbird and chromium-browser and firefox16:19
kklimondahttps://plus.google.com/115547683951727699051/posts/MuB3MkCnieK lol16:21
Daekdroomhggdh, nope.16:21
DaekdroomThere is a memory leak in there.16:22
DaekdroomBecause the RAM usage increases over time and the only way to recover it is to kill the process.16:22
hggdhDaekdroom: I know. My point there is with these four, I am able to run out of memory in 24 hours16:22
kklimondahggdh: well, I did have a compiz memory leak in 11.1016:25
kklimondacompiz leaked something around 1M per second16:25
kklimondaor even faster16:25
hggdhkklimonda: I remember :-)16:25
kklimondanow that was a resource hungry app ;)16:25
hggdhI agree, I cannot repeat it with thunderbird -- my rate there is around 1G per 8 hours16:26
kklimondahud-service shouldn't really use that much memory16:26
kklimondaevery time someone asks on irc if my hud-service is leaking I check it, and it never is ;)16:27
kklimondaalthough I almost never use it16:27
kklimondaI'm still trying to figure out how to integrate it into my workflow16:27
hggdhI do not either, but it seems I hit the Alt key quite frequently (and have them to close HUD)16:30
kklimondahggdh: do you press alt by itself that often, or are you hitting another bug where alt+key brings hud?16:31
ironhalikI dont think HUD provides the same quality jump for UI as dash/launchy/win7 search bar does16:32
kklimondahud was unusable to me at the beginning as I was apparently pressing keys too fast resulting in hud opening on every alt-tab16:32
kklimondaI'm pretty sure they will be refining it as they go16:32
hggdhkklimonda: usually hitting in combination (Ctrl-Alt-arrows, Ctrl-Alt-Shift-arrows, Crtl-Alt)16:32
kklimondabut that begs the question why throw it into LTS :/16:32
hggdhand Alt-Tab, of course :-)16:32
kklimondaI'd still prefer LTS releases to be focused entirely on stability issues16:33
kklimondaaka no new features (other than Firefox! ;))16:33
kklimondahggdh: that sounds like a bug16:33
ironhalikwell, faster unity is a welcome feature ;>16:33
kklimondahggdh: neither of those combinations bring hud for me and I press them really fast16:33
kklimondaironhalik: sure, they could work on performance too16:33
hggdhkklimonda: I am not that fast :-)16:33
DaekdroomApart from the UI updates, I think Rhythmbox over Banshee is the only new 'feature'.16:34
hggdhand it does not happen always16:34
kklimondahggdh: I'd actually expect it to be the case when the faster you press those combinations the bigger chance is some timeout is not being reached and hud opens16:34
kklimondahggdh: maybe you use some VM?16:34
spacebug-hggdh: I also seemd to press alt often and I brought up the HUD so I disabled the shortcut for that but of course you can change it to another key instead. I'm using alt+(number) in irssi to change window and that made me often bring up the HUD =)16:34
kklimondathere was this ugly bug when all alt+key sent to VM actually opened hud16:35
kklimondaI don't know if that's fixed but it was so bad that you couldn't even alt-tab ;)16:35
hggdhkklimonda: no, this is on my bare-metal. I rarely use Ubuntu desktop on a VM16:35
kklimondabecause it stole key focus from VM and opened the hud16:35
hggdhbut I do use VM a lot for server images, and the focus issue is there16:35
spacebug-kklimonda: alt+tab bug is fixed and so is the bug that made the current application catch the keystroke for changing desktop16:36
kklimondaspacebug-: great :)16:36
spacebug-yeah ;)16:36
kklimondanow only if they fixed like 4 different issues with unity and workspaces I hit all the time :(16:36
spacebug-kklimonda: like?16:36
kklimondaspacebug-: for example when I set window to use left half of the screen on the left workspace, switch to the right one, and then use super+# to switch back to the application it changes workspace instead16:37
kklimonda(i.e. application moves from the left workspace to the right one)16:37
kklimondait's probably related to the fact that even if a very small part of the window is on the workspace unity considers that the entire window is there and just gives it focus16:38
kklimondaso I've also found myself often wondering why nothing is happening when I try to change application just to notice a tiny part of the window showing on the top of my current workspace16:39
spacebug-kklimonda: that does not happen for me16:39
hggdhhappens here16:40
kklimondaspacebug-: just create a nautilus window on the bottom-right workspace, move it down a little so part of its window is "below" the desktop and switch to the top-right workspace16:41
kklimondaspacebug-: when you press alt-tab you'll notice that you can switch to nautilus, and when you do that it will move between workspaces16:42
itaylor57KM0201, xfce is working well16:43
spacebug-now I get what you mean16:43
KM0201itaylor57: you're lucky.16:43
KM0201it drove me nanners16:43
spacebug-kklimonda: is that really a bug or a design thing?16:43
kklimondaspacebug-: it's definitely not what I'd expect16:43
itaylor57KM0201, what are you using these days?16:43
spacebug-if a window is on multiple desktops then how should it be handled?16:44
KM0201for... about 6-7mo I think.. I love it16:44
kklimondaspacebug-: but the problem is it often happens without your input16:44
spacebug-kklimonda: well you had to press alt+tab to switch to the application for it to change workspace right?16:45
spacebug-but that also makde it move so the menu/titlebar is on the active workspace16:45
kklimondaspacebug-: yes, but I was expecting unity to switch to the correct workspace, and not application moving between workspaces16:46
kklimondaspacebug-: for example it happens sometimes when another bug makes unity place the window so part of it is outside of the screen (and so it's placed between workspaces)16:47
kklimondaspacebug-: in this case window moving between workspaces on alt-tab is completely confusing16:47
spacebug-you dont even have to use multiple workspaces just move a windows more that half it size up the screen and alt+tag and it will move it down to show the menu/bar16:47
digikwondohi foks.  running 12.04 with gnome classic. how do i delete shortcuts from the panel. when i rightclick i only get launch and properties.16:47
spacebug-well actuallt that is doing the same so forget what I said16:48
spacebug-kklimonda: you might be right there. I rarely have widows on multiple workspaces so I never think about that16:49
kklimonda(I wonder if I actually reported this one)16:50
spacebug-but yes unity handles windows strange sometimes. Like if you are on one workspace and start a client machine in virtualbox and while that machine is booting up you switch to another workspace, then when the machine has botted up it will bring its window to the active workspace but you will not be able to alt+tab to it. It's like it does not know witch workspace it is on. You can though use ctrl+alt+tab (switch thorough all16:51
spacebug-applications on all workspaces) to get to it16:51
Jacsjeeshi team i got a message in my 12.04 asking to do a partial update but it fails on the mid way I am not able to update my system can some one help please17:07
Dr_willistry a simple 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'  perhaps?17:08
Dr_willisits possible theres some issue that may get fixed over the next few days also.17:08
JacsjeesE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:09
JacsjeesE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/17:09
