
electrondoroodi dobare06:58
dark-sunelectron✪ salam electron10:28
electronچه عجب یکی هست !‌10:29
electron۲ تا سوال10:29
electronیکی اینکه10:29
electronتو اوبونتو چجوری یه ماژول رو موقع بوت اجرا کنیم و آپشن هاشو کجا بدیم10:30
electronو دومی اینکه10:30
electronبرنامه ای که اوبونتو داره که تو ترمینال اگه دستوری نباشه دستوری شبیهش پیشنهاد میده10:30
electronچیه اسمش ؟‌10:30
saaberthe-light: salam15:07
the-lightsalam saaber15:08
saaberthe-light: mersi15:08
saaberthe-light: hanooz python kar mikoni?15:09
the-lightsaaber: na vali age project i bashe bahash kar mikonam15:09
saaberthe-light: ba chi code emizani?15:10
the-lightsaaber: IDE?15:10
saaberthe-light: no, language?15:11
the-lightsaaber: c/c++15:11
saaberthe-light: chi minivisi? compiler? :D15:12
the-lightsaaber: systematic e :D15:12
saaberthe-light: yani chi?15:13
saaberthe-light: driver? optimizer?15:13
the-lightsaaber: ba barname haye system i bishtar hal mikonam, CLI ...15:14
saaberthe-light: CLI chi mishe?15:14
saaberthe-light: bara bazar manzoorame15:14
the-lightsaaber: bara bazar neminevisam felan :D15:15
saaberahan ok15:15
the-lightlaptop dashti to saaber?15:16
saaberthe-light: ye kolangish daram, IBM THINKPAD R5015:16
the-lightsaaber: eh thinkpad e :D lenovo chetore?15:17
saaberthe-light: thinkpad alie, kheili moghaveme, lenovo man nadidam kesi bad bege15:17
saaberthe-light: amma thinkpad geroone15:17
saaberT or Z series15:18
the-lightsaaber: are chizi peyda nakardam beyne 900 ta 1 bashe15:18
saaberthe-light: alan ke dige bazar e tablet daghe :D15:18
the-lightsaaber: bazar niaz haye mano behem neshun nemide akhe :P15:19
* saaber yeki nist bege che ravti dasht!15:19
saaberthe-light: eeee, pas to too faza seir mikoni15:20
saaberthe-light: chi mizani joone man :D15:20
the-lightsaaber: ace-sambuse :D15:20

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