
=== Guest89637 is now known as jalcine
asterismohi people04:37
asterismostill asking for help with this bug04:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 874774 in cryptsetup "could not mount /dev/mapper/cryptswap1" [High,Triaged]04:37
asterismomy machine refuses to boot up even with the applied patches04:38
asterismocan anyone help me_04:47
holsteini would probably just not do encrytion that way... maybe just use truecrypt.. the only time i ever used encryption like that, i was getting that message, but i never thought twice about it since the machine booted04:53
asterismoi suppose that the default encryption that ubuntu provides at install menu is safe enough to not loose data in cases like this04:59
asterismonow there is some buggy script that doesn't recognizes encrypted partitions... and mountall hangs plymouth and i cannot enter in my desktop since thursday05:00
asterismoi tried to apply a patch in the bug report but it did not worked05:00
asterismoi keep running apt-get updates05:00
asterismobut nothing05:00
asterismoi see now that encryption still very immature in ubuntu05:02
asterismoso i'm seriously reconsidering in formatting all and reinstall without encryption05:02
holsteinasterismo: not sure.. its worked OK for me so far05:11
holsteini just didnt act on any error messages though.. i had one, and got around it OK05:12
holsteinmostly i just use truecrypt05:12
asterismodo you know anyway to log in to my desktop without loading mountall and plymouth??05:23
mr_gees100_peashi all. I'm having problems with video in both chromimum and firefox05:47
mr_gees100_peasVideo playes fine in youtube but choppy everywhere else05:47
mr_gees100_peasI tried flash-aid for forefox. that helped but it is inconsistent05:47
mr_gees100_peasvideo works fine in wondows XP05:48
holsteinmr_gees100_peas: i would try turning comipiz on/off05:48
mr_gees100_peashow do I do that?05:48
holsteini would look into alternative drivers.. i would try some live CD's maybe for comparison.. comparing to XP really wont help05:48
mr_gees100_peasit does works fine in youtube.05:49
holsteinmr_gees100_peas: cool05:49
holsteini think the live CD thing is the easiest path.. you can usually get flash installed just fine and you can try different kernels05:50
holsteinmr_gees100_peas: if you are using ubuntu 11.10, you should have a "classic mode" or a "2d mode"... some other desktop availble at boot05:50
holsteini need to head out though... later05:51
mr_gees100_peasI've seen those listed05:51
mr_gees100_peasI'm using the gnome shell. Would that make a difference?05:51
mr_gees100_peashow do I access this compiz thing-a-majiger05:54
asterismoholstein, can i ask you a question about patching?05:56
asterismohow do you go to a specified line in vi or nano?05:58
mr_gees100_peasasterismo: in vi or vim press the number line then do capital G05:59
mr_gees100_peasasterismo: for example lets say I want to go to line 25. Just type 25G05:59
mr_gees100_peasit has to be capital G or shift-g06:00
mr_gees100_peasif you want to go to line 345 then just type 345G06:00
mr_gees100_peasthink of G as Go06:00
mr_gees100_peasI think to be able to see the line number at least on vim then do then type :set number06:01
mr_gees100_peasjust type. As soon as you hit the ":" the command will appear at the bottom of the screen then continue typing "number"06:02
asterismogot it06:03
asterismothanks mr_gees100_peas06:03
mr_gees100_peasno problem06:03
asterismois anyone familiar with the bug 87477406:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 874774 in cryptsetup "could not mount /dev/mapper/cryptswap1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87477406:17
mr_gees100_peasanybody can help with a video issue?06:24
mr_gees100_peasvideo in both chrome and firefox play choppy except in youtube. youtube seems to be the only place that works fine06:25
mr_gees100_peasno takers?06:30
mr_gees100_peasI'm having video playback problems in both firefox and chromium. I tried ubuntu 2D gnome classic no effect. I also tried flash-aid for firefox. Video plays fine in youtube but other videos are choppy.06:42
philipballewi can see whats up06:48
philipballewyour having flash issues?06:48