Dr_willisyou got another apt/package manager tool going perhaps.17:09
andre_I'm using Gnome 3 classic. How can I get rid of the bottom panel, i like using only awn.17:10
JacsjeesI dont see any please help me kill any if active from terminal17:10
andre_BTW, for any devs in here. 12.04 is awesome. Works great with my SSD and it recognize my sound card with no issues.17:10
Daekdroomandre_, try Alt + Right Click17:11
DaekdroomIf you are using compiz, Super + Alt + Right Click17:11
andre_Daekdroom, that let's me get rid of one of them. But then the other delete panel is dimmed.17:13
DaekdroomI think that's because you can't delete all panels.17:13
spacebug-in gnome-terminal when pressing F10 I get same menu as clicking right mouse button. This is after disabeling F10 for "Menu shortcut key". Using mc I dont want that menu at all. Any way to disable that behaviour?17:15
Dr_willisspacebug-,  check the terminal settings again. I normally disable that also.17:18
Dr_willisspacebug-,  or i often make a launcher just for mc in a xterm, or other terminal app.17:18
spacebug-I have checked and nothing strange in keybindings17:18
spacebug-this started in 11.10 I think17:19
spacebug-Dr_willis: yes xterm works so well17:19
Arnoldspacebug-, I guess because GNOME Terminal is a GNOME application, it respects the keybindings that it's being set within GNOME (and for Unity, in that case).17:20
digikwondohi foks. quite irritating thing. i draged a tab in firefox to the top panel. its now a shortcut i cannot remove. right click gives "launch" and "properties"17:21
digikwondorunning 12.04 with gnome classic.17:21
Dr_willisspacebug-,  not on a ubuntu box to check.  I use mc so much. i always make a custom xterm -fn XXXXXX -e mc   launcher. :)17:21
Arnolddigikwondo, try Alt + Right-Click on it17:21
digikwondoArnold: nothing happens....  just shows a longer description17:22
Arnolddigikwondo, it should offer you with more options if you hold Alt while right-clicking.17:23
digikwondoArnold: nope it wont . on my 10.04 machine it does but not in 12.04 with gnome-classic session17:23
digikwondoinstalled "gnome-panel" through software center. should i try reinstall ?17:24
Arnolddigikwondo, that's because this behavior was altered within GNOME 3 which was added since Ubuntu 11.1017:24
ArnoldLet me check it from my end by recreating your scenario.17:24
digikwondoArnold: thanks mate ;)17:25
DaekdroomTry Super + Alt + Right Click, digikwondo17:25
DaekdroomCompiz uses Alt + Click for something else, so if you are using compiz as window manager, you'll need Super too17:25
digikwondo<Daekdroom> Try Super + Alt + Right Click, , this worked! Thanks! been bugging me for days!17:25
ArnoldHeh, I'm using mostly the non-Compiz one, so.. that's why it worked :P17:26
ArnoldSo in any case, whether it's Mutter or Metacity, it's only Alt+Right Click, so I guess only Compiz adds that extra Super key as prerequisite.17:27
Dr_williswe need s superduperkey next.....17:29
Dr_williswife: 'How do i zoom in on this video on your tablet'   me: 'Pinch the screen'      her: 'wont i break it?'17:30
Dr_willisjust using terms to describe all these actions these days.. is going to require a whole new language. :)17:31
Roastedis anybody running 12.04 on a netbook by chance?17:33
kklimondaRoasted: I am17:35
Roastedkklimonda, what are the specs of your netbook?17:35
Roastedhow would you say it runs?17:35
Dr_willisran ok on my EEE netbook17:37
kklimondaRoasted: atom 1.66 with HT, some ghetto gpu supported by the i915 driver and a slow disk17:37
Roasted3d, 2d?17:37
Roastedkklimonda, runs decent?17:37
kklimondaRoasted: unity 3d is not really usable when you start launching too many applications17:37
kklimondaRoasted: unity-2d works much better17:37
RoastedI just ask because I have two netbooks here. One is 1.5ghz AMD E240 single core with no HT, its kind of sluggish once I open 2-3 apps17:38
Roastedbut my other netbook, Intel Atom 1.6ghz with HT and N10 chipset and SSD (albeit, not a super snappy one) works a bit better17:38
Dr_willisi tend to use lubuntu on my netbooks.17:38
RoastedDr_willis, I think I might start doing that as well17:38
kklimondaRoasted: definitely worth switching to unity-2d17:38
RoastedI sure am growing to like Unity though.17:38
Roastedkklimonda, oh I'm on Unity 2D. :P17:38
Roastedkklimonda, the 1.5ghz single core with no HT just kinda chugs though17:39
Dr_williswith the little screen, and what i do on the netbook. lubuntu runs fine.17:39
kklimondaoh, I do have 2gigs of ram17:39
RoastedI think I do as well17:39
Roastedboth of them have 2gb I believe17:39
kklimondaRoasted: what's using the most cpu? there is a bug with firefox and hud-service making them use a lot of cpu17:39
RoastedI don't use Firefox...17:39
Roastedit's hard to tell right now because my keyboard just stopped working on the 1.5ghz unit17:40
Roasted2nd one I've replaced17:40
Dr_willisI use my netbook as a video player :) so its always vlc taking my cpu17:40
RoastedI just wanted to ask in here quick17:40
kklimondaRoasted: the truth is those older netbooks are really underpowered17:40
Roastedyeah, I hear ya17:41
kklimondatheir performance is good when you are running a single application17:41
vatueilhi, i want to install acpi-support on a server but it depends on x11-xserver-utils. is that really necessary?17:42
Roastedlooks like unity 2d can spike up to about 30% if I hit the super key twice to enable it and disable it17:42
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
penguin42vatueil: Oh that's bizarre17:43
hggdhvatueil: what UBuntu version?17:44
penguin42vatueil: Oh I see, I think it contains a mix of scripts, some of which probably do things to X, hence the dependency17:44
kklimondavatueil: all it really brings in is a couple of libraries17:44
vatueilpenguin42:  12.04 nightly17:44
vatueilpenguin42:  yeah but still i'd prefer if it didn't :) it seems to me that it should just recommend the x11 dependency17:44
ZoffixHey, is there a way to autorestart a program if it crashes? I'm using openbox that keeps crashing, and I can only come up with so many ways to restart it without any window manager....17:45
kklimondait's actually a decent argument17:45
Roastedahh and there's a 90% spike17:45
Roastedbut toned down17:45
Daekdroomlightdm is not starting for me during boot. I have to go to tty1 and use 'sudo service lightdm start'. Reinstalling lightdm and unity-greeter packages did not work for me. Any thoughts?17:45
ZoffixErr... Just thought of something; I could use this line in a terminal:    openbox --replace; openbox --replace;openbox --replace; and when one instance crashes, the other will be run. Duh!17:45
penguin42Daekdroom: Anything in /var/log/lightdm ?17:46
gobatarhi all, wireless setup problems on my HP pavilion, broadcom device is not working.. Any suggestions? thax17:46
Daekdroomlightdm.log      x-0.log          x-1.log          x-0-greeter.log  x-1-greeter.log17:46
penguin42Daekdroom: So, after reboot and before you've manually started lightdm has any of those files been written?17:47
kklimondahggdh: you think moving xorg-xserver-utils from Depends to Recommends at this point is something core devs would at consider? It seems to be using xset in one of the scripts17:47
DaekdroomBe back in two minutes17:48
hggdhkklimonda: the depends is warranted -- it *is* using xset. The question is how important is this on a server, and if xorg-xserver-utils could be made a dependency of another core X11 package17:49
