
=== mimcpher is now known as KarmaPolice
=== KarmaPolice is now known as mimcpher
khooverhey, if i rdesktop into a system, can I use devices plugged into the rd source on the rd destination?11:24
mimcpherkhoover: by "source" do you mean the machine running rdesktop, and "destination" the one you're viewing?18:37
mimcpherkhoover: either way, I don't think rdesktop does the USB forwarding stuff.18:38
khoovermimcpher yeah19:33
khooverdidn't have much better terms for it other than client/server, didn't feel right19:34
khooverhow would i forward a USB port, then?19:34
mimcpherkhoover: use windows :P19:36
khooverthe point of this is to avoid it19:36
mimcpherOr do usb forwarding over not-rdp19:36
khooveroh, no, the usb forwarding is a secondary bit. in essence, the drive with my music is hooked up to my windows computer, for ease of use on it, and I can rdp in whenever i need it.19:38
khooverand I want to sync a...*shudder*...iPod19:38
khooverso, was thinking, have the windows box pick up an iPod in a USB port here, then sync to it.19:38
mimcpherforwarding disks is possible19:39
mimcpherman rdesktop.19:39
khooverwell. that works.19:41
azend<mimcpher> khoover: either way, I don't think rdesktop does the USB forwarding stuff.20:49
azendrdp does it but rdesktop does not20:49
azend<mimcpher> khoover: either way, I don't think rdesktop does the USB forwarding stuff.20:49
azendactually this topic seems to be incorrect20:55
azendreading the rdesktop man page it seems to do a lot more20:55
mimcpherMy understanding is along the lines of that page20:59
mimcpher(hence my quip to "use windows" -- since rdp, but not rdesktop, does it)21:00

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