philipballewis that the root of the issue?06:48
mr_gees100_peasmaybe. I did tried flash-aid and that help with youtube but other videos on other sites are still choppy06:49
mr_gees100_peasit seems that is a flash issue since the videos all use flash06:49
philipballewwell first off, hows your cpu doin when flash id running?06:49
mr_gees100_peashhmm, is there a way to monitor that?06:50
philipballewtry htop06:50
mr_gees100_peaslet me go try06:50
philipballewi installed that a few weeks back and its really cool06:50
philipballewsudo apt-get install htop06:50
philipballewhow long you been running ubuntu?06:51
mr_gees100_peasabout 2 weeks maybe 306:51
philipballewokay. and what were you using before that?06:52
mr_gees100_peaswindows XP06:52
philipballewokay. so your first month with ubuntu. How you likin it?06:52
mr_gees100_peashtop says flash plugin is about 30%06:53
mr_gees100_peasI like it except for the video problem.06:53
mr_gees100_peasI like that there is a huge community and the software install itself06:53
mr_gees100_peasand that you have a lot of control over what is going all.06:54
mr_gees100_peasgoing on not going all06:54
philipballewfor sure. well flash is honestly a horrable program compared to html5, but what processor are you running?06:55
philipballewif only you lived in San diego, I would look at it over coffee.06:55
mr_gees100_peasright now just firefox, pidgi and htop06:55
mr_gees100_peaswell, htop reports a bunch of stuff06:56
philipballewno, what type of proccessor do you have06:56
philipballewstuff is always running06:56
mr_gees100_peasoh sorry. intel pentium 406:56
philipballewthe pentuim 4 can be a reason behind it maybe06:57
philipballewon my debian box with that hardware flash full screen is messy.06:57
mr_gees100_peasdo you think is because is an older machine06:57
mr_gees100_peasit works fine in winXP.06:58
philipballewyeah, flash in linux is kinda bad. adobe is not very nice06:58
philipballewbut check to make sure its not running in hd mose as well06:58
mr_gees100_peaswell, fine is a strong word. The WIfe has some complaint when playing her games06:58
mr_gees100_peaswhat is HD mode?06:58
philipballewthe resolution on youtube06:59
mr_gees100_peasyoutube runs fine07:00
philipballewi joined this. its nice! http://www.youtube.com/html507:00
mr_gees100_peasI think is just regular mode07:00
philipballewokay. is this full screen as well as regular sized?07:00
mr_gees100_peasregular side.07:01
philipballewi see07:02
mr_gees100_peashmm clicking play on the offending video made the cpu bar in htop go to 99.4%07:04
philipballewyeah, flash tends to eat up your cpu07:04
philipballewif i was flash your cpu would be a all your can eat Chinese buffet07:05
mr_gees100_peashahaha good one07:06
clarkthehardy910my wireless card isnt being recognized on my new sammy intel i-3 core notebook. I've done hours of searching through forums, but still having trouble, can anyone point me in the right direction. Im dual booting lucid 10.04 and win7 on it, the solved firmware threads all refer to oneiric, so Im afraid to use it...proprietary drivers isnt showing anything07:12
clarkthehardy910its a centrino wireless-n 13007:13
clarkthehardy910thanks in advance07:13
philipballewclarkthehardy910, what do they say about it?07:19
philipballewdo they say that there is no driver foe it or do they say that it just doesnt work in 10.0407:19
philipballew11.10 is stable07:19
philipballewwhy are you afraid?07:19
clarkthehardy910im uneducated07:19
clarkthehardy910about it07:19
clarkthehardy910so I can use firmware for something on a previous kernel?07:20
clarkthehardy910I barely know what Im talking about, im not a developer or programmer, Im just a slightly more capable user07:20
clarkthehardy910I love ubuntu because its stable, I like 10.04 because its LTS07:21
philipballewif the problem is that 10.04 doesnt have the driver in it, you can attempt to install drivers for it. but i am running 12.04 now07:21
clarkthehardy910i.ve got 11.10 on my desktop, but I'd rather keep an lts on my notebook07:21
clarkthehardy910I dont know how to interpret this thread, because the lingo is a bit above me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11773736  can it work for lucid distro?07:22