hggdhkklimonda: I personally always thought X11 dependencies on a server to be crap17:50
hggdhbut I am not sure this would be accepted for 12.04 at this point in time. It might be considered for +117:50
kklimondahggdh: it seems that it's using xset to blank/restore the screen when X is running17:51
hggdhkklimonda: ah, I was downloading the source now :-)17:51
penguin42kklimonda: Does it test for X running before doing that, or just does it do it anyway?17:51
hggdhthere is NO sense in using X to blank a screen on a server17:51
Daekdroompenguin42, yes, there are files there.17:52
penguin42Daekdroom: So, any of them got any fun failure messages in?17:52
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penguin42hggdh: It depends on your definition of a server; some people run servers that do things like run tape drives with backup management software on the local head17:52
penguin42hggdh: Or leave a head running a display of nagios or the like17:53
hggdhpenguin42: for me, old school and all that, a server does not have X. It it is running X, it is not a server, it is a beefed up desktop.17:53
penguin42hggdh: Yeh, that's just what I'm disagreeing with17:54
hggdhpenguin42: this is even more true on Precise, were we consolidated the kernel images17:54
hggdhthere might be other reasons to have X support, like tunneling -- some software out there simply cannot be installed without X17:54
Daekdroompenguin42, no specific failure messages, but there are some weird things there.17:54
penguin42Daekdroom: pastebin?17:55
Daekdroom1 moment17:55
penguin42hggdh: But I agree you shouldn't require it when unneeded17:55
hggdhpenguin42: oh, yes, of course I do agree. I just do not know if this will be accpeted at this point in time. This *may* have other consequences.17:56
Daekdroompenguin42, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/910433/17:56
hggdhI am looking at the bug history now to find why this was done17:56
DaekdroomAh. There's something weird at the beginning of x-0-greeter.log too. I'll pastebin it.17:57
hggdhpenguin42: I think this is there mostly historically -- the change was introduced on Breezy; at this point in time, pretty much only laptops had ACPI support (really)17:58
kklimondapenguin42: it does seem to be checking if X is running (looking for /tmp/.X11-unix/*) before actually calling xset so it should be safe to remove it unless there are other scripts that depend on utils from xorg-xserver-utils18:00
vatueilkklimonda:  +1 that's exactly what I was hoping for18:01
vatueiljust check if x is installed and if not don't call the x commands. they are IMO not really related to the other ACPI features18:01
penguin42Daekdroom: Those look like it successfully starting; are you sure that's before you started it manually? It just seems to have authentication complete fo ruser marcos, so seems to be logging you in, and has a starting session ubuntu-2d18:02
penguin42kklimonda: Nod18:02
Daekdroompenguin42, I haven't used ubuntu-2d in quite awhile.18:02
Daekdroomand I copied the folder to my /home from tty1.18:02
Daekdroomafter rebooting.18:02
kklimondahggdh: also, aren't we dropping acpi-support anyway soonish? I kinda remember someone (slangasek?) mentioning it ;)18:03
kklimonda(soonish != in precise cycle of course)18:03
vatueilkklimonda:  what would it be replaced with?18:03
kklimondavatueil: I don't know18:03
hggdhkklimonda: yes, I am raking my memory -- I have this dimm feeling it was going out18:03
kklimondasystemd? ;)18:03
* hggdh shudders18:04
kklimondasystemd seems to be replacing pretty much everything these days ;)18:04
penguin42Daekdroom: Hmm, I'd be tempted to nuke the content of that lot and try again and see what new is written18:04
hggdhcan it replace Thunderbird?18:04
kklimondahggdh: it's not really that bad - it has its quirks, but I'd be happy for Ubuntu to replace upstart with systemd if it'd make other distributions follow ours (and RHELs) suit.18:05
Daekdroompenguin42, so I should erase all the files there and do it again?18:05
kklimondaI can already imagine a brave new world where each distribution doesn't use its own init system ;)18:05
hggdhvatueil: you can test it if you want -- download the package, force-install it, and observe...18:05
penguin42Daekdroom: That's what I'd be tempted to do - just so you can see what errors are being written when it fails18:05
* hggdh is not responsible for any breakage resulting from above suggestion18:05
vatueilhggdh:  sorry it's a production server :) can't really do that18:06
kklimondaactually, there is a nifty dpkg tool created just for this usecase18:06
kklimondait fakes dependencies18:06
hggdhvatueil: actually, I am happy you will NOT do it18:06
kklimondavatueil: well, do it on a testing machine first18:06
vatueilkklimonda:  oh that's interesting. what's its name?18:06
hggdhvatueil: I will do it on one of my test servers18:06
kklimondavatueil: let me think..18:06
kklimondavatueil, hggdh ^18:07
vatueilhggdh:  thanks! let me know if it works (and it would be really awesome if that change would make it into 12.04)18:07
kklimondagod, the name is so obscure18:07
kklimondabut it's a very... clean solution to the wrong problem ;)18:07
kklimondaand it's more or less oficially sanctioned by debian devs to solve problems like "why is php depending on a http server"18:08
vatueilkklimonda:  ah i think i saw some of those packages somewhere once, e.g. "http-server-dummy"18:09
hggdhugh -- full list of depends for acpi-support: acpid consolekit libck-connector0 libpam-ck-connector libx86-1 pm-utils radeontool toshset vbetool xinput18:09
hggdhand this is on a server running Precise18:10
vatueilhggdh:  well radeontool and toshset is only recommended i think18:10
vatueilhggdh:  but +1 on the ugh18:10
Daekdroompenguin42, it didn't write anything.18:10
kklimondaRecommends: toshset, radeontool, xinput, wireless-tools18:10
penguin42Daekdroom: Makes you wonder if it ever tried to start at all18:11
DaekdroomI think it's getting stuck somewhere in the boot.18:11
DaekdroomIs it /var/log/boot.log where I can check that?18:11
penguin42Daekdroom: I'm guessing lightdm starts after something else and has a dependency and whatever that was stopped - perhaps initctl or some other upstart debug will tell me - I'm not good at debugging upstart18:11
kklimondaDaekdroom: can you paste dmesg somewhere?18:12
kklimondaDaekdroom: I've had a weird oops in kernel which prevented lightdm from starting (probably some weird upstart dependency issue) but didn't actually affect boot ;)18:12
hggdhvatueil: yes, you are correct.18:12
penguin42there is some new debug/logging in the new upstart in pp I think, can't remember how it works18:13
kklimondapenguin42: oh? that would be nice, the logging I know was pretty... hard to actually read ;)18:14
yofelthe old way was adding --verbose to the kernel command line18:14
yofelhaven't heard of anything newer yet18:14
kklimondagod I still remember debuging issues where the underlying problem was broken /etc/network/interfaces not bringing loopback up..18:14
penguin42Daekdroom: /var/log/upstart perhaps?18:16
Daekdroomkklimonda, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/910464/ the problem is clearly at those last two lines18:16
DaekdroomOddly I don't have gdm installed18:16
andre_Ok, i was in here a bit earlier asking about how to remove the bottom panel in Gnome 3 classic.18:17
andre_I got it.18:17
andre_kill all gnome-panel processes, then open term and sudo mv /usr/bin/gnome-panel /usr/bin/gnome-panel.bck18:18
andre_that'll get it for good, then you can use AWN or Cairo. I'm an AWN guy. Anyhow, that's it.18:18
yofelDaekdroom: what's your default display manager?18:19
Daekdroomyofel, lightdm18:19
kklimondaandre_: that's not really a way to remove the bottom panel18:19
andre_kklimonda, how's that?18:19
DaekdroomIt'll come back as soon as you upgrade the gnome-panel package, andre_18:19
kklimondaI'd call it a hacky wacky solution18:19
kklimondaandre_: next gnome-panel update will restore this file18:19
andre_Daekdroom, well, that is true, but I can always neglect to upgrade that file or do the same thing when it does get upgraded.18:20
kklimondaandre_: when I was using gnome2 there was a gconf key which you had to modify to stop it from launching gnome-panel18:20
ZoffixHey, how can I restore the screenshot app we had earlier, the one that opens the window and asks where to save or gives you an option to copy to clipboard?18:20
andre_I'd also assume that it wouldn't be getting much updates since they're moving on with Gnome3 shell.18:20
DaekdroomZoffix, are you using Unity?18:20
ZoffixDaekdroom, no, gnome classic18:20
andre_kklimonda, I know about that one , but it doesn't exits in gnome 3 classic.18:20
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jbicha_you could create a new .session that won't autostart gnome-panel18:20
andre_jbicha_, hmm... how's that?18:21
kklimondaandre_: but I'd look for the similar solution for the post gnome2 world18:21
DaekdroomZoffix, it still works that way for Unity, but Gnome developers asked for Ubuntu to not touch on how it works for other Gnome sessions (saving directly to a folder)18:21
andre_kklimonda, no where to be found yet. i've looked. That bottom panel was driving me insane.18:21
ZoffixDaekdroom, mkay, seems like Gnome really regressed majorly. I don't see how saving to a folder is more useful than having all the options opened to your fingertips *sigh*18:22
hodgyI just installed the 12.04 beta, anything neat I should look at? I'm running it in virtual box18:22
DaekdroomZoffix, it's something to do with their new approach to key shortcuts.18:22
jbicha_andre_: look in /usr/share/xsessions and /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions18:23
kklimondaZoffix: what does launching gnome-screenshot -i does ?18:23
kklimondadoes does* sigh18:23
Zoffixkklimonda, better than nothing, definitely. Almost the same as the old way, except now I get too many options. I guess you can't win, lol. Thanks.18:25
ZoffixNow I have trouble finding how to disable sound effects....*sigh*18:25
kklimondaI wonder how it works in gnome-shell18:25
ZoffixI think I might as well just install KDE.. same learning curve anyway, it seems with all the changes.18:25
kklimondabecause there it uses some dbus calls to take screenshots18:26
kklimondaI wonder if gnome-shell actually handles indicating to the user that screenshot has been taken (and where it went)18:26
kklimondaZoffix: well, you can always switch to Unity - learning curve is definitely better here, then when you switch to KDE ;)18:27
jbicha_Zoffix: how are you trying to start gnome-screenshot?18:27
Zoffixjbicha_, by pressing PrintScreen button18:27
jbicha_Zoffix: yeah, try looking for Take Screenshot in the Activities Overview, or run gnome-screenshot -i18:28
Zoffixkklimonda, I hate unity. It completely annuls my working habits I used for years (both at home and at work).18:28
kklimondadamn, it makes me wondering what kind of habits do people have :D18:28
kklimondaI've been using gnome for years and switching to unity took little to no effort on my part18:28
Zoffixkklimonda, I have 20 workspaces.....18:28
Zoffix...'nuf said I think :)18:28
* yofel only had to adjust his habits slightly when he switched to KDE in karmic18:28
kklimondaZoffix: geez18:28
yofelhaven't really tried unity in precise yet18:29
kklimondaZoffix: how do you group applications to so many workspaces?18:29
kklimondayofel: it's definitely better than in 11.1018:29
Zoffixkklimonda, xchat in workspace 1, Firefox in workspace 2, image viewer with black screen in w3 to "turn off" monitor when I'm reading/studying. Then evolution in the last workspace, virtualbox in the before-last. The rest I use to open nautiluses/terminals/gftp, etc. I leave them open until all my workspaces are full, then I go and close anything I don't want.18:31
Zoffixkklimonda, and I live nautiluses/terminals open instead of closing right away, because I often need to go back to the dir I had them open on.18:31
kklimondaZoffix: hmm, you run one application per workspace?18:31
Zoffixkklimonda, not really. If I'm trying to set something up, I have a terminal open on the same window as workspace. Right now I'm studying, so I have a separate workspace for my electronic lesson books and work books (LibreOffice documents).18:32
kklimondaZoffix: mhm, makes sense - although seems a bit excessive18:33
ZoffixI can also see in the workspace switcher if some app finished running (like copying files or synaptic installing stuff).18:33
yofelthat's the workflow KDE suggest with activities, but I can't really get used to that18:33
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Zoffixkklimonda, well, I guess I could do with about 5 workspaces, but then I'd have to go on my "closing stuff I no longer need" more often.18:34
ZoffixThe other thing I dislike in Unity is that I only get the icons of open windows on the side, and not their titles.18:34
kklimondaI run irc+im+mail on first workspace, webbrowser and random stuff on the second one, VMs with related apps on the third, and development tools on the fourth..18:35
Zoffix(and I trying running gnome-panel, but that's when everything started crashing left and right)18:35
ZoffixI have development tools run on a second monitor at work. That monitor has about 6 workspaces... Same concept, except each workspace is a separate project, for which I open quanta/kdevelop and a terminal.18:36
kklimondaalthough now that workspaces are a bit buggy the entire workflow took a hit18:36
kklimondadamn you beta18:36
ZoffixSpeaking of which, I see quanta is no longer in the repos; what do people use for webdev these days?18:36
kklimondaI switch between vim and wing ide depending on what I'm writing18:37
kklimondaalthough I don't really do frontend stuff18:37
penguin42kklimonda: vim, lots and lots and lots of vim instnaces :-)18:38
kklimondapenguin42: ah, that's why I'm trying to switch to emacs18:38
yofeluh, vim has tabs and split windows you know...18:38
kklimondawith vim I always end up having it running in background with the file I'm trying to edit opened and I get a prompt18:39
kklimondayofel: I've never really gotten used to vim window splitting and tabs18:39
yofelI use tabs a lot, window splitting not that much - there I had to remap the keys as the defaults hurt my hands18:39
penguin42kklimonda: Yeh I know some people who use the gvim, personally I just use lots of separate gnome-terminal tabs and terminals (and get lost in them)18:39
* yofel used to have lots of gnome-terminal windows open too back when he used gnome18:40
yofelnow I'm using yakuake with byobu running inside18:40
penguin42yofel: Actually, at home it's konsole's; at work I still use Gnome18:40
kklimondabyobu is weird18:41
kklimondaI'm trying to use it on the servers and inside VMs18:41
kklimondabut then I quit it by accident18:41
kklimondaor forget to open a new window and just connect to the server again getting cloned byobu session..18:41