philipballewi can look07:23
clarkthehardy910if someone knows an easier solution, Im all for it, because I'm not exactly sure how to start at this one07:23
clarkthehardy910this thread includes building, and I've never done that before07:25
philipballewclarkthehardy910, paste lspci -vvv to http://paste.ubuntu.com/07:25
clarkthehardy910ok, just a moment longer07:28
philipballewno worries07:29
clarkthehardy910philipballew: http://paste.ubunt.com/90977807:32
clarkthehardy910sorry http://paste.ubuntu.com/909778/07:33
philipballewclarkthehardy910, have you booted 11.10 or 12.04 with a live cd and see if the wifi worked by any chance?07:33
clarkthehardy910no, its a little complicated, the notebook is an ultralight, and I don't have a thumb drive available anymore, but I might try to do that later this week... why? would that tell us something that might help me get the wifi to work on 10.04?07:35
philipballewyeah, if that works I can just teach you how to compile the new kernel wifi drivers07:35
philipballewwhats ifconfig -a show07:36
philipballewwanna install new drivers?07:39
philipballewwarning, its probably stable, but might make your wireless be unstable. but then again. its not even working now07:40
clarkthehardy910really?  Would it affect its stabillity in win7, im getting good usage out of it in 7?07:41
clarkthehardy910im not savvy enough to know what affects what07:41
philipballewclarkthehardy910, were only working with linux here, its not gonna do anything to affect your windows set up07:43
clarkthehardy910so it doesn't really affect the wireless card on a hardware level07:43
clarkthehardy910just the drivers that linux uses07:43
clarkthehardy910i see07:43
clarkthehardy910well, is there a thread that I can do some reading? i have to go in a moment so Im out of time to be walked through it07:44
philipballewmaybe. its called compat wireless07:44
clarkthehardy910philipballew:  if you were me, just starting out to understand all of this, and didn't have a lot of time on your hands, but wanted to get your notebook working with wifi, what would you do the next time you had an hour or so to try?07:45
clarkthehardy910of course in Ubuntu07:46
philipballewinstall ubuntu 11.1007:46
clarkthehardy910ok, how easy is it to get from 11.10 to the next LTS when its fully ready?07:46
philipballeweasy. it comes out in a month07:46
clarkthehardy910ok, but do I have to create another LiveUSB? Linux my partitions are 2 EXT4s around 70GB and a 150+ Fat32 to share with Win and a swap 4GB07:48
clarkthehardy910will I have to partition differently?07:48
clarkthehardy910or will it be easy for it just to upgrade overwriting the 10.04 install?07:49
clarkthehardy910and then the 11.10 to 12.0407:49
philipballewyou can upgrade to 10.10 then to 11.04 then to 11.1007:50
philipballewor you can just upgrade straight to 12.04. you might hit a few bugs in the next month or two07:50
clarkthehardy910but you recommend a Live USB or just a straight upgrade via terminal, is it possible?07:52
philipballewits not possible to upgrade from 1004 to 1110 directly07:54
philipballewunless you want to do a lot of tinkering07:55
clarkthehardy910philipballew: so the easiest way is to create a live USB07:55
clarkthehardy910nope, i just want to cleanest and most painless way07:55
philipballewyeah. just install that again probably. if that doesnt work easily, upgrade like 3 times07:56
clarkthehardy910are you saying that I can upgrade to 10.10 and then to 11.04 and then 11.1007:56
clarkthehardy910without clean installing?07:56
clarkthehardy910can you give me the best link for instructions?07:56
philipballewhold on!07:58
clarkthehardy910thank you!07:58
philipballewyeah!!! thats right!!! I pasted that link so well!!!!07:59
clarkthehardy910thank you!08:00
philipballewno problem!!! if wifi doesnt work, find me and well look at it08:01
clarkthehardy910that's really kind of you, I'm grateful honestly, I hate using windows as a crutch08:01
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SortedmushHi. I'm trying to find out how to add files or folders to some sort of a global path. So I can run them from the terminal without changing directory. Any help welcome. I'd really appreciate any suggested links for basics such as this. Thanks15:11