hggdhit is a question of getting used18:42
kklimondaI guess it's just taking some time to get used to it18:42
yofelworks fine for me, just had to file a few bugs about the changes in byobu 518:42
yofelbut yeah, that happened to me in the beginning too18:42
* penguin42 wishes it was more integrated with the konsole/gnome-terminals18:43
kklimondaalso, do you have some nice tricks not to get lost with all those servers and VMs? hggdh? ;)18:43
penguin42kklimonda: I know people who use different colour backgrounds for their terminals for different hosts/users18:43
kklimondalast night I've removed a package from my desktop and not from the correct machine ;)18:44
penguin42kklimonda: sudo shutdown -h now   on the wrong machine is the worst - especially if it's remote or someones server :-)18:44
hggdhkklimonda: what I ended up doing is forcing some organisation on myself: I have one base tab for each remote I am working on, and I name it18:44
kklimondahggdh: base tab?18:44
yofelpenguin42: I did sudo pm-suspend once :(18:44
kklimondapenguin42: "ok, everything is done - now to reboot.. sudo shutdown -h now.. ABORT ABORT ABORT!! damn, and now I have to walk really fast" ;)18:45
yofelmy organization is having the local byobu session always running in the first yakuake tab. Others are remote connections18:45
penguin42kklimonda: Nod! I once tried submitting a suggestion to shutdown and friends to require the hostname as the 1st parameter if it was interactive, people didn't like that - but they did point me to the molly-guard package18:45
yofelIf I need another non-byobu terminal I run konsole18:45
__rahul__just upgraded to beta 2 and network keeps dropping continuously. anyone else have the same problem?18:45
penguin42__rahul__: Fine here; what type of nyetwork?18:46
kklimondapenguin42: wow, looks just like what I need18:46
kklimondapenguin42: I wonder if there is something similar for ifdown ;)18:46
yofelpenguin42: thanks for pointing that out, didn't know about that either :)18:46
hodgyWhat is this I hear about gnome coming back to the new Ubuntu LTS?18:47
penguin42kklimonda: Remember, your level of stupidity increases every time you add a guard; you'll find a new way of killing the remote machine18:47
kklimondahodgy: nothing, we do have a nice looking gnome classic session though (although it's not really gnome 2)18:47
hggdhkklimonda: each session has a name18:47
hodgykklimonda: what do you mean it's not gnome2?18:47
hggdhkklimonda: the name is related to the target (server name, AWS, KVM, etc)18:48
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity18:48
kklimondahodgy: we have a session that looks similar to how gnome2 looked like but it's based on gnome3 packages so it's not the same)18:48
kklimondahggdh: session?18:48
hodgyGnome3 bothered me18:48
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:48
hggdhkklimonda: tabs? what happens when you Ctrl-C on byobu18:49
kklimondahggdh: ah, so you are using byobu18:49
kklimondahggdh: a single tab per server?18:49
hggdhkklimonda: hell yes18:49
kklimondaand then they display server name?18:49
kklimondain the tab18:49
hggdhkklimonda: as many as necessary, but all named after the server18:49
__rahul__Also, wireless connection asks for network key every time it connects. Have had this problem since 11.1018:49
kklimondahggdh: oh wait, you run byobu locally?18:49
hggdhkklimonda: you Ctrl-$, and rename the tab18:50
hggdhand remotely when I need, but I NEVER net byobu sessions18:50
kklimondahggdh: damn, that sounds really awesome and way too complicated - I'm going to spend 8 hours on the train tomorrow so I'll try playing with it a bit :)18:50
kklimondahggdh: yeah, this way madness lies ;)18:51
hggdhkklimonda: you have to get trained. But it beats Ctrl-A/(N|P) to find your session18:51
hggdhand I usually have from 9 to 15 sessions running at the same time18:51
kklimondahggdh: do you have byobu locally configured to start when you login/open a new tab? or do you launch it by hand?18:52
hggdhI have it set to launch manually -- there is a problem with auto-launch (the screen size is inherited by all other connections)18:52
hggdhso I open roxterm, and lauch byobu18:52
hggdhthen I run a bash script to set all the base sessions I need (still to set it under tmux, I am tweaking it still)18:53
dubacounity stays on screen in 12.04 and wont go hide away18:53
kklimondadubaco: unity?18:53
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity18:54
hggdhdubaco: install myunity, run it, and configure the dash to vanish18:54
kklimondahggdh: hmm, it may actually work :)18:55
hggdhkklimonda: again, it is a question of keeping on it, until it get to ba automagic. The only tweak still to do is clouring the tabs differently, so that I is more visible on WHICH tab I am at any point18:56
kklimondahggdh: roxterm tabs?18:58
hggdhkklimonda: I *also* use the roxterm tabs when I need (for example, I get to go to a remote server where I want byobu running)18:59
kklimondahggdh: ah, so you do everything that inside a local byobu?18:59
kklimondawow ;)18:59
hggdhmost of the times, yes19:00
kklimondahggdh: care to take a screenshot one day so I can actually imagine how it would look like? :)19:00
hggdhbut I am still to really RTFM -- I cannot jump directly to a byobu window if it is above 919:00
* Zoffix is liking KDE so far... shiny19:01
ZoffixOr not.. anyone knows how to make task manager to show windows only from the current workspace? I tried toggling the "..from current screen" and "...from current desktop", but they don't seem to do anything.19:03
ZoffixNever mind, needed to switch the workspaces for option to take.19:04
hggdhkklimonda: http://imagebin.org/20632619:05
kklimondahggdh: do you open a single shell per server, or are those actually some sort of containers? /me knows really little about tmux/byobu :(19:07
hggdhkklimonda: it depends on the work I am doing. If, for example, I am getting to go twice to (say) batuan, I will have one tab called bataun, and another batuan-219:08
hggdhfor the KVM tabs, right now these are containers -- usually the same KVM, multiple sessions19:09
hggdh(right now kvm-1 and kvm-2 are in use, kvm-3 is actually sitting on a shell on my laptop)19:09
kklimondawhat's the # at the end of the name for?19:10
kklimondaoh well, it's probably from tmux19:10
kklimondatime to dig docs ;)19:10
hggdhit signals there is new output waiting to be seen19:10
hodgyMy 12.04 is being wobbly wtf19:10
hodgyIt's sliding around, like... if I move my mouse it begins to sldie windows inside the workspace19:11
DrakesonIs there a way to disable the "blurry glass" effect from the Dash?  Dash already takes too long to appear.19:14
kklimondaDrakeson: you can do it using ccsm19:16
kklimondabut it doesn't seem to be working properly19:17
kklimondaDrakeson: also, why do you think it's actually blur that delays the dash?19:17
anadondd is broken.  Ideas for getting it back in working order?19:18
anadondd from coreutils19:18
kklimondaanadon: what do you mean by broken?19:18
anadonit outputs corrupted data.19:20
anadonI've checked the MD5's, tried multiple devices and multiple images, but it doesn't manipulate them correctly and the result is a corupted image.19:20
anadonkklimonda: up19:20
Larcerbooting up the 12.04b1 cd, i get a blank screen and my monitor turns off. in other distros i've usually needed to use radeon.modeset=0 but here the screen blanks even before i have the option to do that... any ideas?19:21
kklimondaanadon: I don't really think dd manipulates data in any way19:21
kklimondaanadon: maybe the target disk is broken?19:21
anadonit streams it from one place to another and it shouldn't chANGE IT.  tHAT IS NOT HAPPENING, THOUGH.19:21
kklimondaanadon: can you confirm that it was working in the previous release?19:21
anadonkklimonda: tried 4 different .iso's and 4 different devices.19:22
anadonI use it regularly for copying .iso's to usb drives.19:22
Drakesonkklimonda: the blur effect other than taking [an unknown extra amount of] time, looks dreadful when you are not using a compositing window manager.19:23
kklimondaanadon: ok, open a bug, add the command line you writed (actually save the entire history from the session) check dmesg for errors and give a link to the image with its md519:24
anadonkklimonda: ok19:24
kklimondaDrakeson: so you mean unity-2d?19:24
Drakesonoh my bad, I forgot to mention that it is unity-2d.19:25
DrakesonIs unity-2d also customizable? (gconftool, gsettings, etc.)19:28
kklimondait is, but you can't change dash blur19:29
kklimondaDrakeson: I'd poke people on #ubuntu-unity during work week19:29
kklimondaDrakeson: anyway, what kind of hardware can't handle compositing? ;)19:29
Drakesonkklimonda: Thanks. I'll do that.19:30
bjsnideranswer: old junk19:30
DrakesonHardware is not bad actually.  There is a mutual exclusion between compositing window managers and developer friendly window managers.19:31
kklimondaDrakeson: you can always run xcompmgr to get just compositing19:33
Drakesonkklimonda: But xcompmgr sucks!  Looking at /usr/share/doc/xcompmgr/changelog.Debian.gz now.  6 releases in total (2004, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012).  I would not recommend xcompmgr to anyone!19:36
DrakesonOf course, that was supplementary evidence.19:37
DrakesonWhy is "aptitude changelog <package name>" broken?19:38
DrakesonActually, s/Why is/Is/19:40
kklimondahard to tell, probably no one who uses it cares about this function :)19:40
kklimondaapt-get changelog works fine19:40
BlessJahkklimonda: :]19:42
Drakesonkklimonda: thanks.19:46
imnicholIs anyone else having an issues with the dash taking several seconds to display anything the first time that it's opened?19:50
Drakesonimnichol: Yes, I do.19:58
imnicholDo you know if there's a bug report?19:58
DrakesonNo, I didn't try (as I am not sure if I want to keep Dash).19:59
hovgaard I tried boot from both desktop and alternat beta2 image of kubuntu on i686 processor but both images complains of me having a non PAE CPU???19:59
imnicholhovgaard, how old is your computer?19:59
hovgaardcan i send kernel params at boot so it wont boot pae kernel?19:59
hovgaardis i686 cpu19:59
hovgaardold one19:59
penguin42hovgaard: Yes, Precise needs PAE; however xubuntu still has a non-PAE kernel19:59
micahghovgaard: try lubuntu or xubuntu19:59
hovgaardahh cool thx20:00
hovgaardI will do20:00
penguin42hovgaard: Out of interest, do you know exactly which CPU it has?20:00
hovgaardthx alot20:00
hovgaardI can check it once i get it up20:00
hovgaardbut uname -a gives report i86820:00
hovgaardbut extactly which cpu I eill post one I boot it in xubuntu20:01
micahgyes, not all i686 are PAE compatible20:01
hovgaardi will post once i boot ..20:01
hovgaardYeah PAE = larger ram size adressable?20:02
hovgaardI am install for a friend already told him go trash it but he just looks unhappy every time I tell him :-)20:02
penguin42hovgaard: How much RAM does it have?20:02
hovgaardpenguin42: I didtn see yet20:03
hovgaardBut I was able to install beta1 on it20:03
penguin42hovgaard: OK, try xubuntu, if it's OK you can try installing the kubuntu packages, but if it's that old it may struggle20:03
hovgaardthen upgrade and now it boots and hangs20:03
hovgaardYeah I will give xubuntu20:03
hovgaardthanks alot for the quick answer and help soo cool20:04
hodgyCould anyone help me figure out why my thumbdrive will boot on my desktop but not my laptop? I'm trying to put 12.04 on my laptop20:05
penguin42hodgy: What's the laptop and how did you make the thumbdrive?20:05
hovgaardIs it both desktop i386 and alternate images of xubuntu that has non PAE?20:05
penguin42hovgaard: I'm pretty sure the desktop one has non-PAE20:06
hovgaardIe can i just snatch i386 deskop image20:06
hovgaardoki cool thx20:06
hovgaardI will go for that one20:06
hodgypenguin42: The laptop is a Lenovo z560(sandy bridge), I used the universal usb creator from the ubuntu site20:06
penguin42hodgy: OK, so new hardware - what happens when you try and boot it on it?20:07
hodgyThe z560 is a year old20:07
hodgyIt says: Syslinux 4.05 EDD 4.06 -pre1 Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al20:08
penguin42and that's the last thing you see?20:08
hodgyAnd has a blinking cursor, but i cannot type in it20:08
hodgyyes it is20:08
hovgaardhodgy:  wow that was early fail20:09
penguin42hodgy: OK, if that thumb drive boots on another machine the only suggestion I have is to bug report it - please tell us  the bug number on here20:09
hodgyIs it possible a bios update would help?20:09
hovgaardhodgy:  that sounds nasty20:09
hodgyWhat bug number?20:09
penguin42hodgy: What else is plugged into the laptop at the time you try to boot it? Is the thumb drive plugged directly into the laptop?20:09
penguin42hodgy: Create a bug for it, and tell us the bug number when you create it20:10
hodgyJust my thumb drive, nothing else plugged in20:10
hodgyOh alright, how do I go about doing that?20:10
penguin42hodgy: Do you have a launchpad account?20:10
hovgaardhodgy How did you make the usbstick?20:10
hodgyuniversal usb installer, but i have had the same issue with unetbootin too20:10
hodgyI used unetbootin to put windows 7 on the same computer though20:10
hovgaardhodgin try dd20:10
hodgyI honestly have no clue how dd works, or what it is. And my main system is a windows box20:11
hovgaardsudo dd if=path/to/image of=/dev/yourstick bs=409820:11
hovgaardahh oki on linux no dd20:11
hovgaardups on win20:11
hodgyWell I just installed 12.04 on my testing box20:12
penguin42hovgaard: bs=1024k should do - 4098 is a bit of an odd number20:12
hovgaardoki bs=1024 :-)20:12
hovgaardbs=4096 :-)20:13
hovgaardless odd :-)20:13
hodgyIm installing graphics drivers on my testing box, then ill reboot and try dd20:13
penguin42hodgy: Once you have a launchpad account, please report it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug?no-redirect20:14
hovgaardhodgy:  dd is a cool kitty20:14
penguin42hodgy: Make sure to state the model of laptop, how you wrote the thumb, and the way it failed20:14
hodgyAlright, let me go look at launchpad20:15
penguin42hodgy: Then tell us the bug number20:15
hodgybrb connecting from testing box20:15
hodgyokay just got irssi back on this system, in on 12.04 on my testing box so i can use dd20:22
hovgaardhodgy:  :-)20:23
hodgyAlright, so how does dd work again, and do I have to install it?20:25
hovgaardWeird xubuntu didnt allow me to uncheck encryption of home folder :-) Funny for a low cpu usage distro :-)20:25
hovgaardhodgy go to the Download folder20:25
hovgaardand type20:25
hovgaardsudo dd if=./name_of_your_image of=/dev/_device_name_of_usbstick bs=1024k20:26
hovgaardsudo fdisk -l           will give you name of all your harddisk and usb devices20:26
hovgaardbecarefull not pick your main harddisk :-)20:27
hovgaardso if your usb stick is /dev/sdb the add that20:28
hovgaardor /dev/sdc20:28
hovgaarddepends on how many disks in your computer20:29