escottSortedmush, /etc/profile15:13
Sortedmushthere's no folder called just "profile"15:14
Sortedmushin my etc15:14
Sortedmushah .. found it :P15:15
Sortedmushok, so is this where I add more paths? How do I do this?15:18
SortedmushFigured it out by searching for "etc/profile paths" .. Thanks escott, just needed that little kick start :D15:27
digikwondohi all, i have a hp dv6 with ubuntu 12.04 . my touchpad with register right clicks. any suggestion?15:40
escottdigikwondo, were you on the channel a couple days ago?15:41
digikwondoescott: i drop in from time to time , but i dont think im the person you are refering to ;)15:46
escottdigikwondo, there was someone with the same question yesterday or friday. was wondering if you/he were still struggling with it15:47
digikwondoescott: first time i ask in irc about it ;)15:47
digikwondoescott: any suggestions so far?15:48
escottdigikwondo, im afraid i wasn't paying too much attention -- i asked him to run xev and verify the clicks weren't generated he ignore me and i ignored him :)15:49
digikwondoescott: im happy to follow any suggestions you might have. its a sweet laptop , such a shame the touchpad is buggy15:55
digikwondoescott: tried 10.04, 11.10 witch had issues with video. 12.04 works except for the issue with the touchpad15:56
escottdigikwondo, well first lets verify that the clicks aren't appearing. open a terminal and type "xev" a little window will appear and if you click in it (or move the mouse around) you should see text in the terminal. verify that nothing happens when you right click15:56
escottdigikwondo, also is this a real clicking pad or is his a touchpad that is supposed to sense some region or finger motion?15:56
digikwondoescott: yup things are happening15:58
escottdigikwondo, are they happening because you are clicking or because you are moving the mouse while trying to click?15:58
digikwondoescott: here is a pic http://www.komplett.se/mlf/produkt/diverse/HP/DV6/1.jpg   the whole touchpad region is motion capturing i would say. hard to say if its because of the clicks or simply by touching16:00
escottdigikwondo, a right button press looks like this: ButtonPress event, serial 29, synthetic NO, window 0x3000001,16:01
escott    root 0xae, subw 0x3000002, time 14460077, (42,37), root:(43,91),16:01
escott    state 0x0, button 3, same_screen YES16:01
escottdigikwondo, you could close the xev and then run xev | grep -C3 button16:01
escottdigikwondo, that will filter all the junk16:02
digikwondoboth right nad left click gives ButtonPress event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x2800001,16:04
digikwondo    root 0xac, subw 0x2800002, time 6000637, (15,58), root:(16,112),16:04
digikwondo    state 0x0, button 1, same_screen YES16:04
digikwondoEnterNotify event, serial 36, synthetic NO, window 0x2800001,16:04
digikwondo    root 0xac, subw 0x0, time 6000637, (15,58), root:(16,112),16:04
escottdigikwondo, so the press is recognized but incorrectly as a button 316:04
escottrather a button 1 instead of button 316:04
digikwondoescott: acctualy all clicks are button 1 it seems :)16:06
escottdigikwondo, so you could check the output of synclient and see if anything there looks promising. there are a bunch of links on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160022116:07
escottdigikwondo, having seen how poorly the touchpad on hp's high end "envy" line works in windows im not too optimistic16:08
digikwondoescott: should work better on a real os then ;)16:09
escottdigikwondo, there is supposed to be a gui for synaptics gpointing-device-settings that might be worth looking into16:10
digikwondoescott: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowpost.php%3Fp%3D8816327%26postcount%3D6&h=bAQG4UDNA   solved it!16:27
digikwondoescott: thanks mate!16:28
digikwondoanother issue foks. running 12.04 with gnome classic. how do i delete shortcuts from the panel. when i rightclick i only get launch and properties.16:31
escottdigikwondo, you might want to ask in ubuntu+116:38
digikwondoescott: thanks16:40
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