hodgysudo dd if=./12.iso of=/dev/sdb bs1024k20:30
hodgyThat look right?20:30
hodgyBefore I run it, or am I doing it wrong20:30
hovgaardsudo dd if=./12.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1024k20:30
=== Guest78990 is now known as diegovieiraeti
hovgaardjus be sure20:31
hovgaardthat sdb is your USB stick20:31
hovgaardotherwise you fucked20:31
hodgyIt is I checked in disk utility20:32
hodgyshould it be mounted or unmounted?20:32
micahg!ohmy | hovgaard20:32
ubottuhovgaard: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:32
hovgaardups :-)20:32
hodgydd: unrecoginized operand 'bs1024k'20:33
hovgaardor is it ohmy :-)20:33
hodgyTry dd --help for more info20:33
hovgaardyou need bs=1024k20:33
hovgaardforgot '='20:33
hodgyThanks lol20:33
hodgyOkay I hit enter, and it's not showing anything yet, is this a lengthy thing?20:34
hovgaardhodgy:  You have been dd blessed :-)20:34
hodgyIm on an athlon x2 4200+ lol20:34
hodgy2gb ddr220:34
hodgyand a 345020:34
hodgy700+1 records in20:35
hodgy700+1 records out20:35
hovgaardmeans it is happy and done20:35
hodgy734310400 bytes (734mb) copied20:35
hodgyWoot, gonna try it on lappy now20:35
hovgaardso plug in and boot20:35
hodgyWell it seems to be20:36
penguin42(that was a bit fast wasn't it?)20:36
hodgyUbuntu screen just came up20:36
hovgaardpenguin42:  Yup was fast20:36
penguin42hodgy: Before you pulled that stick did you make sure the light on it went out ?20:37
hovgaardOn my dell i3 it would just took 2m44 sec to dd xubuntu iamge20:37
hodgyI didnt check a light20:37
hodgyMy lenovo is a i3 380m, with intel hd graphics hooray sandy bridge, and 4gb ddr320:37
hodgyits a snappy laptop20:37
penguin42hodgy: Be careful, it might not have actually finished writing to the USB stick; best thing to do is after the dd finished type the command    sync     wait for that to come back, then wait for any lights to stop blinking on the usb stick20:38
hovgaardhodgy: hope not to snappy :-)20:38
penguin42hodgy: Yeh but USB sticks are rarely that snappy whatever they're plugged into (unless it's USB3)20:38
hovgaardpenguin42:  just sync no device names?20:38
penguin42just sync20:38
hodgyIt said 9.1mb/s20:38
hovgaardpenguin42:  nice one didnt know that one :-)20:38
hodgyA popup hit me woot20:39
hovgaardhodgy: is on a rool :-)20:39
hodgyUbuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error, if you note further problems try restarting20:39
penguin42hovgaard: It tries to push stuff out to disk - it doesn't 100% guarantee it's all got there20:39
penguin42hodgy: OK, go back, do that dd again, but this time do the sync, wait a few seconds and make sure the light stopped flashing then try again20:39
penguin42hodgy: I suspect it didn't all make it to the stick20:40
hovgaardsync only tries? Hmm then what command would gurantee :-)20:40
hodgyAlright I will do it again20:40
penguin42hovgaard: I'm not sure there is one20:40
hovgaardpenguin42: Ohh well at leat sync is better than no sync20:41
hovgaardleat = least20:41
penguin42hovgaard: Hence why I add the wait for the lights to stop flashing and wait a few seconds20:41
hovgaardpenguin42: Yup I just never saw any blinking after dd returned :-)20:42
hodgyIt stopped blinking about 2 seconds after it completed20:42
hodgynow run what command?20:42
hovgaardhodgy:  I think your download of the image is corrupt20:43
hovgaarddownload new image20:43
hovgaarddelete old one first20:43
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:44
yofelcheck the image checksums20:44
yofelas guntbert says20:44
hodgyNo the download works fine20:44
hovgaardguntbert:  you got a point md5 to the rescue20:44
hovgaardbut still 2 sec of dd = nonesense20:44
guntberthodgy: do test it20:44
hodgythe pop up came from adding network, I had the image run in a VM for a while to play with20:44
hodgydd took way longer then 2 seconds lol20:44
yofelsome drives are that fast, and it depends on how much it cached20:44
hovgaardhodgy: ahh oki I thought you did dd in 2 sek20:45
hodgyNo I meant when dd returned the completion, it stopped 2 seconds after lol20:45
hovgaardyofel:  I want a hot puter that can dd 720mb in 2 sec :-)20:45
hodgySo what is the command I run to double check that dd worked?20:46
hovgaardjust sync20:46
yofelhovgaard: connect an SSD over usb3 and it should be possible I think ^^20:46
hovgaardto give dd extra time to ease out20:46
hodgyi ran sync, nothing returned20:46
yofelwell, back to reality20:46
hovgaardyofel: Cool I am on ssd but usb 2 :-)20:46
penguin42hodgy: Yeh that's ok, but it tooik a few seocnds?20:46
hovgaardfor my stick20:46
penguin42hodgy: Good, now if the lights stopped flashing on the USB stick - try it20:47
hovgaardhodgy:  I am ahead of you now I just completed xubuntu install on OOOOOOOOOOOOld cputer20:47
penguin42hovgaard: Have you figured just how crusty it is?20:48
hodgyI do have to backup a shitload of stuff20:48
hodgymy my20:48
hodgyI almost have my 320gig hdd filled20:48
hovgaardpenguin42:  I will after a one year long boot to xubuntu :-)20:48
hovgaardlspci | grep CPU to get the cpu info?20:49
hovgaarddmesg  | grep CPU to get the cpu info?20:49
hovgaardI meant20:49
guntberthovgaard: lshw20:50
hovgaardoki cool lshw new trick more nice sync and lshw :-)20:50
yofelor cat /proc/cpuinfo20:50
hovgaardGood cmd day today20:50
hovgaardyofel: Yeah good one to20:51
hovgaard_penguin42: Oki cpu = Intel Pentium M  1.7 Ghz cpu family = 6 model = 1320:57
hovgaard_Auch 512 k RAM20:57
hodgyIs there any way I could make 12.04 navigatable fully without a mouse? besides stuff like web20:58
hovgaard_I should have forced my friend to dump it :-) lol20:58
hovgaard_But xubuntu rocks it install just smooth20:58
zmajhi.. Who know way how to install old ati ( RV50) driver on latest ubuntu (12.04) ?20:58
jbicha_hodgy: 12.04 should be fully keyboard navigable, it's a bug if it isn't20:59
hodgyI mean from programs too20:59
Amaranthzmaj: If you don't have Radeon HD video you have to use the open source driver20:59
hodgyMy mouse is terrible for this computer, so it'd be neat to do it that way20:59
zmajAmaranth: and where to find that driver?21:00
Amaranthzmaj: Its installed and configured automatically, you already have it21:00
hovgaard_What is the xubuntu version of yakuake?21:01
zmajnope... Actualy, after installation I was have Galeon ( or similar) but after update, I have Unknown driver21:01
zmajAlso, I have LCD monitor, but ubuntu says it's unknown too21:02
penguin42hovgaard_: Oh that's not too bad a machine - I've tried it on worse :-)21:03
penguin42hovgaard_: That is assuming you mean 512*M*B ram21:03
Amaranthzmaj: Sounds like you're having other issues21:03
zmajAmaranth:  can you tell me how to find what is a problem?21:03
Amaranthzmaj: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:04
zmajAmaranth:  sec please, to copy21:05
hovgaard_penguin42:  It is :-) 512 MB21:05
hodgyAthlon tm 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+21:05
hodgyhow old am i21:05
hovgaard_penguin42:  Do you know if its possible to do divx playback on i486DX machine?21:07
penguin42hovgaard_: No I don't; frankly I'm not sure there is any good use for an i486DX this day and age21:08
* penguin42 disappears for a while21:08
hovgaard_penguin42:  And yes you guessed that is my friends second machine lol21:08
* yofel had an old pentium1 166MHz with 148MiB RAM running as an svn server for a while21:09
penguin42hovgaard_: See, I thought my dads machines were bad; and I've got  a P90 as a firewall, but heck it's at bottom of the spec for even debian21:09
yofelwas running debian though21:09
zmajAmaranth: http://pastebin.com/QahzFgGj21:09
Amaranthzmaj: You tried to install fglrx21:12
zmajyes... after I loose Driver21:12
zmajbut nothing21:12
Amaranthzmaj: sudo apt-get purge fglrx*21:12
zmajsec please21:12
AmaranthIt looks like you are using the radeon driver though21:13
AmaranthWhich is the open source driver for your hardware21:13
AmaranthHaving fglrx installed is likely at least breaking OpenGL (and thus Unity, gnome-shell, etc)21:14
zmajAmaranth: I have21:14
zmaj0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.21:14
zmajthat was a last line.21:15
AmaranthAlright, well according to your xorg log everything is setup and working correctly21:16
AmaranthIt even shows you have full 2D and 3D acceleration21:16
AmaranthYou're using VGA to connect your monitor, apparently21:16
zmajhow to check 3D?   yes... VGA21:17
Amaranthzmaj: What was your actual problem? I suspect with VGA it'll always say Unknown Monitor in the UI21:17
zmajno one 3D game wont's work21:19
Amaranthzmaj: Is unity working?21:19
zmajactualy nothing 3d wont work21:19
AmaranthHave you restarted or at least logged out since uninstalling fglrx?21:20
AmaranthWell no, clearly not21:20
zmajunity... what you call unity? A menu from left side who freeze when I start Eclipse..21:20
zmajI was try to start Cube from unity menu... won't work21:21
Amaranthzmaj: Restart your computer now that you have fglrx removed and see if it still doesn't work21:21
zmajI was try tu install fglrx several days before...21:21
zmajI was restart PC, of course..21:21
zmajAmaranth: It's here some way to check 3D ?21:24
zmajAmaranth: I must to say, I have here one more Log file 1.log21:26
Amaranthzmaj: How did you try to install fglrx?21:26
Amaranthzmaj: Did you download something from a website?21:27
zmajalso I have Old.log21:27
zmajNO man.... this time I am not install fglrx21:28
AmaranthWhen you did try to install it, how did you do so?21:28
zmajthat you see is from auto first time installation21:29
AmaranthI know you don't think you have it now but either you haven't restarted since uninstalling or you still have it21:29
AmaranthSo I don't know how to help you, sorry21:29
zmajyou see.. after unsusecfull installation of fglrx, and ATI driver, i was make brand new installation21:29
zmajoh no... sory... yes I am..21:30
zmajsec to see...21:30
zmajnope, I havent any Ati or fglrx installation in download section21:31
* yofel wonders how apt's package status database and the dpkg database can get out of sync o.O21:31
zmajAmaranth: what is here curentlly working 0.log  or 1.log21:34
SteevcaI have just upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and my network isn't working.It's reporting that the device isn't ready.21:49
QuaydonDoes anyone know where the libglut3 and libglut3-dev packages have gone?22:07
itaylor57!info libglut3-dev22:11
ubottuPackage libglut3-dev does not exist in precise22:11
glosoli!info gimp22:12
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.12-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 4611 kB, installed size 12814 kB (Only available for any all)22:12
jtaylordid that every really exist? it was an empty package in lucid22:12
jtayloryou probably want freeglut3-dev22:13
=== diegovieiraeti_ is now known as diegovieiraeti
Quaydonahh ok. So in lucid libglut3-dev "empty"? Does that mean it just pointed to freeglut3-dev?22:14
QuaydonIm still learning. So this means that on ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 will have /usr/lib/libglut.so if their respective packages are installed?22:19
jtaylorfreeglut3 should work in lucid and precise22:19
Quaydoncool beans, Thanks for answering my questions :)22:20
hovgaard_new xubuntu install cant acces old data from olduser since home folder encrypted how to unencrypt? The old user isnt even created on system?22:50
Andolfwhere should I start reading to know how to install/check compiz on fresh 12 install?23:02
worrowanyone have issues with no sound in ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 in virtual machine?23:12
bastidrazorworrow: when i boot my sound is muted. is that possibly your case?23:13
worrowdouble checking23:14
worrowbastidrazor,  thats too funny. I checked all volume levels but the system.23:15
worrowthank you so much23:15
bastidrazorworrow: good deal :)23:15
penguin42I'm sure mute buttons are there just to confuse people :-)23:15
bastidrazor+1 for commonness :) :)23:16
worrownot sure why by standard it is muted23:16
worrowok off to do some tests adding this room to favs23:17
MarcellinaI'm trying to compile wine1.5 on "Precise Pangolin" but it's not working.23:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 944321 in wine1.4 (Ubuntu) "apt-get build-dep script for wine missing xorg and " [Undecided,Invalid]23:18
MarcellinaSame goes for wine1.5 and I don't know how to setup a 32-bit chroot to compile it.23:18
MarcellinaHow comes that dev packages are not cross-architecture co-installable on Precise?23:28
MarcellinaNever mind, I'll use getlibs.23:32
Marcellina"getlibs: command not found"23:34
Fudgeis control f4 supposed to also close a window as well as a tab23:39
Fudgeusing firefox oops23:40
timothymy ubuntu 12.04  beta 1 cant connect to my wireliess network23:48
snadgeis this supposed to happen?23:49
snadge  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND23:49
snadge 2998 davidb    20   0 2470m 1.7g 1496 S    1 59.8  57:36.29 hud-service23:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967879 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) ""hud-service" has a memory leak (I think)" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:49
snadgelol i like the (i think) part23:50
timothythe unity devs still refuse to implement click to minimize on the unity bar?23:50
snadgenaw.. its supposed to use 1.7 gigs of ram ;)23:50
DaekdroomI like how its priority is 'undecided' :P23:50
penguin42yeh, I was about to set the priority, bu tit looks like it's been assigned to someone to fix, so I'll leave it23:50
timothy"able to move unity bar" REJECTED23:50
Daekdroomtimothy, they're thinking of something else for the future.23:50
snadgewell if i have enough ram.. i'll click on me too :P23:51
timothywell. i have the patch and im lovin it :::d23:51
Daekdroom12.10, that is23:51
timothyis the HUD in the repos?23:51
timothysudo apt-get install HUD?23:51
DaekdroomIt's part of unity.23:51
snadgecan you paste code in launchpad? ie.. proportional font?23:52
timothyE: Unable to locate package HUD23:52
snadgeis there some kinda markup for that ;)23:52
timothyno package for HUD23:54
DaekdroomThe package for HUD is 'unity' >.>23:55
DaekdroomIt was included in 5.4 iirc23:55
snadgehmm.. someone with 8gb of ram in their laptop.. how times have changed23:56
snadgemaybe devs should have some ram stolen from them so they notice these things a bit sooner ;)23:57
Daekdroom I found it amusing someone reported unity-music-daemon uses 1G for them.23:58
DaekdroomBecause rhythmbox lists 58,000 songs.23:58
snadgethats what i love about object oriented programming23:59
Daekdroomand hell, it has lazy loading.23:59
snadgei bet each song is represented by a song object.. with 50 methods and buffers etc associated with each23:59
DaekdroomSo it doesn't start unity-music-daemon until you try using the music lens. Waiting for that to load must take forever.23:59

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